There is an ideal wife. The ideal wife or what men want. Ideal woman criteria

Floors 19.03.2021

A happy, harmonious marriage is one of the ingredients for a successful life. Each of us needs a family of loved ones and loving people, a house to which I would like to return. Responsibility for the family hearth at all times fell on the shoulders of a woman. The ideal wife, what should she be?

The Ideal Wife's Commandments

A girl who wants to create a harmonious family and become for her chosen one the only woman for life, support and support, must learn the basic principles on which successful marriages are built. The ideal wife's commandments are as follows:

Any man looks at other women and unconsciously compares them with his chosen one. Also, by the way a girl looks, how she behaves in society, how she is dressed, one can judge the social status of a man. The ideal wife knows that she is the “calling card” of her spouse, so she always looks great, knows how to maintain a conversation and does not lose in the least against the background of other women.

Always maintain a positive image of your husband. Never scold him, do not humiliate him, do not make scenes in front of strangers. Also, don't gossip about him with your friends. In society, you should always look good, radiate confident calm and pride.

  1. Be a support for your spouse.

When a woman gets married, she should understand that there are ups and downs in life. Any of us can have a personal, creative or financial crisis. If a black streak has come in the life of a husband, it is for the wife to support him with dignity and go through this test with him.

The ideal wife will not blame her husband for the situation crisis situation, but will try to help him get through a difficult moment. She will try to find a way out of the situation with him, support him morally, and will not let his faith in himself fade away.

  1. Be a good lover.

If you want to be the only woman for your spouse, you need to be able to replace all the other girls that he might have. A good wife is always ready to surprise her beloved and does not deny him intimacy. If you are lucky enough to marry a loved one, this does not mean that the goal has been achieved and that you can relax. Remember beautiful lingerie, romantic dinners, and candlelit dates.

When you find yourself in the same bed with your husband, imagine that you are with your lover. In an intimate setting, forget that you are bound by common obligations, everyday life, children. Alone, you are casual acquaintances who have only the night ahead.

  1. Maintain the authority of the husband in the eyes of the children.

Many women sin by pulling the blanket over themselves in the upbringing of the younger generation. The husband is most often busy with work, and the wife - with everyday life. "I am the mistress of the house!" - the woman decides and begins to raise children, relying only on her own opinion and neglecting the considerations of her husband in this regard. The most common mistake is the situation when the father forbade something, and the mother immediately allowed it, thereby undermining the authority of the father in the eyes of the child.

The task of a woman is to create the correct model of the family in the understanding of children. In addition, by neglecting the opinion of the spouse, the wife shows her disrespect for him. A good mother will maintain the authority of the father in the eyes of the child, will never argue with his decision or behave condescendingly towards him.

  1. Create coziness.

Do you know why men get married? Of course, not only for the sake of procreation. At all times, a strong half of humanity has admired the woman's ability to transform everything she touches into something beautiful. A good wife is able to create comfort even in the most modest apartment and her husband will not linger after work with friends, but will hurry home.

To do this, you do not need to invest a lot of effort and money, it is enough to keep the house clean, a hot dinner awaits, obedient children and a loving woman! That's the whole secret!

  1. Allow your spouse to show their masculinity.

Many women behave as if they were forcibly forced to marry, and continue to make all decisions on their own, strive to lead their spouse and subordinate everyone around to their control. This position is fundamentally wrong. Marriage assumes that you are married, that is, "with a husband"! Ponder these words. A good spouse will gladly transfer the leadership position to her chosen one. He will listen to her advice, but at the same time he will feel like a confident man, the head of the family, and not a henpecked one.

A wise woman who does not want her husband to turn into a weak-willed, boring and lack of initiative will not take on a "male" role in the family. She will allow her lover to show her masculinity and will try to strengthen his self-confidence.

  1. Always be in a good mood.

Of course, maintaining a positive attitude throughout your life is not easy enough. There are situations that can unsettle even the most optimistic person. But most of the time, nothing happens in our lives, except for everyday things. It is important to always maintain a good mood and not give in to discouragement. Believe me, even in the daily routine there are many pleasant little things. After all, you can just be glad that you have a loving family!

It is difficult to live life with a person who constantly shows his dissatisfaction, is depressed. No man will be married to such a woman for a long time. A good spouse remembers this and learns to switch her attention from negative to positive, brings joy to her husband's life.

Wisdom is the main quality of a good wife

The ideal wife shows feminine wisdom in all life situations... It is based primarily on love and respect for the spouse and all family members.

Wise woman:

  • knows how to listen;
  • does not argue, does not provoke conflicts;
  • treats her husband's parents with respect;
  • does not fight for leadership in the family;
  • equally kind and attentive to all family members;
  • knows how to convince her husband of his righteousness with affection and love;
  • does not order, but gives advice;
  • knows when to keep quiet;
  • follows her spouse and is supportive in all situations.

V modern world more popular are the ideas of feminism and equality. Many girls have forgotten about femininity, their destiny inherent in nature. But any position has the right to exist, everyone gets what he strives for.

A wife who tries to make her marriage harmonious, become wiser and changes herself in better side, gets in return happy family, educated children and a loving spouse!

Sveta, Balashikha

Probably, the eternal dispute of men about how they see their ideal chosen one will never fade away. Every woman wants to become not just a good wife, but an ideal one. However, first you need to figure out what are the main qualities that the same ideal girl should have? Indeed, in different eras, v different countries these concepts may not coincide or even be radically different, everyone sees the ideal in his own way. There are several iron rules that every wife should know and adhere to, who wants to get closer to the ideal or become it.

What a woman should be: 5 qualities of an ideal wife

An ideal is a combination of many factors that change over time. At different times, ideals were radically different, but there are several qualities that will always be relevant. The ideal wife through the eyes of a man is not just a beautiful doll with beautiful figure and makeup, this is a combination of external and internal beauty. She should be an interesting conversationalist, partner, helper, beautiful and well-groomed girl. Many people think that it is simply impossible to achieve all this, however, it is not.

There are five main qualities that men appreciate and admire the fairer sex:

  • Wisdom. There is such wisdom that comes only over the years, and some are able to develop it in themselves, and at the same time be restrained, meaningful, learn from the mistakes of others, constantly improve, develop. Such a girl will become the idol of many, and the wife will inspire her husband for not daring deeds.
  • External data. The main thing is grooming. A man will not admire a spouse with a dirty head, in stretched sportswear and sloppy manicure, therefore, external beauty is one of the main tricks and steps to the ideal.
  • Thrift. A skilful housewife in the kitchen will always delight a man with delicious and exquisite dishes, and for this he will appreciate her and love her even more. A girl should be versatile, do a lot.

  • Ability to support. Men, although they are called the stronger sex, are by no means so. They also want feminine warmth, attention and support, so you need to be able to cheer up on time, give strength, and impetus to new achievements. A girl friend is one of the qualities that will help you get closer to the ideal.
  • Cheerfulness and optimism. A constantly dull, depressed spouse is unlikely to have a positive effect on her husband. The ideal wife is cheerful, cheerful, understanding humor.

Female wisdom

There is such a proverb: “There is no ideal relationship. There is a woman's wisdom not to notice men's stupidity. " Perhaps this is true, because a wise wife is not only experience that has accumulated over the years, but also constant work on oneself. There are several interesting factors that will help a woman become wiser and answer the question of how to become an ideal wife.

  • If you graduated from Harvard (or something like that), you have best job, you know several languages, and your husband cannot boast of such skills, then you should not demonstrate and humiliate your man. A wise girl never shouts about her experience, does not brag to her man.
  • Being a strong-minded girl, it is worth sometimes being a little weaker in front of your husband. A wise spouse will support you in time, help, and when needed, will be a weak domestic cat.
  • Listening and hearing are the qualities of an ideal wife. The wisdom is to learn from others, to constantly develop, and for this you need to hear someone other than yourself.
  • The ideal representative of the weaker sex has her friends, her own social circle, interests that should remain a mystery to her husband. It can be drawing, sports, language learning and much more. Wisdom is what we learn all our lives, so you shouldn't wait for old age to acquire one of the qualities. ideal woman.

Well-groomed and sexy

Not all the qualities of an ideal woman are within us; the appearance of his wife plays an important role for a man. If you want your husband to be proud of you and also admire you, always be on top. In the morning, it is best to wake up an hour before he gets up, put yourself in order, cook a delicious breakfast, and not sleep until the last minute, and then gallop around the apartment with an unkempt hairdo, sleepy eyes.

Even the most practical girls who prefer a sporty style of clothing should have at least a few pairs of heels. Skinny jeans, shirt and stiletto heels effective method attract the attention of individuals of the opposite sex. When sexuality comes from girls, no guy can resist it. Husbands get used to seeing their wives at home, in negligee, and if you show him a completely different side of the coin, he will appreciate such a transformation. It is important not to be afraid to be beautiful, go for a manicure, to a beauty salon or arrange such procedures at home.

Throw out stretched T-shirts, bathrobes, sportswear to look perfect for your husband. At home, you are the queen. Get a pair of pretty satin shorts, T-shirts, or a neat knit robe. Hair gathered in a bun is also not an ideal appearance, it is better to give preference to a neat ponytail, or buy a shell hairpin that diversifies your home hairstyle.

Good cooking and housekeeping skills

Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. A lot is changing, but an economic wife who knows how to cook is appreciated at all times. The ideal woman who does not know how to cook ceases to be such in the eyes of a man. It is not at all necessary to surprise your husband with Mediterranean delights, although if you have culinary talents, then such qualities will certainly be appreciated.

The smell of a baked cake, cleanliness in the house, comfort and coziness can only be created by a woman, therefore, in order to get one step closer to perfection, do not be lazy to take care of the house, of the husband. It is important that he is always full, even if breakfast falls at 6 in the morning, therefore, in order not to torment himself with constant cooking, the ideal wife makes preparations in the evening, and in the morning it remains only to warm up.

Sharing responsibilities around the house is also a great idea. The husband can be responsible for cooking meat dishes and doing more complex cleaning to make life easier for his beloved wife. However, it is worth presenting this idea with imagination, serving it under the right sauce so that the man has no reason to refuse you.

Faith in a man, spouse support

The qualities of an ideal wife are also faith in your beloved man, support in difficult situations. The hugs of your beloved wife will warm and cheer up any man. To become an ideal wife, you need to understand your soul mate, be around, give compliments. Mockery, humiliation is the lot of weak women, and the wise act completely differently, finding a reason for praise in any event.

To be an ideal wife, the role of a mistress is not enough, you need to become a friend, a friend, a companion. When a woman has something to talk about, this is good sign for a man, such women are valued, respected, and in combination with other positive qualities, they become ideal in every sense of the word. Do not be afraid to thank your husband, talk about how brave, smart and what the right decisions he made.

Good sense of humor and optimism

Depression, bad mood, lack of a sense of humor - these qualities have never adorned any woman. The ideal wife should be cheerful, positive, understand jokes and not be offended by trifles. Sometimes you should play along with your husband, even if you don't quite understand his humor.

Men love positive women who can laugh, have fun and be reckless sometimes. It's good to do crazy things. One life - laugh, joke, love, don't let yourself get bored in each other's company. To diversify and add extreme to the relationship, make unusual surprises, arrange unexpected and non-standard holidays, original dates.

Watch the video, how cool the wife organized a surprise for her husband.

What is the real purpose of a woman? To keep your hearth, to give birth to children, to love, to create, to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth around you ... Perhaps these are just stereotypes. Yes, women know how to create a spiritual atmosphere and guess the state of other people, but these qualities are given to her by nature. She has strong intuition, flexibility, compassion and deep feelings. Yes, it is important to continue your family, but by giving birth to children, a woman fulfills the destiny of a mother. So what does it mean to be a real woman and what should be an ideal wife?

German philosopher Bert Hellinger states: "A woman needs a man, because without a man she is not a woman." Men and women are polar opposite, they think differently and perceive reality, but at the same time they complement each other. Women cannot exist without men. And men have no place in the world without women. The whole world is built on paired opposites and people are no exception.

Nature has endowed the beautiful sex with tenderness and care, which men so lack. Sometimes women should consciously step aside, allow a man to be strong and active, to reveal his potential.

Perhaps you will object: "Why should a woman be behind a man, constantly make concessions?" But this is her wisdom. If a woman understands her man, trust him, and most importantly, believe in him, he will do everything to make his companion happy next to him. After all, men do not need anything, they would not do anything for themselves. Only female strength and charm prompts them to feats!

Modern ladies increasingly want to be on a par with men. But no matter how free and independent a woman is, she always wants to remain weak and feminine, stand behind strong male shoulders and know that any difficulties in life are not afraid of her. Every woman wants to get married and build a strong union.

The word "marriage" has nothing to do with lack of quality. It was formed from the word "take". A man takes a woman as a wife in order to reunite with her as one. Give her your strength and receive in return the feminine energy and tenderness that he lacks so much. But the union of two people will be strong only when it is based on love, respect, understanding and trust. And if a man is the material and protective basis of marriage, then a woman is his spiritual center. Whether we like it or not, it is on fragile women’s shoulders that the responsibility lies in maintaining a warm atmosphere and love in the house. And if the relationship “went cold”, then the woman will again be guilty of this, no matter how sad it may sound.

Sometimes it seems difficult to maintain harmony in the family. Life presents us with problems and unpleasant surprises that need to be addressed. Of course, life is not perfect, but to become an ideal wife and create strong family under the power of every woman. Nobody says that this is easy, but the main thing is to know what an ideal wife should be, or rather, what to strive for.

What an ideal wife should be

The ability to keep the house clean and tidy, to know household tricks, to adapt and guess the desires of your companion is the height of skill. And keeping love for a lifetime is a real art! A woman should remember the simple commandments of what an ideal wife should be to create a warm relationship and a strong marriage.

Respect each other

A real man doesn't need to be treated like a child or a girlfriend. It is important for him to feel his superiority, to know that his wife respects him and the last word will always be with him. Now there is no question that a man is always unquestioningly right and a woman should poke him in everything. Respect should be built on mutual understanding, the couple should be able to talk to each other and express their opinions tactfully. If you learn to restrain emotions and discuss any issues in calm tones, then in the future you will not have unresolved questions. After all, everything will be built on mutual respect.

Make concessions

It is usually easy for a man to give in to his woman. Why don't we sometimes give in to our husbands? For you, watching hockey or fishing seems such a trifle, but it is important for your husband to open the summer fishing season or "cheer" on your favorite team. Give in to him even in small things - from this he will appreciate you even more.

Help your husband achieve his goals

A woman can realize herself well. But it just so happens that a man is usually engaged in visible activities and his contribution to the family budget is noticeable, and women's work almost invisible. But if not for you, would your husband have reached such heights? You do household chores, keep his shirts clean, food, etc. He himself would not have had time for everything!

A woman helps to reveal men's talents, encourages her husband to take action. You don't need to think that you are devoting your life to him, wasting the time that you could have spent on achieving your career growth. You are a family, you are companions and make a common income. If a man is doing well, and he is rapidly moving up the career ladder, why not help him with this? Be one team with your husband, so you will quickly achieve your goals.

Learn to control emotions

Women are inherently sensitive and sometimes find it difficult to restrain their emotions. There are times when it is difficult to keep a calm tone. But the sooner you learn not to argue, but to talk, the sooner you learn to reckon with the opinion of your man, the sooner he will appreciate your wisdom. And even if you strongly disagree with your husband's opinion, you should not issue orders. You are, first of all, a woman, weak and defenseless. Your orders should look like sentences. It is worth noting that when a man feels his authority, most often he agrees with the opinion of his wife.

Praise your man

Everyone loves to be praised, especially men. This does not mean that you have to constantly compliment with or without. But why not thank your man for specific deeds, help, and celebrate his talents. Praise inspires men, gives them an incentive to move forward. Start praising each other and you will see how wonderful it is to start and end your day with praise and kind words.

Don't humiliate your husband in public

Sometimes you can notice a situation when the husband wants to say something, and the wife has displeasure written on her face. She begins to interrupt him in public and express her "correct" point of view. This is complete disrespect for a man! Yes, sometimes our defenders do not always know how to express their thoughts beautifully and they are not always right, but any person needs to be listened to to the end and his opinion taken into account. Interrupting your husband in public will ruin the opinion not only of your husband, but also of yourself.

Do not compare your husband to anyone.

Of course, family life is not always ideal, but you should never say “I gave you best years my life, and who am I now? ”,“ But Lenka's husband got a promotion long ago! ” and the like. For men, such phrases are not just humiliation, it is almost a defeat. It turns out that you regret marrying him. It turns out that he could not make you happy. Both of you are responsible for family happiness, and both are often to blame for the troubles that arise.

Your man should be sure that you will be next to him in wealth and poverty, illness and health. He needs to know that you value him. It is the wife who can elevate her man, give him an impetus to new achievements, direct him in the right direction. With a wise and loving woman a man can reveal new potential in himself and reach unprecedented heights.

Do not wash dirty linen in public

Many women like to gossip with their friends and mom about problems in family life, complain about her husband. Thus, you will certainly get support, but what kind? Even more convinced that everything is bad? You, most likely, will soon cool down, the quarrels will subside, and your husband will again become the dearest and best for you. For you, but not for your relatives and girlfriends, for them he is already a "tormentor" of their beautiful girlfriend or clever daughter. Now, with every quarrel, you will be "added fuel to the fire" with bad memories. The husband's reputation will be damaged. Why do you need this, leave all the bad behind you.

Let's sum up

What's the conclusion? So what should an ideal wife be? First of all, to be for your husband an assistant, companion, his right hand, a like-minded and ally in any battle. Both spouses must be confident in loyalty and devotion to each other. It's great to know that there is a person next to you who, under any circumstances, will be for you and next to you.

Only a wise woman is able to consciously recede into the background and transfer the role of leader to her man. For some, this is not at all simple task! But remember, behind a woman's weakness and obedience lies tremendous strength and power. After all, when a man feels his importance and believes in his masculinity, he is ready to be your breadwinner, breadwinner, helper, protector.

Every woman always really wants to be an ideal wife for her beloved husband. And if she wants to become that very unique companion of life, who will appreciate, respect and love her husband, then she needs to think about what she should do for this.

How should you learn to build harmonious relationships, constantly presenting your chosen one with all-round care and tenderness, and at the same time be yourself? How not to cross that blurred line, not to cross it, so as not to become intrusive?

At all times men always demanded to your person increased attention, but simultaneously with this, they wished to have a great freedom of action when solving important tasks. Is it possible in this case to become an ideal wife without abandoning your principles and without losing your proud self? It is not necessary to dissemble, of course, it is possible and even necessary! Only in this case can you maintain and strengthen the interest of your loved one for years to come. Indeed, in principle, the entire married life is a rather long period of time for creating a worthy image of an ideal wife.

Sometimes it is very sad and offensive to realize that such a "valuable science" is achieved only with the onset of old age.

Therefore there is meaning to arm vital wisdom accumulated by the majority over many generations, and understand what kind of women men consider the most ideal, and what an ideal wife she really is. Then you have to think over everything and make a balanced decision about what exactly you need to learn and understand in order to fully meet these criteria.

The ideal wife: male criteria

Most of the surveys carried out and numerous tests with research have shown that even the most ideal figure and beautiful appearance in fact Dont Have for the male part of the population of our planet, determining and crucial, as women mistakenly believe and on the basis of which they create most of their assumptions. The most important thing for them will be the presence of inner calmness and confidence, not associated with aggressiveness. Self-reliance, understanding, soulfulness and femininity- these are the qualities that almost all men appreciate in women. Of course, in order to become an ideal wife, you need to think about how to cultivate such qualities in yourself if you still do not possess them?

It is no coincidence that with a certain type of women men can feel harmonious, calm and confident... And with another category of the fair sex, they feel as if they are on a hot frying pan, that is, in constant anxiety and unreasonable tension.

What kind of husbands do they want to see their chosen ones? Statistical studies are controversial. Men often, with their inherent contradictions, can demonstrate the most different options their preferences, once again, proving that there are no identical people in the world, because each person has his own certain beliefs.

An ideal wife is like a collector's item of a good aged wine, the taste of which many dream to taste, but, unfortunately, it is available only to a few.

The high quality of such a drink (we mean: women) is influenced by: the pedigree of the producers, the grapes themselves (the received upbringing and education). Also, storage and care (character traits), good taste, and besides, the taste of a noble drink only gets better over the years.

Taking a woman as a wife, a man fixes in his subconscious the fact that she is the most beloved and for him she is complete perfection. However, as you know, there is no limit to perfection. How can perfection be made completely absolute? Turns out the secret of the perfect wife enough simple, it is expressed in just one phrase: as you name the yacht, so it will float! This means that no matter what difficulties arise on a long life path, female always must be sure therein, that her husband is the most the best and most reliable man in the world and he will always make the right decision in any situation. The guarantee of the well-being of the family will be the woman's confidence in this and she will never allow herself to say a word bad word about her husband. A Man in turn will become all forces strive for this ideal... After all, men are not stupid people and, of course, understand that they are not perfect in everything and can often make mistakes. But in the case when his chosen one values ​​him highly and gives him the opportunity to make mistakes sometimes, he never will not allow himself to let her down and he will devote his entire married life to at least somehow thank you for such an attitude towards him.

It must be firmly remembered that men do not fall in love with a woman, but with the state that he is able to experience while being next to her.

There are some principles, giving confidence in their abilities, they will reveal all your abilities to the fullest. Thus, we can summarize certain results of what kind of ideal wife she is.

The main "signs" of an ideal wife

  1. The ideal wife always looks amazing, so all the men around her in their dreams want to have just such a woman next to them.
  2. The ideal wife is friendly with everyone, but she is able to do everything so that her husband always felt that he is the best spouse in the world, the most beloved and desired man.
  3. An ideal wife respects and does not violate a man's personal space and knows the limit before which it is necessary to stop, so as not to offend or offend his feelings.
  4. An ideal wife will never pester her spouse with stupid and ridiculous questions, since she is always able to understand a man without this in order to make a competent decision on her own.
  5. The ideal wife is a very smart, erudite woman, with whom she will not be ashamed to appear in any society, without fear of her inappropriate stupid behavior.
  6. The ideal wife has a good sense of humor, she is always able to determine the line where the game ends and the reality of being begins.
  7. An ideal woman always keeps her parents, children and girlfriends at a proper distance from him, as she understands what a certain amount of communication a man needs with them.

The Ideal Wife: What She Shouldn't Do

At first glance, everything is very simple, but it should be noted that many men have difficult requirements for their wife. In addition to the question: "What exactly should be the ideal wife?", Most men answer by starting to list a certain a number of qualities, especially annoying them in women. For example, not at all jealous men hate it when their spouses start flirting with their friends and colleagues. If some shades of light flirting with strangers can be unnoticed, then flirting with his close friends is very annoying to men and makes them very angry. Another important fact is that, in the opinion of men, it is very difficult to stop this, and it is difficult to put a friend in his place. And even more so to make some comments to your own wife is a guaranteed path to a scandal.

Also, men do not like when wives do them some remarks... If, being alone, they still endure such manifestations, then in someone's presence such reproaches and offensive comments can lead them to a violent and aggressive state. This is understandable, since their masculine qualities are questioned, and this humiliates their dignity. Men usually do not understand why, having made a mistake once, women can repeat the same one more than once. At the same time, they do not pay any attention to the valuable advice and recommendations that men often impose on them. And women, due to their heightened emotional feelings, cannot always adequately assess the current situation.

Therefore, you should at least sometimes create the appearance that you completely agree with the opinion of your husband.

Also men cannot stand the unsightly appearance of their wives when going to bed. They experience especially repulsive feelings when they see their wife's face, shiny from the applied greasy cream. Curlers sticking out all over their heads will also not cause them any obvious delight. It is quite understandable that a woman should take care of her appearance, but such cosmetic procedures should be performed in the morning or, at a time when a man cannot witness all your magical cosmetic procedures.

Endless requirements wives be gentle and affectionate, regularly declaration of love, especially when the husband is busy reading newspapers or watching a football match, can drive men to a state of complete insanity. At such moments, a woman can receive a lot of unpleasant statements in response, which are difficult to digest and offensive. Therefore, choose a certain time for affectionate manifestations of tenderness, from this your family happiness will only benefit.

Never don't start doing spring cleaning in the presence of your spouse, so you can very quickly ruin your mood and your day off. In this case, it is wise to consider two options: clean up when your husband is not at home, or agree with him in advance and also involve him in the process of tidying up your apartment. Otherwise, scattered things in all the rooms of your apartment and the impossibility of free movement will immediately cause your husband to feel the end of the world.

  1. First of all, always love and accept your husband as he is.

Albeit with minor flaws in character and minor mistakes. Don't try to change it character traits, since such actions of yours will not lead to anything good, except for exacerbations family relations... If he does not quite understand what hints and what you are doing to him, then try to explain everything to him accurately, without even transparent hints and long annoying conversations. Men by nature are not given to understand all the long monologues from their wives with requests to carry out any assignments or deeds, therefore explain everything simply and clearly... For example, you can say that now you need to go to the grocery store, and let him stay with the child. Or don't give hints the fact that you are very scared even to go into the bathroom, and just tell to my husband that it is very dark there and it is necessary to change the burnt out light bulb. In doing so, you will be a winner in any situation. Know how to compromise and don't be too smart.

This can lower your credibility in the eyes of your spouse. Never do not forget about words of gratitude... Whatever work your husband does, you should always respond with gratitude. If he nailed a shelf in the bathroom or kitchen, repaired the outlet, did homework with your child, then do not be lazy to say the magic word, gently hug and kiss him. At the same time, especially note that he is the most hardworking and the strong man, the real owner of the house.

  1. Do not deprive your husband of him.

He has the right to engage in hobbies that are interesting to him, meet with his friends, go hunting and fishing, repair a car, go to football matches. And you can also arrange a meeting with your friends at this time and spend your free time with them. And also it is better if you have common interests and mutual friends.

  1. You should always be aware of all your husband's problems., all his interests.

Ask your beloved husband about work, his failures and successes, his relationships with colleagues. Wherein listen to him carefully, as this is a very important stage in your family relationship. Your husband will gratefully answer you for your attention, he should know that his wife is always interested in his plans and current affairs, which he faces on a daily basis.

  1. And the last the most important moment on the way to create perfect relationship your person is also in the family, Do not forget constantly take care of yourself.

Create your own unique style of clothes, makeup and hairstyles. Keep fit, visit GYM's, beauty salons, diet. Remember that you are obliged to please not only your husband, but also yourself.


In the last article, you read about how to become the center of a relationship. Today I will tell you which girl to choose as a wife or what an ideal wife should be. I must say right away that only an ideal husband can have an ideal wife.

Heard the phrase that "The wife should be a queen at a party, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in bed."? I will not grovel for a long time and will tell you about the main qualities that an ideal wife should cling to.

Why do we meet with some young ladies, marry others, and sometimes change them for a third? What is the most important thing in a woman?

Qualities of an ideal wife:

1. Understanding and support.

What I mean? She understands you in everything that happens.

She sees your flaws and tolerates them. Can't stand the brain and does not try to remake you to fit your needs.

She is happy for you and proud of your accomplishments, be it sports or poker on Fridays. Supports in various endeavors, does not try to dissuade from new ideas. It doesn't matter if she likes that you are hiking in the mountains for two weeks or not.

From here comes the lack of criticism, if you are wrong somewhere or do not do what she wants.

The ideal wife inspires you, for her sake you want to strive even more and achieve your goals. You know how proud she will be of you and thank you for any pleasant little thing, even a dead flower once a month. You are inspired by her emotional response.

She also gives you personal space. Understands that if you work hard, this is a reason to support and praise you. And do not get mad that you are not around, and call, distracting from meetings.

She does not arrange tantrums and resolves conflicts calmly. You know, no matter what happens, dishes will not be thrown at you, and your wardrobe will not fly out of the window.

2. She plays the role of a woman.

And not only. It is important that she does not take on male responsibilities. He does not meddle in your affairs, does not interfere with them to cope with and does not try to solve everything herself.

She obeys you, obeys your decisions. Can advise something, but no more. She understands and admits that the man in the house is in charge.

If you both earn good money, a good wife will not boast about her successes, but will praise you in front of her acquaintances. She will keep her merits with herself, while voicing that you are her earner.

If you bring a huge mammoth, killed in a hunt, into the house, she does not snort with the words that her yesterday's mammoth was fatter, and his tail is much silky.

She will enjoy all your achievements and will not try to compete with you in anything.

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3. She creates an atmosphere in the house where you want to return.

Of course, you should help her in everyday life in the same way as she helps to replenish the family budget. If you are both working, you must consider that she is tired.

But when you brought the mammoth, I want her to be able to roast it deliciously and serve it beautifully. In a clean and well-kept house.

Besides, you should want to see her herself, to be with her. To know that affection, care, pleasant words await you. That you will be listened to and supported, fed and put to bed (in every sense).

The ideal wife understands all this and knows how to create an atmosphere at home that nothing can replace you.

4. She is beautiful and healthy.

Many women relax after marriage, because it is no longer so important for someone to like them. And they stop taking care of themselves the way they used to. This is a common situation, and you, too, can forget about yourself when you realize that you no longer need to seduce anyone.

The ideal wife does not recognize bathrobes of the times of the USSR and stretched leggings. And he denies the hackneyed stereotype of a classic wife with curlers on her head every evening and a frying pan at the ready.

A good wife will be charming for you. Every day she will prove to you what you did right choice when he married her.

She will also take care of herself and her health, because she plans to give you healthy children one day.

5. Intelligence and sense of humor.

These are very important qualities of a wife, because soon she will become your best friend, and you will be spending a lot of time together. Therefore, it should be comfortable, fun and interesting with her. And she doesn't even mind watching football.

She knows how to make you laugh, and her company is always pleasant for you. It is very important that you can often laugh together, this is one of the foundations of a relationship.

In addition, she is friends with your friends and family. She doesn't make fun of your grandmother's purple hair or ask you to spend time with her instead of watching the hockey championship semi-finals with your friends.

6. She takes care of children.

If we are already talking about marriage, most likely one day children will appear in it. And the ideal wife will do them. Babysitters and kindergartens will remain for emergencies, grandmothers and godparents - just to rest.

She will teach children, take care of them and bring up worthy people from them. Without shifting it to others and without being distracted in the first years by work. She will make sure that they eat right, do some kind of sports and creativity. It will be correct to treat them, pay a lot of attention to their development.

She will make real ladies out of daughters. And it will give you the opportunity to raise worthy men from sons.

7. Loyalty.

She is faithful. I will dispense with comments about venereal bouquets and broken families.

There is one more important factor, the most important one! This is how you fit together. You can look for the perfect young lady for a long time, but you will see that each girl has her own cockroaches. You don't have to look for the perfect one. Just find the one where the cockroaches make friends with yours. This is the key to a successful relationship.

And remember the main thing: that only good husband... She doesn't have to look pretty, cook deliciously, and take care of you. She really wants to do it sincerely. And these are two different things.

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