What prayers should be read on Christmas. What prayer is read for Christmas for marriage. Christmas Prayer “Your Christmas”

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The bright holiday of Christmas is an unusually joyful and wonderful event for every Christian. God became a man in order to save us, He was born “according to the flesh” so that we would become closer to God.

Christmas is one of the main Orthodox twelfth holidays and is considered the second most important event after Easter.

Orthodox Christians celebrate this day every year on January 7th. On this day, the Nativity Fast ends, and Christmas time begins - the time from the Nativity of Christ to the Baptism of the Lord.

Prayers for the Nativity of Christ are, first of all: joy, praise to the Lord and the magnificence of a bright holiday.

On Christmas, Orthodox Christians greet each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and respond to the greeting: “Praise Him!”

Troparion of the Nativity

This troparion (hymn to Christmas) dates back to the 4th century. It is sung during the Christmas service and then for a few days later, until January 13th.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason, in it I study the stars serving as a star. Bow down to Thee, Sun of Truth, and guide Thee from the heights of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Russian translation:

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of knowledge, for through it those who serve as stars were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star. Lord, glory to You!

Kontakion of the Nativity

This is a special kontakion (hymn) that is performed on Christmas days. “Today the Virgin gives birth to the Most Substantial” - this kontakion was written by St. Roman the Melodist at the beginning of the 6th century. According to legend, the Mother of God herself taught Roman to sing and blessed him to compose this hymn.

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify, wise men travel with a star, for the sake of us being born a Young Child, Eternal God.

Russian translation

The Virgin on this day gives birth to the Superessential, and the earth brings a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify, while wise men travel with a star, for for our sake a young child, the Eternal God, was born.

Christmas stichera

In Orthodox worship, starting from the Nativity Fast, special stichera (chants) are performed, which remind that Christmas is approaching. This is one of these Stirchs, taken from the All-Night Service on the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).

Beautify the den, for the Lamb is coming with a womb-bearing Christ: lift up the manger with a word that has resolved us from the wordless deed of us earthly. Shepherds testify to a terrible miracle: and the magicians from Persia, bring gold and Lebanon and myrrh to the king, as if the Lord had appeared from the Virgin Mother. To him, bow down slavishly to Mati, and welcome to the one held in Her arms: how did you dwell in Me, or how did you vegetate in Me, My deliverer and God?

Russian translation

Decorate yourself, cave, for the Lamb (that is, a lamb, a meek, humble animal, with which it is customary to compare people obedient to God; in this case The Lamb is the Virgin Mary, the One Who will give birth to Christ) is coming, carrying Christ in the womb. The nursery, raise the word of the one who freed us earthly ones from senseless deeds. Shepherds playing flutes, testify of a frightening miracle; and the Magi from Persia, bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to the king, for the Lord has appeared from the Virgin Mother. And before Him, humbly crouching, the Mother herself bowed, turning to the One who was in Her arms: “How were You conceived in Me? Or how did you grow up in me, my redeemer and God?

The most famous Christmas verse

Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, today Bethlehem will receive the one sitting ever with the Father, today the Angels of the Infant, born divinely, glorify: glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.

Russian translation

Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth! On this day, Bethlehem receives Him who sits forever with the Father. On this day, the Angels of the born Infant as God glorify: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill among people!

Prayer for Christmas

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

“In the same way, we pray to Thee, who opens Your generous hand, fulfilling all living things of Your blessings, giving food to everyone, corresponding to the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food, prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting Thy servants abstained, may they eat them with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for joy and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

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The main anthem of Christmas in the Orthodox Church is troparion which is dated to the 4th century. It is sung during the Christmas service and a few days later - until January 13th. During the Christmas service, it is performed several times, and the whole church sings along with the choir.

This hymn speaks of the knowledge of God by man. The paths to this knowledge can be different - including through the scientific study of the stars, as happened with the Magi. And calling Christ the “Sun of Righteousness” points to the Savior as the Source of life and light, purity and righteousness:

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, rise to the world the light of reason, in it I study the stars serving as a star. Bow down to Thee, Sun of Truth, and guide Thee from the heights of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Prayer on Christmas for health

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and verbs, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my body and soul, my movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and dwelling, the course and death of my belly, the day and hour of my exhalation, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But you, O Most Merciful God, the whole world with sins, unconquerable Goodness, gentle, Lord, me, more than all sinners, accept in your hand your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse the many multitudes of my iniquities, grant correction to my evil and accursed life and from of the coming sinful falls, always delight me, but in no way when I anger Your philanthropy, even cover my infirmity from demons, passions and evil people ov. Forbid the visible and invisible enemy, guiding me on the saved path, bring me to Thee, my refuge and my desires. Grant me a Christian end, shameless, peaceful, keep from the air spirits of malice, at Your Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Your servant and count me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them to You, my Creator, I glorify forever. Amen."

Christmas Prayer for Marriage

“With great joy I turn to you, Mother of God.
You are the one who filled the fruit of your womb with love.
I, the servant of God (my name), I beg you now for help.
Please give me mutual and sincere love.
Send me a loving and caring husband,
so that I can raise children in happiness and joy.
May thy name be hallowed. Amen".

Prayer at Christmas for money and wealth

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born inexpressibly from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, as by Your great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

Moreover, we pray to Thee, who opens Your generous hand, fulfilling all living things of Your blessings, giving food to everyone in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting, the slaves abstained Yours, may they be eaten with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for fun and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Christmas Prayer for Happiness and Prosperity

“The Beginning Beginning, Holy and Eternal God, and the Creator of all creation! With which words we thank and with which songs we magnify Yours for the sake of man, the indescribable descent, by the will of His Divinity did not depart, and the bowels of the Father are not parted, this God, like a man, now lies down in a wordless den, Christ our God! Who will confess this unspoken mystery, the greatness and glorious fulfillment of the sacrament: the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin is, may he free the world from the legal oath, and the sons of sin and iniquity - the children of God, the heirs of eternal blessings - he will make himself, as an immaculate and all-holy sacrifice, in the pledge of the salvation of a fallen man let him bring. Sweetest Jesus, Lord All-Merciful! By your Divine descent, the earthly vale to the temple of Thy Divine Glory is sanctified, and all who live on it are filled with heavenly joy. Vouchsafe us also on the day of Your glorious Nativity with a pure heart and an open soul to confess Thee the true Lamb of God, who delights and strengthens us with the hope of future blessings in the unfading Light of the Thrice-radiant Divinity, through Him everything lives and moves, through Him the renewal of our primitive being is perfected. Hey, Lord, rich in all good deeds to the Giver, and the Giver of the Good, for the hedgehog you loved the world so much, as if you deigned to bear all our sorrows and illnesses on Yourself, do not leave us, until the vanity of the earth with sorrows and misfortunes did not dry up our souls, and do not perish the path of salvation under our feet, may our enemies not laugh at us, but grant us, in the light of Your Divine Revelation, to know the path of peace, goodness and truth, and cry out with an insatiable thirst for You, our Savior, in a hedgehog to do Your will, I do Your goodness in Your fear, and in praise of Your inexpressible condescension, like a fragrant censer, bring You an undefiled life and unhypocritical love, but in our deeds and in the hope of our faith, Your holy will is unceasingly done, and Your glory, glory, will never cease under heaven, - like the Only Begotten from Father, full of grace and truth. As if about You, now the flesh of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary, Who was born, all the tribes of heaven and earth, fulfilling joys, loudly confess: God is with us, to Him honor and worship befits - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

A short prayer for Christmas for good luck

“Your Christmas, Christ our God, ascend the world with the light of reason: in it, serving the stars, I study the star, bow down to You, the Sun of righteousness, and lead You from the height of the East: Lord, glory to You.”

Christmas prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

“The angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God for observance. I diligently pray to you, enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed, and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen."

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Orthodox Christians traditionally attend church and offer prayers to the glory of the Lord. On this day, they also pray to the Higher Forces for a prosperous and happy life. Each person feels an invisible connection with the Higher powers. They follow us invisibly, warning of impending dangers and warning against wrong decisions. To the great church holidays everyone has the opportunity to thank with prayer for guidance on the true path, and also ask for the protection of themselves and their loved ones. Orthodox prayers clear the mind and promote spiritual growth. Prayer for happiness “O Lord, our Savior. Hear your servant (name). I beg you, Heavenly Father, grant me sincere faith and illuminate my thorny path. Learn to follow You and do Your will. Let me find peace of mind and not be tormented by pangs of conscience. I ask for myself and for the whole human race: may your goodness descend upon us. Earthly happiness and peace of mind will be in our lives. May our souls be filled with your prayers. Amen" Prayer for the well-being and happiness of the Mother of God "Holy Savior of the human race. Hear the prayers of God's servants. We give you sincere words and rejoice with you on this holiday. You gave us our Savior. Behold our aspirations and do not leave us in a difficult hour. Grant us your patronage, but do not leave us in doubt and timidity. Lead us on the true and righteous path. We pray to you, intercessor, give me the strength to cope with misfortunes and not be afraid of difficulties. We entrust our happiness to You, our souls are drawn to Your light. Amen "Prayer for happiness in love" Most Holy Theotokos, Queen of Heaven. Only You can understand and hear me. I appeal to You and pray for the protection of me, a sinful slave (name). My heart is open to love, but it does not come to me. Empty in my soul and sad. Grant me sincere and righteous love. Show my chosen one, above the given. May our destinies intertwine into one and with the support of your life, our life will be righteous. Amen” Prayer for the happiness of children “Lord God, our Savior, I cry out to You. I ask you for mercy for your children (names). Save and have mercy on them, cover with your hand. Protect from evil thoughts and direct on the true path. Your children are small, unintelligent. Reveal the truth to them and let them live without sin in their souls. Illuminate their path and protect them from the evil eye, the unclean word. I will pray to You, to lift up words bright and pure. Help me raise my children in true faith and happiness. Amen ”On Christmas, the world is filled with goodness and happiness. At this time, it is customary to forgive all bad deeds and words. Spend January 7 with the maximum benefit and enlist the support of the Higher Forces for a prosperous life without grief and sadness. We wish you health

Christmas opens the way to heaven, which makes it possible for people to turn in prayers to the Higher powers almost directly. It is believed that all appeals will certainly be heard and requests fulfilled. Prayers for marriage, which since ancient times have been used by single girls to meet their soulmate, have tremendous power. You can turn to different saints, the main thing is to do it with an open heart and soul.

Prayer for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary for marriage

It is believed that this particular prayer has great power, since the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God. Of course, it is not worth counting on the fact that the long-awaited meeting will take place the very next day, but the Higher Forces will help ensure that events develop as successfully as possible. It is best to read a prayer in front of the icon, after placing a lit candle next to it.

The prayer for Christmas for marriage sounds like this:

“With great joy I turn to you, Mother of God.

You are the one who filled the fruit of your womb with love.

I, the servant of God (my name), I beg you now for help.

Please give me mutual and sincere love.

Send me a loving and caring husband,

so that I can raise children in happiness and joy.

May thy name be hallowed. Amen".

In addition to this prayer, you can turn to the blessed one, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Xenia of Petersburg and Peter and Fevronia of Murom for help. These saints are also renowned for their power to help the lonely find love.

Christmas ceremony for marriage

There is a special ritual that uses a Christmas prayer for marriage. With it, single girls can greatly increase the chance of meeting a soul mate. It can also be used by girls who have a potential groom and want to get the most important step from him. In this case, the name of a particular person must be inserted into the prayer.

For the ritual, it is worth preparing a square-shaped piece of white natural fabric, a pair of white candles and a joint photo. On Christmas night, while alone, lay a white cloth on the table and light candles. Draw a cross on the fabric, which will divide the space into four zones, symbolizing the elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Put a photo in the center, read first "Our Father", and then, such a prayer before Christmas for marriage:

“Forces of the Nativity of Christ, help me! Lovely (name) spell to me! I want him to be engaged to me, forever united in soul and body. Amen."

After that, you need to look at the flame and mentally imagine the wedding and happy life with your future spouse. It is important that the picture is as clear as possible, right down to the sensations. You need to do this until the candles go out on their own. Then tie a photograph, the remains of candles in the canvas and hide everything away from prying eyes. If everything was done correctly, then very soon the first positive changes will be visible.

Prayer for Orthodox Christmas

The All-Night Vigil begins with Great Compline, at which the solemn song of the prophet Isaiah is sung:

God is with us, understand, Gentiles, and repent, as God is with us!

Frequent repetition in this song: God is with us! testifies to the spiritual joy of believers who recognize among themselves God-Emmanuel.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, ascension to the world, the light of reason, in it, for the stars serving as a star, I learn to bow to You, the Sun of truth, and lead You from the height of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Translation: Your Nativity, Christ our God, has illuminated the world with the light of the knowledge of God; for then - the stars, as God, who served - were taught by the star to worship You, the Sun of righteousness, and to know You, the East from on high. Lord, glory to You!

The Virgin today gives birth to the Most Substantial, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; The angels with the shepherds glorify, the wizards travel with the star, for the sake of us being born young, the eternal God.

Translation: Now the Virgin gives birth to Him Who is above all created, and the earth presents a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify, wise men travel with a star: for a young child, the eternal God, was born for us.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, today Bethlehem will receive the One who sits ever with the Father, today the Angels of the Child born will glorify Godly praise: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh born of the brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

From the womb before the morning star, the birth of Thee. The Lord swears and will not repent

Today Christ in Bethlehem is born from the Virgin: today the Beginningless begins, and the Word is incarnated: the powers of heaven rejoice, and the earth with men rejoices: the wise men bring gifts to the Lord: the shepherd marvel at the Born. But we constantly cry out: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

Let the whole earth worship You and sing to You, let the Most High sing to Your name

The triumph of this holiday is aggravated for the Russian Orthodox Church by the memory of the deliverance of our fatherland from the Gauls (French) and with them twenty languages ​​(peoples) in 1812. After the liturgy, a thanksgiving service is performed.

Prayer at Christmas January 7

Prayer is a frank appeal to God. The content of such a conversation can be different, it mainly depends on each of us individually. Since you can turn to God with a prayer at any moment, the meaning of the words can be different - from gratitude for something to a request and repentance. After pronouncing the text of the prayer, a person becomes prosperous and calm, because he gains peace of mind.

Features of prayer for Christmas on January 7

The prayer that the clergyman says has a special meaning. It is believed that God hears such texts first of all, especially if they are heard in a special temple, taking into account all the liturgical canons. In addition, those prayers that are timed to coincide with great church holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, carry special power. It is believed that the words with which a person turns to God on such days have great potential. If they are uttered with an open soul and repentance, then God will certainly help the one who prays and give him the strength to go through a difficult period in his life.

A prayer for the Nativity of Christ is said in a church church, where the service begins on the evening of January 6. It carries the appeal and praise of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who gave his life for the sake of all those who pray. The service on the Nativity of Christ is very beautiful and solemn; a peaceful festive atmosphere reigns there.

If people do not have the opportunity to attend church on Christmas Day, then it is advisable to say the words of prayer at home at a holy supper. We must definitely thank Jesus Christ for the opportunity to absorb food and water. You can do this both sitting at the table and standing in front of the icon. With a prayer for Christmas, you need to turn to the son of God, Jesus Christ, God, the Mother of God and all the saints.

Prayer for Christmas

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and be born from the Unknown and Most Pure Virgin Mary! We thank Thee, for thou hast vouchsafed us, who have been cleansed by the feat of fasting, to reach the great feast of Your Nativity and in spiritual joy to sing Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship with the Magi. We thank Thee, for by Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our infirmities, comfort us now not only with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

“Therefore, we pray to Thee, who opens Thy generous hand, who fulfills all living things of Thy blessings, who gives food to all in accordance with the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food, prepared by Your faithful people, especially this, from them, obeying the Charter of Your Church, in the past days of fasting abstained Thy servants, may they eat them with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for joy and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Celebration of Christmas

us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya

and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Your Christmas, Christ our God,

ascension of the world and the light of reason:

serving the stars in it,

To you bow to the Sun of truth,

and lead you from the height of the East:

Lord, glory to You.

Kontakion, voice 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,

and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;

Angels with shepherds glorify

the wolves travel with the star;

for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

Troparion to the pre-feast

open to all, Eden,

like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:

heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,

in it the Divine Garden,

from worthless poison, we will live,

not like Adam will die.

Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

Sometimes writing with Elder Joseph,

like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,

womb-bearing seedless Birth.

Now it's time for Christmas

and a place without a dwelling,

but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.

Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

Prayer for Christmas 2017 for good luck, for marriage, for health. "Your Christmas, Christ our God" and other children's Christmas prayers

Christians all over the world enjoy celebrating Christmas as one of the most important and long-awaited days of the year. Each branch of religion, each country, each nation has its own unusual traditions associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Our customs are probably already familiar to you. These include:

  • celebrating Christmas Eve (the eve of the Nativity of Christ) in the family circle with prayers and eating sochi;
  • the creation of a nativity scene (translated into old words “cave”) - a puppet theater with a manger, biblical characters and animals;
  • reading Christmas and Christmas stories - wonderful stories that happened to religious people during Christmas time;
  • caroling - a traditional costume walk from house to house with carols and Christmas songs;
  • a prayer for Christmas - a festive appeal to the Almighty with requests for health, good luck, marriage, children and other essential blessings;


PRAYER before the icon CHRISTMAS

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, ascend the world with the light of reason: in it, for the stars who serve as a star, I learn, to bow to the Sun of truth, and lead Thee from the height of the East: Lord, glory to Thee.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh Born of the Brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times). Glory to the Father and the Son, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and weaknesses, according to Your boundless mercy, the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.


Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year, I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your indescribable love of mankind. Extend your mercy to me, a sinner, continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all middlemen and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of heaven. Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen.


O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.


Holy Guardian Angel of my child (name), cover him with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep his heart in angelic purity. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my children (names), keep them under Thy shelter, cover from all evil lust, cast away from them everyone and adversary, open to them the eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.


Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), relatives, mentors and benefactors, and all Orthodox Christians.


Angel of God, my holy Guardian, given to me from God from heaven, I diligently pray to you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen.

(to ask to heal you from diseases of the legs)

“Virgin Mother of God, Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, Intercessor of the entire Christian race! Thy miraculous icon is reverently coming, we pray to Thee, hear us praying to Thee: accept our unworthy thanksgiving for all Thy unspeakable good deeds to us, in this place and in many villages and cities of the Russian land manifested and manifested; Thou art healing the sick, consolation for the grieving, correction and admonition for those who have erred. Be a cover and comfort for all of us, a haven from all evils, troubles and circumstances, from hunger, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of a foreigner, deadly ulcers and from evil people of embitterment. Protect from every misfortune and save with faith and reverence those who flow to miraculous icon Yours and praying to You with love here and in every place. Lift up our prayers, like a fragrant incense, to the Throne of the Most High, who grants us health, long life and haste in the labors of the pious, but we manage with Your nourishment, and overshadow Your cover, glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your Maternal intercession for us, always, now and forever and ever. Amen".

Ephraim the Sirin consists of ten petitions - it is customary to read not only on the day of the remembrance of the saint, but also during Great Lent.

“Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk, do not give me. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant. Yes, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for you are blessed forever and ever, amen.

to the icon of the Mother of God Zhirovitskaya, helping with incurable ailments (May 20)

“O Most Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! Kima by mouth I will touch Your sanctuary, or with which words we will confess Your bounty, manifested by people: no one, flowing to You, departs thin and is not heard. From my youth, I have sought Your help and intercession, and I have never been deprived of Your mercy. Look, Lady, grieve my heart and weigh the wounds of my soul. And now, kneeling before Your most pure image, I offer my prayers to Thee. Do not deprive me of Your all-powerful intercession in the day of my sorrow, and in the day of my sorrow intercede for me. Do not turn away the current of my tears, Lady, and fill my heart with joy. Refuge and intercession wake me, Merciful, and enlighten my mind with the dawns of Thy light. And not only do I pray to Thee for myself, but also for the people who come to Thy intercession. Keep the Church of Your Son in goodness and protect her from the evil slanders of the enemy who rise up against her. Autumn our country with the shelter of Thy goodness and deliver me from natural disasters, the invasion of foreigners and internecine discords, so that all who live in it, in love and peace, will live a quiet and serene life, and having inherited the blessings of eternal prayers from Thy prayers, they will be able to praise together with You God in heaven forever. Amen".

icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, healing from all diseases.

“O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, Omnipotent Intercessor, our shameless hope! Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort, if not to Thee, O Lady? To whom did they bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, with Your prayers send us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and diseases, from sudden death and from all the embitterment of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, to pass the path of this earthly life without sin. We ask you, Most Pure Lady, and bowing down before your holy icon, we pray: have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the terrible day of judgment, by intercession and intercession of yours, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of your Son, Christ our God, and all glory, honor and worship are due to him with his Father without beginning and his Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

about the healing of the sick.

Oh, Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the inseparable Trinity, look kindly on Your servant (name), obsessed with illness, forgive him all his sins, give him healing from illness, return him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he would bring grateful prayers to You, the all-merciful God and my Creator.

in all dangerous situations.

Holy Mother of God, save us!

The Monk Ambrose of Optina (in the world Alexander Grenkov) since 1839 in the Optina Hermitage took part in the revival of eldership - the way of monastic life, in which an experienced monk, an elder, leads the spiritual life of monks.

Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will.

For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing anyone or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayers for Happiness and Prosperity on Christmas Day January 7

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Orthodox Christians traditionally attend church and offer prayers to the glory of the Lord. On this day, they also pray to the Higher Forces for a prosperous and happy life.

Each person feels an invisible connection with the Higher powers. They follow us invisibly, warning of impending dangers and warning against wrong decisions. On great church holidays, everyone has the opportunity to thank with prayer for guidance on the true path, and also to ask for the protection of themselves and their loved ones. Orthodox prayers cleanse the mind and promote spiritual growth.

Prayer for happiness

“Lord, our Savior. Hear your servant (name). I beg you, Heavenly Father, grant me sincere faith and illuminate my thorny path. Learn to follow You and do Your will. Let me find peace of mind and not be tormented by pangs of conscience. I ask for myself and for the whole human race: may your goodness descend upon us. Earthly happiness and peace of mind will be in our lives. May our souls be filled with your prayers. Amen"

Prayer for the well-being and happiness of the Mother of God

“Holy Savior of the human race. Hear the prayers of God's servants. We give you sincere words and rejoice with you on this holiday. You gave us our Savior. Behold our aspirations and do not leave us in a difficult hour. Grant us your patronage, but do not leave us in doubt and timidity. Lead us on the true and righteous path. We pray to you, intercessor, give me the strength to cope with misfortunes and not be afraid of difficulties. We entrust our happiness to You, our souls are drawn to Your light. Amen"

Prayer for happiness in love

“Holy Mother of God, Queen of Heaven. Only You can understand and hear me. I appeal to You and pray for the protection of me, a sinful slave (name). My heart is open to love, but it does not come to me. Empty in my soul and sad. Grant me sincere and righteous love. Show my chosen one, above the given. May our destinies intertwine into one and with the support of your life, our life will be righteous. Amen"

Prayer for the happiness of children

“Lord God, our Savior, I cry to You. I ask you for mercy for your children (names). Save and have mercy on them, cover with your hand. Protect from evil thoughts and direct on the true path. Your children are small, unintelligent. Reveal the truth to them and let them live without sin in their souls. Illuminate their path and protect them from the evil eye, the unclean word. I will pray to You, to lift up words bright and pure. Help me raise my children in true faith and happiness. Amen"

At Christmas, the world is filled with goodness and happiness. At this time, it is customary to forgive all bad deeds and words. Spend January 7 with the maximum benefit and enlist the support of the Higher Forces for a prosperous life without grief and sadness. We wish you good health and don't forget to press the buttons and

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