Astrologers told what to do during the growing moon. Astrologers told what to do during the growing moon Lunar calendar for November zodiac signs

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November 2018 lunar days data contains the most necessary recommendations for activities in the full cycle of lunar days. This will allow each user to choose the most suitable period of time during November for the implementation of the most important cases. In addition, information about lunar days in November will help to draw up a schedule of current household and working days, which will save strength and health without starting them at a deliberately bad time.

Moon calendar for November 2018 is designed to help plan your life, correlating it with the rhythms of the moon and the cycles of its passage through the signs of the zodiac.

The nature of the influence of the moon on human health depends largely on the phases of the lunar cycle, each phase of which lasts about a week. If a lunar days determine our behavior to a greater extent, then the phases of the moon affect the state of our body, the degree of its vitality and activity.

You have probably noticed that on some days of the month you wake up alert and full of energy, and on others - lethargic and tired. If you take a closer look at this phenomenon, you will notice that the changes in our well-being occur cyclically. The different phases of the moon affect our emotional state, nervous system and energy level. The moon has a particularly strong effect on women, because female body more subject to lunar cycles.

Consider how the phases of the moon affect our health and body.

During the period of the new moon, a person is most weakened and exhausted, the energy resource of the body is at a minimum. As the moon grows, energy will accumulate until the full moon. Men react to the new moon more strongly than women. At this time they are aggressive and nervous.

During the period of the new moon, any stress on the body is not desirable, it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor. Efforts should be made to minimize nervous tension and aggression, because it is during the period of the new moon that the greatest number of strokes and heart attacks is observed.

The new moon period is favorable for getting rid of bad habits, for cleansing procedures, and also for dieting.

The phases of the growing moon are the best time for new beginnings. In relation to health, this can be a strengthening of the immune system, an increase muscle mass, accelerating the metabolic process, increasing the flexibility of the spine, etc. During the period of the growing moon, activities should begin to achieve these goals.

On the full moon, our feelings and emotions are aggravated. During this period, the human psyche becomes very vulnerable. Women react more strongly to the full moon than men. The full moon is characterized by insomnia, excess energy and restlessness. On the full moon, you should not sort out conflicting emotional relationships or take on the strong-willed upbringing of children. These days, as a result of increased emotionality of drivers, accidents on the roads are becoming more frequent. Under the influence of alcohol, people commit unpredictable acts with serious consequences.

In the phases of the waning moon, it is necessary to analyze the results achieved and correct mistakes. At this time, you need to start a decisive struggle with chronic diseases and with what you do not like in your body. The waning moon period is the best time to finally get rid of everything that annoys you. If you need to restrict yourself in food to get rid of excess weight, start following a new regimen during the waning moon, after the full moon.

Moon phases in November 2018

New Moon in November 2018 - November 07, 2018 at 19 hours 01 minutes 53 seconds.
.Full Moon in November 2018 - November 23, 2018 at 08 hours 39 minutes 14 seconds.
.First quarter in November 2018 - November 15, 2018 at 17 hours 54 minutes 16 seconds.
.Last quarter in November 2018 - November 30, 2018 at 03:18:47.
.The growing moon in November 2018 - from November 8 to November 22, 2018.
.The waning moon in November 2018 - from November 1 to November 6 and from November 24 to November 30, 2018.
.Moon at apogee: November 14 at 15:58.
.Moon at perigee: November 26 at 12:11.

Lunar calendar for November 2018, full lunar cycle for the whole month: recommendations for every day from November 22 to November 30

November 22, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. Look around, and you will notice how beautiful the world is, how many interesting things it has that you have not tried. Do not concentrate only on work, you will not earn all the money, and life flies by. Take a break from business, and you will discover a life full of adventures.

November 23, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, full moon in Gemini. This day will pass easily and harmoniously, all undertakings will move well towards their goal, you will easily do everything you have planned, nothing portends trouble. If there are minor annoyances, you simply will not notice them.

November 24, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. On this day, you will uncontrollably want to experience the feeling of extreme on yourself, try to choose a safer way of getting thrills. Also today all experiments with appearance will be successful, just do not overdo it, ask for advice from loved one, since you won’t feel the measures themselves and you can spoil your appearance a little.

November 25, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. Taurus is a symbol of security, so today you can take a chance and invest in some business or on a deposit. On this day, all financial transactions and real estate transactions will be very successful.

November 26, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. Today you will be covered by a wave of loneliness, only true friends will come to the rescue. Exclusively thanks to the support and understanding of loved ones, you will be able to stay afloat and not succumb to depression.

November 27, 2018, 20-21 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Do not look at what others have and do not envy, learn to appreciate what you have. Today, conflicts in the family are possible due to financial matters. Do not be greedy, sometimes you can please yourself with pleasant purchases, it is not all your life to save money.

November 28, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. We can say a happy day, it is favorable for any undertakings. Today it will turn out to realize everything that was planned, success will contribute in all actions and words. If you can’t decide on something for a long time, today is the right time.

November 29, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Let this be a day of fun for you, romance and passion are in the air, go on a trip with your soul mate or just go on a picnic. If there is none, do not worry, today you will definitely find your companion or companion, the Moon will push in the right direction.

November 30, 2018, 23 lunar day, the waning moon in Virgo. Observe the measure in everything, you should not engage in rivalry and go out of your way to prove your case to someone. Today you will be a little spontaneous, so you will easily agree to any experiments. It will do you good, finally you will be convinced of your strength.

The growing moon is a simple explanation of the complex system of illumination of the Earth's satellite by its constant star. The illumination of the Moon by the Sun is a simple and visible reason for explaining why in the night sky one can see either a narrow crescent or a large flat-convex disk.

In astronomy, this phenomenon is called the phases of the moon, and in November 2018 they will change with the same frequency as with other terrestrial civilizations, who watched these transformations with delight and fear.

Moon phases

Until, finally, the inventions of mankind did not allow to look into the depths of heaven and see why the moon changes in this way. However, when and from what date it begins to transform in visual perception, even the most ancient civilizations could quite accurately say.

The strict periodicity of changes in the observed appearance of the earth satellite is explained by the specifics of its illumination by a star, which earthlings call the Sun. The synodic month has little in common with the usual understanding of this word, because its frequency varies and can be about 29 and a half days.

The synodic month has 29 and a half days

On the new moon, the Moon is not visible on earth, it begins to grow from the moment when, after complete night darkness, a thin shining crescent can be seen in the sky.

The waxing moon starts young, continues until the first quarter of the cycle, until it reaches half illumination, and only then comes the waxing moon and full moon.

Growing moon, photo

After the Earthlings see their only satellite fully illuminated, the waning moon begins. Since the synodic month and the earth month long ago do not coincide either in the digital dimension or in the usual calculation, a different degree of illumination is manifested in each.

Waxing Crescent

For example, in November 2018 it will be in the growth stage for more than half a month. From the moment when it begins to grow - and this is November 7, until the transition to the full moon, almost 16 days will pass (15.9).

View of the moon in different periods

  • During the growing moon in November 2018, there are only two favorable days.

These are the days on which a sextile or trine is formed - this means the appearance of harmonious aspects between the Moon and the Sun at 60 or 120⁰.

Keeping track of what date the formation of a sextile or trine, you can plan different things

Knowing the date of formation of a sextile or a trine, you can plan various things, especially those in which a positive outcome of the event is very necessary, make vital decisions or start new businesses.

When, with the movements of the luminaries, the Moon again begins to move towards the full moon, the onset of unfavorable days also occurs.

The formation between the Moon and the Sun of conjunction, square and opposition (0, 90 and 180⁰) results in dates on which alertness and attention are sometimes necessary, and sometimes a complete rejection of any action so as not to get sick or fail.

In some periods of time, you need to monitor the phases of the moon so as not to get sick

  • During the calendar month (in November 2018), the growing moon starts on an unfavorable day on the new moon, November 7th.

Then comes another, November 15, and completes this cycle of the full moon on November 23. The triad is clearly observed every 8 days, while good dates in this period are only November 2, 12 and 18.

Full moon

  • The world of space considers only one auspicious day in the growing moon - November 14th.

But it is not suitable for resolving issues with state or simply higher authorities. On this day, the World of Space recommends holding conferences or symposiums, making new plans or completing something that did not work out in the previous month.

But he confidently predicts growth vital energy and its accumulation, especially intense at the end of the phase of the growing moon. November 14th is a great time to enlist the support of an influential patron or sponsor. And if this happens on this very day, the cooperation will be long and fruitful.

Do not think that the phase of the growing moon in any way depends on the calendar date or month of the year. She goes her own way, and people only tie her cycle to their usual dates. November starts with phase 4.

The growing luminary starts with a new moon and ends with a full moon. This month the dates are November 7th to 23rd, and the Moon transits Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries this month.

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Table of the November period of the growing moon in 2018

Lunar and calendar day Phase and title Zodiac sign Favorable and not auspicious days
28, 29, 1 — 7 November, Wednesday New moon Scorpion bad day
November 1,2 - 8, Thursday Waxing Crescent Sagittarius
2.3 – 9 November, Friday Waxing Crescent Sagittarius
3.4 – 10 November, Saturday Waxing Crescent Sagittarius
4.5 - 11 November, Sunday Waxing Crescent Capricorn
5.6 - 12 November, Monday Waxing Crescent Capricorn auspicious day
6, 7 – 13 November, Tuesday Waxing Crescent Aquarius
7.8 – 14 November, Wednesday Waxing Crescent Aquarius auspicious day
8.9 – 15 November, Thursday Waxing Crescent Aquarius
9.10 – 16 November, Friday Waxing Crescent Fish
10.11 – 17 November, Saturday Waxing Crescent Fish
11.12 - 18 November - Sunday Waxing Crescent Aries
12.13 – 19 November, Monday Waxing Crescent Aries
13.14 – 20 November, Tuesday Waxing Crescent Aries
14.15 - 21 November, Wednesday Waxing Crescent Taurus
15.16 – 22 November, Thursday Waxing Crescent Taurus
November 16.17 - 23 - Friday Full moon Twins bad day

For those who model their time according to the lunar calendar, it is worth remembering that the period of the growing moon is considered the most productive in the penultimate month of the year, in which you can start business projects, prepare for the celebration of the New Year and implement plans that can bring an unexpected surprise in December. profit.

In this phase of the moon, you can safely cut your hair and change your image, update your wardrobe and make new love or useful acquaintances.

In this phase of the moon, you can safely cut your hair and change your image

Women who take care of their appearance should learn that depilation, peeling, face and body cleansing masks are unfavorable.

Simple skin care is welcome, as is exercise. Getting rid of bad habits and housework, but not routine, but extraordinary - holiday baking, general cleaning, changing curtains and curtains - will also be successful.

For routine work, facial cleansing and small tasks, the Lunar calendar recommends using the full moon. But money transactions and travel on this day should not be undertaken.

The influence of the change of phases of the moon on human life has long been proven by scientists and astrologers. For those who want to make their life more measured, find harmony and balance with nature, and also multiply the days " Have a good mood»You should definitely familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar, which indicates favorable and bad days, dates of the changing lunar cycle and recommendations of astrologers for each day of the month. November 2018, in particular, began with a waning phase of the moon. We will tell you about what needs to be done in the first week of the last lunar month in our material.

If you look at the lunar calendar for November 2018, we see that from November 1 to November 6, the waning phase of the moon will be observed. On November 7, the new moon will take place in November 2018, from November 8 to November 22, the growing moon will have an influence, and on the 23rd the full moon will take place. At the end of the month, from November 24 to 30, the waning phase of the moon will again have an impact.

It is impossible not to say that not only the phases of the moon, but also the sign of the zodiac in which at one time or another the Earth's satellite is in the course of its movement around our planet, have an influence. For example, the full moon is a period of chaos in events and feelings, but sometimes it can also have a more pleasant character.

So, in November 2018, the Full Moon will pass under the sign of Gemini. This means that thoughts will not be confused. On the contrary, we are waiting for a certain smoothness of events and affairs. At the same time, you should not relax - the period will be characterized by the multiplication of lies around you. People will systematically deceive each other for selfish purposes. Promises will be empty - you should not trust words during this period.

The new moon is the phase of the moon is quite favorable. During this period, a person is filled with a desire for change and movement, as well as a change in the direction of this movement. Dreams literally overwhelm, and plans come to mind. It is dangerous to trust your emotions at this moment, because you can simply take on an unbearable burden.

The new moon in November 2018 will be in the sign of Scorpio. The sign is not calm and measured. Passions will overcome all people, and therefore it is better to delve into yourself and your own feelings during a dangerous period, set goals and priorities, plan your month so that it has enough time to implement plans and relax, to solve problems and communicate with loved ones.

As mentioned above, the month began with the phase of the waning moon. This means that new cases should not be started until at least November 6th. The phase of the waning moon is a short period of time designed to get rid of everything that weighs and interferes with living with joy.

Waning or aging moon?
The waning moon phase lasts one week after the Full Moon. After the moon is considered aging, because it is already preparing to meet the New Moon. Given that now the moon is not just waning, but already aging, that is, on the eve of the New Moon, then the list of what can and cannot be done is adjusted accordingly.

What can you do on the waning moon in early November 2018?

- During this period, you can be active, move a lot and walk, relax, meet friends and relatives, complete work plans;

- You should do a general cleaning, throw out everything unnecessary from your home, from thoughts and even from the environment;

- You need to communicate a lot and move around, arrange holidays. You are full of strength and energy, and therefore you need to direct it to cleansing yourself of everything unnecessary, in order to try to radically change the vector of your movement on the new moon;

- The waning moon is a period of action, not dreams. You can not be lazy, rely on fate. Passive rest is contraindicated.

What can not be done on a waning moon?

- You should not start new business, look for talents in yourself and try to change the field of activity. It is better to spend time summarizing the results of the already passed period of time and realizing the correctness or incorrectness of your actions;

- Do not sort things out, quarrel and swear;

- Do not make large purchases and invest in new projects;

- On the waning moon, you should not sleep long and get up late;

- Do not make fateful decisions and radically change your life. For this, the Full Moon or New Moon is suitable;

- On the waning moon, you can’t starve, exhaust yourself with intense cleansing. Now you need energy to move mountains and complete the accumulated projects that have been started.

Thus, we can summarize that the first week of November 2018 we devote to activity, systematically replaced by rest in cheerful companies. We sum up the results of the last month and only think about what we will do in November. Plans can even be written down, but it is better to plan the start of their implementation on November 7-8, that is, at the beginning of the phase of the growing moon.

The lunar calendar will help you ferment cabbage properly and not only

As you know, the Moon and lunar activity significantly affect not only the ebb and flow that occur in the seas and oceans, but also the well-being of people. By the way, since ancient times, experienced housewives have argued that even cabbage needs to be fermented at a certain lunar phase.

  • Moon phases by day in November 2018
  • The influence of the moon phases in November 2018
  • Waxing and waning moon and its influence in November 2018


According to experts, as well as astrologers, there will be several favorable days in November, given the lunar calendar. Such days in November were 8, 14, and also the 6th. According to astrologers, it is also necessary to calculate in which sign of the zodiac the Moon is located, and not just its decrease or increase.


As mentioned earlier, the phase of the moon affects the processes that occur on our planet in different ways, as well as the well-being of people. In order to speak and calculate what phase the Moon is in and what actions can be done during this, you first need to know what the lunar phase is and how it can affect all life on our planet.

Many natural phenomena, including even such as psychological condition of man, as well as the growth of various plants, and the rhythm of the human body depend precisely on the lunar phase and on the activity of this satellite of the Earth. Despite the fact that the Moon, compared with the Earth and other planets, is a fairly young celestial body, scientists have long proved that it directly affects all life on Earth.

Since ancient times, people have known about lunar calendars, with the help of which they adjust their activities, such as planting any plants. One of the oldest lunar calendars was a calendar compiled in ancient Egypt 6,000 years ago. This suggests that the ancient Egyptians took the moon phases very seriously and kept track of them. It should be noted that the solar calendar, which is more familiar to us, appeared much later than the lunar one.

Quite a lot is known about the Moon and its phases today, much more than our ancient ancestors knew. But the ancient lunar calendars are still sources necessary information. Maximum benefit, as well as the most auspicious time to carry out any work, or simply for the general condition of the body, you can find out if you analyze the information from the lunar calendar.

Waxing and waning moon and ITS INFLUENCE IN NOVEMBER 2018

As for such a phenomenon as the waxing and waning moon, they are no less important than the phases of the moon themselves and its influence on human body and all life on the planet. In the lunar calendar, there are special most unpleasant days marked, during which the extreme phases of the moon are observed. Since ancient times, our ancestors noted that important things on such days should be postponed.

According to astrologers, as well as experts, new and most important things need to be done when a new moon appears, or growing. After the new moon has ended, immediately the next day, astrologers recommend starting big, important, or new things. The completion of such cases and work should fall on the waning moon.

AT different areas life, astrologers recommend taking into account not only the favorable and unfavorable phases of the moon, as well as the waning and growing moon, but also the sign of the zodiac in which our celestial body is located. Also, astrologers assure that according to their observations over the years, even the taste buds and preferences of people change, according to the signs of the Zodiac in which the Moon resides. For example, when the Moon is in Aries, people crave fish food more, and when people really crave milk, or a variety of dairy products, the Moon is likely to be in Taurus.

Gardeners and flower growers will not let you lie, what exactly, given lunar phases, as well as the signs of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located, it is best to choose the time for planting any crops, as well as flowers.

The true fact today has already become the orientation to the fertile Moon, which is determined by the lunar calendar. The harvest will be rich and greatly increased, given the sign of the Zodiac, as well as the growing or waning moon. Astrologers report that sowing a variety of crops is best done after the new moon, when the young moon appears.

Also, as mentioned earlier, our ancestors from ancient times focused on the moon, when they closed various preservations for the winter, and also dried vegetables and fruits. For example, since ancient times, housewives have known that it is necessary to ferment cabbage in certain phases of the moon and only on a growing celestial body. It was noticed that when fermenting cabbage before the new moon, that is, on the growing moon, this appetizer turns out to be as full of vitamins as possible, and the fermentation and preparation of this vegetable also goes better.

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Mid-autumn will bring many surprises to those who dream of a career take-off and moving up the social ladder. In the first seven days of the month, the Lunar calendar for November 2018 recommends getting rid of debts, breaking off obsolete relationships, sweeping away accumulated rubbish and bad habits from your life.

The exact horoscope for November 2018 predicts that immediately after the New Moon in Scorpio takes place on November 7, 2018, you need to reorganize and start working more actively to increase personal well-being, invest in promising projects, and make promising acquaintances.

On the young moon from November 8, 2018, there will come a period of implementation of the most daring plans, gaining stability in personal life. Astrological forecast for November 2018 predicts that many people will have the opportunity to change their place of residence or move abroad, where fresh bright job prospects will open up.

The time when the Moon is growing can be devoted to professional growth, moving to a more profitable position, signing long-term contracts. You will see the first fruits of your activity towards the end of the second month of autumn, when the Full Moon in Gemini will take place on Friday, November 23, 2018.

Success will bring a creative approach to solving any problem, help from relatives, personal communication skills and a new, more positive image in clothes. When planning your life according to the Lunar calendar for November 2018, you will find out on which days of the month you can see a prophetic dream, when it is better to move to a new place of residence, make useful durable purchases for the home, as well as favorable days for weddings and weddings.

November 1, 2018 Thursday

23 lunar day, waning moon in Leo

A positive joyful day, giving a sea of ​​​​energy for the implementation of the plan and the realization of life's potential. Today it is impossible to act ahead and show aggression in words or in deeds, it is necessary to diplomatically settle all the misunderstandings that arise in order to achieve success. On this auspicious day, there will be a chance to solve some complicated problem in your favor and leave your competitors far behind. In the evening, be sure to make a pleasant surprise for the person you sincerely love, a mutual exchange of positive will help you recover faster.

November 2, 2018 Friday

23-24 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo

A favorable time for measured work, communication with friends and building ambitious plans. The transition of the Moon into the earthly zodiac sign of Virgo calls for a more critical look at things, scrupulously observing etiquette and rules of behavior in society. Today it can conclude commercial transactions, as well as sign contracts for the lease, purchase or sale of real estate. In the afternoon, you need to find time to talk to authoritative people or relatives who can give valuable advice or help financially.

November 3, 2018 Saturday

24-25 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo

On this day, you need to relax and take care of your appearance, all purchases for both home and personal use will benefit. Today, the ability to present yourself beautifully and gain authority from the people around you comes to the fore. Do not trust the words of strangers, as there is a risk of deception and fraud. There has been a temporary pause in the relationship between the lovers, which will help renew and refresh the energy of romantic feelings.

November 4, 2018 Sunday

25-26 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo

A favorable time for unhurried housework, which will help restore the supply of energy spent during the working week. A good sign of the day when the Moon is in the zodiac sign Virgo is a clear sky without clouds and the opportunity to find some long-lost thing. If you start a quarrel with someone today, there is a risk that the conflict will drag on for the whole month, so be careful. Do not trust the gossip and empty chatter of acquaintances who can overwhelm you with phone calls and impose their communication in any other way.

November 5, 2018 Monday

26-27 lunar day, waning moon in Libra

The beginning of the working seven-day period will bring a lot of unjustified gestures, when the result of labor will be scanty, and too much time has been spent. This is not the best time to start new projects or organize socially significant events, as everything will go completely wrong as originally planned. You need to restrain yourself if you want to keep the positions that you have managed to win so far. In the afternoon, an unexpected surprise will be presented by a secret admirer who preferred to hide in the shadows for the time being.

November 6, 2018 Tuesday

27-28 lunar day, waning moon in Libra

The morning of this day will begin with a surge of good mood and a desire to enjoy life. The lunar calendar for November 2018 promises a lot of good news for today and excellent prospects for love, as the waning moon will connect with Venus in the sign of Libra. At this time, you can meet your fate and arrange personal happiness, receive generous gifts from an admirer or an unexpected bonus from superiors. Evening last day before the New Moon, you need to dedicate to summarizing the work done, cleaning the house and workplace, getting rid of bad habits.

November 7, 2018 Wednesday

28-29-1 lunar day, New Moon in Scorpio (at 19.05 Moscow time)

A day of passive contemplative energy, when those who least aspire to active work. Today, many will want to lie in bed longer and this is fully justified by the fact that the time has come for the birth of the New Moon in the sky. The energy of the New Moon in Scorpio involves spiritual cleansing from the mistakes of the past, a break with those people who have ceased to pay attention to you. But in the evening on the birthday of the Young Moon in the sky, in clear weather, you can see a falling meteor from the Orionids starfall and make a cherished wish that will surely come true.

8 November 2018 Thursday

1-2 lunar days, the growing moon in Scorpio

A period of unstable energy, when the plan cannot be implemented quickly, because the necessary information comes late. In the first half of today, the Moon in Scorpio will create a square with fiery Mars and provoke a lot of quarrels, scandals and misunderstandings from scratch. The beginning of a new lunar cycle is associated with the need to carefully check everything heard and seen, if you do not want to become a victim of deception. In the evening the situation will even out, the Moon will move into the sign of Sagittarius and this will allow you to switch your attention to more inspiring events.

November 9, 2018 Friday

2-3 lunar days, the growing moon in Sagittarius

Today you need to generously give your energy to those people who in the future will allow you to realize your talents and attitudes in life. Make new acquaintances, get new things, start new promising projects on this day if you want to succeed. The lunar calendar for November 2018 warns that the conjunction of the Moon and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius is rare and has a very positive effect on the development of relationships between people. The second half of today is great for starting business trips, any trips, weddings, family holidays and travel.

November 10, 2018 Saturday

3-4 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius

A day of sharpening of intuition, when it is necessary to remember the dream that you had the day before and try to solve it yourself or with the help of a fortune teller. Today you can ask cards about what awaits us in the future and get accurate answers, all types of fortune-telling are truthful and informative. The growing strength of the Moon in Sagittarius gives new opportunities for building a harmonious destiny, finding happiness in your personal life, gaining harmony and beauty through diet and a healthy lifestyle.

November 11, 2018 Sunday

4-5 lunar days, the growing moon in Capricorn

A rather controversial day when relatives or friends who want to tell you some important information can disturb you with a sudden call. Today, the waxing Moon meets Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, setting people up for a pragmatic approach to life, cost savings and integrity. But it will be possible to devote more time to family values ​​and restore energy through communication with like-minded people. Rest can be organically combined with building plans for the future and thinking about some significant situation for you.

November 12, 2018 Monday

5-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Capricorn

The start of a new working week will bring unexpected profits and the opportunity to get a steady income from the work that gives you pleasure. The growing strength of the Moon in Capricorn directs our thoughts in the right direction, helps to cope with difficulties more easily, gives a chance for more happy life in abundance. However, the day is not suitable for shopping, irrational use of finances, absent-mindedness and a frivolous attitude to life. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons when making an important decision, so as not to regret what you have done later.

November 13, 2018 Tuesday

6-7 lunar days, the growing moon in Capricorn

The day of exacerbation of any conflict situations, the desire to achieve justice at any cost and aggressive behavior towards those people who do not share your point of view. It is advisable to wait out this unfavorable period, take a vacation, change the situation or go on a short trip. The accumulated energy must be splashed out into a peaceful channel, otherwise breaks, partings and the end of those relationships that you still need on an energy level cannot be avoided.

November 14, 2018 Wednesday

7-8 lunar days, the growing moon in Aquarius

A harmonious and full of unexpected discoveries day, when any work that requires a creative approach is easily argued. Today, according to the lunar calendar for November 2018, the interaction of the Moon in Aquarius with Mercury in Sagittarius enhances curiosity and sociability. Use this favorable arrangement of stars to expand your circle of acquaintances, search for authoritative patrons and like-minded people. The evening of this day is perfect for corporate parties, communication in an informal setting, participation in exhibitions and socially significant events.

15 November 2018 Thursday

8-9 lunar day, First Quarter, waxing Moon in Aquarius

A day of spiritual joy and inner peace, when romantic relationships between lovers, flirting and the desire to change the situation come to the fore. Today it is advisable to plan all the important things for the first part of the day, since after lunch the energy of the Moon will change to a softer and calmer one due to the transition to the Pisces zodiac sign. In the evening, depression may increase in those who, for some reason, are still living without a couple. A walk in the park or a phone call with a friend who treats you with favor will help relieve stress.

November 16, 2018 Friday

9-10 lunar days, the growing moon in the sign of Pisces

On this day, it is better not to plan any important matters, not to go on the road and not to sign important documents. There is a risk of getting into a traffic accident or running into outright scammers. A crisis in relationships between people will be provoked by the Meeting of the Moon and Mars in Pisces, when the expectations will be high, but the result obtained will be prohibitively small. Today it is better to give up going to a cafe or restaurant in favor of homemade food due to the increased risk of poisoning. You should also not rely on the help and understanding of colleagues at work, it is better to work offline, relying solely on your own strength.

November 17, 2018 Saturday

10-11 lunar days, the growing moon in the sign of Pisces

On this day, you can get a hint from the Higher Forces if you pay attention to your dreams, as well as signs. So, it’s very good to get up on your right foot today and receive a gift from a loved one. You can’t take anything out of the house so as not to lose your happiness and even throw out the garbage - postpone this procedure for another day. Weekend evening days will pass in a calm atmosphere, which, however, can be disturbed by an unexpected visit from guests or a call from relatives.

November 18, 2018 Sunday

11-12 lunar days, the growing moon in the sign of Pisces

The soft and even energy of this day will allow you to show the depth of feelings to the chosen one of your heart, but if you are still alone, today there will be a great opportunity to find "your" person in a crowd of people. Go to an exhibition, to the cinema, or to other places where it's noisy, fun, and beautiful. Fate will give you an opportunity for a pleasant meeting or a good mood. The lunar calendar for November 2018 suggests that tonight the Moon will move into the sign of Aries, helping to quickly recuperate and feel the taste of life again.

November 19, 2018 Monday

12-13 lunar days, the growing Moon in Aries

The beginning of the seven-day period will be difficult and full of unexpected news. Today you need to bet on personal communication skills and dedication, as the unfavorable aspect of the Moon in Aries in relation to Mercury will make you work harder than usual. Get through a difficult Monday with the help of someone who is much older than you and can give good advice in a difficult situation. You will want to spend the evening of a difficult day on passive relaxation, receiving guests or a walk in the park with your loved one.

20 November 2018 Tuesday

13-14 lunar days, the growing Moon in Aries

A day of unexpected surprises and troubles "on the personal front", provoked by the conjunction of the Moon with retrograde Uranus. You will want to act by force and get what you have long dreamed of, regardless of the circumstances. Restrain your momentary impulses, as in the future you can greatly regret what you have done. Many plans and agreements will fail today for reasons beyond your control. All day you will be haunted by mistakes, inaccuracies, the inability to carry out your plans, but in the evening there is a chance to correct the situation and find a way out of a difficult situation. The role of a good Guardian Angel will be performed by one of your relatives and friends.

November 21, 2018 Wednesday

14-15 lunar days, the growing Moon in Taurus

One of the best days of the month, when the work literally burns in the hands, and the people around are ready to meet you halfway. Today you can sign important papers, seek the truth in court, participate in socially significant events, and receive a well-deserved profit. The lunar calendar for November 2018 promises that the growing Moon in Taurus will give every person a chance to become richer, happier and more resilient. This is also a very auspicious day to start a course of preventive treatment or a planned operation, as the forces of nature help to quickly restore physical and mental health.

22 November 2018 Thursday

15-16 lunar days, the growing Moon in Taurus

A day of great accomplishments and unexpected but good news that can dramatically change your life. Today, surprises are possible in the field of career, creativity, business and financial transactions. You need to tune in to win and boldly go to the cherished goal, putting into practice the experience accumulated earlier. Great help in the implementation of the plan will be provided by friends and marriage partners. The most successful period of this day falls on the time from 16.00 to 20.00, when the energy of the moon is already stabilizing and will help to act actively, but thoughtfully.

November 23, 2018 Friday

16-17 lunar days, Full Moon in Gemini (at 8.45 Moscow time)

A dangerous critical day, full of temptations, illusions and self-deception, when true friends can let you down, and those to whom you trusted your secrets yesterday can betray agreements. The energy of this day is fed by the Full Moon in Gemini, when it is difficult to focus on one thing and there is an increased risk of accidents, conflicts and equipment failures. All forms of divination and appeal to clairvoyants and psychics are welcome in order to clarify their future. However, today it is impossible to plan a trip to a beautician or a doctor, as there is a risk of exacerbations of diseases, infection of a weakened body, as well as tissue edema under the influence of the Full Moon.

November 24, 2018 Saturday

17-18 lunar day, waning moon in Gemini

On this day, you need to skillfully maneuver between your desires and the plans of other people in order to succeed. Show ingenuity and skills of a diplomat in dealing with people for the sake of maintaining peace even in a very delicate situation. Insist on positive, but do not allow criticism from competitors, as this is fraught with misses in work and business. The lunar calendar for November 2018 advises you to devote more time to studying the topic that can give you additional profit and act gently but purposefully.

November 25, 2018 Sunday

18-19 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer

The time has come for rest and comfort, when you can lie in bed longer, remember the dream you had that night and ask the Higher Powers to grant happiness and health to all members of your family. The issues of home improvement will come to the fore, as well as such large acquisitions for the home as a car or new furniture. It's a great day for active rest, parties, romance and new acquaintances. You can especially subtly convey the range of all your feelings in the evening, when the waning moon will be filled with the energy of the Pisces water sign and will help all lovers to take a decisive step towards their happiness.

November 26, 2018 Monday

19-20 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer

The beginning of the seven-day period will please you with good news, good health, the opportunity to plan your life the way you yourself want. The waning Moon in Cancer will gently relieve you of debts, accumulated problems, bad habits and extra centimeters at the waist. It is enough to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and actively work for personal well-being in order to succeed. Today you can make big purchases, go on the road, move to a new place of residence, make friends and confess your feelings. All day long you need to keep a smile on your face and in no case swear with anyone, as negative emotions will scare away the location of Fortune from you.

November 27, 2018 Tuesday

20-21 lunar days, waning moon in Leo

A bright, eventful day when energy finds a way out in active work and creativity. Additional forces will be given by the stay of the Moon in Leo, which forms positive aspects to the conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Such a favorable arrangement of stars promises bright ideas and findings, gives important news. Today is a great time for politicians, journalists, athletes and everyone who strives for fame and glory: fate will give you a chance to win a coveted victory in some important matter and quickly climb the crest of a wave of success. You can share your joy with friends, relatives, as well as loved ones who provide you with moral support and assistance.

November 28, 2018 Wednesday

21-22 lunar days, waning moon in Leo

An auspicious day for receiving a well-deserved reward, promotion, stability in business and harmony in love. Today it is very important to maintain optimism and faith in one's strength throughout the day, as unexpected meetings, surprises and gifts of fate in the form of long-awaited pleasant events are possible. The powerful energy of the Moon in Leo helps to quickly achieve justice in court, recovery from illness, reciprocity in feelings and prosperity in business. A good day to start a trip or any trip, as it guarantees a lot of positive emotions.

29 November 2018 Thursday

22-23 lunar days, waning moon in Leo

The first half of the day will bring a lot of good news, give you the opportunity to realize your creative potential, achieve recognition and increase your authority in society. But all the important work needs to be planned before the evening, because after 19.00 the Moon will move into the sign of Virgo and create difficult aspects with the Sun, which is fraught with breakdowns in agreements and emergency situations on the road. Dishonest people who want to take possession of the fruits of your labor can spoil the mood. Try to smooth out the conflict that arises and pay more attention to the pleasant little things that make our life beautiful.

November 30, 2018 Friday

23 lunar day, Third Quarter, waning Moon in Virgo

A controversial and extremely difficult day when you should not start something new, go on the road or rely on the help of friends and work colleagues. The waning Moon in Virgo makes people meticulously check every penny, react with restraint to people's feelings, not show their true emotions and feelings. Today you can not focus on personal problems, otherwise depression is guaranteed for you, it is better to dump the accumulated negativity in some work that requires activity and high stress. The evening of a busy day should be spent in the cozy atmosphere of your own home, doing your usual work and ordinary chores.

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