Prayer to drive away evil. Orthodox prayers from enemies and evil people How to get rid of evil people

doors 31.08.2020

A dream of evil always brings misfortune and trouble. To see something evil in a dream, but not to experience any strong emotions at the same time, means that your fears about a certain person are in vain. Being angry at a friend in a dream is a sign that a little contention awaits you in him. Being angry with your husband in a dream means that after a short quarrel, peace will come to your family again. Getting angry and intriguing others in a dream portends a worsening of your situation. If someone is angry with you, then expect new problems that will lay a heavy burden on you. See interpretation: anger.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Evil spirit in the form of a cat

Always expect good things. The subconscious mind always tells you what to do / not to do so that everything is fine. Because of the wrong perception of reality (the store is like a ghost), you are tormented by conscience for past mistakes (evil). You need to get rid of ingratitude (cat), or rather learn to be grateful for everything, for the bad too, because you are bad, only you deserved and received. Take bad things as lessons, not as punishment. Be grateful, it will help you not to repeat the mistakes, and everything in your life will work out. Moving in your dream speaks of some change in your perception and some peace of mind (cozy). Based on dogma (temple) and other people's advice (sister), your plans will still not be yours. You are under the great influence of your sister (she gave birth). Is it worth it to be under someone's influence? The right choice and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Angry Dolphin

Judging by the situation of the dream, it is not difficult to assume that in the future the dreamer will experience deep loneliness (the ocean), due to his psychological distance from everyone (the dreamer is on a metal platform in the middle of the ocean, there are no shores). The METAL platform and the OCEAN also suggest the "coldness" of the dreamer's feelings in relation to others (or rather, the exaltation-distance of himself from the world - the Dolphin cannot reach the dreamer) and the dreamer's severe self-restraint in connection with this. The DOLPHIN, not reaching out to the dreamer, jumps onto the platform, which is a lower LEVEL - this is a hint to the dreamer to go down to a lower level and be closer to others in order to get out of the state of self-isolation. DOLPHIN - this is the dreamer's inner desire to establish contacts and relationships, but the Dolphin (very friendly by nature) in a dream looks EVIL at the dreamer, and, having jumped out of the water, goes to the dreamer on his tail - in reality this is the second hint to the dreamer that it is time for him to build relations with others in a kind and human way (according to the principle "we are all people"), and then the dreamer will establish friendly - loving contacts instead of conflict ones (the evil look of a dolphin is the dreamer's evil look at others). The dolphin's TAIL clearly demonstrates to the dreamer the consequences of his own thoughtless (and possibly purposeful) behavior, in this case, in the form of a lack of spiritual and psychologically comfortable relationships with others in the dreamer's life. This is the whole horror of the dreamer. Or maybe the dreamer is a careerist? Then the dream is quite logical. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

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Our world is incredibly cruel. People are filled with envy and hatred. Many wish each other harm and simply radiate negativity. Therefore, many are looking for ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. Very effective prayers that protect against enemies and misfortunes can help you with this.

Prayer to protect the family

The most important thing in the life of every person is his family. Of course, we want all of its members to do well. But it doesn’t happen that there are no enemies, or just people who radiate negativity, because we lead an active lifestyle. People surround each other at work, on the streets, in stores.

It happens that at work colleagues or neighbors can look askance at your family and property. Then a prayer that protects from evil people.

From negative people, evil looks, you can read a prayer to Jesus Christ and the Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God. You can turn to Jesus for protection in the following way:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect your servant (say your own name) from the enemy's thoughts. Protect me from evil people and black envy. Banish curses, corruption and evil eyes from your soul. clean my life path from leprosy, infection, sickness and pain, from languor, persecution and vegetation. Forgive me of all sins and crimes, send me holy forgiveness. May it be so. Amen!"

If they envy you, then this is one thing. But when you notice that your child has changed. If your child's behavior has changed, your son or daughter has become ruder, school performance has fallen, or the child often gets sick, then this may be due to the envy of even friends. In this case, you just need to protect your son with prayer. And you can even make a daughter a charm from the evil eye and bad people.

The prayer will be effective only when you believe in the best and that your child will be happy and successful.

Prayers to protect from evil

Sometimes not only people can bring misfortune into your life, but a black streak can simply come that needs to be experienced. But you can’t just endure, you need to do something.

To protect yourself from enemies, from those people who bring only sorrows, sorrows and anxieties, a prayer that protects from evil people will help you. It will be even more effective if you read the prayer daily. In addition, you should not just pronounce it automatically, but think about every word, put a piece of your soul into it.

Ask for help from Mother Matrona:

“Oh, blessed Old Lady Matrona. Cleanse my soul and mortal body from diseases and ailments. If the enemy sent damage and noted with an evil look, return to him what is nesting in me. Send me protection from evil people and ask the Lord God for holy forgiveness. Pray for me in God's palaces and protect me from the evil eye and sorrow from enemy intent. May it be so. Amen!"

If it seems to you that in life you are simply haunted by bad news, sad, upsetting events, then a prayer that protects the Holy Mother of God from troubles will become a faithful, and most importantly effective assistant.

You will see, when you start reading this prayer service, a new, bright stage will come in your destiny. You will receive good news, at home, at work, in all endeavors you will be fine. But just remember that prayer will become your savior in difficult situations. life situations, follow some rules:

  • Try to pray daily, asking for what worries you, worries;
  • Ask not only for yourself, but more for your relatives and friends;
  • Read prayers, but, in difficult situations, when you are not able to read a prayer, then just ask in your own words for help and support;
  • Turn to the Lord, the Holy Saints from a pure heart. Try to make every word come from the depths of your soul;
  • Do not only ask, but also give thanks for the help of the Higher Forces.

The worst thing that can happen in human life is envy. So try to avoid it. Pray not only that you are not envied, but also that this feeling does not arise in your soul.

If you do not treat other people with disdain, envy, do not wish evil, then the Lord will not leave you and God's help and support will always be with you.

God bless you!

The lights are torches, real ones, blowing in the wind along a long winding road. Old cracked steps lead up to the temple. Round candles are living flames on the feet of monster statues. A beer vendor with a cart full of beer and ice.

Full of people. Crowded under the roof of a theater without walls. Then everyone rushed to the open area, it is larger.

Caucasoid tourists are running, forgetting about the decorum and traditions of their culture, pushing each other, shoving, elbowing their way to the stage - in the very first row - like wild peasants or monkeys, not understanding that the action must be seen from afar.

The whole scene should be visible. As a result, the dense first row, almost already crawled out onto the stage, nothing is visible from the third row.

I understand that we won’t be able to see anything from below, and I turn around to climb higher, but it’s already occupied there. I ask people to move a little to let the child in, Zvanka is crying, people shrug their shoulders indifferently - there is not enough space for ourselves ...

I turn away, puzzled, to think of something.

Here the young Italian gallantly gives way to us.

It starts to rain quite heavily, and then a crooked old man, wrapped in some kind of skins, comes to the middle of the stage, sprinkles the air with water, and the rain stops.

The show starts. The overall action is rather confusing - an army of monkeys, an army of spirits, an army of people, a lost and found princess, everyone wants something of their own, the spirits are trying to steal the princess, the servant of the spirits jokes with the audience in English.

Men with bare backs are sitting around the stage in a dense ring, in some kind of skirts or bandages on their hips.

From time to time they begin to sing and rhythmically wave their arms, their swarthy hairy hands and long trembling fingers look like fire, there are so many of them, the rhythm captures and carries away, only the fire of torches, the rustle of branches, and the deep starry sky above.

Time has already dissolved and disappeared, and we are there and in the same way as thousands of years ago - a handful of people, listening to the one who tells the story. There is no technology, there is only the human body, fire and air, and they have not changed much in the past couple of millennia.

Male voices continue the war song, here even musical instruments are unimportant, this happens long before the appearance of musical instruments, but there has always been war, the rhythmic movements of outstretched hands are the insatiable flame of war. During the battle, one of the heroes dies, and his soul, wrapped in a white shroud of sheets, is carried away to heaven through the temple passage. It is simply amazing how the plasticity of the actor is changing - you really feel - that now this is not a man of flesh and blood, but a lightweight, breath-like soul, and a fleeting wind takes it to this huge, filled with stars, black sky above us.

The dying enemy is saluted, the chorus of war temporarily becomes monkeys and jumps, yelling and jumping. At this time, white tourists get up, go out to smoke, drink, go to the toilet, and sometimes they just leave (it’s not clear why then it was necessary to take first places with such a fight ...). The same old man comes out, who stopped the rain and explains in broken English that now there will be the most important dance, driving away evil spirits, the dance of preventing troubles, misfortunes and wars.

Firewood is brought to the middle of the stage, doused with gasoline, and a fire is set on fire. He instantly becomes high, high, and hot sparks fly furiously into the very depths of the sky, in their destructive hatred they try to reach the stars, threatening them with destruction. The burning, merciless, all-devouring flame of war, even on our high and distant row, it becomes hot and stuffy to breathe.

And then a dancer comes out - a young guy, barefoot, without a shirt, with a toy rocking horse in his hands.

A real fire blazes, old men with rakes crowded around it, a circle of chorus warriors closely hugs the stage - now that there is a real flame, their hands have found another occupation for themselves - they have become the drums of war - the rhythmic clapping does not stop for a second - the pulse of the already doomed to destruction is beating life.

A barefoot guy pounces on the fire, runs right in the middle and scatters it around with his bare feet, preventing the flame from growing. The horse trembles in his hands, sparks fly from the fire into the black sky.

Elderly men scold him, drag him by the arms, and lustfully rake up their fire again, and again the barefoot guy scatters burning coals, and this is repeated again and again.

And you suddenly realize that, apparently, there is no other way, and in order to drive away evil spirits, one must go out like this barefoot on burning coals. And no other weapon was invented, and only a toy horse in the hands. And the one who always puts out the fire will be scolded and pushed, and there will definitely be those who will try to rake up the coals and kindle, fan the fire again, and someone needs to go out like this alone, barefoot in the very thick of the fire and scatter it everywhere.

And the flame gradually goes out, recedes under the desperate shot of the bare heels of an unarmed man. The faint last smoke gradually fades away, and the newly rescued deep sky, bright stars, grateful shaggy palm trees lean towards this guy, softly flickering candles on the wavering old doors of the temple quietly look at the stage. And the people who until recently pushed each other away quietly disperse to the sides.

In the life of every person it can happen that today luck will be on your side, and tomorrow it will leave you. The reason for such circumstances lies in ordinary human envy.

Because of someone else's anger and irritability, you can for a long time lose success. Often enemies are not limited to silence. Most of them use the services of black magicians, and cause serious harm to those who, in their opinion, have no right to possess any thing or privileges.

The basis of a successful family life can easily be destroyed by just ordinary bad thoughts envious people. There will be quarrels, scandals in the family, cash will begin to flow away in an unknown direction, the children will become naughty. This negative turn of events is due to the fact that bad people they constantly send bad emotions to the family, corroding all the positive energy. You can resolve the situation if you read conspiracies from evil people.

Find out who in your environment feeds on your energy. There are people, after communicating with whom, a person begins to feel heaviness and fatigue. Do not bypass such signals from your body, as the body speaks of an impending threat.

Consider creating a talisman for your protection.

Such a person likes to constantly devote other people to his problems, hanging them on them. His goal is not to solve them. Often energetic vampire does not suspect what is happening, experiencing an irresistible need to communicate with his "victim". Such contact allows him to replenish his strength at the expense of other people. If you can't avoid contact with them, the best way Crossing your arms over your chest during a conversation will serve as protection. If you want to forget about the encroachments of "vampires" forever, read conspiracies against evil people.

Possibilities of conspiracy from evil people

The most destructive human emotion is envy. This feeling is endowed with a powerful energy that destroys the harmony in your home or work. She can be resisted if you read a conspiracy from evil people. So you will take away the evil eye, damage and even a curse. This is a kind of amulet against everything bad.

You can read a conspiracy against an evil person on your own, or with the help of a performer. It may be a relative or a close relative. It is important that he be friendly towards the goal and not feel negative towards the bad person. If you have any doubts about the benevolence of the performer, perform the ceremony yourself.

How to ward off the evil of unkind people?

Not knowing that intrigues are being woven against you, set up protection in advance. All existing conspiracies against evil people are quite universal, they will serve as a talisman not only against enemies, but also against troubles at work.

Luck can turn away from you if envy, anger, irritation come to you from the side of an evil person.

But before that, pick up a handkerchief and read over it a special ritual for protection against evil. Before meeting with an ill-wisher, wipe your face and hands with a charmed amulet, and then boldly go to him.

The conspiracy "From an evil person" on a scarf

“I knit knots, put locks against the sorcerer and sorceress, sorcerer and sorceress, spoiler and spoiler, I tie it, I close my eyes, you wouldn’t see the white light for a century and I, the servant of God (name), do not look, do not spoil, do not temporize. Amen."
temple of God
protected by all the saints,
prayed to the Lord,
let the earth be his support,
the roof of the sky, the protection of the Protection of the Mother of God.
Lord Jesus Christ, protect this temple from any evil. Queen of Heaven, protect those who live in this house from sorrows and quarrels, an evil word. Amen."

You can always protect yourself from evil people with the help of a patron saint. Go to church early in the morning and buy a candle before the first service. Speak a candle for the patronage of St. George the Victorious, put a charm on the icon of the saint, cross yourself and bow nine times.

Conspiracy for the patronage of George the Victorious

"Saint George the Victorious, you defeated the evil serpent, defeat the heart of my adversary, the servant of God (name)."
run into a sword, step on the threshold - the oven will burn you, cross the threshold - you will stab yourself with a spear, you will enter the room - we will drive the pitchfork into the side, you will take my belongings - you will be thrashed with a chain, you will decide to run away - you will stab yourself with a knife, you will cut yourself with a fork, and introduce yourself to the devil in hell. There is no road to my doorstep, it is guarded by angels, terrible angels, the archangels of God, the archangel Michael, the archangel Gabriel, the archangel Uriel, the archangel Yehudiel. They stand on all four sides, they do not let anyone in, neither evil, nor dashing, nor a thief, nor a villain. As they will stand forever not to die, to glorify God, so my house will stand forever. I said, I wrote on stone tablets, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Dry grass will save from evil

The following rite will help you forget about all the ill-wishers. For three days, weed your garden, folding the torn grass in crosses. On the fourth day, burn the weeds, reading a plot over the smoke.

“I burn the grass, I take out the worms. No worm, no enemy. Amen."
That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, he will be cursed by the land of the reverend, the charms of Ararat, disgraced brick, swamp mud, combustible ash, a mill dam, a bottomless house, and a bath jar. Curve you, thief, go lame, go crazy, goofy, emaciate.

You can get protection from bad gossip if you pick some grass and leave it to dry, while reading the plot. After the grass is completely dry, throw this amulet to the gossips, then they will stop discussing you, remembering their worries.

Conspiracy "From an evil person" on the grass

“Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen."

the strongest conspiracy, ebullient pitch,
combustible ash, painful sickness.
Tina swamp, pull, mill, twist and press
mortal anguish to the grave.
Take a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

What can conspiracies lead to?

Each magical ritual cannot pass without consequences. Any conspiracy or ritual does not take you to another world parallel to the existing one. Conspiracies from unkind people cannot change the attitude towards the situation of all persons taking part in it.

You will simply become much calmer, get a reliable amulet, and the enemies will be distracted in search of a new target.

Thanks to conspiracies against ill-wishers, you can save a grumbler from constant grumbling, a boss from anger, and colleagues from envy. The worst thing that can happen to them is a job change. If you never wish bad things to your enemies, everything will certainly work out.

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy-informational influence caused by a person with strong energy, but without a special ceremony. They can jinx anywhere: in transport, on the street, at work, etc.

Therefore, even if a person is sure that there are no evil and envious people in his environment, one must first worry about appropriate protection for himself and his family. Protection from the evil eye is the only way to protect yourself from any magical negativity.

Who is especially susceptible to the influence of the evil eye

Each person has a biofield, intensively influencing which can cause great harm (or, conversely, help, as real healers do). Experts say that each person reacts differently to negativity: someone can be jinxed by any envious person, and someone is not afraid of the most experienced sorcerer trying to spoil.

The most susceptible to any negative influences are small children and weak people. They do not have very strong energy, and therefore they more often than others become victims of the evil eye or damage. Moreover, it does not matter whether a person believes in the existence of the evil eye, damage or not.

How to strengthen your energy and protect yourself from negativity?

Speaking about the negative impact, it should be noted that there are certain methods that can increase energy resistance to the alien eye. You can do this yourself, without using any attributes of magic and without uttering special conspiracy words. Of course, the proposed method is unlikely to help protect yourself from a professional sorcerer who intends to send damage, but the evil eye after the actions performed will not be terrible.

The simplest method of protection is called "Frame Closure". Its essence lies in the fact that when talking with an ill-wisher or a suspicious person, you just need to cross your legs and arms. So you can protect yourself not only from the black evil eye, but also from "energy vampires."

Closure is the most well-known method of protection

You can also use the technique called "Ring" - you need to make a ring out of the index and thumb fingers, while the rest of the fingers should be tried to put on top of each other.

Another easy trick is called "Nested Rings" - you need to make a ring from the index finger and thumb, and then put it in the middle of the palm of the other hand and close the palm. After that, you need to change hands and repeat the same procedure several more times (often after such actions a person can feel how the space is thickening around him, what to say about the emergence of a protective barrier).

There are also more complex protective techniques, for example, the "Energy Mirror" - a person should mentally try to create a mirror around himself or a mirror dome that will reflect any negative influence. Perhaps not every person will be able to do it the first time, but with the desire and daily training, everything will definitely work out.

Protection from negativity with the help of surrounding objects and plants

Undoubtedly, internal protection from negative magical effects is very important, but when increasing the energy potential, we must not forget about the existence of other methods that can avert trouble.

  • By tying rowan branches crosswise with a red woolen thread, you can get rid of any negative influence that has recently entered the home.
  • To protect yourself from negativity, you need to hang a bunch of mint and St. John's wort near a mirror or hanger in the hallway.
  • From the inside front door in its upper part, stick a needle with a natural woolen or cotton thread.
  • It is always necessary to keep a bunch of thistles in your house (apartment) - it is able to drive away directed evil.
  • At the entrance to the dwelling, under the rug, you need to put dried or fresh wormwood.
  • Mint scattered in all rooms will help to cleanse the house of black and bad influences on the Trinity.
  • If in a crowded place someone is staring at a person who feels uncomfortable at the same time, one should say in a whisper: “Look at me, but see not me at all.”
  • If a person, being in a dining room, cafe or other place of public catering, felt that someone was watching him closely, then he needs to mentally say, without being distracted from food: “And the same to you.”
  • So that a bad person could not enter the dwelling, it is necessary to put a small bunch of St. John's wort grass under the threshold.
  • It is forbidden to pick up money, gold or other objects and things on the street, especially at intersections.
  • If someone is trying to start a quarrel in transport, then it is better to try to avoid it with all your might. If this cannot be done, then you need to look at the aggressor’s chin and mentally say: “I am with God, and you are with Satan, all your evil will remain with you, and God’s good with me. Amen".
  • Before putting on a hat or other headdress, you must first bring it to your lips and say in a whisper: “Protect my head, always protect it from hatred and anger. Amen".
  • To protect yourself from negative influences, it is recommended to say the Our Father prayer 3 times daily after waking up and before going to bed.

Onion to ward off the evil eye

Even in ancient times, our ancestors believed that a peeled onion is the best protection against the evil eye, it is able to absorb any destructive energy and various diseases.
To perform the ceremony, you need to peel and hang 3 onions in different rooms of your home. This should be done in this way: pierce each onion from the bottom up with a needle, into which you must first thread a red woolen thread. Then tie the thread in a loop around the onion head and hang it in a place invisible to prying eyes.

The thread must be exactly woolen, without impurities

The bulbs should hang for 7 days, after which they should be removed and put on small pieces of paper (clean without drawings, stripes, cells, etc.). Sprinkle each onion with salt, then wrap them in paper and burn them. This rite will help cleanse the apartment of negative energy and further protect the house from the evil eye and damage.

Other methods of protection against negative impact


To perform the "Egg" technique, it is necessary that a person has developed the ability to feel various items at short and long distances. First you need to try to master the "touch with your eyes" technique, that is, mentally learn to touch things, objects and catch sensations from them in your mind (first you can touch the selected object with your hand, and then try to reproduce the sensations in your head without touching it).

After this technique has been mastered, it is necessary to build an "egg". A person should feel, and not imagine, that in front of the ribs, behind and on the sides at the level of outstretched arms there are 4 golden and warm peas, that is, a cross is formed, located in a horizontal plane, the axis of which runs along the middle part of the body. With the mental rotation of this cross, a hoop is obtained, which should be turned into an egg, covering the body and preventing any negative influence from penetrating inside.

If you can install an energy cocoon, you are not afraid of any evil eye

The walls of the magical egg in the representation should be very dense, and the layers of the biofield should, as it were, wash over each other. Shells can be presented in one color or two colors, but it is desirable to use orange, blue and golden colors. When doing this visualization, it is important to clearly feel your actions.

mirror wall

The performer needs to imagine that he is surrounded on all sides brick wall from several rows. From the outside, the protective wall must be covered with an inseparable layer of mirrors that face external world. And no matter from which side a bad person tries to harm, he will always receive a blow reflected and significantly enhanced by a protective mirror.

The mirror wall is a technique that is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness many times. Using this magical technique, you cannot show your defense to a person who is trying to negatively influence. Friendliness and calmness will force the envious person to deliver strong blows, which will then return back to him.

Cross protection

Visualization needs to be trained, it will be very useful for you

The performer should try to surround himself on all sides with numerous crosses, placing them tightly to the body. Then slowly, with a little effort, starting from the head, move the visualized crosses away from you at a distance of 0.5-1 meter. Then you need to compare your state before and after pushing back all the crosses, to feel how they are strengthened and merge into one.

Protect from the evil eye

There are various amulets, differing in the method of application and the effectiveness of protection.

red thread

A popular talisman against the evil eye is a red thread. This amulet was widely used in antiquity, our ancestors were sure that the red thread is able to protect against evil directed at a person through bad word, a look cast by envious and unkind eyes. In addition, magic experts claim that the red thread can also save its owner from envy and anger.

How to put protection from the evil eye with a red thread? What should it be and where should it be worn? The thread must be woolen, the other will not be able to protect its owner from an evil eye. It should be worn on the left wrist, since it is through this side that evil can break into a person and thereby cause great harm to him. However, not every red thread has protective properties.

In order for the talisman to work, you must first perform a special ceremony on it and read the conspiracy words. A close friend or loved one should tie the thread on the left wrist with 7 knots. While tying, the Ben Porat and AnaBeko prayers should be said. Another prayer must be said to the one who is tied with a protective thread when all 7 knots are ready.

The owner of the talisman during the ceremony needs to direct all his thoughts to good deeds, he must attract compassion and goodness into his life in order to rid himself of evil forever. Only if these rules are observed, a protective talisman from the evil eye is able to have a magical effect on its owner and the world around him.

Pin and button to protect against negativity

A magic copper button sewn to the inner seam of clothing and located in the region of the heart will protect from envy and other evil eye. It must be sewn on one of the first 3 days of the full moon at sunset and use blue or green threads.
Also a good talisman from the evil eye is a pin. It is better to pin it in a conspicuous place with the eye down, but if this is not possible, then from the inside of the clothes in the heart area.
However, before sewing or pinning a talisman, it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony over it and pronounce a magical conspiracy.

Conspiracy words on a button or a pin through candle wax

The rite is best performed at midnight, it is necessary to light a wax candle and, dripping wax into the eye of a pin or a hole in a button, say the following words:

“Hot wax, drive away evil, move it away from me (name). I conjure you with fire, I fix you with strong iron.

After the conspiracy, the talisman should be immediately pinned or sewn to clothing.

Plot on a button or a pin through the smoke

A charmed pin requires regular cleaning and updating

It is necessary to collect needles in a spruce or pine forest, dry them and set them on fire in a special container. Having pronounced the conspiracy words over a button or a pin, you should hold the talisman so that it is fumigated with the smoke of the needles:

“Black smoke, protect, save, from trouble. Protect, drive away all anger, stand guard (your name)."

After the ceremony, the talisman must be pinned or sewn to the appointed place, and the needles must be allowed to burn out to the end. Scatter the remaining ashes in the wind.

Conspiracy on a pin

Take a safety pin right hand and, tightly clenching his fist, carry it for one hour. Then open your fist, open the pin and pronounce the conspiracy words so that the breath touches the talisman:

“The pin is sharp, drive away, pierce trouble and human evil. May my talisman be strong, strong and God bless. Amen".

Plot on a pin through a bow

You need a large onion. It needs to be pierced with a future talisman-pin and read the following conspiracy words:

“Onion, you are a fighter, a crown of protection, take away, turn away, from me (your name) all kinds of evil allotments, evil devil aisles. Protect, protect, take away any trouble. Amen".

This magical rite uses the powerful protective energy of the bow - one of the most powerful protective plants used in magic.

Conspiracy words on a pin

“Take away all the evil that exists on Earth, remove it, turn away evil people from me (your name), do not allow the evil eye and damage.”

After these words, immediately pin the pin to the clothes with the tip down.

It must be remembered that when conducting any of the proposed rituals, one should follow the basic rule of success - to fully concentrate on the result and visualize it while reading the conspiracy words.

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