Sights of Syktyvkar: a photo with a description of what you must see, reviews of tourists. Ybsky Seraphim Convent

Design and style 06.12.2020

You can hear the most controversial opinions about Syktyvkar. Someone will call it a very provincial city (given that it is the capital of the Komi Republic) or even a "bear's corner". Others will argue that despite its small size and population, it is a major business, scientific and cultural center. The second statement is supported by the fact that there are more than a dozen hotels in Syktyvkar, and there are chronically no places in all of them, and the prices for rooms are not cheap. Hotels are filled, however, not with tourists, but with business people. But that doesn't make it any easier.

Therefore, when planning a trip, it is better to take care of where you will stay in advance. It would probably be more profitable to withdraw. Idle tourists (if any are brought to Syktyvkar) may quip that the city is poor in terms of architecture. And lovers of nature in its untouched form will be delighted with the local beauties. And there is something from. The city is surrounded by forests, there are rivers and lakes. This is a real paradise for hunters and fishermen, as well as "peaceful hunters": gatherers of mushrooms and berries. One of the Syktyvkar bloggers even offered to announce Komi mushroom place. And for his bright idea about the brand of the republic he received 3,000 euros.

There is one more circumstance that makes Syktyvkar unique, one of a kind, and this is also noted by travelers. The national culture in it is felt much stronger than in other republican capitals. Here on the streets you can still hear the Zyryan language, you will notice national symbols on the buildings, local theaters put on works based on the Komi epic.

And ignorance of the Komi language is not a reason to deny yourself an unusual spectacle. At the National Music and Drama Theatre, for example, you will be provided with interpretation via headphones. If you want more color, watch the performances of local ensembles: “Zarni An” (“Golden Woman”), “Zilgan Turun” (“Ringing Grass”), etc. Concerts are held in the Republican Philharmonic, in theaters, art gymnasium and other institutions. You can see all the national musical instruments, hear throat singing and jew's harp.

Conclusion: Syktyvkar has a pronounced national specificity and remains one of the few cities in Russia where a different culture really exists.

A small portion of facts from the life of the city. Syktyvkar was originally called Ust-Sysolsky. And the fault is the Sysola River, which is invariably and fatally present in the name. Syktyvkar also means "city on the Sysola River" in the Komi language. The first stadium in Komi and Syktyvkar was quite seriously called "Our answer to Chamberlain".

Even in the north of the city there is a "Paris". This is an area that became a temporary shelter for French prisoners. The atmosphere of the 19th century is still felt here - the houses are almost entirely one-story and wooden. We add that the city is strongly elongated along the river. With a very small width, it stretches for 30 kilometers. So don't forget this little detail. Otherwise, you will get a home ten kilometers from the place you need.

“Who came up with the idea of ​​building cities like this?” you ask. So it happened by itself. At the beginning of the 19th century, the economy of Ust-Sysolsk was mainly agricultural in nature, and, naturally, the inhabitants preferred to settle near the coast. By the way, when potatoes were brought here in the 1840s, the local population at first reacted to it with hostility. The "unholy fruit" of the backward townspeople even dug out the advanced agrarians from the gardens.

Let us take the liberty of compiling an impromptu city guide to make it easier for you to explore it. After all, it is better to stare around if you know the history of Syktyvkar buildings.

The heart of the city is Stefanovskaya Square, located at the intersection of the central streets. In every city there is a place where couples in love walk, where people date each other. So, this is it. The name is easy to explain. Stephen of Perm is a missionary who brought Christianity to the Komi region.

We dance further from the square, exploring the city center. It is given a special look not in Russian by narrow streets, a large amount of greenery, a combination of buildings different eras. There are wooden houses of the 19th century here, buildings of the Soviet era stand apart. They were made in the style of "constructivism", which in translation into Russian means: "Guys, we need to build quickly, cheaply and cheerfully." And it worked! Sometimes especially good in the "angry" part.

Sometimes it is thought that the creators of "Lego" drew inspiration from the Soviet constructivists. And in the early fifties, architects in Syktyvkar somehow suddenly switched to classicism. The cocktail turned out just right. Do not think, this is not a stone in the garden of Syktyvkar and its inhabitants, just an observation. And many Russian cities were built up in exactly the same way. By the way, before the beginning of this millennium, the city was completely seamed with new construction, now the situation has improved significantly.

It's time to move on to concrete examples. Let's start with the oldest stone building in Syktyvkar. This is the house of the merchant Sukhanov (1804) on Ordzhonikidze, 2. A typical provincial mansion in the style of Russian classicism. The Sukhanovs were once the richest and most influential family in the city. Imagine, even when Ust-Sysolsk received the status of a city, the solemn ceremony on this Kalanchapovod took place at the Sukhanovs' house. However, the merchants also had a lot of envious people, because their first mansion was burned to hell by ill-wishers who wished to remain anonymous.

Sovetskaya crosses Ordzhonikidze Street, here in house number 9 there is another attraction - the building of the fire department (1907) with a ten-meter octagonal tower, somewhat similar to a minaret. If you wish, you can visit the fire-technical exhibition. The expositions include the historical past of Syktyvkar, fire rarities and a diorama of a major fire that occurred in 1901.

Also on Sovetskaya Street in the house at number 25 is the Oplesnin mansion (1892), which keeps tragic story his master. Vasily Petrovich Oplesnin managed to get a merchant title, despite the fact that he was born in a peasant family. But all the efforts of the poor fellow crossed out the revolution. In this house, he hanged himself when he found out that his home was being nationalized.

The series of merchant mansions is continued by the trading houses of the merchants Derbenevs and Kuzbozhevs, which are located side by side on Communist Street (houses No. 2 and No. 6). On the first floors there used to be shops, now they are museums. An interesting exhibit lives in the ethnographic museum (Derbenev's house), one of the main shrines of the Nenets people - an idol from Kharasavey. And lovers of pagan legends here is the place.

Also, walking along the Communist, pay attention to the panels on the ends of the Khrushchev. All of them are dedicated to the development of the Komi region. It seems to be made in the tradition of socialist realism, but it is also very reminiscent of illustrations for some folk epic. On the mentioned street there is also an Alley of Heroes. From here, during the Great Patriotic War, the soldiers went to the front. The memorial in memory of the dead was cynically called by one of the locals “three aunts are roasting a crocodile”. However, this often happens with monuments when the idea turns out to be deeper than the implementation. And prove this assertion.

Around the bush, at the intersection of Babushkin and Lenin streets, there is the courtyard of the Ulyanovsk Trinity-Stefanovsky monastery(1889). The church in honor of the saint beloved by the townspeople was located here, but it was wooden and has not survived to this day, like the five-domed Stefanovsky Cathedral, destroyed by the Bolsheviks. But in 2001, a new temple was built in Syktyvkar, however, something tells us that it is not the last.

In just 10 years, St. Stephen's Cathedral has already reached an emergency state, as the poster at the entrance tells about. Services are held in the basement church. On the same Babushkina street, one can note the building of the Zemsky district hospital (1916), school No. 14 (1937), which was built according to the project of the first Komi woman architect, and attention, opposite the school, the house where Roman Abramovich lived.

One of the few old buildings in the city, preserved almost in its original form, is located on Kuratov Street, 15. The house of the peasant A.K. Kuzbozhyev (1896) is a vivid example of residential provincial architecture of the late 19th century. Kuratova Street leads us to the city park and the first thing we see is the former Theological School (1890), and now, no less, the National Gallery of the Komi Republic. Here you should look, admire the paintings of Kuindzhi, Tropinin, Levitan, Aivazovsky, Savrasov, look at the old icons collected from all over the republic. Next to the museum there is a “sculpture garden”, which is regularly replenished with new works after the “Finno-Ugric World” plein-airs.

Do you want something unforgettable, incredible, stunning? There is one trump card in reserve - this is one of the most mysterious places in Russia, Pillars of weathering on the Man-Pupu-ner plateau. True, such a journey still needs to be brave. Getting to the pillars "on your own" is not too easy. The place is deserted, and travel agencies will not take it cheap for pleasure. But beauty requires sacrifice!

The monument of natural origin is located between the rivers Ichotlyaga and Pechora. The place is incredibly beautiful, mysterious, entangled in legends. In the middle of the plateau there are seven pillars, the height of which varies from 30 to 42 meters. Shamans of the Mansi tribes came here in order to draw magical powers, and everyone who saw the Weathering Pillars notes that being in close proximity to them, you begin to experience an inexplicable feeling of fear. According to ancient legends, the pillars are petrified giants who came to this land to destroy the Vogul people, but the sacred mountain Yalping-ner horrified them, the giants remained standing, bound by fear. Impressions are indescribable!

All in all, enjoy your trip! Vidza Koram!

Syktyvkar is a city located at the place where the Sysola River flows into Vychegda, the capital and largest of the Komi Republic. Translated from the Komi language, Syktyvkar means "a city on the Sysol River." Note that until 1930 the city had a different name - Ust-Sysolsk. The main sights of Syktyvkar are located in the central part of the city. The historical center of the city is also located here. Most of it was destroyed during the years of Soviet power. Until our time, about 50 wooden buildings have been preserved, which are taken under state protection.

Sights of Syktyvkar

The historical center of the city is small, a walking tour of it will take no more than one hour. The main place of the historical part is Stefanovsky Cathedral on the main square of the same name in the city. The cathedral was founded in 1850 and named after Stefan of Perm, the most revered patron in Komi. In the 30s of the last century, the cathedral building was almost completely destroyed and restored anew only in 2002.

On Ordzhonikidze Street stands the oldest building, built in the early 19th century. This house of the merchant Sukhanov. On his initiative and at his expense, in those distant years, wooden churches and beautiful residential buildings were built in Ust-Sysolsk. Thanks to this, in 1780, Catherine II awarded him the status of a city. At the intersection of two streets - Sovetskaya and Ordzhonikidze - there is a fire department building, built at the beginning of the last century. ten meters watchtower with clock, made in the form of an octahedron, is the symbol of Syktyvkar.

There are other interesting places in the city. One of them - mushroom lane between two houses on Kuratov street. Its width is only 10 cm. The townspeople have a tradition associated with this alley - in order for the trip to the forest to pick mushrooms to be the most successful, you need to go under the sign for this alley. "Zest" of Syktyvkar - monument to one of the letters of the Komi alphabet. It is located opposite the Drama Theatre. The townspeople dubbed the monument to the letter "Ö" the screaming snail. City Day is solemnly and brightly celebrated in Syktyvkar. The main celebrations take place on Theater Square. On this day, festive concerts, competitions, discos are held here. At the end of the events, the townspeople come to the square to admire the festive fireworks.

Stefanovskaya Square- the very heart of the city. This is a favorite place for walks, meetings and dates. Huge pedestrian space where you can meet anyone. On New Year's holidays, the main Christmas tree is set up here, and horseback riding, reindeer and even camel riding are organized.

If the weather does not allow walking along the street, then you can visit the many cozy pubs, cafes and restaurants of the city. One of the best restaurants in Syktyvkar - "Penthouse". It is located on the 15th floor of a multifunctional complex called "Trading Yard". This is another attraction of the city of a truly European level. In the 16-storey building of the "Torgovy Dvor" there is everything most necessary for the life of residents and guests of the city. The complex has its own parking, various shops, beauty salons, bars, restaurants, hairdressers and much more.

local legends

The city has its own legend about the former merchant Oplesnin's house. This house was built in 1892. At present, the Finno-Ugric cultural center is located here. Before the recent overhaul, a lot of strange things happened here: a bell without a tongue rang, chairs fell by themselves, music suddenly turned on. The staff of the center were at a loss about these unusual phenomena. The merchant Oplesnin hanged himself here, and his soul continued to live in this house. All oddities ended after the house was made overhaul and he was sanctified.

Where to go in the city weekends and holidays?

We recommend that you visit park them. Kirov, one of the places for recreation of Syktyvkar residents. On its territory there are various attractions, playgrounds and nightclubs. They were to the taste of many couples in love in Syktyvkar. Here, surrounded by flowers and fountains, it is very beautiful in the summer.
By the way
Various competitions, festivals, concerts are often held in the park. A beautiful place for romantic dates is located near the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Where to go if you only have a couple of hours left?

In this case, be sure to visit National Gallery of the Republic. The date of its foundation is 1943. The richest collection of the gallery consists of works of art from the 17th-21st centuries. What else to see in the city? Of course, on "Paris"- one of the underestimated sights of the city. This is the name of one of the oldest districts of the city. During the war with Napoleon in 1814, 100 French prisoners were sent here for temporary residence. Hence the name stuck. Until now, an old wooden building of that time has been preserved here. There are also interesting places in the vicinity of Syktyvkar. One of them is an ancient village Ust-Vym, in it in 1380 Stephen of Perm baptized the Komi people.

Second - Yb village. This village consists of several villages, the main of which Stepanovka and Pogost. These villages are located on high hills, the tops of which are crowned with ancient churches. It is they who attract many visitors and tourists here.

Calypso-Komi- the tourist center of Syktyvkar, always ready to help tourists. By choosing any place on the map, you will receive full information about tours and trips organized in this direction. A detailed schedule of the route you have chosen, how to get there or how to get to one or another interesting place, prices for hotels and apartments for rent, discounts and other necessary information you will get here: Syktyvkar, Pervomayskaya 85.

The official founding date of Syktyvkar, first mentioned under the name of Ust-Sysol in the annals of the 16th century, is considered to be 1780, when by decree of Catherine the Great the churchyard with a population of 1727 people received the status of a county town. By the beginning of the XIX century. the policy turned into a significant trading center of the Russian North. After the October Revolution, industry began to develop in the city and its environs, cultural and educational institutions appeared, and in 1936 it became the capital of the Komi ASSR. Today more than 250 thousand people live in Syktyvkar. An inquisitive tourist will be interested in visiting here.

Acquaintance with any city in the world begins with an inspection of historical and architectural monuments, which are considered to be its hallmarks. It is this category that includes the sights of Syktyvkar, photos and descriptions of which you will find in this section.

  • Address: Oktyabrsky prospect. Transport stop "Pedagogical Institute".

One of the hallmarks of the city is rightfully considered a stele installed in the center of the transport ring at the intersection of Kommunisticheskaya Street and Oktyabrsky Prospekt. The monument was solemnly opened in 1977. The composition consists of three stelae stylized as banners and connected in the upper third by metal plates with high reliefs of the Orders of the October Revolution, Friendship of Peoples, and Lenin. The Republic of Komi was awarded these awards for its contribution to ensuring the economic power of the USSR. The height of the monument is 22 m. It is lined with titanium plates and looks very impressive.

  • Phone: +7 821 220-03-13.
  • Address: st. Svobody, 60. Transport stop "Freedom Street".

The cathedral, consecrated in the name of St. Stephen of Perm in 1896, was considered the main Orthodox church in the city until the October Revolution. During the period of persecution of religion, it was first closed, and then the building was completely dismantled. At the beginning of this century, the authorities, at the numerous requests of parishioners, decided to restore the church. Construction was completed on the 600th anniversary of the death of St. Stephen. The white-stone cathedral, the main dome of which rises to 64 m, was built in the best traditions of ancient Russian religious architecture and is very similar to temples or. The majestic building is rightfully one of the main attractions of Syktyvkar.

  • Address: Square "Alley of Heroes". Transport stop "Central".

During the Second World War, almost 14 thousand Syktyvkar residents went to the front, where they fought without sparing their lives for the liberation of the Motherland from the Nazis. Many of them were not destined to return from the battlefields. In order for the memory of the heroes to be preserved in the hearts of the descendants, a memorial was built, solemnly opened in the year of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Victory. Its dominant feature is a sculptural composition of three figures. Bronze sculptures depict the mother, wife and daughter of a soldier with a cedar branch entwined with a St. George ribbon in their hands. In front of them, the Eternal Flame erupts. Behind the sculptures there is a stele with the names of citizens who died for the Fatherland in that war.

  • Address: st. Sovetska, 9. Transport stop "Lenin Street".

In the 19th century most of the buildings in Syktyvkar were built of wood, so the fires that occurred quite often caused significant damage to the city. Brave firefighters resisted the elements. Especially for them, in 1901, a building was erected, from the high tower of which almost the entire policy was viewed. It immediately became one of the architectural gems, thanks to the originality of the decor. On the front side of the two-story mansion there are five arched gates through which horse-drawn fire crews drove out. The octagonal tower, covered with a hipped dome topped with a weather vane, makes the building look like a small castle.

  • Address: st. Communist. Transport stop "Pedagogical Institute".

I. A. Kuratov, a writer and philologist who lived in the 19th century, is considered the founder of national literature. In 1977, his memory was immortalized monumentally. Then, on the square in front of the Opera House, a new monument was solemnly opened. The bronze statue of Ivan Alekseevich, depicted in moments of inspiration, is placed on a massive concrete pedestal. Kuratov slowly walks, as if thinking over one of the poetic stanzas. A commemorative inscription is embossed on the pedestal in bronze.

Architecture and monuments of Syktyvkar

The capital of the Komi Republic will undoubtedly delight connoisseurs of architectural and sculptural delights. Among the things to see in Syktyvkar, there are many excellent buildings and picturesque monuments.

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 13. Transport stop "Pedagogical Institute".

The largest library in the republic is located in a building that is rightfully one of the architectural gems of Syktyvkar. The majestic mansion is more like a luxurious palace. A wide stone staircase leads to the entrance. A portico is taken out of the main volume, supported by six columns of the Corinthian order with luxurious capitals. An additional flavor to the exterior is made by arcade belts with geometric ornaments. The building, commissioned in 19957, looks simply amazing.

Sculpture "Dawn over Chukotka"

  • Address: st. Soviet. Transport stop "Air terminal".

The first attraction of Syktyvkar that tourists see when they leave the terminal building is a colorful monument, which is now called "Young Man with a Bird". However, the old name suits him much better. Indeed, the figure of a young reindeer herder, arms outstretched and dreaming of taking off to join a flock of birds soaring in the sky, quite clearly symbolizes the desire of the Komi people to reach new heights. The sculpture is very expressive.

  • Address: st. Ordzhonikidze, 2. Transport stop "Lenin Street".

The elegant mansion, the first owner of which was the merchant of the 2nd guild V. Oplesin, was erected in 1892, and now it is among the architectural monuments of republican significance. The decor of the two-story building is made in the Art Nouveau style. The facade is decorated with arcade belts, stucco molding, geometric ornament. Long time after the October Revolution, the building housed a shop and a tearoom. Now within its walls are the management structures of the FSB and the Educational Center.

  • Address: Stefanovskaya Square. Transport stop "National Museum".

The art object, which appeared in the city in the fall of 2015 at the initiative of the Republican Central Bank, which decided to popularize the national currency in this way, somewhat unexpectedly became one of the iconic sights of Syktyvkar. Near the composition of plastic and stainless metal, every tourist now considers it a duty to take a picture. In the evenings, when the spotlights are turned on, the graphic image of the ruble, as if floating in the air, looks especially impressive. By the way, apart from Syktyvkar, only Dimitrovgrad can boast of such monuments in Russia.

  • Address: st. International. Transport stop "Shop No. 4".

In Syktyvkar, there is the only monument in the country to an electrician. This attraction appeared in the city in 2014, when the Komienergo company celebrated its 50th anniversary. The bronze statue is placed on a low granite pedestal. The sculptor depicted an assembly worker sitting on a bench during a break in work. The monument to a simple worker fell in love with the townspeople and guests of the capital of the Komi Republic. A photo for memory near a colorful statue is a must.

Syktyvkar museums and theaters

The city will not deceive the expectations of travelers who are counting on an extensive cultural and educational program. There are quite enough places where inquisitive tourists should go in Syktyvkar.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Sunday, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 80 rubles, preferential 40 rubles, children 30 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 821 224-00-36.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Lenina, 57. Transport stop "National Museum".

An excursion to the National Republican Museum, opened in 1911, will be extremely informative. Its expositions tell about the unique nature of Komi, the traditions, way of life and colorful customs of the Komi-Zyryans, the eventful history of the region. The colorfully designed exhibitions are arranged in chronological order, starting from the Bronze Age. The halls show reconstructions of prehistoric camps, settlements and villages. Among the exhibits you can see archaeological artifacts, samples of national clothes, ancient tools, cult accessories.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00, on Thursdays from 10:00 to 20:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 150 rubles, student 40 rubles, children 25 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 821 224-02-50.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Kirov, 44. Transport stop "National Museum".

The only art museum in the republic, founded in 1943, has a collection of works of art, in which there are more than 9 thousand items. The exposition presents paintings, sculptures, works of graphic artists, masters of arts and crafts created in the 17th–21st centuries. Of particular interest to connoisseurs of avant-garde art is the collection of paintings by G. Lazarev, V. Roskin, K. Medunetsky. The exhibition of ancient icons enjoys constant popularity among visitors.

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 17:00, with a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.
  • Ticket price: Admission is free.
  • Phone: +7 821 225-51-71.
  • Address: st. Kataeva, 9. Transport stop "University".

Anyone who is interested in archeology should visit a small but very interesting museum created at the Republican University. Artifacts found by expeditions during the excavations of the Neritsky, Votchinsky, Veslyansky burial grounds, and the Adaksky cave sanctuary are displayed here. The institution has a collection of 800 thousand archaeological artifacts. The exposition presents samples of utensils, tools, religious objects used by the peoples who inhabited the Komi lands since the Bronze Age.

  • Schedule: performances are given from Thursday to Sunday inclusive. Evening performances start at 18:00, afternoon performances at 11:00.
  • Ticket price: from 50 rubles. up to 800 r.
  • Phone: +7 821 224-53-58.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Communist, 32. Transport stop "Pedagogical Institute".

A visit to the Syktyvkar Opera, which opened its first season in the summer of 1958 with a production of Eugene Onegin, is worth recommending to all fans of the muses and graces. The performances given on the local stage are very colorful. The theater troupe includes wonderful artists and talented directors who are not afraid of creative experiments. The repertoire includes not only classical works, but also performances based on plays by contemporary authors, as well as operettas and musicals. Since 1991, the theater has annually hosted participants in the traditional Suktyvkara Tulys International Festival.

Cathedrals and churches of Syktyvkar

People of different nationalities and religions live side by side in Syktyvkar. Representatives of each of the confessions have the opportunity to perform religious rites in their temples.

  • Working hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Phone: +7 821 222-00-69.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Quay, 10/1. Transport stop "Kochpon".

A small church in the suburbs of Syktyvkar is especially loved by parishioners. It was consecrated in 1901 in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which miraculously survived the fire. The building of the church, painted in sky-blue color, above which rises a blue dome, painted with gilded stars, looks amazingly festive. Thousands of pilgrims come here to pray at the miraculous temple icon. A miniature chapel with a worship cross was built in front of the church, erected in memory of the clergy who died for their faith during the persecution of religion.

  • Phone: +7 821 224-79-92.
  • Website:
  • Address: Oktyabrsky prospect, 35. Transport stop "School of Arts".

Quite a lot of Christian Baptists have always lived in Syktyvkar. For a long time they performed their religious rites in a small mansion, purchased with the money of the community and converted into a prayer house. At the end of the last century, the authorities gave parishioners permission to build a church, which was consecrated in 1995. The building of the church is one of the architectural highlights of the city. The eclectic exterior of the temple combines elements inherent in the Gothic, Old Russian and Byzantine styles.

Where to go with children in Syktyvkar

Young travelers in the city will definitely not be bored. Among the interesting places of Syktyvkar there are many places where a child can have a great rest and stock up on vivid impressions.

  • Opening hours: daily, except Tuesday, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, children 70 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 821 222-30-13.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Pechorskaya, 30/1. Transport stop "Telecenter".

An excursion to the city zoo will bring great pleasure to any child. His pets are more than 700 fauna belonging to 95 species. During the tour, visitors will be able to see both the traditional inhabitants of the Komi forests and exotic animals. The pride of the zoo is a family of colorful llamas. Many visitors gather at the enclosure with green monkeys. Children love to watch the porcupine and rabbits of all colors imaginable. A small terrarium contains a caiman and a tiger python.

  • Working hours: on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 40 rubles, children 20 rubles.
  • Phone: +7 821 244-70-45.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Pervomayskaya, 54. Transport stop "Drama Theater".

Visiting the museum, opened in 1968 at the Republican Institute of Geology, will be interesting for both adults and children. The institution has funds, which include more than 150 thousand units of storage. The exposition occupies eight spacious halls. Samples of minerals extracted from the depths in different regions of the republic, including precious stones and native gold, are demonstrated here. In addition, during the tour, visitors will be able to see paleontological artifacts found during the development of mineral deposits.

  • Working hours: daily, from 9:00 to 20:00.
  • Phone: +7 821 244-22-76.
  • Address: st. Kirov. Transport stop "MFC".

Natural recreation on the banks of the Sysola River is a favorite place family vacation townspeople. A visit here will be interesting for a child of any age. For kids, there is a special area with safe carousels and swings. Teenagers will be able to ride the rides, take a ride on rented roller skates or a bicycle. The park is very picturesque. Walking along the well-groomed alleys, visitors admire sculptures and other art objects. A lot of delicacies for children are offered by a small cafe located in the fabulous Berendey's house.

The capital of the republic will not disappoint the most demanding traveler. In the city, the sights of which are diverse and very colorful, you can spend a few days perfectly.

For those who like to discover new corners and lay their own routes, Komi is the edge of possibilities. One of the republics of Russia is rich in natural attractions and national color. Remoteness from the capital and many peoples, one way or another connected with the region, added zest and contributed to the development of the tourism industry. Natural beauties coexist here with classical local history and art museums, iconic monuments, architectural and religious sites. Interesting places are not concentrated in one point: in order to appreciate all the delights of Komi, you can and should travel around settlements, as well as travel out of town. It is impossible to leave here without vivid impressions.

The most interesting and beautiful places. Photos with names and descriptions of the main attractions

Guide - what to see and where to go? Excursions and routes. List of the best objects of tourism and active recreation!

Weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau

Location - Mount Man-Pupu-ner. There are several other names, including Mansi boobies. This geological monument consists of seven bizarre stone elevations, each more than thirty meters high. It seems that now they will collapse, but the sights are millions of years old, so there is no need to worry about safety. Part of the culture of the Mansi people.

Yugyd Va National Park

Founded in 1994. It is located in the southeast of Komi. The name translates as "bright water". It has borders with other natural tourist places of the republic. The park is engaged in educational work among the population on environmental issues and tourism that is not harmful to nature. Employees are busy preserving rare species and cleanliness environment and population recovery.

Finno-Ugric ethnocultural park

Founded in 2010, fully operational in 2012. Located in the village of Yb. Dedicated to the peoples who have ever inhabited the territory of Komi. There are more than a dozen different profile buildings on the territory. There are venues for events. By visiting the complex, you can learn the legends of the region, learn new things at master classes, plunge into the colorful atmosphere.

Pechoro-Ilych Biosphere Reserve

Founded in 1930. It is located on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. It occupies an area of ​​more than seven hundred thousand hectares. On the territory of the reserve there are several unique natural attractions: remnants, "Mansi boobies", virgin forests, etc. The terrain is changeable, which affects, among other things, the diversity of flora and fauna.

Losefarm of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve

Founded, like the reserve, in 1930. It is the first place in the world where they began to breed domesticated moose. Since its opening, the farm has been engaged in scientific work. The idea was picked up from the rock paintings, where large and hardy moose were used for riding and transporting goods. This was especially true before the advent of specialized winter transport. But even now, research and work continues.

Mount Narodnaya

Here is the highest point of the Urals - 1895 meters above sea level. Located on the border of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Komi. It was put on the map in the 19th century, and the first ascent took place in 1929. There is variability in pronunciation: the stress is placed either on the first or on the second syllable. The relief does not differ from neighboring mountains, there are glaciers and snowfields, lakes can be found in the kars.

Mount Manaraga

It is located in the Subpolar Urals. 1662 meters - absolute height. At the very peak there are sharp-angled peaks with steep slopes. The name translates as "like a bear's paw." There are points on the mountain that beginners can climb without even using special equipment. Other peaks are conquered only by professionals with impressive climbing experience.

St. Stephen's Cathedral in Syktyvkar

Start of construction - 1996. Started working in 2001. Made in the Russian architectural style. It appeared not far from the place where the temple of the era of Nicholas I stood. Already under Soviet rule, it was first closed, and then completely dismantled. The new religious object has the status cathedral. An Orthodox relic is kept inside - the relics of St. Stephen of Perm.

Waterfall Buredan

Located on the river Kara. The height is about ten meters. The shores around are similar to lunar craters due to the indentations left by the stones. When forming a walking route, it is better to choose the right bank: there the rapids and cascades have smoother transitions. If tourists choose to go down the river, then only the section of the exit from the canyon is difficult. For such a trip, a great experience of rafting is not required.

House-Museum of I. P. Morozov

It is part of the Komi National Museum. Dedicated to the life and work of the head of the republic, who was in power from the 50s to the 80s. Thanks to him, the region received a new round of development. The museum is a copy of Morozov's parental home. Inside, the interior has been recreated, memorabilia has been collected. The tour passes through three halls, it is also possible, under the supervision of the master, to draw your own coat of arms.

Fire tower in Syktyvkar

An architectural monument, the construction of which lasted for several years and was completed in 1907. In 1975, a reconstruction was carried out, which somewhat changed the look of the tower. Ten years later, the chimes on the facade were brought into working condition. It is currently the administrative building of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On the third floor there is a fire-themed museum. Object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Kazhimsky ironworks

Commissioned in 1757. Stands on the river Kazhym. At the same time, it is an architectural monument and glorifies the industry of the region. The first roof for the Winter Palace was made here. Mothballed, and then abandoned, since 1928. The reason was the high cost of ore mining and production. Not all buildings have been preserved: an earthen dam, an octagonal tower, a foundry and some others.

Ybsky Seraphim Convent

Construction began in 1996. And his story began ten years earlier, when, according to legend, a certain Seraphim had a dream about the village of Yb and a holy spring that would heal her. The prophecy came true, and subsequently Seraphim became the abbess, and her son was appointed to serve in the local temple. There is a museum on the territory of the monastery, nuns receive pilgrims. Relics are weeping and rejuvenated icons.

Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery

Founded in 1385. The original building was soon destroyed. Part of the name is in honor of the girl Ulyana, who preferred death to captivity, part in honor of Stefan of Perm - the one who was behind the construction of the monastery. The current complex includes six temples. Having survived the ups and downs, the monastery received a second wind in 1994, when it again became an active object of the Russian Orthodox Church.

National Gallery of the Komi Republic

Founded in 1943. The only museum of its kind in the country. The funds are about ten thousand copies. The exposition includes: paintings and drawings from Western Europe and Russia of different periods, up to the present, Komi art, icons and more. Nearby is a sculpture garden - another treasure of Syktyvkar.

National Museum of the Komi Republic

Founded in 1911. The exhibits tell the history of the region. The exhibits are from different time periods. The collection contains documents, archaeological finds, national household items and arts and crafts, literary works and more. Along with several permanent exhibitions, there are also temporary exhibitions timed to coincide with important dates and holidays.

Monument to the letter Ӧ

Installed in 2011. It is located in Syktyvkar next to the Komi Culture Center. The monument is a two-meter slab, in the center of which the letter "Ӧ" is engraved - 18 in a row in the Komi alphabet. Stands on a pedestal with a clarifying plate. For the first time, "Ӧ" was used in the middle of the 18th century. In a sense, the letter is one of the symbols of the republic.

Mount Erkusey (Shaman Mountain)

Located near the village of Zhelanny. Highest point- 1099 meters. The second name refers to the legends of the past. According to legend, there was a shaman's camp here and sacrifices were made. The locals believed that the spirit of the wind lives here. The mountain is a popular destination for mountain climbers. From a distance, Erkusey resembles a fortress and stands at a distance from other peaks.

Ghost town Halmer-Yu

Coal deposits here began to be developed in the 40s of the last century. The maximum number of inhabitants for the entire existence of the village was about seven thousand people. The settlement ceased to exist as an administrative unit in 1996. People were forcibly evicted. Now here is a military training ground. Some time ago, test drilling began in order to find gas deposits.

Kyltovsky Cross Exaltation Monastery

Founded at the end of the 19th century. It is located in the village of Kyltovo. Relics of the monastery: icons and a special cross, called "Miracle". He became the basis for the future monastery and, according to legend, is able to heal diseases. On the territory there are functioning temples, as well as housing for nuns and outbuildings. Over the years of its existence, the monastery suffered a lot and was reopened in 1995.

"Swinging" support in Pechora

It is located on the Pechora River, three kilometers from the city of the same name. Height - seventy-four meters. It has been working properly from 1974 to the present. The design is made in such a way as to save metal. The supports, standing on both banks, are at an impressive distance from each other. The "swinging" support is located directly in the channel on a lightweight foundation.

Yb village

First mentioned in 1586. It is located on the left bank of the Sysol in Komi. Nearby there are several landmarks of the republic, including a monastery, temples, a museum and an ethno-cultural park. There are also holy springs that attract pilgrims, Juniper Lake, which helps in the treatment of certain diseases, and archaeological sites.

Ust-Vymsky Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery

Founded in 1380. Located in the village of Ust-Vym. Seraphim of Perm played a key role in its construction. A new monastery subsequently appeared on the site of the wooden building. The monastery was closed under Catherine II, although the temples continued to work. In 1996, the state and the Russian Orthodox Church again became interested in the monastery. Various construction, restoration and restoration works are being carried out to this day, although the monastery is functioning.

Shchugor river

A tributary of the Pechora. Basen - 9660 square kilometers. The river is shallow with clear and almost transparent water. In some places there are many rapids in a row. It flows through the national park, and there are no settlements near the river. Parking lots for travelers are equipped along the banks and a little further, eco-tourism is gaining momentum in the region. Along the entire length there are geological monuments.

Virgin forests of Komi

They are located on the western slopes of the Urals. Belong to the territory of the reserve and national park. The forest area belongs to the taiga, here flora and fauna are typical for such an area. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Questions remain about forest boundaries. Gold is being mined on the territory, which is not a norm of international law.

Not every person can pronounce the name of the Komi capital the first time, and some have not even heard of it. This is a medium-sized city, but tourism has appeared here quite recently. This old town has many sights and beautiful natural places. But unfortunately, local hiking trails are not yet very well known, and an unknowing person may not find the right object. To avoid this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main sights of the city of Syktyvkar in advance.

Brief description of Syktyvkar

Syktyvkar is the capital of the Komi Republic and the center of the urban district of the same name. total area the city is 152 km 2, and the population is more than 280 thousand people. Syktyvkar was ranked 128th out of 165 cities in the city living attractiveness rating (2013). The city is located in the southwestern part of the republic (left bank of the Sysola River), not far from the borders of the Arkhangelsk and Kirov regions.

Syktyvkar is located 412 km from Kirov

History of the city

The exact date of formation of the first settlement in the city is unknown. In the Syktyvkar region, archaeologists have discovered traces of people from the Neolithic era (3rd century BC). More recent evidence of settlement dates from the 4th to 9th centuries AD. The Komi people appeared here in the 16th century. Due to the proximity of the Vychegda and Susola rivers, the territory was “settled in” rather quickly. Since then, the status and name have changed several times. locality. At different times it was called Ust-Sysola, Syktyvdin, Kar, etc. The modern name was given to the city in 1930 (from the Komi language "Syktyv" - the name of the local river, "kar" - the status of the city).

In the 18th century, Ust-Sysolsky district became part of the Vologda governorship, and the city was officially founded in 1780. Later, the surrounding villages and towns joined the county town, and by the 19th century a large trading center of the North was formed here. By 1897, Ust-Sysolsk became the fourth largest in the Vologda province. In 1921, the city became the center of the Komi Autonomous Region, and the name Syktyvkar was given in honor of the 150th anniversary of the city status. In 1990, Syktyvkar became the capital of the republic. Now Syktyvkar is considered a provincial city, but the age and abundance of sights make it attractive for tourists.

How to get to Syktyvkar

The Komi capital can be reached in several ways:

  1. By plane from Moscow (Sheremetyevo, flight time about 2 hours), St. Petersburg, Sochi, Anapa, Kaliningrad, Perm, Surgut, Mineralnye Vody, Ufa, Samara, Vorkuta and Yekaterinburg.
  2. By train from Moscow (about 25 hours), the northern capital, Mikuni, Pechora, Ukhta, Anapa, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Koslan, Usinsk, Vorkuta and other cities, but with a transfer.
  3. By bus from nearby cities (neighboring regions and autonomous regions).
  4. By car (highways: M7 and R-176, M8 and R-98).

You can get to Syktyvkar through the nearest cities: Arkhangelsk, Volsk, Vologda, Kirov, Ukhta

Sights of Syktyvkar

The capital of Komi has architectural and historical sights, many cultural sites and beautiful natural places.

city ​​architecture

The main architectural sights of Syktyvkar are temples and cathedrals, as well as unusual works of monumental art.

St. Stephen's Cathedral

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a functioning Orthodox church dedicated to St. Stephen of Perm. He was a saint of the Zyryans (the indigenous people of the republic) and an educator. The project of the temple was completed by architects: Kokushkin and Borichevsky. The cathedral has been built since 1856. After 27 years, the lower church of the cathedral was built, and after another 13 years, the entire cathedral was consecrated. Previously, there was another temple on the site of the Stefanovsky Cathedral, but it was destroyed by the Bolsheviks during the revolution.

Tourists may be interested not only in the architecture of the building, but also in the interior - the walls of the cathedral are decorated with paintings in the Byzantine style. And at the cathedral there is a bell tower with a king bell. Some are interested in the relics of St. Stephen, who in the 14th century converted pagan Zyryans into Christians. However, this shrine is kept in the Moscow Kremlin.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Svobody street, 60;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: daily from 7:00 to 1:00;
  • the entrance is free.

Stefanovsky Cathedral, as the main spiritual center of Komi, was erected as a tribute to the memory of all compatriots who suffered during the repressions at the beginning of the 20th century, as a reminder of the persecution for the faith that the Church in Komi endured

Church of Christ the Savior

The Church of Christ the Savior was built in 1995. This is a Baptist church, it is also called the Syktyvkar house of prayer. The central religious building of this denomination stands out among the rest, and there are 15 of them in total. The architect E.P. Bulatov became the creator of the project, and the temple building was built by the Baptist brigade from other Russian regions, Ukraine and Moldova.

This church has its own choir, and services are held in both Russian and Komi. There is also a teenage club and a Sunday school at the temple. It is planned to install an organ, the sounds of which will accompany Sunday services. The inside of the temple is modestly decorated, there are no icons or frescoes, and presbyters (Baptist priests) do not stand out with special attire. They are chosen from members of the Baptist congregation.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Oktyabrsky prospect, 35;
  • official website: http://churchkomi.rf;
  • working hours: daily from 9:00 to 20:00;
  • the entrance is free.

The Church of Christ the Savior is one of the largest Protestant temple buildings in the CIS

The Kazan Church (Holy Kazansky) was built before the 19th century. Then this church was called the chapel of Procopius and John of Ustyug. In 1860 the peasants rebuilt the building, and in 1901 the temple was named after the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This served as a miraculous rescue of the relic in a fire. After 1917 the church became a place of exile. Priests and lay people were sent here, and they were supported by the exiled Bishop Herman. Later he was accused of subversion and shot (1937). Since 1944, the temple has become a reading room, but when the war ended, it was used again. In 2001, Bishop Herman was canonized as a saint.

The church has a library, a Sunday school and a teen club. The main attraction, shrine and pride of the temple is the Kazan icon. In large Christian holidays miraculous icon lowered from the iconostasis so that the worshipers can touch it. Tourists and pilgrims from different regions come here, as it is believed that the shrine can cure troubles, misfortunes and serious illnesses.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Naberezhnaya street, 10 (Kochpon);
  • official website:;
  • working hours: daily from 7:00 to 19:00;
  • the entrance is free.

The walls of the temple are painted blue for a reason - it is believed that this color symbolizes the Mother of God

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

The monument to Peter and Fevronia was erected in 2004. The four-ton sculpture was created by the convict A. Galushkin, and the sketch of the monument was made by Bishop Pitirim. The monument, 3 meters high, is covered with bronze, but the sculptor used a new sculpting technique, covering the concrete blank with bronze.

For 800 years, the Orthodox have honored Peter and Fevronia, but not everyone knows their history. In such cases, I turn to my friend Raya, who is a devout Christian. Raya told me a sad story of strong and true love. Prince Peter helped his brother Pavel by killing the insidious snake-tempter, trampling the honor of the prince's wife. A dying serpent infected Peter with leprosy, and only a village woman, the daughter of a beekeeper who made a living by extracting honey, could save him from death. Fevronia agreed to help, taking a promise from the prince that he would marry her. Peter refused to marry after being cured, but Fevronia foresaw this. One specially left by her scab caused a second illness, and this time the prince kept his promise. After the death of Paul, the people rebelled unequal marriage Peter - heir to the throne. Together with his wife of peasant origin, the prince sailed from the city, but the unrest that began because of the throne softened the harshness of the courtiers, and Peter and his wife returned to the city. In old age, they went to different monasteries and took tonsure. Loving spouses made a common coffin in advance and wrote a will to be buried together. Surprisingly, Peter and Fevronia died on the same day, and the ministers of the monasteries buried them in different places, considering the common grave not pleasing to God. Tradition says that the next day the lovers lay in the same coffin.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Svobody street, 60 (territory of St. Stephen's Cathedral);
  • exact coordinates: N61.6780810 E50.8322650;
  • You can visit the attraction for free and at any time.

A three-meter sculpture, which embodies the symbol of the hearth and patronage of family ties, was placed at the entrance to the Stefan temple

Cultural objects of Syktyvkar

The main sculptural attractions of the city are theaters, museums and sculptural complexes.

Opera theatre

The Syktyvkar Opera and Ballet Theater was founded in 1958. The name of the institution changed several times: the Music and Drama Theater, the Musical Theater of the Komi ASSR. The current name was given in 1992. The building that now houses the opera house was built in 1969. The auditorium can accommodate up to 778 spectators at the same time.

The repertoire of the cultural site includes operas, choreographic performances, etc. Ballet (The Peasant Lady, Swan Lake, Giselle, Don Quixote, etc.) is especially popular.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Communist street, 32;
  • exact coordinates: 61°39′58″N 50°49′09″E;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: from Tuesday to Saturday - from 11:00 to 18:00, on Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • ticket prices depend on the concert.

Since 1991, the theater has been holding annually the International Festival of Opera and Ballet Art "Syktyvkarsa Tulys" (Syktyvkar Spring) named after People's Artist of Russia Iya Petrovna Bobrakova

Savin Drama Theater

Drama Theater named after V. A. Savin was founded in 1936. This was preceded by the formation of a small theatrical association, headed by Savin. For about 8 years, the theater group worked at the level of creative amateur performances. In 1930, theater courses were held in the city; for this, professional figures in the field of dramaturgy were invited from Moscow: a director and a composer. So the Savin Theater became the first such institution in Syktyvkar. True, the name of the founder of the institution was given in 1978, and the title of "academic" - in 1995.

The performances that you can watch here are based on the works of Shakespeare, Sadur, Lorca, etc. The troupe includes honored artists of Russia and the republic - A. Tribelhorn, V. Gradov, V. Gabov, etc.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Pervomaiskaya street, 56;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: from Monday to Friday (from 9:00 to 17:00);
  • ticket price: from 100 rubles.

On October 27, 1980, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Drama Theater was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples

The National Art Gallery in Syktyvkar was founded in 1943. The founder of the institution was D.T. Yanovich, an ethnographer and anthropologist. In 1925, Yanovich arrived in Komi and formed the first collection of works of art of the 18th-20th centuries. And after 3 years, the first organized exhibition of paintings took place. For some time the gallery did not have a room, so the exposition was presented in the local museum of local lore. The collection of paintings has expanded thanks to museums from other regions (institutions and citizens). And in 1980, some of the paintings were purchased by the gallery from private individuals.

Now the collection includes about 7 thousand works of Russian and foreign art. The earliest exhibits are paintings from the 17th century. In addition to painting, there are sculptures, ancient icons, copper items, etc. Recently, the exposition has been replenished with modern works.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirova street, 44;
  • exact coordinates: 61°40’10″N 50°50’33″E;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: Tuesday and Wednesday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday - from 10:00 to 20:00, Friday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • entrance fee: up to 150 rubles.

In recent years, the gallery's collection continues to grow due to gifts (the most significant receipt of recent years was the gift of the Moscow collector N. I. Kornilov)

Ethnographical museum

The Syktyvkar Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1911. Funds for the opening of the exposition were collected by local residents, and public figures became the initiators and organizers: Starovsky, Zhakov, Cheusov, etc. At first, the exposition belonged to the society for the study of northern ethnic groups. The collection was based on archaeological and paleontological finds. Ethnographic exhibits also took their place in the exhibition. The permanent exhibition received the status of a local history museum in 1940. The branches of the ethnographic museum are the local literary museum and the memorial house of Morozov.

The uniqueness of the museum lies in its collection - objects, most of which cannot be found in ordinary life. There are Zyryan national costumes, shamanic attributes (including tambourines), antique fur items, rare editions and icons. Collectors may be interested in collections of glass and porcelain objects, ancient coins, objects made of non-ferrous metals, etc. In addition, the museum has a cinema hall where you can watch films and materials that are independent exhibits.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Communist street, 2;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: from Tuesday to Friday (from 10:00 to 17:00);
  • entrance fee: up to 80 rubles.

This museum is worth a visit to get acquainted with the Komi people, their customs, history and way of life.

sculpture garden

The Sculpture Garden in Syktyvkar is an open-air exposition of works of monumental art. The garden exists since 2000 and belongs to the republican art gallery. Sculpture symposiums (2002–2012) were held to popularize the object. Now the collection of the sculpture garden includes 30 objects, on which modern sculptors from Russia and abroad have worked.

Previously, on the site of this object there was a square of the Theological School, but in 1991 it was decided to restore the object for an open exhibition of gallery sculptures. It is important that at the same time all plantings (more than 140 trees) were preserved.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirova street, 44 (the entrance is the gate of the art gallery);
  • exact coordinates: 61°40’08″N 50°50’34″E;
  • it is convenient to get there by buses No. 1, 3, 5, 20, 23, 29, 46 (stop "National Museum");
  • the garden is open to the public during gallery opening hours;
  • the entrance is free.

It is pleasant to walk along the alleys of the garden, as they are almost always deserted, you can take interesting photos and enjoy the view of plants and trees.

natural attractions

Some tourists come to Komi for the picturesque northern landscapes. Here are taiga forests and cold rivers. Syktyvkar itself is considered a green city, as the volume of plantings exceeds the standards by 1.5 times. Within the city there are 2 popular parks: Michurinsky and Kirovsky.

Michurinsky park

Michurinsky Park was founded in 1890. There was a free area next to the Theological School, which was suitable for this project. However, apart from students, few people walked in the park. For many years the object was in disrepair. In 1911, theater-goers offered to organize an open stage in the park, but due to lack of money, the idea was not realized. New story The park began in 1932 when Syktyvkar became the capital. Trees were planted here, attractions were installed and the territory was ennobled. Now the whole family can come to Michurinsky Park.

My former classmate Alexandra is from Syktyvkar. She said that the locals do not know the history of this place well. It is known that at the time of its foundation there were few places for cultural recreation in Russia, and Ust-Sysolsk was a small town where one could simply dream of a public park. The idea of ​​​​creating arose just at the time when the fashion for French and English parks appeared in the country. The paths had to connect in a beautiful web, and in its center there had to be a beautiful white gazebo. The garden was created, planted with lindens and poplars, but the people of Syktyvkar ignored the innovation. Sasha believes that this was due to the location of the park. Then it was the outskirts of a provincial town.

Information for tourists:

  • the park is close to the art gallery;
  • You can get there by buses No. 4 and 15 (stop "Peduchilische");
  • exact coordinates: 61.659234°, 50.818152°;
  • you can visit the park at any time, and the schedule of the rides depends on the day of the week and season;
  • the cost of visiting attractions - from 60 rubles.

Once Michurinsky Park was an abandoned urban area, and now it is a popular amusement park

Kirovsky park

The park named after S. M. Kirov was founded in the 19th century. At first it was a small garden, which later grew and became popular. Various exhibitions and concerts began to be held here. Before the formation of the park, there was a market square here, next to it was the Trinity Cathedral. At the beginning of the 20th century, the temple was destroyed, and a park stadium was built on the site of the square. Now the park has playgrounds, rides and many art objects. Tourists especially like the sculpture "Heart", on which for some reason it is customary to write their names. And there are also many sports facilities here: simulators, a tennis court, a volleyball field, etc.

Another attraction of the park is Berendey's tower. Previously, a merchant lived in this house, so this place is associated urban legend. The locals believe that merchants' treasures are hidden under the cedar cut down near the house. This tower now houses a children's cafe.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Kirova street, 21 (you can get there by buses No. 3, 12, 23, 25, 46 and 174, stop "National Museum");
  • exact coordinates: 61°40’19″N 50°50’36″E;
  • official website:;
  • you can visit the park around the clock, the operation of attractions depends on the day of the week and the time of year;
  • the cost of visiting attractions: up to 150 rubles.

Kirovsky Park is the most popular among the citizens

Pillars of weathering (Manpupuner)-these are natural stone pillars in the Troitsko-Pechora region. They got their name thanks to the mountain Man-Pupu-ner, on which they stand. The pillars have other names: Mansi blockheads, Bolvano-iz (“Mountain of idols”), etc. There are 7 of these blocks in total, and they are a cult place for the Mansi people. The height of the remains is up to 42 meters. The complex of pillars is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world.

There are many legends associated with this mountain. Some Mansi believe that these are petrified figures of giants. But the official version of archaeologists says that 200 million years ago there were rocky mountains. Winds, rains, winter cold and summer heat did their job - weak rocks collapsed and turned into sand. And the remnants are layers of surviving sericite-quartzite schists.

Information for tourists:

  • Weathering pillars are located on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve (in the interfluve of the Ilych and Pechora rivers);
  • exact coordinates: 62°15′28″N 59°17′53″E;
  • you can visit the attraction at any time;
  • You don't have to pay for an inspection.

In the past, the Mansi deified the grandiose stone sculptures, worshiped them, but climbing the Manpupuner was the greatest sin.

What time of year is best to come

Syktyvkar has a temperate continental climate. It has warm but short summers and long cold winters. Sometimes frosts occur even in late spring or summer. Tourists prefer to come to Syktyvkar in summer. There are travelers who are ready to go to Komi in winter, because the sights are beautiful and interesting all year round.

Entertainment for children

Tourists with children should first of all visit city parks and a sculpture garden; museums will also be of interest to a young traveler. Syktyvkar also has special entertainment for children, such as a zoo.

Syktyvkar zoo

The main zoo of the republic was opened in 2002, although its history began in 1947. The zoo is part of the ecological and biological center, better known as the "Station of young naturalists". The first inhabitants (bees) appeared here under F. A. Girko, the head of the zoological circle of young naturalists. Now there are about 300 animals in the zoo: chinchillas, llama, hamadryas, foxes, ponies, raccoons, degus, Persian gerbils, etc.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Pechorskaya street, 30;
  • exact coordinates: N61.6875410 E50.8122080;
  • official website:;
  • working hours: daily, except Tuesday (from 10:00 to 17:00);
  • entrance fee: from 70 rubles (children under 3 years old - free of charge).

Video: zoo in Syktyvkar

How long does it take to see the city

You can see the interesting places of the capital of Komi in 1-2 days (more time will be required in the cold season). If you go to out-of-town attractions, additional time may be required. In case you did not manage in 1 day, you will need a place to sleep. In Syktyvkar there are many hotels and hotels of different levels of "star rating". Here are some options:

  • hotel "Builder";
  • three-star hotel "Avalon";
  • three-star hotel "Kutuzov";
  • mini-hotel "Standart";
  • Pullman hostel.

What else to see

If you have time, visit a few more interesting places - unusual objects loved by tourists and locals.

The monument to the Russian ruble was opened in 2015. The initiative to create an unusual monument belonged to the National Bank of the Republic. The sculpture was created to draw attention to the national currency.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Lenin street (next to the building of the National Bank);
  • exact coordinates: 61°40’10″N 50°50’10″E;
  • sightseeing can be done at any time.

Sometimes you can see flowers near the monument, which indicates the attitude of the locals towards this monument.

The art object "Metro" is a sound installation in the arch of an ordinary residential building."Metro" was installed in 2013, disguising several speakers in the walls of the arch. Every 15 minutes, the sounds of the metro are broadcast: passing cars, the voice of the dispatcher, the sound of heels, the voice of a beggar and music. The creators of the art object are the creative team "Act". Representatives of the creative team call their creation the future tourist point of the city, where anyone can merge with underground life. However, some locals consider the renovated arch a sad symbol of the fact that there will most likely never be a subway in Syktyvkar.

Information for tourists:

  • address: Lenin street, 89;
  • exact coordinates: N61.66487 E50.84261;
  • installation hours: from 9:00 to 19:00;
  • You can come to the "Metro" at any time.

Once in the arch with an art object, you can seriously think that you are in the subway, this previously unremarkable place has become so atmospheric

The art object "Sign in Syktyvkar, next to which everyone takes pictures" was installed in 2012. In the city center, at the intersection of International and Communist streets, it attracts not only tourists, but also local residents. Outwardly, this object resembles an ordinary road sign; it hangs at a height of 2 meters. The sign was made in the creative workshop of A. Lebedev and installed by P. Safronov.

A familiar journalist and photographer Oleg told me that in 2012 the installation of such signs was an all-Russian action. The flash mob was actively supported by journalists from different regions. So a symbolic object appeared in Volgograd, Khabarovsk, Moscow, Perm, Tyumen and other cities. He also said that parts of some of the signs were made abroad and assembled on site. True, some signs had to be removed after a couple of years, since increased attention to metal art objects led to its unusability.

The art object fulfills its function 100%: not only guests of the city, but also local residents willingly take pictures with it

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