Instructions for the use of ergoferon. Ergoferon - instructions for use (tablets, solution), analogues, reviews, price of the drug. Is it possible to take a child, and from what age? Which is better: Ergoferon or Kagocel? Ergoferon for children instructions for use

Repair from ZERO online 04.01.2021
Repair from ZERO online

In the cold season, children begin the season of colds. They are especially susceptible to kids who are in children's groups (kindergartens or elementary grades of school). Ergoferon helps to fight viruses and prevent diseases. This is a homeopathic remedy, it is allowed to drink it to children from six months of age. The drug relieves inflammation, having immunomodulatory properties. It can be used as prescribed by a doctor. But on your own, without the recommendation of a pediatrician, you should not give babies any medications.

Main active ingredients:

  • Antibodies to gamma-interferon;
  • Antibodies to histamine;
  • Antibodies to CD 4.

All antibodies are affinity purified. One tablet contains 0.006 grams of each component. Or 0.12 grams per 100 milliliters of solution, similarly.

In addition to the main composition of the tablets, they include: magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and microcrystalline cellulose. And the solution includes: glycerol, anhydrous citric acid, distilled water, maltitol and potassium sorbate.

Thanks to these components, the use of the drug has a number of effects:

  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Fights viruses;
  • It has antihistamine properties.

Puffiness from the nose and pharynx also subsides, other symptoms of SARS decrease. Antibodies recognize foreign objects in the body, helping to start the process of removing pathogens.

What is it released in?

Most people believe that there are two types of medicine. This is Ergoferon for children and tablets for adults. They think that these are two completely different drugs that have different dosages of drugs. This opinion is erroneous. In fact, Ergoferon is released in a single dosage. It is suitable for both children and adults.

  1. Tablets - they are produced in 20, 40 or 100 pieces per pack. They can be white or almost white. The shape is flat-cylindrical, there is a risk and a chamfer. On one side, the name in Latin is embossed: ERGOFERON, on the back it is written: MATERIA MEDICA.
  2. Oral solution - allowed for children over 3 years of age. It is produced in bottles with a volume of 100 milliliters. The solution is transparent or almost transparent.

The drug in all forms is sold packed in a cardboard box. The kit includes detailed instructions on the use of Ergoferon.

In what situations does it help?

The drug was developed in order to treat viral infections. It is also effective for the prevention of colds. In addition to these cases, Ergoferon for children is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • If the baby has encountered flu strains A or B;
  • In diseases caused by adenovirus, coronavirus,. The causative agents of these infections are not vulnerable to the action of antibiotics;
  • If the disease was provoked by the herpes virus. It can be chickenpox, herpes zoster, etc.;
  • The agent is also approved for use in the treatment of bacterial infections (including pneumonia, whooping cough, yersiniosis). But as an additional drug and only with complex therapy;
  • If the baby is ill with meningitis, which is caused by meningococcus or enterovirus;
  • This drug can be given for tick-borne encephalitis;
  • During the treatment of hemorrhagic fever (even with renal syndrome);
  • With intestinal infections that were triggered by adenovirus, calicivirus, enteroviruses or coronaviruses.

How to give Ergoferon to children

The drug is optimally taken 30 minutes before the start of a meal or half an hour after the end. But during illness, the daily regimen can go astray, if it is not possible to take the drug during the recommended period, then it can be given at any time during the day, but not with meals.

The tablets are meant to be sucked, so older children should place them under the tongue and slowly dissolve. If a child drinks a solution or tablet diluted in water, then the liquid should not be swallowed immediately. It is recommended to hold it in your mouth for ten to thirty seconds.

The instructions for use for children indicate the following method of treatment:

  • At the first symptoms of a cold or SARS (nasal congestion, headache, lethargy) should be taken immediately. For the first two hours, give your child one tablet every thirty minutes. In general, you will get 4 tablets in two hours. Then during the rest of the day you need to drink three more tablets. Make sure you take them at regular intervals. If you drink a solution, then take five milliliters of the solution in a similar way;
  • On the second and subsequent days of indisposition, follow the following regimen: 1 tablet or 5 milliliters of solution three times a day. Drink the drug until the complete disappearance of all symptoms.

Attention! On the first day, it is forbidden to use more than 8 tablets or 40 milliliters of solution.

The use of prophylactic drugs

If the question concerns prevention, then the remedy is taken 1-2 tablets or 5-10 milliliters of the solution daily. The course should not be interrupted, it can last from 1 month to six months.

Babies in 1 - 2 years (strictly up to 3 years) are given only tablets. One piece needs to be dissolved in a tablespoon not much hot water(should be boiled) and drink the baby.

The exact dosage, and how many days to drink Ergoferon, should be prescribed by a pediatrician, based on the condition of the child, contraindications and other circumstances.

There is still no clear opinion among doctors about the advisability of taking Ergoferon. The fact is that the drug stimulates the production of interferon, that is, the body "does not make an effort" to overcome the virus. This can lead to the fact that the subsequent viral infection will be more severe and protracted.

Overdose in children

If the dose was much higher, then the child may develop dyspepsia. This is a functional digestive disorder, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. In such a situation, you should take drugs that eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It can be antiemetic drugs, diarrhea pills. But all drugs must be prescribed by a pediatrician.


The drug has limitations in use, but there are very few of them. Among them are the following:

  • Infant age - until the baby reaches six months;
  • Intolerance to any of the components of Ergoferon;
  • Allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drug;
  • If the baby suffers from diabetes, then you need to give the drug with caution, since it contains a little fructose. Be sure to tell your pediatrician about chronic diseases child, about what other drugs you give the baby.
  • Ergoferon, produced in the form of a solution, is prohibited for use by children under three years of age.

Side effects of the drug

Usually, Ergoferon is well tolerated by children and adults. Among side effects there may be an allergic reaction of the body to any component of a homeopathic remedy.

Allergy manifests itself in the form of a rash, red spots on the body, swelling, tearing, runny nose and others. unpleasant symptoms. If warning signs appear, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an analogue of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ergoferon has its strengths and weak sides. If the reception is started in a timely manner and according to the instructions, then the drug helps to speed up the recovery, and the disease itself will be easier. On the network you can find different reviews about therapy with this remedy.

Benefits include:

  • The ability to drink Ergoferon in order to prevent viral diseases. This is especially convenient in winter and autumn;
  • minimal amount restrictions on use and few side effects;
  • Ergoferon can be used from six months. But there are countries on the territory of the former Soviet Union where admission is allowed only from the age of six.
  • A homeopathic remedy does not interact with other drugs in any way. This suggests that they can be drunk together with different groups of pharmacological agents.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Low efficiency if you take the drug from 2 to 3 days of illness;
  • The cost of Ergoferon - parents buy it at a price of 300 - 350 rubles for a standard package. The drug has analogues cheaper.

What to replace

The domestic market also offers similar drugs with a similar mechanism of action. The most common include:

  • Kagocel does not contain antibodies. The drug belongs to the antiviral group. It can be drunk to children from 6 years. It helps even if you start taking it on the 2nd - 3rd day of illness;
  • Anaferon is the main analogue of Ergoferon for children. Increases the body's resistance and blocks viruses. Helps to produce interferon in the body. Many parents do not know what is better Anaferon or Ergoferon for a child. Both drugs have the same mechanism of action. But Anaferon is allowed for babies from the age of one month.
  • Arbidol - it is produced in capsules and tablets, it can be used for children from the age of three. They are treated not only with viral infections, Arbidol helps with bronchitis and pneumonia as an additional drug;
  • Viferon - rectal suppositories, they include interferon. Effective for viral infections, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, etc.

There are many other analogues that come in the form of tablets, syrup, solutions or suspensions.


Ergoferon is designed to fight viral diseases. It is effective at the first symptoms of the disease. The remedy belongs to the homeopathic group. It is convenient because it can be given to very young children, up to a year (starting from six months). The mechanism of Ergoferon's work is based on stimulating the production of interferon, which helps to cope with infectious agents. It is recommended to take Ergoferon only as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Ergoferon - has several healing effects. The first and most important is the antiviral effect. The second equally important effect of the drug is immunomodulatory. The tool mobilizes the body's defenses for a more coordinated and faster fight against infection, including through active recognition of the pathogen and an adequate immune response to its invasion. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects, Ergoferon helps to reduce the severity and duration of swelling of the mucous membranes, bronchospasm and cough. Ergoferon is available in a convenient dosage form (lozenges) and can be used to treat influenza and SARS in all family members - adults and children from 6 months of age.
  • Registration number:


  • Tradename


  • Dosage form


  • Composition (for 1 tablet)

    Active substances:
    antibodies to human gamma interferon affinity purified - 0.006 g *
    antibodies to histamine affinity purified - 0.006 g *
    antibodies to CD4 affinity purified - 0.006 g *

    Excipients: lactose monohydrate 0.267 g, microcrystalline cellulose 0.03 g, magnesium stearate 0.003 g.

    * are applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of the substance, diluted 100 12, 100 30, 100 50 times, respectively.

  • Description

    Flat-cylindrical tablets with a score and a chamfer, from white to almost white. MATERIA MEDICA is inscribed on the flat side with a notch, and ERGOFERON is inscribed on the other flat side.

  • Pharmacotherapeutic group

    Antiviral, antihistamine.

  • ATX codes

  • Pharmacological properties

  • Pharmacodynamics

    The spectrum of pharmacological activity of Ergoferon includes antiviral, immunomodulatory, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory.

    The effectiveness of the use of Ergoferon components in viral infectious diseases has been experimentally and clinically proven: influenza A and influenza B, acute respiratory viral infections (caused by parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses), herpesvirus infections (labial herpes, ophthalmic herpes, genital herpes, shingles herpes, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis), acute intestinal infections of viral etiology (caused by caliciviruses, coronaviruses, rotaviruses, enteroviruses), enterovirus and meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis.

    Ergoferon is used in the complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiologies, including atypical pathogens (M.pneumoniae, C.Pneumoniae, Legionella spp.), is used to prevent bacterial complications of viral infections, prevents the development of superinfections. Ergoferon in the pre- and post-vaccination period increases the effectiveness of vaccination, provides non-specific prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza at the time of post-vaccination immunity.

    The components included in the drug Ergoferon have a single mechanism of action in the form of an increase in the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, receptors for interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and histamine, respectively; which is accompanied by a pronounced immunotropic effect.

    It has been experimentally proven that antibodies to interferon gamma:
    increase the expression of IFN-γ, IFN α / β, as well as interleukins associated with them (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, etc.), improve the ligand-receptor interaction of IFN, restore the cytokine status; normalize the concentration and functional activity of natural antibodies to IFN-γ, which are an important factor in the body's natural antiviral tolerance; stimulate interferon-dependent biological processes: induction of expression of antigens of the main histocompatibility complex I, II types and Fc receptors, activation of monocytes, stimulation of the functional activity of NK cells, regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis, activating a mixed Th1 and Th2 immune response.

    Antibodies to CD4, probably being allosteric modulators of this receptor, regulate the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, which leads to an increase in the functional activity of CD4 lymphocytes, normalization of the CD4/CD8 immunoregulatory index, as well as the subpopulation composition of immunocompetent cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20).

    Antibodies to histamine modify histamine-dependent activation of peripheral and central H1 receptors and thus reduce the tone of bronchial smooth muscles, reduce capillary permeability, which leads to a reduction in the duration and severity of rhinorrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa, coughing and sneezing, as well as a decrease in the severity of allergic concomitant infectious process reactions by suppressing the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, the production of leukotrienes, the synthesis of adhesion molecules, reducing eosinophil chemotaxis and platelet aggregation in reactions to contact with an allergen.

    The combined use of the components of the complex drug Ergoferon is accompanied by an increase in the antiviral activity of its constituent components.

  • Pharmacokinetics

    The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, chromato-mass spectrometry) does not allow assessing the content of ultra-low doses of antibodies in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it technically impossible to study the pharmacokinetics of Ergoferon.

  • Indications for use

    Prevention and treatment of influenza A and B.

    Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections caused by parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus.

    Prevention and treatment of herpesvirus infections (labial herpes, ophthalmic herpes, genital herpes, chickenpox, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis).

    Prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infections of viral etiology (caused by calicivirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus, enteroviruses).

    Prevention and treatment of enteroviral and meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis.

    Use in the complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiologies, including those caused by atypical pathogens (M.pneumoniae, C.Pneumoniae, Legionella spp)); prevention of bacterial complications of viral infections, prevention of superinfections.

  • Contraindications

    Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Pregnancy and lactation

    The safety of Ergoferon during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If necessary, the appointment of the drug should take into account the risk/benefit ratio.

  • Dosage and administration

    inside. At one time - 1 tablet (not during a meal). The tablet should be kept in the mouth without swallowing until completely dissolved.

    Children from 6 months. When prescribing the drug to young children (from 6 months to 3 years), it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount (1 tablespoon) of boiled water at room temperature.

    Treatment should be started as soon as possible, when the first signs appear. acute infection according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours, the drug is taken every 30 minutes, then during the first day, three more doses are taken at regular intervals. From the second day onwards, take 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery.

    For the prevention of viral infectious diseases- 1-2 tablets per day. The recommended duration of the prophylactic course is determined individually and can be 1 - 6 months.

    If necessary, Ergoferon can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

  • Side effect

    Possible reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Overdose

    In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the excipients included in the preparation.

  • Interaction with other drugs

    Cases of incompatibility with others medicines has not been registered to date.

  • special instructions

    The composition of the drug Ergoferon includes lactose monohydrate, and therefore it is not recommended to prescribe it to patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or with congenital lactase deficiency.

    Ergoferon does not affect the ability to control vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms.

  • Release form

    Lozenges. 20 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and aluminum foil.

    1, 2 or 5 blister packs, together with instructions for medical use, are placed in a pack of cardboard

  • Storage conditions

    In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

To speed up recovery from a cold and strengthen the body's immune forces, it is used homeopathic remedy Ergoferon - instructions for use for children allows it from the age of six months. The main components of the drug are completely safe even for a still fragile body. This antiviral and antihistamine helps to eliminate nasal congestion, improve the condition in general, and prevent the development of concomitant infections. Ergoferon for children can only be prescribed by a doctor, you should not experiment with self-administration.

Ergoferon for children

This complex preparation belongs to the category of homeopathic preparations with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Ergoferon is mainly used to treat acute respiratory infections. It is also effective against tick-borne encephalitis and bacterial complications of the common cold. The medicine boosts immunity, which helps fight infectious disease.

Composition and form of release

In pharmacies, this medicine can be found in two forms - lozenges and a solution for internal use. There are no two types of the drug separately for adults and children. Both forms can be used to treat children older than six months.


They have a flat-cylindrical shape, risk and chamfer. They are white or almost white. Produced by 20.40 and 100 pieces in a carton shown in the photo.

Active ingredients:

  • antibodies to gamma-interferon affinity purified - 0.006 g;
  • antibodies to histamine affinity purified - 0.006 g;
  • antibodies to CD 4 affinity purified - 0.006 g.


  • lactose monohydrate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.


It is a colorless transparent liquid sold in dark glass bottles. The volume of each is 100 ml.

Active ingredients:

  • antibodies to gamma-interferon - 0.12 g per 100 ml;
  • antibodies to histamine - 0.12 g per 100 ml;
  • antibodies to CD 4 - 0.12 g per 100 ml.


  • potassium sorbate;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water;
  • maltitol;
  • anhydrous citric acid.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Instructions for use do not contain data on the study of the pharmacokinetics of the drug. The antibody complex in Ergoferon helps to activate:

  • gamma-interferon, blocking the reproduction of any virus;
  • histamine involved in inflammatory reactions in response to an allergen;
  • CD 4 receptors, which trigger the work of T-leukocytes, which eliminate viruses and bacteria.

After their activation, the body's defenses are stimulated, which makes the disease easier and faster. Ergoferon is also used for vaccinations - instructions for its use for children indicate that the drug helps to strengthen post-vaccination immunity and ensure the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza during the synthesis of antibodies. Along with antiviral activity, the drug also has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.

Indications for use

Due to the above effects from the use of Ergoferon, its main indication is the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases provoked by respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus and coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, in which it is useless to drink antibiotics. Other pathologies for which this medicine is prescribed:

  • influenza A and B;
  • hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • herpes virus;
  • acute intestinal infection of viral etiology;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • bacterial infections and their complications;
  • prevention of superinfections;
  • meningococcal and enteroviral meningitis.

How to take Ergoferon for children

Children can take Ergoferon medicine from the age of 6 months. Until they reach 3 years, it is worth giving the drug only in the form of tablets. The solution is allowed only for older children. The tablet is dissolved with one tablespoon of not too hot boiled water. Only then can it be given to a child. Older children dissolve the tablet. A solution over the age of 3 years is also served undiluted. It is optimal to take Ergoferon half an hour before or after meals. In general, you can use the drug at any time, but not with food.

The tablet is kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. You shouldn't swallow it right away. The solution or dissolved tablet must also be held in the mouth a little - 10-30 seconds. The method of treating viral diseases is as follows:

  • in the first 2 hours - 1 tablet or 1 tsp. solution (5 ml) every half an hour;
  • then until the end of the day 3 more times 1 tablet or 1 tsp. solution at regular intervals;
  • from the second day of treatment, you must take 1 tablet or 1 tsp. solution 3 times a day until the symptoms of flu, cold or other illness disappear.

In total, for the first day, you can not take more than 8 tablets or 8 teaspoons of the solution. As prophylactic the medicine is taken according to a different scheme:

  • for this purpose, take 1-2 tablets daily;
  • the duration of the course is assigned for each patient individually, but on average it can be 1-6 months;
  • during the prevention of viral infections, it is allowed to combine Ergoferon with other symptomatic and antiviral drugs.


This form of release is allowed for children only from 3 years old. If you immediately swallow a dose of the solution, then the severity of the therapeutic effect will be much lower. In order to prevent any diseases indicated in the list of indications for use, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of the liquid form of Ergoferon no more than 2 times a day before or after meals. The course should not be interrupted, and its duration can be from 1 to 6 months. For the purpose of treating a patient, it is impossible to give him a solution for more than 8 weeks. The course of therapy can be no more than the specified period.

Ergoferon tablets

It is necessary to take tablets at the first symptoms of a cold. The therapeutic effect will be the higher, the earlier treatment was started. Continuous intake of tablets can also not be longer than 8 weeks. The drug is taken until the symptoms of the infection are eliminated. For the purpose of prevention, tablets, like a solution, are used for 1-6 months in the above children's dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the instructions for use, cases of incompatibility of Ergoferon with other medicines not registered. Tablets and solution do not significantly affect other medicines. For this reason, Ergoferon can be taken in combination with any medication.

Side effects

The advantage of Ergoferon is a very small number of adverse reactions. Judging by the reviews, as a result of the use of the drug, an allergy or an individual sensitivity reaction to the components of the drug is possible. If a rash, redness, swelling and other negative signs appear, the use of Ergoferon must be suspended. Symptomatic treatment is indicated to relieve symptoms.


In relation to children, Ergoferon is contraindicated only for infants under six months of age. In addition, you can not use this medicine for allergies to its components or individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. Ergoferon should be taken with caution diabetes due to the small amount of fructose in the composition. The release form in the form of a solution is additionally contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Ergoferon in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to store the drug out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 24 degrees. The shelf life of the product is 3 years.

Ergoferon analogue

There are a number of expensive and cheap drugs similar to Ergoferon in terms of mechanism of action or composition. Of the medicines allowed for children, the following stand out:

  • Kagocel;
  • Anaferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Oscilococcinum;
  • Arbidol;
  • Antigrippin;
  • Rimantadine.

Ergoferon price

You can find the drug in a regular or online pharmacy, you do not need a prescription to buy it. The price is determined not only by the manufacturer, but also by the form of release, the number of tablets in the package and the place of purchase. The approximate cost is shown in more detail in the table.

LP-002795 12/29/2014



Dosage form


Composition (for 1 tablet)

Active substances:
antibodies to human gamma interferon affinity purified - 0.006 g *
antibodies to histamine affinity purified - 0.006 g *
antibodies to CD4 affinity purified - 0.006 g *
Excipients: lactose monohydrate 0267 g, microcrystalline cellulose 0.03 g, magnesium stearate 0.003 g.

* are applied to lactose monohydrate in the form of a mixture of three active water-alcohol dilutions of the substance, diluted 100 12, 100 30, 100 50 times, respectively.


Flat-cylindrical tablets with a score and a chamfer, from white to almost white. MATERIA MEDICA is inscribed on the flat side with a notch, and ERGOFERON is inscribed on the other flat side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiviral, antihistamine

ATX codes J05AX, R06A

Pharmacological properties


The spectrum of pharmacological activity of Ergoferon includes antiviral, immunomodulatory, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory.

The effectiveness of the use of Ergoferon components in viral infectious diseases has been experimentally and clinically proven: influenza A and influenza B, acute respiratory viral infections (caused by parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses), herpesvirus infections (labial herpes, ophthalmic herpes, genital herpes, shingles herpes, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis), acute intestinal infections of viral etiology (caused by caliciviruses, coronaviruses, rotaviruses, enteroviruses), enterovirus and meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis.

The drug is used in the complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiologies, including atypical pathogens (M.pneumoniae, C.Pneumoniae, Legionella spp.), is used to prevent bacterial complications of viral infections, prevents the development of superinfections. pre- and post-vaccination period increases the effectiveness of vaccination, provides non-specific prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza at the time of post-vaccination immunity.

The components included in the drug have a single mechanism of action in the form of an increase in the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, receptors for interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and histamine, respectively; which is accompanied by a pronounced immunotropic effect.

It has been experimentally proven that antibodies to interferon gamma: increase the expression of IFN-γ, IFN α / β, as well as interleukins associated with them (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, etc.), improve the ligand-receptor interaction of IFN, restore the cytokine status; normalize the concentration and functional activity of natural antibodies to IFN-γ, which are an important factor in the body's natural antiviral tolerance; stimulate interferon-dependent biological processes: induction of expression of antigens of the main histocompatibility complex I, II types and Fc receptors, activation of monocytes, stimulation of the functional activity of NK cells, regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis, activating a mixed Th1 and Th2 immune response.

Antibodies to CD4, probably being allosteric modulators of this receptor, regulate the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, which leads to an increase in the functional activity of CD4 lymphocytes, normalization of the CD4/CD8 immunoregulatory index, as well as the subpopulation composition of immunocompetent cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20) .

Antibodies to histamine modify histamine-dependent activation of peripheral and central H1 receptors and thus reduce the tone of bronchial smooth muscles, reduce capillary permeability, which leads to a reduction in the duration and severity of rhinorrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa, coughing and sneezing, as well as a decrease in the severity of allergic concomitant infectious process reactions by suppressing the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils, the production of leukotrienes, the synthesis of adhesion molecules, reducing eosinophil chemotaxis and platelet aggregation in reactions to contact with an allergen.
The combined use of the components of the complex preparation is accompanied by an increase in the antiviral activity of its constituent components.


The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis (gas-liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, chromato-mass spectrometry) does not allow assessing the content of ultra-low doses of antibodies in biological fluids, organs and tissues, which makes it technically impossible to study the pharmacokinetics of Ergoferon.

Indications for use

  • Prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections caused by parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus.
  • Prevention and treatment of herpesvirus infections (labial herpes, ophthalmic herpes, genital herpes, chickenpox, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis).
  • Prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infections of viral etiology (caused by calicivirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus, enteroviruses).
  • Prevention and treatment of enteroviral and meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Application in the complex therapy of bacterial infections (pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia of various etiologies, including those caused by atypical pathogens) (M.pneumoniae, C.pneumoniae, Legionella spp)); prevention of bacterial complications of viral infections, prevention of superinfections.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Ergoferon during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If necessary, the appointment of the drug should take into account the risk/benefit ratio.

Dosage and administration

inside. At one time - 1 tablet (not during a meal). The tablet should be kept in the mouth without swallowing until completely dissolved.

Children from 6 months. When prescribing the drug to young children (from 6 months to 3 years), it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount (1 tablespoon) of boiled water at room temperature.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, when the first signs of an acute infection appear according to the following scheme: in the first 2 hours, the drug is taken every 30 minutes, then during the first day, three more doses are taken at regular intervals. From the second day onwards, take 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery.

For the prevention of viral infectious diseases - 1-2 tablets per day. The recommended duration of the prophylactic course is determined individually and can be 1 - 6 months.

If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Side effect

Possible reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the excipients included in the preparation.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not yet been registered.

special instructions

The composition of the drug includes lactose monohydrate, and therefore it is not recommended to prescribe it to patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or with congenital lactase deficiency.
Ergoferon does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Release form

Lozenges. 20 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and aluminum foil.
1, 2 or 5 blister packs, together with instructions for medical use, are placed in a pack of cardboard

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years
Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter

Name, address of the manufacturer of the medicinal product / organization accepting claims

Russia, Moscow, 3rd Samotechny per., 9.

The address of the place of manufacture of the medicinal product.
Russia, 454139, Chelyabinsk, st. Buguruslanskaya, 54

Good news for those who do not want their children to get sick even during the cold season: there is an antiviral drug that activates the immune system and prevents the development of the disease. Today in our review we will talk about Ergoferon - a comprehensive tool for the prevention and treatment of infections, including children's.

Ergoferon has antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

Description and mechanism of action of the drug

Ergoferon is a combined antiviral drug. It is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Materia Media Holding NPF LLC. Produced in a convenient form - in the form of tablets for resorption. The packaging is standard: a blister with twenty tablets is placed in a cardboard box and provided with instructions. The use of Ergoferon for children is allowed from 6 months. The average price in Russia is 320 rubles.

The mechanism of action of Ergoferon is described in detail in the instructions for use () and is associated with an increase in antibody activity. Antibodies are specific proteins of the immune system that:

  • produced at the time of infection;
  • recognize pathogens alien to the body;
  • launch a multi-stage mechanism for their removal.

In other words, antibodies are the first link of immunity that “meets” a virus or bacterium.

If the baby has previously met with some kind of infection, then antibodies to it circulate in his blood and, upon re-infection, the pathogen is quickly identified. In this case, the child does not get sick, as the immune system works clearly and quickly.

Even the influenza virus is extremely volatile, and each epidemic is caused by some particular subtype. Therefore, an organism that encounters an unfamiliar virus needs time to develop specific antibodies. The disease in this case proceeds with vivid clinical symptoms.

Ergoferon incorporates a complex of antibodies that activate:

  • gamma interferon- a substance with non-specific protective properties. This means that it blocks the intracellular reproduction of ANY virus that has entered the body.
  • CD4 receptors- These are special signal proteins that trigger the work of T-leukocytes (killer cells that destroy viruses and bacteria).
  • Histamine, involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions. The medicine controls these processes and does not allow them to develop rapidly.

Thus, Ergoferon stimulates the main protective properties of the body, and a viral infection in a child proceeds easier and faster.

When Ergoferon will help

Indications for the use of Ergoferon, indicated in the instructions:

  • influenza (including its dangerous strains A / H5N1 and A / H1N1, the so-called swine and bird flu);
  • adenovirus, coronavirus infection;
  • diseases caused by the herpes virus, including chicken pox;
  • caused by enterovirus.

The medicine will help with intestinal infections.

In addition, the drug prescribed for bacterial infections(tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) to enhance immune protection and prevent superinfection - infection with another pathogen.

Ulyana, 32 years old:

“Ergoferon is always in our home first aid kit. As soon as the four-year-old daughter becomes drowsy, sneezes and complains of a headache, I start giving her the drug according to the instructions, and the illness goes away much easier and faster.

Many mothers ask how to distinguish between a viral and bacterial infection and understand what the child got sick this time. Only expensive laboratory tests can reliably determine the pathogen, but it is possible to guess the type of infection by observing the course of the disease.

sign Viral infection bacterial infection
Incubation period (time from suspected exposure to the onset of symptoms) Very short - 1-5 days. It can be different, on average 2-14 days.
The onset of the disease Acute, the disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, a characteristic "sick" gleam in the eyes; the child becomes lethargic and drowsy. Symptoms of the disease increase gradually, over several days. Often a bacterial infection joins a viral one 3-5 days after the onset of the disease.
Character Discharge from the nose is mucous, clear Discharge from the nose is profuse, purulent or mucopurulent (green or white).
Character (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa) If the mother looks at the child's throat, she may notice a sharp reddening of the arches of the pharynx (they are located on the sides of the pharynx). The pharynx is bright red, the tonsils are enlarged, may have purulent vesicles or plaque.
The nature of the cough Dry cough. The cough is wet, with copious expectoration.
The nature of the fever High temperature (up to 39 degrees), while it passes on its own in 2-3 days. High temperature, can last for a long time, it is required to reduce it.

Ergoferon is a drug that has a cumulative effect. The sooner you start treatment, the more effective it will be: fever and other symptoms will pass faster, a bacterial infection will not join, and antibiotics will not be required.

Sofia, 27 years old:

“I am against taking antibiotics with: I think that these drugs should be drunk according to strict indications. Therefore, with ordinary viral infections in my daughter, we save ourselves with Ergoferon. I can’t say that she doesn’t get sick at all after taking it, but the infection clears up much easier, after 3-4 days the daughter is already in perfect order. ”

How and when to take Ergoferon

There are different schemes for the appointment of Ergoferon for children.

For the treatment of flu and colds

When the first symptoms of a viral infection appear (chills, headache, sore throat), it is necessary to take 1 tablet of Ergoferon as soon as possible. The dosage of the drug does not depend on age. The remedy is taken according to the scheme:

  1. Within two hours after taking the first tablet - loading dose: 1 tablet every 30 minutes (total 4, not counting the first);
  2. The next day and beyond - 1 tablet 3 times a day or 3 tablets once.

Ergoferon for a child from 6 months to 3 years old should be dissolved in a small amount (15-20 ml) of warm boiled water.

For children under three years old, dissolve one tablet in a spoonful of water.

Children over three years of age should be explained that the pill needs to be sucked. The tablets are small in size and have a neutral, slightly sweet taste.

Continue taking the drug until the symptoms of a viral disease are completely eliminated.


During the cold season (September-October) or when the child is at risk of becoming infected viral infection, for example, upon admission to Kindergarten or school, you can use Ergoferon as a means of prevention.

The drug should be taken 1-2 tablets daily, not tied to meals. The course of treatment - from 1 month to six months.

Ergoferon is an excellent prevention.
It will help not get infected in kindergarten.

Ergoferon has practically no side effects, cases of individual intolerance and allergies are very rarely noted.

Anna, 28 years old:


The pharmaceutical market offers big choice antiviral agents, the action of which is aimed both at increasing immunity and at the direct destruction of the virus. Before you buy Ergoferon, check out the comparative table of analogues of the product. Perhaps this will be useful.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ergoferon is a drug that, with proper use, will help to quickly cope with the first symptoms of the disease. Reviews of mothers who treated their children with it are mostly positive.

Already after the first days of admission, parents note that the child's condition begins to improve.

The advantages of the funds are:

  • the possibility of use in children from 6 months;
  • safety and minimal side effects;
  • the possibility of preventive reception;
  • proven preventive effect when taken correctly.

Cons that parents mention in their reviews:

  • high price;
  • low efficiency if the drug was started on the 2-3 day of the disease, and not immediately at the first signs of it.

Svetlana Sharaeva

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