Fortune-telling on the night of ivana bathed online. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala. Fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala - accurate and faithful fortune-telling for the betrothed, for fate

Leaks 17.09.2020

Every girl on the night of Ivan Kupala secretly thinks about fortune-telling that has come down to us from the centuries. Even in ancient times, our ancestors created a magical atmosphere on the night of July 6-7, gathered friends and learned the secrets of fate together. If you also want to join this ancient action - read the selection of fortune-telling on the night of Ivan Kupala further.

It has long been believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala the spirits of earth, water and fire help people, so you have every chance to ask the ancient mighty forces for help in important matters. The spirits of fire give strength to the body, the spirits of water heal diseases, and the spirits of the earth bestow wealth.

According to legend, on Kupala night, trees in the forest go from place to place, confusing travelers, herbs have healing power, dew washes away wrinkles and gives beauty, and the magical fern flower will give the owner hidden treasures. Night on Ivan Kupala is mysterious and magical, so we have prepared for you a number of fortune-telling, with the help of which you can find out your fate.

Fortune telling on a comb

Take your comb to bed before going to bed, but do not comb your hair with it. Put a comb under the pillow on which you will sleep and say these magic words: "The betrothed, my mummer, come to me and comb my hair." Then go to bed. In a dream, your betrothed should come to you, who will comb your hair.

Fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala

There is also another way to find out your destiny. It must be performed in the morning of July 7th. When you wake up, pick up a comb and comb your hair with it. Pay attention to how much hair is left on the comb.

- one hair predicts a meeting with the betrothed in the near future, so you need to take a closer look at the men in your environment.

- two hairs indicate that soon you will receive news that in a certain way will be associated with your betrothed.

- three hairs warn of an opponent who will interfere with the meeting with the betrothed.

- four hairs focus on troubles that may occur in the near future.

Fortune telling on the mirror

To carry out mysterious divination, you need a mirror. Sit in front of him, light a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. The room should be quiet and dark. Take a close look in the mirror. After a while, it will begin to darken, which will mean the appearance of the narrowed one in the near future. The future husband should come up to you from behind, and at this moment you should never look away from the mirror and turn around.

Fortune telling on the mirror

If the groom has managed to approach the girl during this time, then he must put any item from his pocket on the table. At this time, shout "Oh my!", Then wait for him to leave and only then take the thing left as a keepsake. According to legend, this item should disappear from the future husband. After your future groom leaves, read the prayer three times, cross yourself and blow out the candle.

We draw your attention to the fact that this fortune-telling is a rather magical phenomenon. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from fear, we recommend not to carry out this fortune-telling, but for the sake of entertainment, use somewhat safer rituals.

Divination for love

Get together with your friends on the night of Ivan Kupala on the river bank. Before that, weave a wreath of wildflowers. Before putting the wreath on the water, secure the candle and light it. Whose wreath sinks faster and whose candle goes out faster - that one will get married faster.

Divination for love

If the wreath will stay afloat for a long time, then the girl should still wait with marriage. If the wreath floats to the shore, then the girl will marry the last among her friends.

Fortune telling on chamomile

For fortune telling, take two chamomiles and gently place them in water. At home, you can use a volumetric plate or pan for this action. One chamomile symbolizes a girl, the other a man. If the daisies are on the water together, the couple will be happy, but if they are apart, the couple will soon part.

Fortune telling on wax

Go to the temple, light a candle, and sincerely ask God to meet your love next year. There is no need to leave a candle in the church: take it with you and melt it at home. Pour the melted wax into a container of cold water.

Fortune telling on wax

If a wax drawing looks like a heart, then love awaits you, if for flowers, then you will soon meet a new fan, and if for a ring, then a wedding awaits you soon.

Divination in a dream

If you collect seven different flowers at sunset and put them under your pillow, then on the night of Ivan Kupala you will have a prophetic dream.

One of the ways to look into the future is fortune telling about Ivan Kupala. It is believed that it is during this period that it is easier to find out what surprises fate has in store for you. If earlier many conducted fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala at home, now more and more people choose fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala online. Want to try? Your first consultation will be free!

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Ivan Kupala Day is a pagan holiday celebrated on the night of July 6-7. This time has long been considered magical, so our great-grandmothers also conducted fortune-telling on Ivan Kupala. It is believed that spirits can be heard on this night, which means that this the best time in order to find out your future and get answers to your questions.

How can you tell fortunes at home

Summer July night is suitable for fortune telling in the fresh air near water bodies. In order to know the future, it is easy to take forest herbs, flowers or the energy of water and fire as your helpers. However, in the absence of the possibility of conducting the Kupala divination ritual in nature, it is permissible to do this at home. In this case, you will have to use the classic attributes of fortune telling: a candle, wax, a container of water, mirrors. In this case, the key role is played not by the place, but by the time of the fortune-telling.

For more information about the holiday, see the video:

To a cherished desire

In the evening, before dark, you should pick wild flowers and herbs of various types. When picking flowers, it is important to imagine how the most cherished dream comes true. The number of colors can be arbitrary, it is more important to concentrate on your desire, immersing yourself completely in thoughts. When you return home, you can put the flowers under your bed or under your pillow. To get predictions, waking up, you should carefully consider the bouquet, if the variety of types of flowers is the number 12 - your cherished dream will come true within a year.

For wealth

Before going to bed, you should collect all the money in the house, including small coins, wrap it in a linen bag and put it under the bed. Falling asleep, you should imagine your life in abundance and opportunities that material well-being brings with it. Waking up the next morning, before getting out of bed, you should take out the bag and count its contents. Fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala at home is carried out from midnight to sunrise.

For well-being in the home and family

For this ritual, thorny plants should be used, such as nettle leaves, rose hips, rose petals, collected the same day before the sun goes down. At midnight they should be set on fire by sprinkling ashes on the perimeter of the house. Thus, a powerful talisman is created that will protect the family living in it from evil spirits and various troubles. Unmarried girls living in this house will soon get married.

For money

Collect a small amount of water from a natural source in a clean container. Place a few small coins there, any will do, but it is better to give preference to silver or gold coins. Leave until morning in a dark corner. Since water is a good conductor and keeper of information, it will absorb the energy of the bathing night, and the coins in it will give the energy direction to financial well-being... At dawn, one should wash with this water, and bury the coins under a tree.

Fortune telling on the betrothed by the Kupala wreath

This ritual is special. It includes unity with nature on a moonlit summer night, where, under the whisper of herbs, girls entrusted their secret desires to the spirits of water and forest. Weaving wreaths of fragrant flowers contributes to the acquisition of inner harmony, ordering all thoughts and desires. This ancient sacrament was used by great-grandmothers, they also wanted to know their fate and the name of the betrothed with whom they had to go life path.

How and when to weave a wreath correctly

Weaving the wreath begins at dusk and continues throughout the magical night. It must certainly include the Mother of God grass, burdocks, a bear's ear. To prevent this magical creation from disintegrating, grass with flexible long stems should be woven into it. For beauty, you can weave a wreath from a mixture of flowers such as cornflowers, daisies, dandelions, clover, as well as berries with long stems. You should not pick off the leaves, with them the wreath will turn out to be more magnificent and elegant.

How to properly dip wreaths in water

According to the ancient tradition, Kupala fortune-telling takes place on the banks of a river or stream. It is necessary to weave a wreath and light a candle on it, then put it into the water with the flow. If the candle fire went out before the wreath was dipped into the water, this was considered a bad omen and foreshadowed trouble for the whole year.

If a girl weaved two wreaths, making up for one herself, and on the second her betrothed, and these wreaths floated together, this foreshadowed a quick wedding.


  • If the wreath sailed far from the coast and did not return, it means that an early meeting with the betrothed will soon take place (the further the wreath sailed away, the sooner it will happen).
  • If the wreath floats on the surface of the reservoir, not moving in any direction, there will be many fans throughout the year, but the meeting with the betrothed will not happen.
  • If the wreath sailed to the shore, there is a high probability that it will remain in the old maidens.
  • But if he came to the opposite bank, it means that his betrothed is somewhere nearby, among acquaintances and friends. It remains only to discern the other half in each other.
  • However, if the wreath immediately sinks, the marriage will be quick, but short-lived, there is a high probability of being left a widow.

Other divination for the betrothed

For a long time people, initiated into the secrets of the Kupala night, tried to spend every minute of it with benefit. This was especially true of young unmarried girls dreaming of family happiness. It was for them that the gates to the world of secret knowledge were slightly opened that night a little wider.

Kupala online fortune telling - when will I get married?

You don't have to go far to find out your destiny. You can conduct fortune-telling online and find out when marriage and family happiness awaits you, just shuffle the deck.

In a dream

Going to bed, you should put a wooden comb under the pillow and whisper three times: “The betrothed-mummer, come comb my hair, see the braids. The hair came from my mother, it will be our dowry. " Waking up, without getting out of bed, throw back the pillow and see if the comb is in that place. If it has shifted, it means that the wedding is due within a year. If the comb remains in the same place, the marriage will not take place this year.

On wax candles

For this fortune-telling, you should visit the church in advance. Putting down a burning candle, turn with fervent prayer to God, asking Him for the gift of love in the coming year. After praying, the candle should be taken home and melted. Take a light wide container filled with water and pour the candle wax into it. Then take a close look at the resulting figures: they all carry the clue of fate. For example, if you get a circle or a ring, there will be a wedding soon, if the heart will meet love, flowers will have a lot of fans.

In the name of the future groom

In order to recognize your future husband in time and not miss the happiness, for girls there is a fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed. Immediately after midnight, you should leave the house and, having met the first man that comes across, ask his name. The name that a stranger will call and will be future husband fortuneteller.

Online fortune telling on tarot cards - predictions for love

Fortune telling on the Kupala bonfire

As soon as the sun goes down, boys and girls make a fire. Then, singly or divided into pairs, they jump over it. It is considered a favorable sign to jump over it without hitting the fire. For a girl - to find happiness in marriage, for a guy - success in business.

Through the jump

Make a fire and make a wish. Then, having run well, jump over the fire. If sparks flew, the wish will not come true, but if during the jump the flame did not touch the girl, the dream will certainly come true.

Through double jumps

This is the most difficult fortune-telling, since in this case the situation is uncontrollable. Having chosen a pair for yourself, you should not just run up and jump, but tune in to the same wavelength with this person, catch his rhythm. Depending on the result of the jump, the interpretation may vary:

  • if during the jump the couple unhooked their hands, but sparks from the fire did not follow, there should be a civil marriage;
  • if in a jump the young people kept the manual lock, and the process itself was accompanied by a cascade of sparks, soon there will be a wedding;
  • a strong jump with no sparks promises health throughout the year.

If the hands are not unlocked, but there are no sparks, there will be unexpected problems with the wedding and a threat to the relationship of the young.

Other fortune-telling at the bathing

All the rituals held on the night of Ivan Kupala, fortune-telling and divination, aimed at gaining health and beauty, had a special power. The following divination methods are good because they can be used both on a moonlit night in nature and at home during the same period of time. We recommend this video:

In circles on the water

To carry out the ritual, you will need a reservoir or a wide container with water from a natural source, a river stone. Closing your eyes, you should focus on your desire and throw a stone into the water. Now everything does not depend on magical abilities, but on the number of circles on the water surface. Circles are counted: an even number of them indicates the speedy fulfillment of desire, an odd number indicates the impossibility of its embodiment.


On the night of Kupala, find the largest dandelion, say the question to yourself three times and blow on the flower. If all the fluffs have flown off, the dream will come true, if there are several pieces left, their number should be counted. Even - the wish will come true, but not soon and with little difficulty, if a larger number of fluffs remain or their number turns out to be odd, the wish will not come true.

On a camomile

Take two chamomiles, fill a shallow wide bowl with spring water (if this is not possible, you can take water from a river or stream with a strong current, in extreme cases you can use cold water from the tap). Closing your eyes, whisper your wish three times, then tear off the chamomile flowers and throw them into the water. If they stayed close, there will be love with the betrothed throughout life, if the flowers floated in different directions, the parting will not take long.

And online option:

On the maple

It was on the night of Ivan Kupala that you should find a fallen maple leaf and count the number of sharp corners on it. The cherished desire will be fulfilled if their number turns out to be even. Otherwise, the dream will not come true.

On a birch

After midnight, pick 7 young birch branches of the same length. Taking your hands behind your back, mix the branches thoroughly, mentally asking the question of interest, then select a branch and carefully examine it: if it has a smooth and even surface, then life will go smoothly, prosperity will reign in the house. But if the branch is dry and bumpy, life will be difficult, full of obstacles and injustice.

On a leaf of a tree

Pluck young green leaf any tree and write on it the name of the beloved (if it does not fit completely, you can write only the first letter). Then toss a piece of paper and observe its behavior. If the betrothed has reciprocal feelings, the leaf will fly high. If the leaf flew low, but did not fall, you can expect a love date soon. The leaf spun like a top, falling into a wind funnel - a stormy, but short romance is ahead. However, if the leaf fell to the ground without even taking off, this indicates a lack of love on the part of the young man.

By the shadow

For the ceremony, you will need solid-colored candles that do not have decorative ornaments. It is better to give preference to light colors, such as pink or white. You also need several sheets of clean white paper, a wide iron bowl (preferably light, without drawings and edging).

Free the wall or hang a plain sheet on the cabinet and turn off the light. Remove mirrors and icons from the room, as they tend to distort information, close windows to avoid drafts. The divination process takes place in the following sequence:

  1. On a paper sheet, the fortuneteller writes the question of interest to him and rolls the sheet into a ball, then places it in an iron bowl. A burning candle is set not far from the bowl.
  2. Light the paper from a candle flame and turn the bowl, watching the shadows dance on the wall. To highlight any image for yourself, you should fully concentrate on this process, since the shadows quickly replace each other.
  3. Fortune-telling ends after the paper goes out naturally, it was at this time that the shadow that appeared on the wall is the answer to the question.

In order to interpret the symbols correctly, you should use your imagination and intuition. Images can show both the near and distant future.

On the blades of grass

You should find grass in your yard with narrow, long leaves. Pluck two stalks, one represents the girl and must be smaller than the second, which represents the boy. The stems should be placed between the stones, pressing them together as tightly as possible. Over time, they will begin to dry out, while it is important to observe their position, as well as how they will be located after complete drying:

  1. If the blades of grass are connected in a dried state, it means that the pair will have a long and happy life together.
  2. The blades of grass have deviated in different directions - the couple will break up in the near future.
  3. The longer stem deviated, and the short one remained standing straight - the betrothed is prone to betrayal and will soon find another lady of his heart.

If the stems remain parallel to each other, there will be many quarrels and violent reconciliations.

On a bunch of grass

Place the herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala under the pillow and say the most exciting question to yourself. In the morning, carefully consider which herbs were present in the bunch: if there was a plantain among them, then the name of the betrothed will be the same as that of the first man she met that day.

On the branches of the fern

This ritual requires helpers in the form of fern branches. They should be collected as many pieces as the person is doing fortune-telling. Give each branch the name of the young man you like and tie each with colored thread (colors should not be repeated). Having lowered the branches into a river or other body of water, press them to the bottom with your hand, then release them abruptly. Whichever branch comes up before everyone else is the narrowed one. The young couple will live together their whole life.


This divination will require several bulbs. Each of them should be signed with the names of the young people you like and placed in a bowl filled with water. The guy whose name is the first to sprout is the reciprocal sympathy.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala has always been associated with extraordinary fun and, of course, magic. In order not only to meet this wonderful holiday very interestingly, but also to feel the spirit of the real Ivan Kupala, let's recall several rather bright Kupala signs and mysterious rituals:

According to legends, it is believed that all the herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala have a truly special acting force.

All sorts of rashes on the face will pass, if you wash your face with dew on the day of this holiday, and if you sprinkle such dew on your home, then cockroaches and annoying bugs will surely disappear.

There is such a sign for Ivan Kupala: a wish will come true for someone who can climb over twelve fences on a holiday.

On the night of Kupala, a bonfire has a special power. If you dilute it, then in this way you can drive away not only evil spirits, but also cleanse yourself. And the one who jumps over such a fire will be a real lucky person in his life, the sign of Ivan Kupala speaks about this. It is also believed that if you burn the clothes of a sick child in this fire, then absolutely all diseases will go into the fire.

In order to protect themselves from all kinds of evil forces, which, on a festive night, have truly the greatest strength, they put ferns and nettles on the doorstep of their house, as well as on the windowsills. This ceremony for Ivan Kupala will help reflect their effect.

Oil from ant heaps, which must be collected on Midsummer's night, will help from numerous diseases.

To save your house from the attack of thieves, such a ritual will help: it is necessary to spread the flowers of Ivan da Marya in the four corners of your home on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that such flowers will talk, creating the effect of the presence of the owners of the house.

There are also signs of Ivan Kupala about the weather: a very good harvest of cucumbers portends dew on the day of Ivan Kupala; a large number of mushrooms should be expected if there are many stars in the sky on the night of Ivan Kupala; rain on Ivan Kupala foreshadows the smiling sun in exactly five days.

The sign of marriage to Ivan Kupala for young beauties suggests that if, without looking at all, you collect various flowers and herbs and put them under the pillow, and in the morning of the next day there are twelve herbs, then in this case, a young unmarried beauty will come out anyway married this year.

Rites for Ivan Kupala

The purest water, the brightest fire and a variety of herbs have truly magical properties on the night of Ivan Kupala. And all the ceremonies and magic rituals on Midsummer's Day are one of the most "powerful", since the day of the holiday, and especially the night, have incredible energetic power.

It was believed that from the day of Ivan Travnik to Ilyin's day, that is, until August 2, absolutely all reservoirs and various lakes were abandoned by all evil spirits, and, therefore, based on this fact, it was allowed to swim in a given period of time. Also, the water gets enough healing properties, and the morning dew has truly magical powers.

The main rite on Ivan Kupala was swimming in water, and on Kupala night it was customary to swim in holy springs. After all, it is at this fabulous time that water enters into a humble alliance with fire, and such an incredible connection was a rather huge natural force. Water not only healed, cleansed completely of all evil, but also endowed with excellent health.

The rite of Ivan Kupala with morning dew was performed by all the girls in order to always remain beautiful and young. To do this, they took tablecloths and collected the dew with them, then squeezed them into any vessel and washed their hands and face with just such dew.

Kupala rituals with fire

Jumping over a rather big fire was considered a rather important and most importantly cheerful Kupala rite with fire. People made fires on the banks of various reservoirs, jumped and danced around them until they fell. Such a ceremony for Ivan Kupala could determine the happiest of the crowd. For this, young beauties and guys jumped over the fire and the one who did not touch the flame at all was considered to be the happiest.

They also drove cattle over the fire in order to warn them against death and all kinds of diseases. And mothers in Kupala bonfires burned shirts of extremely sick children, because in this way, it was believed that one could heal their child.

The Kupala bonfire could also warn against all kinds of evil spirits - mermaids, goblin, water and so on, which, in turn, became quite active on the night of Ivan Kupala and tried in any way to harm not only humans, but also animals.

Kupala rituals with herbs

It was always believed that it was on the night of Ivan Kupala (Ivan Travnik) that all the herbs and flowers collected had not only healing, but also magical powers. And the ceremony of collecting herbs and various beautiful flowers was truly the main event of the holiday.

In order to fight evil spirits and just use herbs in a variety of conspiracies and magic rituals On Ivan Kupala, they performed the following: herbs and flowers collected on Midsummer's Day were placed under the morning Kupala dew, then they were thoroughly dried and stored until needed.

But the main and main flower on Ivan Kupala was and remains a fern. Absolutely all the signs and superstitions say that whoever finds a flower of a given plant on a Kupala night can use it to find untold wealth and attract into your life, not only good luck, but also incredible success. And in order to find a fern flower, we offer you some rather important recommendations that will help you find this plant.

Ivana Kupala signs

A huge number of young beauties on Kupala night weave wreaths of various herbs, such as Ivan da Marya, burdock, the Mother of God, and then it is with a lit candle that they are allowed into the water. The signs of Ivan Kupala say: if such a wreath immediately sinks, then, unfortunately, the beloved person has completely stopped loving the girl and it will not work to marry him. In the event that a wreath with such herbs sailed to the shore, this suggests that such a girl will still remain unmarried. Well, if the wreath swam further and the girl whose wreath swam further than the others, she was foretold to be truly happy. The young beauty with the longest candle in a wreath will live the longest.

They also say this: if on the night of Ivan Kupala you write on a piece of paper everything that was bad in the year, and then burn this leaf in the fire, then absolutely all misfortunes will no longer be repeated.

It is enough to strengthen your health, as well as to tell fortunes for marriage, a broom will allow, but not a simple one, but made from herbs collected on the Kupala night, you can also use in this case a completely new birch broom made of flowers of Ivan da Marya and fern. In order to improve your health, you need to take a very good steam in the bathhouse with such a broom. And in order to tell fortunes about marriage, you need to get out of the bathhouse and throw a broom behind your back, in which direction it will fly, you can definitely go there and get married.

In order to see your betrothed on the night of Ivan Kupala in a dream, absolutely everything unmarried girls before going to bed, they put either a plantain or a triputnik under the head;

In the morning on Ivan Kupala, collected water from a well or from a spring will always help against depression and a certain irritability.

The trouble will bypass your house if it is on the day of Ivan Kupala to collect the leaves of nettles, rose hips and other various thorny plants and burn them, and sprinkle the ashes from them along the windows and thresholds. This ceremony also helps to prevent troubles in your personal life;

In order to make a very good amulet for your home, it is necessary to pick the grass of St. John's wort at midnight on Ivan Kupala and hang its branches at the front door.

It is believed that children conceived on the night of Ivan Kupala will be distinguished by special health and very increased success in their lives.

Conspiracy from loneliness to Ivan Kupala

The holiday of Ivan Kupala will help you find your happiness and get rid of constant loneliness. To do this, it is necessary to light in front of the icon on Midsummer Day. Holy Mother of God, called "Softening Evil Hearts", or "Seven-shot", namely 7 church candles and read the following prayer forty times:

“O long-suffering Mother of God, surpassing all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our many painful sighs and keep us under the cover of Your mercy. Are you not aware of any other refuge and warm intercession, but as if you have boldness for your ilk born to you, help and save us with Your prayers. May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without restraint, where with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity of the One God, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

In no case should you be distracted while reading, by anything, and interrupt the reading of the prayer.

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to say the conspiracy from loneliness to Ivan Kupala three times:

    “The word bad, damned, evil, like an arrow of the enemy, struck me with loneliness! But with God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, with an invincible hope, I will hide myself, I will take off with a pure prayer, I will find Jesus' help. Now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala

    The magical holiday of Ivan Kupala is a holiday of sincere love, bright fire and clear water. On the mysterious Kupala night, they wondered, trying to find out their future, they also looked for a blooming fern and had fun by kindling fires and weaving wreaths of various herbs. Fortune-telling on Ivan Kupala is carried out throughout the week, that is, until Peter's day.

    Ivan Kupala is truly the most unusual and extremely sensitive holiday. And those who do not have a second half were waiting for him with special impatience, since it is with the help of fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala that one can easily find out when a meeting with a loved one will occur.

    Fortune telling

    This Kupala fortune telling for the future is performed on birch branches. It is on the holiday of Ivan Kupala that it is necessary to pluck exactly seven small birch branches and mix them all together, after which it is necessary to draw out one of the seven. Life will be very long and calm enough if the elongated birch twig is an even and smooth branch. But, if an elongated twig has various tubercles, then, unfortunately, this promises various obstacles on the path of life.

    Divination for love

    Using this fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala, you can determine whether the person for whom you have feelings will fall in love with you, and whether you will be with him in the future. It is necessary to pour water into a sufficiently wide container and then lower two flowers without stems into it. The most the best option for this divination there will be daisies.

    Flowers should be lowered into the water very carefully and extremely slowly, while also closing your eyes so as not to spy at all. The behavior of flowers - will tell you about the future fate of love. The young couple will be together in the future, in the event that the flowers become close. Unfortunately, it is absolutely not destined to be together if the flowers are on opposite sides of the container with water. A very stormy relationship, as a result, turning into a wedding, marks the unstoppable movement of flowers, their constant swimming.

    Fortune telling on health

    Fortune-telling about Ivan Kupala will help you learn about the health of your loved ones. To do this, you need to collect only one blade of grass, for each of the relatives, be it - bearberry or bear berry. Absolutely all diseases will be worthless if a blade of grass stays longer than others. If a blade of grass in one of the relatives withers the very first, then this year, unfortunately, illnesses will follow on his heels.

    Fortune telling

    This fortune-telling is carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala on the Kupala bonfire of dry birch logs, which in turn will help you find out what fate awaits you in the future. Light a fire and watch the flames:

    Your life will be quite happy and extremely interesting if the flame from the fire is even and you hear a very pleasant crackle;

    The future, unfortunately, will be very boring and insipid, if the fire flares up for a long time, and the flame, in turn, is weak;

    An incredible love passion awaits you in your destiny if you observe a bright red flame. A rather warm and very calm family happiness, but without any special passions, is waiting for you if you see - a bright orange flame. And, unfortunately, longing and dislike awaits the one who sees the extremely dim flame.

    Divination by the betrothed

    And now we will tell you about a very interesting and mysterious fortune-telling for the betrothed according to the Kupala wreath.

    For this fortune-telling, you need to weave a beautiful wreath, from various herbs - field or forest. And after in the evening, just before the sun sets, the wreath must be lowered into the water, while observing it:

    Unfortunately, the betrothed either will not marry, or will change, this marks a drowned wreath;

    This year it will not be destiny to get married if the wreath unravels;

    In the event that the wreath swam quickly enough to the shore, but not the opposite, then there will definitely not be a long-awaited wedding this year;

    And a quick wedding marks, then if the wreath sailed far, far away and floats, in turn, for a very long time.

    Fortune-telling on the night of Ivan Kupala

    In the midst of the long-awaited summer, when the sun illuminates all the meadows and forests, and when a wide variety of herbs are blooming very violently, an extraordinary holiday comes - Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated with special joy. A large number of beliefs and legends are associated with this holiday, and fortune-telling is the main event of this day. With the help of fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala, you can find out what awaits a person in the future, or when a long-awaited meeting with a soul mate will take place.

    Fortune telling by the fire

    This fortune-telling on the night of Ivan Kupala is carried out by the fire. To do this, make a fairly large fire and jump over it. A very auspicious sign if the bouncing one does not touch the blazing flame at all. For a girl, this promises an extremely early marriage, but for a young man - special luck in business and, of course, in heartfelt experiences.

    Fortune telling on a magical bouquet of herbs

    This fortune-telling for young unmarried beauties is great for seeing your betrothed in a dream. To do this, on the night of Ivan Kupala, put a bouquet of various herbs under the pillow, and the more a different amount of herbs will be in such a bouquet, the more truthful the dream will be. The best option for a magical bouquet is 12, 24 or 40 types of plants.

    Fern divination

    Fern blooms with an absolutely extraordinary magical color on the night of Ivan Kupala. And in order to make a choice between this or that boyfriend, the fern will always help. To do this, you need to pick exactly as many fern branches as there are admirers in your heart and completely think of the name of a young man on each of these branches.

    After that, it is necessary to lower fern branches to the bottom near absolutely any lake or river, while pressing them firmly with your hand so that they do not float up ahead of time. Then, absolutely abruptly remove your hand, and observe which of the branches pops up before the others, that, naturally, will be your betrothed, with whom you will be very happy.

    Prophetic dream on the night of Ivan Kupala

    To see a prophetic dream on the night of Ivan Kupala will help next fortune-telling: it is necessary to collect seven completely different flowers at sunset and then put them under your pillow overnight.

    Fortune telling

    For this very interesting fortune-telling it is necessary to have a wreath, which, in turn, will consist of four types of herbs. such as ivan da marya, burdock, thyme and bear's ear. In order to find out about your future fate, you need to send this wreath downstream of any river, and observe how it, in turn, will behave. In the event that the wreath, unfortunately, has drowned, this sign means that the loved one will go to another. It is absolutely not worth dreaming about the long-awaited marriage this year, since this fact marks a completely disintegrated wreath, or in the event that the wreath unravels and forms a chain afterwards. And finally, a young unmarried beauty should prepare for the wedding if her wreath does not disintegrate and drown, but continues to slowly drift along the river.

    We wish you to meet a mysterious and mysterious night on Ivan Kupala not only interesting enough, but also find your soul mate, find out your future and just see the magic fern flower, and most importantly, believe in fortune telling, and absolutely never give up if the result of fortune telling you didn't like it at all.

    Based on materials from the site "Money and Luck"

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The celebration of the ancient Slavic holiday of Ivan Kupala has deep roots. It is celebrated on July 7th. Many people know that on this day it is customary to pour water over each other, but few people say that it is possible to arrange various fortune-telling for girls on Ivan Kupala. Below will be a description of the most popular and affordable ways to predict the future, which, if desired, everyone can carry out at home.

Ancient traditions of the holiday

Ivan Kupala was timed to coincide with the summer solstice, which falls on June 24. Today it is celebrated on July 7th.

Important components of this ritual event:

  • water;
  • Fire;
  • herbs.

As a result of the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, the date shifted to early July. Now the ritual roots of this holiday have been lost, and it is celebrated by ordinary people, not priests, and the celebration falls on July 7th.

For reference!

After the adoption of Christianity, this pagan holiday is associated with church calendar with the celebration of the Birth of Ivan the Baptist, whom the church venerates as a martyr. As a result, the pagan holiday began to bear his name.

Kupala remains from pagan times. Some researchers believe that this is the name of an ancient pagan god, others tend to see the name of the rituals of the ancient Slavs in Kupala.

The ancient Slavs believed that on the day of the solstice, the doors between the real and the other world on short period open, so it was customary to arrange fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala, which today can be done at home, collecting everything you need for predictions at night.

How to guess on Ivan Kupala

Fortune-telling was carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala only with the help of the symbols of the holiday, which glorified the forces of nature. The ancient Slavs did not have fortune-telling cards, therefore, fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala at home at night on the cards was not carried out.

But now, if you wish, you can conduct fortune-telling on the cards using any form of card prediction. On the night of July 7, any prediction will be as accurate as possible thanks to the special energy of this ancient holiday.


You need to guess on the night of July 6-7, retiring in a room. To obtain an accurate prediction, you need to focus on fortune telling.

How to read wreaths

A wreath for the day of Ivan Kupala is considered an integral attribute. This was the most common method of divination by Ivan Kupala. The girls wove them at home the day before, so that they would then be thrown into the river to receive a prediction for their betrothed. The wreath included 12 different plants, which were previously collected in the field.

After sunset, the girls went to the river bank and threw wreaths into the water. It was believed that the further and faster the wreath floated away, the sooner the girl would get married.

For reference!

It was also important to consider in which direction the wreath would float. It was from that side that it was worth waiting for the betrothed.

If the wreath sank, then the girl was not destined to get married this year. In the event that the wreath was nailed to the shore, then the girl was destined to be lonely for several years.


If there is no river nearby, then you can conduct fortune-telling for Ivan Kupala at home for love with the help of a dandelion. You just need to pick a fluffy white flower and blow on it with all your might, asking before that a question about the groom. If the fluffs fly off the first time, then the conceived desire for a wedding will come true.

On a camomile

Everyone knows that you can guess on a chamomile, tearing off numerous petals from it. But there is another way of divination that uses this flower and water.


For fortune telling in this way, you need to use only the chamomile inflorescence, tearing off the stem from it.

You need to pour water into a deep bowl and throw the inflorescences of two daisies into it, if they disperse in different directions, then you will have to part with your beloved. If the daisies float to each other, then the girl will marry a young man whom she is guessing at.

Prediction on the Blades

This is a simple and accessible way of fortune telling for every girl, which can be carried out in the afternoon or evening on July 7. Before that, you need to go to the field and pick two blades of grass. At home, they should be hung so that they are nearby, guessing their name and the name of the young man on whom the prediction is made.


In order for the plants to wither during the holiday, you should go for grass in the morning, going out into the field for this.

After some time has passed and the blades of grass wither, you need to see how they will be relative to each other. If they are drawn to each other, then there is mutual attraction and mutual love between the girl and the young man.

If the blade of grass, on which the name of the young man is conceived, bent back to the other side of the blade of grass with the name of the girl, then it is better to part with such a groom, since he does not have serious feelings for the girl. By the way, on July 7, you can guess in this way not only to yourself, but also to other people.

How to guess on plantain

With the help of plantain, they used to guess in ancient times, when they celebrated the day of Ivan Kupala. The plant had to be put under the pillow on the night of Ivan Kupala in order to see his betrothed in a dream.

For reference!

It is imperative to pick a plantain at a crossroads.

Before going to bed, you need to say a conspiracy over the plucked grass: “Plantain, you grow by the road, you know everything. Reveal in a dream to me a constricted-mummer. " After that, you can't talk to anyone, you need to go to bed right away, and in the morning remember your dream.

On a maple leaf

The sheet must be lifted off the ground. For fortune telling, you need to count the corners on it. With an even number, the dream comes true. Otherwise, the desire will be unfulfilled.

On a birch

To obtain a prediction, you need to pick seven birch branches of the same length. Stir without looking at all the branches and just without looking, pull out one from the common heap. If the twig is smooth, then the dream will come true, and the near future will be good.

A twig with tubercles promises difficulties in life. Such fortune-telling on Ivan Kupala at home can be carried out not only at night, but also during the day, thinking about the betrothed.

Using ancient methods of pagan fortune telling, you can tell fortunes for love at home on the night of July 7, if there is no way to come to the river to throw a wreath into it.

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