What not to do at home in the annunciation. Annunciation: what can and cannot be done on this day. Video: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Law of God

Stoves, fireplaces 23.07.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

Every year on April 7, Orthodox believers celebrate the holiday - the Annunciation. According to biblical tradition, on this day, the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary from Nazareth to announce that the Holy Spirit had miraculously descended on her, and the Virgin had carried the Son of God in her womb. The event is one of the 12 most important Christian holidays.

The people say "on the Annunciation, a girl does not weave a braid, a bird does not build a nest." The legend of the cuckoo is connected with this belief. The legend mentions that this bird does not have a home due to the fact that it deliberately violated the Lord's prohibition. Since then, she has been forced to throw her eggs into other people's nests and be persecuted by everyone.

There are a number of prohibitions on the Annunciation Day. It is forbidden:

To lend something or, conversely, to give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and peace in the family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and it is inconvenient for you to refuse him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, on April 7, it is undesirable to invite guests. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.

Sewing, weaving, knitting. Many peoples of the world associate a thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles. Take care of your hair. You can not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb it because of the danger of destroying your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.

Dress up in new clothes. New things will quickly break or irreparably deteriorate, and during the year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.

Don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business. The modern sign that serious things (construction, business, etc.) cannot be started on Monday had a different interpretation in the old days. Previously, it was believed that one should not take on any business on the day of the week corresponding to the past Annunciation. For example, if this celebration fell on Wednesday, then it was considered an unlucky day next year.

But what is possible?

People believe that on this day every prayer will be answered.

In the old days, they believed that if on this day a woman calls her husband 40 times "dear", then he will be affectionate and helpful all year.

It was believed that what this holiday will be like for you, this will be the whole year. Therefore, you should not take offense at the Annunciation, swear with the people around you. On the contrary - you need to spend a day in a good, bright mood.

For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of consecrated prosphora should be added to food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases for the future.

And in conclusion. To believe in it or not, to follow all the rules or separate or completely ignore them is everyone's business. The main thing is to enjoy the day.

And also - worthy to celebrate the feast of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. There are quite a few interesting signs associated with it.

Signs in the Annunciation explain what can and cannot be done on this day. Of course, they are mainly associated with folk beliefs, ideas and customs.

After all, the main meaning of the holiday is that, according to legend, it was on this day that the archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that Christ would soon be born to her. However, folk beliefs live harmoniously with church tradition for more than a century.

That is why even today many people, and especially ladies (after all, Mary, obviously, patronizes the beautiful half in the first place) believe that the Annunciation is a special day with its own unique atmosphere. And as experience shows, this opinion is not without its truth.

We will tell you about what you can and cannot do on this holiday, as well as what are some interesting signs for the Annunciation right now.

There are several interesting signs, rituals, folk rituals and customs that show what can and should be done on the Annunciation.

For women, for love and marriage

  • Many signs of what can be done on the Annunciation, and what is better to refrain from, apply specifically to women. After all, the Mother of God is the mother of Jesus Christ, and it is believed that she asks the Lord for a woman's share, being next to him. If you pray to the Most Holy Theotokos on the day of the Annunciation, from a pure heart and with great faith in your soul, then she will definitely hear and help. Prayer on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos:

Accept, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady Theotokos, these honest gifts, the only applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants:

chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of You, the Lord of Forces be with us,

and by you we will know the Son of God and be worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood;

In the same way, blessed are you in childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Your unworthy servants,

save us from every advice of the evil one and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil;

but even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for the whole in the Trinity to the One God and all the Creator we send, now and forever, and forever and ever.

  • In Transcarpathia before dawn on the Annunciation unmarried girls combed their braids and went around their house three times. Then they swept the parents' hut, and the garbage was collected and taken to the river to be buried in a hole next to the river. Then it was necessary to collect water in the river and water the beds where the plantings were planned. It was believed that such a ritual would ensure a good marriage and a happy family life for the girl.
  • In the evening, in the villages, young people gathered around the fires, where they led modest round dances, jumped over the fire. But all this must be done modestly and without much noise, especially when it comes.
  • But what to do on the Annunciation married women to become happy and strengthen relationships. It is believed that a lady needs to call her husband cute at least 40 times on this day. Popular belief claims that in this case, the family will spend the whole year in joy, and the husband will not even have the thought of cheating.

Who on the Annunciation from morning to night calls her husband forty times “dear”, the husband will have a beloved all year.

  • The key to a girl getting married this year was the presence of all family members in the house at the Annunciation. It was a special ban to invite outside women and girls to the house on this day.
  • If a young girl finds a primrose on this day, then this summer she will definitely get married.

For good luck and wealth

  • There is a sign that on this day it is better to release a bird into the wild (for example, a dove) so that it flies directly to the Lord. This is a very good sign, a sign of new beginnings. Such a tradition, however, exists to this day - white doves are released for a wedding, and this is not only spectacular, but also very cute, touching in its own way.
  • It was considered a good sign to see the first swallow on this day - it means that good luck will be with you all year.
  • Lucky and the one who sees the first stork. In Belarus, the day of the Annunciation is also considered the holiday of the arrival of the stork, and it is customary to bake special pies in the form of a stork's paw - "galeps".
  • If on the Annunciation early in the morning before you wash yourself, give alms, then the whole year there will be prosperity in the house.
  • A good sign is to turn with prayer to the archangel Gabriel. If a person has a special desire, then in order to fulfill it next year, you need to go to the crossroads at sunrise on April 7, and bowing 3 times to the east, read a prayer to this angel three times and state the request in your own words.
  • In order for trade to be successful and there will always be many buyers, merchants and other trade workers on a holiday need to do this. April 7 in the morning, before the arrival of the first buyer, sprinkle the premises and goods with charmed water. As a whisper-prayer, you can use the following text:

As the people go to the temple on a holy holiday, so the buyers would come to me.

  • Then it was necessary to visit the church, be sure to wait for the festive ringing. And when the bells begin to ring, pick up a wallet and ask for a multiplication of money. Then it was supposed to give generous alms to the poor, standing near the temple.
  • Surprisingly, thieves also have their signs on this day! There was an opinion that the swindler who steals some thing in Blagovest, even if it is of little value, will be lucky on his way all year. This sign is contradictory, because theft in Christianity is a great sin, but the people believed that this way you can attract great luck.
  • And you can also go to church early in the morning and give alms or even provide some kind of service to the needy. Interestingly, popular belief says: before going to church on such a day, you should not wash your face or have breakfast. That is, it is better to go there as soon as you wake up - quickly and without hesitation.
  • On the way back, you can collect any grass that grows near the church, and then take a little walk and mentally distract yourself from everything that bothers you. last days. This herb can be stored next to the icon throughout the year (it is better to put it behind it, away from the eyes). You can also save it in a small bag that you always carry with you. It is believed that this will provide the believer with a prosperous and successful year.

To health

  • On such a day, you can prepare a special amulet for home and health - Annunciation salt (more on how to do this is described below). It should be noted that this is a purely folk omen, and to church rules she has nothing to do with it.
  • It is believed that in the house in which the consecrated salt is located on open space(on the table, etc.) - it will be good and calm all year.
  • And in Russia there was an interesting sign: the things of a sick person on the day of the Annunciation were burned at the stake. It was believed that thanks to this, he would recover very quickly and get on his feet. You just need to be careful and handle fire carefully - there was a sign that someone who kindles the stove on the Annunciation will have a fire in the near future.
  • For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well in Blagovest. Crumbs of consecrated prosphora should be added to food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases for the whole year.
  • Prosvira and holy water, if you take it in the church on the day of the Annunciation, will serve as a strong amulet and a means for treating households. They are carefully kept in the house all year round.
  • “Whoever gets drunk on Blagovest will have bitter drunkards in his family” - this is how an old sign says. As they say, no comments here. It is better to take care of your health and refrain from alcohol - especially since Great Lent is underway.

How to prepare Annunciation salt

No one will argue with the fact that health is the most important thing, and without it, life is not a joy. For example, you can perform such a ritual to protect your home and health on the Annunciation with salt. We offer several options for how to make Annunciation salt:

  • Stock up on ordinary salt - take as much as 4 kg. As soon as it starts to get light, the salt is placed in a canvas bag and baked in a warm (but not hot) oven for 10-15 minutes. Then it can be used for food for a whole year, and also put in a small bag and carried with you as a talisman against ill health and the evil eye.
  • There is also such a ritual with salt: each family member living in the house must take a handful of salt. Then the salt must be calcined on fire (in a frying pan) with the appropriate conspiracy-wish and poured into a common bag. It was believed that this powerful remedy against disease and protection from the evil eye. It was added to food not only for people, but also used to feed animals and birds.
  • The mistress of the house (the eldest of the women) shifted such salt into a red corner and kept it there for a year for certain occasions. For example, if someone fell ill, then a bag of Annunciation salt was placed at the head of the bed of this person so that he would recover faster.
  • If during the year the Annunciation salt was not useful and remained until the new holiday, then it had to be burned the next day, April 8, a year later. According to the sign, along with it, the flame will eat misfortunes, troubles and illnesses that could be prepared for the family next year.

What not to do on the Annunciation

The people have always had their own unwritten code of conduct, and for each holiday there was, as it were, its own chapter. For example, before Easter everyone fasts, and on Easter they bake Easter cakes. Of course, in the days church holidays everyone tried to behave especially decently and not get upset over trifles.

And what can not be done on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

  • First of all, it is believed that it is not worth starting some big housework on such a day - sweeping and washing floors, washing, doing general cleaning. Of course, you can do the usual things - cook food and put things in order. But it is better to postpone important plans for other days. This is explained quite easily: if we actively work around the house on a holiday, we will hardly feel the special mood of this day.
  • Sewing, weaving, knitting, and in general, needlework is not allowed in the Annunciation. Our ancestors believed that the thread is an image of human life and said this: “They don’t look at the Annunciation at the harsh yarn.” And if you inadvertently confuse or even break the thread on a holiday, then this is a bad sign. So why take unnecessary risks? It is better to just put all the needlework aside - there are other days for this.
  • Starting new businesses, starting new projects and major purchases is not worth it - otherwise there will be no success in these matters. Previously, it was believed that one should not take on any business on the day of the week corresponding to the past Annunciation. For example, if this celebration fell on Wednesday, then it was considered an unlucky day next year. And speaking allegorically, on the Annunciation it is better, if possible, to abandon important matters, negotiations, work with documents, etc.
  • Don't disturb the earth! It was considered wrong to start sowing, plow, cultivate the fields and tinker in the garden. In modern times it can be interpreted in this way. On the one hand, it is undesirable to work in the country, because it is quite difficult physical work, which will take a lot of strength and, as it were, “steal” the bright wave of the holiday from us. A holiday is a holiday: there is a time for everything.
  • It is impossible to block fences and sweep the street - according to the sign, this predicted a cold spring and a dry summer.
  • There is a ban on any work on this day for pregnant women.
  • Interestingly, girls in Russia were even wary of braiding and touching their hair on the day of the Annunciation. People have long said:

On the Annunciation, a girl does not weave a braid, and a bird does not build a nest.

  • By the way, the cuckoo legend is connected with this belief: it is mentioned that this bird does not have a home because it purposefully violated the Lord's prohibition - "A cuckoo without a nest for curling it on the Annunciation."

  • Previously, girls tried to take care of the beauty of their hair in advance. So now it would be wise to restore beauty before the feast of the Annunciation. And along with earthly affairs, you need to devote time to spiritual issues: go to church, and just be alone with your thoughts. After all, the best ideas and solutions different situations come to us most often in these intimate moments.
  • Do not rush to put on new things: there is a belief that then new things will quickly tear or irreparably deteriorate, and during the year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate this ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.
  • You cannot lend anything (money, food, etc.). The sign says: the one who gave something from the house on the Annunciation - gave his well-being, health, peace and peace in the family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and it is inconvenient for you to refuse him.
  • It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, on the holiday of April 7, it is undesirable to invite guests, but it is better to celebrate it with your family.
  • Nothing can be brought to the Annunciation from the forest - otherwise pests will start in the house.
  • The hunters knew that in Blagovest one should not even touch a weapon and go hunting - otherwise there would be no luck in hunting all year.
  • And of course, on the Annunciation it was and is considered bad form to swear, sort things out, get annoyed. However, this is the usual norm of behavior, which should be observed on all church holidays, and on weekdays it will not hurt either.

Based on this, we can say that it is better not to conflict with people at all, not to try to find out their position on a topic where serious contradictions can obviously arise between you. Let's postpone earthly affairs for weekdays, and today is a holiday - let's remember this.


Often the feast of the Annunciation falls on Lent, preceding Easter. Then the usual food restrictions remain, but at the same time, certain indulgences are allowed in the choice of dishes.

So, believers can eat baked fish cooked with various vegetables. However, if this celebration falls on any day of Holy Week, the strictest fast is observed - you can only eat plant foods with vegetable oil.

On the Annunciation you can eat baked fish with vegetables

What can be done on the Annunciation and what cannot be done on this day: a commentary of the church

Of course, every nation has its own rich cultural traditions that have existed since time immemorial. And besides, there are church canons, which in some ways can coincide with the folk, and in some ways they can differ.

As a rule, in the Christian tradition there is no specific list of things that can and cannot be done on a holiday, including the Annunciation. Of course, every person intuitively understands that on such days it is better to pay attention to some innermost thoughts, go to church, and just enjoy the unusual atmosphere.

That is why Orthodox priests say that some strict prohibitions there is no Annunciation, everyone can act according to their own heart and in accordance with real need. The working day has fallen - we will work. We had to urgently go on business - of course, we will go if the situation is urgent.

Well, in the usual case, just enjoy the holiday and plunge into its atmosphere.

Annunciation: signs of the weather

And of course, the weather can give certain signs. It affects our mood, in a sense determines the rhythm of the day. Therefore, our ancestors very carefully followed the sky throughout the year. And especially during holidays.

Here are the weather signs for the Annunciation they made:

  1. If frosts have struck, this is a reason for joy - the harvest will be good, and the year will be successful. On the other hand, frosty weather will last only 40 more days, but then real summer will come. And the frost foreshadowed a good harvest of mushrooms - in July-August, it's time to stock up on these mushrooms. And it's also a good reason to get out into nature, distracted from the city rhythm.
  2. But if the weather is warm and sunny - on the contrary, the omen is not very good. She foreshadowed fires, so people tried to be especially careful.
  3. Pay attention to the sky. If it was completely clear, without a single hint of clouds, then the summer will be with an abundance of rain and thunderstorms.
  4. If it started to rain, then, on the contrary, the summer will be quite hot and dry. However, the harvest of mushrooms will still be considerable.
  5. But the stormy weather foreshadowed a moderately warm summer and an abundance of nuts.

As you can see, quite a lot of signs for the Annunciation have been preserved in our history. Of course, folk omens and observations concerned not only the weather, but also human life.

Which signs to believe and which not, each person decides for himself. The main thing is that the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos brings joy to your home.

In general, it was believed: what will be the atmosphere of the Annunciation, it will be the same on. Folk wisdom says this:

As you spend the Annunciation, so you will live for a whole year. If on this day you are healthy, well-fed, dressed and with money, then all this will not be transferred within a year.

By the way, sometimes the Annunciation and Easter coincide, and then Christians celebrate two holidays at once. This event is called Kyriopaskha. But here it happens very rarely - the last time was in 1991, and in the 21st century it will come only once - in the distant 2075.

The Annunciation is a non-transferable holiday, so every year Orthodox Christians celebrate it on April 7, and Catholics on March 25. From the Annunciation to the Nativity of Christ, 9 months - that is how much a woman bears a child under her heart.

How to decorate a house for the Annunciation / istockphoto.com

On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and told her the good news that she would become the mother of the Son of God, having precariously conceived him from the Holy Spirit. The son, whom she will call Jesus, is destined to atone for human sins and give people salvation.

The Annunciation is a holiday of great joy, even the sun on this day "plays" with joy. The personification of this holiday is a dove, as a symbol of purity and purity, as well as white lilies, with which believers decorate their homes for the holiday.

What can not be done on a holiday?

What not to do on the Annunciation / istockphoto.com

On this great holiday, any physical labor and heavy homework, as well as various needlework (knitting, embroidery, sewing, etc.). Even food is better prepared on the eve of this big holiday.

On this day, the Lord blesses everything that grows on earth, so you can’t cut bushes and trees and generally work in the garden or in the garden.

It is forbidden on this day to lend anything (money, things, food), otherwise it may lead to failure and problems in the family. Our ancestors believed that on this day nothing should be taken out of the house.

On the Annunciation, "a bird does not nest, a girl does not weave a braid," therefore it is better not to weave braids, not to do complex hairstyles, and a visit to the hairdresser must be rescheduled for another day.

According to signs, it is impossible to wear new clothes on this day, as they will definitely tear, get dirty or quickly become unusable.

What needs to be done for the Annunciation?

Annunciation salt / istockphoto.com

The Annunciation is considered a women's holiday, so on this day you must definitely go to church and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for a happy fate, a successful marriage, for children and their health, for patronage and intercession in life.

On this day, the owners release poultry from cages and animals from their barns so that they "hear the spring". The Annunciation is considered the third Candlemas, and after it, winter and cold are definitely retreating.

According to legend, if you call your husband “dear” 40 times on the Annunciation, then the whole year there will be harmony, prosperity and family happiness in the family.

Despite the fact that the Annunciation falls on Great Lent, there is a relaxation on this day, believers can eat, fish, oil and wine.

Salt must be prepared for the Annunciation, our ancestors believed that such salt could heal any disease and misfortune. And also in the church, prosvirs are illuminated, which are broken into small pieces and added to food for sick people, for a speedy recovery.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated every year on April 7 (March 25 church calendar) - exactly nine months before the birth of Christ.

“On this day, the Virgin Mary heard the joyful news of the heavenly messenger that She was chosen to become the Mother of the Savior of the world. “Rejoice, Blessed One,” the Angel greeted Her, and these words were, in essence, the first good news for humanity after it severed its connection with God as a result of the fall,” the site said. Priest Georgy Kalyadin from Nevinnomyssk.

The ancient Christians called the holiday differently: “Conception of Christ”, “Annunciation of Christ”, “Beginning of Redemption”, “Annunciation of the Angel of Mary”. Only in the 7th century was the modern name fixed - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What should be done on the Annunciation?

Among Orthodox Christians, it is customary to dedicate this day to God, and worldly affairs should be postponed. A Russian proverb about the Annunciation says: "The bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids."

“Of course, this is not about doing nothing that day and lying on the couch in front of the TV,” the priest explains. - You can comb your hair and braid a braid, you just shouldn’t give too much effort to everyday affairs. It is better to take care of the purity of the soul and devote time to the spiritual life.”

The Annunciation has been one of the favorite holidays of the Russian people since ancient times. It is closely connected with the change of seasons: it was believed that it was on this day that winter finally receded, therefore, after the holiday, the peasants began work, and beekeepers often took out hives to the Annunciation yard.

Before the revolution of 1917, it was customary to bring songbirds to temples and churches and set them free. Now the traditions are followed, as a rule, by priests: they release white doves from their cages, and the parishioners admire the birds flying across the sky. This ceremony is also carried out in the Stavropol Territory.

“There are several explanations for this tradition,” Father George shared. “Doves symbolize either the Holy Spirit, or the human soul, which languished in a cage of sin, but through the Good News received hope for freedom.”

How to fast on the Annunciation?

The holiday often falls during Lent. Since this is a special date, believers are allowed some indulgences, such as eating fish. It is worth preparing food in advance so as not to waste time on this holiday.

If you still do not know how to behave correctly on the Annunciation this year, then in this article you will be able to find answers to all common questions. On the days of church holidays, it is not easy for the laity to understand what and how to do.

in church Orthodox calendar There are 12 most important holidays throughout the year. The Annunciation, which always falls on April 7, belongs to such holidays. Consider what can and cannot be done on this day. Please note that this year parent saturday April 6 is canceled due to the fact that it falls on the eve of this big holiday.

Interesting materials on the topic:

Important! Usually this is a big holiday during which the post is weakened and it is even allowed to eat fish and have fun. Try to do this together with your family, not making too much noise or having fun, but spending time together pleasantly and with grace.

  1. The people of the people on the Annunciation drove all the cattle into the yard, it was believed that this contributes to the early arrival of spring.
  2. In the villages, these days, beehives were usually taken out into the street, and the kids were let out of the bird cages. It was believed that on the Annunciation all living things take a start to life.
  3. You can eat fish and drink red wine in ordinary years.
  4. In the morning after the service in the temple, be sure to go to the icon of the Virgin Mary. This is especially true for women, because the Mother of God is considered the intercessor of women before the Lord in their daily affairs. In quiet sincere prayer, you can ask for the appearance of a child or betrothed, for health, for a happy family life.
  5. If a woman has not been able to get pregnant for a long time, on this day she should turn to the Mother of God for help with a special prayer and an open heart.

What not to do:

  1. Have fun and make noise.
  2. Jump over the fire.
  3. Attend fun activities.
  4. Work around the house. Of course, preparation for Easter is not prohibited, but it must be done slowly, measuredly and for your own pleasure.
  5. Do not touch your hair or even comb it. There was a belief among the people that if you comb your hair on the Annunciation, you can confuse the lines of your life.
  6. Do not fish, hunt or harm nature in any way. The fact is that the onset of this holiday among our ancestors of the Slavs was associated with the onset of spring and the awakening of life. So, it is impossible to interfere with life in any of its manifestations on the day of April 7th.

Oh good news

It is from this phrase "good news" that beautiful name holiday. You can read about the events that happened on April 7 according to the new style in the Gospel of Luke. In particular, it is written there that the Archangel Gabriel appeared in a dream to the unmarried Mary, who devoted her life to serving the Lord. He brought good news from God that Mary was destined to become the mother of the Son of God on earth and that after 9 months she would give birth from the Holy Spirit, for the virgin birth had already taken place.

Folk signs of the Annunciation:

  • What will be the weather on this day, such will be the day of Easter. This year it so happened that the difference between the holidays is only one day.
  • Also, the ancestors believed that good weather on this day promises a rich harvest. Accordingly, the opposite rule also applies.
  • Thunder on April 7 - to a huge harvest of nuts. If it rains heavily, then this year the forest will delight you with a large number of mushrooms.
  • If you do not see the swallows, then the winter weather will last another seven weeks.
  • Nothing and to whom should not be given from home on this day, including borrowing money.

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