Indifference test. Indifference test There is no perfect relationship

Wood boards and products 17.09.2020
Wood boards and products

Drivers of only 8 cars out of 51, which drove for an hour late in the evening along the highway Gomel - Novaya Guta (and about the same number in the opposite direction), slowed down at a bloodied man lying on the side of the road.
Fortunately, it was only a dummy, and the situation was an action of the regional traffic police, the purpose of which is to identify the problem of drivers' indifference to what is happening on the roads of our region.
The journalist of “GP” also took part in the action.
Hidden traffic accidents - headache State traffic inspectorate. It's about about an accident in which the driver, having knocked down a person, instead of helping him, rushes to his heels. “The search for a fugitive can take hours, days, and sometimes weeks, months,” says Vyacheslav Shkurko, head of the inter-district department of operational response and search for “Lightning” of the UGAI Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional executive committee. - So there is enough work for the unit. Moreover, the employees of the department have not harbored illusions about the “pangs of conscience” that supposedly should torment the driver after he fled the scene of an accident for a long time.
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, who had eaten his teeth at the disclosure of such crimes, could remember only one case when the driver gathered his courage and came to the police to “surrender”. Basically, the opposite happens: instead of trying to save a person who is still alive, drivers do everything possible to cover their tracks. Shkurko recalled an accident that occurred recently near Rogachev. A 26-year-old boy was found dead on the side of the road. His bicycle lay nearby. Employees of the department found the car of the perpetrator in the Mogilev region. The driver's explanation was banal: "I got scared." By the way, there is an assumption that another car visited the place where the downed cyclist lay. But, slowing down, I went on ...
Only for a second did the drivers of passenger cars slow down at the person lying on the night road (dummy). At some point, I even doubted: maybe the darkness does not allow us to see that, for example, it’s not a log on the road, but a person. But, having driven by, I was convinced: the human silhouette is impossible not to notice. By the way, when the inspector asked if they noticed anything on the road, the drivers of cars quickly answered: “No, I didn’t see anything ...” Only drivers of heavy trucks and fixed-route taxis saw the “corpse” and told the traffic police crew on duty 300 meters away . Almost all of them are residents of Russia, Ukraine and neighboring regions of Belarus. But for some reason, the Gomel residents didn’t care about the one lying on the road. Why? Maybe they were afraid that, having identified themselves, it would take a long time to prove their non-involvement in the accident?

- Drivers in such situations have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You just need to call the police, the traffic police on duty or " ambulance”and report what he saw,” explains Vyacheslav Shkurko. - If you do not want to give a name, a surname - do not call. In this situation, the main thing is to have time to help the injured person. Well, our specialized unit will be engaged in the search for the one who brought him down.

By the way, often the victims of hidden raids themselves are far from angels. Nearly 80 percent of these accidents are the fault of the pedestrians themselves. In drunken recklessness, many go out onto the road, lie or sit there, traffic police inspectors say. In confirmation of what was said, after a few minutes, two human silhouettes appeared on our way in the dark, not indicated by reflective elements. It was very difficult to notice them in pitch darkness. In addition, as it turned out, the couple was in a good drunk. After a few kilometers - again a lonely traveler, which is very difficult to see, especially when passing cars. And already at the entrance to the city - a completely chilling picture. A drunken man was sitting on the edge of the road, a bicycle was nearby ... Well, now it’s clear who they are, potential victims, “hit down on the road”. But after hooking, injuring, or even killing such a “pedestrian”, and then hiding, the driver brings himself under the criminal article “Leaving in danger”. So, maybe you shouldn't cowardly run away? After all, they will find it anyway, and then punishment cannot be avoided.
At the end of the action, I contacted the duty service of the traffic police, the emergency hospital. Not a single message about what happened on the Gomel-Novaya Guta highway has been received here ...
On duty on the road
Valentina SYS


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Good afternoon, dear ladies! It is sometimes very difficult to understand a man, what he really experiences, whether he has an interest and how he relates to your relationship. It's so easy to create a beautiful image. Today I would like to talk about how to understand that you are indifferent to him, that he has cooled down for a long time and there is no interest in a relationship. I will talk about what depends on ourselves and how we can influence a man, what to do in order to maintain the interest of his beloved even after a while and not turn relationships into domestic family squabbles.

There are no ideal relationships

A woman wants to meet a prince who will carry her in his arms, shower her with gifts and give her attention. An understandable desire. Of course, we want to have a beautiful, intelligent, interesting person nearby. Only few people understand that princes do not become. Princes are raised. I bring to your attention the book by Anetta Orlova " The man of your dreams. Find, attract, tame».

Often we see perfect couples in which people seem to be made for each other, everything is good and wonderful with them. But that's just the surface. Every relationship has its own problems, it's just that someone knows how to negotiate and cope with difficulties, and someone does not.

It is much more difficult for a man to approach a woman with a problem. Therefore, your task is to feel any change in his mood. But do not be too intrusive and, because of any little thing, immediately try to sort things out. Learn to be and.

Hint to your husband that he can come to you with any of his problems, if something does not suit him, let him tell you directly about it. But you must promise both him and yourself that you will not overreact to his words.

If he asks you for variety in bed, then do not immediately swear and shout, blaming him. Remember, the marital bed should not be cold, because sex is often the cause of discord in the family.

If he says something about your culinary skills, again, don't overreact. Listen carefully to the complaint, ask him what way he sees out of this situation, think for yourself what you can change and look for a compromise. This is the only way you can maintain a healthy relationship for years to come.

Indifference Test

You can lose interest in a partner at any stage of a relationship. You just started an affair or you have been married for fifteen years. No matter. Let's do a short test that will help us determine how critical everything is in your case.

I offer you seven questions that you need to answer "yes" or "no". If you get more than four “no” answers, then you clearly have relationship problems.

  1. Do you have common activities, hobbies or interests?
  2. Does the faithful share his plans with you?
  3. Does he often call or text you first?
  4. Does he try to surprise you?
  5. Does he listen to your opinion, does he respect your opinion?
  6. Does he initiate you into his life?
  7. Does he often initiate meetings?

What is your result? If there are only a couple of negative answers - it's okay, but you still need to take action. If more than half of the answers are “no”, then you should seriously think about the relationship.

A man wants to see variety. Boredom is one of the most common reasons for divorce. When a husband constantly sees his wife in one dressing gown, she does not tell anything new and interesting, she is all mired in household chores and worries. Who might be interested in such a woman?

Yes, I agree, it's not easy for a woman. , themselves, children, husband. It can be difficult to break into all aspects of your life. But you can always find a way out.

First, you must have something for the soul. What you will want to devote your free time to. For you should not be available to a man 24/7. He must seek your attention. Even the husband with whom you have been living under the same roof for eight years. Change the way you behave, get carried away with something.

busy woman attracts a lot of attention.

Second - do not be afraid to change the image. Blonde today, brunette tomorrow, redhead next month. Play with your appearance. This will benefit you too. A woman blossoms when there are changes in her life. Give yourself a shake sometimes.

Third, don't let your relationship with a man be the only thing that matters in your life. Women love to give themselves entirely to a man. This brings boredom and one day leads a man to the fact that he is already indifferent to this relationship.

I bring to your attention a wonderful article "", in which you will find many useful tips to maintain the interest of the faithful.

What is the indifference of your loved one? What are you doing to keep him interested? How are your relationships developing?

Work on yourself. Love and appreciate yourself. Don't let a man completely take over your life.
Wish you all the best!

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