Kelly brook hot pics. Kelly Brook is recognized as the woman with the most perfect body. Photos Kelly brook figure proportions

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British fashion model and actress Kelly Brook, whose name really sounds like Kelly Ann Parsons, was born in Rochester on November 23, 1979. It is known that since childhood, Kelly dreamed of how she would proudly walk the catwalk.

After high school, Kelly Brook took up the study of theater arts, however, her parents did not have money to pay for her education, so she had to earn a living herself. At first, Brooke worked as a waitress, later she began to try her hand as a fashion model. Soon, Kelly Brook began to be invited to candid photo shoots for men's magazines, on TV shows, and a few months later, Kelly became the host of the morning entertainment program "Big Breakfast".

The love of the audience for the new TV presenter was ensured by her magnificent forms and outfits that emphasize the charms of the figure. By the way, Kelly Brook's parameters can cause envy among many models: Kelly Brook's weight in her best years was 49 kilograms with a height of 168 centimeters. And the ratio of the volume of the chest, waist and hips was almost a reference: 89-64-90.

Interestingly, by the standards of modern models, Kelly is considered a bit thick, but the girl herself loves her figure very much: “I like my body, and the so-called extra weight makes all my curves even more seductive. Once I gain a little weight, and my hips and chest become truly beautiful. In addition, the extra centimeters at the waist do not bother the fans of the model.

It makes sense that Kelly doesn't bother going to the gym and dieting too much in order not to get rid of the seductive curves that men are so attracted to.

It is curious that Kelly's curvy figure was not always a matter of pride: “At one time I was even going to reduce my breasts, because many men did not notice my personality behind it. I would have done so, but my mother forbade the operation, citing the fact that what is given by nature cannot be changed.

Inspired by her mother's advice, Kelly now has a negative attitude towards any surgical changes in her appearance: "I am sure that all beauty in a woman should be natural, because it is very important to remain natural, the way you are by nature." Well, probably Kelly can say that, since she is very lucky with her looks.

Despite the popularity among the audience and the charms of the figure, Kelly Brook left television after six months. Since Kelly Brook and Jason Stetham were dating at the time, the fashion model said she wanted to devote more time to her boyfriend. The actress met Stethem at the premiere of Snatch - she was captivated by the image of a brutal macho. The relationship between Kelly Brook and Jason Stetham was so serious that the couple even planned a wedding.

After leaving television, Kelly continued her career as a fashion model, in addition, a well-known manufacturer of luxury lingerie signed a major contract with Kelly. As a result, the whole of London was hung with billboards with an appetizing, half-naked fashion model. However, topless photo shoots with Kelly Brook were the most popular among men.

In 2000, Kelly Brook was offered her debut role in the film Looking for a Brother. Unexpectedly, despite the lack of experience, the actress received a lot of positive reviews, so she decided to continue working in the film industry.

A year later, Kelly was involved in the filming of the then very popular series Smallville Secrets, which reveals all the secrets of Superman's youth.

In 2001, another work was released with the participation of Kelly: "The Return of Jack the Ripper." Two years later, Kelly Brook was even more fortunate: she was called to the film The Italian Job. By the way, Kelly helped to enter the cast of Stethem.

In 2004, an event that is significant for our heroine takes place: Kelly Brook, on the set of the film Survival Island, met Billy Zane, for whom she left Jason Stethem. The couple even bought themselves a luxurious mansion, planned a wedding, however, this relationship also ended in a break.

Also in 2004, the racing simulator "Need for Speed: Underground 2" was released, in which one of the heroines was copied from Kelly. As the actress herself admits: "It's quite an honor to become the prototype for the heroine of the game, but it's a bit strange that now anyone can play a character that was created in my image."

2005 was no less important for Kelly - the actress starred in the thriller "Death Labyrinth", and the famous Denis Hopper became her shooting partner. Also this year brought our heroine another important role in the thriller with an erotic bias "Three".

In 2006, films with Kelly Brook were released, which did not bring her a new wave of popularity: "Miss Marple", "In the Mood". However, already in 2007, Kelly Brook took part in the filming of the second season of the series "Hotel Babylon", as a guest star.

After a series of low-budget and little-known films, Kelly Brook was lucky to play in the thriller "Piranha 3D". It is worth saying that the release of this film was a high-profile event for fans of this genre.

In 2011, Kelly, who was romantically involved with rugby player Tom Evans, notified all fans via Twitter that she was expecting a baby, but Brooke suffered a miscarriage. Shortly after this tragic incident, the couple broke up.

Kelly's further career is not very successful - she starred mainly in low-budget films that do not become public. However, in the personal life of the actress, better times came - in 2014 it became known that she was engaged to David McIntosh.

Despite the fact that Kelly Brook has not yet been able to achieve the status of a talented actress, she still remains one of the most sought-after and desired world-class photo models.

Video trailer of the film "Piranha 3D" with Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook is a famous British model and actress. She has achieved great success and recognition in her professions. In addition, he enjoys great interest as a blogger, maintains pages and accounts on social networks. For example, on Instagram, Kelly Brook currently has about 1.1 million subscribers. A huge interest in her person is caused by the beauty of a charming brown-haired woman. Many consider her figure to be perfect, and the sixth breast size is the best decoration.

Kelly Brook has incredibly beautiful figure parameters. The magnificent forms of the girl have long attracted a large number of fans and connoisseurs of real female beauty to her person. Kelly is not at all embarrassed to pose in swimsuits and hot photo shoots. She is proud of her appearance, which her many fans agree with.

Name: Kelly Brook (Kelly Ann Parsons)

Place of birth: Rochester, UK

Occupation: actress, fashion model

Kelly Brook figure parameters

Height: 168 cm.

With such parameters, Kelly Brook no longer fits into the classic fashion and is considered a plus-size model. However, many people love her precisely because she is not like everyone else, a beautiful woman with rounded and prominent body shapes.

Kelly brook perfect figure

Known in the world not only as a fashion model with stunning forms, but also as a talented actress.

What films did she star in:

Return of Jack the Ripper (2001)

Shot from the movie Smallville

Smallville (2002)

Absolon (2003)

The Italian Job (2003)

Sex in a Small Town (2004)

Need for Speed: Underground 2 (2004)

Death Maze (2005)

Call Man 2: European Gigolo (2005)

Survival Sex (2005)

Hotel Babylon (2007)

Frame from the movie Piranha 3D

Piranha 3D (2010)

Skins (2011)

One big happiness (2015)

Personal life

In the past, Kelly Brook met with actors Jason Statham, Billy Zane, rugby player Tom Evans, David McIntosh. As you know, Kelly Brook is currently having an affair with judo instructor Jeremy Parisi.

Kelly Brook and Jason Statham

Kelly Brook has been a really big success. Many magazines and ratings call her one of the most beautiful women in the world and female celebrities of the world.

Kelly Brook Hot Pics

Kelly Brook no swimsuit
Kelly Brook no bra
Kelly Brook in swimsuit photo
Kelly Brook hot photo in swimsuit
Kelly Brook hot photo
Kelly Brook Hot Pics
Kelly Brook on the beach
Kelly Brook very hot photo
Kelly Brook photo in swimsuit
kelly brook lingerie photo
Beautiful figure Kelly Brook
    Disputes over the ideal female body should now subside forever, as the luminaries of world science finally decided to dot the "i" in this delicate issue. Scientists conducted a large-scale study, the results of which surprised many, but you can’t argue against mathematics and numbers. In all respects, the appearance of this woman falls under the ideal ...

This woman's name is Kelly Brook (Kelly Brook), she is also known by the pseudonym Poppy. This 37-year-old British actress and fashion model is a very beautiful and completely natural woman. However, her appearance is not at all what fashion magazines are trying to impose on us, from the covers of which non-existent ideals of female beauty look at us, created with the help of makeup, Photoshop and professional photographic equipment. And even more so, the appearance of Kelly Brook does not even closely correlate with the "beauty" of thin, tall and flat catwalk models. And yet, despite the fact that the appearance of this woman is beyond the generally accepted "canons of beauty", Kelly Ann Parsons(this is her real name) is called woman with the most perfect body in the world... And these are not empty words, it's scientifically proven! Let's take a look at the perfect female body together and try to figure out why exactly plus-size (as they say today) was written down as ideals.

Disputes over the ideal female body have not stopped for decades, and with the advent of the Internet, their intensity has increased by orders of magnitude. In recent years, the perception of female beauty has been greatly influenced by glossy magazines and the beauty industry. Some men even stopped considering ordinary natural women as beautiful. To find out if everything is really so bad, scientists from the University of Texas, who decided to conduct a large-scale scientific study, undertook. A large number of women of different ages and with different figures and external data were considered. The opinions and preferences of a huge number of respondents were taken into account. As a result, the figure of Kelly Brook turned out to be ideal in all respects. Interestingly, in Britain, where Kelly comes from, ladies with rounded shapes, lush breasts, wide hips and a big booty are very popular. And this is not hidden - British men's magazines and popular tabloids are full of photographs of just such juicy ladies. But in the American press they present a completely different female appearance as an ideal. But it turns out that Americans like completely different ones, because it was there that they conducted research. Even the gloss and beauty industry failed to break what was laid down by nature.

Kelly Brook is 168 cm tall and weighs 65 kg. Her natural bust is 99 cm, her waist is 69 cm, her hips are 96 cm, and she wears size 40 shoes. She wears 65H bras! Just imagine!

It turns out that the figure, the majority of whose owners are desperately trying to lose weight or lose at least a couple of kilos, is actually the closest to the ideal. That is, naturalness, naturalness, rounded feminine forms are still popular in the world, but they were forcibly ousted from the "ether". Otherwise, the beauty, diet, and fitness industries would have nothing to earn, because ideals do not need to be corrected and adjusted.

It is worth noting that during the research, not only the three most popular parameters were taken into account (I think everyone understood what it was about), but also such “little things” as the shape of the nose, leg length, the attractiveness of the fingers, and even the condition of the hair. So to call these studies superficial does not turn the tongue. Scientists have approached the matter very professionally.

As already mentioned, the beauty of Kelly Brook is completely natural and natural, everything is given to her by nature. No plastic surgery, not a gram of silicone or Botox, even her hair and nails are natural. She does not try to improve something in herself, since she rightly believes that everything inherited from nature cannot be changed in any case. Moreover, it is ideal!

Kelly Brook does not exhaust herself with diets and does not spend days on end in gyms. She lives her life for her own pleasure, without adjusting to someone else's opinion, she is loved and desired for who she is. "Women in the fifties of the last century looked much sexier than many models today. And I dream of being like them!" Kelly says. And here it is hardly possible to argue with her. Yes, it was naturalness that was valued then.

The love of men's magazines for Kelly is incredibly great. If in 1998 the authoritative FHM magazine put her only on the 29th place in the list of the sexiest women in the world, then in 1999 she was already the third. And even the fact that in the same list in 2000 Kelly took the fifth line, and in 2001 the fourth, is unlikely to upset her much - after all, the very famous and popular Maxim magazine also put her in first place among the sexiest women of the 20th century. . Yes, then she was younger and looked a little thinner, but still her forms were juicy and rounded. Well, American scientists conducted their study recently.

Kelly Brook (born Kelly Ann Parsons, Kelly Brook) is a fashion model, artist and TV presenter who is often called the modern sex symbol of the United Kingdom.

Her most famous roles were as stripper Danny in the remake of the horror comedy Piranha 3D and Prudence, the main character's girlfriend, in the 2015 NBC sitcom One Big Happiness.

Since 1998, popular men's publications (FHM, Maxim, Loaded) have repeatedly given Kelly leading places in the world rankings of the most seductive women.

Childhood Kelly Brook

The future favorite of the male audience was born on November 23, 1979 in a town located 50 kilometers from the capital, Rochester. The girl's mother was a cook, her father was a rigger. Ann has a younger brother, Damian, and an older half-sister, Sasha.

At the age of 16, at the initiative of her mother, she participated in a beauty contest and won. Then the girl collaborated with a number of companies, advertising their products, namely, Walker chips, Piz Buin sunglasses.

Model Kelly Brook

After graduating from Aveling High School in her hometown, the girl entered the London Theater Academy. To pay for her education, she continued to work as a model.

The proportions of her figure fell under the ideas of most people about a perfectly built woman. Photos of the beauty began to print popular men's magazines Loaded, GQ and FHM. Brooke often advertised for underwear firms.

She also went topless for the Daily Star tabloid, working as the so-called page three girl, which usually featured spectacular topless shots of models.

In 2007, she signed a lucrative, media reported £1 million contract with Anglo-Dutch firm Unilever. As a result, Kelly could be seen on billboards, tabloids and the internet. The brunette began to appear in commercials on television.

In 2010, the model became the face of the Ultimo brand of lingerie, appeared on the Clapham Picture House screen, striking moviegoers with her attractiveness in a Carlsberg beer promotion, and on the Sky 3D channel broadcasting using 3D television technology.

Brooke collaborated with British manufacturer Simple Be to create a plus-size clothing collection that she presented herself. Since 2015, Kelly has become the "face" of the world leader in the youth footwear industry, the American brand Skechers.

As the media wrote, her confidence in her own irresistibility can only be envied. On the red carpet, she always proudly allowed to admire her forms, preferring bold and revealing outfits.

Every year since 1998, Brooke has been on the list of the 100 sexiest girls on the planet, which was compiled from a survey of more than 15 million readers. In 2001, she topped this rating according to Maxim, in 2005 FHM gave her leadership in sexuality. In 2010, a special issue of this publication was dedicated to her, and a year later, the girl's picture graced the cover of the April issue.

Kelly Brook on TV

Kelly has appeared on television in youth programs since 1997. The breakthrough for the girl was the offer to replace Denise Van Outen in the program "The Big Breakfast" and to lead it along with Johnny Vaughan. She managed to perfectly fit into the rhythm of the program and increase its popularity.

In 2005, she was the host of the ITV reality program Celebrities. Love. Island". Two years later, she participated in one of the most successful dance shows on BBC1, paired with Brendan Cowell. However, she left it before completion due to the death of her father.

In 2008, Kelly became one of three judges on the reality show Dirty Dancing (taking the place of Jennifer Ellison), and later also participated in the entertainment programs Britain's Got Talent, Celebrity Juice on ITV2 and others.

Acting career Kelly Brook

In 1997, Brooke appeared in a commercial for the film Help the Elderly. Later, she made her debut in the movie "In Search of a Brother." Soon after that, the aspiring actress could be seen in the Ripper film, the Canadian film The Italian Job and the Smallville series.

The actress received her first major role in 2004 in the English comedy Sex and a Small Town. A year later, she appeared in the film Sex for Survival. In 2010, the film actress embodied the leading character in the project Piranha 3D, which received positive reviews from film critics - its box office receipts amounted to more than 83 million dollars with a budget of 24 million.

Kelly Brook at the theater

In 2000, the model played a dancer in Eye Contact at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London.

In 2008, Brooke starred in Neil LaBute's play Fat Pig at one of the so-called West End entertainment venues of the Broadway type Comedy Theatre.

A year later, she took part in the Nol Coward Theater performance "Calendar Girls", created on the basis of a true story, for the 10th anniversary of the event. Then several British housewives decided on a fantastic act of courage - they posed naked to raise funds for the construction of an oncology clinic. As a result, their calendar raised 2 million pounds, the hospital was built, and the women themselves became national heroes.

Personal life of Kelly Brook

The buxom beauty is not married. She had a seven-year affair with superstar Jason Statham, then Brooke dated producer Billy Zane. They were going to get married, but because of the death of their father, the girls postponed the wedding, then she was upset. In 2008, their relationship ended.

Since 2010, Brooke has been romantically involved with Scottish rugby player Tom Evans. They were supposed to have a daughter, but in 2011 the fashion model lost her baby. In February 2013, she announced on Twitter that she had parted ways with her boyfriend.

In February 2014, the sexy model began a new romance with David McIntosh, a month later they announced their engagement, and in September of the same year, they broke up.

In May 2015, in Los Angeles, where Kelly lives, she met French judo instructor Jeremy Parisi. Young people started dating. In an interview, Brooke noted that they are not yet ready for marriage. However, their relationship develops in this direction, and she really wants a child.

Kelly Brook Today

In 2012, Kelly starred in the comedy Keith Lemon: The Film, partnering with British comedian Lee Francis, who goes by the stage name Keith Lemon. Presenting the picture in Cannes, they staged a scandalous photo shoot by the pool at the five-star Martinez Hotel. At first, the actors traditionally posed for cameras.

Then Keith took off his trousers and went for a swim in his shorts. To support the initiative of a colleague, Kelly took off his shoes, with which he began to scoop and drink water from the pool. The performance, intended to be an extraordinary promotional campaign for the film, ended with Lemon showing the photojournalists his bare ass.

In 2012, the artist played an episode in a cabaret show based on a sparkling story about the famous Crazy Horse cabaret in Paris, famous for its grotesque, humor and naked dancers.

In 2013, the charming actress starred in the video of the Lawson group for the musical composition Juliet. Then she played Prudence in the sitcom One Big Happiness, which was canceled after six episodes.

According to an Intel Security study, Kelly was Britain's most dangerous celebrity to internet users in terms of protecting their personal information.

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

In the space of the domestic Internet, a famous actor who played a role in The Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources, this actor is indicated as 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photos with this actor, what will stand next to other famous people and on the basis of these photos it will be clear what his height is in reality.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172cm. Obviously, this photo should already make you think about whether our celebrity is really 178cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner, whose height is allegedly 178cm, and next to him is Mark Wahlberg, with a height of 173cm. There are countless similar photos where our celebrity's height will be in the region of 172-173cm. Obviously, in RuNet they are mistaken about Jeremy Renner's height.
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How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin on the Internet is credited with a height of 178cm. But is it really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of disparate data, we will use a comparison of the growth of celebrities from photographs. We simply take a photo where our model stands next to other well-known models and compare her height according to these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo, we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only here we see that our model is lower than they are credited with.

In this photo, we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178cm tall, but closer to 175cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is the role of Martin Brest in Thomas Yan's crime comedy Knocking on Heaven's Door, also known for his roles in the films Where's Fred?, Inglourious Basterds, This Means War.

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama "Good Will Hunting", "Saving Private Ryan", "Dogma", the crime drama "The Talented Mr. Ripley"; three parts about the adventures of Ocean's friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, and Jason Bourne; as well as the films "The Departed", "Interstellar" and "The Martian" and "Ford v Ferrari"

Height Matt Damon 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Fox began her film career in 2004 with Teenage Drama Queen. Her first known film was the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. Since Transformers, she has won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous body tattoos, which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe because: "She was one of the first people I saw on TV. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the Twilight saga in Runet is credited with a height of 165 cm. Although the celebrity herself in her conflicting interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is equal to 167 cm and that she feels at all 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses that saw the actress live next to him, noted that her height was hardly higher than 160cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photos where a celebrity will be near people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who claims that her height is already 167cm Dakota Fanning with a real height of 163cm. As we can see, our celebrity, with a declared height of 167cm, is below 163cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality and in reality her height is about 161cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.

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