Little prayers for Christmas. What prayer is read at Christmas for marriage. Sermon by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos

Floors 23.07.2020

In the Christian world, Christmas is one of the brightest and most important holidays. It was on this day that one was born who gave his life for all of humanity. For two centuries, people have been worshiping the Savior.

The Catholic Church celebrates Christmas on December 25, while the Orthodox celebrate on January 7. For the Lord to hear your appeal, it is important to read the correct prayers.

During the Christmas holidays, magic seems to be in the air, nature is transformed. Good mood people also flow into this great energy space.

Prayers for happiness and prosperity on Christmas January 7

At Christmas, heaven is open to the requests and prayers of people. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the festive atmosphere, you need to go to church for a festive service. Through Christmas prayers, you can attract happiness, financial well-being and love.

The main prayer for happiness

To ask the Higher Forces for happiness, it is not necessary to go to the church. The priests allow those who, for good reason, cannot get into the church, to pray at the icons.

“Lord, our Savior. Bless everyone who lives on earth and grant him happiness in life. Save from troubles and troubles, hide from envious people and show the right path leading to prosperity. Be merciful, Lord, and forgive us our sins. Amen".

Prayer for well-being on the day of the holiday

Christmas is a magical time, so be sure that you will be heard as you read the prayer.

“Virgin Mary, we appeal to you with sincere repentance. Save us from unrighteous deeds, open the way to happiness and prosperity, but do not let enemies darken our existence. Free, Mother Theotokos, from selfish thoughts and the desire to take revenge on ill-wishers, and show them the ways of correction. Amen".

Prayer for good luck on Christmas

You can turn with prayers not only to Jesus Christ, but also to the Most Holy Theotokos, who gave the world a Savior.

“Mother Mother of God, save and preserve our lives. Send us your blessing and accept sincere requests for help. Protect us from troubles on the way and show us the right path filled with good luck. Accept, Mother, our sincere repentance for sins, and grant our souls freedom from a heavy burden. Amen".

Prayer appeal to the Higher Powers on the holiday

“Holy and eternal God, accept our sincere prayers and heed our requests. You, who saved the souls of sinners, who atoned for the sins of everyone who lives on earth, do not put away our repentance. Hear our voices and help on the day of the great holiday to find the way to happiness and prosperity. Save, Lord, from evil deeds and thoughts, ward off troubles and free our hearts and thoughts from everything that is vicious. Amen".

Prayers before the icon "Christmas Holy Mother of God»You can ask for help in a variety of life situations... And most often:

About mutual love, a faithful husband and a successful marriage,
- about conceiving a child,
- about the health of family and friends,
- about wealth and material prosperity.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Christ our Savior, God-chosen Mother, asked by God by holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God!

Who will not please You or who will not sing, Your Glorious Christmas.

Your Christmas is the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, sitting in the dark of sins, see Thee, the Unapproachable Light of the dwelling.

For this reason, the fluttering language cannot chant Ty in its possession.

More than the seraphim, Thou art exalted, the Most Pure.

Receive from the unworthy Thy servants the present praise and do not reject our prayers.

We confess Your greatness, we fall to You in affection, and we boldly ask the ambulance of the child-loving and benevolent Mother in intercession:

beg Thy Son and our God to grant us, who sin a lot, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that we can do everything that is pleasing to God and useful to our souls.

Let us hate all evil, strengthened by Divine grace in our good will.

You are our shameful hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian end, a comfortable procession on terrible air ordeals and a legacy of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven,

yes, with all the saints, let us ceaselessly confess Your intercession for us, and let us glorify the one True God, worshiped in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, falling down to your miraculous image, tenderly, with a verb:

look mercifully on your servants, and by your omnipotent intercession sent down what is necessary.

Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, convert the unfaithful, instruct those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age and the weakness of the forces, grow the young in the holy faith,

direct courage to good, bring sinners to repentance, and hear all Christians' prayers, heal the sick, satisfy sorrows, travel on a journey.

You weigh, All-merciful, as weak, as sinners, as embittered and unworthy of God's forgiveness, both wake us to help,

yes, by no sin of self-love, temptation and devil's deception we anger God:

Ty Imams Representative, The Lord will not reject.

If you admire, all you can bestow upon us is like a blessed source, faithfully singing Ti and extolling Thy glorious Christmas.

Deliver, Lady, the falls and misfortunes of all who piously invoke Your holy name and worship Your honest image.

Thou shalt cleanse our tunes with the prayers of iniquity, the more we fall to Thee and cry out to Thee: drive away from us every enemy and adversary, every misfortune and destructive unbelief;

By your prayers, the rains are in good time and the earth is abundant fruit, put into our hearts the fear of the Divine for the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord,

let us all quietly and peacefully live for the salvation of our souls, for the good of our neighbors and for the glory of the Lord, for Him, like the Creator, Provider and Savior of ours, all glory, honor and worship befits, now and forever and forever and ever.

Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Theotokos, born from barrenness according to the promise and purity for the sake of Thy soul and body, vowed to be the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ,

with Nimzha now dwelling in heaven and imash great boldness to the Most Holy Trinity, from Neyazhe, like the Tsarina, you were crowned with the crown of eternal reign.

We also humbly resort to You and ask:

Proceed to us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all the sins of our voluntary and involuntary;

to our suffering fatherland of salvation, peace, silence and piety, restoration, times are peaceful and serene, sedition of the wicked are not involved;

to an abundance of earthly fruits, an air of bliss, the rains are peaceful and timely.

And all that is necessary for our life and salvation, ask for us from Thy Son, Christ our God.

Most of all, have good luck that we adorn ourselves with good morals and good deeds, yes, very powerfully, we will be imitators of Your holy life, since you adorned the earth from youth, pleasing the Lord;

For this reason, Thou art the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim.

To her, Most Holy Lady, wake us in everything an ambulance and a wise Mentor for salvation,

may we follow you and help you, let us be honored to be the heiress of being the Heavenly Kingdom, through the sufferings of your Son from the original, to the fulfillment of His promised holy commandments.

Thou art, O Lord, our hope and hope according to Bose is one, and we betray our whole belly to Thee, longing for Thy for the sake of intercession and intercession, we are not ashamed to be in the hour of our departure from this life,

and on Last Judgment Thy Son, Christ, our God of our right hand, to be vouchsafed to His standing, and there to rejoice forever with all those who have pleased Him from time immemorial and ceaselessly praise, praise, give thanks and bless Him with the Father and the Spirit forever and ever.

“Oh, Most Holy and Most Immaculate Mother Devo, the hope of Christians and a refuge for sinners! Protect everyone who comes running to You in misfortune, hear our groaning, incline Your ear to our prayer. Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who demand Your help and do not reject us sinners, give us reason and teach us, do not depart from us, Your servants, for our murmuring. Wake us Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful Protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, and let us pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our good and fast Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession, protect us from visible and invisible enemies, soften our hearts evil people rising up against us. Oh, Mother of our Lord our Creator! You are the Root of Virginity and the Everlasting Color of purity and chastity, send help to us weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we can see the paths of God's righteousness. By the grace of Thy Son, strengthen our weak will in the fulfillment of the commandments, so that we will get rid of all misfortune and adversity and be justified by Thy wonderful intercession at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, to Him we give glory, honor and worship now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

“Oh, Most Holy Lady of the Theotokos, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest of all creatures, pure Virgin Mary, a good Helper to the world, and affirmation to all people, and deliverance from all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, on Your servants, praying to You with a tender soul and contrite heart, falling down to You with tears and worshiping Your most pure and celibate image, and Your asking help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Pure Virgin Mother of God! Look, O Lord, at Thy people: for sinners we are not imams of any other help, unless Thee and from Thee the born Christ of our God. You are our intercessor and representative. Thou art protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the sires, the keeper for the widows, for the virgins glory, for the weeping gladness, for the sick, for the sick, for the healing of the weak, for the sinful salvation. For this sake, O Bogomati, we resort to You, and to Your Most Pure Image with the Eternal Child holding onto Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ, gazing, we bring you a tender singing and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our petition, all of it is Thy intercession is possible, as for Thy glory befits now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Magic at Christmas is unchanged in all ages. Our ancestors read prayers for a successful marriage and good luck in all matters. To this day, on January 7, many girls are wondering about love and their betrothed, even hastily and jokingly spoken words are quite effective. Not only young girls can pray for a happy marriage, but also women who are divorced.

For lonely girls who cannot find their betrothed it is preferable to say prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, because it was she who gave birth to Jesus. You can turn to Peter and Fevronia, Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker will help in love.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

With great joy I appeal to you, Mother of God.

Hallowed be thy name. Amen.

Words spoken on such a holiday as Christmas have a very strong effect on fate and will help exactly those who need it. Who sincerely desires from the very heart. You need to believe and fate itself will tell you the right way to happiness.
To increase the chances of being happy family life you can do the following rite for Christmas. To do this, you need a square piece of white fabric, 2 white candles and a photo where you and your beloved are together.

He is alone at night. On the patch, you need to draw a cross dividing the space into 4 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air. And put a photo in the center. First, the "Our Father" is read, then the given prayer:
Forces of the Nativity of Christ, help me! Love (name) to me! I want him to become engaged to me, forever eternal soul and body united. Amen.

During this ritual, remember to imagine the wedding, the happy groom walking alongside. Read and imagine until the candles go out on their own. Subsequently, tie the photo neatly and tightly and remove it away from prying eyes. If the ceremony is carried out correctly, then soon positive changes will occur in the relationship.

On Christmas Day, they ask not only for happiness in marriage, but also many requests for good luck. Probably, in the thoughts of every mother there are dreams of a successful life for their children. On this bright holiday, on the night of January 7, you can read a prayer for the welfare of children. If the child is quite a toddler, then it is necessary to lift him in his arms and, looking at the stars, say the following words:

Mother Mother of God, as You are Your Son
She held Baby Jesus in her arms that day.
In a soft swaddling blanket,
She blessed her with her hand for happiness and good luck,
Bless my child (name) too.
Raise your holy hand,
Cross my baby
Bless for good luck and happiness in life,
For a long and rich life,
Cheerful and beautiful.
As long as people remember You and Your Son Jesus Christ
No one can interrupt my words.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen

For a better request for good luck, eastern windows will be helpers in prayers.

Turn off the lights in all rooms, only the candle burning on the window should be the light source.

And when the first star lights up in the sky, say these words 3 times:

The star of Bethlehem shines - it announces joy to people. The Infant Christ is announced, great joy awakens. That great joy will touch me. Luck will turn to face me.

Next, you need to blow out the candle and say: "So be it!" After that, you can go to your family for festive table.
In the life of every person there comes a moment when he involuntarily makes requests for good luck in the higher powers. A correctly pronounced prayer will help in this situation. And at Christmas, the power of words increases. This prayer is read on Christmas morning, barely opening your eyes it is worth making the following words:

To the sun, stars, moon, earth, deep bow! Thank you for your help and concern! I ask you to look after the Servant of God (your name). Send me luck and happiness, and show me the way! Amen!

The words of the Christmas prayers should be spoken only in a good mood and with a light heart. For the Higher Forces, your happiness, health and love are important, not material values.

This very strong conspiracy, pronounced at Christmas, will bring good luck and success for the whole year. Prayer words:
For good luck I whisper on Christmas, let fortune knock on the window. In games, disputes, success will help me, at work it will postpone the increase. I will successfully complete all the deeds, God will forgive if I sin a lot. Amen! Amen! Amen!

On Christmas Day you have to believe in miracles and everything will happen exactly the way you want it. Wish from the bottom of your heart what you really want and this will definitely happen. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Christmas opens the way to heaven, which makes it possible for people to turn in prayers to the Higher powers almost directly. It is believed that all appeals will certainly be heard and requests fulfilled. Christmas prayers for marriage, which since ancient times, single girls have used to meet with their soulmate, have tremendous power. You can turn to different saints, the main thing is to do it with an open heart and soul.

It is believed that this particular prayer has tremendous power, since the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God. Of course, you should not count on the fact that the long-awaited meeting will take place the very next day, but the Higher Forces will help ensure that events develop as successfully as possible. It is best to read a prayer in front of the icon, after placing a lighted candle next to it.

A prayer for Christmas for marriage sounds like this:

“It is with great joy that I address you, Mother of God.

You are the one who filled the fruit of your womb with love.

I, the servant of God (my name), pray you now for help.

Please, give me mutual and sincere love.

Send me a loving and caring husband,

so that I can raise children in happiness and joy.

In addition to this prayer, you can ask for help from Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Xenia of Petersburg and Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These saints are also renowned for their power to help the lonely find love.

Rite of passage for Christmas for marriage

There is a special ritual that uses prayer at Christmas for marriage. With its help, single girls can greatly increase the chance of meeting a soul mate. It can also be used by girls who have a potential groom and want to get the most responsible step from him. In this case, it is necessary to insert the name of a specific person into the prayer.

After that, you need to look at the flame and mentally imagine the wedding and happy life together with the future spouse. It is important that the picture is as clear as possible, right down to the sensations. This should be done until the candles go out by themselves. Then tie a photo, the rest of the candles in the canvas and hide everything away from prying eyes. If everything was done correctly, then very soon the first positive changes will be visible.

There are moments in the life of Orthodox Christians when prayer is especially strong and requests reach Heaven faster:

There are special thematic prayers for Christmas:

The texts of these prayers are given in a special collection - Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians.

The Nativity of the Infant Jesus is preceded by a strict Christmas fast for many days. It lasts 40 days - from November 28 to January 6. The last strictest day of fasting is called Christmas Eve from the name of the dish that is prepared and served on the night before Christmas.

According to tradition, no food is eaten on this day until late in the evening, until the first star appears in the sky. Then the whole family sits down at the table and, having prayed, proceeds to the meal.

The lusciousness sets the mood for the celebration and helps to tune in a reverent mood before the miracle announced to the world by the star of Bethlehem ascending in the firmament.

The recipe for Christmas soak is very simple. But the dish turns out to be tasty and nutritious. It is prepared from wheat grains with honey and seeds of other plants - poppy, nuts. Add fruits, raisins, candied fruits.

Nowadays, wheat is replaced by other cereals - rice, oats, barley. Having supported prayer, spiritual food with bodily food, people rushed to the temples. The Christmas service with a procession begins at exactly midnight.

The Nativity of Christ is one of the greatest holidays for the entire Orthodox people. It is connected with this holiday ...

On Christmas night, Orthodox believers rush to churches for the All-Night Vigil, which turns into the Divine Liturgy. Special holiday prayers are read on January 7 at Christmas to glorify the coming into the world of the Savior of the human race. Some of the divine chants are performed only in this service, that is, once a year.

Jesus was born, the Lord God is already among us, He came to atone for human sins through suffering and death and to give the hope of resurrection and eternal life. This is, in brief, the meaning of the festive divine service.

If for some reason it is not possible to visit the temple, you can pray while staying at home. To do this, first of all, you need to tune in to a special prayer mode. Stand in front of the icons, light a wax candle. These candles for home prayer are sold in church shops.

The Lord responds to any requests that do not have malice... But it is not customary to directly ask God for money or love. Since acquisitiveness, greed, as well as passions and carnal pleasures in Orthodoxy are considered sinful thoughts.

Therefore, we ask not for wealth, but for help in business and deliverance from poverty. Not victory over ill-wishers, but protection from them, not happy love, but a good wife, a kind husband, peace and happiness in family life.

Help will follow very soon, only you need to understand that the Lord sends a person only what he really needs. If it seems that the desire has not been fulfilled, you should carefully analyze all recent events. Perhaps there was some kind of sign, a message that you did not follow or did not attach importance to.

Perhaps your request was ignored in order to protect you from a great evil. God loves his children, cares for children and guides us on the path of truth.

Every year, Christian believers around the world celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, timed to commemorate the bringing ...

On Christmas Day, young girls and single women read a prayer for marriage, addressing the Most Holy Theotokos. It is the Mother of God who is the patroness of all wives, because she gave birth to the Infant Jesus from the immaculate conception and embodied all-consuming selfless love as self-sacrifice.

They also pray for the message of family happiness:

Even if there is no corresponding prayer at hand or the Old Church Slavonic text seems completely incomprehensible, you can pray in your own words. It might sound like this:

Do not expect the betrothed to knock on the door tomorrow. First of all, prayer will help you work on yourself, show you the way you need to go to that one and only loving person who is ready to become a protection and support in trouble and in joy.

You can't pray for the love of a specific person, it's like imposing your will on the saints.

From Christmas to Epiphany (January 19) there are Christmastide. The only time of the year when the church is condescending to divination. What methods were used to find out their fate. And they threw boots over the fence, poured grain on the rooster, asked the name of strangers, poured melted wax into the water, looked into the mirrored corridor.

While most of the population is waiting for the New Year, believers are preparing for the Nativity Fast. What ...

Prayer at Christmas for good luck - in different versions, is extremely popular among the people. Everyone believes in the Christmas miracles that the Lord will send us.

At the time of idolatry in Russia, even babies were sacrificed for the sake of the demon of luck. That is, people are ready to achieve good luck at any cost. This is an unacceptable path for Christianity.

In prayers of this kind, you need to ask the Lord to guide us along the path of good and protect us from evil. Only in this righteous way, following the spiritual rules, can you achieve real success and unexpected luck in the simple, philistine sense of the word.

The power of Christmas prayer is known for miracles of healing from serious ailments. On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, you can and should pray for the health of children, your own and your relatives.

The names are written legibly, indicating them in the genitive case (On the health of Ivan, Mary, and so on). In the petition and you need to indicate your name, then relatives, patrons and virtues.

For health, candles are lit near the icons and prayers are read to Saints Panteleimon the Healer and Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, as well as Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker, known for the numerous miracles of healing the sick during the life and after the death of the saints.

A prayer read on Christmas or Christmas Eve is always powerful.

The Nativity of Christ is a bright holiday when the Son of God was born.

Prayers are usually read either on the night before Christmas from January 6 to 7, or during January 7, when Christmas is celebrated.

Before reading the prayer, you need to clear your thoughts, be filled with joy that Christ was born, be filled with gratitude and happiness from divine protection.

Before reading the prayer on Christmas for welfare and wealth, you must first read the prayer "Our Father" in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Icon of Jesus Christ for Christmas

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

After reading the prayer "Our Father", you can read the Christmas prayer for asking for welfare.

Christmas prayer for wealth and prosperity

Lord Jesus Christ our God, who delighted in our salvation for the sake of the earth in the flesh to appear and from the Brideless and Most Pure Virgin Mary to be inexpressibly born! We thank Thee, for you have vouchsafed us, by the feat of fasting those who were purified, to reach the great feast of Your Christmas and, in spiritual joy, to chant Thee with the angels, to glorify with the shepherds, to worship the Magi. We thank Thee, as for Thy great mercy and immeasurable condescension to our weaknesses, console us now, not just with abundant spiritual food, but also with a festive meal.

The same we pray to Thee, opening Thy generous hand, fulfilling all that lives Thy good things, providing everyone with food that corresponds to the time and rules of the Church, bless the festive food, prepared by Thy faithful people, especially this, from them also obeying the Statute of Thy Church, during the abstaining days of fasting Yours, may they be eating them with thanksgiving for health, for strengthening bodily strength, for joy and joy. Yes, all of us, all contentment of property, will be abundant in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart we glorify Thee, which nourishes and comforts us, but we will buy Thy Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Watch the video and find out everything about Christmas: tips, tips, important rules, signs and a very powerful ritual for wealth at Christmas.

We need to know how and what we pray for at Christmas service. Priest Fyodor Ludogovsky gives an overview of the most important church prayers of different genres. Translations into Russian, unless otherwise agreed, belong toHieromonk Ambrose (Timrot) .

Old Testament about the Nativity of Christ

Texts from the Old Testament books are heard during the service every day. Most commonly used Psalter - a book containing psalms - prayer poetry that was written by an Israelite King David and possibly other authors.

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the books of the prophets who lived before the coming of the Savior to earth acquire special significance. On vespers , which takes place on the eve of the holiday, read paremia (fragments of Old Testament books) containing prophecies about Christ, about His birth from the Virgin. Here are the books written, according to church tradition, by Moses, and the books of other prophets - Micah, Isaiah, Baruch and Daniel.

The first of the paremias is the very beginning of the very first book of the Bible - Of being ... Here before us unfolds the story of the creation of the world by God: “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was invisible and not built, and darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water ”... The rest of this passage says a lot more about water. The theme of water arises for the reason that on the eve of the most great holidays- Easter, Epiphany, Nativity of Christ - in the ancient Church, during the reading of the paremias, a mass baptism was performed. That is why this paremia from the book of Genesis is read on Christmas Eve, Epiphany, and Great Saturday.

At Great Compline, Isaiah's prophetic words about God the Child are solemnly resounded:

The child was born to us, the Son, and given to us.

<…>And His name is called: the Great Council Angel.

Wonderful Advisor.

Mighty God, Ruler, Ruler of the world.

Father of the century to come.

Christmas stichera

This is a fairly ancient genre of church chants. One stichera is one paragraph, one stanza. At the Christmas service, we hear stichera by different authors. One of them is a saintHerman, Patriarch of Constantinople ... Let us cite that stichera of his, with which the Christmas Vespers begins:

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord,

explaining the current Sacrament:

the wall that separated us from God has been torn down,

flaming sword reversed

and Cherubim depart from the tree of life

and I join the bliss of paradise,

from which he was expelled for disobedience.

For the unchanging image of the Father

and the mark of his eternity

takes the form of a slave,

from a Mother who has not experienced marriage,

without suffering a change.

For He remained what He was - the true God,

and took upon himself what he was not,

having become a man out of philanthropy.

Let us exclaim to Him:

"God, born of the Virgin, have mercy on us!"

Another author, whose name I would like to name, is not a patriarch or even a man. The famous stichera "Augustus in command of the earth ...", which is sung at Great Vespers at the entrance, belongs to the pen Cassius - poet, hymnographer, composer, nun and founder of the monastery in Constantinople. Here is the complete text of this stichera in Russian translation:

When Augustus became sovereign on earth,

the plural power among people ceased;

and with your incarnation from the virgin virgin

idolistic polytheism was abolished.

Countries submitted to one worldly kingdom,

and the tribes believed in the one dominion of the Godhead.

The peoples were rewritten by the decree of Caesar,

we, the faithful, signed up in the name of the Divine -

You, our God incarnate.

Great is Your mercy, Lord, glory to You!

As you can see, we are talking here about the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian, who at one time put an end to the internecine struggle for power and expanded the boundaries of the empire. Christ was born in Judea during the reign of Augustus. And with His birth, according to Cassia, the decline of paganism began and all peoples began to worship the One God.

Christmas troparion

The troparion - or, more specifically, the indulgent troparion - is one of the most important chants of any church holiday... The Christmas troparion reminds us of the events described in the Gospel of Matthew: the coming of the Messiah and the astrological wise men who came from the East to worship the newborn Infant. In Church Slavonic, the troparion sounds as follows:

the ascent of the world and the light of reason,

there are more to the stars of the employee

I'm learning a star

Bow to you, the Sun of Truth,

and guide you from the height of the east.

Lord, glory to Thee.

And here is his Russian translation:

Thy Christmas, Christ our God,

lit the world with the light of knowledge,

for through him they serve the stars

were taught by the star

Worship you, the Sun of truth,

and to know You, from the height of the Rising Luminary.

Lord, glory to Thee!

Here is also a translation made at the St. Philaret Institute:

Thy Christmas, Christ our God,

lit up the world with the light of knowledge,

for then the servants of the stars

were taught by the star

worship You, the Sun of Truth,

and to know You, the Dawn from above, -

Lord, glory to Thee!

The troparion of the Nativity of Christ is repeated many times during the festive service: at Vespers, Compline, Matins, Liturgy, as well as during several days following the first day of the holiday.

Christmas canons

One of the Christmas services - Matins - includes two canons. A canon is a hymnographic work composed of eight to nine songs, each of which usually contains two or three or more poetic stanzas. The first stanza in the canon is called irmos, the rest are called troparia. (The troparion of the canon should not be confused with the dismissive troparion mentioned above.)

One of the canons for the feast of the Nativity of Christ was written by a hymnographer of Syrian origin named Mansur ibn Serjun at-Taglibi. He lived in the 8th century and in his youth served at the court of the Damascus caliph. He is known to the Christian world as John Damascene.

Another canon (in the order of singing - the first) was written by a friend and free brother of John - saintCosmas, Bishop of Mayum .

The canon of Kosma Mayumsky opens with the joyful, jubilant words of Irmos:

Christ is born - glorify!

Christ from heaven - welcome!

Christ on earth - rise up!

Sing to the Lord, all the earth

and sing with joy, people,

for He is glorified!

However, these words were not written by Cosmas himself - he only paraphrased and slightly expanded what was said by the saint several centuries earlier.Gregory the Theologian in one of his sermons.

We will also cite a fragment of the canon of John Damascene. The first troparion of the second canon of this canon refers us to the Gospel of Luke, which describes the appearance of angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem, who then went to look at the infant Christ:

The chorus of the flutemen was amazed

extraordinarily honored

see that which is beyond the mind:

from the Blessed Bride all-blessed birth

and a regiment of disembodied who chanted

without the seed of the incarnating King-Christ.


After the sixth canon of the second canon, in the text of the Christmas Matins, there is a chant entitled kontakion, followed by ikos. More should be said about these two stanzas.

This kontakion and ikos are not part of the canon. This is all that remains in the current service from a very interesting work by another Syrian author -Roman the Sweet Songwriter ... The novel was born in the second half of the 5th century, that is, he lived later than Gregory the Theologian, but noticeably earlier than John and Cosmas, Herman and Cassia. He was the author of multi-line hymnographic works, which we called so - kontakions. What we now call this word is only the opening stanza of Romanov's chant. And what is now called an ikos is the first of a series of many stanzas contained in the kontakion.

The one-sided kontakion (that is, the kontakion in the modern sense of the word) is, along with the dismissive troparion, one of the main chants of any holiday. Here is the Church Slavonic text of the kontakion and its Russian translation.

Virgo today gives birth to the Most Substantial,

and the land brings the nativity scene to the Unapproachable.

Angels with shepherds praise

the wolves travel with the star:

for the sake of us born

Otrocha Mlado, the Eternal God.


Virgo in this day gives birth to the Super-essential,

and the earth brings the unapproachable cave;

Angels with shepherds praise

the wise men travel after the star,

for it was born for us

Young child, eternal God!

And now, for comparison, let us give an introductory stanza (that is, the current kontakion) and the first two stanzas of the main part of the kontakion for Christmas in the Russian translation of Hieromonk Jacob (Tsvetkov), in edition Priest Mikhail Zheltov:

WITHToday the Virgin gives birth to the Supreme of all being, and the earth brings the nativity scene to the Inaccessible; the angels glorify together with the shepherds, while the Magi travel with the star: for for our sake the Young Child, the Eternal God, was born!

V Ifey opened Eden to [us] - come and see; we found pleasure in a hidden [place] - come, we will receive heavenly [joy] inside the cave: there appeared a non-drunken Root [moisture], growing forgiveness; there appeared an unopened Well, from which before David had longed to drink; there the Virgin, who gave birth to the Child, immediately quenched the thirst of Adam and David. Therefore, let us come to this [place] where the Young Child, the Eternal God, was born!

Othe mother's father, by His own will, became [Her] Son, the Savior of the children was reclining as a child in a manger. Having recognized Him, the Birthing One says: “Tell me, Child, how did you dwell in me and how did you become in me? I see you, my womb, and I am terrified - for I feed on milk, and I remain unaware of marriage. And although I see You, [Child], in swaddling clothes, [at the same time] I contemplate My virginity sealed - for You have preserved it, having deigned to be born [of Me, oh], Young Child, the Eternal God! "

In total, the main part of the Romanov kontakion contains 24 stanzas (ikos). At the same time, the initial letters of the stanzas form an acrostic - a phrase that in translation from Greek means "Anthem of the humble Roman."

There is one more thing to note. All the stanzas of the kontakion end with the same expression - "Young Child, Eternal God" (in Church Slavonic - "Otrocha young, Eternal God"). This is a feature of all ancient multistrophic kontakions. And not only kontakion, but also akathists - a genre to which we now proceed.

Christmas Akathists

The kontakions of Roman the Sweet Songwriter are written vividly and vividly - but, unfortunately, they have emerged from the churchly condemnation. The canons of Cosmas Mayumsky and John Damascene are rich in their content, they refer us to the images and subjects of the Old and New Testaments; but we must admit that all this is very difficult for the perception of an insufficiently prepared reader and, moreover, a listener.

Perhaps it is for this reason that akathists are becoming more widespread with every century and decade.

Akathist is also a multi-line work, like the ancient kontakion and the canon. But an akathist is usually simpler in language, it has a clearer and more understandable structure. The first akathist - it was the akathist to the Mother of God - appeared no later than the first quarter of the 7th century. The name of its author is unknown to us. Later, other akathists began to appear - tens, hundreds, now thousands. Initially, akathists (except for the very first) were not intended to be sung in the temple. Nevertheless, the akathist is increasingly becoming a part of church worship.

There are several akathists for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Three of them, the most famous at present, were written by Russian bishops of the 20th century: Bishop Tikhon (Tikhomirov), Archbishop Nikon (Petin) and Metropolitan Nikodim (Rusnak). Let us cite at least three stanzas (out of 25) of each akathist. They, in general, are written in the Church Slavonic language, but this language is quite understandable. As for the Russian translation of akathists, such experiments are unknown to us.

From the akathist of Bishop Tikhon:

VSelected and previously born from the Father, the Savior of the world and the King of the ages, as the Otrochus was born to us, the Son, and given to us. This now, by the will, we will receive the flesh from the Virgin and, like the rational Sun of Truth, who exist in the darkness and shadow of death, sitting Divinely ascending. Come, let us rejoice, seeing God in the flesh, in Bethlehem we are wrapped in swaddling clothes, and with the sorcerers and shepherds who worship this, we will cry out loudly: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill in men.

Angeli anciently, at the gates of Eden, the tree of life of the fallen Adam is threatening, but now from the great joy of Bethlehem they are preaching the gospel to the earth-born, he will be all people: as if the Savior was born, and there is Christ the Lord, in the manger of wordless flesh babies. Come, faithfully, let us glorify Mother Spasov, the Virgin who appeared at Christmas, and with the Angels and the shepherds we will sing a song worthy in a nativity scene from Ney to the Born:

Glory to Thee, the Primordial Word, this God, the man who appeared;

glory to Thee, Great and Eternal God, not apostate His Divinity, incarnate from the side of Devich.

Glory to Thee, the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin, the sight of a servant who received;

glory to Thee, the Word of God, unsearchable, to the vale of our exile who came.

Glory to Thee, the Eternal Word, shining strangely from the Virgin to the world;

glory to Thee, the Wisdom of God and Strength, for our sake, for our sake, impoverished.

Glory to Thee, Brides of the Most Pure and rich Christmas, His glory is full of the essence of Heaven;

glory to Thee, the Sun of Truth that has shone forth, To whom the whole earth is filled with joy.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill in men.

VThe Creator and the Creator of all kinds of perils of man, who came, created his hands, having mercy on him, inclining the heavens, to the earth from below, reigning Heaven with the height, having become the earth, - to His Father first of all ages, and the fallen will renew human nature. His sight is Samago and Man and God, rejoicing with all heavenly and earthly, praising God's delightful indulgence, crying to Him: Alleluia.

From the akathist of Metropolitan Nikodim:

ANDthe most pure Angel of the Virgin from all generations; And from Her born in the flesh, Christ our God, we offer thanks to Thy servant, Master. But you, as if you have mercy unspeakable, from all our troubles of freedom, calling:

Jesus, Son of God incarnate for our sake, glory to Thee.

Angel many gathered in Bethlehem to see the unfathomable Christmas; and when I saw my Creator, lying in the manger like a baby, I was surprised! And with fear reverently, Born and Born to God-giving honor, singing like this:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, first born of the Father.

Glory to Thee, creating all things with the Father and the Spirit.

Glory to Thee, who came to save the lost.

Glory to Thee, even descended to the slave of the ghost.

Glory to Thee, the seeker of the lost.

Glory to Thee, Savior of the lost.

Glory to Thee, I have destroyed the mediastinum of enmity.

Glory to Thee, paradise, shuttered by listening, I will open the packs.

Glory to Thee, I have loved the human race unspeakably.

Glory to Thee, I will show Heaven on the earth.

Glory to Thee, who gave birth to Thee Virgin, I have shown the Cherubim Throne.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for our sake, glory to Thee.

Vwalking without the corporealness of his Angel, the Lord, from the pure Virgin received the flesh, terrified! And deciding to each other: this glorious Sacrament is incomprehensible to us to be: more and more amazed at the ineffable Descent of That, with fear poyahu: Alleluia.

From the akathist of Archbishop Nikon:

RWait from the Virgin, accept the heavenly singing, receive from the spiritual treasures the song I offer you: Jesus, God-child, save us!

OReceive the gospel from the angels, spiritually entered the city of Bethlehem and see the Baby in the manger, joyfully sing to Him:

Jesus, angels jubilation;

Jesus, my heart is leaping.

Jesus, the whole world is waiting;

Jesus, heavenly radiance.

Jesus God, baby, save us!

Fand to those who believe the way, the shepherd will show them, and we rejoice with them, and sing to the Born: Alleluia!

The Akathist of Archbishop Nikon contains a Russian phrasal acrostic: "I sing the Nativity of Christ in the Spirit."

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