Specific exam changes

Concrete 06.08.2020

In 2017, future doctors and “techies” will answer exam questions in physics, chemistry and biology not in a test form, but in an open form. The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, spoke about this. This form of knowledge testing is more effective than tasks with choosing the correct option. FIPI representative Adelaida Kaverina noted that prepared students will cope with both tests and open-ended tasks, but it will be impossible to guess the correct answer. This will eliminate the luck factor and allow you to recruit the most talented students.

Every year there are fewer and fewer disciplines with test tasks

How will the tasks for the Unified State Exam 2017 change?

The structure of Part A may change in the new academic year. The questions will be sorted not by difficulty, but by topic. Since an open answer form will help to better assess the student’s knowledge, the number of tasks may be reduced. For example, it is proposed to reduce the number of questions in chemistry from 40 to 34. So far, these innovations exist only at the project level, but after testing they can come to life.

Today there is no test block in the Unified State Examination in seven subjects: Russian, mathematics, literature, history, geography, social studies, and computer science. In the meantime, they plan to add an oral part to the exams in the humanities.

The Unified State Exam in 2017 will not undergo significant changes, except for the abandonment of the test part in three more academic subjects (chemistry, biology and physics), information security measures during examinations will be maintained, and the use of new technologies will be expanded. In addition, on February 7, the all-Russian event “Unified Day for Parents to Pass the Unified State Exam” will be held. Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Anzor Muzaev spoke about this at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, the press service of Rosobrnadzor told SakhalinMedia.

The early stage of the Unified State Examination in 2017 will be held from March 23 to April 14. The main period is from May 29, 2017 to July 1. Acceptance of applications for participation in the Unified State Exam 2017 ends on February 1. According to Anzor Muzaev, in 2017, more than 5.5 thousand examination points and almost 50 thousand audiences will be used for the Unified State Examination. The development of new technologies for conducting the Unified State Examination will continue, including printing exam materials and scanning participants’ answer forms in PES: the share of such PES will increase in 2017 to 40%. The coverage of PES by online video surveillance will be increased from 83% in 2016 to 90% in 2017, and public monitoring of Unified State Exam procedures will be strengthened.

“We can state that the conduct of the Unified State Exam has completely settled down, the procedure for conducting the exam has been worked out, and Rosobrnadzor has received almost no proposals to change anything in the Unified State Exam,” said Anzor Muzaev.

He spoke about the resources created by the Federal Service to help graduates prepare for the Unified State Exam: the Unified State Exam portal, an open task bank, information materials on the FIPI website, explanatory videos from the developers of Unified State Exam tasks and others. Anzor Muzaev said that this year Rosobrnadzor will pay special attention to working with parents of graduates.

“We believe that it is no less important than graduates to give all the necessary information about the Unified State Exam to their parents. We need to work with adults even more than with the schoolchildren themselves, so that they can correctly orient and set up their children, explain how to organize preparation, help your child cope with anxiety,” he said.

To this end, on February 7, an all-Russian event “Unified Day of Passing the Unified State Exam by Parents” will be held. Parents will be able to go through all the exam procedures themselves, register, fill out forms, see how control is organized at the Unified State Exam, how exam materials are printed and processed, and write a short exam paper made up of tasks similar to those on the Unified State Exam. About 50 regions of Russia will take part in the event, and similar events will be held in several more regions later.

Director Federal Institute pedagogical measurements Oksana Reshetnikova spoke about the content of examination materials that will be offered to Unified State Exam participants in 2017. According to her, the content of the Unified State Exam in 2017 will remain unchanged, but the form of submission of a number of tasks will change. This is due, first of all, to the refusal of the test part in the Unified State Exam in three subjects. New forms of tasks have undergone preliminary testing and expert discussion.

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Rumors are spreading pretty quickly online that another must-have subject will appear in 2017 - and it will be history. Graduates of Russian schools, of course, are concerned about this news, because everyone knows that history is one of the most difficult disciplines.

Let us remind you that until 2017, children took only two compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics. Will there also appear on this list? Unified State Examination in History— 2017 will tell. In addition, by 2022 the number will increase to four.

Rosobrnadzor plans to add a foreign language, knowledge of which is extremely important in our time. As for the history exam, a number of innovations are already ready for 2017. This is exactly what it's about we'll talk in our article.

Officials' opinion

Russian deputies are confident that history is a subject that should be studied thoroughly by students. According to statistical studies, the majority of modern schoolchildren are poorly versed in the history of Russia and cannot name even the most important dates for the country. This fact extremely upsets officials, because every citizen is obliged to honor and remember how the history of his Motherland was made.

It is for these reasons that from now on Russian students will be subjected to a thorough test of knowledge in the field of history, which will undoubtedly help them in the future to grow into smart and comprehensively developed people. In addition, students must navigate not only national history, but also in the world, because some questions on the exam will concern her too.

If we talk about the main ones, then they primarily consist in the fact that the subject is intended to be made mandatory. From now on, in all educational institutions of the country, graduates will take the Unified State Exam in History. This method of testing knowledge, according to officials, is the most revealing and helps to assess the real level of student performance in this discipline.

Another important amendment to the exam structure is the abolition of the test part. Starting in 2017, the history test will include an oral unit that will eliminate guessing and demonstrate how deftly the student maneuvers between the main points. historical concepts.

How dangerous is the oral part?

Let us note that despite all the conversations of the deputies, oral part has not yet been officially approved for this exam. In addition, now it is necessary to conduct several trial versions so that students evaluate the positive (or negative) aspects of the innovation. This also takes some time. And officials may come to the conclusion that the procedure for replacing the test block will be inappropriate and will negatively affect the performance of schoolchildren.

Based on this, there is no need to panic ahead of time and headlong to cram history books. Approach the task calmly and confidently, then even the oral part will not be so scary for you. Only by repeating, if possible, all the material covered, can a student easily cope with both tests and oral questions.

Specific exam changes

If we talk about the changes in the structure themselves, they will affect parts 1 and 2 of the subject. 22 tasks will be removed from the program that was previously developed by Rosobrnadzor. But this is not a reason for boundless joy, because in their place, experts plan to set tasks that can show the level of knowledge of students in the field of historical facts, dates, culture, process phenomena and other data.

In addition, graduates will have a historical source at their disposal, which they will have to work through and respond to. questions asked. The tasks will be presented both in the form of short answers and in the form of sentences with blanks for mandatory completion.

According to preliminary information, the history test will also receive another important task - writing a historical essay on a specific topic. The topic of the essay will be discussed with the commission in advance.

In addition, the time allotted for passing this exam will increase. From 2017, the student will have 3 hours 55 minutes at his disposal. This will help students think carefully about each question without rushing, thereby helping them qualify for a higher score.

Reaction to innovations

The news that several amendments are planned to be made to the history exam caused a lot of negative emotions among schoolchildren. They were only happy about the increased time. Not only students are indignant, but also their parents, because they understand that now the burden on their children will be even greater. Now graduates are so busy homework and preparation for the Unified State Exam, so parents are extremely concerned about their health.

These innovations may entail additional material expenses for the family. Since history is considered a difficult subject, parents try to turn to tutors to properly prepare their children for final exams - and this “pleasure” is not cheap.

At the same time, deputies urge all citizens to remain calm and direct their energy in the right direction. Now there are a lot of online sources for preparing for the Unified State Exam, in addition, various manuals and textbooks have been published that help you learn the material more deeply and consolidate your knowledge.

Another useful resource is a demo version of the exam. She will be able to show students exactly how the exam is going and even get an approximate grade. All you need to do is go to a specific site and start checking. It is worth noting that the demo version is available to all users and requires repeated passing of the virtual exam.

As you can see, an additional subject will not be a burden for a student only if he carefully and systematically prepares for it. In addition, this fact must be looked at from the positive side: an additional mandatory exam will allow students to develop a deep knowledge of the history of the fatherland, thereby preparing conscious and patriotic citizens.

Video news, demo versions

The Unified State Exam appeared in Russian schools in 2007. True, the exam in the form in which it exists now is radically different from the first versions. Now every schoolchild in Russia takes the Unified State Exam in compulsory subjects - mathematics and the Russian language. In 2015, there was a major change in the mathematics exam: it was divided into two levels - basic and specialized. Now, if a university graduate needs mathematics, he is required to take profile level, and if you decide to go for a humanities specialty, then a simple “base” will be enough. This division increased in 2015 GPA in mathematics from 46.5 to 50.9 points. A new part has appeared in the English language - speaking. A student can now score 80 out of 100 points on word assignments, and must demonstrate oral proficiency to receive higher scores.

The changes also affected the Russian language. On behalf of Vladimir Putin dated November 17, 2013, compulsory literature essays have returned to the lives of schoolchildren, which are now carried out in late November - December. Now, in order to receive a certificate and be admitted to the Unified State Examination, every 11th-grader must show that he can compose a literate text and master literary material.

But the changes in the exam don’t stop there—in 2017, high school students will face new rules that will significantly affect the exam.

It's impossible to guess

The most important change that will affect all Unified State Examinations is that test tasks will completely disappear. Former Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov back in the spring of 2014, he stated that the Unified State Examination was seeking to abandon the test part: “We plan to gradually exclude part A from the tasks of the Unified State Exam from all options in all subjects.” In 2017, his promise will be fully realized. This year, schoolchildren will only encounter tasks with a short answer that needs to be written in independently, and questions that require a detailed solution or writing a text.

Let's get down to science

According to the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov, due to the abandonment of the test part, the Unified State Exam in physics, chemistry and biology will change the most. For example, in physics, which is one of the most difficult exams (the average score last year was only 51.1), more than 30% of the tasks have changed this year. The number of tasks on the Unified State Exam in physics has also become smaller - one task on quantum physics has disappeared from the first part of the exam.

It's hard to say what the impact of these changes will be, but when the A, B and C division was removed in 2015, it raised the average score nationwide by 5.7 points. But in chemistry and biology, on the contrary, the average result in these subjects decreased by 1 point.

Take care of our language

The changes will also affect the Unified State Exam in Russian. It has already changed a lot, but at the end of 2016 it turned out that the exam was very simple for graduates. The average score was higher by almost five points (65.9 in 2015 and 70.3 in 2016) compared to the previous year. Also, according to Rosobrnadzor, the percentage of high-scoring students who passed the exam with more than 80 points has also increased.

So in this subject you cannot do without complications, which every graduate needs to be prepared for. For example, task 17 on introductory words and the construction, which 66% of examinees coped with, was made even more complex: now it can contain poetic texts, the number of spaces in which commas must be inserted has increased to 9 (previously there were no more than 5 spaces). The difficult task 23 has also changed (60% completed in 2016): if previously it always had one correct answer (sentence number), then in 2017 from one to three sentences may be correct. How much is up to the student to choose.

How to keep abreast of all changes?

You can find all reports and new versions of exams on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (official website: fipi.ru). FIPI also periodically publishes important news related to the Unified State Exam. But this is not the only way to get the treasured information.

Every year in Russia an educational exhibition “Admission Navigator” is held, at which this year the organizers planned thematic lectures on changes in the Unified State Exam in 2017. Last year, more than 45 thousand schoolchildren and parents visited the Admissions Navigator to learn about changes to the Unified State Exam. This exhibition will take place on September 10 in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, on September 11 in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg and on September 25 in Novosibirsk.

Official website of the "Admission Navigator" - propostuplenie.ru.

What does this mean for students?

Mikhail Myagkov, Unified State Exam expert and head of one of the leading Russian exam preparation centers, shares his opinion:

The exam compilers themselves advise schoolchildren to take responsibility for even the simplest exam tasks. Thus, FIPI published the following recommendations for teachers and schoolchildren on its website: “The skills required to complete tasks basic level, must be under constant control."

What do universities see?

First of all, university admissions committees deal with graduates. They notice how changes in the Unified State Exam are reflected in passing scores. According to the head of the admissions committee of REU. Plekhanov Batueva Ayuriki Dashievna, despite last year's changes, passing scores have become even higher. A similar indicator was observed in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: “It’s interesting that against the backdrop of talk about low scores Unified State Exam graduates This year the average Unified State Exam score is 73.8, which is almost 2 points higher than last year. However, on average, scores in mathematics are the lowest (63.4), and scores in Russian and foreign languages ​​are the highest (83.1 and 80.9, respectively),” says the executive secretary of the FU admissions committee Bryukhovetskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna.

But not all changes to the Unified State Exam bring the promised benefits. For example, for a final essay entered on behalf of Vladimir Putin, universities have the right to add up to 10 Unified State Examination points, but, according to the organizers of the Admission Navigator, many universities refuse to award extra points. “More than 8,000 applicants submitted documents to our university in 2016. Technically, it is quite difficult to organize a high-quality check of such a large number of essays. Therefore, we refused a point for this individual achievement,” this is how these innovations were commented on at one of the leading universities in Moscow.

Further more

Of course, the Ministry of Education does not plan to stop there. One of the projects to change the exam includes a plan that the list of mandatory exams for obtaining a certificate will grow - they want to add English language or history. But all these changes will not be scary for a conscientious student.

This year, graduates will have serious work to prepare for the Unified State Exam, but, fortunately for schoolchildren, there are now opportunities to receive information from various sources. In October - November, universities begin to actively hold days open doors, and large educational exhibitions will start in September. The first of them - “Admission Navigator” - takes place in large cities of the country on September 10 and 11, and on the 17th, residents of small cities will also be able to attend it in an online broadcast format. Be sure to visit "

The topic that perhaps most worried future school graduates was the possible introduction of a third compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam. A variety of subjects were mentioned as possible “candidates” – from history to physics.

However, all significant innovations in the Unified State Exam 2017 should have been announced on the official FIPI website before the start of the academic year and, of course, reflected in the draft exam schedule. But there is no official news about the “third compulsory” at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, eleventh graders can breathe a sigh of relief: the list of compulsory subjects for the Unified State Exam 2017 does not change, there are still two of them:

  • Russian language(the results of which are taken into account for admission to all universities in the country without exception);

  • mathematics– basic or profile level to choose from.

Nevertheless, the issue of a third compulsory exam continues to be discussed - but, as representatives of the Ministry of Education assured, a decision will be made only after public discussion. And this will not happen “right now”.

Unified State Examination in Russian Language - 2017: changes in individual tasks

The structure of the Russian language task will remain unchanged: a block of tasks with short answers and an essay analyzing the problems posed in the journalistic or artistic text proposed to the examinee. There is no word yet on the appearance of the oral part of speech. In the future, “speaking” may appear in the Unified State Exam in Russian, but representatives of the Ministry of Education stipulated that this technology will be preliminary “tested” at the Unified State Exam in classes.

In 2017, changes to the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are planned for only three tasks, and they will not be very significant. In all cases, we are talking about expanding the language material:

  • in task No. 17(in sentences that include isolated constructions) not only introductory words will be presented, but also addresses;

  • in task No. 22(lexical in context) examinees previously had to find in a given fragment only one word or expression (for example, a phraseological phrase) that corresponded to the criteria of the task. Now the task becomes more complicated: from several “suitable” lexical units you will have to choose the one that most accurately meets the conditions of the task.

  • in task 23(write down the numbers of sentences related to the previous ones in a certain way) now both one and several correct answers are possible. That is, the student needs to find all such sentences in the passage and enter either one or several numbers in the form.

Unified State Exam in Mathematics -2017: profile and basic exam without changes

The Unified State Exam in mathematics remains divided into two levels:

  • relatively simple base an exam graded on a five-point scale, which mainly tests knowledge in the so-called “” field and the results of which are not accepted upon admission to a university and are needed only to obtain a certificate;

  • profile- much more complex, for those graduates who plan to enter technical universities where mathematics is a compulsory subject for admission.

According to official data published on the FIPI website, no changes are planned in any of the exams compared to 2016. However, students who have chosen a specialized level, when preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, should keep in mind that the authors of the exam have taken a course to counteract “training” in solving problems of a certain type. And tasks of increased complexity may turn out to be non-standard: not beyond the scope of the school course, but requiring “mathematical ingenuity.”

In 2016, the presence of problems in the versions that differed in the solution algorithm from the options presented in the demo versions came as a surprise to many and caused protests and demands to reconsider the results. However, the developers of the exam made their position quite clear: one of the main functions of the Unified State Exam is to differentiate students by level of knowledge, and schoolchildren who have perfectly mastered the full school mathematics course are more prepared to study the subject at the university level and should have advantages over those who have simply trained to solve problems. tasks of a given type. So, most likely, “non-standard” mathematics tasks in 2017 will also be included in KIMs.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: minor changes in structure

The USE in 2017 will generally correspond to the 2016 model:

  • block of tasks with short answers;

  • a block of tasks with detailed answers;

  • An “alternative” task is to write an essay on the topic of one of the proposed statements.

However, minor changes are planned in the block of short answer tasks. The task that appeared in the 2016 KIMs under number 19 (differentiation of facts, opinions and value judgments) will be excluded from it. But there will be one more task for the “law” module: to choose from correct judgments from the lists, which will be the seventeenth in a row.

The total number of tasks and the maximum primary score in the exam in the most popular elective subject will remain unchanged.

Unified State Exam in Physics 2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The Unified State Exam in Physics in 2017 will be one of the three subjects that have undergone the most significant changes: And The test part is completely excluded from the exam structure, which involves choosing one correct answer from a list of options. Instead it will be significantly expanded set of tasks with short answers(in the form of a word, number or sequence of numbers). At the same time, the distribution of tasks across sections of the school course will remain approximately the same as in previous years. In total, the first block of the exam will have 21 questions:

  • 7 – in mechanics,

  • 5 – on thermodynamics and MCT,

  • 6 – on electrodynamics,

  • 3 – in quantum physics.

Second part exam paper(tasks with detailed answers) will remain unchanged. The primary score on the Unified State Exam in Physics will also remain at the level of last year.

Unified State Examination in Literature -2017: structure unchanged, but more questions on knowledge of the text

By 2018 year of the Unified State Exam In literature, drastic changes are expected: FIPI plans to completely eliminate the block of tasks with short answers, leaving only four mini-essays and one full-length one. But in 2017, the literature exam will be held according to the old, already familiar model:

  • the first semantic block is an excerpt from an epic or dramatic work, 7 questions with short answers and two mini-essays on it;

  • the second block is a lyrical work, 5 questions about it with short answers and two mini-essays;

  • the third is an extended essay (choice of three topics).

However, if in 2016 most questions with short answers were aimed primarily at testing knowledge of basic literary terms, then in 2017 these assignments will be aimed primarily at knowledge of the realities of the text. Thus, it will no longer be possible to “cross the threshold” only by knowing a small amount of theory.

You should pay attention to one more feature of the literature exam. In accordance with the rules, KIMs can include not only poems included in the school curriculum. If a poet is included in the codifier, any of his poems can be offered for analysis. And this is legitimate - since mini-essays on a poetic passage should demonstrate the examinee’s ability to analyze the text independently, and not remember the corresponding paragraph of the textbook. In 2016, “non-program” poems appeared in many versions of KIMs, and, most likely, this trend will continue in 2017.

Unified State Examination in Biology - radical changes in 2017, exclusion of the test part and increase in duration

The Unified State Exam model in biology will change fundamentally in 2017: from the assignment the “test” component will be completely eliminated(questions with the choice of one correct answer from four proposed options), but the number of tasks with short answers will be increased.

In the control and measuring materials will appear fundamentally new types of tasks for the Unified State Exam in biology, among which:

  • restoration of missing elements or diagrams;

  • analysis of graphs, charts and tables;

  • searching for errors in the notation in the figure;

  • inferring the properties of a biological object from a “blind” image (without captions).

However, the developers of the exam believe that the updated Unified State Exam in biology will not cause significant difficulties for students: many types of tasks have already been tested on the Unified State Exam. The number of tasks with detailed answers will not change - there will still be seven of them, and the types of questions will correspond to the 2016 model.

Changing the structure of the exam will entail a number of changes in the procedure and grading scale:

  • the total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 28;

  • the primary score is reduced to 59 (in 2017 it was 61);

  • The time to complete the work is increased by half an hour, the duration of the exam will be 210 minutes.

Unified State Examination in a foreign language – practically unchanged

The USE in foreign languages ​​in 2017 will be held almost the same as in 2016, with only one exception. Formulation of task No. 3 in the oral part of the exam (picture description) will be changed. As FIPI experts note, when describing images, examinees sometimes abuse “imaginary circumstances,” claiming, for example, that their relatives (including wives and children) or themselves are depicted here (“I’m an astronaut and I’m floating in zero gravity”). This conflicts with the purpose of this task, which tests the ability to fully and accurately describe a specific photograph.

Therefore, the task will be clarified. Thus, in the Unified State Examination in Language in 2017, the word Imagine is excluded from the wording, and the word present is changed to describe. Similar changes will be made to KIMs for other foreign languages ​​- so that it is clear that we are talking specifically about describing a picture, and not a “story based on it”.

Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The 2017 Unified State Exam model in chemistry will also undergo significant changes related to the exclusion of the test part - and increase in the number and types of tasks with short answers. Among them there will be, for example:

  • tasks with choosing two correct options from several proposed ones,

  • compliance questions,

  • calculation tasks.

Will change and structure of the first part exam: it will include several thematic blocks dedicated to one of the sections - and each block will contain tasks from both basic and higher level difficulties. The second part of the exam paper (tasks with detailed answers) will remain almost the same as in previous years.


  • the total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 34;

  • the maximum primary score will decrease from 64 to 60;

  • tasks No. 9 and 17 (relationship of organic and inorganic substances) will no longer be assessed with one primary point, but with two.

Unified State Examination in History - minor changes in the assessment system

In 2017, the history exam will be almost completely identical to last year’s options. However, there will be changes in the assessment system: the “cost” of two tasks will increase from one initial point to two:

  • task number 3(choice of terms relating to a specific historical period);

  • task number 8(selecting missing expressions from the list of proposed options).

In addition, the wording and evaluation criteria for assignment No. 25 (an essay devoted to one of the historical periods) will be clarified.

Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT in 2017 – without computers, no changes

The structure and technology of conducting the Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT in 2017 will be fully consistent with the 2016 examination model. Not there is talk and about the use of computers by examinees - although this idea (taking into account the specifics of the subject - absolutely logical) is actively discussed, this year’s graduates will again have to work with traditional forms.

When preparing for the exam, you should not lose sight of some features of the test materials:

  • task No. 27 is given in two versions, one of which is simpler and is worth 2 points, the second – 4;

  • To write the program in task 27, you can use any programming language of the examinee’s choice.

Unified State Exam in Geography: minor changes in the assessment system

No adjustments will be made to test materials in geography in 2017, but the “weight” of individual tasks will change: the maximum score for four tasks will be increased, and for another four it will be reduced.

Thus, the cost of tasks Nos. 3, 11, 14 and 15 will increase from one primary point to two (all - for identification and selection from a list of correct statements).

The following tasks were reduced from two points to one:

  • 9 (location of the population of Russia, working with a map),

  • 12 (distinguishing between true and false statements about urban and rural populations);

  • 13 (geography of transport, industries and Agriculture Russia);

  • 19 (export and international transport).

The maximum primary score remained unchanged – 47.

Official information about changes in the Unified State Examination 2017

All official documents related to passing the Unified State Exam are promptly published on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). There is also a summary of changes, however, in order to get a complete impression of the “new trends” in the examination company, this is not enough - the information in the table is given very concisely and concerns only fundamental changes.

In order to be aware of all the details of passing the Unified State Exam in 2017 “first-hand”, you can also:

  • get acquainted with the KIM Unified State Exam projects current year and carefully study the structure of the examination paper;

  • study guidelines for teachers, compiled based on the results of 2016 - they analyze in detail the typical mistakes of last year’s graduates and “chew on” and justify the planned changes.

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