Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rituals and conspiracies. The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos: signs and traditions What to do at the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

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CHISINAU, 21 Sep - Sputnik... Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Ever Virgin Mary Orthodox calendar celebrated on Friday 21 September. This is the first of the twelve feast days of the church year.

© Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

history of the holiday

The New Testament contains very scant information about the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos, and, in particular, nothing is said about the birth and parents of the Virgin Mary. The details of the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos are known from the apocryphal text of the mid-2nd century "Proto-Gospel of Jacob".

The feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established by the church in the fourth century. The first mentions of him can be found in the Patriarch of Constantinople Proclus (439-446) and in the missal (liturgical book) of Pope Gelasius (492-426). And in Palestine, there is a legend that the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helen built a temple in Jerusalem in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

© Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky

Place of Birth

According to legend, blessed virgin Mary was born in the small Galilean city of Nazareth in her parents' home in northeastern Jerusalem. Now it is the territory of the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, near the Lion Gate. However, Orthodox and Catholics point out the exact place in different ways, and these places lag behind each other by about 70 meters. On the Orthodox site, the monastery of St. Anna was built, on the ground floor there is a church in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin, and under the building of the monastery itself there is a cave, which, according to legend, was part of the house of Joachim and Anna. Catholics indicate the place of the house in the immediate vicinity of Bethesda and built there the Basilica of St. Anne, in the crypt of which there are also ancient underground chambers.

The story of the birth of the Virgin Mary

Her parents were Joachim from the family of the prophet and king David and Anna from the family of the high priest Aaron. Having reached old age, the spouses never had children. Sterility was considered God's punishment for sins, so Joachim and Anna suffered humiliation. So, on one of the holidays, Elder Joachim brought his sacrifice to the Jerusalem temple as a gift to God, but the high priest did not accept it and said: "You should not accept gifts from you, because you do not have children, and therefore the blessing of God."

Joachim in deep sorrow went into the desert to pray, and his wife stayed at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them, who announced to them that the Lord had heeded their prayers. "Your prayer is heard by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, above all earthly daughters. All earthly generations will be blessed for her sake. Name her Mary," said the Angel.

After this gospel, Joachim and Anna met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. After the due date of pregnancy, righteous Anna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Mary.

The spouses made a vow to consecrate their child to God and, as was then customary, to give him to the Jerusalem temple for service until adulthood.

How the Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated

The bright feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated by all Christians.

On this day, it is customary to go to church and perform various rituals to maintain the health and happiness of your family. There are also many signs for the weather, harvest and marriage associated with a bright holiday.

Its very essence concerns not only the history of the birth of the Ever-Virgin Mary, but also her good deeds on earth. That is why on the Nativity of the Mother of God, one should sincerely and touchingly congratulate all the Christian friends on the great day.

What can you eat at Christmas of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2018 falls on fasting, but the church allows fish and seafood. Pies stuffed with fish were served as traditional dishes. Mushroom pies were also popular. All women in every home were to generously dress the poor and the needy. If for some reason this could not be done, then it was considered a big disaster - the woman risked remaining sterile, and well-being and prosperity could leave the house.

Signs on a holiday

Many signs were also associated with this day. For example, they thought about what winter would be like, and the birds helped in this. If they fly high - it is far from cold weather, and if near the ground - wait for a long and cold winter. A rainy day predicted seven more weeks of bad weather, and the dew on the grass - quick frost and frost.

The girls tried to meet the dawn by the water - if any of them succeeded, then she would soon be married. Married women certainly had to wash by the reservoir, also before dawn - this action promised her beauty for the next year.


© Sputnik / Balabanov

Troparion of the Nativity of the Virgin, Tone 4

Thy Nativity to the Virgin Mary, joy to erect the whole universe: from Thee, the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, has risen, and having broken the oath, gave a blessing, and abolishing death, gave us an eternal life. Thy Nativity, Virgin Mary, announced joy to the whole universe: for out of You shone the Sun of righteousness - Christ our God, and, breaking the curse, gave a blessing, and, destroying death, gave us eternal life.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Virgin, Tone 4

Joachim and Anna of reproach of iniquity, and Adam and Eve are free from the aphids of death, Most Pure One, in Thy holy birth. Thy people also celebrate, the guilt of sins will be freed, always call Ti: the Mother of God and the nourisher of our life gives rise to fruitlessness. Joachim and Anna were freed from reproach for childlessness, and Adam and Eve - from death by Your holy birth, Most Pure One. It is also celebrated by Your people, who have freed themselves from the burden of sinfulness, exclaiming loudly to You: the barren gives birth to the Mother of God and the nourishment of our Life.

Magnification of the Nativity of the Virgin

We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Thy holy parents, and glorify Thy Christmas all-glorious.

First prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Christ our Savior, God-chosen Mother, asked by God by holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God! Who will not please You or who will not sing, Your Glorious Christmas. Your Christmas is the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, sitting in the dark of sins, see Thee, the Unapproachable Light of the dwelling. For this reason, a flowing language cannot chant Ty in its possession. Moreover, Thou art exalted, the Most Pure One, the Seraphim. Receive from the unworthy Thy servants the present praise and do not reject our entreaties. We confess your greatness, we fall to You in affection, and we boldly ask the child-loving and benevolent Mother to intercede quickly: pray Thy Son and our God to grant us, who sin a lot, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that we can do everything that is pleasing to God and useful to our souls. Let us hate all evil, strengthened by Divine grace in our good will. Thou shameless hope of ours in the hour of death, grant us a Christian end, a comfortable procession in the terrible ordeals of the air, and the legacy of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, but with all the saints we ceaselessly confess Thy intercession for us and glorify the one True God, in the Holy Trinity we bow down to Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, to Your miraculous image, falling down, tenderly with the verb: look mercifully on Your servants and by Your omnipotent intercession sent down something that is necessary. Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, convert the unfaithful, instruct those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age and weakness of strength, grow the youth in the holy faith, direct courage to good, bring sinners to repentance, and hear all Christians prayers, heal the sick, relieve sorrows, travel take a trip. You weigh, All-merciful, as weak, as sinful, as embittered and unworthy of God's forgiveness, both wake us up to help us, but by no sin of self-love, temptation and devilish deception we anger God: You are the Imams, the Representative, The Lord will not reject the Lord. If you admire, all you can bestow upon us is like a blessed source, faithfully singing Ti and exalting the glorious Your christmas... Deliver, Lady, the falls and misfortunes of all who piously invoke Your holy name and worship Your honest image. Thou shalt purify our tuna with the prayers of iniquity, the more we fall to Thee and cry out to Thee: drive away from us every enemy and adversary, every misfortune and destructive unbelief; By your prayers, giving rains are in good time and the earth abundant fruitfulness, put into our hearts the Divine fear of fulfilling the commandments of the Lord, so that we all quietly and peacefully live for the salvation of our souls, for the good of our neighbors and for the glory of the Lord, to Him, like the Creator, Provider and Savior All glory, honor and worship befits ours, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The third prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin

Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Theotokos, born from barrenness according to the promise and for the sake of your soul and body, vowed to be the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Nimzha now dwelling in heaven and imashi great boldness from the Most Holy Trinity, like the Queen, you are crowned with the crown of eternal reign. In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: seek us from the All-Merciful Lord God forgiveness of all our voluntary and involuntary sins; to our suffering fatherland of salvation, peace, silence and piety, restoration, times are peaceful and serene, sedition of the wicked are not involved; to an abundance of earthly fruits, an air of bliss, the rains are peaceful and in good time. And all that is necessary for our life and salvation, ask for us from Thy Son, Christ our God. Most of all, make good haste to us to be adorned with good morals and good deeds, yes, very powerfully, we will be imitators of Your holy life, since you adorned the earth from youth, pleasing the Lord; For this reason, Thou art the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim. To her, Most Holy Lady, wake us in everything an ambulance and a wise Mentor for salvation, so that we will help You and help You, we will be honored to be the heir to the existence of the Heavenly Kingdom, by the sufferings of Your Son from the mysterious source, to the fulfillment of His promised holy commandments. Thou art, Mistress, our hope and hope according to Bose is one, and we betray our whole belly to Thee, longing for Thy for the sake of intercession and intercession, we are not ashamed to be at the hour of our departure from this life, and Last Judgment Thy Son, Christ, our God of our right hand, to be vouchsafed to His standing, and there to rejoice eternally with all those who have pleased Him from time immemorial and ceaselessly praise, praise, give thanks and bless Him with the Father and the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The material was compiled from open sources.

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is the full name of the holiday that the Orthodox Church celebrates on September 21.

As you know, this holiday belongs to the twelve (twelve most important holidays after Easter).

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos means the triumph of faith over ailments and failures, the appearance of the mother of Jesus, the son of the Lord, to the world, the birth of the greatest woman in history, for her appearance was a miracle, as well as the appearance of her son, Christ.

This day is considered a joyous event, families go to church services together and do not take on hard work. We invite you to find out what you can do on this day and what you should still refrain from.

History of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is the most important church holiday, which in Orthodoxy belongs to the twelve. The holiday was established by the Church in the 4th century. Let us recall what the legends say about the divine holiday on September 21.

In the Galilee city of Nazareth there lived an elderly married couple - Joachim and Anna. They were very godly and righteous, but for many years they could not have children. Once, on a great holiday, Joachim brought gifts to the Lord God to the Jerusalem temple. But the priest did not want to accept the gifts, because he was childless, and children were considered a blessing of God. Upon learning of this, Anna burst into tears. Seeing a nest in the garden in which little chicks squeaked, she thought: "Even birds have children, but we do not have such consolation in old age." Then an angel appeared to her and said: “You will conceive and bear a daughter, blessed, above all. Through Her, the blessing of God and all earthly nations will be received. Through Her, Salvation will be given to all people. Her name will be Mary. " With the same message, the angel appeared to Joachim. Nine months later, Anna had a daughter. The birth of the Most Holy Theotokos motivated Joachim to bring great gifts and sacrifices to God. He received the blessing of the high priest, priests and all people for being worthy of the blessing of God. The Church calls Joachim and Anna the Godfathers, because Jesus Christ was born from their Most Holy Daughter the Virgin Mary.

Since then, the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin on September 21 is always celebrated by believers with great trepidation.

The customs of the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what can and should be done on this day

Christians have long turned to the Mother of God, who became the unifying principle between God and the human race, and asked her for protection and blessing.

Feasts of the Mother of God are magnificently celebrated in places where churches were consecrated in her honor. Temple (patronal) feasts are usually held with worship and the following meal. Dinners are sure to be arranged, where all relatives gather at a round table.

This holiday is also traditionally considered a women's holiday, when a woman should be honored as a continuer of the clan. He, obviously, inherits the ancient Aryan feast of women in labor, when our ancestors expressed gratitude to the guardians of the fields and the harvest, the grandfathers-Ladas.

Women who have no children arrange a dinner and invite the poor - "so that the Mother of God may pray for their children." Women also order services in the church, and after the service they invite people to their place for dinner. They say that prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos of future mothers for the health and happiness of the children they are waiting for have special power on this day.

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated as a holiday of real joy. Therefore, these days they did not work, did not fast, and after prayer in the church, they gathered merry feasts.

Also, for a long time, there have been deadline preparation of the "magic" potion. It was believed that the love herbs collected between the First (Assumption of the Blessed Bogorolitsy - August 28) and the Second Most Pure Holidays had a special property of attracting a guy to a girl (man to woman) and vice versa.

From the day of the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was possible to send matchmakers to the girls. Also on this day it is good to have a wedding and visit families at a feast.

Since ancient times, women also tried to go to the reservoir early in the morning on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. It was believed that if a woman washed herself with water on this day before sunrise, then her beauty would be preserved until old age. And for the good health of children, they poured water on the doorstep.

Also on this day, the onion week began - the housewives removed this vegetable from the beds. And by the time of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the owners tried to collect the entire harvest, while beekeepers began to prepare the bees for wintering - to remove the hives.

During this time, it usually gets colder, so before the Second Most Pure, it was necessary to completely dig out the potatoes and sow the land with rye.

What not to do on Christmas Day of the Most Holy Theotokos

Don't do heavy physical labor: leave the housework, gardening and vegetable garden work for later;

When you sit down with the whole family at the table, you cannot sweep crumbs on the floor. If there was bread left after a meal, it was given to pets.

You can also not quarrel with loved ones and conflict with others (if the situation is close to critical, try to resolve any controversial issues peacefully);

On the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you should have pure thoughts. Do not raise your voice at loved ones - this is a sin. Also, you cannot wish another evil or think badly of someone.

Fasting is observed on this day: it is not allowed to consume meat and alcohol.

Signs and proverbs of the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

The First Most Pure One came - nature put on a necklace, the Second Most Pure One came - she took an unclean mosquito, the Third Most Pure One came - the oak grove became leafless.

The Most Pure One came - the tree was clean, and the Pokrova came - the tree was bare.

Pure - pure potatoes.

The Most Pure One came - the unclean one brought matchmakers.

Dormition sows rye, and the second rains.

If the weather is sunny on the Nativity of the Virgin, then autumn will be warm and clear, without heavy rains. If the sky is gloomy on this day, then the autumn cold will come with rains.

If a girl bathes to the east of the sun, then she will definitely be ordained this year.

To avoid "evil eyes", slander and disease, burn old clothes and shoes on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

How the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated

Starting in the sixth century, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary began to be celebrated as a great holiday. On this day, believers in festive clothes come to churches, where solemn services are performed. All believers glorify the wonderful day when the Lord gave people the hope of the Savior's coming into the world. Also, for the holiday, special loaves were baked with the letters "P" and "B", which meant "The Nativity of the Mother of God." Festive loaves were distributed to all family members, placed under the icons, where they were kept until the Nativity of Jesus Christ. It was believed that bread can help a sick person, so they were given to everyone who got sick.

On this bright holiday, Orthodox people rush to churches to pray to the Mother of God. Therefore, the main thing that must be done is to go to church on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Also, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 21, 2018 is a great chance to ask your parents for forgiveness. It is imperative to pray for their health on this holiday.

In every family, in honor of this holiday, it is customary to lay big table... Our ancestors believed that the richer the hostess prepares for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the more generous the harvest for the next year will be. Therefore, do not forget to pay tribute to nature by placing a basket of apples, pears, plums and grapes on the table. If the harvest was large, this holiday was previously celebrated for two whole weeks.

Since ancient times, people have known that there are days with strong energy, in which all kinds of ceremonies and rituals can be performed. These days include many Orthodox holidays... The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was no exception. This holiday is celebrated on September 21 every year. There are many associated with this day. The article describes really effective rituals for all occasions.

Do-it-yourself charm for family and home

The feast of September 21 (Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos) falls at a time when all field work comes to an end. Our ancestors always brought the sheaf with the last ears of wheat home, it served as a guardian of family happiness from everything bad.

On this bright day, you can also make a charm for the house with your own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • several spikelets of wheat;
  • by twigs of rowan, viburnum and spruce;
  • church candle;
  • red thread;
  • some holy water.

Collect a beautiful bunch of the above twigs. There should be a candle in the center of the composition. Tie the resulting bouquet with a red thread. Read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkle the ward with holy water three times. Attach it over front door.

Throughout the year, this amulet will protect your home from everything bad.

A rite of passage for the fulfillment of wishes

This ritual will help fulfill your cherished desire. To carry it out, you will need:

  • container with holy water;
  • green ribbon;
  • three branches from different apple, hazel and birch trees (there should be nine branches in total).

Make a bunch of collected twigs and tie it with green ribbon. Sprinkle it with holy water and say:

“I am a servant of God (name) got up in the morning, I collected twigs from different trees. Tied them into one bouquet. I want to ask the Lord for advice: what should I do to make my dreams come true? Give me the Almighty answer, I will be grateful to you for many years. May my desire be fulfilled, and my life be filled with meaning. Amen"

Make the most cherished wish. Now you need to find a fruiting apple tree and bury a bunch of flowers under it. You will be surprised, but very soon your dreams will begin to come true.

Protection from damage and evil eye

Rowan will help protect from damage and the evil eye, as well as from human hatred and envy. On September 21, it is necessary to pluck the twigs from the tree, asking him in his own words for forgiveness for disturbing him.

Bring rowan branches to your home. Place 3 pieces on each windowsill. Make a small bouquet and stick it over your front door. The rowan tree will protect you from negative outside influences for the next year.

With the help of this tree, you can find out who has corrupted you. If you suspect someone you know, then the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the time to check it out. Pick some twigs from the tree. Leave some of it with you and put it in the water, and arrange the rest in a bouquet with other plants and hand it to the suspect. If the berries in his bouquet wrinkle and wither before yours, then the suspicions are correct. To return the negative to a person, throw your twigs to his house, while saying:

"Let evil return to the one who does it."

Rite of passage for early marriage

If you have long dreamed of getting married, but the gentlemen are not calling down the aisle, or the only one has not yet met, then try to conduct such a ceremony for an early marriage on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

To carry it out, you need to pluck a hazel twig and tie it with a red thread to make a circle. This circle must be put in a metal container and set on fire, saying while the twig is burning:

“How fast the fire goes in a circle,

So quickly I will meet my future spouse.

Finally, he will make me an offer

And I will go down the aisle with him.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the twig burns out, the remaining ash must be taken out into the street and scattered in the wind, saying:

"I blow ashes in the wind,

I attract love into my life.

I was single, and soon I will become a lawful wife. "

It is believed that within 12 months after this ritual, the girl will definitely marry.

Love spell for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

The above ceremony is intended to attract the groom. If you already have a lover, but his feelings are not as strong as you would like it to be, then try this ritual of love magic.

For the ceremony, you will need a shirt of your loved one and a bowl of spring water. On the night of September 21, read the conspiracy three times on the water:

After that, wash yourself with water and wipe your face with your beloved's shirt. Place a wardrobe item under your pillow at night and return it to the man in the morning.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what not to do on this day

As in other major church holidays, it is undesirable to work on this day. If possible, do all the household chores on the eve of the holiday or postpone for later.

On this day, you cannot eat meat dishes, and use alcoholic drinks... Lean foods should be preferred.

Do not swear and do not judge anyone, give up physical activity.

On September 21, relatives gather to sit in a calm home atmosphere and communicate.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: video

In the Orthodox Church on September 21, the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated. But this is a significant day not only for visiting the temple. Since ancient times, September 21 has been associated with folk signs and the rituals that were performed annually on this date. Some of them have long been forgotten, but, nevertheless, certain observations can be very useful.

history of the holiday

Joachim and Anna, the future parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, lived in Nazareth. As righteous Christians, they prayed for a long time to God for children. After a time, when Joachim was in the wilderness, and his wife was alone in the house, an Angel appeared to them at the same time. He told the spouses that Anna would be able to conceive a child, the Virgin Mary, through whom salvation would come to people, and that they would know about her all over the world. Immediately after that, they met at the Golden Gate in Jerusalem. Having embraced, the couple already knew that their daughter would be born.

Just 9 months after conception, on September 21, the Virgin Mary was born. She lived only three years in her parents' house, after which, in accordance with the vow made to God, she was sent to the temple. In this Christians all over the world are celebrating the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos.

What to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for?

Since ancient times, the birth of the Most Holy Theotokos has been considered a holiday for all women and mothers. On this day, you should put on your best clothes and go to the temple for services. Here the Virgin Mary is thanked for the birth of the Son of God.

On the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, signs will surely come true, and prayers will be heard. Requests, worries, troubles - this is what people turn to the Virgin Mary with. Women have always prayed for the well-being of their home, for the health of their children. They turned to the Mother of God not only for themselves and their families, but also for other people.

In the church, they always lit a festive candle, marking the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 21. The following signs were associated with this. A piece of paper with a request was tied to the end of the candle. When she completely burned out, this meant that the Mother of God heard all the prayers. On this day, women should definitely give alms, food and money in order not to become sterile.

Folk rites and customs

On this September date, 21st, by folk calendar celebrated or Second Autumn. They happened just on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Signs and ceremonies that were carried out on this date by our ancestors have survived in some regions to this day.

Until September 21, almost the entire crop from the fields had time to be harvested. Beekeepers hid their hives to keep the bees from freezing. The onion week was beginning. Not only onions were removed from the fields, but also the remaining vegetables. There was a saying among the people: "The Prechista will come, it will become pure and pure." From that day, evening gatherings began in the houses.

After that, early in the morning, the women went to the reservoirs with oat bread and jelly. There they sang songs and thanked the Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary for harvested crop meeting at the same time autumn. The bread was broken up piece by piece and distributed to the livestock.

After the rituals on the banks of the reservoirs, everyone went to visit the newlyweds.

Holiday on September 21. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: family signs

On this day, parents, village elders and other relatives visited the young. Since this date was the time of the Most Holy Theotokos, the signs on the bride were necessarily taken into account. The hostess greeted the guests with a pie. If it tasted good, she was praised. If the cake did not work out, the young mistress began to teach wisdom. On the festive table there were other dishes that were appreciated by the guests. The owner showed his buildings and livestock to visiting relatives. He was praised or instructed for this, as well as his wife.

Also on September 21 (Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos), signs related to the future life of the spouses. In the evening they went to their parents. To prevent the evil eye, the wife tied a braid with embroidered letters "R", "B" on her sleeves. If she got lost or untied, it meant that there were envious people nearby.

From the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary began new life... It was customary to extinguish an old candle in the house, and light a new one.

Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos: signs of folk weather forecasters. What will winter be like?

It is known that people have always followed the changes in the weather outside the window and already in the summer they knew what kind of winter they should expect. On the autumn holiday of September 21, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the signs indicated the following:

  • if the day turned out to be clear, then this weather will continue until the end of October;
  • if it is foggy in the morning, rainy weather should be expected;
  • if the fog clears unexpectedly quickly, the weather will be changeable;
  • if it started raining in the morning, it will rain for another 40 days, and the winter will turn out to be cold;
  • if the bright sun in the morning quickly dries the dew on the grass, you should not expect a lot of snow in winter.

On this date, work was not allowed, but a day should be devoted to spiritual meditation and prayer.

How to protect children from troubles and diseases?

Family and children - this is the main thing with which women turned to the Virgin Mary in prayers. For their well-being, folk traditions for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Signs confirmed that in order to cleanse the children from damage, their old torn clothes and shoes were removed and burned on that day. All adversity and setbacks had to go away with the fire. After that, when the children crossed the threshold, they were doused with water from head to toe.

Our ancestors glorified the Mother of God and prayed to her, they believed in omens and honored the customs of their people. This helped them to save their family, children and home from harm and to reap a good harvest. Do not forget about the customs and ceremonies of the ancestors today.

Since ancient times, various ceremonies and rituals have been held on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, since it is believed that on this day they have tremendous power and can radically change life for the better.

Pregnancy ceremony for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 21

Since the Mother of God is the main mother on earth, it is to her that women who cannot get pregnant should be asked for help. It is believed that if a woman conceives a child on this day, then he will be healthy and happy. To carry out the ceremony at the Nativity of the Virgin, you must independently flood the bathhouse or thoroughly wash the bathtub. You should also prepare a wormwood broom, a small basin, a decoction made from seven different field herbs, a red ribbon and the same candle. You need to get up at sunrise, loose your hair and go to the bathhouse. Windows and mirrors should be curtained and light should come from a prepared candle. Pour the broth into a basin and dilute it hot water to a comfortable temperature. Take off your clothes, wash yourself with water, and put on a shirt. Looking at how the candle burns, you need to think about your desire to conceive a child. After that, stand with one foot in the basin with the broth, in the other - on the broom, and hold a red ribbon in your hands. To finish, say these words:

“I will stand up and cross myself, go out in blessing from my dear home and go into wide fields, far away, to a cross path, to a high hill. On the hill grow fragrant herbs, medicinal herbs. I will bow to the herbs and the river to them: healing herbs, herbs born by the Mother Earth, caressed by the red sun, light and healing power absorbed! I am empty as an earthen jug, a whole jug, but dark inside. Fill me, healing herbs, with the power to give birth, as Mother Earth gave birth to and raised you. As you grow and bloom from Mother Earth, so will my child be born, grow stronger and bloom under the Red Sun. My word is strong, my work is molded! As she said, so it will be! "

Tie a knot in the middle of the ribbon, saying:

“I knit a knot, I bring a child's soul! The knot cannot be untied, lie whole, and the child in me grows, grows stronger and does not run away. Truly! "

Carry the ribbon with you as a talisman until successful conception.

Rite of passage for the Nativity of the Virgin on September 21 for marriage

Many girls dream of meeting their soul mate and getting married, and in order to bring this time closer, you can spend this great holiday. To carry it out, you should pick seven small branches of rowan without leaves. Roll the rods into a ring, fastening the edges with a red thread. Place the circle in the center of a large, flat plate that shouldn't have a pattern on it. Set fire to the branches and say these words:

"A spark to the fire, a girl to an imminent crown."

Pour the remaining ash onto a piece of white natural cloth, and then shake it out on the street. It is believed that if a girl performs this ritual correctly, but she is in next year she will marry on Pokrov.

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