Troubleshooting ©. The easiest way to solve any life problems! The way to solve problems with

Door types 22.01.2022
Problem solving is an important part of the manager's role. The authors who wrote exclusively on this topic fully shared the opinion that the adoption of successful decisions depends on the implementation of the key stages of a systems approach. This article discusses different types of problems both in general terms and in terms of different approaches to solving them, as well as the stages of solving and using techniques that can give a better result. Modern authors also draw attention to the need to create an organizational culture and climate conducive to solving innovative issues, which is especially important when the organization is undergoing fundamental changes.

Problem types

His classification of the types of problems that people usually face, according to Francis (Francis, 1990):

1. Mystery- the inexplicability of the deviation from the expected result, the emphasis is on the lack of explanation of what happened, the ambiguity of the reason due to which the expectations were not met.

2. Task Assignment- the problem arises when the task is given to the individual by another person, when there is a kind of agreement between the boss and the subordinate. The contractual relationship must be clear, understandable, achievable and agreed upon.

3. Difficulty- the problem arises when something is difficult to achieve due to ignorance of how to manage the current situation, or lack of resources.

4. Possibility- a situation that promises a potential benefit.

5. Puzzle It is not clear which answer is correct and which is wrong. To arrive at a correct answer, confusion and uncertainty must be resolved. Some puzzles may never be solved.

6. Dilemma- there are at least two options for action, they are both approximately equally attractive or unattractive, and it takes prudence to choose the more correct one.

Certain stages in the solution process, depending on the type of problem, become a priority.

Problem Solving Steps

The difference between a good manager and a bad one is how capable they are of taking a systematic approach to problem solving. Wilson (1993) provides a comparison between various previously developed decision models. All models are based on the need to identify and explain the problem, using the right hemisphere of the brain to accumulate information and ideas. Then comes a more narrowly focused reflection phase to analyze the data collected and determine the direction for further action. Wilson noticed that each culture requires a different amount of time at different stages of problem solving. In the East, for example in Japan, it takes much longer to generate creative ideas than in Western cultures, where the decision comes much faster, but the time to implement ideas is spent more. In most models, the emphasis is on the following key stages:

1. Analysis of the problem - at this stage, information is collected to determine the reality of the existence of the problem and the reasons for its occurrence, and its importance is also assessed.

2. Goal setting and definition of success criteria - here you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the goal and how and with what indicators success in achieving it will be assessed.

3. Accumulation of information - At this stage, it is required to collect data and put forward ideas, from which it will then be possible to select options and evaluate their comparative usefulness.

4. Decision making - after evaluation, a decision is made in favor of the best course of action.

5. Implementation, implementation - everything that needs to be done is planned, and the action plan is being implemented.

6. Review of progress made - an assessment is given of what went well, what went less well, and comments are made for the future (this is an extremely important stage that is often omitted).

Problem Solving Methods

There are many techniques for successful problem solving. Many of them include an assessment of the situation and an analysis of the importance of the results obtained. Four key questions are asked:

1. Why is the issue important?
2. How important is the result of solving the problem compared to other things that also require attention?
3. Who will be involved in solving the problem?
4. What are the real pressures and constraints to face?

Brainstorming, fishbones, Pareto charts, and histograms are all information gathering or analysis methods.

brainstorming technology was developed by Alex Osborn in the 1950s. to stimulate creativity in generating ideas. The idea should be stated freely and immediately recorded in the table. People should feel free to act and develop ideas. The discussion does not take place until the stage of evaluating these ideas has begun.

Fishbone technology was developed by Ishikawa and is widely used in problem solving in the quality management process. This technique helps in understanding the relationship between cause and effect.

Pareto charts and bar graphs are used to display numerical information about the possible causes of a problem. They are named after the Italian economist who, in particular, established the 80/20 principle (works that are 80% important to the organization require 20% of the management's efforts, and activities that do not exceed 20% importance require 80% of the efforts). The art of a leader is to separate and perform the most important work).

Force field analysis is also a useful technique in evaluating factors. Steps to be taken:

1. Clear definition of the desired result.
2. Identification of favorable and unfavorable acting forces.
3. Establishing ways to reduce the strength of adverse effects or eliminate them, identify opportunities for the manifestation of favorable factors.
4. Selection of actions aimed at achieving the desired changes that can be taken.

The techniques discussed above can be used individually, but they work more effectively in a team, especially where creative thinking is required.

Problem solving as part of a team

Although the model and methods of problem solving are known, the process of working in a team requires management to activate its members. Teams learn from their own experience what difficulties can prevent effective problem solving if they are not overcome. In the course of teamwork, it is revealed which team members are more effective at the stage of introducing ideas, and which ones are at the stage of their development and elaboration.

Belbin ( Belbin, 1981) conducted research at the Henley College of Management to determine the characteristics of successful teams. He identified nine roles for participants and their corresponding behaviors that will contribute to team success. Each role has its own party in the game for successful problem solving. Among team members, some generate ideas, evaluate their usefulness, others bring them to a solution that can be implemented in the work environment. Still others are needed to support effective teamwork and to ensure that tasks are completed.

Robson ( Robson, 1988) identified three key issues that lie outside of group decisions that are worth paying attention to. So, sometimes the problem that was given to the group for resolution simply disappears. Conversely, individuals may be reluctant to join a problem-solving group for fear of demonstrating ignorance, or groups may be viewed with suspicion by other employees.

Robson attaches great importance to both internal problems associated with the use of time, interpersonal difficulties, lack of appropriate skills and motivation, and problems associated with the decision-making process of the team.

According to this concept, when a team turns into a connected community, people with views that contradict the general opinion are excluded from it, and those who express agreement with the views of the majority remain. Team members, when making decisions in a group, become so confident that they sometimes take even more risks compared to the option of making an individual decision, since the most important thing in such a team is to maintain harmony.

Solving problems that arise in the process of work

There are any number of ways to solve problems that arise in the process of work, many of which can be learned from the Japanese, who have experience in solving organizational problems that are important today, such as achieving and maintaining competitive advantage. Here is a link to the kaizen approach, which uses cross-functional teams and quality circles.

The philosophy of kaizen (kaizen), originated in Japan and described by Walker (1993), is recognized as the foundation of the country's competitive success in the world market. It is now widely used in production even in companies that do not have ties with Japan. Kaizen is a technology for achieving long-term development by creating a system that constantly makes many small changes directly at each workplace. The system implements the so-called "customer-centric" approach, in which customers, external (customers) and internal (employees), are perceived as the most important asset of the organization. This requires an atmosphere of engagement, responsibility and openness.

The infinite loop of improvements is a powerful technology behind this approach and includes:

Plan - survey / understanding / definition.

The point is appropriate action.

Verification - confirmation of the effect / evaluation.

Act - feedback from the source.

It can be called the PDPA cycle. It is often said that Japanese managers spend 80% of their time on planning, while in the West the same amount is spent on activities. Japanese managers tend to move quickly through the APAP cycle, especially in the first two stages. They are meticulous in standardizing and verifying every stage of system development.

Stephens (Stephens, 1988) emphasized the importance of the organizational climate as an incentive or barrier to effective problem solving. Many organizations have failed in the past in creative problem solving because the predominant management style in making risky decisions has been to obstruct people. Successful organizations embraced risk by accepting failure as an opportunity and rewarding innovative ideas. An authoritarian, critical management style forces people to adapt to a low-risk strategy. Managers delegating problem solving to staff enable the process to get to the point where people get the information they need and take responsibility for the recommendations.

In the next ten years, problem solving will involve overcoming not only functional, but also cultural and company boundaries. As business becomes more and more global, people will be forced to develop their skills in solving a wide variety of issues in a multicultural environment. Their success will depend on the methods used and the identification of the various forces that originate from people's belonging to a particular culture.

Today I will share with you the technology of solving any life problems. It works even in cases where, at first glance, there are no solutions. Read this article to the end, I have prepared a gift for you.

When it comes to problems, one great anecdote comes to mind. At the interview, they ask the question: “What talents do you have?” The candidate thought about it and answered: “I have one talent: I can turn any elementary task into a hopeless situation with a bunch of problems.”

Most of humanity has this talent. In simple words, this is called "make an elephant out of a fly." Why is this happening? The main reason is an attempt to solve the problem while being in an excited emotional state. Remember the fragment from the film "Diamond Arm": Chief, everything is gone.

In 2008, when my wife was eight months pregnant, the head of the company I worked for announced the closure of the business. How? Why? Why now? Thoughts popped up in my head: “What now?” “How to repay a loan taken at 36% per annum?” “In a month to give birth, but there is no money and debts through the roof ...” How did this internal dialogue on emotions end? Three days of high blood pressure. Did I solve this problem by winding myself up to white heat. Of course not, I only increased it. What happened three days later? I calmed down and started solving this problem. First, I called all the suppliers and asked for help finding a suitable job option. Most of them automatically answered what they would mean (it is not clear: me, my situation or ...)

This incident gave me the opportunity to determine who is who in my environment. One person responded. His name is Dmitry, to whom I will be grateful until the end of my days. He introduced me to a wonderful and decent person, to my current business mentor Pavel Viktorovich, and a new round of my career and personal development began in my career.

Analyzing this situation now, I understand that when any problem arises, you need to ask yourself questions not “Why?”, But “For what?” Behind the solution of any problem, there is always the same or even greater opportunity.

I would like to say a few words about questions. Asking yourself an endless series of questions "Why?" You stir up emotions that overshadow all common sense. And you drive yourself into a dead end. Of course, you need to understand the reason for this obstacle, but the question should be formulated as follows: “What does this problem signal and what will its solution lead to?” Problems and obstacles are training.

How to give yourself first aid when the next test has come into your life. Usually everyone says: "Calm down, everything will be fine, etc." How to calm down? And what does it mean to calm down?

So, as soon as life throws you another challenge, you need to remember the "golden rule": "Never solve problems on emotions." Remember what happens to you when you face problems? The pulse quickens, the breathing goes astray, there is a mess in the head ... In other words, panic. A simple breathing exercise will help you calm down.

Take a deep breath, raising your hands up as if you are trying to absorb as much as possible into yourself and lower your hands as you exhale. Let's do this exercise together. As you do this, focus on your breath. Try to keep the inhalation and exhalation as long as possible and each of them took from 15 seconds to 30 seconds in time. Repeat as needed. The result of this exercise will be the normalization of the pulse and breathing and the readiness to move from the problem to its solution.

If this action does not help, go to plan "B". Set aside the problem and go for a walk in the fresh air. I'm quite serious ... The only exception: someone is ill and needs an immediate response. In all other cases, half an hour in the fresh air will bring benefits many times more than you will continue to sit and be stupid, not knowing what to do. Believe me, nothing fatal will happen in 30 minutes.

After the walk, start looking for a solution. The most wonderful exercise “Brainstorming” will help us with this. To do this, we need a pen and a sheet of paper. It can be done alone and with the help of other people.

What is it for? When a problem arises, it stands like a concrete wall in front of us and prevents us from seeing what opportunities lie behind it. Our task is to “push” this wall so that it becomes a bridge between the place where we are now and where we want to go. In other words, turn the problem into a subgoal.

The technology is very simple. Write your problem at the top of a piece of paper. Then start writing solutions to everything that comes to mind. Forget about all the possible and impossible, nonsense is not nonsense, real or not, do not edit, do not think, do not suppress the imagination, so you can miss the fun. Just get all your ideas down on paper. All ideas are good. Brainstorming helps to get rid of the "garbage" in the head and helps to believe that there is more than one way out of the situation. Nothing so excites us to action as the clarity of the direction of movement.

When you run out of ideas, choose a few options that excite you the most, even though they may be intimidating for their sheer magnitude. Do not remove other options. Try to find in them at least something that can help you.

When solutions are identified, write out a plan for achieving it and immediately begin targeted actions.

When any problem arises, you need to understand the main thing: “Never in our life there are problems beyond our strength and the fact that every problem hides the same or even greater opportunity.” This understanding will add confidence that you can handle any problem.

And now the promised gift. If you have a problem that you cannot solve on your own, voice it in the comments to this video and I will choose the three most interesting options and help you find solutions absolutely free of charge. If this problem really hurts you, hurry up.

That's all for today. Until we meet again, friends.

Descartes square

An ideal method for solving any problems that scare you. The fact is that we too often get stuck on one single question: “What will happen if this happens?” This makes it difficult to find a solution, because you look at the problem from only one side. Descartes' square is the simplest technique that allows you to find a solution in a matter of minutes. So, draw a square on a piece of paper. Divide it into four parts. Write a question for each section.

What will happen if this happens?

What happens if this does NOT happen?

What will NOT happen if this happens?

What will NOT happen if this does NOT happen?

Answer all four questions, and the solution to the problems will come by itself. Simply because you will consider the situation from four sides.

automatic writing

A method that will require you time and patience, but the results can overwhelm you. The essence of the method is very simple: you just need to take a pen, paper (a lot of paper!) and start writing. There is no need to pre-formulate the questions to be answered. The essence of automatic writing is to turn off the consciousness and allow the subconscious to come out. So, you need to stay alone in a calm environment. Grab a pen and paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind. Do not stop. You will need a lot of time - from 20 minutes to an hour. At some point, you will really start to write completely automatically, that is, you will stop thinking about what exactly you are writing. Then all you have to do is read what you have written. Most likely, you will find the answer to all your questions. But the truth is, it might surprise you.

Focus change

It is impossible to objectively consider the problem, being inside. Asking outside observers for advice is also pointless, because they have not been inside the problem and have no idea what it really is. Actually, there is only one way out - you yourself need to become an "outsider". There is only one way to do this, literally running away from the problem. Feet. The next step is to relax! The thing is, if you just walk away, you won't stop thinking about the difficult situation. Time can help here (which you most likely do not have) or strong impressions - better positive ones, of course. You need to repress your emotions. After you have removed yourself from the problem both physically and emotionally for a while, you can return to it as an “outside observer”. This will help to look at the situation with different eyes and find ways to solve problems.

Contacting a specialist

If you are completely confused, relatives will most likely suggest that you contact a psychologist. And you probably won't go to him. Because who knows how to look for a good specialist. And then, it takes time and money, which also may not be available. What is really important to understand is this: you need to look at the problem through someone else's eyes. That is why a friend who knows about the problem will not help you; mother who knows you perfectly will not help; and even more so, the person who is inside the same problem will not help. There is no need to be afraid of psychologists. No need to look for the best specialist in the world - it is likely that you will only need a couple of sessions. And you need to be prepared for the fact that the specialist will not give you any advice, but this is not necessary. The very opportunity to state the essence of the problem to an outsider helps to look at it as if through the eyes of others.


The good old way of solving problems - you probably turned to it more than once. “Consult a friend” is it. But in fact, the more "brains" will be involved, the better. You need a group of people to help you, a place where you can gather, and time to go through all your options. This method is not very suitable for solving deeply personal problems. But if it's a situation where you feel stuck, brainstorming is the perfect method. Because none of your friends will offer you a suitable solution right away. It will be born by itself, in the process.

mammoth eating

“You can even eat a mammoth if you eat it in parts” - this is, in fact, the whole essence of the method. You don’t even need to butcher this “mammoth”, because you will be mired in a new problem - how best to do it. Imagine that you are a predator, in front of you is the carcass of a mammoth. Come and bite. That is, do not look for some single right way to solve the problem, try to approach it from different angles and “bite off” a little. That is, to make a small effort, one that does not strain you too much and does not frighten you. In this way, you will feel the problem from all sides - this is the first thing. And secondly, an understanding will gradually come, from which side it is still better to solve it.

In life, you constantly have to solve a variety of problems. However, most of us solve them in one proven way - in the way we are used to, which has helped out more than once. In this article, we will try to expand the arsenal of your methods for solving certain problems, we will offer the most effective ways to solve problems. Surely, you have already used many of them before, but still it is worth reading the alternative options once again.

However, before I tell you about ways to solve problems, we should talk about the following. Everything in this world is interconnected. This is a fact that cannot be disputed. The same is true with problems in your life. We already somehow wrote about this in our previous articles, but it will not be superfluous to repeat.

If you live on earth, then you will have to solve problems all your life. Agree, that's how it is. In this regard, since humanity has not come up with anything on how to overcome the formation of problems out of the blue in people's lives, therefore, the best way out of this situation is to know and put into practice the most effective ways to solve problems so that your struggle with " objective reality” was the most productive way.

But why isn't there a better way to solve problems? Why should I use different methods, because it is sometimes so exhausting that sometimes it just seems that life is playing a cruel joke with me? The thing is that in life there are a variety of situations that require a variety of actions (in our case, ways to solve problems). There is no one “one true and effective way” to resolve life's troubles. And, in principle, this is even a plus.

What's another plus? The thing is that when solving a problem in one way, you become, as it were, on a new level of your development. Your consciousness assimilates your experience of solving a problem and “puts aside” this way of solving problems in its “pantry”. Then something happens in life and you try to solve a new problem. How will you decide? Naturally, those that you already know and which have already been put into practice. However, not always the same method can help out in different situations. We have already said that the problem of the problem is different.

How do you proceed in this case? Understandably - you willy-nilly try to find a new approach to solving your new problem. As you know, whoever seeks will always find. In fact, more than one billion people on earth lived before you, so there have probably already been cases similar to the one that happened to you, and most likely your “unique” situation or problem is nothing more than an ordinary manifestation of life’s troubles in ordinary person living on Earth.

That is why you should constantly study and learn new things. Again - everything new is a well-forgotten old. Look for your answers in history. Look for your answers from professionals in their field. By doing so, you will make your life easier, and you will certainly save a lot of your time, reinventing the wheel for the hundred millionth time. It is better to really invent something new and useful for society, and do not waste your time on resolving an issue that has long been resolved in a planetary "forum".

On this, the introductory, or rather, tuning in the right way, part of the article is over, now let's move on directly to ways to solve problems.

1. Solve problems yourself.

The method is the oldest of all known to mankind. Primitive man at first always tried to independently provide himself with everything necessary. Although already at that time there was a certain kind of cooperation in order to increase the efficiency of actions

And that says a lot. Thus, even primitive people understood (of course, they did not understand all this scientifically, but purely from a practical point of view) that all problems can be solved independently, but it is difficult and inefficient.

A person has a certain range of abilities and capabilities, but he is even more surrounded by various kinds of restrictions. No matter how good a doctor you are and plus a mechanic, you still do not care, in addition to your skills and professional qualities, to become an astronaut, athlete, logistician and metallurgist yet. You are limited in scope.

Although limitless in abilities. Duck use your infinity in abilities in order to cover your limitations in opportunities!

The conclusion from this is simple: do only the work that 90% of the people living in your city know how to do better. If you are studying to be a mechanic or are already working as one, then if your car breaks down, then you should fix it yourself, because you are an expert in this matter. At the same time, do not try to show your “hacker” abilities by reinstalling the operating system at home.

It is better to invite a specialist and pay him money. This is the beauty of the market economy - you get a lot of money for doing better than 90% of people, and you can spend this money on those who will do the work for you with high quality and professional ingenuity.

2. Entrust problem solving to professionals.

This way of solving problems is a logical continuation of the previous way. The beauty of professional work is that in most cases it is done better than it would be done by a “jack of all trades”. However, when choosing this method of solving problems, remember that a good professional costs money, and decent money. Question: where to get decent money? The easiest way is to become a professional yourself and get a good fee! Everything is simple.

Here is the motivation for action - a magical kick for self-improvement in the field of activity that you have chosen for yourself as a life path.

The work of a professional saves you time, and most importantly - your nerves. Good nerves will still come in handy, so try to delegate your problems as much as possible to the masters of their craft. Do not be stingy. Try to spend your time on things that are useful to you, and not on "this incomprehensible crap."

3. Remote problem solving (freelance).

So, step by step, we continue our list of ways to solve problems. Next in line is, perhaps, the most modern of all the presented ways of dealing with life's difficulties - this is the assignment of tasks to freelancers.

Who are freelancers? A freelancer is a person or a group of people who are behind the next wall or on the other side of the planet and solve your problems for a certain fee. At the same time, all your communication takes place using a computer via the Internet, or rather, through thematic freelance sites.

A freelancer is, in fact, the same professional (or at least a person who understands your problem much better than you) who works on your assignment and receives a reward for this.

Moreover, due to the fact that now everything is becoming super computerized, there are more than enough problems with computer technology now. At the same time, technologies are developing so rapidly that no one is able to keep up with them. Especially to work with each computer program as a real expert.

Example: you wanted to draw a postcard in Adobe Photoshop, but you don’t know how to do it at all. What to do? Ask one of your friends? However, it is unlikely that you will quickly find a person who: a) will have the necessary skills and b) will find time for you to do “some postcard”.

Therefore, always remember that if you are facing problems, such as working with graphics, with office applications or other computer red tape, then know that people from all over the world are always ready to help you. Not free, of course, but their services are really worth paying for. Again - save your precious time.

The conclusion from the above is as follows: if you are facing a computer problem, feel free to contact freelancers - they will help you without any questions. Ah, the market economy...

4. Ask for help from relatives, friends.

This way of solving problems is one of the most traditional. Well - friends and relatives are needed not only to celebrate birthdays and weddings. The method is quite reliable, because you will not be helped by a person from the street.

However, it will often be problematic to use this method. no one likes to be bored too often. Therefore, you should contact as many people as possible so as not to become an annoying person for one person.

You also need to understand that relatives and friends solve your problems, mostly for free. Consequently, they spend their free (and possibly non-free) time on your difficulties. In connection with this, always remember that you are stealing someone else's energy without replacing it with anything.

In general, be smarter about asking for help from your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Contact them only as a last resort. Do not spoil your relationship with them - they will still be very useful to you in the future.

5. Engage in networking.

In our last article What is networking, we told you about the basic principles and essence of networking. If you have a problem that only an acquaintance of an acquaintance of a relative can provide a solution to, then it is time to use your network of acquaintances to the fullest. In the article about networking, we mentioned that it is long-distance connections that work best in networking, i.e. just what you need to solve your problem.

It is clear that such a problem can be solved only when someone from your inner circle knows the right person. The conclusion from this is simple: communicate with a variety of people, and you will be happy. The larger your network of acquaintances, the more likely it is that your problem will be solved in the shortest possible time. Just do not forget that networking should not be abused - networking should be positive.

Conclusion: In this article, we have considered 5 Ways to Solve Your Problems. Try to use them all, because. Every situation needs its own way. It would also be nice if you could learn how to combine these methods to be more effective in dealing with your life's problems.

Now you know 5 Ways to Solve Problems.

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The life of some people is like a maze: they move through it at random and do not get anywhere. They don't know if they're getting closer to their goals. They run into dead ends, but choose the same path again. The latter, by the way, is generally characteristic of many people. When faced with problems, we often do the same thing over and over to solve it. And it’s good if, after another attempt, we don’t give up the idea itself, but look for another way.

In this article, we will introduce three problem solving methods. The first one is to identify your habitual behavior. He is the most important. “Problem solving” should be understood as everything that a person encounters throughout the day and that requires a solution.

There are three types of problems:

  1. Main problems.
  2. Common problems.
  3. Unique challenges.

You must learn to classify the problems you face into these three types. This will increase the efficiency of their solution.

Main problems: 80% focus

These problems occur periodically. They are by far the most common and important type of problem. You solve them by coming up with a rule that describes what you will do when a particular problem arises. First you need to learn how to extract daily lessons.

For example:

  • Observations
  • patterns
  • Behavior patterns

The reason this type of problem occurs is because we are not aware of it. Or even aware, but we do not have the motivation or strength to cope with them.

When you start learning daily, you overcome yourself, flesh out the habit, and figure out what effect it has on your life. For example:

  • You find yourself having difficulty waking up in the morning
  • Found that in the morning you can not force yourself to work
  • Or found out that you become irritable in a certain situation every day.

The main problems appear every day - and this is their main symptom. Once you've noticed certain patterns and identified common problems, you need to develop a rule to follow when the problem recurs. Write this rule down, keep it always in front of your eyes, implement it as soon as possible. This will turn it into .

Common problems: 15% focus

The usual problems happen from time to time, but often enough to be noticed. A good solution would be to use a worst-case consequence analysis. It works like this:

  1. What's the worst that can happen? (event)
  2. How likely is this to happen? (estimated probability)
  3. Can I take this risk? (perceived risk)

The event multiplied by the estimated probability equals the perceived risk. But this method has a drawback: it depends on the current mood. In a bad mood, you may overestimate the threat and refuse to make a decision. And vice versa.

However, this method is much better than doing nothing, as most people usually do. We have a lot of problems, but we do not solve them, because we are lazy, because we are afraid, because it is better to do nothing, it will be solved by itself.

Unique challenges: 5% focus

Unique problems are rare and difficult to predict. They look like black swans. The bad thing is that we think about them 95% of the time.

This has to be paid for on two levels:

  1. We worry about things that are unlikely to come. causes unnecessary .
  2. We waste time and mental space that could be more productively used for other purposes.

People under stress are contagious. When you communicate with such people, you yourself begin to experience irritability.

The best way to face unique challenges is to be prepared for them. For example, you are afraid that something will happen to your computer:

  • He will break
  • It will be stolen
  • You will lose access to important and necessary information

Despite the fact that the probability of this is extremely small, these unrest cannot be avoided. You can transfer your files to the cloud service and have access to them even if you lose your computer. The point is to get those thoughts out of your head.

We wish you good luck!

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