Day of the death of the Virgin. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin: the history of the holiday. Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin: meaning

drains 11.08.2020

On August 28, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition Holy Mother of God. This holiday is one of the twelve, that is, 12 important ones. We tell you what the essence of the Assumption is, what you can’t do on this day and what traditions are associated with the Assumption of the Virgin 2018.

What is the essence of the church holiday of the Assumption?

The word dormancy means death. On August 28, Orthodox Christians remember the death of the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

According to legend, the death of the Virgin was righteous. She said goodbye to the apostles and rested. And after the burial, the body of the Virgin Mary disappeared from the coffin. Christians believe that the Mother of God ascended to heaven, where she prays for all people, writes the magazine "Thomas".

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: traditions of celebration

The holiday is preceded by the Dormition Fast. It lasts two weeks, from 14 to 27 August. The Dormition Fast is dedicated to the Theotokos.

If the Assumption falls on a fast day - Wednesday or Friday - then it is advisable to give up meat, dairy food and eggs, but you can eat fish. If August 28 falls on other days of the week, then there are no food restrictions.

In 2018, the Dormition is not a fast day.

In folk creation church traditions Assumptions mixed with the customs of farmers. At this time, the peasants worked on the harvest. The Eastern Slavs dated the feast of the harvest - "Obzhinki" to the Dormition. This day was also called "Lady" or "Lady Day": the name reflects the popular veneration of the Virgin, writes the magazine "Thomas".

And on August 29, Nut Savior is celebrated, which is also called Khlebny Savior in another way. At this time, they collected nuts and made preparations for the winter.

What can not be done on the Assumption of the Virgin?

The Church advises on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin not to get carried away by various beliefs and signs. For example, that if you rub your leg on August 28, you will attract trouble: this is superstition.

There is a widespread but incorrect opinion that on Orthodox holidays it is forbidden to work in the garden, sew, and clean up. This is not true. It is recommended to dedicate the holiday to God and communication with loved ones, but if this is not possible, no one will judge.

The church advises on Orthodox holidays (as well as on other days) to refrain from conspiracies, occult and magical rites. This is unequivocally negative in the church.

On the Orthodox holiday of the Assumption, there is no need to swear, envy, swear with others.

Is it possible to get married in Assumption-2018?

There is no direct ban on the wedding on August 28. However, in many churches they try not to hold weddings on the days of the twelfth holidays, so that the emotions from a personal celebration do not overshadow the joy of a church holiday.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the last Great Twelfth Feast of the Orthodox church year, ending on September 13 according to the new style. The Assumption of the Theotokos is celebrated on August 28 (new style), has 1 day of pre-feast and 8 days of after-feast, the surrender takes place on August 23 (September 5).

Its full name is the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The date of the Assumption of the Mother of God is not known for certain, but researchers suggest that by the time of the Assumption she was 72 years old.¹

The Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. The Holy Apostles, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, went to different countries to preach the Gospel. But in Jerusalem, together with some of the disciples of the Lord, the Most Holy Virgin, His Mother, remained, to whom the eyes of the Apostles and many thousands of Christians turned with reverence, turned by them to the light of truth.

Ural icon "Life and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Her dwelling was in Zion, in the house of St. John the Theologian, whom her Divine Son himself adopted. An ancient legend tells that the Mother of God traveled from Jerusalem and to other cities and countries, lived for some time in Ephesus, blessed Mount Athos, visited Cyprus, where St. Lazarus (risen from the dead) was a bishop. Christians saw in her, as it were, the image of Jesus Christ, a mentor and an example of faith and all the virtues.

Until the end of her earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos was a Virgin not only in the flesh, but also in spirit: humble in heart, God-wise in words spoken without haste, tireless in reading, cheerful in labors, chaste in conversations, offending no one, laughing at no one. , who did not disdain the poor and the wretched, but wished well to everyone, she had the appearance of internal and external perfection Ambrose of Milan

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Annunciation

Finally, the time came when the animate kivot of the holiness of the Lord was to be transferred to the place where the Lord Himself had ascended. Archangel Gabriel, handing her the sign of victory over bodily death - a branch of the date tree of paradise, announced that her Divine son was calling her to him, in the abode of the Heavenly Father. The Blessed Virgin accepted this long-desired message with the liveliest joy. But, leaving this earthly world, she wished once again to see the holy Apostles in it and prayed to the Lord about it.

Arrival of the apostles

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Dormition. Seeing Mary of St. John

By invisible power, the Apostles were transferred from different countries to Jerusalem to the habitation of the Ever-Virgin. Saint Paul also appeared, together with his disciples: Hierotheus - marvelous, Timothy - Bishop of Ephesus and Dionysius the Areopagite. “Apostles, united from the end, bury my body in Gethsemane, and you, my Son and God, receive my soul”- said the Blessed Virgin.

The apostles shed tears. But the Most Pure Lady consoled the weeping, telling them that she would not leave them orphans after her death, and not only them, but the whole world would be “visit, nazirat and help the needy”.

Assumption Day. Soul Ascension. Burial.

Fra Angelico. Assumption of the Virgin

The fifteenth of August arrived. The upper room of Zion was illuminated by many lamps, filled with fragrances, resounding with fervent prayers of the Apostles: the Most Pure Virgin Mary was waiting for the moment of separation of her soul from her body. Suddenly, heavenly light shone throughout the temple, Jesus Christ himself appeared, surrounded by angels, took the most holy soul of the Mother of God and ascended to heaven.


The apostles now saw before them only the lifeless body of the Mother of God, shining with a wonderful light, fragrant with aromas. It was transferred by the hands of the Apostles to Gethsemane and buried in the cave in which the righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, and her betrothed Joseph were buried.


Carracci, Annibale. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the third day after the burial of the Ever-Virgin, Saint Thomas also arrived in Jerusalem, who, according to God's arrangement, was not at her repose. To console the mourner, the Apostles opened the cave where the body of the Mother of God was buried, and found nothing there but her robe. But on the same day, she herself appeared to them in a heavenly radiance, surrounded by a host of angels.

At the end of their evening meal, the Apostles, lifting up the bread that they laid aside in honor of Jesus Christ, wanted to say as usual: "Lord Jesus Christ, help us." But, seeing the Mother of God, they exclaimed: "Holy Mother of God, help us".

Here is the beginning, which is still performed in some monasteries, the rite of Panagia (of the Most Holy). The death of the Most Pure Virgin was a dream, after which She resurrected and ascended to heaven. “The angels saw the Dormition of the Most Pure, wondering how the Virgin ascends from earth to heaven”.


From the time of the Dormition and Ascension of the Mother of God, her worldwide glory begins, hidden until that time under the cover of the deepest humility. Wherever the preaching of the Gospel reached, where the name of Jesus Christ was glorified, the name of the Ever-Virgin Mary was also glorified there.

The Holy Ecumenical Council (which was in Ephesus in 431) forever approved the name of the Mother of God, or Mother of God, belonging to her. The Orthodox Church every day in all its services implores, thanks and glorifies the Most Honorable Cherubim and the Most Glorious Seraphim.

“Bless Thee all give birth, Virgin Mother of God ... Blessed are we and we, the intercession of Thee is rich. Day and night pray for us, and the scepters of the kingdom are affirmed by your prayers.”

The Blessed Mary brought about a complete change in the fate of the female sex, restoring to it the significance and dignity lost by the fall of Eve. At the same time, the Mother of Christ, our God, is the perfect example of a Christian woman.

By her example, she teaches the damsels virtue, obedience, diligence, virgins and wives - meekness, chastity and piety, mothers - truly maternal love and devotion, the orphans and the poor - patience and selflessness, the great and glorious - humility.

ancient evidence

Although the bodily ascension to heaven of the Mother of God was not included in the Creed, the whole Church agrees that she was resurrected by the Lord after her death and admired to heaven, where he dwells in body and soul. The circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother have been known since ancient times.

In the 4th century, two writings, already ancient at that time, appeared about the bodily migration of the Virgin Mary to heaven, one under the name of John the Theologian, and the other under the name of Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, who lived at the end of the 2nd century. In the 5th century, Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, testified before the Empress Pulcheria about the authenticity of these events, drawn from ancient and immutable sources and traditions.²

What is dormancy

The death of the Mother of God is called the Assumption, because with her holy body she seemed to fall asleep for a short time, and then, awakening from her earthly sleep, she ascended to heaven.

History of the celebration

The Orthodox Church has been celebrating this holiday since ancient times of Christianity. It is mentioned in Canon 431 of the Nomocanon, borrowed from the Council of Gangria, which was in 361, in the writings of Blessed Jerome and Augustine, writers of the Church of the 4th century. In former times, among some peoples, such as the Gauls, Copts and Greeks, this holiday was celebrated, instead of August 15 - January 15.

But in 582, at the request of the Greek Emperor Mauritius, it was moved to the 15th of August, in respect of the fact that in the ancient calendars it is marked on this day. According to other researchers, Mauritius dated it to the day of his victory over the Persians on August 15, 582.

Assumption post

The Orthodox Church, reverent for the day of the Assumption of the Mother of God, prepares itself and the faithful for a worthy remembrance and celebration of this event with a fourteen-day fast, which lasts from August 13 (1) to August 27 (14) and is inferior in holiness (strictness) only to Great Lent, surpassing Christmas Lent. .

During the Dormition Fast, it is forbidden to eat eggs, meat, dairy products, fish and vegetable oil(an exception for fish is only on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19). You can eat nuts, honey, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

On August 28 (15), fasting ends if the holiday falls on any day of the week except Wednesday or Friday. If the Dormition falls on Wednesday or Friday, then the breaking of the fast is postponed to the next day, and on this day fish is allowed.³

Folk traditions, backs

They called the holiday in different localities in their own way: Big Most Pure, First Most Pure, Dormition Day, Assumption, dozhinki, obzhinki, suppozhinki, ospozhinki, sponzhinki, Mistress, Mrs. day (possibly from the "Mistress", i. The Third Savior is celebrated the next day, August 16/29 (new) - on the day of the transfer of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

In the old days, with the advent of the fire, they celebrated the end of the harvest.⁵ In the minds of the people, as always, one overlapped christian holidays. Agricultural holidays were associated with the calendar work of the villagers. Their rituals expressed gratitude to mother earth for the harvest and were aimed at obtaining the next one.

"Live, live,
The ladies met
Loaf started,
We visited the oatmeal
The guests were treated
They prayed to God!

M. Stakhovich. Dozhinki. 1821. Photo - wikipedia

  • They arranged a clubbing (brotherhood), baked pies from the flour of the new crop, brewed beer.
  • Weaved wreaths of ears, led round dances.
  • In the field, after harvesting, they knitted the last, birthday sheaf, dressed it up, carried it with songs and dances to the master's courtyard, where the landowner treated his peasants and celebrated the end of the harvest with them.
  • The last sheaf was especially revered, and a special role was assigned to it in the ritual. The sheaf was called: dozhinochny or obzhinok, gossip, strawman, Solokha, Ovsey, ergot (from “knotweed” - double grain, king-ear - the embodiment of fertility), beard, beard of God or Elijah, Ivanushka, Christ's shirt, master. It was installed on holiday table, and after the feast they kept until the new harvest in the Red Corner under the images.
  • The “young Indian summer” begins with the Assumption, which will last until Ivan the Lent, August 29. / 11 Sept. (popular name for the day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist)⁴
  • The girls looked at the guys, choosing suitors: “You won’t look after the Assumption - you’ll sit in the girls for the winter.”

Proverbs, signs

Holy Mother of God, help us!


² Journal "Mirskoy Herald", 1865
³ Wikipedia
⁴ A.A. Corinthian. People's Russia
Sakharov I.P. Tales of the Russian people
Lessons from Archpriest I. Yakhontov, 1864, St. Petersburg.
Dal V.I. Mesyatseslov - Proverbs of the Russian people

Looking at the church calendar on August 28, you can see this date highlighted in color. After looking at the description, it is easy to find out that the day of the Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated, but what does the word "assumption" mean? What is the death and resurrection of the soul? Perhaps, many do not know the answer to this, as well as the history of the holiday itself. Let's try to figure this out together.

Church Traditions

From the words of Holy Scripture, one can learn that, after the ascension of her son Jesus Christ into heaven, the Mother of God remained in the care of the saint

Many church traditions explain the Assumption in different ways, what is the resurrection of the soul, the emergence of the celebration of death. The customs and rules for celebrating the Assumption are little covered in the scriptures, as are all the main points of the end of the earthly path of the Mother of God.

Also, from the entire sacred history of the New Testament, everyone knows how highly the Mother of the Lord was honored among the apostles when she was with them in Jerusalem.

Unfortunately, very few manuscripts of that time have come down to us. Basically, these creations were collected in the Holy Gospel and the New Testament.

Thanks to new archaeological devices, after numerous excavations in Jerusalem, the works of St.

These documents mention the life of the Mother of God, show her Assumption itself, what kind of event it is for the people and the whole history of that period.

This apocrypha (a secret written history that was not included in the canon of the Bible) says that after the mass persecution of King Herod Agrippa against the Church, the Mother of God, together with John the Theologian, moved for a while to the city of Ephesus.

When the persecution was ended, the Mother of God, together with John, returned to Jerusalem, where she settled in his house on

The history of the holiday

As the legend says, when the Mother of God once went to the Mount of Olives to pray, she met the archangel Gabriel there, in whose hands was a branch of a paradise palm tree. He preached to the Virgin Mary that after three days she would repose in Heaven, the Lord would lift her, her own mother, into the Kingdom of Heaven, in which she would be with him forever.

Upon returning to the house, the Mother of God told Saint John about her meeting with the Archangel Gabriel and her future death.

In her will, she asked to be buried in Gethsemane, next to her parents and her betrothed, the righteous Joseph.

In addition, the will was instructed to give two of her vestments to beggar girls who served her with great affection and hard work.

Presentation of the Virgin Mary to the Lord

The presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos itself was supposed to come on the 15th day of August at the third hour of the day. At this time, candles were lit in the temple, and Mary was lying on a beautifully decorated bed. In an instant, a sea of ​​light flooded into the Temple, in which Jesus Christ himself appeared with angels, archangels and all heavenly powers, and he approached the Virgin Mary.

Seeing the Son, the Blessed Virgin joyfully said to him, and the Lord with trembling and pride took her to himself, and she, having heard his approval, gave her most pure soul to His only Son.

According to church beliefs, after the death of the Mother of God, the apostles put her body in the tomb and blocked the entrance to it with a large stone. Three days after his death, the Apostle Thomas joined them, who tearfully asked and begged for a chance to say goodbye to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At his request, the apostles rolled away the stone and entered the cave with it, but what was their surprise when they found only the robe of the Virgin, and she herself was not there, and a pleasant fresh smell of herbs came from the cave itself.

Celebration in temples

From ancient times, it was customary to celebrate this holiday with a morning service, at which believers brought cereal seeds for illumination and blessing. This happened after the night service at sunrise.

Among the people, the Most Holy Theotokos is called the Lady, and from this the feast of the Assumption bears another name, Lady of the Day, Mrs. Among the people, it is customary to call the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God the Second Most Pure, and the Assumption of the Blessed One - the First Most Pure.

This holiday was celebrated with a great feast, with home-brewed beer, sweet dishes and pies.

So, one of the great and last of the twelfth feasts church calendar in August is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The spiritual meaning of the celebration

Such a phenomenon as death has always caused fear, hesitation, surprise and awe in the soul of every person.

On the way to eternal life, everyone needs to go through the path of learning, experience and joy in ordinary worldly life. It is the righteousness of today's life, our actions and deeds that affect the future eternal life in peace and happiness. This concept of death is the foundation of the Christian faith.

If we recall the Holy Scriptures, then death is not something noble, but, on the contrary, the process of the fall, the disobedience of the soul to the human will of God.

According to the teaching of the Church, the concept of death is the Dormition. What is death and why is it needed? It is safe to say that our Creator did not want human death at all, but people themselves predicted it by constant sins and disobedience.

But even in such a situation, the gates to Paradise will open before us, where those who to this day do not violate the laws of God will be next to the Creator, who constantly strive to do good and bring joy and help to others.

Celebration of the Death of the Virgin Mary

On the icons depicting the Dormition of the Mother of God, Christ always rises next to her bed, in whose hands is a small figure of a baby, symbolizing the soul of the dead Mother of God. This children's figurine is a prototype of the rebirth of the Soul after death, which its Son came to receive.

Historical information

In the writings, which speak of the liturgical practices of the ancient Greek Church, the first references to the Assumption of the Virgin appeared at the end of the 6th century.

The emperor Mauritius, who ruled in those days, made this day a church-wide one. In most churches, this day was celebrated on January 18, but according to some experts who study the writing of that period, it was Mauritius who moved its celebration to August, on Victory Day over the Persians.

It falls just at the end of the Assumption Lent, which lasted from August 1 to 15 according to the old style and from 14 to 28 according to the new style, and directly on 28 - the Assumption.

The preparatory period and the celebration itself

As mentioned earlier, the Feast of the Assumption begins with a very severe two-week fast. This is one of the four annual fasts, and it is considered one of the most ancient and strict. Even fish is allowed to eat once for the entire post and on a certain day.

Priests celebrate in blue robes. The Church Liturgy begins in the evening and lasts all night, and from the very morning the Liturgy of the Assumption itself is served. On the third day, a shroud is taken out, symbolizing the attire of the Virgin Mary, similar to the shroud of Christ. The only difference here is the image on it of the Mother of God, lying in a coffin.

According to the custom of the Church, at the morning liturgy, before the burial of the shroud, laudatory prayers are read, kontakion and troparion are sung, and then a solemn procession with the shroud around the temple follows.

As can be seen from all that has been said, the significance of the holiday is very great. From his story, we can conclude that the righteous path of life is always rewarded by our Creator. All the incredible miracles of the ascension give hope to every believer to gain eternal life after death.

In all the prescribed canons and stichera of the feast, the greatness and joy of the Dormition of the Theotokos is emphasized. Here there is no place for sorrow and grief about death, but there is a great happiness of victory over it.

The whole day of August 28 (Assumption) people spend in prayer and joy, eating cooked dishes at the family table after a long night liturgy

Historical content

After the Lord completed the salvation of the human race and His ascension to heaven, the most pure and blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mediator of our salvation, lived among the first Christians for quite a long time; She was filled with great spiritual joy, looking at the expansion of the church of Christ throughout the universe and at the spread to the ends of the earth of the glory of His Son and God; in these initial days of the life of the Christian Church, the Most Holy Theotokos saw with her own eyes the fulfillment of Her words that all generations would appease Her (), - Christians, who everywhere glorified Christ God, also appeased His Most Pure Mother, who then still lived on earth.

The Most Holy Theotokos approached Her most honorable and glorious Assumption already full of days; She herself wanted to leave her body as soon as possible and enter to God. Her soul was always embraced by one unceasing desire to see the sweet face of His Son, Sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven (); burning for Him with an incomparably greater love than the Seraphim. The Mother of God, pouring out streams of tears from her holy eyes, warmly prayed to the Lord that He would take Her from this vale of weeping to the blessed abode on high. Living in the house of St. John the Theologian in Zion, She often retired from here to the Mount of Olives, the place where Her Son and Lord ascended into heaven; here in solitude She offered Her fervent prayers to Him. And then one day, during such a solitary prayer of the Mother of God on the Mount of Olives that the Lord would soon send her death and take her to heaven, the archangel Gabriel appeared before Her, who served the Most Holy Theotokos from the first days of Her childhood: he fed Her in the holy of holies, brought her the good news of the birth of the Son of God from her (), relentlessly guarded her throughout her life on earth. With a bright face, the heavenly messenger conveyed to the Most Holy Theotokos the joyful words of the Lord for Her that soon, after three days, She would depart to Christ God. Announcing the hour of death to the Blessed Virgin, the archangel told Her not to be embarrassed, but to accept his words with joy, for they call Her into immortal life to the eternal King of glory:

Your Son and our God, - said the archangel, - with archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all heavenly spirits and souls of the righteous, will receive You, His Mother, into the kingdom of heaven, so that You live and reign with Him for an endless time.

As a sign of the triumph of the Theotokos over death, that is, that bodily death will not have power over Her, just as spiritual death did not possess Her, and - that She, as if sleeping with death for a short time, will soon, as if waking up, rise and, driving away from Herself death, like drowsiness from the eyes, will see immortal glory and life in the light of the face of the Lord, where it will depart with joyful cries with spiritual joy, - as a sign of all this, the archangel handed over to the Blessed Virgin a branch of paradise: it was, shining with the light of heavenly grace, a branch from a date palm ; she was to be carried, as the archangel said, before the bed of the Mother of God, when Her most honorable and pure body would be carried for burial. The Blessed Mother of God was filled with unspeakable joy and spiritual delight, for what could be more joyful and pleasant for Her to live in heaven with Her Son and God and - bliss when contemplating His sweet face? Falling on her knees, she began to earnestly thank her Creator:

I was not worthy, - the Most Holy Theotokos prayed, - to receive You, Master, into My womb, if You Yourself had not had mercy on Me, Your servant; I have kept the treasure entrusted to Me, and therefore I have the boldness to ask You, King of glory, that You guard Me from the region of Gehenna: if heaven and angels tremble before You, then even more so a man created from dust, who does not have any merits other than those bestowed by Your goodness ; You, Lord and God, blessed forever.

The Most Pure Lady, at Her departure from this life, desired to see the holy Apostles, who had already departed with the gospel preaching throughout the universe; She also prayed to the Lord that at the hour of her death she would not see the prince of darkness and his terrible servants, but that Her Son and God Himself, fulfilling His promise, would come and take Her soul into His holy hands. When our Lady, bending her knees, offered prayerful requests and thanksgivings to Her Creator on the Mount of Olives, Her prayer was accompanied by such a miraculous phenomenon: the olive trees that stood on the Mount of Olives bowed as if animated, together with the Mother of God: when the Mother of God bowed her knee, then the trees bent down; when She rose up, then they also straightened up again; the trees, like slaves, served the Theotokos, honoring the Mother of God.

At the end of the prayer, the Most Holy Theotokos returned home, and immediately everything shook from the presence of the invisible power of God that surrounded the Mother of God, and from the glory of the Lord, with which She was illuminated. Her face, and always shining with the grace of God more than the face of Moses, who once spoke with God at Sinai (), was enlightened with even more inexpressible glory. - The Blessed Lady began to prepare for Her death. First of all, She informed the beloved disciple of Christ, John, adopted by Her, and showed him a luminous branch of paradise, bequeathing to him precisely to carry it before Her bed; then the Blessed Virgin reported the same to the other members of the household who served Her. Then She ordered to fill Her chamber with fragrance, prepare and light as many lamps as possible in it, decorate both the chamber itself and the bed standing in it - in a word, arrange everything necessary for burial. Saint John the Theologian immediately sent to Saint James, the brother of the Lord and the first bishop of Jerusalem, as well as to all relatives and neighbors, announcing the imminent departure of the Mother of God, with the exact designation of the day. Saint James did not hesitate to inform all the Christians who lived not only in Jerusalem, but also in the surrounding cities and villages, so that with the Bishop of Jerusalem, all relatives and a great multitude of believers of both sexes gathered to the Most Holy Theotokos. The Most Pure Lady publicly told the audience the words spoken to Her by the archangel about Her resettlement to heaven and, in confirmation, she showed the branch of paradise received from Her evangelist, which, as Sunshine, shone with the light of heavenly glory. Hearing from the lips of the Theotokos Herself the news of Her imminent death, the believers surrounding Her could not refrain from tears: the whole house was filled with weeping and sobs; everyone begged the merciful Lady, as the Mother of all, not to leave them orphans. But the Mother of God asked not to cry, but to rejoice at Her death, because, having become closer to God's throne, looking face to face at Her Son and God and talking with Him mouth to mouth, She can, after death with great boldness, beg Him for mercy and goodness; At the same time, the Blessed Mother of God promised not to leave orphans after Her departure, and not only them, but the whole world: She will visit the whole world, listening to its needs and helping the needy. The consoling words of the Mother of God wiped away the tears of the weeping and comforted their sorrow. The Most Pure Lady then made a will regarding two of Her clothes, so that they would be given to two poor widows, who with zeal, receiving food from Her, served Her. The Mother of God bequeathed her most pure body to be buried in the Garden of Gethsemane lying on the Mount of Olives, not far from Jerusalem, where the tomb of Her righteous parents, Joachim and Anna, and Her Betrothed Saint Joseph was located; these tombs adjoined the valley of Jehoshaphat, which stretched between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, and was a common burial place for the poor inhabitants of Jerusalem.

During these dying orders of the Most Holy Theotokos, a noise was suddenly heard, in strength reminiscent of thunder, and the clouds surrounded the house of St. placing in Zion in front of the door of the house where the Mother of God dwelt. The Holy Apostles, seeing each other, rejoiced and at the same time were amazed, saying:

What is the reason the Lord has brought us together?

Saint John the Theologian came out to them and greeted them with joyful tears, informing them at the same time of the imminent repose of the Most Holy Theotokos. Then the holy Apostles realized that the Lord had gathered them from different ends of the universe to be present at the blessed death of His Most Pure Mother, so that they would honorably bury Her most pure body. The news of the imminent death of the Mother of God filled the hearts of the holy Apostles with great sorrow. Entering the inside of the house, they saw the Mother of God with a joyful face sitting on a bed; The holy Apostles greeted Her with the words:

Blessed are You from the Lord who created heaven and earth!

Peace be upon you, brethren, chosen by the Lord Himself! - answered the Most Pure Lady.

And then she asked:

How did you arrive here?

The Holy Apostles revealed to Her that each of them was caught up by the power of the Spirit of God from the place of his preaching and brought to Zion on a cloud. The Mother of God glorified God, who heard Her prayer and fulfilled Her heartfelt desire, to see the holy Apostles at His death.

The Lord,” She said, addressing them, “brought you here to comfort My soul, which, as mortal nature requires, will soon be separated from the body: the time predestined for Me by My Creator has already approached.

And in response to this, they said to Her with sadness:

During Your stay on earth, we, Lady, consoled ourselves, looking at You as our Lord and Teacher Himself, and now, being deprived of Your presence, how can we endure the heavy sorrow that has embraced our souls? But You are departing to the most peaceful abode at the will of Christ God, born by You, and we cannot but rejoice at the decision of God about You, although at the same time we cannot but mourn our orphanhood, for we will no longer see You, our Mother and Comforter.

At these words, the holy Apostles shed tears.

Do not cry, - the Most Holy Theotokos consoled them, and do not overshadow my joy, friends and disciples of Christ, with your sorrow - it is better to rejoice with Me, as I am going to My Son and God. Commit my body, which I myself have prepared for burial, to the earth in Gethsemane, and then return again to the preaching of the Gospel entrusted to you; But if the Lord wills, you will also see me after my departure.

During this conversation between the Mother of God and the holy Apostles, the vessel chosen by God, the holy Apostle Paul, also arrived: falling at the feet of the Most Holy Theotokos, he opened his mouth, praising and pleasing Her:

Rejoice, - said the holy Apostle, - Mother of Life and my preaching; If before the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ I could not enjoy seeing Him here on earth, then, looking now at You, I think that I see Him as it were.

With the Apostle Paul were his close disciples Dionysius the Areopagite, Hierotheus and Timothy; the rest, from among the seventy, the Apostles, were also present - all were gathered by the Holy Spirit in order to be blessed with the blessing of the Most Pure Virgin Mary and by their presence contribute to the greater solemnity of Her burial. The Most Pure Lady of each of the holy Apostles called to Herself by name, praising faith and deeds in the gospel of Christ Jesus; to everyone she wished eternal bliss and prayed for the peace of the whole world.

The fifteenth day of the month of August arrived, and the blessed hour, expected by all, approached - it was the third hour of the day - the departure of the Most Holy Theotokos. Many lamps were kindled in the upper room; the holy Apostles offered praise to God; but the most immaculate Virgin reclined on a decorated bed, preparing for a blessed end and awaiting the coming to herself of her beloved Son and Lord. Suddenly, the inexpressible light of Divine glory shone in the upper room, darkening the lamps. Those to whom this vision was revealed were horrified. They saw that the roof of the chamber was open and the glory of the Lord was descending from heaven, - the King of glory Christ Himself with the darkness of angels and archangels, with all the heavenly powers, with the holy forefathers and prophets, who once foreshadowed the Most Holy Virgin, and with all the righteous souls approached the Most Pure His Mother. Seeing the approach of the Son, the Mother of God in great joy exclaimed the words of Her song:

- "My soul magnifies the Lord, and My spirit rejoiced in God, My Savior, that He looked upon the humility of His Servant" ().

And rising from her bed, as if trying to go to meet her Son, she bowed to the Lord. He, approaching and lovingly looking at Her, said:

Come My Neighbor, come My Dove, come My precious treasure and enter the abodes of eternal life.

The Mother of God, bowing, answered:

Blessed be Thy name, O Lord of glory and My God, who deigned to choose Thy humble servant to serve Thy sacrament; remember me, King of glory, in your eternal kingdom; You know that I loved You with all My heart and kept the treasure entrusted to Me, and now receive My spirit in peace and protect Me from all the wiles of the dark, satanic power.

The Lord consoled Her with loving words, urging her not to be afraid of the satanic power, which has already been defeated by Her; He lovingly urged Her to fearlessly pass from earth to heaven.

- "My heart is ready, God, my heart is ready"(), - the Blessed Virgin answered this.

And then, having uttered the words spoken by Her once, - "let it be to me according to your word"(), again lay down on the bed. Feeling indescribable joy at the sight of the bright face of Her Son and the Lord, the Mother of God, filled with spiritual delight from love for Him, gave Her most pure soul into the hands of the Lord; At the same time, She did not feel any pain, but seemed to fall asleep in a sweet dream: He Whom She conceived without violating virginity and gave birth without illness received Her soul from a pure body. And immediately a wondrous angelic singing, filled with joy, began, in which were heard, often repeated by the angels, the words of Gabriel's greeting to the Blessed Virgin:

- "Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women" ().

With such solemn hymns, the heavenly ranks escorted the most holy soul of the Mother of God, in the hands of the Lord, coming to the heavenly cloisters. The Holy Apostles, who were rewarded with a vision, with touching eyes accompanied the Mother of God as once the Lord ascended from the Mount of Olives (); they stood for a long time, terrified and as if in oblivion. Having come to their senses, the disciples of Christ bowed to the Lord, who with glory lifted up the soul of His Mother to heaven, and with weeping surrounded the bed of the Mother of God. The face of the Blessed Virgin Mary shone like the sun, and from Her most pure body came a wondrous fragrance, the like of which cannot be found here on earth. All believers, reverently honoring the most pure body, kissed it with fear; a sanctifying power emanated from the honest relics of the Mother of God, filling the hearts of all who touched him with joy. Those who were sick received healing: the blind received their sight, the deaf were opened to hearing, the lame straightened up, demons were cast out - every disease completely disappeared from just touching the bed of the Mother of God.

Among these events that accompanied the death of the Mother of God, a solemn procession began with Her most honorable body for its burial: the holy Apostle Peter, together with the holy Apostles Paul and James, brother of God, standing at the head, raised together with other holy Apostles from among the twelve beds of the Most Holy Mother of God ; St. John the Theologian carried in front a branch of Paradise, emitting radiance. The rest of the believers with candles and censers walked nearby, surrounding the bed. Everyone sang the original prayers: the holy Apostle Peter began, and the others harmoniously sang after him the psalm of David: in the Exodus of Israel from Egypt(), adding an alleluia to each verse; under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, other solemn and thanksgiving prayers and psalms were also sung. The solemn procession with the most pure body of the Mother of God was heading from Zion through Jerusalem to Gethsemane. A cloudy circle appeared above the bed and those who were seeing them off, resembling a crown and illuminated by an unusually bright radiance. And in the clouds, loudly, filling the air, there was a wondrous angelic singing. This cloudy crown floated through the air over the bed of the Mother of God to the very place of burial; during all this time, the angelic singing did not stop. But the joyous procession - a weak human language cannot fully describe it - was suddenly interrupted. Many of the Jews who did not believe in Christ, hearing unusual singing and seeing the solemn procession, left their homes and joined him: they also went outside the city, marveling at the glory and honor that was given to the honorable body of the Mother of Jesus Christ. Upon learning of this, the bishops and scribes became very furious and sent servants and soldiers - having also persuaded many from the people - so that they would catch up with the procession and disperse its participants; at the same time, they ordered the disciples of Christ to be killed, and the body of the Mother of God to be burned. But when the crowd, obedient to the instigators, armed as if for battle, in a rage ran after those who accompanied the body of the Most Holy Theotokos and already began to overtake them, suddenly a cloudy circle, floating through the air, descended to the earth and, as if with a wall, surrounded both the holy Apostles and the rest of the Christians; the persecutors heard only singing, seeing no one behind the cloud. The holy angels, hovering invisibly over the body of the Mother of God and the Christians, struck the evil persecutors with blindness: some of them smashed their heads against the city walls; others felt them and, not knowing where to go, looked for guides. At this time, one Jewish priest, named Athos, happened to go on a journey: seeing the holy Apostles, the cloud, by God’s command, for the greater glory of the Mother of God rose again, and a multitude of Christians with candles and singing, surrounding the body of the Ever-Virgin Mary, Athos was filled with envy; the former malice towards our Lord flared up in him, and he said:

See what honor surrounds the body of the One Who gave birth to the flatterer who ruined the law of our fathers!

Being very strong, he ran with furious fury through the crowd of Christians to the bed in order to throw the body of our Most Pure Lady to the ground: when the impudent hands of the priest touched the bed, an invisible angel immediately cut them in the middle with the immaterial sword of God's vengeance, and they hung, not tearing themselves away from the bed , Athos himself fell to the ground, exclaiming:

Woe is me!

Realizing his sin, he began to repent and say to the holy Apostles:

Have mercy on me, servants of Christ!

The Holy Apostle Peter ordered those carrying the body of the Mother of God to stop and said to Athos:

Here you got what you wanted; know that God - the Lord of vengeance has revealed Himself (), and we cannot heal you from your wounds; this can only be done by our Lord Himself, against whom you unjustly rose up and seized and killed; but He will not want to give you healing until you believe in Him with all your heart and confess with your lips that Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of God.

Athos exclaimed:

I believe that He is the Savior of the world - Christ, foretold by the prophets; we saw from the very beginning that he is the Son of God, but, darkened by malicious envy, we did not want to openly acknowledge the greatness of God and put Him to innocent death; but He, by the power of His Divinity, rose on the third day, confounding all of us, His haters: we tried to conceal His Resurrection by bribing the guards, but could not do anything, since the fame of this spread everywhere.

When Athos said this, repenting of his sin, the holy Apostles and all the faithful rejoiced at the joy of the angels for the repentant sinner: the holy Apostle Peter commanded Athos with faith to attach the wounds of his truncated hands to those hanging on the bed, invoking the name of the Most Holy Theotokos. Athos did this, and immediately the severed hands joined their place; they became perfectly healthy; there was only a cut-off sign, like a red thread that surrounded the elbow. Athos fell before his bed, bowing to Christ, God, born of the Most Holy Theotokos, and pleasing His Most Pure Mother with many praises: he cited prophecies from Holy Scripture that testify both to Her and to Christ, and everyone was doubly surprised, seeing the miraculous healing of the truncated hands of Athos and hearing from him wise words with which he glorified the Lord Jesus and praised the Mother of God. Then Athos joined the holy Apostles, following with other Christians to Gethsemane for a bed. In the same way, those who were stricken with blindness, who, recognizing their sin, with repentance approached with guides to an honest bed and touched it with faith, received healing - they received insight not only of bodily, but also of spiritual eyes. The merciful Mother of all, our Most Holy Lady, as by her birth she brought joy to the whole universe, so in her sleep she did not want to sadden anyone: as the good Mother of the good King, She mercifully consoled her former enemies with her grace-filled gifts.

But then the holy Apostles with all the multitude of Christians reached the Garden of Gethsemane; when they put up a bed with an honorable body, then again a cry arose among the Christians: everyone, being deprived of such a treasure, wept about their orphanhood; giving the last kiss, the Christians fell to the body of the Most Holy Theotokos and kissed it, shedding tears, so that only in the evening they could put the revered body in the coffin; but even when a huge stone was already rolled to the tomb, the Christians did not leave it, held by love for the Mother of God. - The Holy Apostles stayed at the tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos, without leaving the Garden of Gethsemane, for three days, singing psalms day and night. And all this time, the wondrous singing of the heavenly armies was heard in the air, praising God and pleasing His most pure Mother.

By a special dispensation of God, one of the Apostles, Saint Thomas, was not present at the glorious burial of the body of the Most Pure Theotokos; he only appeared in Gethsemane on the third day. The Holy Apostle Thomas greatly grieved and lamented that, like the other holy Apostles, he did not receive the last greeting and blessing of the Most Pure Theotokos; he also wept greatly because he alone did not see the Divine glory, the wondrous mysteries and works of God revealed during the Dormition and solemn burial of the Mother of God. The Holy Apostles, taking pity on him, decided to open the tomb so that Saint Thomas could see at least the dead body of the most blessed Mother of God, bow down to it and kiss it, and through this receive some relief from their sorrow and consolation in grief. But when the holy Apostles, having rolled away the stone, opened the coffin, they were horrified: the body of the Mother of God was not in the coffin, - only burial sheets remained, spreading a wondrous fragrance; the holy Apostles stood in amazement, wondering what this meant! Kissing with tears and reverence the burial shroud left in the coffin, they prayed to the Lord that He would reveal to them where the body of the Most Holy Theotokos had disappeared? Toward evening they sat down to refresh themselves a little with food. During the meal, the holy Apostles had such a custom: they left one place among themselves unoccupied, placing on it in honor of Christ - as His part - a piece of bread. At the end of the meal, giving thanks, they took the aforementioned piece of bread, called the part of the Lord, and lifted it up, glorifying the great name of the Most Holy Trinity, then, after the words "Lord Jesus Christ, help us!" ate this piece as God's blessing. This is what the holy Apostles did not only when everyone was together, but also when everyone was away from each other. Now in Gethsemane, during the meal, they did not think about anything else and did not talk about why the most pure body of the Mother of God was not found in the tomb. And so, when, having finished the meal, the holy Apostles began to raise up a piece of bread set aside in honor of the Lord, glorifying the Most Holy Trinity, they suddenly heard angelic singing: raising their eyes, they saw the Most Pure Mother of God standing in the air, surrounded by many angels. She was illuminated by an inexpressible light and said to them:

Rejoice! - for I am with you all the days.

The Holy Apostles, filled with joy, instead of the usual "Lord Jesus Christ, help us," exclaimed:

Holy Mother of God, help us!

From that time on, both they themselves believed, and the Holy Church was taught to believe that the Most Pure Mother of God on the third day after the burial was resurrected by Her Son and taken with the body to heaven. Entering the tomb again, the holy Apostles took the left shroud to comfort the mourners and as unfalse evidence of the rise of the Mother of God from the tomb. It was not fitting for the tabernacle of life to be in the power of death and the creature that gave birth to the Creator to share the fate of corruption with the earthly creature. The legislator was the executor of the law given by Him - let sons honor their parents: He honored His immaculate Mother as Himself - as He Himself rose with glory on the third day and then ascended into heaven with pure flesh, so He raised His Mother with glory in the third day and took to Himself in the heavenly villages. Saint David foretold this, saying: "Stand, O Lord, in the place of Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Thy might"(); His prophetic words came true at the resurrection of the Lord and the resurrection of His Mother by Him. - The empty coffin of the Mother of God carved in stone, like that of Her Son, has been preserved to this day and serves as an object of reverent veneration for the faithful.

The Lord, by His special consideration, slowed down the arrival of Saint Thomas by the day of the repose of the Most Pure Theotokos, so that the tomb would be opened for him, and the church, thus, was convinced of the resurrection of the Mother of God, just as earlier, through the unbelief of the same Apostle, she was convinced of the resurrection of Christ () . - Thus, the Assumption of Our Most Pure and Blessed Mother of God took place and - the burial of Her immaculate body, Her glorious resurrection and solemn assurance of Her taking to heaven with the flesh.

At the end of all these marvelous miracles and mysteries of God, the holy Apostles, again carried by a cloud, each returned to the country from which he had been taken during his preaching of the Gospel.

Saint Ambrose, speaking of the life of our Lady on earth, describes the wondrous spiritual qualities of the Most Holy Theotokos in this way:

She is a Virgin not only in flesh, but also in spirit: humble in heart and slow in speech; Her words are full of Divine wisdom; She is almost constantly in the reading of Holy Scripture and tireless in her labors; chaste in conversations, speaking with people as before God; She never offended anyone, wishing everyone well; no one, even the poor, not disdaining, not laughing at anyone, but everything that she saw, she covered with Her love; from her mouth never came a word that did not bring grace; in all her deeds she showed the image of the highest virginity. Her appearance was a reflection of inner perfection - goodness and gentleness.

So says Saint Ambrose. The description of the holiness of the soul and appearance of the Mother of God is also found in Epiphanius and Nicephorus:

In any case, she retained her venerable dignity and constancy; she spoke very little, only about the necessary and good, - Her words were sweet to the ear; She treated everyone with due respect; she had an appropriate conversation with each person, not laughing, not indignant, and especially not angry. Her height was average; complexion, like the color of a grain of wheat; hair is light blond and somewhat golden; glance quick, penetrating; eyes the color of an olive fruit; eyebrows slightly inclined, dark; nose is medium; lips like the color of a rose and sweet-spoken; the face is not quite round; hands and fingers oblong; there was no pride in her, simplicity in everything, without the slightest pretense; She was a stranger to any indulgence, showing, at the same time, an example of the highest humility. Her clothes were simple, without any artificial adornments, as the veil of Her head that has survived to this day speaks about it - in a word, Her Divine grace, penetrating Her, manifested itself in everything.

This is how Nicephorus and Epiphanius narrate about the spiritual and bodily image of the Most Holy Theotokos during Her life on earth.

Now, about the Mother of God, settled in heavenly abodes and standing at the right hand of the throne of God, only heavenly spirits, and the souls of the righteous, standing before the Mother of God and enjoying the sight of both God and the Most Pure Virgin, can tell; they can only tell us about her, as required by her holiness. We, glorifying the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God alone in the Trinity, glorify according to God and His Most Pure Mother, and to Her, from all generations glorified and blessed forever, we worship diligently.

About individual events in the life of the Most Holy Theotokos from the day of Her birth, it is written on Her deliberate feasts: on conception, birth, entry into the temple, the annunciation, as well as on the Nativity of Christ and the Meeting. And here, after the story of Her immortal Assumption, in addition to the story of Her life, we will tell you where and how our Lady lived after the Ascension of Christ.

The Holy Evangelist Luke writes in the Acts of the Apostles that, after the Lord's departure into heaven, His disciples returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem; entering the upper room (where Christ's Last Supper was), "they were all with one accord in prayer and supplication, with some women and Mary, the Mother of Jesus"(). After the ascension of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God was for His disciples the only consolation, joy in sorrow and a firm teacher of faith. For all the words and miraculous events that the Mother of God composed in Her heart (), starting from the joyful annunciation of Gabriel about the seedless conception and the incorruptible birth of Christ from the virgin womb and ending with the years of the Lord’s infancy and the time of life before baptism from John, She revealed all this disciples of his Son; as having abundant revelations from the Holy Spirit and being herself a witness of all the miraculous actions that took place in the life of Christ until the day the Lord appeared to the world, the Mother of God strengthened the faith of the holy Apostles with a detailed account of the life of the Savior before His baptism. All believers, staying in the aforementioned upper room, prayed tirelessly, preparing to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit promised by the Lord from the Father. And during the descent, - on the 11th day after the ascension of the Lord, - the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in the form of fiery tongues (), the Comforter sent down from the Father () had previously rested on the Most Pure Virgin, and until now was a temple worthy of His, in which He remained relentlessly . The gifts of the Holy Spirit were poured out on the blessed Virgin in greater abundance than on the holy Apostles, just as a larger vessel can hold more water in itself, and the Most Pure Virgin, the vessel richest in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because She is higher than the Apostles, prophets and all saints, as the Church calls out to Her: "Truly, You, Pure Virgin, are above all"; Therefore, She also contained the gifts of the Holy Spirit more than anyone else.

The Mother of God lived in the house of St. John the Theologian, located on the highest place in Jerusalem, on Mount Zion: from the very time when the Lord said from the cross of His Mother, pointing to the beloved disciple: "Woman! behold, your son", and to the student: "behold thy mother"(), John took the Blessed Virgin to himself and really served Her as his mother. - After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the holy Apostles did not immediately disperse throughout the universe with the preaching of the Gospel, but still for a long time stayed in Jerusalem, as is evident from the Acts of the Apostles. It is narrated here that, after the murder of the holy Protomartyr Stephen (7:59-60), there came "a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem; and all, except the Apostles, were scattered in different places of Judea and Samaria" (); The disciples of Christ, protected by the power of God, stayed in Jerusalem for about ten years, counting from the time of the ascension of the Lord until the day when "King Herod lifted up his hands on some of those belonging to the church to do them harm"(). True, during the period of time described, the holy Apostles went away for a while to other countries, like Peter and John together to Samaria (), or Peter alone to Lydda, where he healed the paralyzed Aeneas, who had suffered for eight years (), and Joppa, where he resurrected the deceased Tabitha (), Caesarea, where he baptized Cornelius the centurion (ch. 10), and Antioch, where he founded the first throne of his bishopric; or, as James, the brother of John, went to Spain, but then they returned again to Jerusalem. At the beginning of their sermon, the holy Apostles wished to serve mainly the salvation of the people of Israel, at the same time affirming the first church in Jerusalem, which is the mother of all churches, as St. John of Damascus sings: for thou hast received the first remission of sins"; At the same time, they wished, as often as possible, to see the Mother of God and learn from Her. Honoring Her, as if the vicar of Christ, the holy Apostles looked at the most honorable and glorious face of the Mother of God, as the face of Christ Himself, and, listening to the blessed words of the Ever-Virgin, they were imbued with inexpressible spiritual joy, for the sweetness of Her words, forgetting the bitterness of troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, many of those who believed in Christ from distant lands came to Jerusalem to see the Mother of God and hear Her conversation filled with holy wisdom; that the glory of Christ and His Most Pure Mother, having spread to all ends of the universe, attracted many to Jerusalem to the Blessed Virgin, this is clearly seen from the message of Saint Ignatius the God-bearer to Saint John the Theologian of Antioch:

With us, he writes, there are many wives who want to see the Mother of Jesus; they are constantly seeking to find an opportunity to come to you and visit Her, to lay down at the breast that nourished the Lord Jesus, and to learn some secrets from Her. With us, She is glorified as the Mother of God and the Virgin, full of grace and virtue; It is reported about Her that She is joyful in troubles and persecutions, does not grieve in poverty and shortcomings, not only does not get angry at those who offend Her, but also does good to them; in joyful events, she is meek, merciful to the poor, helping them as much as she can; but to those who are at war with our faith, she opposes with firmness: she is the teacher of our new piety and all the faithful mentor for every good deed; especially loves the humble, and she herself is humble to all; all who see her praise her. And how humble She is when the Jewish lawyers and Pharisees laugh at Her! We were told by people worthy of complete trust that in Mary, the Mother of Jesus, human nature seems, because of Her holiness, united with angelic nature. All this arouses in us, who hear, an immeasurable desire to see the heavenly, - I will say this, - a wondrous and most holy miracle.

In another epistle, the same Saint Ignatius the God-bearer writes again to Saint John the Theologian:

If an opportunity opens up, I think to come to you in order to see the faithful gathered in Jerusalem, and especially the Mother of Jesus: they say about Her that She is honest, friendly and arouses surprise in everyone, and everyone wants to see Her; and who does not want to see the Virgin and converse with her who gave birth to the true God?

From these letters of St. Ignatius to John the Theologian, one can easily understand with what strong desire the saints strove to see the animated shrine of God, Mary the Most Pure Virgin, and those who were able to see considered themselves the happiest. Truly blessed are the eyes of those who have seen Her according to Christ the Savior, and blessed are the ears of those who have been honored to hear from Her most honorable lips Her words reviving to spiritual life! What joy and grace they received!

For this, the Lord left His Most Pure Mother on earth, so that by Her presence, guidance, teachings and warm prayers to the Son and God, the warring church would multiply and be strengthened, and grow to the boldness to lay down her life for the Lord. The Mother of God strengthened everyone, consoled everyone with joy in the Holy Spirit, and prayed for everyone. When the holy Apostles were imprisoned, the Mother of God prayed for them with a tender heart, and an angel was sent to them by the Lord, who at night opened the doors of the dungeon and brought them out (). When the holy Protomartyr Stephen was led to death, the Mother of God followed him from afar, and when they began to stone Saint Stephen () in the valley of Jehoshaphat, at the Kidron stream, She, along with John the Theologian, stood in the distance on one hill, from there she looked at his death and fervently prayed to God that the Lord would strengthen the sufferer and take the soul into His hands. When "Saul tormented the church"(), persecuting the believers, the Mother of God prayed to the Lord for him with such warm tears that she turned him from a predatory wolf into a meek lamb, from an enemy into an Apostle, from a persecutor into a disciple and teacher of the universe. And what blessings did the primordial church not receive from the Most Pure Theotokos, like a baby from its mother? What grace has not been drawn from this inexhaustible source? It was not without Her cares and grace-filled influence that the church was brought up and brought to a manly age - it became so strong that even the gates of hell cannot overcome it (); which the Mother of God herself rejoiced, according to the word of David, like a mother rejoicing about children (). She saw that the church children were constantly multiplying: so already at the beginning, through the preaching of the holy Apostle Peter, 3000 (), then 5000 (), and then more and more. The Holy Apostles, returning from preaching the Gospel to Jerusalem, also told the Most Holy Theotokos about the spread of the Church of Christ throughout the universe. The success of the Christian sermon filled her with spiritual joy and prompted her to send praise to her Son and God.

But Herod’s persecution befell the Church: he killed James, the brother of John, who had returned from Spain, with a sword, and then detained Peter and put him in prison with the intention of putting him to a similar death (), then, after the miraculous release of St. Peter from the bonds of prison through an angel, it came the need for the Apostles themselves to leave Jerusalem in order to avoid the fierce persecution of the Jews; they dispersed throughout the universe, casting lots, to whom and which of them the country falls for preaching. But before dispersing, the holy Apostles drew up a creed in order to preach everywhere in harmony and plant the holy faith in Christ. Each retired to his lot; in Jerusalem only one brother of God, Saint James, was left, appointed by the Lord himself to the bishops of Jerusalem. Avoiding persecution, St. John the Theologian also withdrew, together with the Mother of God, by whom he was adopted: they left Jerusalem, yielding to fierce persecution and torment, until the anger of the Jews weakened: but, in order not to waste time in vain, the Mother of God and the holy Evangelist John went to Ephesus, where the lot fell to the Theologian. This sojourn of the Most Pure Mother of God with St. John in Ephesus is clearly confirmed by the following: there is a message to the clergy of Constantinople from the fathers of the third ecumenical council, which met in Ephesus against Nestorius; in this epistle there is such a place: “The founder of the evil heresy, Nestorius, called (for judgment) by the holy fathers and bishops of the cathedral in Ephesus, where St. John the Theologian and the Holy Virgin, the Mother of God Mary once dwelt, did not dare to come to them, being convicted by his evil conscience and excommunicating himself; therefore, after being called three times, he is condemned by the righteous judgment of the holy council and deposed from the priesthood. From these words about the stay of the Mother of God with the Evangelist John in Ephesus, it is clear that the Blessed Virgin, together with the beloved disciple of Christ, indeed, after leaving Jerusalem, spent some time in Ephesus. And not only Ephesus, but also other cities and countries, enlightened by the light of Christ's teachings, the Mother of God visited: tradition says that She was in Antioch with Saint Ignatius the God-bearer, to whom she sent a notice of Her journey before Her visit: see you and your flock." They also say that the Most Holy Theotokos was on the island of Cyprus at the four-day Lazarus, who was serving as a bishop there, and on Mount Athos. Stefan, a monk from Svyatogorsk, writes about this.

After the ascension into heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy Apostles, together with the Mother of God, dwelt inseparably in Zion; here they were waiting for the Comforter, as the Lord commanded them, who commanded them not to leave Jerusalem until they received the promised Holy Spirit (). The disciples of Christ cast lots as to which of them and which particular country would be given to preach the Gospel of God; The Holy Mother of God said:

And I want to take part in the preaching of the gospel and I want to cast my lot with you to get the country that God will indicate.

According to the word of the Mother of God, the holy Apostles with reverence and fear cast lots, and the Iberian land fell to Her by lot. The Most Pure Theotokos accepted Her lot with joy and immediately, after the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of fiery tongues, she wanted to go to the Iberian country, but an angel of God said to Her:

Now do not leave Jerusalem, but stay here until the time - the country that fell to You will be enlightened in last days and Your dominion will be established there; After some time, You will have the work of evangelism in the land where God will direct You.

And the Most Pure Mother of God stayed in Jerusalem for quite a long time.

The four-day-old Lazarus lived on the island of Cyprus; here he was ordained a bishop by the holy Apostle Barnabas. He greatly desired to see the Most Pure Mother of our Lord, whom he had not seen for a long time, but did not dare to come to Jerusalem for fear of the Jews. Having learned this, the Mother of God wrote a message to Lazarus: here She consoled him and ordered a ship to be sent for Her to visit him in Cyprus; The Most Holy Virgin herself did not order for Her sake to come to Jerusalem. Having read the epistle, Lazarus was exceedingly overjoyed, at the same time marveling at the humility of the Mother of God; without delay, he sent a ship for her along with a response message. The Blessed Mother of God entered the ship together with her beloved disciple of Christ, John, and with the others who reverently accompanied them, and all sailed to Cyprus. But a contrary wind suddenly rose and drove the ship into the harbor, located near Mount Athos; this was that short-term work of evangelism, about which the angel spoke to the Mother of God. The entire Mount Athos was overflowing with idols: there was a large temple and the sanctuary of Apollo, and in this place divination, sorcery and other demonic acts were performed. All pagans greatly revered this place, as chosen by the gods; people from all over the universe flocked here to worship, and here they received answers from fortune-tellers to their questions. And when the ship entered the pier, on which the Most Holy Theotokos was, all the idols immediately cried out:

All deceived by Apollo, descend from the mountain at Clement's Quay to meet Mary, the Mother of the great God Jesus (thus the demons, who were in idols against their will, compelled by the power of God, proclaimed the truth, like those who once cried out to the Lord in the country of the Gergesins: "what have you to do with us, Jesus, the Son of God? You came here before the time to torment us"().

Hearing all this, the people marveled, and hurried to the seashore to the aforementioned pier; seeing the ship and the Mother of God, they met Her with honor and asked in their assembly:

What kind of God (You) gave birth to? And what is his name?

The Most Holy Theotokos, opening Her divine lips, proclaimed to the people everything in detail about Christ Jesus. All, having fallen to the ground, bowed down to the God who was born of Her, and showed great reverence to Her Who gave birth to Him; having believed, they were baptized, for the Mother of God performed many miracles here. After baptism, She appointed as a newly enlightened chief and teacher one of those who accompanied Her on the ship, and, rejoicing in spirit, she said:

This place shall be my inheritance, given to me by my Son and my God.

After these words, the Most Holy Theotokos blessed the people, saying again:

May the grace of God be in this place and on those who live here, who with faith and reverence keep the commandments of the Son and My God - they will have everything necessary for life in abundance without hard work; they will be given heavenly life, and until the end of the age the mercy of my Son will not depart from this place; I will be an Intercessor to this place and a warm Intercessor for it before God.

Having said this, the Mother of God again blessed the people and, entering together with John and those who accompanied Her into the ship, sailed to Cyprus. She found Lazar in great sorrow, since the journey of the Most Holy Theotokos was too long, and he was afraid that there might be a slowdown from the storm: he was not aware of the events that, according to God's providence, took place on Mount Athos. By her arrival, the Mother of God changed his sorrow into joy; as a gift to him She brought the omophorion and the bands that She herself had made for him; She told him everything that happened in Jerusalem and on Mount Athos. And they sent thanks to God for everything. Having stayed in Cyprus for a short time, having thus consoled the Christians of the Cypriot church and blessed them, the Mother of God boarded a ship and sailed to Jerusalem. (Before here, Stefan, monk of Svyatogorsk).

Having visited the aforementioned countries, the Blessed Virgin Mary again settled in Jerusalem in the house of the holy Evangelist John; the all-powerful right hand of God kept Her from the envious wiles of the God-killing synagogue, which never ceased to be at enmity against the Son of God and those who believe in Him. Of course, the embittered Jews would not have left the Mother of Jesus alive and would have destroyed Her in any way: but the special care of God overshadowed the animate Kivot of God, so that the hand of the infidels would not touch it. Once Her Son, Christ our God, after a sermon in the Nazareth synagogue, when the Jews filled with rage led Him to the top of the mountain in order to throw him down from there, passed unscathed among them: although the Jews saw Him, they could not lay their hands on and even touch Him because the power of God threw them back and kept them in such a position, since the time of the suffering of the Son of God had not yet come (); The Lord manifested the same thing over His Most Pure Matter, holding back the intrigues planned by the Jews and ruining their council against Her: very often the Jews tried to seize the Mother of God and, having tortured, kill, but could not do anything. In the midst of such strong hatred and enmity, the Most Pure Virgin lived in Jerusalem like a sheep among wolves and like a vine among thorns, often repeating the words of her forefather David, which really came true over Her: “The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of life.” mine: whom shall I be afraid of? If evildoers, adversaries and my enemies come upon me to devour my flesh, they themselves will stumble and fall. If an army rises against me, my heart will not be afraid; if war arises against me, and then I will hope" (), for You, My Son and God, are with Me. - Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, who was converted to Christ by the holy Apostle Paul in Athens and relentlessly accompanied him for three years, visited the Most Holy Theotokos to worship Her. He strongly desired to see the Mother of God and, therefore, three years after his conversion, with the blessing of his teacher, the holy Apostle Paul, he came to Jerusalem: seeing the Most Pure Mother of God, he was filled with great spiritual joy. In his epistle to the holy Apostle Paul, Saint Dionysius the Areopagite describes his visit to the Mother of God in this way.

For me, our great leader, it was undeniable - I speak as before God - that apart from the Most High God there can be nothing so full of divine power and wondrous grace, and yet it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend that I saw a good-looking and surpassing in holiness all heavenly angels, the most holy Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ; this was given to me by the grace of God and the honor of the face of the apostle, as well as the inscrutable goodness and mercy of the most merciful Virgin. I again confess before the omnipotence of God, before the grace of the Savior and before the great glory of the Virgin, His Mother, that when I was with John, the first among the evangelists and prophets, who, living according to the flesh, shines like the sun in heaven, I was led to the good-looking and Most Pure Virgin then a great divine radiance enveloped me from the outside, enlightening my soul; at the same time, I felt such a wonderful fragrance that my spirit and body were hardly able to endure this manifestation of glory and the prelude to eternal bliss; from the glory and her divine grace my heart and my spirit fainted. I testify by God, who lived in the most honorable maiden's womb, that I would have recognized Her as the true God and would have honored Her with the worship befitting only God alone, if my newly enlightened soul had not retained your divine instructions and laws: no honor and glory of people glorified God, cannot be compared with the bliss that I experienced, unworthy, at that time rewarded; this time was for me the time of the greatest bliss. I thank my most exalted and most gracious God, the divine Virgin, great among the Apostles John, and also you, the adornment of the church and the leader of the invincible, who mercifully showed me such a great beneficence.

From this epistle of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, we clearly see what divine grace illuminated the face of our Most Pure Lady during Her life on earth and how the souls were enlightened and what spiritual joy filled the hearts of those who saw Her in the flesh. Newly enlightened people of both sexes flocked to her in multitudes and from everywhere; as a true Mother, She accepted everyone equally without partiality, pouring out the bounties of Her grace to everyone, giving healing to the sick, weak health, sad consolation, and to all, without exception, affirmation in faith, steadfastness in hope and divine joy in love, and correction to sinners.

During her life in the house of St. John, the Blessed Virgin often visited those places that her beloved Son and God sanctified with the feet of His feet and the shedding of His blood. So She visited Bethlehem, where, having unspeakably observed Her virginity, Christ God was born from Her, but especially often the Mother of God came to the places where our Lord suffered by the will. Motherly love prompted Her to shed abundant tears here, and She said:

Here my beloved Son was scourged, here he was crowned with thorns, here he walked, carrying a cross, here he was crucified.

At the tomb, the Mother of God was filled with inexpressible joy and exclaimed with joyful tears:

And here He was buried, and on the third day He rose again with glory.

In addition to this, the following is reported. Some Jewish haters reported to the bishops and scribes that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, goes every day to Golgotha ​​and at the tomb where Her Son Jesus was laid, kneels, cries and burns incense; then they set up guards that would not allow any of the Christians to pass this place. From this we see that already at that time a pious custom began to visit holy places by faithful Christians and here to worship Christ God, who suffered for us by will: the first example in this regard was given by the Theotokos Herself, Who was followed by other holy women and men. So, from the bishops and scribes, full of malice and murder, guards were placed, who were ordered not to allow anyone to the tomb of Jesus, and to kill His Mother. But God blinded the guards, so that they could not see the coming to the tomb of Christ Jesus His Mother. And when the most blessed Virgin, faithful to Her custom, came to the tomb, the guards could not see either Her or those who were with Her. After a long time, they left the tomb and assured the bishops and scribes with an oath that they did not see anyone who would come to the tomb of Jesus. The Most Holy Theotokos also often went to the Mount of Olives, from where our Lord ascended to heaven: kneeling down, She kissed the feet imprinted on the stone from the feet of Christ. With strong tears, the Mother of God prayed at the same time that the Lord would take Her to Himself: of course, She was incomparably more than the holy Apostle Paul, had "the desire to resolve and be with Christ"(), and often repeated the words of David: "when I come and appear before God! My tears were bread for me day and night"(), when shall I see my beloved Son? when shall I come to Him who sits at the right hand of God the Father? () when shall I stand before the throne of His glory? When will I be satisfied with His sight? Oh, sweet Son and My God! Time pity Zion(cf.), - time to have mercy on Me, Your Mother, who is still grieving, not seeing Your face, in the sad vale of this world; bring out of the body, as from a dungeon, My soul; as a deer strives for a water source, so My soul strives for You, O God, to enjoy when Your glory appears to Me (). The Most Pure Virgin sometimes remained on the Mount of Olives for quite a long time: at the foot of the mountain was the Garden of Gethsemane and a small property of Zebedee, inherited by St. John the Theologian. In the Garden of Gethsemane, our Lord, before His free passion, prayed to a bloody sweat, falling on His knees and His face before the Heavenly Father (). Here in this very place, His Most Pure Mother also offered up Her warm prayers, also falling on her knees and face and pouring tears on the ground; here She was comforted by the Lord through His angel, who informed Her of Her imminent repose into heaven. According to the testimony of Georgy Kedrin, a Greek historian, the Most Holy Theotokos before her death, Her angel appeared twice: the first time fifteen days before the Assumption, and the second three days; from an angel the Mother of God received a heavenly date branch, which the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian carried before Her bedside. Some, such as the Bishop of Sardis Meliton, report that the beloved disciple of Christ, before the Assumption of the Mother of God, retired to Ephesus and from there, like the other Apostles, but only before them, was caught up in a cloud and brought to the burial of the Mother of God. However, others, such as Metaphrastus and Sophronius, assert without any hesitation that St. John the Theologian never separated from the God-blessed Mother, Whom he was adopted by, but, like a true son, served Her, giving shelter in his house until Her very death. Only occasionally, for a very short time, did he visit the surrounding areas (as we saw above from the Acts of the Apostles: so St. John the Theologian, together with the Apostle Peter, was in Samaria), but he did this with the consent and blessing of the Mother of God Herself and immediately returned to Ney to Jerusalem; and until his return, the Most Pure Mother of God was served by Saint James, the brother of God, who never left his episcopacy - Jerusalem. If, however, we agree with those who say that John the Theologian, like the other holy Apostles, was caught up by a cloud, then, without a doubt, from the area closest to Jerusalem.

The solemn celebration of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos on August 15 is established in the reign of the pious king of Greek Mauritius. - Joyfully celebrating the all-glorious repose of the Mother of God from earth to heaven, let us give glory to Him who was born of Her and to heaven with glory received Her, - Christ our God, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canto 1

Irmos: Embellished with Divine glory, sacred and glorious, Virgin, Thy memory is all gathered to the joy of the faithful, the beginning Mariama, from the face and timbrel, singing to Thy Only Begotten: gloriously glorified.

May the immaterial rank of the heavenly escort to Zion Your Divine body, suddenly the apostle has flocked to the end, the Theotokos, the Abie appears to You, with them, Pure, Your honest, Virgin, we glorify the memory.

Thou hast taken victorious honors to nature, Pure One, having given birth to God, both of which, being like Your Creator and Son, obey natural law more than nature. You died the same, rise with the Son, eternal.

Canto 3

Irmos: Creator and content of all God's Wisdom and Strength, affirm the unbending, immovable Church, O Christ, Thou alone is Holy, rest in the saints.

Thy wife is mortal, but more than nature and the Mother of God, having seen, the All-Immaculate, glorious apostles, I terribly touch my hands with glory, shedding light, as if seeing a God-pleasing Village.

Grasp the hand of the vexatious daring, with the truncation of the court inflicted, God will keep the honor of the animated Kivot, the glory of the Divine, in Nemzha the Word was flesh.


Canto 4

Irmos: The speeches of the prophets and fortune-telling will manifest the incarnation from Your Virgin, Christ: the radiance of Your brilliance will come out in the light of tongues, and the abyss will proclaim to You with joy: glory to Your power, Lover of mankind.

You see, people, and wonder: the mountain, holy and clear to God in the heavenly abodes, will soar above, the earthly heaven is inhabited in the heavenly and incorruptible village.

Your everlasting life and better death is your transience, Pure, from temporary to Divine, truly and irrevocably transforming You, Pure, in the joy of the Son to see Your and the Lord.

Taking hold of the doors of Heaven, and the angels rushing, and Christ of His virginity to the Mother of the vessel is received; The Cherubim lifted Thee up with joy, but the Seraphim are glorified, rejoicing.

Canto 5

Irmos: Let us confess God and the unspeakable goodness of Thy virtues, O Christ: from the Eternal Glory, the Co-eternal and Hypostatic Radiance, from the virgin womb, incarnated in darkness and canopy, Thou hast shone forth the Sun.

As if on a cloud, Virgo, wear the apostolic face, to Zion from the end to serve You, the Light Cloud, gathering: from the Unholy Highest God to those who are in darkness and canopy, the Righteous rise of the Sun.

The trumpets of acceptance of God by the tongues of theological men cry out most graciously to the Mother of God, the original proclaiming song by the Spirit: Rejoice, incorruptible Source of God, life-giving and saving incarnation to all.

Canto 6

Irmos: Sea abyssal whales inner fire - a three-day Your burial is a prefiguration, even Jonah the prophet appeared. Bo is saved, as if he had been sent, unharmed, crying out: I will devour Thee with a voice of praise, Lord.

The King of all God gives you even above nature: in the Nativity, save the Virgin, so keep the body incorruptible in the tomb and glorify with Divine repose, honor to you, like the Son of the Mother, bestowing.

Truly Thee, as if the candle of the immaterial Light was bright, the golden censer of Divine Coal, instilled in the Holy of Holies, a pen and a rod, a divinely written tablet, a holy ark, a meal of the Word of life, Virgin, Thy Nativity.

Kontakion, tone 2


Canto 7

Irmos: The Divine desire resists the cold fury and fire, the fire is more irrigated, but laughing at the fury, with the divinely inspired verbal venerable three-pronged forefinger of the Musikian organ in the midst of the flame: glorified of the fathers and our God, blessed be Thou.

The God-made tablets of Moses, written by the Divine Spirit, crush with rage, but this Lord Who gave birth unharmed into Heaven, save the houses now inside. Playing with her, we cry to Christ: glorified of the fathers and our God, blessed be you.

In cymbals - clean lips, but in Musik - with a bright heart, a good-voiced trumpet - with high thought, the Virgin and the Pure on the deliberate chosen day of repose, with active splashing hands, crying out: glorified by the fathers and our God, blessed be thou.

Gather together, people of God's wisdom: For the glory of God, the village is being transferred from Zion to a heavenly dwelling, where the voice of the celebrating is pure, the voice of unspeakable joy, and in the joy of those crying out to Christ: glorified of the fathers and our God, blessed be Thou.

Canto 8

Irmos: The flame, irrigating the reverend, but scorching the wicked, the almighty angel of God showed the youth, the life-giving source made the Mother of God, the aphids of death and the belly I sing to those who sing: We will sing the One Creator, deliverance, and exalt for all ages.

All the multitude of Theologians in Zion follow the sacred Divine Ark: Where are you going now, Tabernacle, calling, the Living God? Do not stop contemplating the faith of those who sing: We sing the only Creator, deliverance, and exalt for all ages.

As if, raising your hand, proceed, All-Immaculate, hand, in the image of God you wore the flesh, with boldness, like Mati, you said to the Born: even Me gave you, save forever, crying out to You: We sing to the One Creator, deliverance, and exalt to all eyelids.

Canto 9

Irmos: Nature's statutes are conquered in Thee, Pure Virgin: for Christmas is virgin and the belly betroths death; after the birth of the Virgin and after death is alive, you always save, Mother of God, your inheritance.

I marvel at the Angelic forces, in Zion, looking at their Lord, carrying a woman’s soul with his hands, proclaiming most purely to the Son-born Son: come, Pure One, be glorified with the Son and God.

The apostolic face of your God-pleasing body is tidy, with fear seeing and a great voice broadcasting: ascending to heavenly houses to the Son, you save your legacy, Mother of God.


(Three times)

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and the Spirit will be filled;

Virgin maidens, with Mariamia the prophetess, now exclaim the original song: the Virgin is more and one Mother of God to the acceptance of Heaven.

It is worthy, as if animated by Thee Heaven, the Heavenly, Most Pure, Divine villages, and appeared, lightly decorated, as the Bride, the All-Immaculate, to the King and God.

Canto 3

Irmos: Your hymnologists, Mother of God, the living and unenviable Source, spiritually affirm the face of your copulation, in the Divine memory of Your crowns of glory.

Produced from the dead loins, like nature, Pure, let the procession, having given birth to the living Life, to the Divine and Hypostatic Life passed away.

The face of the Theologians from the end, but from above the Angel of the multitude to Zion went with an all-powerful wave, worthily, Mistress, serving Your burial.


Let us bless Thee, give birth to all, Virgin Mary, in Thee, the Incomprehensible Christ our God will be accommodated. Blessed are we and we, the intercession of Thy property: day and night pray for us and give birth to Christianity, your prayers are affirmed. To those, singing, we cry to Thee: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with Thee.

Canto 4

Irmos: The unsearchable Council of God, hedgehog from the Virgin of the Incarnation to You, the Most High, the prophet Habakkuk seeing, calling: glory to Your power, Lord.

It was a miracle to see the Heaven of all the King animated, earthly excrement transient, how wonderful your deeds are! Glory to Your power, Lord.

Asche and incomprehensible Seya Fruit, Imzhe the heavens were, the burial is pleasing to the will, as if dead; what kind of burial will the unskillfully born one reject?

In Your repose, Mother of God, Your most spacious body and the God-pleasing angelic host are covered with sacred wings with trepidation and joy.

Canto 5

Irmos: Terrified of all about Your honest Assumption: You are more, Unsophisticated Virgin, from the earth you have passed away to an eternal abode and to endless life, to all who sing of Thee, giving salvation.

May the trumpets of the theologians sound this day, may the tongue of the many-talked human now praise, may the air resound, shining with immeasurable light, may the Angels sing the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

The vessel is better chosen, we are all surprised by the singing of Thee, the Virgin, is the source, the whole is consecrated to God, is pleasing to everyone, and this is truly manifest, to the Mother of God of All-Place.

Canto 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable feast, God of Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clap our hands, we glorify the God who was born from Her.

Life ascended from Thee, without destroying the keys of virginity; What more pure and life-giving Thy body of the temptation of death was involved?

Formerly a temple of life, thou hast improved the everlasting life: by death, thou hast passed to the stomach, even though Life has given birth to the incarnate.

Kontakion, tone 2

In prayers to the Unsleeping Mother of God and in intercession, the immutable hope of the coffin and mortification cannot be held back: as if Mother’s Belly to the stomach, put it into the womb of the ever-virgin Indwelling.


Protect my thoughts, my Christ, for I dare to sing the Wall of the world, Thy Pure Mother, strengthen me on the pillar and in heavy thoughts intercede for me, for you who call and ask with faith fulfill prayers. Thou grant me, therefore, a tongue that is brought forth and a thought that is not shameful: every radiance of radiance is sent down from Thee, O Light-Giver, indwelt in the ever-virgin womb.

Canto 7

Irmos: Do not serve the creature of God's Wisdom, more than the Creator, but, the fiery rebuke is masculinely correct, rejoicing, singing: the venerable Lord and God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.

Young men and virgins, honoring the memory of the Virgin and the Mother of God, elders, and monks, king and judge, sing: our father, Lord and God, blessed art thou.

Let the heavenly mountains sound with a spiritual trumpet, let the hills rejoice, and let the divine apostles play: the Queen reposes to the Son, reigning with Him.

All-sacred repose of Thy Divine and Incorruptible Mother of the supreme powers of the Highest, combine ranks, rejoice with those on earth who sing to You: God, blessed be Thou.

Canto 8

Irmos: The youths of the pious in the cave Nativity of the Theotokos saved is, then squalidly formed, now active, lifts up the whole universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, deeds, and exalt Him to all ages.

Thy Memory, Pure Virgin, Beginnings, and Powers, and Forces, Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Cherubim and fearful Seraphim; but the human race - we sing and exalt for all ages.

Even strangely dwelling, the Mother of God, in Your pure womb, incarnate, This, the all-sacred spirit of Your reception, rest in Yourself, like a debtor Son. The same we sing to Thee, Virgin, and exalt Thee forever.

Oh, higher than the mind of the miracles of the Ever-Virgin and the Mother of God! Move into the coffin, showing paradise. He is coming today, rejoicing, we sing: Sing to the Lord, works, and exalt Him to all ages.

Canto 9

Irmos: Let every earthly one leap, Enlighten with the Spirit, let the nature triumph of the incorporeal minds, honoring the sacred repose of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.

Come to Zion, to the Divine and fat Mountain of the living God, let us rejoice, the Mother of God beholding: to the best and Divine canopy, like the Mother, this in the Holy of Holies Christ transcend.

Come, believers, let us approach the tomb of the Mother of God and embrace, hearts and lips, eyes and face, purely touching and drawing healing unenviable gifts from the ever-flowing source.

Receive from us the original song, Mother of the living God, and Your luminous and Divine autumn grace, victorious army, Christ-loving people - peace, leaving - singing and souls giving salvation.


Apostles, having copulated here from the end, in Gethsemane, bury my body, and you, Son and my God, receive my spirit. (Three times)

Kondak 1

Chosen from all generations of God-her Ma-te-ri and Tsaritsa, ascending from the earth to Ne-be-si, b-go-go-vey singing about pre- we honor your Dormition, we bring your servants, God-begotten. But you, as if having trouble over death, free yourself from all of us death-bearing troubles, but call Thee:

Ikos 1

An angel was sent to the pre-peaceful Her exaltation and appearance to Her Son of Her and God, shining brightly about Her and standing , zo-vy ta-ko-vaya:

Rejoice, pre-joy-van-naya Mati Tsa-reva;

Rejoice, Heavenly Queen, Mother of God and the Lord, Ne-be-be-se and earth.

Rejoice, fore-reading the pre-greatness of the coming to Thee of Thy Son and God;

Rejoice, rise-of-a-person-of-the-we-we-e-e-e-th to the Son from the procession.

Rejoice, chosen from all generations by God;

Rejoice, holy style of the Word of God.

Rejoice, pro-roches-of-th-pro-re-fulfillment;

Rejoice, most honorable Apostle's crown.

Rejoice, holy adornment and good priest;

Rejoice, ruler of fertilizer and power.

Rejoice, God-wise monks ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven;

Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to the Christian race, bless you forever.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 2

Seeing the Apostle's face, with all-strong ma-but-veni-em from the end of the earth to the cloud-workshop before the most-honest-nomu Thy-e-mu, Pre-not-by- fateful, to the Dormition, priest-but-on-the-chief: Di-o-nisiy - not-heavenly mystic, Hiero-fey marvelous and Ti-mo-fey with the God-stucco honor of the priesthood in praise of God: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 2

Reasonable all creation, the oldest chi-no-na-chalia angelic pri-and-dosha with its Tsar, Even in His life-in-the-first-hand, the soul of Mate-re His-her nice; Peter, warm in faith, with many tears to Her from-re-che, calling:

Rejoice, to the pre-peaceful, Mother Creator of the world, ascending;

Rejoice, to the pre-heavenly ones, pro-early-early heavens, earth-scha-I-sya.

Rejoice, thou who sanctified the four-part verse by Thy resurrection;

Rejoice, heavenly rise-ve-se-living-by-your-give-we-e-e.

Rejoice, in Jerus-sa-lim Gorniy, the most-to-red, accepted;

Rejoice, thou who hast-joyfully entered into your-not-your-temples.

Rejoice, He-ru-vim and Se-ra-fim to the Queen;

Rejoice, Ar-khange-lov Vla-dychi-tse.

Rejoice, run away the faithful and rescue;

Rejoice, Thy-e-mu-to-stand help and protection.

Rejoice, about the whole world, Christians to God Ho-data-i-tse;

Rejoice, blessings of all kinds

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High is re-hit from In-dia Fo-mu, for some reason of the will of God, I will not be better for him in the most-honest Assumption of God-mother, and before- put the living-in-the-receiver-mu of Her coffin, even, Pre-place-shu-yu-sya with-nick-vide-ty, cheers-me-not-hay on Ne-be-sa with the body and, vero -vav, about this voz-pi: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 3

Having a student in mind, as if God were looking at him, he didn’t want to lead God-mother-re with others together, being about the deathless of Her Assumption, this one in piyashe to Her:

Rejoice, having received from the earth the hand of Thy Son;

Rejoice, thou who has ascended to the most high, wait for His glory.

Rejoice, guide from all the chi-but-on-chali angels in the Mountain;

Rejoice, lifting-May of He-ru-vima to the Heavenly and Heavenly Heavens.


Rejoice, from all Heavenly citizens surrounded and blessed.

Rejoice, Earthly Heaven, to the Higher-high village;

Rejoice, Holy Table of the Lord, who ascended from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, our intercession and strong intercession;

Rejoice, sinner

Rejoice, Queen Christ and according to God, Na-hope of the Heavenly Kingdom;

Rejoice, Mother of Life, and according to the Lord we have the hope of eternal life.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 4

A storm inside having Af-phony in-the-mice-lazy of the unfaithful and in vain the God-bearing-mi Apostles of the God-mother-re Most-honest Body all-honestly un-hay to the grave, co-op -verification of the aspirant; out-of-the-way, when, with a blind-eyed laziness, his hand is taken away to one-ru with-lep-lena hanging-ste, by faith, the Mother of God, in-veda-she, in-piya to God: Al-li-luia .

Ikos 4

Hearing the mysteries and self-viewers of the Word of the Angels, singing the most high songs at the burial of the God-pleasing body of God to Mat-re, and give honor ho-heavier pleasing to God, sweat-right now, according to singing, saying:

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the good news of Thy presence in the Heavenly Kingdom;

Rejoice, thou who received the joy of heaven from the good of Gav-riel.

Rejoice, most-honest he-ru-vimsky multitude of enlightened ones;

Rejoice, glorious se-ra-fimskoe nature re-joy-vav-shay.

Rejoice, pro-ob-ra-zo-bathroom from the patriarchs;

Rejoice, pre-exalted from the prophets.

Rejoice, evil insolence of Af-foni-e-woo soon from-avenging-shay;

Rejoice, you who gave healing to a man.

Rejoice, having converted into faith Af-foni-e-into non-belief;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the knowledge faithfully.

Rejoice, ascending to Ne-be-si love and faith to those who have;

Rejoice, thou who saveth by faith call upon thy name.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 5

God-flowing stars, Apostles of the saints, in the under-heaven times-sowing for the sake of the gospel, raise-up-the-women on the cloud-workshop, according to the wide-ro-te air , to the burial of the Mother of the Lord, Yuzhe stumps and songs of the leader, with In-substantial cries-we-wahu: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 5

Seeing God, the seers of their own Vladyka, in the hands of the Mother, they received His soul, and the Lord-yes That-go-ra-zu-mevshe, nose-love of the songs of the blessings of the sing-sing of Yu:

Rejoice, Tsaritsa, over all the Kingdom-th-who-who-beared;

Rejoice, and Sa-ma ru-kama of His son-new-ma but-simaya.

Rejoice, royal scepter in Christ's right hand;

Rejoice, in Noah's hand is a branch of a dove.

Rejoice, rod of Aarons, who has hibernated non-corruption;

Rejoice, krine not-fading-yes-my, pro-blooming without-death.

Rejoice, God-from-da-da-vida tsev-nice Bo-go-breath-but-vein;

Rejoice, prophecy of his rise to the word, psalm-tyryu and harp of the most-to-red.

Rejoice, soulful saint of the Lord, raise the ki-vote;

Rejoice, in the Lord's Day, resurrected our lives.

Rejoice, tabernacle, overshadowed by He-ru-vims;

Rejoice, Holy of Holies, from Se-ra-fimov g-gole-may.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 6

The prophets of God-bearing the Apostle, after the procession to the pre-peaceful Mother of God, in the general se-denium of the usual meal was the former and the offering of a part of the bread in the Name of the Lord below, above, but beyond, above God-born, the Queen, who came with the light-bearing angels, in vain and, having heard peace from the Son and God -she, exclaim about this: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 6

Raise the Sun of Truth to us, Christ God from Your most pure lodges, by the will and blessings of the pro-knowledge through the Apostles, the world is enlightened and You, God-mother, from generation to generation pro-lavi. In the same way, we all appease Thee, drinking Thee:

Rejoice, Blessed One from all generations forever and ever;

Rejoice, b-go-u-t-rob and Merci-vaya for man-lo-eye.

Rejoice, teaching-to-nothing-face the promise of fulfilling;

Rejoice, Thy son-to-be from Thy Son and God, who gave peace to that.

Rejoice, all-sweet sight of saints;

Rejoice, most-beautiful mothers and virgins of saints, all-be-all-bearing joy.

Rejoice, living the heavenly village of the righteous;

Rejoice, Thou who visits all in the glory of the heavenly beings.

Rejoice, the beginning of a che-lo-veches-ka-spa-senation;

Rejoice, fulfillment of all good wishes.

Rejoice, according to God, the Tsar of the kingdom-of-those, God-born Queen;

Rejoice, according to the Lord of the rulers, our Lord, Lord and Lord.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 7

Whoever wants all with faith, enter into Your holy temple, God-begotten, save you forever and glorify Thee from all the misfortunes and troubles of your God; to the same and blessed faithful people, who bless Thee, in trouble for the opposition, grant and all for the salvation of the request, give us, yes, we pray about this -be and sing to God: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 7

A new for-a-creation, appear to us, Thy Lord, Thy-fight, God-born. You are an akin to thinking about us to He-mu, honestly re-reading Your most-honest Assumption, p-and-mi-si-tse-vaya You-be-drinking:

Rejoice, Mother of God, chosen from the earth;

Rejoice, higher than the earthly and Heavenly.

Rejoice, He-ru-vim and Se-ra-fimov, h-re-exalted;

Rejoice, the face of the teaching cloud to the grave of thee, the share of the purchase.

Rejoice, Fo-mu, according to Thy grave, by the power of God, before-putting it out of the row;

Rejoice, having assured Thy in Heaven with the flesh, transcendence.

Rejoice, beautifully decorated with all the good-children;

Rejoice, more beautiful than the sons of human beings, the Son is honored with His own.

Rejoice, like a phoenix, pro-blooming in the resurrected flesh;

Rejoice, like a cedar in the heavenly Lebanon, mind-knife-sha-ya.

Rejoice, tree of life, planted in the middle of paradise above;

Rejoice, fore-thought exalted in the Mountain from the flood of death.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 8

It is strange in the highest leading You, the Chosen One, like the sun, the Lord, inside the heavenly, not-before-thought-beauty-honeycombs and not-from-re-chenny goodness - mouth, touchingly to the Son and God, I hold His hand-mother, which ascended and over-joyfully-but bowed-shu-shu-sya life-on-the-first of His right hand, about this not -be-stand in-drink: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 8

All the former go-re, taken to Heaven and, leaving no earthly ones, God-mother, ru-kama Sy-novni-ma but-sima, in not-for-ho-dimaya inside, in this city is all-luminous and more-to-red, Jeru-sa-lim above, He-ru-vimy stands with all heavenly powers, where he hears these singing:

Rejoice, Ey-holy soul in the highest all-bright Zion is all-lying;

Rejoice, Even the incorruptible body there with the soul is glorified.

Rejoice, having entered the capital city of Sa-ma-go All-hold-live-la;

Rejoice, ascending to the pre-red paradise of the Most High Na-sa-child-la.

Rejoice, hay-free city, founded from all-luminous stones;

Rejoice, introduced into the fence, costing the howls of the powers above.

Rejoice, above Heaven for the goodness of God taken;

Rejoice, more honorable than all non-material minds.

Rejoice, bringing to Your Son and God the prayer of the faithful;

Rejoice, and Sa-ma does not stop at the Holy Table of Your Son and God, praying for everyone.

Rejoice, Standing before God, saving the world;

Rejoice, For-feet, to the Christian family from God, yes-ro-bathroom.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 9

Every angelic nature exalts Thee, O God-kind, and give birth to all of us, Mother of God, we glorify and honor Your most honorable Assumption, Queen: For the sake of the earth, for the sake of the heavenly, they buy together, according to singing to God: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 9

Ve-tiystva of God-said prophetic speeches now we see about You, having come true-I-sya, God-begotten, as if I were truly God in the flesh of the ro-di-la thou us. The same sacrament-to-ve-se-God's faith, we-drink:

Rejoice, for-the-horse and the prophets, the main-perfection;

Rejoice, star-to-Jacob-la, Ba-laam pro-ro-ko-bath.

Rejoice, od-re of the Tsar of the Great, prophesied by So-lo-mon;

Rejoice, ru-no, irrigated by Jesus, re-bathed by Gideon.

Rejoice, Un-opaque Ku-pee-no, for-but-for-falsely-foreseeable;

Rejoice, O Holy One, the husband of desire provided.

Rejoice, heavenly flattery, Jacob-fore-move-May;

Rejoice, the door that is not passed through, Ezekiel foreseeable.

Rejoice, the sun of the village of Christ, the psalm-singer before-appearing;

Rejoice, sacrament, a lot of pro-rocks about-on-re-cheated.

Rejoice, prophetic voice of all, foretold about Thee, bringing the end;

Rejoice, thou who didst the whole of the Highest scrutiny for the salvation of the world.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 10

Save the world, God of all, the Lord from the earth, Your kind from brother to Mother Se-be and, for the sake of us being a man-lo-age, ascend, from nowhere descend, to Ne- be-si from the earth, and You-be with So-battle rise-ve-de to abide in eternal glory and co-kingdom with So-battle, who doesn’t have the end , The same, like God, hears from everyone: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 10

Step on the faithful, God-born Virgin, and intercession for all who come to You, for You-be-be-se and the earth are Yours, from Te- passed through the flesh, Most Pure, in spirit and body in the Heavenly You, pre-se-li, for the nearest intercession of all, and even invite them to teach:

Rejoice, city of the Tsar of the Great-face of the top of the Heavenly Mountain;

Rejoice, ste-but and in-rove, not hiding from our coming.

Rejoice, faithful to the enemy in your own way;

Rejoice, fleeing Hagaran invasions.

Rejoice, do not move my preservation of the good faith;

Rejoice, heresy-to-the-th-of-the-half-of-the-co-re-rhenium.

Rejoice, joy and peace existing in the world;

Rejoice, all-killer-of-hell-on-right.

Rejoice, warriors-things on the flesh, we are whole-wise from a row wedding;

Rejoice, torment-no-thing-of-movements all-honest glorification.

Rejoice, good work-home Ho-data-and-tse blessed repose;

Rejoice, ye who bless those who grieve, Giver of eternal joy.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 11

Singing all God-spiritual-but-very songs does not draw from us to the praise of the all-honorable Dormition of Thy-e-th, All-praised Vladychi-tse, Tsarina Bo- dear, but diligently, we bring you, like Ma-te-ri the Tsar of all, our humble prayer, with Heaven-heavens chinmi singing to the One-mu worthy pro-glorifying God to You: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 11

The light-receiving candle of the truth-on-the-go Light to those who exist on earth, appear to us, enlighten the souls and honor Your all-honest repose to God -still-but-mu-on-stand-lying, let's sing Ti si-tse-vaya:

Rejoice, sve-sche not-ugh-simaya fire-not-material-on-go;

Rejoice, for-re not-for-ho-dim Light of no-ve-black.

Rejoice, lu-no, from the Sun the truth about-whether-hundred-was;

Rejoice, light-stay, shining in the darkness.

Rejoice, luminary, placed above him on the candlestick;

Rejoice, radiate life, from the grave into the light of the day.

Rejoice, Mother of the Light of the smart, blessed souls of the enlightening;

Rejoice, Mother of all God, who consoles embittered souls.

Rejoice, those who trust in Thee, life-in-that-not-ashamed gift;

Rejoice, standing by God to them and to Your servant on the Su-de-Son of Thy-e-go-th at His right hand.

Rejoice, O Preb-la-wife, for bless us and we, who are the help of Thy ima-we;

Rejoice, most-blessed-of-the-word to generation and generation, as the Lord is with You, and You are with us.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 12

Bless-give you-with-to-the-centre glory, on no-be-seh yes-ro-bathroom of God-mother, honorably se-deni-em the odes-nuyu of Her Son and God seeing the minds of the mountains, lifting up the Yu of the Pre-stand and the Power, surrounding the Na-chala and the Power, with-pa-dosha the terrible He-ru-vimi, Se-ra-fimi and the Dominion, with Ar-khange- ly and angels drinking: Al-li-luia.

Ikos 12

Singing all-honest Thy Assumption, we praise all to the most-heavenly ascension Thy, Queen of God-mother. You sanctify, pray and save all who sing to You with love:

Rejoice, having cleansed the earth with your clean feet;

Rejoice, having sanctified the air-spirit, we are ascending to Thy-day to Ne-be-si.

Rejoice, you ascended to the Heavenly circle;

Rejoice, all the goodness of the non-verbal company that sees.

Rejoice, in glory sitting at the throne of Thy Son and God;

Rejoice, eternal kingdom with the Son and God.

Rejoice, beauty in the right hand of the Lord, decorating those who bless Thee of all heavenly ones;

Rejoice, o-joy-van-naya on the act of all the earthly on Thee.

Rejoice, embodied in the sun, shining with grace and glory of all the universe;

Rejoice, you who promised to keep and save those who call You all in the under-heaven.

Rejoice, from the Christian ancestry of the Mother of God, honored and named God-parent;

Rejoice, from the east of the sun to the west, the best and rightest of all the blessed glory of May.

Rejoice, O-joy-van-naya, in Thy Dormition, who does not leave us.

Kondak 13

O All-petaya Mother Without-death-on-go Tsar No-be-se and earth, Christ-hundred of our God, living even after death, the present offering about everything - by Your honest Dormition, receive from us, in this life and in our mortal Dormition from all misfortune, troubles and torment from Bavi and the Heavenly Kingdom, Tsaritsa, save us, oh Those who drink: Al-li-luia.

(This kontakion is chi-ta-et-sya three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer for the Dormition of the Pre-holy God-parents

O Most Holy Mother of God Virgin, Vladychi-tse, the highest Angel and Ar-angel and all creatures Most honest, angelic great surprise, pro-roche-kai you -juicy sermon, apostolic pres-lava-praise, holy-lei from-row decoration, martyrs strong affirmation, monks-spa-site-noe on- becoming, fasting, not-out-of-not-might-holding, virginity-y-ing pure and glorious, ma-te-rei quiet fun, babies wisely and on-punishment, widows and orphans Feeder-no-tse, on-gi robes, ailing health, captives from-in-leniation, floating on the sea -but, trained by a non-turbulent camp, wandering, not-difficult On-staff, traversing-those-who-who-are-easily passing, toiling-giving good in the world, in the troubles of the existing ambulance For-the-feet, offended-by-the-ditch and running away, not-hoping-on-the-action, requiring Helpful, sad consolation, in-visible loving humility, sinners kov-salvation and appropriation to God, right-of-the-faithful of all, a solid fence, incomparable help and stepping-off! That-fight to us, Vladychi-tse, We-not-seeing-we see quickly, and You-be pray-boo-bear, Lord-for-the-same, sins of Thy servants: O Pre-merciful-sti-vaya and the Most Wonderful Light of the Clever Tsarina, giving birth to Tsar Christ Christ, our God, Life-giver of all, from the heavenly glory-May and from the earthly praise, angelic mind, light-dawn star-to, saints Most holy, Lord of all creatures, God-stucco Maiden, Not-bad Not-vesto, pa-lato Spirit of the Pre-holy, fiery Pre-table Do not-see-ma-th Tsar, not-heavenly ki-vote, but the power of the Word of God, fire-not-different-forest-nice, in the temple of the Living God, not-from-the-re-formation of the flesh of Christ, nest-up to Or-la Ne-hell-go, Gorli-tse God-gog-smooth, Go-lu- Bice is meek, quiet and not-malicious, Mati is cha-to-loving, kind-stay abyss, unleashing a cloud of God’s wrath, not-from-measure-deep-be-but , not-from-the-re-secret, not-my-my-miracle, not-made-by-hands Church of the One Tsar of all ages, blessed ka-dilo , honest bag-rya-nice, Bo-got-kannaya pore-firo, spiritual paradise, life-of-the-nose garden branch, color pre-to-red, pro-blooming us heavenly ve-selie, a bunch of our salvation, the cup of the Tsar of the Heavens, in it, it is growing from the Holy Spirit, vi-but not-is-cher-paem-go-go- give, Ho-data-and-tse for-the-horse, the beginning of the true faith of Christ, the not-for-le-beamed pillar, the sword of the fury of God on god-against, frenzy of intimidation, in braneh in flight, christian of all non-false guardian-of-no-tse and the world of all-of-the-known spa-senation! O All-merciful Lord, Virgin Vladychi-tse, God-bearer, hear us praying to Thee, and show Thy mercy on Thy people , could it be His Son from ba-ve-ti-sya to us from all evil and save our abode and every abode, and city, and the country of the faithful, and people, blah -th-honestly running and calling on Your holy name, from all misfortune, destruction, famine, coward, flood, fire, sword, on - processions of foreign tribes and inter-communal wars, from any disease and any situation, but neither wounds, nor pre-supplement, nor the sea, nor any righteous with the wrath of God, they will diminish Your servants. But with-observe-give and save by Your mercy, Lord, pray for us, and the beneficial blessing of the air of the spirit in time is fruitful grant us the th offering. Make it easy, raise it up and have mercy, Pre-merciful Vladychi-tse, God-bear-bearing, in every trouble and need of existence. For-me-not your servant and do not despise the tears and air-breathing of ours, and indulge us with the goodness of Your mercy, but with the goodness-yes-reni- let us console ourselves, learn about Thee in the power. Soo-lo-angry, O Lord, the Most-pure, against Your not-powerful people, Our hope. Sow-be-ri, for-stray on the right path, put from-fallen from the blessed fatherland faith packs re-vra-ti, old age support, young bra-zu-mi, babies, rise and pray, glorifying Thee, from the row - the Church of the Son of Thy companions and keep in the long-go- that day. O Merciful and Pre-merciful Tsaritsa No-be-se and earth, God-begotten Pres-but-virgin! By Thy intercession, have mercy on our country and its army, and all the orthodox Christians, keeping them under the roof of Thy mercy, by Thy robe, honor for - shchi-ty and mo-whether from You incarnated-go-sya without the seed of Christ, our God, may he gird us from above with power on all you see-we and not-see-my enemies- gi our. Save and have mercy, Lord, the Great Lord of the Din and Our Father (name), Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, re-holy mit-ro-po-lita, arch-hi-bisco-py and bishop-py of the right-east, ie- the rhei and the deacons, and all the parish of the church, and the entire my-our rank, and all the right-to-faithful people, worshiping and praying before your honorable icon. Look upon all of us with mercifulness on your steps, lift us from the depths of sin and illumine the eyes of gray - good to the sight of salvation, have mercy on us, be here and on the Terrible Su-de of Your Son, have you prayed for us, put-shi-i-sya in the good-honor from live be-a-thing thy servant in eternal life with angel-ly and Ar-khange-ly and with all the saints honor, but at the right of the Son of thy-e-God they will stand, and I - with Thy lithuania, grant all the right-eternal Christians to live with Christ and the joy of the angels in the Heavenly villages of laziness, wait for them. You are, O Lord, the glory of Heaven and the hope of the earthly, You are our Hope and For-the-step of all those who come to You and Your holy help pro-those. You are our warm baby to Your Son and our God. Your mother-prayer can do a lot at the pleading of the Vladyka, and by your pre-department to the Throne of the blessing of the Most Holy and Life-giving His Mysteries, stu-party der-loan, and even not-to-stand. The same, all-honest image of Yours and by Your hand hold-down -yes, and kiss this love, hopefully, Lord, with your saints, God-pleasant prayers, come-ti and do not be ashamed to stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and our God, glorifying Him in marriage with the Beginningless Father and the Most Holy, Blessed, Living in the creative and One-existing Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

random test

Photo of the day

The feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, following the feast of the bright Resurrection of Christ, was revered more than others by the Russian people.

"Theotokos Easter" - that's how it was called in Russia. And this is no coincidence. Through Her Dormition, the Mother of God became even closer and dearer to Christians, for she became an Intercessor, zealous for them before the throne of God.

During His execution, Jesus Christ, seeing the Mother of God standing nearby and the Apostle John, whom he especially loved, said to His Mother: “Woman! behold, thy son,” and to John: “behold, thy mother” (John 19:25-27). From that time on, the Apostle John took care of the Mother of God until the end of Her life. From now on, we know about the earthly life of the Virgin only from the Apocrypha. She lived in the house of the Apostle John the Theologian in Jerusalem, becoming a common Mother for all the disciples of Christ, and on the day of Pentecost, like them, she received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Mother of God led a closed, secret life, but many knew about Her great wisdom and came from distant lands to talk with Her. Like the apostles, She planted and established the Christian Church with Her presence, word and prayers.

So about ten years passed, and when the Jewish king Herod began persecuting the Church, the Mother of God, together with the Apostle John the Theologian, moved to Ephesus, which fell to him by lot for the gospel sermon. While living here, She visited the righteous Lazarus in Cyprus and Mount Athos, blessing her as Her destiny.

The reverence of the ancient Christians for the Mother of God was so great that they preserved everything about Her life that they could only notice from Her words and deeds, and even conveyed to us about Her appearance. “She was a Virgin not only in body, but also in soul, humble in heart, prudent in words, prudent, reticent, a lover of reading, industrious, chaste in speech. to avoid boasting, to be sane, to love virtue. When did She even offend her parents with her expression, when she was at odds with her relatives? When she was proud before a modest person, laughed at the weak, turned away from the poor? She had nothing stern in her eyes, nothing imprudent in words, nothing indecent in actions: her movements are modest, her tread is quiet, her voice is even, so Her bodily appearance was an expression of her soul, the personification of purity. She was at rest, in spirit She was awake, repeating what she had read in a dream, or thinking about the implementation of the intended intentions, or devising new ones. Ma only went to church, and then accompanied by her relatives. However, although She appeared outside Her house accompanied by others, She herself was the best guardian for Herself; others guarded only her body, and she guarded her manners herself.

According to the tradition preserved by the church historian Nicephorus Callistus (XIV century), the Mother of God "was of medium height or, as others say, somewhat more than average; golden hair; eyes quick, with pupils, as it were, the color of an olive; eyebrows arched and moderately black, her nose is oblong, her lips blooming, full of sweet speeches; her face is not round and not sharp, but somewhat oblong; her hands and fingers are long ... She maintained decency in conversation with others, did not laugh, did not get indignant, and especially did not get angry; completely artless "Simple, She did not think of Herself in the least, and, far from effeminacy, She was distinguished by complete humility. Regarding the clothes that She wore, She was content with their natural color, which even now proves Her sacred head covering. In short, in all Her actions, a special grace".

Struck by Her beauty even in his advanced years, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, the Greek Dionysius the Areopagite, testified that if he had not confessed the One God, he would have decided that before him was a “beautiful goddess.”

Shortly before Her death, the Mother of God returned to Jerusalem. She often visited those places that were closely associated with Her Son: Bethlehem, Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher, Gethsemane, Olivet. There She prayed earnestly, and over time, more and more often that the Son would take Her soon to Himself in heaven. According to legend, the Jews attempted to kill Her, for which, by order of the high priests, guards were placed at the Holy Sepulcher, but at the right moment, the soldiers lost their sight, and they could not see the Mother of God.

The Blessed Virgin expected the end of her earthly days calmly and even with joy - after all, She knew that there, in Heaven, she would meet Her Son and Her God. Once the Mother of God was in deep prayer on the Mount of Olives. Suddenly, the Archangel Gabriel appeared before Her and informed Her that in three days Her earthly life would end, that it was pleasing to the Lord to take Her to Himself. To commemorate his words, the archangel handed the Mother of God a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and decay - (Dimitry of Rostov clarifies that it was a branch from a date palm), and indicated to carry it in front of the coffin during burial. With heavenly news, the Mother of God returned to Bethlehem with three virgins who served Her (Sepphora, Evigaea and Zoila). The Mother of God, having come home, joyfully informed her betrothed son John about this, and he informed the Apostle James and through him the whole Church of Jerusalem. The Mother of God commanded to bury Herself in Gethsemane, next to the graves of Her righteous parents and righteous Joseph the Betrothed.

On the day of the Dormition of the Theotokos, in a miraculous way in Jerusalem almost all the apostles, who had previously dispersed different countries to preach the Word of God. Later than all the Apostle Paul arrived with his disciples: Dionysius the Areopagite, Hierotheus, Timothy and others from among the 70 apostles. She called each of them to Her by name and blessed. Only the Apostle Thomas was absent.

The third hour arrived, when the Dormition of the Mother of God was to take place. Many candles were burning. The holy apostles with hymns surrounded the splendidly decorated bed, on which the Blessed Virgin Mary reclined. Suddenly an unspeakable light shone, darkening the lamps; the roof of the upper room was opened, and Christ Himself descended with many angels. The Most Holy Theotokos turned to the Lord with a prayer of thanksgiving and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. She also prayed to His Son to protect Her from the dark satanic power, from air ordeals. Then the Mother of God joyfully gave Her soul into the hands of the Lord, and immediately angelic singing was heard.

There are many versions regarding the age of the Virgin at the time of Her Assumption, but it is most likely that She lived for about 72 years and died about A.D. 57.

From Her fragrant body, the sick immediately began to receive healing. The solemn transfer of the Most Pure Body from Jerusalem to Gethsemane began. Peter, Paul, and James, along with the other apostles, carried the bed of the Mother of God on their shoulders, and St. John the Theologian walked in front with a heavenly radiant branch. The Apostle Peter began singing the psalm "In the Exodus of Israel from Egypt", solemn hymns sounded. Above the bed appeared a cloudy circle in the form of a crown, illuminated by radiance. This crown floated over the procession to the very place of burial. The procession was followed by Jews who did not believe in Christ.

The high priests sent their servants to disperse the procession, kill the apostles and burn the body of the Mother of God, but the angels struck the blasphemers with blindness. The Jewish priest Athos (according to other legends, Jethoniy or Zephaniah), who tried to overturn the bed of the Virgin, was punished by an angel who cut off his hands. Seeing such a miracle, Affonia repented and with faith confessed the greatness of the Mother of God. He received healing and joined the host of those who accompanied the body of the Mother of God, becoming a zealous follower of Christ. The repentant of the blind also received their sight.

For three days the apostles stayed at the tomb of the Mother of God, singing psalms. On the fourth day, the absent Apostle Thomas returned to Jerusalem and was very sad that he could not say goodbye and bow to the Mother of God. The apostles, taking pity on him, decided to go and roll away the stone from the grave cave in order to give him the opportunity to say goodbye to the Mother of God. But, to their amazement, the body of the Virgin was not in the cave, only funeral clothes remained. Returning home, the astonished apostles fervently prayed to God that He would reveal to them what had become of the body of the Mother of God. And through their prayers, a miracle happened.

In the evening of the same day, the Mother of God Herself appeared to them and said: “Rejoice! I am with you - all the days; and I will always be your prayer book before God. This delighted the apostles and all who were with them so much that they raised the part of the bread supplied for the meal in memory of the Savior (“the part of the Lord”) and exclaimed: "Holy Mother of God, help us." This was the beginning of the rite of offering panagia - the custom of offering a piece of bread in honor of the Mother of God, which is still preserved in monasteries. That is why the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is not a cause for sorrow, but a holiday. After all, “with you” means that She is with all of us, too, “for all the days” ...

The Lord, by His special consideration, slowed down the arrival of St. Thomas to the day of the repose of the Most Pure Theotokos, so that the tomb would be opened for him, and the Church, thus, was convinced of the resurrection of the Mother of God, just as earlier, through the unbelief of the same Apostle, was convinced of the resurrection of Christ. There is an Orthodox tradition that on the third day after the burial, the Mother of God appeared to the Apostle Thomas and threw Her belt from Heaven to comfort him.

Since then, the Church has been celebrating this event. Everything in it is a remembrance of the earthly life of the Mother of God, sadness and joy, because this is also the day of Her birth for eternal life, where She is placed above the angelic ranks, the day of testimony that the promises of the Lord are immutable, about life and about the miracle of the Resurrection ...

The feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God has been established by the Church since ancient times. In the 4th century, it was already widely celebrated in Byzantium. At the request of the Byzantine emperor Mauritius, who defeated the Persians on August 15, on the day of the Assumption of Our Lady (since 595), the holiday became a church-wide one. The main purpose of establishing the holiday was the glorification of the Mother of God and Her Assumption. To this main goal in the IV-V centuries. another joins - the denunciation of the delusions of heretics who encroached on the dignity of the Mother of God, in particular, the delusions of the Collyridians, heretics of the 4th century who denied human nature of the Blessed Virgin(as a result of which they denied Her bodily death).

The death of the Blessed Virgin Mary is called dormancy because She “as if for a short time fell asleep, and, as if from a dream, she woke up to eternal life,” because death, as the return of the earth to her dust, and the spirit to God, did not touch Her. She only fell asleep in order to awaken at the same moment to an eternally blessed life and after three days with an incorruptible body to move into a heavenly incorruptible dwelling.

Place of the Assumption of the Virgin in Jerusalem

According to legend, before her death, the Most Holy Theotokos lived in the house of the Apostle John the Theologian. Here she passed away.

In 1910, on this site, on the top of Mount Zion, a German Benedictine abbey was built - the monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin (Dormitsion).

In the crypt of the temple, in the center of the hall, there is a sculpture of the Virgin, reclining on a stone.

Tomb of the Virgin

The most pure body of the Mother of God was buried, as She requested, in the tomb where her parents Joachim and Anna, as well as Joseph the Betrothed, had previously been buried. The tomb of the Virgin is located in Gethsemane, at the foot of the western slope of the Mount of Olives, in the Kidron Valley, in Jerusalem (East Jerusalem). In the 5th century, a temple was erected on the burial site. There is a legend that before St. Helena Equal to the Apostles built a basilica here. In 614 the temple was destroyed, but the tomb of the Mother of God was preserved.

In 681, the tomb of the Virgin was opened by decision of the Sixth Ecumenical Council. According to legend, a belt and burial shrouds were found in it.

Now the cave church of the Assumption of the Virgin stands above the tomb.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Gethsemane, facade of the XII century

Most of the modern building dates back to the time of the Crusaders. This is an underground temple, which leads to 50 steps, with aisles of Sts. Godfathers Joachim and Anna and Joseph the Betrothed, located on the sides of the stairs.

Staircase, view from the entrance to the church

The temple has a cruciform shape: in the center is the tomb of the Virgin with two entrances, at the end of the cave there is an altar. In a stone bow there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Jerusalem in Russian writing.

Tomb of the Theotokos (cuvuklia), view from the west. To the left of the entrance is the Armenian throne

The temple belongs to the Greeks and Armenians. It is here, according to tradition, before the feast of the Assumption from Little Gethsemane, near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, that the Orthodox carry the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos in procession along the same path that the apostles once carried the body of the Mother of God to burial.

Veneration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Russia

The Holy Patriarch of Jerusalem Juvenaly (420-458) confirmed before Emperor Marcian (450-457) the authenticity of the legend about the miraculous ascension of the Mother of God into Heaven and sent to his wife, Saint Pulcheria (+ 453; Comm. 10 September), the funeral sheets of the Mother of God, which he took from her tomb. Saint Pulcheria laid these shrouds in the Blachernae church. In 866, the Russian fleet approached Constantinople, and the city was besieged by pagans. The emperor and the Patriarch of Constantinople prayed all night in the Blachernae Church, and then plunged the funeral robe of the Mother of God into the sea. Suddenly a storm arose and scattered the Russian ships in different directions. Russia suffered a defeat, which marked the victory of Christianity.

It was this event that contributed to the special veneration by the Russians of the Mother of God, her Assumption and robes. The Mother of God became the patroness of the Russian army, and the Feast of the Intercession, dedicated to the robes of the Mother of God, is a holiday that until the 19th century. celebrated only in Russia.

The Blachernae Monastery itself, the Intercession and Assumption acquired a special "military", "protective" significance for Russia. That is why, from the time of St. Prince Vladimir, the main churches of the main cities of Russia turned out to be dedicated precisely to the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos: the Kyiv Cathedral Church, the Church of the Tithes.

Similarly, the construction of St. Sophia Cathedrals, adopted from Byzantium, gradually passed into the tradition of building cathedrals in honor of the Assumption. Among the famous Assumption churches and monasteries today we can name Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk and Pochaev Lavra, Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery, Pyukhtitsky Assumption convent, Assumption Cathedrals in Vladimir, in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Assumption Church of the Novodevichy Convent .

Erected in the 15th century by the outstanding architect Aristotle Fioravanti, the majestic Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin became the main cathedral Russian land. Here, in front of the miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, most revered by Russians, weddings for the great reign and the kingdom, the coronation of emperors took place. Immediately, the rite of "delivery" of metropolitans and patriarchs was performed.

Celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin in Greece

In Greece, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated almost as widely as Easter. At the center of celebrations Tinos island, and his miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Tinos" : miraculous healings, volleys from ship cannons, flowers and flags, military bands and religious processions.

A solemn procession leaves the temple, the icon is hoisted onto a stretcher carried by sailors

Everyone passing under the icon tries to touch it with his hand or attach some object to the icon.

Under the numerous gifts with which the believers decorated the icon in gratitude for the miracles, it is difficult to discern the plot of the icon - the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary with the good news. However, every year on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, thousands of people flock to Greek island Tinos, to kneel from the port to the temple and touch the miraculous icon.

There is a straight road from the port to the temple on the hill. Along the roadside, a path made of a material like carpet was laid especially for pilgrims. Sometimes parents take sick children on their backs so that they can be healed.

In Greece on the island of Kefalonia , or "Island of Miracles", as it is called, every year on August 15 to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the village of Markopulo, where miraculous icon of Panagia Fedus (translated as “Virgin of the Serpent”), poisonous snakes crawl. Believers call them "the snakes of the Virgin Mary", because on this day they are harmless. They do not exceed one meter in length, they have a cross on their head, as well as on the tip of the tongue. According to tradition, if snakes do not appear, it is bad sign. This happened twice - in 1940 before the start of the Second World War in Greece and in 1953 - before the devastating earthquake.

Villagers notice snakes on the eve of the holiday, often gather with the priest in advance, read prayers and expect the appearance of snakes. Small snakes crawl here, and they are brought to the temple for Divine service. They are collected, put on the neck and stroked. Orthodox Greeks believe that this touch brings happiness. During the festive service, snakes are placed on the icon of the Mother of God, and they lie there quietly throughout the not-so-short service. According to ancient tradition, snakes are left in the church all night.

Snakes are mentioned in Christian books, mostly with a negative connotation, but Kefalonia is practically the only place in the world where these reptiles seem to be rehabilitated in the eyes of believing Christians.

Troparion, tone 1
In the Nativity you preserved virginity, in the Assumption of the world you did not leave the Mother of God; Thou hast reposed to the stomach, Mother of the Life of the Life, and by Thy prayers you deliver our souls from the death.

Kontakion, tone 2
In prayers, the unsleeping Mother of God and in intercession, the immutable Hope of the coffin and mortification cannot be held back: as if Mother’s Belly to the stomach, put it into the womb of the ever-virgin Indwelling.

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