Which zodiac sign is the most hated. Horoscope of shortcomings, or which zodiac signs are the worst. "Everything should be the way I want!"

Repair from ZERO online 24.11.2020
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Sometimes little things spoil our mood, but what annoys us does not bother others at all.

Each representative of the zodiac sign has its own irritants that can piss them off.

Knowing them, you can avoid many unpleasant situations in dealing with them.

Here is a list of habits and activities that zodiac signs hate. And how many of them matched you?


1. They hate it when people shuffle their feet.

2. They don't tolerate people who don't call back.

3. They can't stand it when their smartphone is turned off.

4. They can't look at caged animals.

5. They don't like people who are too active on social media.

6. They don't like people who can't dance.

7. They can't stand people who don't say what they think.

8. They hate when transport is delayed.

9. They don't like it when people dress casually.

10. Folk music repels them.


1. They hate people who show off a lot.

2. They don't like it when things are in a mess.

3. Garbage disgusts them.

4. They don't like bad books.

5. Neglect can piss them off.

6. They hate when they have to give a speech.

7. They just can't stand people not wearing deodorant.

8. They will lose their temper if you make fun of them.

9. They love good food and hate fast food.

10. They don't like it when a person can't show their wisdom.


1. They can't stand people who don't have a sense of humor.

2. They get angry when they can't be the center of attention.

3. They don't like it when the clock stops.

4. Poor quality wine immediately spoils their mood.

5. Shoes they can't dance in make them upset.

6. They hate it when people talk slowly.

7. They hate it when people walk slowly.

8. They hate pessimists.

9. They don't like those who are addicted.

10. Broken appliances can immediately piss them off.


1. They hate it when the room is hot.

2. They don't like wool.

3. They don't like to sleep on the couch.

4. People who arrive too early push them away.

5. People who don't dress well immediately spoil their mood.

6. They don't like to take criticism.

7. Violence in films depresses them.

8. Ungrateful children can infuriate them.

9. They hate it when they can't find things in their place.

10. They hate people who appropriate other people's merit.

a lion

1. People who dress better than them can make them angry.

2. They don't like people who have a better car than them.

3. When you ignore them, they go berserk.

4. They don't like people who make them jealous.

5. Rainy weather causes them strong emotions and they hate it.

6. They don't like cold weather.

7. They won't like the idea of ​​visiting holy places.

8. They don't like being asked to stay home on a sunny day.

9. When they are told to take things slow, it annoys them.

10. If someone says that Leos don't know how to flirt, it will piss them off.


1. They can't stand sloppy people.

2. They don't like it when people don't call them back.

3. They don't like to wear watches.

4. They dislike those who don't pay taxes.

5. They don't like people who don't respond to reminders.

6. Waste of time immediately spoils their mood.

7. When people speak grammatically incorrectly, they always try to correct them.

8. They hate those who swear a lot.

9. Hassle and worries are not for them.

10. They don't like stand-up comedians.


1. They don't like it when others ask them to turn off the music.

2. They don't like fast food.

3. They don't want to see trash in the park.

4. They get angry when people steal flowers.

5. They hate people who mistreat animals.

6. People who don't answer the phone or call back get pissed off.

7. They don't like casual relationships.

8. A bad haircut will ruin their mood for a long time.

9. Drug addicts push them away.

10. They don't like it when parents scold their children.


1. They can't stand people who borrow a pen and don't return it.

2. They don't like overly romantic people.

3. They don't like being jealous.

4. They can't stand those who are better than them.

5. Gluttons spoil their appetite.

6. They hate being gossiped about.

7. They don't like being accused of cheating (even if it's true).

8. They don't appreciate too stylish people.

9. People who consider themselves seers and fortune-tellers make them angry.

10. When they can't park in handicapped spaces, it spoils their mood.


1. They lose their temper when transport is delayed.

2. They don't like flying economy.

3. They don't hang out with seasick friends.

4. They may immediately hate a person who complains too much.

5. People who are not able to take risks spoil their mood.

6. They hate people who teach them how they should live.

7. They don't like people who think Sagittarians are always late.

8. Losing luggage can seriously upset them.

9. Cruelty to animals can piss them off.

10. Violating human rights will make them swear loudly.


1. They don't like it when people throw money around.

2. They don't like people who take out loans.

3. When people do not return the money, they can get angry.

4. They don't like noisy children.

5. They hate it when people don't keep their promises.

6. They can't stand it when a person leaves a tube of toothpaste open.

7. Poetry does not inspire them.

8. It infuriates them when people ask them for a ride somewhere.

9. They don't like to leave their children at home alone.

10. A bad haircut ruins their mood.


1. Boring people push them away.

2. They don't like fast food.

3. They hate it when people talk about their past.

4. They don't like psychiatrists.

5. They don't tolerate impractical people.

6. They don't like people who don't clean up after their animals.

7. Lack of devotion upsets them.

8. They hate being the third wheel.

9. They don't like getting their hands dirty.

10. They don't like being around shy people.


1. They don't like it when they lose their sunglasses.

2. They don't like it when it's too hot outside.

3. They don't like polluted waters.

4. They can't stand people who laugh too loudly.

5. They don't like people who leave in the middle of a fight.

6. Alcoholics push them away.

7. They don't like missing someone.

8. They don't like to wear glasses.

9. Slow drivers can make them angry.

10. They don't like cars because they pollute the environment.

Astrology is complex. The horoscope is usually based on the sun sign, but did you know that you also have moon sign, as well as the sign of each planet? And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Your character is made up of a combination of all these characteristics plus the placement of the planets at home, so one zodiac sign alone is not enough to know everything about you.

Nevertheless, there are some general patterns - for example, a tendency to certain habits. And some of these habits literally piss everyone off!

Don't know which ones?

Offbeat talks about everyone:


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Aries are too correct. Aries will not hesitate to hand over his own mother to the police, because RULES ARE RULES. Listen, Aries, everyone runs red lights sometimes. We feel your condemnation and we hate you for it.

And do you know what else? For the fact that you can’t decide in any way whether to behave like an adult or like a child. A typical example of an Aries stuck between school jokes and fatherhood is Vince Vaughn.

Aries loves sracha. When the Aries season comes, it is impossible to read comments on the Internet without validol. Most people quickly get tired of these disputes, but not Aries: he is ready to throw at the fan until the end of time!


dead line

Ah, Taurus: so smart and talented, but at the same time lazy and narcissistic. Everyone hates you because they are tired of seeing you do nothing for days on end, and then whine instead of taking and solving your problems.

You know, dear Taurus, while you were looking for a stylish bag in the online store, we were solving our problems here, and your help would not hurt.

We hate you because you love things more than people. Just ask George Clooney - if, of course, he honors you with an answer from one of his Italian villas.

You are stubborn as a donkey, dear Taurus! You don't listen to anyone because you think you're the smartest. Sometimes you turn into a real narcissist, and this is an unpleasant sight.



You, dear Gemini, everyone hates for duplicity. You want to please everyone so much that you are ready to put on any mask. Do you even have your face behind the mask?

And you NEVER SHUT UP. Marilyn Monroe was a Gemini, and it is rumored that it was the endless chatter that caused her untimely death.

Either you scream, have fun and go crazy, then you close in on yourself and spoil everyone’s mood with your gloom. You know, Gemini, everyone's already sick of it.


The Huffington Post

Hey Cancer! Everyone hates you because you're crazy! Even the FBI believes that of all the signs, Cancers are the most prone to crime because they are unpredictable and jealous.

In a relationship, Cancers are neurotic tyrants - take Tom Cruise, for example. It can be hard to bear - and friendly relations this also applies.

Your temperament scares us, Cancer. Then you explode, then you act like nothing happened. You wouldn't mind seeing a psychiatrist.

A lion.

The Idle Man

And we hate you, Lyovushka, for your unwillingness to deal with your problems. You prefer to sweep everything under the carpet until your whole life explodes. You are always striving for the heights, but when you reach them, you fall apart. Get it together!

Leo, why are you so stubborn? For example, Leo is also a Leo who could not give up his dream of winning an Oscar! But usually you persist in some petty bullshit that really annoys everyone.

Your heart is true, dear Leo, but shameful places are not very good. You think that monogamy is generally a stupid invention, you just forget to tell those who meet you about it. Everyone hates you either because you cheated on them or because they can't understand you.


US Magazine

Virgo, you are so capricious! Everything should be exactly the way you want, and the slightest deviation from the plan makes you hysterical. You should learn to go with the flow...

You love to plow too much. You are a typical workaholic who never has time for friends. Michael Jackson would understand you, but your friends don't.



And you, dear Libra, everyone hates, because they cannot understand your position on any issue. You are ready to tell everyone what they want to hear in order to keep the peace, so no one trusts you. And you are not able to make decisions even under pain of death.

You love to find the negatives in everything. Give you a million dollars in brand new bills and you'll complain that they don't fit in your wallet. Libras are masters of finding negativity: just look at Eminem.

Everyone hates you because you are a troublemaker and proud of it. You love to add fuel to the fire and stir up drama. Nothing is more fun for you than breaking the rules. It's all a lot of fun until someone goes to jail.



Hello, sadness, as they say. We hate you, because you sometimes get hung up on your thoughts, and this is really darkness. No one knows how to revel in negativity like you, dear Scorpio. At the same time, you switch from joy to depression at an alarming rate.

Even when you try to act normal, you are still considered a psycho (an example is the famous Scorpio Katy Perry). Around you, everyone walks on tiptoe, just so as not to inadvertently piss you off. It's exhausting, to be honest.

We also hate you for your poisonous charm. You always drag us into some kind of trouble, and we will not forgive you for this. As well as our mothers, therapists and precinct.



Sagittarius, you are a hot meteorite! You are hated because when you are angry, the planet shakes from your rage.

You consider yourself a kind of innocent sheep - someone else is always to blame. But you know what? Sometimes the blame lies with YOU, Taylor Swift... i.e. Sagittarius. Stop pretending to be a victim.

You love yourself so much! Whatever you do, you are sure that you are the best in the world. Going to a restaurant with you is a real punishment, because you will send dishes back three times, finding fault with every little thing. You have to be simpler, Sagittarius!


Twitter/Betty White

Oh Capricorn... everyone hates you because you're not interested in anything other than shopping. By the way, marketers are specifically counting advertising on Capricorns, because it is easy for them to sell anything. Well, on the other hand, Apple does not have a soul in you - at least something.

And also, dear Capricorn, everyone hates you because you love to argue - and you always win. Betty White is a Capricorn, and despite the appearance of God's dandelion, this old woman can quarter anyone with her sharp tongue. Seriously, readers, it's better not to argue with Capricorns - it will end badly for you.

And you, Capricorn, strive to see something good in everyone - and this comes to some pathological extremes, which infuriates us all. Stop letting everyone wipe their feet on you! There are incorrigible assholes among people, you understand? There is nothing to analyze there!



It is impossible to tell Aquarius anything: he knows everything, has seen everything and tried everything, even if it is pure lies. If you tell Aquarius not to stick your hand into the fire, he will stick it out of principle: just not to let you feel that you taught him something. And everyone hates know-it-alls, dear Vodoleiko.

Secretly, all Aquarians are sure that they are better than you. They are trying to portray such friendly guys, but don't be fooled! Look at Justin Timberlake. You might think that he is a simple guy, like everyone else, but in fact he is confident in his superiority over mere mortals - believe me!

And yet all Aquarius - with oddities. No, not in the sense of "unusual and extravagant", but in the sense of "we were infected with alien DNA during secret experiments". Seriously, can you even be normal for half a minute?!


The Verge

Oh, Rybka ... everyone hates you for being too emotional. Seriously, this is just breakfast, not the greatest signal of universal love. We understand that you are grateful, but it is difficult for friends to accept your tears of joy over a piece of sausage.

Sensitivity doesn't necessarily mean slacking off at every opportunity. Here Rihanna is also Pisces, but she manages to somehow direct her emotions in a more violent direction. However, you are not Rihanna, so when you fire your friends on what the world stands because of some imaginary insults, they hate you even more.

And the last thing: if Rybka falls in love with someone, woe to this unfortunate one! She will not let him pass - she will stick and will not lag behind. And no matter how much he explains that he also needs personal space, he will not meet understanding from Pisces - except perhaps tears in three streams. Oh no, as much as possible!

And now honestly admit: it looks like the truth?

It is known that a horoscope is a relative thing. Some believe in it, others consider the doctrine of the stars to be absurd. But, you must admit, when it comes to characterizing individual representatives zodiac signs, it is not worth denying the veracity of the horoscope.

"So simple!" He will talk about the things we most hate, those that act on us like a red rag on a bull. Is it true that this is what you hate the most?

What do zodiac signs hate?

  • Aries
    Boring, monotonous activities will never become a favorite for Aries. And representatives of this sign do not like to be criticized for minor mistakes, especially in the presence of strangers - at least take your feet in your hands and run away! Aries cannot stand when they praise others and admire them not. It is dangerous if their efforts are not appreciated!

    In addition, Aries cannot stand passivity, laziness, disorganization and false emotions. Be honest with these people!

  • Taurus
    Taurus are responsible and scrupulous about their work, so they don’t really like unexpected changes and constant changes. They don't like the fast pace, especially when it comes to making important decisions.

    Instability, irresponsibility, disorder and bad manners are exactly what blows the roof off Taurus.

  • Twins
    Do not force Gemini to do monotonous, routine work. And don't stand over their heads. It still irritates them! In addition, they dislike the dullness, passivity and lack of initiative of others. Phlegmatic individuals will obviously not be able to make friends with them!

  • crayfish
    The arrogance and duplicity of other people are two things that Cancers cannot stand. If you do not want to feel all the wrath of the representatives of this sign, do not rush and do not push them. And you should not reproach them and point out their shortcomings - this infuriates Cancers. It is hard to imagine with what indignation Cancers read these lines!

  • lions
    Lions are often self-confident individuals, therefore they cannot stand it when others begin to be modest and do not know how to express themselves. People born under this zodiac sign cannot stand it when their needs and desires are limited. Mess and slovenliness? God forbid they see this!

  • Virgin
    Inaccuracy, bad taste, chaos and disorganization will also hook Dev. And they should not be obsessively taken out and thoughtlessly criticized. You can make yourself a strong enemy! Virgos also hate negligence and indifference. Everything must be clear and according to plan!

  • Scales
    Down with conflicts, scandals and screams, if you do not want to infuriate people born under this sign! In addition, Libras do not like to work alone, and generally do not tolerate routine and dullness.

  • scorpions
    Supporting roles are not for Scorpions. They don't like to depend on other people! Strong by nature, Scorpios simply cannot stand the spinelessness, passivity and naivety of others. Oh yes, do not try to impose your opinion, control and patronize them. Why do you need this dose of negativity?

  • archers
    Active and cheerful Sagittarians do not tolerate pessimism and cynicism. They obviously will not like it if friends or loved ones do something important without their knowledge. But do not try to control the Sagittarians themselves - they will obviously not like it. Creative chaos? Better clean up before the arrival of Sagittarius!

  • Capricorn
    Capricorns stand for practicality, don't annoy them with your chatter and philosophy. Representatives of this sign will definitely be hooked if you do not trust them and do not appreciate their abilities. And Capricorns are real aesthetes: noticing obvious bad taste, they are unlikely to remain silent!

  • Aquarius
    No, a boring, monotonous life, sitting at home is clearly not for them! They love freedom, so don't even try to tell them how to do it right. They'll do it anyway! Scandals, passions, intrigues - things that will quickly piss off Aquarius.

  • Fish
    Pisces are creative people. It is almost impossible to make them fall in love with monotony, because they want to constantly develop and learn new things. It is known that these people are characterized by special secrecy, but do not even try to get into their soul! This makes calm Pisces very angry. All criticism, accusations, ridiculous jokes, representatives of this zodiac sign first endure for a long time, save up, and then vent evil on someone at the most inopportune moment.

  • Do not take everything seriously - the facts of astrological research are described lovingly and in a playful way. Although, as you know, there is some truth in every joke ...

    Never do what we list, as this will extremely piss him off!

    Astrology is a whole science that determines the personality of a person, his character and special features. But few people know the fact that she can also open her eyes to the most hated things for certain men. And all based on their Zodiac Sign.

    Below we will describe a few things that men hate related to each Zodiac Sign. Never do what we list, as this will extremely piss him off!


    Starting a fight with him is a bad idea.

    Everyone knows that Aries lose their temper very quickly. Under the circumstances, their fragile patience can quickly burst and bring out all his emotions at the most unexpected moment. Aries are the most aggressive and impulsive men of all the Zodiac signs. Therefore, stay away from them if they are in a bad mood.


    Never steal from a Taurus.


    Never interrupt him during a frank dialogue.

    Geminis have a friendly nature and they are very fond of communication. Therefore, in no case try to interrupt them. Communication for Gemini is a way of expressing their own feelings. He may be very offended by you if you choose not to listen to him. As if you interrupted his speech by cutting off his hands. Gemini will feel helpless at such moments.


    Never say anything bad about them.

    Be careful what you say when interacting with a Cancer. This Zodiac Sign is extremely sentimental, emotional and sensitive, therefore it does not take criticism well. You can be indignant and say that these are not characteristic features for a man. But don't be misled. Men get hurt too. And in the case of Cancer, it is twice as easy to deliver.

    A lion:

    Leos hate to share the attention they get.

    The Leo man concentrates on his own ego. And he hates those moments when someone takes away his moments of fame or attention, trying to draw attention to himself. So try to keep a low profile around him and let him be himself. Let Leo play the role destined for him, being in the spotlight.

    Otherwise, he may hate you very much for encroaching on his territory.


    You will never force a Virgo to admit her mistake.

    Yes, Virgo does not admit her mistakes. And if necessary, he will spend all his strength and energy to prove his innocence. Just put up with it and that's it. Don't even try to convince him otherwise!


    Never lie to a Scorpio.

    The mystical ability of Scorpio to get to the bottom of the truth is amazing. No matter how hard you try to hide it from him, he will still find out about everything. So be honest with him from the start. If you decide to lie at least once, you will forever lose his trust and respect. You probably don't want this to happen.


    Don't put him in a situation where he has to make a choice.

    Yes, Libra does not like to make important decisions and choose. No need to put pressure on them for this reason, as this is an extremely difficult task. Usually Libra is one of the most peaceful men, but if you still put him in front of a choice, then he will hate you.


    Don't force him to act.


    Never pretend to be someone you are not.

    Capricorn men are very negative about people who pretend to be someone else. Therefore, there is no need to pretend to them. It will not be difficult for Capricorn to determine your true face, after which he will sharply lose interest in you. It is enough to be sincere and real with him for your communication to improve. Wouldn't everyone want to communicate with a real person, and not with his mask?


    Never try to change it.

    Originality is what nature has endowed Aquarius with. Therefore, they are more different from other Zodiac Signs in their unique character. So don't even try to change it. Love him for who he is. For everyone, it will only get better.


    Never play it.

    Pisces men are sensitive and emotional. So think thrice before organizing a prank on him. Because after him, he will most likely withdraw into himself and stop communicating with you. It will be very difficult to restore the old communication because of resentment.

    So, we briefly described those things that men hate, based on their Zodiac Sign. All the character traits of each of them are well known to everyone. But not everyone can draw the right conclusions so as not to annoy their friend or loved one once again. We hope that you will take into account our findings.

    Bright, talented, charismatic. They are admired and imitated. It would seem that these people are just some kind of holiday. But is it? So, next in line are the Lions and the horoscope of their shortcomings.

    "I am the Sun King"

    The most beloved and authoritative person for any Leo is a priori himself. And it's not even egoism, it's outright egocentrism. While everything revolves around him, he is happy, cheerful, cheerful and generous. But as soon as others pay attention to someone else, question his opinion and authority, try to deprive him of something, he immediately remembers his animal breed. Growls, says nasty things, masterfully insults.

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    True, we must give the Lions their due: having verbally destroyed someone or at least thoroughly trampled on his conceit, they quickly cool down, their conscience wakes up in them, and they even ask for forgiveness. By the way, quite honestly. And again become darlings. Until the one who has not learned the lesson, again does not substitute.

    By the way, if you need something - just ask, the representative of this sign will be imbued and will not refuse, but forcibly not giving him something or trying to take it away from him is suicide, well, at least moral.

    Electoral laziness

    Lions can tirelessly and sleeplessly do what attracts them, but if you try to get them to do something that they don’t like, then, as they say, where you sit down, you get off. They have a hundred thousand reasons for refusal, they will even announce them to you if they are in the mood to bicker, but if not, then they will simply send you to a known address. It is not for nothing that many representatives of this sign have a life credo, by default set on their foreheads: "Don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you where to go."

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    So Lions become workaholics only if they are fans of their profession and are proud of the fruits of their labors. True, even then they resist to the last, and most often they generally say a resolute “no” if they receive a task that contradicts their internal code or is poorly paid and exhaustingly boring. Representatives of this sign hate the routine so much that they do not agree to do it even for a lot of money, and for free - do it yourself. By the way, this applies not only to work, but also to household chores, especially those that resemble an assembly line - monotonous and predictable.

    "I only light the chosen ones"

    Lions are considered friendly creatures, but their inner light, loyalty and tolerance apply exclusively to those they like. The rest get deadly arrogance, derogatory ignorance, sharp jerky phrases and a grin that only the most optimistic individual can call a sincere smile.

    The most interesting thing is that Lviv's criteria for "chosenness" are very strange. They can stubbornly ignore the good and honest, but suddenly “fall in love” with a far from decent person simply because he “licks” them in every possible way, bring him closer to himself and tell everyone how wonderful he is.

    No, representatives of this sign are not naive idiots, therefore, over time, everything falls into place, and the one who took advantage of their friendship and favor is very sorry that he contacted them and tried to fool them. But as long as the one who was solemnly declared a friend does not do nasty things to the Lions themselves and their loved ones, he is firmly considered "white and fluffy." They just prefer to believe in good things, they are more comfortable that way. Well, the one who disappointed them is an evil troll himself.

    "Everything should be the way I want!"

    As already mentioned, the Lions adore themselves, therefore they are categorically unable to deny themselves any desires. They spend a lot of money on their pleasures, including gastronomic and alcoholic ones; constantly encourage themselves for something and do not strain "their lordship" without special need. For example, they can “score” on household chores and write music all weekend, stand at the easel ... Does something not suit someone? With things to go!

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    Representatives of this sign, as a rule, are not even embarrassed by the tearful exhortations of others about the need to stop and think about others (about their health, consequences, a mess in the house; underline what is necessary). If they want something, they will do it anyway, and everyone else should just adjust and not ruffle the Lions' nerves in order, in the end, to save their own.

    "Love me as I love myself"

    And again about egocentrism. Leos often do not develop long-term amorous relationships, because it is difficult for applicants for their heart to love them the way they love themselves. It is quite natural that few people are ready for many years to put their partner in the first place, forgetting about their desires, needs, and at the same time about their personal opinion, revolve around his “lion’s majesty”, fulfilling all the whims and diligently turning his living space into extremely comfortable area. Yes, and constantly say compliments, “stroke the fur” (and not against it), agree with any statements and decisions.

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    Lions, on the other hand, need to be licked from all sides even when they are not in the mood, growl in response to any word, brush off productive advice. At the same time, they still periodically do not notice problems and feeling unwell partner, because they are so busy with their inner experiences (creative torment, getting some kind of regular pleasure) that there is simply no strength and attention left for other people. No, they will listen, make a focused and sympathetic face, pat on the shoulder (hug) and immediately put what was said out of their heads. True, not always. Sometimes they nevertheless penetrate, help, empathize, but only if at this particular moment they are not puzzled by something globally important for themselves personally.

    Aggression is like an adrenaline rush

    Leos are by definition aggressive. They can cleverly disguise themselves as a plush toy, but if you bring them to the handle (and they start up instantly), then it’s better to immediately lock yourself in a concrete bunker so as not to receive a portion of very impartial statements or catch a fist in the jaw. In an hour, this tornado will subside, in another half an hour it will become conscience, and it will be possible to calmly crawl out and communicate quite peacefully.

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    For representatives of this sign, it is simply impossible and unnatural to keep anger in themselves and any negative emotions in general, they need to immediately get rid of the negative, this is the same adrenaline, after the outburst of which they feel good and calm. This is how the Lions are arranged, but then they don’t hold evil on anyone.

    "You can still talk to me here..."

    Lions are poseurs. They need to be in the center of attention and universal admiration, and in order for no one to forget about it, they always and everywhere try to stand out. It is they who speak the most in any company, laugh the loudest, know the answers to all the questions asked (and not specifically asked to them) and do not hesitate to give advice even to those who are at least suitable for them as fathers and mothers.

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    And God forbid you kill the representative of this sign! Hear a lot of "new and interesting" things about yourself. And if at that moment he is also upset with something, he will pout, defiantly shut up, majestically step aside and be expressively silent, and then still he will not restrain his offense and will remember everything, everything, everything. Those who simply did not support him and did not ask to continue the "performance of the great speaker" will also get it. By the way, for the sake of keeping attention, Lions can chat for three hours in a row about what, in principle, no one is interested in; although they tell a fascinating story, contagion.


    And the representatives of this sign are vain, rage when they are hungry, often promiscuous, incredibly amorous, they know how to piss off even a saint. But in general, we, Lions, are ideal, and whoever disagrees with this, then, yes, yes, with things to go.

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