Poisonous and edible mushrooms in Belarus. Mushroom places in the Brest region To Belarus for mushrooms

Bituminous materials 16.08.2020
Bituminous materials

A feature of the Republic of Belarus is the predominance of a temperate continental climate, with warm and humid summers. The mushrooms growing here prefer soddy, soddy-calcareous and soddy-podzolic soils.

Spring mushroom picking season in Belarus starts quite early

The spring mushroom picking season starts quite early. As soon as the leaves appeared on the birch, that is, already in April or May, it is quite possible to go on a quiet hunt. The most common spring mushrooms are morels and lines, referred to as "smarzhki".

Line ordinary

It has a wrinkled and hollow hat with sinuous folds. Coloring may vary from light Brown color to dark brownish brown. In the last decade of March and early April, the fruiting bodies of this variety smell like melted snow or spring streams, but a little later, around May, the mushroom aroma becomes more pronounced and very pleasant. The leg is white or cream-colored, wrinkled and hollow, shortened.

The line is giant

Most often found in deciduous forests. It is characterized by a larger, light beige or slightly beige-yellowish color, less wrinkled hat. The leg of this variety is also shortened, without a pronounced mushroom aroma and taste. Used to prepare mushroom powders, as well as cooking first and second courses, snacks.


It has an irregularly meshed, ovoid or spherical, hollow cap, the edges of which adhere to a yellowish or gray-brown stem. Mushroom pulp is quite thin and tender, fragile, whitish in color, with a slight aroma. The leg is hollow, cylindrical in shape, whitish or brownish in color, with a powdery coating. AT found on old fires, in landscape gardening areas.

morel cap

It has a hat-thimble, put on a fairly high leg and attached to it at the very top. The surface is longitudinally wrinkled, yellowish-brown on the outside and whitish inside, without a pronounced aroma and taste. The hollow leg is white, waxy type, cylindrical in shape, slightly expanding at the base. For cooking, no pre-boiling is used.

Where to collect chanterelles in Belarus (video)

Names and descriptions of summer mushrooms in Belarus

Comfortable soil and climatic conditions are favorable for the growth and development of many types of edible mushrooms, which, according to their nutritional value, belong to different categories.

White mushroom or boletus

One of the most valuable tubular varieties with a cap that has a smooth or slightly wrinkled surface. Young specimens have a convex cap shape, but in the process of growth it becomes flatter. The coloration is light brown, brown or burgundy brown. The flesh is strong and juicy, whitish in color, with a very characteristic mushroom aroma. The legs are quite powerful, cylindrical in shape, with a light beige-brown mesh surface.


The cap of the variety is velvety, reddish-orange, relatively large in size, initially convex in shape and slightly straightening as the fungus grows and develops. Young specimens are characterized by density and sufficient elasticity, pulp, but over time, the fruiting body begins to gradually soften. On the cut, the pulp of the boletus quickly turns blue or blackens., and the pronounced aroma is almost completely absent. The stem of the mushroom is hard, with a grayish-white surface, covered with fibrous whitish or slightly brown scales.


The cap and leg of the chanterelle form a single fruiting body, the color of which can vary from light yellow color to a yellowish-orange color. This is the most popular variety in Belarus. The cap is smooth, slightly depressed or funnel-shaped, with slightly wavy edges. The pulp is elastic, whitish in color, with an unexpressed fruity smell. The leg has fibrous pulp.

Autumn species of mushrooms in Belarus

In the long autumn period with warm and rather humid weather, a second wave of growth of edible varieties is often observed.

Honey mushrooms

The variety is characterized by yellowish-brown hats of medium size. Young specimens have bell-shaped caps, which can become prostrate over time. A high, thin, elastic stem has a film-type ring characteristic of the species, which, in the process of growth and development of the fruiting body, separates and sags.


An edible tubular species from the Boletaceae family. It is distinguished by a dry, slightly velvety, sometimes sticky, cracked hat. The flesh is whitish, yellowish or reddish, sometimes turning blue when cut. Leg with a smooth or wrinkled surface. Spore powder brownish.

Poisonous mushrooms of Belarus

On the territory of the republic, not only edible varieties grow abundantly, but also a large number of poisonous and deadly species, especially for children and people with poor health.

Death cap

The most dangerous poisonous lamellar species that can cause fatal poisoning. Hats with a gray or olive surface, convex or prostrate, with white flesh, tasteless and odorless. The leg is white, cylindrical, with a characteristic thickening at the base.

false honeycomb

The cap is medium in size, bell-shaped in young specimens, and almost flat in adult, old mushrooms. The main coloration is reddish-yellow or yellowish-orange, with a darker central part. The leg is thin and hollow, fibrous structure. Leg ring missing and the yellowish flesh has a bitter taste and an unpleasant smell.

Fly agaric red

Fly agaric is easily recognizable thanks to the glossy, bright red coloring of the hat, covered with white dots. Young specimens have a hemispherical cap shape, which becomes concave over time. The leg is cylindrical, white or yellowish in color, with a tuberous thickening at the base.

Pig thin

For a long time, the variety belonged to the category of conditionally edible, but today it is a poisonous mushroom. The cap is fleshy, slightly convex in shape with rolled felt edges, or flat and funnel-shaped depressed. The edges may be lowered, serrated or straight ribbed, often wavy. In young specimens, the surface has an olive-brown or olive-brown coloration, while in adults it is grayish-brown or rusty-brown. The flesh on the cut darkens. The leg is solid, shortened, with a matte, smooth, ocher-olive or dirty yellow color.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms of Belarus

A few years ago, it was generally accepted that hallucinogenic mushrooms do not grow on the territory of Belarus, and are imported from the territory of neighboring states. However, as practice shows, a psychoactive substance called psilocin is found in large quantities in mushrooms belonging to the genus Psilocybe. The appearance of such mushrooms is similar to ordinary grebes.

The average dose per dose is 6-10 mg and causes euphoria in the user after about a quarter of an hour. Light euphoria is accompanied, as a rule, by a change in visual perception and acoustic sensations. Under the condition of repeated administration, a pronounced but gradual degradation is observed, which forms a painful condition similar in symptoms to schizophrenia.

Also classified as hallucinogenic are: Butterfly paneolus (Panaeolus rarilionaseus), Moth dung beetle (Panaeolus sphinstrinus), Hay dung beetle (Panaeolus foenisecii), Sulfur head (Hypholoma syanessens), Sharp fibreboard (Inosybe аsuta), Juno's hymnopil (Gynimnorilus) pure dung beetle woodpecker (Corrinus picaceus), as well as Ryadovka smelly (Tricholoma Inamoenum) and San Isidro (Psilocybe cubensis).

How to pick mushrooms in Belarus (video)

Places and times of picking mushrooms in Belarus

Collection is carried out from early spring until a noticeable autumn cooling. Different types are found not only on the edges and lawns well-lit by the sun in coniferous forests, but also in shaded areas of deciduous and displaced forests. Some species grow along roadsides and on crumbling stumps. The nature of growth is also different, so the fruiting bodies can grow both singly and in random groups, rows or rings.

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Ministry of Natural Resources:
“There are all the necessary prerequisites for a good harvest of berries and mushrooms this year. This is a high and stable snow cover in winter, an abundance of precipitation in a number of regions, the absence of late spring frosts and fogs.

Apparently, the year promises to be fruitful. As a rule, most mushrooms are in Minsk and Vitebsk regions. We have made a selection of places where you will definitely find your long-awaited mushroom! And not even one...

Mushrooms near Minsk

Often lovers of quiet hunting choose distant routes, believing: the further you go, you will pick up more mushrooms. And it is not required to go to distant lands. Minsk forests are no poorer for mushrooms than other forests of Belarus.


Mushrooms: mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, mushrooms, chickens, chanterelles, russula. And, of course, the most commercial mushroom - chanterelles. Producers accept them everywhere. And the prices allow a mushroom picker who knows the area to earn good money for the season.

There are many mushroom places in the forests located along the highway in the Vitebsk direction, starting from Logoisk and to the village of Pleschenitsy. The best solution is to go there by private car. It is worth going to the villages of Molodi (9th kilometer), Oleshniki, Mostishche (12th kilometer), Krokva (19th kilometer), Takovshchina, Pogrebishche (21st kilometer).

If with personal transport - no way, sit down on public. You can't get there by train, only by bus. But they, however, rarely go. The most popular route to Zembin (Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby bus). Only here in the season there are sometimes not enough places in it.

Khatyn forest

This is one of the most mushroom places near Minsk. A huge forest area between the cities of Logoisk, Pleschenitsy and Zembin. A dense forest area often extends for tens of kilometers. Moreover, the forests are designed in such a way that you can find almost all types of mushrooms here.


Mushrooms: boletus mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, boletus and autumn mushrooms, popularly referred to as "maggots".

There are a lot of noble specimens for mushroom pickers in the Stolbtsy region and, of course, chanterelles. Landmark for the most mushroom places - the camp site "Vysokiy Bereg". Getting here from Minsk is easy: there are electric trains (Brest direction), buses. And along the highway to Brest, you can easily get there by your own car (in Stolbtsy we turn off the M-1 (P-2) highway in the direction of the village of Mykolaevshchina). In addition, there is picturesque nature and the birthplace of Yakub Kolas.


For lovers of walking. After all, this mushroom route can be from 5 to 20 km. Therefore, it is recommended for people who are strong both physically and spiritually.

From Minsk we take a commuter train to the Talka station → in the direction of the train → we pass through the village → we cross a small field → we go into the forest → we pass summer cottages→ we go out to a large field → we go along the river until we see a small bridge → we cross to the other side of the river, go into the forest and start picking mushrooms!

Vileika region. Ilya village

Mushrooms: common chanterelle, boletus.

This time the route is by car. Therefore, it will seem more comfortable. From Minsk it is worth going to the village of Ilya. Landmark - the recreation center "Economist" from the educational institution "BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMY". These are the wildest places. The forest here is large, so you may not reach the Economist.

Not sure - don't put the mushroom in the basket

Without a doubt, you need to use mushrooms only those that you know “by sight”. Otherwise, it will be more expensive for yourself. Are you afraid to go alone and cut off the wrong “instance”? There is another way to poison yourself on a “silent hunt”. Today, many estates in Belarus are located in picturesque forests, in which there are a lot of mushrooms. Moreover, the owner of the house at a predetermined time will become your companion and adviser in the difficult task of picking mushrooms. And after long wanderings in the forest, you can relax in the estate: take a steam bath and cook delicious shish kebabs, or maybe cook soup from the collected mushrooms!

If you decide to go into the forest on your own, remember that it is easy to get lost there. Take everything you need with you: compass, mobile, knife, matches, something to eat. And be sure to tell relatives or friends where you went and for how long, in case you do not return on time, they will start looking for you!

Compilation delicious dishes from mushrooms you can see.

Mushroom dishes are delicious, but heavy. Few people know that fresh young mushrooms healthier than carrots and onions, and in dried form - more nutritious than boiled sausage and eggs. It is strongly not recommended to give mushrooms to children under 7 years of age. Because in the body of young children there is no enzyme that breaks down mushroom protein.

However, everyone decides for himself whether to wander through the thickets in search of mushroom "Klondikes" or "collect" champignons in supermarkets. …Or to view them on the streets of the city!

Where do you pick mushrooms?

The forests of Belarus are rich in natural gifts. The region, unique in its climatic conditions, will allow lovers of quiet hunting to find a huge number of various kinds mushrooms. So that the results of a walk through the forest do not become dangerous, you need to be able to distinguish poisonous from beneficial species.

The first edible mushrooms begin to be collected already in March, but everything depends on the weather and the characteristics of the onset of warm days, the amount of precipitation and other natural phenomena. They complete the collection in late autumn, when cold days and frosts come.

Where and how to pick mushrooms in Belarus (video)

Mushroom places in Belarus

Most mushroom lands are near Minsk and Vitebsk. The most popular mushroom places:

  • Logoisk region (Vitebsk direction, forests between the city of Logoisk and the village of Pleschenitsa);
  • Khatyn forest;
  • Ilya village;
  • Village Stolbtsy;
  • Talca station.

Maps of the republic offer developed routes for mushroom pickers. It is not necessary to travel far from your place of residence, most mushrooms are found everywhere. Belarus is the territory of mushroom fields and numerous varieties of useful forest gifts.

The first edible mushrooms in Belarus begin to be harvested in March

Gallery: mushrooms of Belarus (25 photos)

Names and descriptions of edible mushrooms in Belarus

Useful types of mushrooms have excellent taste characteristics. They are classified in the first category in terms of nutritional components.


Another name is boletus. Grows in bright sunny meadows. You can find a delicious variety in birch groves, in small hollows, along forest roads and trails. The stem is voluminous, the shape of the base is cylindrical, the color is white, sometimes brownish streaks can be seen. The hat is dense and massive, its surface is similar to a velvety fabric. Color depends on growing conditions and soil type. It can be white and dark brown. The pulp does not change after collection, remains white and dense. Mushrooms love to hide under the moss, so any forest lover will be delighted with the find.


Medium-sized fruits grow in families. Therefore, their collection is always pleasing, one find is enough for a good meal for a large family. You can find a variety in deciduous and mixed species forests. Chanterelles begin to meet in June, and complete growth in September. The name was given because of the bright red color, similar to the cunning inhabitant of the forests. Hats rarely have the correct shape. More often they are twisted, wrapped, twisted by a wave. The lower surface is folds in the form of plates. A rare color and shape distinguish the variety, do not make it possible to make a mistake.

Butter dish (summer or grainy)

Large groups are found along roadsides. The butterdish grows in families, small fruits gather around large ones. It is impossible to count the number of one family, there may be 3 or 30. In harvest years, one group unites with another, these are no longer families, but towns of edible gifts. Hats small from 2 cm, large - up to 10 cm . The surface is slimy, the skin is easily removed, a bright yellow or yellow-brown surface appears under it.

Old mushrooms turn green, lose density. The flesh of the cap also has a yellow tint. The leg is thick, shortened, its surface is granular. It is from this that one of the names of the butter dish came from. The legs and tubules of the cap emit drops, so when the oiler is collected, they feel moisture.

Butter dish (summer or grainy)

green flywheel

The name suggests the place where the first mushroom varieties appeared - moss. Experienced foresters say that mossiness mushrooms grow next to anthills. The smell is reminiscent of forest fruits.. Taste characteristics are not high, more often mushrooms are taken if there are no varieties with higher nutritional qualities. The hat is brown with a touch of green, the tubes on the inner surface are the same or with a yellow tone. The leg gives red. Dense gifts have a pleasant mushroom taste.


The variety has many popular names: obabok, birch, blackhead. Most gourmets love the mushroom, which is why so many names are collected by all visitors to the forest. Can grow in swamps, birch groves, clearings. They prefer to appear along forest paths, edges. Often they are found among young birch trees.



The edible tubular variety is a forest visitor's dream. Red hats can be seen from afar. They delight mushroom pickers, hunting for aspen mushrooms is comparable to fairy tales. That is why the red boletus is the hero of many magical stories. The hat is dense, on the cuts - white. The taste characteristics are excellent in the cap and leg . Redheads can reach huge sizes, head diameter up to 50 cm, such giants rarely retain their nutritional properties. Collect more often small and medium-sized mushrooms.



Included in the flywheel family, but differs in appearance and taste. It is often confused with porcini mushroom, the difference is in the pulp. When cut, it changes color, turns blue. The hat is similar in color to chocolate. The tubes of the lower part are green-yellow, when they press on the inner surface, it turns blue. The legs are high, narrow and light.

Ginger. This variety has a rich history. He decorated the table of royal families and ordinary villagers. The hat is shaped like a lamellar. A beautiful color is clearly visible in the grass: orange circles turning into red and pink. Concentric shapes on the surface are clearly visible. Drops of orange juice are visible on the cut. Mushrooms are suitable for various recipes: salting, boiling, frying. A special dish is camelina on a spit.

How to choose an edible mushroom in the forest (video)

Poisonous and inedible species of mushrooms in Belarus

In the republic, you can mistakenly pick up dangerous mushrooms, they can lead to severe poisoning of the body, intoxication and death. Such natural formations are divided into two groups: inedible and poisonous. The latter are more dangerous. They cause death and severe forms of illness. Hallucinogenic varieties growing in the forests of Belarus will lead to terrible damage to the body, it is better to bypass them.

Inedible varieties

  • Gallic. Outwardly similar to a boletus. Distinguishes the type of tubules and the shape of the cap. The skin is covered with fluff, it gradually disappears, and the surface becomes smooth. The variety has no smell. The flesh is pink and bitter. A dark grid appears on the cut.
  • False foxes. It can be distinguished from the real ones by the shape of the hat, especially along its edges. They are even and clear. Edible ones have shirred edges. False mushrooms are very fond of pests, worms eat away the pulp of inedible ones, as they do not do with real varieties.
  • Lines. The body of varieties is similar with the appearance of peeled walnut. The same incomprehensible protruding surfaces, crumpled and compressed into a single head. Hats stand on short legs, hollow and wrinkled. The color of the skin is different, it fluctuates between yellow, red with different shades.
  • Pepper. A mushroom can be confused with a butter dish. The rounded shape of the cap, the pulp, the leg - everything almost completely coincides with the appearance of the edible variety. The difference is that the skin is not removed from the surface, it is completely merged with the body of the fungus. The taste is reminiscent of pepper, hence the name.

poisonous species

  • Death cap. Dangerous lamellar variety. Inexperienced lovers of the forest are confused with russula, champignons. Hats change color, may be pale green or gray. The surface of the upper part is convex and stretched. The toadstool has no smell and taste. The length of the leg reaches 16 cm, under the hat there are rings that gradually disappear.
  • False or false foam. The upper part is in the form of a bell, gradually expanding and becoming flat. Dangerous varieties do not have a skirt under the hat. The taste is bitter and unpleasant, the smell is the same. A somewhat poisonous variety differs in color: yellow with red or orange, the end of the cap is lighter, towards the center it is dark.
  • Fly agaric. Red hats, known from the pictures of children's books, attract children. Especially dangerous are those that appeared from the ground without white spots. They are confused with redheads and russula. It is important to look under the head. There are plates that are characteristic of toadstools. Mushrooms can be very large, far visible among the grass.

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Avid hunters often choose long-distance routes. After all, it is believed that the further you go, the more mushrooms you will collect. In fact, you don't need to travel very far. There are no less mushrooms in the Minsk forests than in other forests of Belarus.

Map of mushroom places


Everywhere, various mushrooms are accepted by purveyors: aspen mushrooms, boletus, boletus mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula, chickens. But chanterelles are considered the most commercial mushrooms. Thanks to this, an amateur mushroom picker who knows the area can earn very good money in a season.
If you have a personal car, then the most correct decision would be to go to the forests, which are located in the Vitebsk direction along the highway (from Logoysk to the village of Pleschenitsy). There are a lot of mushroom places there. It is best to go to such villages as Molodi (located at the 9th kilometer), Mostishche, Aleshniki (at the 12th kilometer), Krokva (at the 19th kilometer), Pogrebishche, Takovshchina (at the 21st kilometer).
If you do not have your own transport, then, if necessary, you can use public transport. There is no train service to these places. The only way to get there is by bus, which runs infrequently. The most popular route is the bus route Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby (to Zembin). But in the high season there are sometimes not enough places in it.

Khatyn forest

This place near Minsk can be called one of the most mushroomy. A continuous huge forest between Logoysk, Pleschenitsy and Zembin stretches for many tens of kilometers. These forests are located in such a way that you can find mushrooms of various types in them.

Vileika region. Ilya village

Boletus boletus, common chanterelle ... The car route will be more comfortable. We go to the village of Ilya from Minsk, focusing on the recreation center "Economist" (from the EE "BSEU"). Here are the most mushroom places. You may not even get to the Economist, because the forest in these places is very large.


In Stolbtsy, mushroom pickers will find many noble specimens of mushrooms (chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, autumn mushrooms). A reference point for the places of their accumulation can be called a camp site called "Vysokiy Bereg". You can get here by personal transport, and by bus, and by train. By car, you will have to drive along the highway towards Brest, turning in Stolbtsy towards the village of Nikolayevshchina. Buses and trains run in the Brest direction from Minsk. Stolbtsovshchina pleases the eye with picturesque nature. In addition, it is the birthplace of Yakub Kolas.


This mushroom route is more suitable for those who like to walk, as it can take 5-20 kilometers. Mushroom pickers must be prepared physically and spiritually for such a road. On a commuter train from Minsk, you need to get to the Talka station, in the direction of the train go through the village, go through a small field, go into the forest, go past summer cottages, a large field, follow the river to a small bridge, cross it to the other side, go into forest and you can start picking mushrooms.
Minsk hosts in Belarus

One of the main topics of September is mushrooms. Hundreds of photographs and in social networks testify to the unprecedented harvest of mushrooms. And if lovers of quiet hunting enjoy picking mushrooms, then doctors and rescuers are on guard. During this period, people in the forests can get lost, and mushroom poisoning is also recorded. Victoria Potonya asked how the mushroom season goes in the Brest region.

Vyacheslav Sobatovich, a mushroom picker with 40 years of experience, finds mushrooms almost with his eyes closed. As a rural person and a forestry worker, he knows mushroom places well. Goes on a quiet hunt rather for the sake of excitement. Preference is given to the quality of trophies.

September was generous with mushrooms. Only the lazy did not collect them. For some mushroom pickers, this is an opportunity to earn extra money. Some trade along the highway, others carry it to the market or rent it to procurement points organized by the regional consumer cooperation.

Mushrooms grow all year round at this enterprise near Brest. It is the largest mushroom growing plant in the CIS. The resident of the free economic zone with Belarusian-English investments is constantly expanding the areas and volumes of production. The lion's share of the delicate product is exported to Russia.

Champignons are non-selective mushrooms. They grow on compost with peat and mature in 2 weeks at a certain microclimate: a temperature of about 20 degrees and high humidity. Automatic watering is provided so that the mushroom grows by leaps and bounds.

The company is convinced that it is profitable to grow champignons. More than 6 hundred tons are received per month fresh mushrooms. In the workshops, the product is collected according to Western technologies, thinned and packaged. An increase in volumes is planned, a new workshop is being built here. AT next year there will be additional jobs.

And if the mushroom year at the enterprise is endless, then the forest pleases with its gifts seasonally. Now the so-called third wave of mushroom picking. The longest. And here rescuers and doctors are ready. People often wander in the forest and cannot find their way home on their own. According to epidemiologists, cases of tick bites and mushroom poisoning have become more frequent in the region at the height of the mushroom season.

This year, many Belarusians broke their own records for the collection and harvesting of mushrooms. There are many photos of giant mushrooms and huge baskets with forest gifts on the pages of social networks and in news feeds. According to experts, the mushroom season in Belarus will last until mid-October.



The validity of these words is also confirmed by the large supply of mushrooms in the markets. So, in the central market in regional center many merchants offer to buy them. However, the prices can hardly be called democratic.

The king of mushrooms - boletus - leads by a wide margin: whites ask for 20-25 rubles per kilogram. Although if you bargain, you can pick up 15 rubles.

- And what do you want? sellers ask. - The price is dictated by the market. Mushrooms are good, not wormy, collected in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Small and neat for 25 rubles, and less presentable - for drying or frying - we can give in for the "top ten". Whoever buys in bulk will get a discount. So, a basket of peeled butter recently went for 2.5 rubles, mushrooms sold at 8 rubles per kilo.

The price also includes boletus with boletus. They ask for 15 rubles for a basket of “krasnyuks”, but after bargaining they agree to pay for 10. There are also chanterelles on the market: on average, a liter can costs from 2 to 3 rubles. And the cheapest ones are boletus: about 3 rubles per kilogram.


The goods sold on the market must be tested. Traders bring the mushrooms they plan to sell to the laboratory, where specialists select specimens for radiation control. Recently, such work has increased in the central market.

“As the mushroom season began, the number of samples increased, sometimes reaching up to 20-30 per day,” Tamara Kudravets, head of the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination, explained to ZARYA.BY. - A variety of mushrooms are brought to us: white, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelles ... Basically, from the Pruzhany, Brest regions, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. We test them for radioactive caesium-137. The norm should be 370 becquerels per kilogram. This season, its excess has not yet been recorded. Only in two cases the highest indicators were observed: 276 Bq/kg showed mushrooms collected, according to the seller, in the Kobrin region, and 231 Bq/kg from Kamenets. However, these figures are within the normal range, while in other samples the indicators are low. Therefore, you can safely buy mushrooms in our market.


However, mushrooms are also taken from the population at the procurement points of the regional consumer union. True, the prices for this type of product here are lower than in the market. As a rule, people harvest the first mushrooms for themselves and only then go to cooperators or to the market.

“This year the situation is definitely better than in the past, when there were very few mushrooms,” explains the head of the procurement department of the Brest Regional Consumer Union Valery Kapitatchik. “Now people have begun to catch up a little, preparations are being made in Ivatsevichi, Baranovichi, Pruzhany, Ivanovo, Kamenets districts… Purchase prices in each of them may differ, but in general we recommend the following. Porcini mushrooms of the 1st grade - 4-8 rubles, 2nd grade - 2-3 rubles, 3rd grade and other mushrooms - up to 1 ruble per kg.

The source of information: Mykola YARMOSHUK, photo by Valeriy KOROL - Zarya.

Last news:


On the morning of July 18, the correspondent of "BG" went to the "collective farm" to check whether mushrooms appeared on the market. And indeed, a couple of points with chanterelles were found among the malls.

On one of the counters, chanterelles flaunted at a price of 3 rubles per liter. According to the seller from the village of Semisosny, Brest region, there are not so many mushrooms in the forest now. If you come very early, you can still find something. And so - it's empty, there are no white mushrooms at all. At least in their area.

Pruzhany chanterelles at the Brest Market were sold a little more expensive - 4 rubles per liter jar.

Well, the most expensive chanterelles that we found on Wednesday at the "collective farm" - from Bulkovo forests, they cost 5 rubles per liter.

Other mushrooms in the forests in Bulkovo, according to the woman who sold the chanterelles, are also difficult to find. The last time she collected only 5 whites. Recent downpours are to blame for everything: the mushroom litter floats, and its crop disappears, the woman believes.

A year ago, during our “raid”, there were quite a lot of chanterelles on the “collective farm”. The price of a liter jar varied from 3.5 to 5 rubles. Most often they asked for 4 rubles per liter, and 2 rubles for a half-liter jar. Other mushrooms were also sold. Although traders noted that there were almost no mushrooms in the forest due to unstable weather.

See also: Ministry of Forestry reminded about the rules for picking mushrooms and berries


News of the city of Brest:

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збили РЅР° перекрС'стке Рё ищет очевидцев происшествия Неделя пожилых людей РІ РњРѕСЃРєРѕРІСЃРєРѕРј рай RFICHRPL µPµ РіРѕСђРѕРґРґР ° ° ° Сђr ° °s pan ° ° С ° С ° Р »Rusѓsњsњrґrґr ° ° ° ° · p ° rґrµsђr ° ° ѕ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ° ° ђ ° ђ ° ° ° ° ° °s. RERIRѕRYRYRARѕRI С ѓsm ѓsm ѕr ѕ #Mr "s ° r ° r ° rirѕr ° ° ° Рљ ° rђr ° Сћ ° Сћ ° С‚ r ° ° Сђ ° С · · · · · · · · · · ‚‚ ‚‚ ‚° ° ° Сѓsѓrїr‚ ‚ry С ‡ ‡ ± s ѓrґrµrµs‚ Р ѕ ​​° ° ° Р њrіr ° Р ѕ ѕhhr · r ° ° ‚‚ ‚‚ ‚…‚ ‚…… производство микроавтобусов Рё фургонов


Most likely, the yield of the current year will be high. It has been noted that the most mushrooms are usually found in the Vitebsk and Minsk regions. We present to your attention a few places where you won’t leave without a basket of mushrooms.

Mushrooms near Minsk

Avid hunters often choose long-distance routes. After all, it is believed that the further you go, the more mushrooms you will collect. In fact, you don't need to travel very far. There are no less mushrooms in the Minsk forests than in other forests of Belarus.

Map of mushroom places


Everywhere, various mushrooms are accepted by purveyors: aspen mushrooms, boletus, boletus mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula, chickens. But chanterelles are considered the most commercial mushrooms. Thanks to this, an amateur mushroom picker who knows the area can earn very good money in a season.

If you have a personal car, then the most correct decision would be to go to the forests, which are located in the Vitebsk direction along the highway (from Logoysk to the village of Pleschenitsy). There are a lot of mushroom places there. It is best to go to such villages as Molodi (located at the 9th kilometer), Mostishche, Aleshniki (at the 12th kilometer), Krokva (at the 19th kilometer), Pogrebishche, Takovshchina (at the 21st kilometer).

If you do not have your own transport, then, if necessary, you can use public transport. There is no train service to these places. The only way to get there is by bus, which runs infrequently. The most popular route is the bus route Logoisk-Ugly-Shvaby (to Zembin). But in the high season there are sometimes not enough places in it.

This place near Minsk can be called one of the most mushroomy. A continuous huge forest between Logoysk, Pleschenitsy and Zembin stretches for many tens of kilometers. These forests are located in such a way that you can find mushrooms of various types in them.

Vileika region. Ilya village

Boletus boletus, common chanterelle ... The car route will be more comfortable. We go to the village of Ilya from Minsk, focusing on the recreation center "Economist" (from the EE "BSEU"). Here are the most mushroom places. You may not even get to the Economist, because the forest in these places is very large.


In Stolbtsy, mushroom pickers will find many noble specimens of mushrooms (chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, autumn mushrooms). A reference point for the places of their accumulation can be called a camp site called "Vysokiy Bereg". You can get here by personal transport, and by bus, and by train. By car, you will have to drive along the highway towards Brest, turning in Stolbtsy towards the village of Nikolayevshchina. Buses and trains run in the Brest direction from Minsk. Stolbtsovshchina pleases the eye with picturesque nature. In addition, it is the birthplace of Yakub Kolas.


This mushroom route is more suitable for those who like to walk, as it can take 5-20 kilometers. Mushroom pickers must be prepared physically and spiritually for such a road. On a commuter train from Minsk, you need to get to the Talka station, in the direction of the train go through the village, go through a small field, go into the forest, go past summer cottages, a large field, follow the river to a small bridge, cross it to the other side, go into forest ... And you can start picking mushrooms.

Not sure - do not put the mushroom in the basket

Of course, you only need to eat mushrooms that you know well. Otherwise, it will cost you more. Scared to go alone and accidentally cut off a toadstool? There is a way out - "quiet hunting". In Belarus, guests are welcomed by Minsk farmsteads, which are located in picturesque forests. There are a lot of mushrooms there. In advance, the owner of the house negotiates with you the time and becomes a companion in the difficult task of picking mushrooms. After long walks through the forest, in addition, you will have the opportunity to relax in the estate: soak up the bath, enjoy delicious shish kebabs, cook fresh mushroom soup.

If you go into the forest alone, take everything you need with you so you don't get lost: mobile phone, compass, matches, knife, something for a snack. Be sure to let your friends and family know how much and where you went. This will make it possible, in case of your failure to return at the appointed time, to begin the search.

Mushroom dishes are very tasty, but they are heavy. So, for example, young mushrooms are much healthier than onions and carrots. In dried form, they will be more high-calorie than eggs and boiled sausage. But children under the age of seven are not recommended to give mushrooms categorically. This is because in their body there is an enzyme that breaks down mushroom protein. Naturally, everyone decides for himself whether to look for his favorite mushrooms in the thickets or buy champignons in supermarkets ... The choice is yours.

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