What types of contraception can lead to infertility. Types of contraceptives. Infertility after birth control pills

Wood boards and products 22.09.2021
Wood boards and products

Hormonal mini-drinks or contraception are popular with women who are not planning to have a baby soon. How do drugs work when they are canceled, do contraceptive drugs lead to infertility?

Hormone pills that protect women from unplanned pregnancies are available without a prescription. However, this does not mean that you can drink them as much as you like and what you like.

The concentration of hormones in different directions in each individual case is different, but the principle of action is the same for everyone - it is blocking the maturation of the corpus luteum and ovulation, fertilization.

Modern oral contraceptives do not contain a lot of hormones. Their number is so negligible that a woman will not feel changes in weight during and after taking medication.


Contraceptive mini-pills are used by women who are not planning a pregnancy, but also indications for use are:

As you can see, indications for use are not only protection against pregnancy, but also stabilization of functions in a woman's body at different stages.

Can birth control pills cause infertility?

There are a number of negative reviews from women who are against taking oral hormonal contraceptives. In particular, there is an opinion that prolonged use of the drug can lead to.

To understand whether this is so, it is necessary to return to the principle of operation. The main role is to stabilize the hormonal background of the woman, to resist the maturation of the egg and its release into the uterus. During the use of contraceptives, the ovaries rest, the eggs are kept in reserve, and the woman's body receives the necessary amount of hormones to form a regular cycle.

The effectiveness of oral contraceptives is 99.5%. In medicine, there are cases of pregnancy when taking hormonal drugs, however, as a rule, they are accompanied by violations in taking the drug.

Risk group list

Medical supervision when taking oral contraceptives is also necessary for the reason that long-term use of certain drugs can provoke or disrupt ovarian function. It should be said that such a risk arises only if a woman has been taking mini-pills for more than 5 years.

The risk group includes contraceptives with a high or medium dose of hormones:

  • Tri-Regol.
  • Three Mersey.
  • Diana-35.
  • Non-Ovlon.
  • Silest.
  • Yarina.

Infertility treatment

Much more often, combined pill contraceptives are used to treat infertility, the cause of which is hormonal changes, unstable and irregular menstruation. In this case, the decision on the appointment of one or another is made only by the gynecologist, who takes into account a number of studies, including the hormonal background of the body.

In the clinic "New Life" you can get advice from highly qualified gynecologists-endocrinologists on the most suitable method of contraception.

Many women are interested in the question: which method of contraception to prefer? To make a choice, many listen to the advice of friends or simply use familiar "folk" methods. But no one can find the right contraceptive for you the way a competent specialist will do it.

Pros and cons of different contraceptive methods

The female body was created by nature in order to reproduce and feed offspring. But today, few women are ready to give birth from the moment of puberty to old age with little or no interruption. Therefore, the issue of contraception is quite acute.

There are many different methods of contraception today. All of them can be divided into two groups: reliable and unreliable. The first group includes only four methods: the use of birth control pills, the use of intrauterine contraceptives, surgical sterilization and refusal to have sex. Other methods are unreliable.

Naturally, the woman herself must decide which method to choose, the doctor can only give advice and choose the best way to protect you from unwanted pregnancy.

Modern contraception

. Hormonal pills

These are oral contraceptives, which are of two types: combined estrogen-progestogen drugs and mini-pills containing only progestogen. We will touch on the latter later. But the advantage of combined drugs is their almost 100% effectiveness.

Hormonal pills are the most reliable contraceptives of all that exist today, except for voluntary surgical sterilization. Hormone pills provide a contraceptive guarantee if you start taking them on the first day of your cycle. They are easy to use, and the only thing that is required of you is not to miss their reception and try to do it at the same time. In addition, many drugs have a cosmetic effect - they can improve the condition of the skin.

It should be borne in mind that such funds are very different from each other in composition, clinical properties and dose of hormones. Therefore, the question of choosing a drug must certainly be entrusted to the doctor.

... Mini drank

These pills contain only micro-doses of progestogens, approximately 15-30% of the portion found in combination tablets. The contraceptive effect of mini-pills is significantly lower than that of pills. But due to the lesser effect on the blood coagulation system, they can be used by women who smoke over 35 years old, as well as those who suffer from diabetes mellitus and other diseases in which combined oral contraceptives are unacceptable.

... Intrauterine device

The method of intrauterine contraception is based on the introduction into the uterus of a device that warns against the onset of pregnancy - a spiral. It is suitable only for women giving birth. The procedure for the introduction of an intrauterine device is carried out by a doctor in the clinic rather quickly and almost painlessly.

Despite all the reliability of such a contraceptive, recently many patients refuse to use it, since the spiral can cause an increase in the amount of menstrual flow and soreness of menstruation.

The specialists of our clinic will be able to choose the best type of intrauterine contraception for you and correctly install the coil, which is very important for its effective functioning and your comfort.

... NovaRing hormonal ring

NuvaRing is a flexible ring made of hypoallergenic EVA material used for the manufacture of implants. It is inserted into the vagina on day 21 and secretes hormones, thereby ensuring high contraceptive effectiveness. The convenience of the ring is that it needs to be inserted once a month, while the tablets need to be drunk daily. It allows you to lead an active lifestyle, but some patients note that the ring interfered with them during sex.

... Barrier contraceptives

... Hormonal implant

A special capsule with hormones, which is inserted by surgical manipulation on the inner side of the forearm for a period of 5 years. A good solution for women who are contraindicated in taking hormonal pills.

... Hormonal injections

Hormone injections are a highly effective method of contraception. After injection into the buttock, the contraceptive effect lasts 3 months.

... Interrupted intercourse

A very common method with many disadvantages. First of all, sperm can be released even before complete ejaculation, in addition, it is very difficult for some men to stop, and finally, this method is harmful for men, as it is fraught with the development

Hormone medications are considered the most popular remedies against unplanned pregnancy. They are prescribed to girls who have no children aged 25 years and older, and to young mothers, and women in the pre-climax period. Oral contraceptives have the highest degree of protection (from 96 to 98%), but also the strongest effect on a woman's body.

They inhibit ovulation processes, affect the thickness of vaginal mucus and the thickness of the walls of the uterus. And therefore, many modern girls and women who have not yet given birth to children or want to become pregnant again in the future, the question arises: are contraceptive pills capable of provoking infertility or problems with conception?

About infertility and hormones

Failure to conceive can have many reasons:

  1. obstruction (absence) of the fallopian, fallopian tubes,
  2. the presence of adhesive processes,
  3. endometriosis,
  4. hormonal, endocrine or physiological (pathology of the uterus) disorders and so on.

Oral contraceptives (OCs) do not cause any of the existing reasons. Nowadays, specialists in the field of pharmacology and medicine do not have reliable facts confirming that infertility develops from birth control pills or high-dose drugs. The conducted tests and studies of hormonal agents of all generations did not give scientists the prerequisites to believe that prolonged or periodic intake of OC can provoke problems in the functioning of the reproductive system.

To understand the question, you need to remember the mechanism of action of OK. After taking them, the woman's body receives an additional dose of estrogen and progesterone (or only progesterone). These female hormones, entering the body, suppress ovulation processes (maturation of the egg, its attachment to the walls of the uterus). The ovaries "fall asleep". As soon as the OK reception is completed, the functions of the ovaries are restored in 100% of cases, therefore infertility does not develop from contraceptives.

Medical research has shown that after you stop taking hormones, you:

  1. 25% of women stabilize ovarian function in the first two months,
  2. 64% - restoration of functions occurs in 6-7 months,
  3. 82% - after 8-9 months,
  4. 85% - after 24-26 months.

Difficulties with conception, which arose after prolonged use of OK, are associated only with ailments that have arisen in parallel. That is why gynecologists-endocrinologists recommend taking only those contraceptives that are prescribed by a specialist based on the results of a thorough examination of the body.

Infertility treatment with hormonal contraceptives

In addition to the fact that infertility does not develop from birth control pills, these pills also act as a drug that cures some (!) Types of infertility. Gynecologists have developed an effective treatment regimen called the rebound effect (swing effect). It consists in the periodic intake of certain types of OK.

Correct infertility treatment with contraceptive pills is as follows.

Hormonal birth control pills are effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies. They show an effect of almost 98%. In addition to preventing conception, oral contraceptives are used for drug therapy of pathologies associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. Consider whether birth control pills can be treated for infertility and whether they can affect a woman's ability to get pregnant.

A woman cannot become a mother due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the development of adhesions, endometriosis, hormonal and other disorders. Oral contraceptive use is not a cause of inability to conceive. There are no results from clinical studies that confirm that infertility develops after taking contraceptives.

After you stop taking birth control pills, pregnancy almost always occurs. In most women, the full restoration of the functions of the gonads occurs within 6 months. The normal menstrual cycle resumes.

Difficulties with the onset of pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal imbalances. Lack of sex hormones, a disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary system adversely affect reproductive health and are the main reason for the development of infertility.

How to treat hormonal infertility

Some doctors recommend taking birth control pills (combined oral contraceptives) for female infertility. Often they are indicated for those patients who have difficulty conceiving due to hormonal imbalance. After stopping the medication, the ovaries function more intensively.

The patient must use oral contraceptives for several months. If she missed at least one pill, then the desired effect may not come.
The tablets must be used under the supervision of a physician. Disorders of menstruation, inflammatory pathologies of the uterus are most likely to manifest if a woman interrupts the course of treatment. Having started taking contraceptives, a woman must undergo a full course of treatment.

Can older women get pregnant? Pregnancy is possible after 35 years of age, but the recovery period and the ability of the ovaries to produce mature oocytes can take years. The younger the girl, the shorter this period. In patients under the age of 30, it can be only a few months.

In older women, after the abolition of contraceptives, complications during pregnancy are possible. Therefore, gynecologists advise married couples not to delay adding to the family.

How contraceptives promote fertility

When taking contraceptives, the ovaries are "turned off" by inhibiting the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. These properties are possessed by the substances ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. Ovulation occurs within a few months after stopping the birth control pill.

Conception will occur due to the onset of the rebound effect. While taking medication, the production of sex hormones in the body decreases, but the body's sensitivity to these substances increases. When the use of contraceptive drugs is stopped, the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is resumed. Ovulation is naturally stimulated by the release of estrogen into the bloodstream.

It is assumed that this can significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy in the first cycles after the abolition of contraceptives. Gynecologists recommend planning the birth of a child for at least one year. In this case, sexual activity should be regular. It is advisable to diagnose the genital tract in order to exclude infections transmitted through intimate contacts.

Contraceptives are most effective during the first three months. Further, the production of natural hormones decreases. If pregnancy is not planned, then the woman should carefully use the basic methods of preventing it.

Prevention of infertility

Cancellation of birth control pills should be combined with the abandonment of other methods of contraception. It is not recommended to get pregnant in the first cycle after the cancellation and preferably in the next two cycles. This is necessary for the reproductive system to recover.

A woman should eat well, quit smoking and other bad habits. If you have STDs, you need to treat them. Blood glucose should be monitored. Following the doctor's recommendations reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Side effects of stimulating ovulation

Despite the fact that contraception in most cases cannot lead to infertility, a woman cannot take pills on her own. Common side effects of this treatment are as follows.

  1. Multiple pregnancy. It occurs if, during ovulation, more than one egg came out of the follicle, and all of them were fertilized by male reproductive cells.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo does not develop in the uterine cavity, but outside it. It is absolutely impossible to give birth to a child with an ectopic pregnancy. But you can get tubal infertility.
  3. Ovarian rupture can occur if a large number of follicles have matured during stimulation. When a woman ruptures, she feels cramping pains in the abdomen, dizziness. Internal bleeding often develops.
  4. Hyperstimulation syndrome is a serious complication of birth control pills. With hyperstimulation, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and an increase in body weight by several kilograms are noted.

Long-term use of pills can cause infertility

The question of whether birth control pills can lead to infertility is of interest to many women. Studies show that, provided that oral contraceptives are used correctly, infertility does not develop, and in the case of drug withdrawal, pregnancy occurs. If the problem of difficulties with conception is urgent for the patient, and before that she took pills, then, probably, gynecological pathology or endocrine disease develops in her body.

In a significant proportion of cases, the causes of infertility are male infertility. This is why doctors recommend taking a spermogram. The chance of getting pregnant every menstrual cycle is about 20%. Most doctors believe that conception can occur within a year on condition of regular sexual activity.

If the patient has doubts as to what part of the contraceptives causes, leads to infertility, then she should consult a doctor. He will select the most effective and safe means with which you can cure infertility.


Let's consider some common questions about the use of oral contraceptives.

  1. Is it true that pills after 35 years of age are prohibited?
    Although contraceptives are safe to treat infertility, not everyone can take them. Taking hormonal pills after 35 years and leading an unhealthy lifestyle are incompatible concepts due to the high risk of complications.
  2. Is it true that pills can cause malignant neoplasms?
    Indeed, the systematic use of these agents can cause malignant breast tumors. OCI causes cancer if there has been a long-term use of such drugs after 35 years of age.
  3. Is it true that contraceptives are prohibited for smokers?
    Women who smoke cannot use pills. In any case, a woman needs to quit smoking if she wants to cure infertility and give birth to a healthy child. And indulge in addiction is prohibited under any pretext. This is especially true for patients after 35 years of age.
  4. How can OCI be dangerous?
    Long-term use of birth control pills can be harmful. First of all, a woman may not produce enough sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone. Prolonged absence of progesterone in the female body leads to infertility.
  5. Some pills will increase your weight.
    The use of oral contraceptives, the content of which includes analogs of female hormones, contributes to weight gain. In some cases, women develop severe obesity. Before using contraceptives, you should visit a doctor and get tested.
  6. Are there any benefits to birth control pills?
    Despite the fact that they are used for the onset of pregnancy with hormonal disorders, the use of contraceptive pills negatively affects women's health. Therefore, no drug can be used as self-medication: getting rid of infertility should only take place under the supervision of a physician.
  7. Is there a threat to the fetus after taking the pills?
    During the use of oral contraceptives, the amount of folic acid in the body decreases. Deficiency increases the risk of pregnancy complications, anemia, and fetal abnormalities (such as neural tube defects or spina bifida). Development of diseases of the ovaries and other endocrine glands is possible. To minimize this risk, you need to take multivitamins, monitor your diet.

Overview of modern contraceptives

  1. All modern contraceptives are reliable, do not harm, do not affect reproductive function when used correctly. They are divided into several groups:
    Monophasic drugs have the same ratio of estrogen and gestagen. These are Regulon, Janine, Siluet, Lindinet, Femodest.
  2. In biphasic contraceptives, the amount of estrogen is the same, and the content of gestagen is different in periods 1 and 2. These are pills such as Femoston, Anteovin, Adepal, binovum, Neo-Eunomine.
  3. In three-phase preparations, the dosage of hormones changes three times, depending on the day of the monthly cycle. These include Tri-Regol, Triziston.
  4. Microdosing is suitable for young women. These include such funds: Klayra, Jess, Mercilon, Novinet and others.
  5. Low-dose drugs are recommended for young women and women who have given birth. This list includes Diana, Yarina, Lindinet, Minisiston, Desmoulins and others.
  6. In high-dose products, the amount of hormones is quite high. They are prescribed to treat hormonal disorders. These are Non-Ovlon, Triziston, Trikvalor, Ovidon.

We remind you that the use of a contraceptive must be agreed with the doctor.

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