Description of the signs of the zodiac on the example of bulls. People born in the year of the Ox: horoscope, characteristics, compatibility. Negative character traits of people of the zodiac sign Ox

Bearing structures 13.12.2020
Bearing structures

Find out what kind of people are born in year of the Ox- the sign will tell you a lot!

Lucky Ox colors: red and gold. There is always something special and useful in these colors for the Bulls, if they have to decide important questions formal or financial

Ox: lucky stone- the mascot is onyx. An onyx necklace or ring allows the Bulls to act effectively in any area.

Lucky Ox numbers: 8

Who suits the Bull, the most best signs for the Bull: Rat, Rooster, Bull, Rabbit, Snake, Dog

Who does not fit the Bull, the most bad signs for the Bull: Goat, Horse

Which Ox corresponds to the sign of the zodiac
This is the most reliable sign in the Chinese zodiac, thanks to which the world still turns. The eastern horoscope describes the bull as a very hardworking and responsible person; in China, the sign is a symbol of well-being, earned by honest labor. Despite the fact that he is very modest and hates self-promotion, over time he becomes an indisputable authority for others. According to the eastern horoscope, the Ox hates deception and lies, he has an innate gift to extinguish negative emotions and disputes in his environment. For these people, the words "morality" or "ethics" are never empty, meaningless phrases.

If a person was born in the year of the Ox, the sign of the Chinese horoscope promises him a difficult childhood and youth. They can proceed in some kind of need - both materially and emotionally. But over time, representatives of the Ox sign are increasingly pleased with the manifestations of Fortune's benevolence. And sometimes in old age they even become very rich people, creators, founders of family, "clan" wealth.

If it comes about the Bull woman, the description will be incomplete without mentioning the fact that she is simply perfect wife hostess. He can cook very tasty, masterfully decorate the interior and be engaged in garden design. Such ladies appreciate tradition and family values. For women of Bulls, love is, first of all, a wedding ring on a finger and a common future under one roof. They are always looking for faithful love to the grave, therefore they study partners for a long time and carefully before they hear serious statements from their lips.

Women and especially men of this sign are not romantics, languid sighs in the light of the moon are alien to them. Love Bulls by eastern horoscope prove practically: every day they cook delicious dinners from their favorite dishes or build a common beautiful house. And it is unlikely that they will constantly scribble love SMS and other messages, because they consider it a waste of time. If a person according to the Chinese horoscope is a Bull, the characteristic of his personality includes an absolute rejection of betrayal, which they do not forgive. But the thoughtless squandering of partners - love and business - drives them even more crazy.

Chinese astrology characterizes the representatives of the Ox sign as one of the best parents in the horoscope. As a child, they themselves often faced a lack of interest from their parents and therefore do not want their children to experience the same. These people easily achieve a difficult harmony between indulgence and exactingness. It happens that thanks to wise upbringing, heartfelt care and love, the children of mothers and fathers of the Bulls achieve outstanding success in life.

The Ox sign is the second zodiac sign in traditional Chinese astrology. The description of the Ox sign should begin with general characteristics, which is shown in the table below.

This table shows the main characteristics, associations and preferences of the representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Usually, people of the Ox zodiac sign are honest, straightforward, kind-hearted people who are often described as ordinary earthly creatures. You can always turn to them for help, since the representatives of this sign are endowed with considerable strength, moreover, they are hardworking. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with them, in nature such people do not have the slightest hint of duplicity. The bull usually does exactly what he said.

Being a representative person who adheres to traditional views on life, a man of the Ox zodiac sign, as a rule, is completely independent in his judgments and, as practice shows, it is not so easy to break him with the opinion of other people. Representatives of this sign very rarely ask for advice, moreover, more often than not they are intolerant and ready to take out all their destructive power on people who do not agree with them.

Outwardly, a person born under the Ox zodiac sign, as a rule, looks completely calm. In most cases, of course, this is the case. However, if the representative of this sign begins to provoke or constantly test his patience, he may react to you exactly like a bull to a red rag. He can be extremely hot-tempered - this is the second side of the Bull's nature, which, as a rule, is well hidden in the bowels of his soul, but never "leaves him." Among other things, despite the image of a "domesticated" person, Bulls are extremely inventive and creative personalities.

Ox zodiac sign people character

The following are the main traits of a person's character - both positive and negative - which can be attributed to typical representatives born in the year of the Ox:

Positive character traits of people of the Ox zodiac sign

Conscientious, patient, hardworking, reliable, serious, kind, physically and mentally strong, caring, consistent, straightforward, has a clear outlook on life, talented, practical.

Negative character traits of people of the zodiac sign Ox

Slow, stubborn, intolerant of other people, tendentious, quick-tempered, dogma, conservative, materialist, smug type, conformist, gloomy, boring.

Man - Ox zodiac sign

If a man has the typical Bull traits, then he will behave exactly as described below:

  1. his behavior is difficult to explain;
  2. has doubts even in relation to himself;
  3. on outward signs- pessimist;
  4. values ​​family values;
  5. plans his future actions in advance;
  6. not particularly smart;
  7. disciplined and conscientious;
  8. prone to authoritarianism;
  9. likes to eat well, does not disdain strong drinks;
  10. usually lazy at home;
  11. prone to chauvinism.

Woman zodiac sign Ox

If a woman has the typical Bull traits, then she will behave exactly as described below:

  1. can sometimes be too frank;
  2. in society it is not distinguished by courtesy, devoid of feminine sophistication;
  3. good organizer;
  4. at the same time restrained and shy;
  5. will never forgive the one who betrayed her;
  6. extremely hardworking;
  7. loves comfort in the house;
  8. quite loyal to her family;
  9. always tries to pay off debts;
  10. has self-esteem;
  11. very secretive nature;
  12. more relaxed than the Bull man.

Child - zodiac sign Ox

If the child has the typical Bull traits, then he or she will behave exactly as described below:

  1. when he is angry, it is better to leave him alone;
  2. loves to collect any things;
  3. serious and thoughtful;
  4. has several close friends;
  5. likes to tinker with various things;
  6. very often it turns out to be a "bookworm";
  7. in order for him to relax, he must be "pushed" to this;
  8. loves her company of friends;
  9. perfectly disciplined.

Ox zodiac sign health

The element of the zodiac sign Ox has always been and will be the element of Water, which is associated with the work of the kidneys. Consequently, the Ox must pay special attention to them and constantly maintain these organs in working order. Water is also associated with ears and bladder... Drink plenty of water and don't let your body get lazy: exercise. In addition, the representative of this sign needs to learn how to express their emotions so as not to earn neurosis ahead of time.

Leisure of the Ox zodiac sign

People of the zodiac sign Ox love to play sports and keep themselves in great physical shape. They prefer traditional sports like rugby, cricket or hockey. Also, Bulls can be suitable of various kinds a fight that will allow them to throw out all the aggression in a controlled environment. In addition, representatives of this sign can prove themselves well in numerous martial arts, especially those that require maximum endurance, patience and hard work in order to achieve a certain skill.

On weekends, Bulls do not like to travel, unless, of course, they have not previously planned some kind of trip. And if they are going somewhere, they will never go in splendid isolation, they need company. They love to travel in groups. But despite the above, representatives of this sign are often capable of extreme actions, for example, they can sail around the world all alone.

Love in the life of representatives of the zodiac sign Ox

The bull is usually wary of love. He knows that love breaks the usual way of life and brings with it many new and different sensations from previously experienced feelings. The bull very rarely "loses his head", let alone that he "gave" his heart to another person. One gets the impression that the representative of this sign is a completely non-passionate and unromantic person. But do not be fooled: the Ox is still capable of deep and strong feelings, he will love, adore, and will be devoted in body and soul to his partner. If he was once betrayed, after that he will not immediately be able to start a new relationship with another partner.

Most likely, the representative of this sign will neglect various kinds of anniversaries, since he is not a particularly sentimental person. But despite this, the Ox will make every effort not to injure other people. He needs to learn to respect the feelings of his partner.

Bull sex and zodiac sign

Usually the representative of the zodiac sign Bull is very attentive towards other people, but despite this, he can be very timid in matters of love. He has little initiative in relationships, it is extremely difficult for him to create a romantic atmosphere for his loved one. Let's give out a secret: the Bull loves to be in an excited state, moreover, he loves to be "disposed of".

The representative of this sign, as a rule, is never jealous of his partner when it comes to their "rights", especially loyalty. Responsibility and trust for him is much more important than good sex. In a relationship with the Bull, a subtle approach simply may not work, since he does not know how to read between the lines. Moreover, the Bull can be extremely amazed and strongly outraged if you start criticizing him, without hesitation in expressions, right in his face.

Home and work

People of the zodiac sign Bull adore material values. The Bull's house should be comfortable and cozy, but not necessarily chic, since Bulls are practical people. They prefer to live in the countryside and try to avoid big cities. The best place for the home of a representative of this zodiac sign is somewhere near the water, for example, by the river. If, for some reason, the Bull cannot live outside the city, then there must be at least a small garden near his house. He will always be in order: representatives of this sign love to work on the ground. If none of the above options is possible, then the Bull will pour out all the unspent warmth and love on numerous houseplants.

The bull will always find something to do: he will study, work or just make something for the soul. Often, the Bull's house is cluttered with old letters, photographs, souvenirs and trinkets. Of course, there is a certain system in this, but only the owner can understand it.

A man of the zodiac sign Ox can achieve a lot, if, of course, he is absorbed in his occupation and makes every effort to achieve success. Before taking on any project, the Bull must be interested in it and convinced of its importance, then he will try to analyze all aspects of the current circumstances and develop the best scheme for future actions. This is how the calm and methodical Ox achieves success.

But despite his organization, the Bull is completely unsuitable for work that requires communication with people. Work related agriculture, is often more attractive and profitable for the representative of this sign. Surprisingly, the ability to hatch excellent ideas turns the Bull into a man of art.

Horoscope Year of the Ox: legend, character, money and career; zodiac signs and Chinese horoscope; Year of the Ox compatibility

1925 - Wooden bull

1937 Fire Bull

1949 - Earthen Bull

1961 - Metal bull

1973 - Water Bull

1985 - Wooden bull

1997 - Fire bull

2009 - Earthen Bull

2021 - Metal bull

Horoscope Year of the Ox: legend

In primitive times, the bull (ox, bison, tur) was a symbol of the masculine principle, masculine power, strength, which is associated with the extraordinary fertility of this animal. Many cults worshiping the Bull are based on this quality. In ancient times, they also believed: the Bull has a special connection with the sky. The bull of the sky was the Moon, or rather, the month with horns.

According to Chinese legends, the Bull was the first to appear at the call of the Buddha (or the Jade Emperor), being stronger and more faithful than all other animals. The palm, however, went to the Rat, who cleverly took advantage of the Bull's kindness (and his strong back).

Already from the legend, it is clear that the Bull endows those born in his year with hard work, strength, perseverance, thoroughness, loyalty, but also simple-heartedness and kindness: sometimes the Bull fails to take advantage of the fruits of his efforts.

Ox character

Since childhood, the Bull looks more solid, even older than his peers due to his prudence and independence. The word of the Bull is always weighty, the authority is beyond doubt. The bull is not accepts minor roles, would rather leave than adjust.

The bull is distinguished by its seriousness, thoroughness, determination to carry it through to the end. A conservative, he does not approve of innovations, not believing in their reliability, he goes to the goal in a proven way. He does not pursue fashion trends, preferring the real, lasting: nature, home, family, friends, good things.

The movements and words of the Bull are usually unhurried, accurate, weighed. He is attractive for his inner strength, integrity and originality of nature. The bull, with a dislike for noisy companies, is by no means silent, not a loner. With a practical mind, he knows how to listen, give advice, gaining trust. Do not try, however, to offend the Bull: there will be no trace of his inherent restraint, in a rage the Bull is terrible!

The bull is a sign of perseverance, balance, the personification of creative work. The bull is laconic, patient, of a calm character, but not at all a mattress: the Bulls have a strong will, a persistent character. It is almost impossible to get them out of balance, but if you succeeded, get away with it!

Bulls are practitioners in everything, do not hang in the clouds, persistently achieve their goals, are ready to overcome difficulties. These are responsible employees, whose fantastic performance is capable of leading them to the position of a leader. Sometimes the Bulls put pressure on subordinates, go ahead where it is better to think, but their dedication to the cause is undeniable and provides authority.

In love, Bulls are straightforward, do not lead difficult games with romantic surroundings. To the chosen one, the Ox will offer reliability, loyalty, and not sublunary sighs.

Bulls are considered people of an easy character, but they do not tolerate contradictions, often showing stubbornness. But usually the manifestation of the Bull's temper is a response to the incorrect actions of others. Bulls are especially annoyed by non-punctuality and irresponsibility. Bulls are principled in beliefs, very honest. This is a guarantee of the trust of others. They themselves conceal their thoughts, plans and desires. They value their independence, preferring independence.

Zodiac signs and Chinese horoscope

Capricorn is an incredibly serious Ox, no time for fun! He does not accept any jokes there!

Aquarius - Subtle nature, creative, inspired. Bullish power and power will manifest calmly.

Pisces is a crazy Bull. They should turn the control levers with caution, very carefully!

Aries - The bull is a careerist and ambitious. Watch out for its horns.

Taurus - Ox is very gentle. However, this is a Bull doubly, here the bullish nature will manifest itself in stubbornness.

Gemini - the Ox is not serious, of all - the most non-family. In general, he is hardworking and hardy.

Cancer - The Bull's temperament is quite relaxed. The most familial Bull. She works a lot, but often due to her gentleness she cannot take advantage of the results of her labor.

Leo is a Fighter. Attention! He does not accept the traditional routine, he will definitely want to break its chains.

Virgo is not a bullish character. Better for him to take care of his garden.

Libra - Ox is sociable, very sociable. Can be an extraordinary information source.

Scorpio - The Ox is dangerous: sharp, stubborn, sometimes just terribly unbearable.

Sagittarius is a balanced bull, moderately bullish. It can easily turn its shortcomings into advantages.

Ox - money and career

A career for the Ox is usually not an end in itself. He is disgusted with the tricks, intrigues with which others make their way up. Without an undercover struggle, but thanks to perseverance, confidence, unquestionable authority, the Ox ensures its slow, solid career growth.

It may seem that the Ox is obsessed with luxury. This is not entirely true. He appreciates comfort, which, as you know, is not cheap: solid furniture in a cozy house, a reliable car, a pacifying atmosphere — the minimum that encourages the Bull not only to make money, but also not to be wasted. But the Ox is not a curmudgeon: let his chosen one, for example, not receive flowers every day, but with these funds the Ox will buy her a truly valuable, necessary gift.

Celebrity Bulls

Richard the Lionheart, Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher, Felix Djerzhinsky, Princess Diana, Saddam Hussein, Dante, Carlos Castaneda, Vasco da Gama, Savva Mamontov, Andersen, Walt Disney, Botticelli, Charlie Chaplin, Bach, Gardner, Kipling, Garitler, Gardner , Anna Akhmatova, Valentina Tereshkova, Richard Gere, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Year of the Ox compatibility

The bull, being smart, solid, traditional, but without particularly daring fantasies, is family-oriented: he is hardworking, “all in the house,” a big stay-at-home. Usually the Ox family union is very strong.

Ideal relationship- with the Snake, Rat, Rooster.

- Everything is not bad - with the Dragon, Cat (Rabbit), Boar (Pig), Monkey, Bull (Ox).

- You should be wary of the connection - with the Tiger, Sheep (Goat).

- The Ox will let the Rooster shine. These two conservatives would be in perfect agreement.

- A loving Rat will be faithful to the Bull until the end of his life, which is very appreciated by him, the Bull loves solidity, stability.

- With the Snake, if she remains faithful to him, everything will be great. She has enough innate wisdom for this. The bull will be proud of the bright half.

- Bull Monkey will charm. However, in order to deserve her reciprocity, remarkable imagination, fantasy is required, and this Bull is a little lacking.

- The Ox should beware of the Sheep (Goat) - her capriciousness, frivolity, inconstancy will bring only suffering to the Ox.

- It is also risky to associate your fate with the Tiger. The Tiger Bull is stronger, it will endlessly suppress it until it is completely "destroyed". The incessant non-constructive struggle can end only with the disappearance (departure) of the Tiger.

1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009 year of birth

Bull's Chinese name: Nude
The second sign of the Chinese zodiac
Time of day under the control of the Bull: 1:00 - 3:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign:
Element: Water
Polarity: Negative

Positive traits:
Bulls diligent, learning-inclined, methodical, virtuous, precise, loyal and very hardy.

Negative qualities:
Bull stubborn, easily upset, conservative and can be quite selfish.

The main features of the Bull:

Anyone who has watched a herd of bulls calmly wandering across an open plain cannot fail to be struck by their natural grandeur. Harnessed to the yoke, no other animal can drag such a heavy load as long as a bull.

No wonder that Bulls, with their ability to overcome any resistance and as if by their mere presence to inspire confidence in others, take their rightful place on the world stage. To those born under this sign destined to be great and leave your mark as a leader. By being conservative. Bull Doesn't care about innovations and ingenious mechanisms: modern world not for him. Trying to understand Bull- a thankless and unproductive occupation. Any attempt to bring this most closed of all creatures closer can be crowned with success only if you make him swallow his tongue. And the more you try, the more it gets removed. But since he is born a leader, he never admits to himself or others in any fears or insecurities. As you would expect, arrogant and ambitious Bull can't stand someone to contradict him, especially if someone else does it Bull.

Thus, people born under the sign of the Ox, are diligent and patient, ambitious and love their home. You like to work hard and go step by step to reach the top. Whatever you undertake, you feel a great responsibility. Sometimes you can be very withdrawn and prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself. You have a small circle of friends, but they are loyal to you. You like peaceful, cozy surroundings, and more often than not, you remain calm until you get angry. Then you can turn into a monster in relation to the one who "insulted you. The most dangerous animals in the world are not lions or tigers, but bulls.

Because of your reliability and punctuality, you succeed in whatever you undertake - provided that you are allowed to carry out your own tasks. You can go a long way in politics or farming, as in any field where specialized knowledge is vital. Plus, if you were born with a creative talent, you can become an artist. Your life will be interesting, but full of tasks waiting to be solved. Bull born in spring, will be very happy, he will have less worries than someone who was born in summer or autumn. Winter Bull it would be easy too, but he would have to be careful not to end his life with a steak on the dinner table.

You are diligent, positive, and helpful. But you strive to run everything and can be quite stubborn and authoritarian. Many people may find it difficult to work with you because you are tough and not always able to cooperate.

Fate (luck)
You appreciate the little things in life, but you feel a sense of extreme satisfaction, seeing that your work is bringing results. You work hard and you are bound to be successful.

You care about what you have and what has been created by your previous efforts. What you do can bring you great wealth and fame; even what you learned as a child can bear fruit.

You love to work together when necessary, but you are quite good at influencing the situation. You love to work alone, but you enjoy being an elder because it gives you complete control. You like to see and know what is happening around you.

Social life
You get along well with the people you have chosen to do business with. You can be very shy and withdrawn around people you don't know very well.

You are smart and observant and always see different possibilities around you. Given your positive attitude and strong character, you can make money well.

You are very romantic by nature, you enjoy dating someone you love and care about. You know how to get someone to pay attention to you, and people appreciate your positive nature and your consistency.

Many Bulls find that their parents were not too eager to connect their lives. Relationships can be quite stressful and difficult at times.

Brothers and sisters
You maintain relatively good relationships with your siblings as long as they manage to respect your space and try not to be overbearing.

People born in a year Bull, treat children with tenderness, they like to be responsible for them. You can have many children and they will love you dearly.

You love to travel and you especially enjoy the unspoiled nature of the countryside. You love trees and greenery and never pass up the opportunity to visit exotic places you've never been before.

You the strong man, characterized by good health - exactly those qualities that are inherent in Bull... If you lead a healthy lifestyle, illnesses will bypass you and wonderful years ahead of you that will bring you success.

Capital investment
Your investments are well thought out and planned and rarely give you any trouble. Given your precise sense of business and the value of your efforts, it can be said that your projects can make you very rich.

You are hardworking. As long as you have the opportunity to work well and run everything, you often don’t care if it’s going to make you money or not. Life can be difficult at times, but with your endurance, you will always overcome difficulties.

Life has a lot to offer you, and yet you should show more love and consideration for those around you. If you do not face new challenges, life may seem boring to you.

Cyclicity of the Year of the Ox in the Chinese horoscope
1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973
19 february February 6 The 25th of January February 11 January 29 February, 15 February 3rd
1985 1997 2009 2021 2033 2045 2057
February 20th 7 february January 26
* Dates indicate the first day of the New Year.

Chinese horoscope for people born in the Year of the Ox

Ancient Chinese astrologers many centuries ago, composing their horoscope, included a bull among other symbolic animals. Since then, the bull in the Chinese horoscope has become the personification of physical strength and perseverance. People born in the year of the Ox are distinguished by perseverance and hard work. They are not used to complaining when it is hard or bad for them. They prefer not to show their weakness and can withstand strong external pressure. As a rule, people, being next to the Bulls, feel confident, as if behind a stone wall, often turn to them for help and support. Bulls are ready to take on a lot of responsibility in almost any situation. Perseverance, shown in all matters, and endurance makes them persistent, often even stubborn.

Once they choose their path, the Bulls will follow it long time and they are unlikely to get off of him, even if they come to the conclusion that he was wrong. The Ox motto can be formulated as “confident movement forward”. Bulls are dominated by strong feelings, they are often closed in themselves and are reluctant to share their secrets. They do not like it when they interfere with the circle of their personal interests. Bulls rarely show their ailments, while creating the illusion that everything is fine. They rarely get sick, but if they get sick, which is usually serious.

Bulls do not like to take risks, they always strive for stability in everything. They usually have one permanent job on which they work for a long period of time, or even their whole life, slowly moving up the career ladder. Such people need a stable, constant source of income. It is always pleasant to work with them in a team, they willingly take on any business and always try to bring it to the end. Bulls are reliable colleagues on whom you can always rely. They try to avoid conflict situations. Bulls are calm, but they should not be annoyed: an angry bull is a very dangerous animal.

People under the sign of the Bull inspire confidence. However, they can easily lose their temper. The Bull's anger knows no bounds. As a rule, they speak little, but when they get carried away, they demonstrate the art of eloquence. Bulls have excellent physical and mental abilities ... To this it remains to add that Mikhail Kutuzov, Bonaparte Napoleon, Simon Petliura, Adolf Hitler were born in the Year of the Bull ... The above features from the horoscope are, in one way or another, inherent in these figures. And all of them as one left their mark on history.

If you believe astrology, then in the team where the Bull-Man works, order always reigns. As a rule, he always brings everything to the end and never provokes people. Thus, the current Bull is contradictory in nature, which chooses between conservatism and novelty, ready to show aggression on occasion. According to the Chinese system of five elements, the Ox belongs to the earth, therefore, the main events and accents of this year will be associated with the earthly elements - in particular, with the basics of economics and finance.


You are a strong person with good health- these are the qualities that are characteristic of bulls. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, illness is nothing to you and wonderful years await you that will bring you success.


Although you are not very romantic by nature, you enjoy dating someone you love. You know how to get someone to pay attention to you, and people appreciate your positive nature and your consistency. You are gentle and open with a loyal partner, dedication and support inspire you. But when looking for a partner, you should be careful, because you are frivolous. Since you are not a romantic person, you need to be persuaded to agree to an invitation, experiment with your appearance, and generally be more adventurous.

Your ideal partner is a sincere and gentle person who, however, knows how to take care of you and tease you with soap. At times, you may misinterpret a frivolous remark or not appreciate the humor of the situation, but no more courage and confidence - and you will find yourself able to put your worries aside and even like yourself. Your ideal partner is determined to reward you with new interests, but they won't take risky activities that threaten your peace of mind. You can be patient with your partner's weaknesses, and during emotional outbursts you will think, it is not your own fault, but it will be very difficult for you to forgive if you are deceived.


You love to work in a team when necessary, you know very well how to influence the situation. You would like to work alone, but you will love the boss role because it gives you complete control. If you feel that projects may soon be on hold, or that decisions were made with insufficient attention to detail, then immediately show your concern. You take your work seriously and, as long as you are not forced to talk about it in public, you are able to think clearly and plan carefully. You may have a slightly slower reaction, but you are an experienced organizer, a person with logical thinking and it is possible that over time, your determination will be rewarded.

You are able to obey and feel good in a work environment as long as you know the business has a solid foundation. You prefer to know your schedule and while you can handle unexpected situations, you still want to have all the information and work within the established framework. You are hardworking. As long as you have the opportunity to work well and you often don’t worry if your job will bring you money or not. Life can be difficult at times, but because of your endurance, you will always overcome difficulties. You are smart and observant and always see various opportunities for ideas around you. Given your positive attitude and strong character, it is easy for you to make money. But the thought of subsisting on credit cards or debt annoys you - the possibility of serious risk can turn into sleepless nights for you. You are truthful and sincere, you do not like the idea of ​​competition, people born in the year of the Ox are very rarely guided by a greed for profit.

You can pursue a career in farming, gardening, estate management, medicine, or religion. You can also become a good philosopher, teacher, military leader, or police officer.

A family

Your honesty and patience ensure you good relationship those around you, close relatives like it, that you are a conservative in what and are wary of everything new, although from time to time you may be attracted to something new. When you are in a calm environment, you are sociable and relaxed, but if clouds gather over you, a feeling of anxiety arises, you think about the problems that have arisen and try to find a solution. You are fond of children, and you want to be responsible for them. You can have many children and they will love you very much.

Under your external calmness, stubbornness and hot temper can be hidden, which appear like a bull, if you are forced to do something against your will or forced to change your mind. In this case, you should be alone in order to calm down, and others, while you calm down, it is better not to disturb you.


You value the little things in life in order to experience a sense of extreme satisfaction that your work is producing results. You work hard and you are bound to be a success. You are calm and balanced, show resilience even in the most difficult situations, and if you have already given your word, you will certainly keep it. To carry out plans, you need peace and quiet, and when you make a decision, it is difficult to convince you otherwise. Your plans and ideas emerged on solid ground - you can hardly be seduced by attractive but unrealistic projects, and your logical approach often only bears fruit over time. You weigh your assessments well, are suspicious of impulsive or unforeseen actions, but sometimes you are so adamant in your opinion that it hurts your actions.


You love to travel and you especially enjoy the unspoiled nature of the countryside. You love trees and never miss the opportunity to visit exotic places you've never been before.


Yellow. The bull is associated with yellow, it was the imperial color of China - the color assigned to the emperor. Yellow associated with progress, fame and achievement. It is also associated with the element earth, as fertile soils in many parts of China have a yellow tint.

Side of the world

North and northeast. Each of the twelve signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The bull is associated with a north-northeast direction, which in turn is associated with the first hours of the morning. This trend is also traditionally associated with the end of winter, a time when yin is still in force, but yang begins to grow.

Element Earth is the ancestral land of the Bull

People of this Element tend to create classifications of phenomena and people. They are stable, balanced, resistant to difficulties. This is the slowest of all the representatives of the Elements, but everything he undertakes is consistently brought to a high-quality result. Prefers long-term projects and tends to make long-term plans. He does not tend to hang in the clouds, instead he prefers to engage in practical activities.

Distrustful, weakly suggestible, controls the politeness of conversations. They are difficult to manipulate. Appreciates coziness, and for the sake of his comfort can make many concessions. Purposefulness, practicality and perseverance are the main qualities of the people of the Earth Element. They prefer to solve problems in specific ways with an emphasis on details, nuances, and trifles. In case of misunderstanding, they can become stubborn and cruel. They are capable of significant changes, but slow and gradual. Sudden changes bother them and force them to spend a significant part of their energy fighting their doubts. More than others, they tend to take long breaks to make decisions. Susceptible to anxiety for a variety of reasons, thoughtful. They love to follow certain teachings. They are natural conductors of sound perception, music is of great importance to them.

In love, they value bodily contact, sensual and careful, patient and gentle.

Born in the Year of the Ox:

  • Taurus- Gentle Bull. But the Bull is the Bull.
  • Twins- Frivolous Bull. Very hardy.
  • Cancer- Character traits have been toned down. Runs the risk of not enjoying the fruits of his work.
  • a lion- Bull-fighter. He can get out of the traditional routine.
  • Virgo- Defective Bull. He'd better take care of his garden.
  • scales- Sociable Bull. Can be a source of information.
  • Scorpion- Dangerous Bull. Stubborn, harsh, terrible.
  • Sagittarius- Balanced Bull. Somewhat excessive.
  • Capricorn- Not funny! He's not to joke.
  • Aquarius- A bull with a fine nature. His power will manifest calmly.
  • Fishes- Mad Bull. You have to be careful with him.
  • Aries- The Ambitious Bull. Watch out for enemies.

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