Aries man in marriage: a horoscope of family life. Aries man: how to behave with him correctly? How to behave a woman with an Aries man if he is offended: advice Aries man what he is

Interior Design 01.07.2021

As an Aries male matures, he will devote his attention to the fundamental processes of life and interactions, which makes him an expert in the fundamental tools of tactics. Oddly enough, but he is somewhat devoid of a strategically astute mind. Because of this, an Aries man will care about applied skills rather than theoretical ones. Sometimes this results in the Aries man breaking old pieces of machinery, watches, electrical appliances, and the like, all simply to see how it works and satiate his curiosity.

Aries man in love is passionate and domineering, carrying many traits of traditional masculinity.

Such men can, under certain circumstances, be prone to acts of violence and be relentlessly domineering. In relationships, the Aries man will dominate, take the lead in all actions and decision making. His personality will be a blazing light in social circles, as Aries is a typical extrovert. This also means that if an Aries cannot fix things with their own hands, they can get themselves into trouble. Things that are so subtle, such as emotional problems, those things that are not quite physical, but more ephemeral, will frustrate him and he will literally give up. He doesn't understand how to fix the things he can't fix, particularly the psychological ones, and this can crack his traditional "masculine" values.

Once that frustration has passed and you can get him to understand you, there is no one as passionate and devoted to his emotions as the Aries man. Aries man in love can show his tolerance at a certain point. He will be patient with you and your troubles, just because he knows that he himself is not sugar.

Aries is always trying new things and looking for new experiences, he will very much want his partner to be together and participate with her in all joint projects and adventures. The Aries man will always be happy to share his adventures with his beloved.

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Men born at the very beginning of the zodiac cycle are distinguished by inexhaustible energy and kindness. The Aries man is endowed with charisma from birth. It is this character trait that does not allow him to remain lonely. There are always many true friends around him, and women are unable to resist his charm.

The zodiac sign Aries is the first representative of the fire element, ruled by the planet Mars. People of this element are distinguished by their ardor, brightness, energetic character, they commit rash acts, make decisions quickly, and do not tolerate delay.

Among the advantages can be distinguished courage, attractiveness, optimism.

The element of fire affects the formation negative qualities character, such as irascibility, rigidity, excessive self-confidence.

Characteristics of the Aries man

The representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign, are insanely artistic, open, cheerful, energetic. They are not characterized by a boring measured life. They are looking for emotions, they like to impress relatives and friends, they are straightforward and do not speak in hints, they express emotions defiantly. They do not recognize authority in the person of someone other than themselves. Leaders by nature. The desire for perfection often leads to the fact that they have many enemies and envious people.

Due to straightforwardness, Aries does not have the ability to distinguish between manipulation and cunning in the actions of other people. Self-confidence sometimes goes sideways, because he likes to exaggerate his abilities and underestimate the strength of enemies. It is because of this that all failures and failures are formed.

The depressive period completely changes his behavior pattern: he ceases to be a confident, charismatic man, he needs the help of loved ones. In this state, he may fall under the influence of the wrong person, who will use his natural charisma for bad purposes.

The influence of the Sun and Mars on this zodiac sign leads to the formation of such a character trait as exaggeration. Aries men strive to bring any matter to the end, no matter what it costs them. Stubborn and impatient. Delays and pauses in the planned business can completely discourage interest in everything.


The characteristic of the zodiac sign Aries largely affects the appearance. The guy usually has well-defined facial features, pronounced eyebrows. Has swiftness in thoughts and movements. Some aggression and brutality express deep nasolabial folds. Expressed morality is symbolized by a massive lower jaw.

Regardless of the physique, the man of this zodiac sign has well-developed muscles. Aries are rewarded with either a sinewy or dense build, however, the gait men light and aspiring, the same as the character.


Representatives of this sign, from the point of view of astrology, have a strong connection with the upper part of the head. This part of the body, on the one hand, is the strongest, and on the other, the most vulnerable. Aries are very connected to the central nervous system. Weaknesses: vision and hearing.

The root cause of most Aries diseases is excess energy and excessive activity. Often suffer from insomnia, overwork.

Among the serious ailments in Aries are:

  • flushes of blood in the head;
  • brain inflammation;
  • neuralgia;
  • circulatory disorders.

Aries man in relationships


AT love relationships the representative of the stronger sex overcomes all obstacles on the way to the woman of his dreams. He will conquer it by all available and inaccessible means. This victorious man will blow you away like a tsunami or a tornado. Complete satisfaction with the partner will affect his devotion.

dream woman

Appreciate the feminine essence. Won't miss beautiful girl, will flirt, reciprocate coquetry. He is attracted to well-groomed, sexy, mysterious women. It is very important for him the impression that a girl will make on him on a first date. Crazy about charismatic, charming, attractive young ladies, however, one should not overdo it and try to surpass him in these qualities.

A man wants to see a spectacular and attractive person nearby. If he falls in love for real, then it will be for a long time, if not forever.

In dreams such a man sees perfect woman simultaneously vicious and innocent, defenseless and domineering.

How to conquer an Aries man?

If you're going to build a long-term, lasting relationship, be sure to keep the interest alive. You need to be an actress, constantly change your images: today you are an obedient housewife, tomorrow you are a bright and cheerful girl, and the day after tomorrow you are an impregnable woman. He will like it very much. Constantly you need to surprise and you can not load your problems. You will attract attention if you pretend that you hardly agreed to courtship.

However, the game should be played very carefully, as Aries will easily notice a dishonest attitude. He will not forgive you insincerity or lies. You will express your respect to him if you enthusiastically listen to his ideas and opinions. He is not deprived of a sense of humor, because he is interested in smart women.


The representative of this sign, like no other, fits the description of a real man. In the family, he strives to always be the head. This man will not forgive any criticism and nit-picking addressed to him. Decides to marry easily and impulsively. The budget in marriage will be under his control.

In order not to get lost against the background of such a worthy representative of the stronger sex, a woman must have personal interests and hobbies.

In a marriage with Aries, flexibility is important for a woman so as not to be crushed under the pressure of her husband. This is necessary both for her self-esteem and for the preservation of the marriage.


Typical representatives of the Aries sign do not feel the difference between sex and love. They tend to take the initiative in their own hands. To maintain a relationship with a man of this sign, you must constantly kindle passion in bed. Comfortable and comfortable underwear and clothes should be changed to silk robes and lace outfits. Getting results is more important than the process itself.

The astrological characteristic reveals their innermost sexual desire - "quick sex". With such a man, you can not dream of a long and beautiful courtship. He will do everything to ensure that as little time as possible passes between the first meeting and the love act. His charisma and charm will not leave indifferent any lady.

Aries do not attach importance to the place for intimacy, they do not care where this quick and passionate act of love will take place.


The characteristic of the zodiac sign Aries speaks for itself. This is a domineering, strong and persistent man, one of the strongest in the zodiac cycle. The planet Mars endowed him with inexhaustible energy, lust for power and determination.

In love relationships, he often remains misunderstood because of his hard and courageous character. The Aries man has high compatibility with the ladies of the fire signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. It is also easy to find mutual language with a Gemini woman. With patience, an alliance with Taurus is quite possible on both sides. A pair of Aries and Libra is likely, subject to respect for each other.

With a man of this sign, it is categorically impossible to lose a humorous mood and try to surpass him in anything. He does not tolerate superiority over himself.

Subject to these rules, the union is real with any of the zodiac signs. In the case of relationships with Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio, it is possible that the lady will leave the man before he leaves her.

Career and finance

For such men, professions in which they can apply their irrepressible energy are perfect:

  • actor;
  • blacksmith;
  • salesman;
  • fire rescuer;
  • sculptor;
  • journalist;
  • politician.

Such men are not afraid of difficulties. Obligatory, efficient, reliable. Possesses stubbornness and perseverance. Stubbornly achieves the set goals. They like the freedom to implement their ideas, so they can often be found in creative professions.

Aries will be scared away by routine and boring work that does not require quick decisions, original ideas, ingenuity. He perceives a rigid and fixed work schedule extremely negatively: he needs freedom of movement.

Finances in the hands of Aries come and go very quickly. Fire sign men need more careful control over their spending. There is a high risk that he will spend the large sum he has just earned in an entertainment establishment, and will not even regret it. However, his self-confidence and desire to be the best in everything gives hope that this man's wallet will never be empty.

The charisma and charm of Aries bosses charges subordinates with enthusiasm and a desire to work. Under their leadership, the team can solve overwhelming tasks and actively fight to achieve the goal. The creative approach of such leaders increases the possibility of implementing original ideas. The people under him will eagerly and actively do their work.

Subordinate Aries men often work for an idea and a goal, not for money. Enthusiasm makes a man stay in constant search for something new and unknown. All Aries subordinates dream of reaching the highest position in the company. Day by day, they will strive to exceed the expectations of colleagues and management.

They are very sensitive to criticism, especially in front of colleagues. This can infuriate them, which will force them to make a harsh decision to quit. For these people, money is not as important as the ideas for which they work. Despite this, in the event of monetary infringement, they will feel overwhelmed and may lose interest in the work being done.

A thorough study of the full characteristics of the Aries man will provide an opportunity to build a long-term and strong relationship with him both in work and in love. A stock of patience, respect, and the ability to compromise will help in this. In return, you will receive recognition and love from a charming, charismatic person with whom you will never be bored.

Image - this is the Achilles' heel (that is, the most painful and vulnerable place) of the ram. The ram should be in charge of the barnyard, and the Aries man should always be cool, at least in his own eyes. If other signs of the zodiac, having shown up somewhere there, among friends or at work, take off the mask of coolness at home, then Aries does not relax for more than a minute. He is always in character. Not a man, but a citadel of imperial snobbery.

Love for difficulties and the ability to create them . Everything that comes to the ram on a silver platter does not interest him. He's proud, he doesn't need handouts. But if you don't give him something, he will break himself into a cake to get it. Hence the favorite game, it is also a script ideal relationship- cat and mouse. If you want him to chase you, run away. As soon as he catches up (and he will definitely catch up), your value in his eyes will drop sharply, demands, reproaches, claims will begin. Take it easy, you know what to do. Run, Lola, run. Some, by the way, call this unhealthy obstinacy of rams devotion.

Painful pride . He reacts very badly to criticism, even very correct, friendly and well-meaning. Touchy, like a child, inclined to cut down on trifles and mischief. One thing is good, the memory of the ram is short-lived, and the attention is scattered - he forgets insults the very next day. Not vindictive and not vindictive.

Career . Persistent and purposeful. In the role of a subordinate, Aries feels disgusting, therefore, usually, he either becomes a leader or finds himself a type of activity where there is no boss at all, for example, a free artist. Moreover, success is guaranteed to him, even if he cannot draw.

Money . No unexpected inheritance or treasure will happen in his life. Knows how to earn. Likes to spend. But only for yourself. Mostly thoughtless and pointless. But on a grand scale. Maybe for someone else. But only for the purpose of throwing dust in the eyes. The Papuans who exchanged gold for glass beads were most likely rams. Living in a rented hut in a residential area, but at the same time driving a Lexus is his style. With all the obvious insanity of spending and complete slovenliness in everyday life, he does not forget to make stash, so that he is never completely broke. He loves gambling, but if the game is for money, he is likely to lose.

Power . Aggressive and impulsive, like a nuclear reactor out of control. I am absolutely sure that he needs power. In fact, it is contraindicated for him, having achieved it, Aries loses all interest in what is happening. The only thing he really needs is a struggle for power - don't feed him bread, let him fight.

Up to 30 . Ambition goes off scale, energy splashes in all directions, the head does not keep up with arms and legs. Not a man - a natural disaster. If by the age of 30 he does not have a couple of illegitimate children, most likely he is simply barren.

After 30 . Everything is the same, but slightly softer. A plus basic characteristics all rams - intemperance, irritability and uncompromising egoism. If Aries is not a fool, then by this age, he already knows how to somehow disguise these qualities. You don't have to believe in it. Whoever was born a ram will die the same. A slight provocation, and please: close your eyes and forward to the new gates. Does not lend itself to training, despises discipline.

After 45-50 . Not best age for any man, but a middle-aged Aries is absolutely unbearable. Naturally, the dog is buried in his pants. Aries cannot put up with the weakening of potency, which is natural for this age. This is where the Sabbat on Bald Mountain begins. If the Aries has not yet lost the skills of seduction, there are many, many completely random women in his bed, most of whom are half his age. He is not looking for any new love, all this fuss is designed to prove his masculine viability. And it will be better for everyone if he proves it. Side effects in the form of unnecessary pregnancies and unpleasant illnesses are nonsense compared to the suffering of a poor ram who does not believe in himself as a man. A suffering Aries is a sentence to all his loved ones. In addition to the fact that his character finally deteriorates, and outbursts of rage and aggression follow one after another practically without interruption, he still has suffering and worries against the backdrop of the wrong word spoken at the wrong moment, or because of the refusal of some Any nymphet can happen premature impotence. Of course, this imaginary impotence and an experienced psychologist will be able to cure it, but not quickly.

What to expect from him
Snob is rare. He will not wait until Cinderella turns into a princess, he immediately needs a princess. Everyone around him should envy him. Therefore, only the most beautiful, the brightest, the most inaccessible women, those whom everyone wants, but not everyone dares to approach - this is an object worthy of a ram. Although, given his character, a submissive, unpretentious and ready girl would be more suitable for him, but you know, he knows how to create difficulties for himself and others.

If you liked an Aries - it means nothing (at least for him). But if an ram likes you, you are unlikely to be able to kick. At the sight of a worthy goal, the talent of a strategist even wakes up in him. He can become brutally cunning, which in normal mode is generally not characteristic of him. He will come up with cunning moves, powder his brains, organize secret dates and "like random" meetings. He will incline, convince, conduct long "spiritual" conversations, and all this with such persistence that it is really easier for him to give than to refuse.

For the sake of happiness goes ahead. The word "patience" is not familiar to him, there will be no long siege, there will be an assault and onslaught. At such moments, he is ready to give gifts, entertain in every possible way and generally fulfill any whims. From the outside, it may even seem that he is ready for anything for you. In fact, of course, he is ready for anything, but only for the sake of power over you (well, showing off, of course). It is not the same.

No need to tease him. If it does not fit into your plans, leave the gardens. Aries is not ready to be a spare gentleman.

Sex itself interests him much less than the show that can be played around him. He is not looking for casual connections and will never let you disappear from his life after one night.

Emotional intimacy with him is almost impossible. Crying into his vest is pointless, it only irritates him, so don't count on sympathy. But it will not load its own problems.

Jealous as a dog. Moreover, with equal force, he is jealous of both animate and inanimate objects. I am not inclined to limit my freedom. At the same time, each time falling in love, touchingly believes that this is for life. If you maintain the intensity of passions (which is actually not so difficult), it will be true. If you reject him, he will quickly find a replacement. A sheep does not have a downtime.

Around the end of the 70s of the last century, horoscopes first began to appear. At first, cryptic texts were copied by hand into notebooks. The one who was the owner of these manuscripts could tell a lot about a person, knowing only the date of his birth. And today, many women are guided by the signs of the zodiac, choosing a mate for themselves. For many of them, the Aries man is of genuine interest.

Most of the modern inhabitants of the planet Earth simply cannot imagine their life without all kinds of horoscopes. Without them, many will not even take a step, not to mention the adoption of important life decisions. The answers are to the most unimaginable and mundane questions:

  • what can you do on this day;
  • whether to make important decisions;
  • is it worth the trip.

It is impossible to count everything.

But there are other horoscopes that reveal the most intimate secrets about a person's character. So, each sign of the zodiac corresponds to certain character traits. Sometimes this information can help.

For example:

But all this General characteristics. They can also be divided by gender and by date of birth.

The characteristic of Aries-man is interesting because this sign itself is very strong. And in conjunction with the masculine principle, the sign acquires special power.

Many women would never wish for anything in the world, so that their half has such a character but only if they are not in love. And to fall in love with the fair sex for such a man is quite within the power, especially if such a goal is set. And yet, the horoscope and the Aries man, his characteristic, perceived by many as the ultimate truth, should not always be a guide to action. The year of his birth also has a great influence on a person.

The characterization of the zodiac sign Aries-man is complex and ambiguous, but describes people of this type quite accurately. The sign represents the element of fire. The planet Mars also influenced the formation of complex, not universally accepted behavior. It turned out to be an explosive cocktail of love of freedom, the desire to be the best, a categorical rejection of any pressure from anyone.

After all, such a guy is sincerely convinced that he is absolutely right, and the one who disagrees can get a portion of unpleasant sensations for this. But, if the mood is good, then others will receive a big positive charge from the time spent next to this strong-willed and purposeful person.

You should not think that such people are completely unbearable, on the contrary, they are very peaceful and honest, people's lies make them very sad. And they eradicate this quality in themselves and their loved ones very decisively and irrevocably.

These are very energetic men who need to be constantly outdoors. In a closed space, they wither away, so they choose a profession that allows nourish your strong male body from the wind, sun and sky:

  • chauffeur;
  • pilot;
  • journalist;
  • doctor;
  • serviceman.

In a word, any profession that provides for movement, development and career growth.

As workers, they are very diligent and do everything with soul, they are worried about the results, they are not at all against praise and delight from colleagues and management. Rather, without this, they may give up and lose interest in their duties.

These men combine firmness of character and, at the same time, tremendous charm, gentle caring, reliability and practicality. Women who have connected their lives with Aries can relax, because they are in good hands. Such is the ambiguous characteristic of Aries-men, what kind of women does he like?

Representatives of the sign in love do not tolerate deceit and betrayal. If a real feeling flared up in their heart, then there is a very high probability that it will last a lifetime. The main thing in this case for a loved one is to be able to maintain love with their mutual feelings, attentiveness, care, which such really strong men really need.

Quite naturally, women have a question, and Aries husband - what is he like family life. You can immediately guess that it is quite difficult. The one who sincerely wants to understand and accept him, without trying to remake, somehow reshape or, even worse, show his superiority, has every chance of living a long and happy married life. True, you need to be completely honest and really look at the world. In life, and even more so in family and long life, not everything is always completely smooth and cloudless, but you can find a way out of any situation and more than one.

These men are convinced that family is no joke, therefore, these daddies take care of their children fanatically, sometimes surpassing mothers. But the educational process takes place in all severity, you can’t take them with pity, they are not going to give up their leadership even to grown-up children.

I would like to say that these men go to bed with their beloved woman with the anticipation of something breathtaking, so it is better not to disappoint them. Although they themselves are rather timid in this regard, it is better for the partner to take the initiative into their own hands. If you betray the Aries man, then forgiveness cannot be begged for, the resulting abyss becomes insurmountable. Do not take risks, they are very perceptive and will immediately feel everything. This trait is prominent in them.

In addition, they cannot be argued with, they cannot be raised in voice, they cannot be relegated to the background. A wife should be able to listen to him, be smart, put up with his insane jealousy and be sure to be able to give in.

And again, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The fact is that these children of Mars do not want to see the usual submissive and rustic female near them, to whom they quickly cool off. Nearby there should be a smart, attractive, not fully understood and constantly discovering new facets woman-mystery, woman-comrade-in-arms and even a woman-amulet. And then he will be completely satisfied, the main thing is that the thought of the superiority of his companion never visits his head.

Compatibility with other signs

In various sources, Aries men, their characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the zodiac are slightly different. This can be explained by the fact that nothing is impossible, and even signs that are absolutely incompatible according to the horoscope can quite happily coexist. for a long time. First of all, you need to be guided by your feelings, intuition and your desire, but you need to do this without losing your head.

Earth and Fire

So, compatibility with the ladies of the elements of Fire is very small, because two bears in one den are unlikely to get along. This may be a rough comparison, but it is almost impossible for two uncompromising leaders to find a way out of such a difficult situation. Some, of course, try, but the results usually leave much to be desired.

Combination with Air

If you turn your attention to the women of the elements Air, then the picture is exactly the opposite. And yet, in this case, everything can again collapse due to the egocentrism and rudeness of the fiery man. But women of the air subgroup are naturally endowed with the ability to smooth out and deftly bypass all the pitfalls of family life. There are all prerequisites for success.

Two earth signs

What about the beautiful halves of the elements Earth, there are difficulties here. The union can become strong only if women are interested in it. I advise them to reconsider their attitude towards Aries, because they can be controlled, but in such a way as not to arouse their suspicions. It looks somewhat mundane, but it is simply impossible to argue here. And marriages turn out quite happy and long.

Water element

And at the very end a little about women of the elements Water. Even in nature, flame and heat do not support each other, but simply destroy. All this is copied to the life of such couples. Optimists will object and, in principle, will do the right thing. With a great desire to be together, you can overcome the irresistible. There are many examples when soft, wise and delicate water women can dampen the ardor of these uncontrollable horned representatives of the zodiac.

Water envelops and calms, one might even say, to some extent hypnotizes, forcing you to take a sensible look at the current situation, not to flog a fever, but to try to find a compromise, listen to the advice of your smart and only half. And if they are also colleagues, then the chances of a prosperous family life increase significantly.

Do not forget that Aries is a sign that seems to open the zodiac. And this suggests that he should always be the first in everything and always. It doesn't matter whether it's career or family life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Astrology studies the influence of stars and planets on a person's character. Noble persons invited a midwife and an astrologer for childbirth. The duties of the latter included the compilation of a detailed and accurate horoscope.

Doctors and ministers of the church applied research. The sign of the Zodiac affects the character of a person born under his auspices. Astrological brothers do similar things. And they treat their loved ones equally.

In contact with


Aries man: how to understand that he is in love? It is worth explaining from the position of astrology. Over the centuries, a huge amount of material has been accumulated. And modern people are interested in applying knowledge in various fields.

The ram is the most aggressive of all signs. Its resistance energy is comparable to an atomic explosion. This person thinks of himself first and then of others. The strength of the spirit and the desire to overcome the difficulties of the ram are such that they are able to captivate the crowd.

Arguing with such a person is simply dangerous. Most likely, he will crush the opponent with arguments. If this method does not help, far from honest methods will be used.

When communicating with representatives of this astrological type, women are lost and do not know how to understand that an Aries man is in love.

What should a lady take into account when communicating with a heavenly ram:

  1. You can't openly express your dissatisfaction. After several instances of confrontation, he will get bored and leave.
  2. It is worth trying to pacify a violent friend with the calm tones of your clothes.
  3. One should not admire others in his presence. The Aries ego can't handle that kind of disrespect.
  4. It is advisable to show your own success with men. Aries is a fighter, capturing a prestigious trophy is the meaning of all life. His pride will be flattered by communication with such a girl.

Even an Aries in love is a difficult person to communicate with. The most suitable for him are ladies born under "air" signs. This element does not prevent the fire from raging. "Earth" gives Aries support. But after a fire, a scorched surface remains. The rest of the signs will experience regret for wasted time.

Interesting! Among Aries there are "high", recognizing morality and following it, and "low" people. These qualities form the environment and upbringing.

How to understand that he is in love?

Often a woman asks herself, “This man is behaving so strangely. Am I wasting my time?" How to answer the question and understand that the Aries man is in love? You just have to watch your friend:

  1. Aries is a warrior. He will fight for his sympathy. If relations with colleagues and acquaintances deteriorated through his fault, then the Aries man is in love.
  2. Aries is reckless. He does first, thinks later. If a person began to get into an awkward position more often than usual, then the man is in love.
  3. Aries hardly expresses his tender feelings. If he flaunts in the presence of his sympathy, but does not compliment her, then the conclusion is unambiguous: in love.
  4. Aries is not eloquent. If rude compliments shock a woman and cause smiles of acquaintances, then the Aries man is in love and hopes for reciprocity.
  5. The ram is used to crushing obstacles. If a woman unexpectedly receives a marriage proposal and a demand to change jobs, then the man is very much in love.

Attention! Winning the love of an ardent Aries does not mean becoming happy forever. The fire of his soul constantly requires fuel.

Features of the behavior of an Aries in love

Love in signs is ruled by Venus. Aries is ruled by Mars. The planets are constantly in conflict. Such rivalry makes the behavior of an Aries man in love unusual.

This fire sign can be passionate. But all his emotions are directed at himself. Conquering a woman, a man in love thinks only about his own comfort.

Description of the character of a man born under the sign of Aries

What should a friend expect? An Aries in love - an emotional and passionate man - demonstrates this behavior:

  1. The natural aggressiveness of the chosen one does not harmonize well with the sensuality of Venus. You can't wait to read romantic poetry from him.
  2. Aries men are naturally very musical. They expect the same from loved ones. Beloved is waiting for a probable invitation to a concert by Rachmaninoff (astrological brother).
  3. Conquering a lady, an Aries man in love is able to quarrel her with all her friends.
  4. If an Aries man is in love, he will demand from the chosen one full compliance with the ideal.
  5. At any moment, a man can cool off and leave. It's unlikely to be returned.

Advice! For development harmonious relations one must sincerely share the views of Aries. Frequent outbursts of anger will be extinguished by a long walk, sports or music.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

thinks too little about others. The main thing is himself and his experiences. He doesn't need to hide his feelings. A person immediately informs all acquaintances and the subject of passion about his emotions.

Sometimes a retrograde Venus can be found in a detailed horoscope. It inhibits the natural aggressiveness and impulsiveness of a man. In this case, the enamored Aries can only be pitied. He has a hurricane of emotions in his soul, but he cannot express them.

How to understand that an Aries man is in love, but hides his feelings? It is worth paying attention to:

  • Bad mood;
  • frequent outbursts of anger for no reason;
  • unsuccessful attempts to invite the object of adoration somewhere;
  • clumsy effort to get attention.

The chosen one of the lover needs. How to help him:

  1. Wait for the direct movement of the planet (about a year). But then everything unsaid will spill out with tripled force.
  2. Understand and accept his intangible value system. Sincerely share the views of men.
  3. Explain the importance of meeting love with an open heart.

If the poor fellow suffering from unexpressed feelings is not helped, he can turn into a dull creature with a difficult character.

Interesting! This sign will never make money for the sake of money. But they will not be thrown into the wind either. It is unlikely that a man will start pampering his chosen one with expensive gifts.

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