Domestic history in schemes and word tables. Dates on the history of Russia: chronology. Leader of Comm, party

PVC panels 01.08.2020

M .: 2016 .-- 96 p.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation). In the manual, in the form of diagrams and tables, the main stages of the history of Russia and general history are presented - from the era of primitiveness and the emergence of the first state formations until 2015. The visual form of presentation of the material will help students to successfully master the difficult questions of the history of Russia and world history. The manual is intended to prepare for the Main State Exam (GIA-9) and the Unified State Examination in History, as well as for tests and seminars.

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Russian history
1. The main stages of the history of the Old Russian state 6
2. Ancient Russia in the 1X-XIII centuries 7
3. Russian lands in the period of fragmentation (mid XII - mid XIII century) 8
4. Novgorod boyar republic. XII century 9
5. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs 10
6. Formation of the Russian centralized state 11
7.Moscow - the center of the unification of Russian lands 12
8. Formation of the Russian centralized state in the 15th - early 16th centuries 13
9. Creation of bodies of centralized power. Late 15th - early 16th century 14
10. The theory "Moscow - the Third Rome" 15
11. The Russian state in the XVI century 16
12. Political program of I.S. Peresvetova 17
13. The estate system in Russia in the 15th - 16th centuries 18
14. Traits of traditionalism and modernization in culture 19
15. Elements of traditional Russian culture. XVI to 20
16. Formation of the Russian state in the XVI - early XVIII century 21
17. Time of Troubles: 22 reasons
18. The Time of Troubles: Milestones 23
19. Social-estate representation at the Zemsky Sobors of the 17th century 24
20. State apparatus of Russia in the 17th century 25
21. Legislative registration of serfdom 26
22. Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich 27
23. Bodies of power and administration Russian Empire in the 20s - 70s. XVIII century 28
24. Reforms of Peter the Great in the first quarter of the 18th century 29
25.1730: a missed chance 30
26. Bodies of power and administration of the Russian province and district at the end of the XVIII century 31
27. Judicial institutions of the province and county at the end of the 18th century 32
28. City governance at the end of the 18th century 33
29. The estate structure of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century 34
30. Russian absolute monarchy in 1725 - 1855 35
31. Geographical factors of the formation of Russian civilization 36
32. The structure of government of the Russian Empire in the first quarter of the XIX century 37
33. Estates in Russia in the first half of the XIX century 38
34. Formation and development of political thought in Russia 39
35. Three political trends in Russia in the 60s - 80s of the XIX century 40
36. Westernizers and Slavophiles 41
37. Populism 42
38. Russia in 1855 - 1917 43
39. Peasant reform 1861 44
40. The judicial system of Russia after 1864 45
41. Zemsky reform of 1864 46
42. Political parties of Russia in the late XIX - early XX century 47
43. Higher and central state institutions of the Russian Empire after 1905 48
44. The highest bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Empire during the First World War. 1914-1917 49
45.Russia, USSR in 1917-1945 50
46. ​​The highest bodies of state power and administration in Russia in February - October 1917 51
47. The highest authorities and administration of the RSFSR in 1918 - 1922 52
48. Higher and central bodies of power and administration of the USSR in 1922 - 1936 53
49. Struggle for power in the leadership of the Bolshevik party in the 20s of the XX century 54
50. USSR in 1945 - 1985 55
51. Bodies of state power and administration of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War... 1941 - 1945 56
52. Bodies of state power and administration of the USSR according to the Constitution of 1977 57
53. USSR in 1985 - 1991 58
54. Russia in 1992-2012 59
55. Bodies of state power and administration Russian Federation as of 2015 60
General history
1. Primitiveness 61
2. The origin of civilizations 62
3. Society of Ancient Egypt 63
4. Athenian democracy. V-IV centuries BC 64
5. Roman Republic. III - II centuries BC 65
6. Slavery in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome 66
7. Greco-Persian wars. 500 - 449 BC 67
8. Antiquity and the Middle Ages 68
9. Crusades. 1096-1270 69
10. Estates-representative bodies in Europe in the Middle Ages 70
11. Peasant community 71
12. Medieval castle. XII - XIII centuries 72
13. Vassal pyramid. VIII - XIV centuries 73
14. City government. XII - XV centuries 74
15. Revival in the history of Europe. XIV-XVI centuries 75
16. Modern times (XVI - early XX century) 76
17. Reformation. XVI century 77
18. Dutch revolution. 1566-1609 78
19. English Revolution. 1640-1660 79
20. The Age of Enlightenment. XVIII - mid XIX century 80
21. The Great French Revolution. 1789-1799 81
22. Industrial Revolution. 60s - 80s of the 18th century - second half of the XIX century 82
23. The transition to an industrial society 83
24. Political structure of the USA according to the Constitution of 1787 84
25. North and South US 85
26. Conservatism 86
27. Liberalism 87
28. Socialist doctrines of the XIX century 88
29. Industrial society. XIX century 89
30. First World War... 1914 - 1918 90
31. World War II. 1939 - 1945 91
32. " Cold war". Creation of military-political blocs. 1946 - late 80s - early 90s 92
33. Formation of the European Union 93
34. Welfare state 94
35. Global problems of our time 95

M .: 2014.- 2 88 p.

The reference book presents the main topics of the school history of Russia course in the form of accessible diagrams and tables. A clear, simple and convenient form of presentation of historical material contributes to its better understanding, assimilation and memorization. The book will effective assistance when studying new and repeating the topics covered, as well as when preparing for the unified state exam in the course of history.

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Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century
Table /. The settlement of the Eastern Slavs 8
Table 2. Occupations of the Eastern Slavs 9
Scheme 1. Paganism 10
Table 3. Old Russian princes and their policies 11
Scheme 2. Management of the Old Russian state in the X-XII centuries 15
Table 4. Categories of the population Ancient Rus 16
Scheme 3. Political fragmentation of Russia 17
Scheme 4. Mongol conquest 20
Scheme 5. Expansion from the West in the XIII century 21
Table 5. The nature of the Horde yoke 23
Table 6. Moscow princes and their policies. 24
Table 7. Prerequisites for the unification of Russian lands into a single state 27
Table 8. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. (reform of the "Chosen Rada") 28
Scheme 6. Policy of the oprichnina 30
Scheme 7. Organization of management in the years of the oprichnina 30
Table 9. Foreign policy Ivan IV 32
Russia in the 17th-18th centuries
Scheme 8. Troubles at the beginning of the XVII century 34
Table 10. Main events of the Troubles 34
Table 11. Consequences of the Troubles 40
Table 12. New phenomena in the Russian economy in the 17th century 41
Table 13. Estates structure Russian society in the 17th century to 42
Scheme 9. Management of the Russian state in the XVII century. (supreme bodies of state power) 45
Table 14. Social movements in the 17th century ... 46
Scheme 10. Cathedral Code 1649 49
Table 15. Formation of serfdom in Russia 50
Diagram 11. Church schism 51
Table 16. Foreign policy of Russia in the XVII century 54
Table 17. Transformations of Peter I (1682-1725) 58
Table 18. Russia's foreign policy in the first quarter of the 18th century 61
Table 19. Northern War (1700-1721). .... 64
Scheme 12.Russia during the period of palace coups 68
Table 20. Domestic policy of Catherine II (1762-1796) 73
Table 21. The main events of the peasant uprising led by E. I. Pugachev (1773-1775) 78
Table 22. Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the XVIII century 81
Table 23. Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I (1796-1801) 84
Russia in the 19th century
Table 24. Domestic policy of Alexander I (1801-1825) 88
Table 25. Domestic policy of Nicholas I (1825-1855) 91
Table 26. Patriotic War of 1812 94
Table 27. Movement of the Decembrists 97
Scheme 13. Rise of the Decembrists 100
Scheme 14. Social thought in the second quarter of the XIX century 102
Scheme 15. Accession of the Caucasus (1817-1864) 104
Scheme 16. Crimean (Eastern) War (1853-1856) 105
Scheme 17. Great reforms of the 1860-1870s. ... ... 109
Scheme 18. Counter-reforms of the 1880s 118
Scheme 19. Social movements of the second half of the XIX century 120
Table 28. Russia's foreign policy in the 1860-1890s 127
Russia in the XX - early XXI century
Scheme 20. State system of Russia at the beginning of XX century 133
Table 29. Class structure of Russian society at the beginning of XX century 133
Scheme 21. Industrial recovery. Formation of Monopolies 135
Scheme 22. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). 137
Table 30. Main political parties in Russia at the beginning of XX century 139
Scheme 23. Revolution 1905-1907 144
Table 31. Experience of Russian parliamentarism (1906-1917), 148
Scheme 24. Agrarian reform of P. A. Stolypin 150
Scheme 25.Russia in the First World War (1914-1918) 152
Figure 26. Fall of the Monarchy 155
Scheme 27. Provisional Government and Soviets. ... 158
Scheme 28. Main internal political events (April-October 1917) 159
Scheme 29. Preparation of the October armed uprising of 1917 in Petrograd 162
Table 32. The course of the October armed uprising 163
Table 33. Main decisions of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (October 25-27, 1917) 163
Table 34. Politics of the Bolsheviks (1917-1918) 165
Table 35. Civil War and foreign military intervention 168
Table 36. "War Communism". New Economic Policy 174
Scheme 30. Formation of the USSR 178
Scheme 31. Supreme bodies of state power and administration of the USSR (1924) 180
Table 37. Further nation-building in the USSR 181
Scheme 32. Internal party struggle 181
Table 38. Phases of the internal party struggle. ... 182
Table 39. Industrialization. Collectivization Agriculture 184
Figure 33. Fundamental changes in spiritual life 189
Scheme 34. The personality cult of I. V. Stalin 193
Scheme 35. Mass repressions 193
Scheme 36. Supreme bodies of state power and administration of the USSR (1936) 195
Scheme 37. USSR in the system of international relations in the 1920s-1930s 196
Scheme 38. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). ... 200
Table 40. The main stages of the Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945) 201
Table 41. Soviet rear during the war 206
Scheme 39. Partisan movement 209
Table 42. Conferences of the leaders of the leading countries of the anti-Hitler coalition - the USSR, Great Britain and the USA ("Big Three"). 212
Scheme 40. Results of the Great Patriotic War 214
Figure 41. Post-war reconstruction National economy 216
Scheme 42. Ideological campaigns of the second half of the 1940s - early 1950s. ... ... 218
Scheme 43. "Cold War" (1946-1990) 220
Table 43. Internal party struggle in the leadership of the USSR in the mid-1950s 223
Scheme 44. Thaw 225
Table 44. Reforms in the socio-economic sphere 228
Figure 45. Policy of peaceful coexistence 234
Scheme 46. USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s 236
Table 45. Economic reforms in 1965. ... 238
Scheme 47. Bodies of state power and administration of the USSR (1977) 239
Table 46. Foreign policy of the USSR (1965-1985) 240
Table 47. Growth of crisis phenomena in Soviet society 242
Table 48. The policy of perestroika and glasnost 245
Table 49. Socio-economic transformations 251
Table 50. Foreign policy: new political thinking 258
Table 51. The collapse of the USSR 261
Table 52. Political crisis of autumn 1993 264
Scheme 48. Bodies of state power and administration of the Russian Federation (since the end of 1993) 268
Table 53. Transition to a market economy. ... ... 269
Table 54. Political development modern Russia 274
Table 55. Economic development of modern Russia 279
Table 56. Russia in the system of modern international relations 282

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History table: Reforms of Emperor Peter I

Peter I is one of the most prominent rulers of the Russian state, who ruled from 1682 to 1721. During his reign, reforms were carried out in many areas, many wars were won, the foundation for the future greatness of the Russian Empire was laid!

Navigation in the table: Reforms of Peter 1:

Reforms in the field: Reform date: Reform name: The essence of the reform: Results and significance of the reform:
In the field of the army and navy: 1. Creation of a regular army Creation of a professional army to replace the local militia and rifle troops. Formation on the basis of recruitment Russia became a great military and naval power and won the Northern War, gaining access to the Baltic Sea
2. Construction of the first Russian fleet A regular military fleet appears
3. Training of personnel and officials abroad Training of military and sailors from foreign professionals
In the economic sphere: 1. Militarization of the economy State support for the construction of metallurgical plants in the Urals. During the period of military difficulties - melting of bells into cannons. An economic base has been created for conducting military operations - strengthening the state's defense
2. Development of manufactories Creation of many new manufactories Affiliation of peasants to enterprises (registered peasants) Industry growth. The number of manufactories has grown 7 times. Russia is becoming one of the leading industrial powers in Europe. Many industries are being created and modernized.
3. Trade reform 1. Protectionism - support for your manufacturer; export more goods than import; large customs duties on the import of foreign goods. 1724 - Customs tariff 2. Construction of canals 3. Search for new trade routes Industrial growth and trade boom
4. Handicraft Association of artisans in workshops Improving the quality and productivity of artisans
1724 year 5. Tax reform The capitation tax was introduced (it was collected from males) instead of the household tax. Budget growth. Increasing the tax burden on the population
Reforms in the field of state and local self-government: 1711 year 1. Creation of the Governing Senate 10 people who made up the closest circle of the king. They helped the king in state affairs and replaced the king during his absence Improving the efficiency of government agencies. Strengthening royal power
1718 - 1720 2. Creation of colleges 11 collegia have replaced many orders. The cumbersome and confusing system of executive power has been put in order.
1721 year 3. Acceptance of the imperial title by Peter Raising the authority of Peter 1 abroad. Discontent of the Old Believers.
1714 year 4. Decree on single inheritance He equated estates with estates, nobles with boyars. Only one son inherited the property Elimination of the division into boyars and nobles. The emergence of landless nobility (due to the ban on crushing the land between the heirs) After the death of Peter 1, canceled.
1722 year 5. Adoption of the Table of Ranks There are 14 ranks for officials and the military. Having reached the 8th rank, the official became a hereditary nobleman Opportunities for career development opened up for everyone, regardless of origin
1708 year 6. Regional reform The country was divided into eight provinces Strengthening the authority of local authorities. Putting things in order
1699 year Urban reform Elective Burmister Chamber established Development of local self-government
Church reforms: 1700 year 1. Liquidation of the Patriarchate The emperor became the de facto head of the Orthodox Church
1721 year 2. Creation of the Synod Replaced the patriarch, the composition of the Synod was appointed by the tsar
In the sphere of folk culture and everyday life: 1. Introduction of European style Obligatory wearing of European clothes and shaving of beards - for refusal the payment of tax was introduced. Many were dissatisfied, the king was called the Antichrist
2. Introduction of a new chronology The chronology from the Nativity of Christ changed the chronology "from the creation of the world." The beginning of the year has been postponed from September to January. Instead of 7208, it was 1700. The chronology has survived to this day
3. Introduction of the civil alphabet
4. Transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg Peter did not like Moscow with its "rooted antiquity", he built a new capital near the sea The “window to Europe” has been cut. High mortality among city builders
In the field of education and science: 1. Education reform Training of specialists abroad Creation of schools in Russia Support of book publishing Improving the quality of education, the number of educated people. Training of specialists. Serfs could not attend public schools
1710 year 2. Introduction of the civil alphabet Replaced the old Church Slavonic alphabet
3.Creation of the first Russian museum of the Kunstkamera
1724 year 4. Decree establishing the Academy of Sciences Was created after the death of Peter 1

Chronological table with dates on the history of Russia.

VI century - The legend about Prince Kiev - the founder of the city of Kiev.

IX century - Formation of the Old Russian state

860 - The campaign of the Russians to Constantinople.

882 - Unification of Novgorod and Kiev under Prince Oleg.

907, 911 - Oleg's campaigns to Constantinople. Agreement with the Greeks.

944 - Igor's treaty with Byzantium.

945 - Uprising of the Drevlyans.

957 - Olga's Embassy to Constantinople.

964-972 - Svyatoslav's campaigns.

980-1015 - Board of Vladimir I.

988 - The adoption of Christianity by Russia.

1015 - The uprising in Novgorod against the Vikings.

1019-1054 - Board of Yaroslav the Wise.

1068-1072 - Folk performances in Kiev, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal, Chernigov lands.

1097 - Lyubech Congress of Russian Princes.

1113 - Uprising in Kiev.

1113-1125 - Board of Vladimir Monomakh.

1136 - Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.

1147 - The first mention of Moscow in the annals.

Early 12th - late 15th centuries - Feudal fragmentation of Russia.

1169 - The capture of Kiev by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

1202 - Formation of the Order of the Swordsmen.

1206-1227 - The reign of Genghis Khan.

1219-1221 - The conquest of Central Asia by the Mongol-Tatars.

The beginning of the XIII century. - Formation of the Lithuanian state.

1227-1255 - Board of Batu.

1235-1243 - Conquest of Transcaucasia by the Mongol-Tatars.

1236 - The conquest of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongol-Tatars.

1237-1240 - The conquest of Russia by the Mongol-Tatars.

1237 - Formation of the Livonian Order.

1243 - Formation of the state of the Golden Horde.

1247 - Formation of the Tver principality.

1252-1263 - Alexander Nevsky - Grand Duke Vladimirsky.

1262 - Uprising in Russian cities against the Mongol-Tatars.

1276 - Formation of the Moscow principality.

1299 - The metropolitan moved from Kiev to Vladimir.

1301 - The annexation of Kolomna to Moscow.

1302 - Entry of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky into the Moscow principality.

1303 - Joining Mozhaisk to Moscow.

1310 - Adoption of Islam as the state religion of the Golden Horde.

Around 1313-1392 - Sergius of Radonezh.

1327 - Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.

1328 - Transfer of the center of the Metropolitanate to Moscow.

1359-1389 - The reign of Dmitry Donskoy in Moscow (since 1363 - the Grand Duke of Vladimir).

OK. 1360-1430 - Andrei Rublev.

1363 - Victory of the Lithuanian troops over the Horde at Blue Waters. The entry of Kiev into Lithuania. 1367 - Construction of the white-stone Kremlin in Moscow.

1378 - The first victory over the Golden Horde on the river Vozha.

1382 - The defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.

1385 - Kreva union between Lithuania and Poland.

1393 - Accession of Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow.

1395 - The destruction of the Golden Horde by Timur.

1425-1453 - Great feudal war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy.

1437 - Formation of the Kazan Khanate.

1439 - Union of Florence.

1443 - Formation of the Crimean Khanate.

1448 - The election of Jonah to the Russian Metropolitanate. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1453 - The fall of the Byzantine Empire.

1462-1505 - The reign of Ivan III

1463 - The Yaroslavl principality is annexed to Moscow.

1469-1472 - Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India.

1471 - Battle on the river. Sheloni of the Moscow and Novgorod troops.

1474 - Rostov the Great annexed to Moscow.

1478 - The annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.

1480 - Standing on the Ugre river. The final overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1484-1508 - Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Faceted Chamber, brick walls.

1485 - Annexation of Tver to Moscow.

1489 - Vyatka land annexed to Moscow.

1497 - Code of Laws of Ivan III.

Late 15th - early 16th centuries - Formation of the Russian centralized state.

1500-1503, 1507-1508, 1512-1522, 1534-1537 - Russian-Lithuanian wars.

1502 - End of the Golden Horde.

1503 - Church Council on the question of monastic land tenure (Nil Sorsky - Joseph Volotsky).

1505-1533 - The reign of Vasily III.

1510 - Pskov joins Moscow.

1514 - Annexation of Smolensk to Moscow.

1521 - Annexation of the Ryazan and Seversk lands to Moscow.

1547 - Uprising in Moscow.

1549 - The beginning of the convocation of Zemsky Sobors.

1550 - Code of Law of Ivan IV.

1551 - Stoglavy Cathedral.

1552 - Annexation of the Kazan Khanate to Moscow.

1552-1557 - The Volga region joins Russia.

1556 - Annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate to Russia.

1558-1583 - Livonian War.

1561 - The defeat of the Livonian Order.

1564 - The beginning of book printing in Russia. "Apostle".

1565-1572 - Oprichnina.

1569 - Union of Lublin. Formation of the Commonwealth.

1581 - The first mention of the protected years.

1581 - Ermak's campaign to Siberia.

1582 - Yam-Zapolsk truce with Poland.

1583 - Plus peace with Sweden.

1589 - Establishment of the Patriarchate. Patriarch Job.

1591 - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich.

1592 - Compilation of census and census books.

1595 - Peace of Tyavzin with Sweden.

1596 - Brest Church Union.

1597 - Decree on the five-year search for fugitives.

1598-1605 - Board of B.F. Godunov.

1603-1604 - The Rise of the Cotton.

1605-1606 - Board of False Dmitry I.

1606-1607 - The uprising of I.I.Bolotnikov.

1606-1610 - The Board of Vasily Shuisky.

1607 - Decree on the fifteen-year search for fugitives.

1607-1610 - False Dmitry II. Tushino camp.

1610-1613 - Seven Boyars.

1612, October 26 - Liberation from the interventionists of Moscow by the people's militia led by K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.

1617 - Stolbovskiy peace with Sweden.

1618 - Deulinskoe truce with Poland.

1645-1676 - Board of Alexei Mikhailovich.

1648-1654 - The liberation war of the Ukrainian people against the Poles under the leadership of B. Khmelnytsky.

1649 - Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

1649 - Peace of Zboriv.

1651 - Belotserkovsky world.

1651 - The beginning of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. Split.

1654-1667 - War with the Commonwealth for Ukraine.

1661 - Peace of Kardis with Sweden.

1662 - "Copper revolt" in Moscow.

1667 - The Andrusov armistice with the Commonwealth.

1667-1669 - "Hike for the zipuns".

1667 - New trade charter.

1667-1676 - Solovetsky uprising.

1670-1671 - Peasant War led by S.T. Razin.

1676-1682 - reign of Fyodor Alekseevich.

1676-1681 - The war between Russia and Turkey.

1682, 1698 - Shooting uprisings in Moscow.

1682 - Abolition of parochialism.

1682-1689 - Sophia's reign.

1682-1725 - The reign of Peter I, until 1696 together with Ivan V (from 1682 to 1689 - under the regency of Sophia).

1686 - "Eternal Peace" with Poland.

1687 - Opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

1687, 1689 - Crimean campaigns of V.V. Golitsyn.

1689 - Treaty of Nerchinsk with China.

1695, 1696 - The Azov campaigns of Peter I.

1697-1698 - The Great Embassy.

1700-1721 - Northern War.

1707-1708 - uprising led by K. Bulavin.

1708-1710 - Establishment of provinces.

1710-1711 - Prut campaign.

1711 - Establishment of the Senate.

1713 - Transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg.

1714 - Decree on single inheritance.

1718-1721 - Establishment of colleges.

1720 - Victory of the Russian fleet at Grengam Island.

1721 - Permission to buy peasants for factories.

1721 - Establishment of the Synod.

1722 - Table of Ranks.

1722 - Decree on succession to the throne: the emperor himself can appoint an heir

1722-1723 - Caspian campaign.

1725 - Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

1725-1727 - Reign of Catherine I.

1726-1730 - Supreme Privy Council.

1727-1730 - The reign of Peter P.

1730-1740 - Board of Anna Ioannovna. Bironovshchina.

1731 - Abolition of single inheritance.

1741-1761 - Board of Elizabeth Petrovna.

1750 - Opening of the first Russian theater in Yaroslavl.

1756-1763 - Seven Years War.

1761-1762- Board of Peter Sh.

1762 - Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility.

1762-1796 - The reign of Catherine II.

1764 - Secularization of church property.

1764 - Liquidation of the hetmanate in Ukraine.

1768 - The beginning of the issue of banknotes.

1767-1768 - Legislated Commission,

1768-1774 - Russian-Turkish war. Kuchuk-Kainardzhiyskiy world.

1771 - Plague riot in Moscow.

1772, 1793, 1795 - Partitions of Poland.

1773-1775 - The uprising of E.I. Pugachev.

1775 - Establishment of the provinces of the Russian Empire.

1783 - Treatise of St. George. Transition of Eastern Georgia; under the protectorate of Russia.

1785 - Letters of gratitude to the nobility and cities.

1787-1791 -Russian-Turkish war. Yassy world.

1796-1801 - Reign of Paul I

1797 - Manifesto of the three-day corvee.

1801-1825 - The reign of Alexander I Pavlovich.

1802 - Establishment of ministries in Russia.

1803 - Decree on "free farmers".

1804-1813 - Russian-Iranian war.

1805-1807 - Russia's participation in the III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.

1806-1812 - Russian-Turkish war.

1807 - Peace of Tilsit.

1810 - Creation of the State Council.

1812, December 21 - Order of MI Kutuzov on the army about the expulsion of the French army from the borders of Russia.

1813-1814 - Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.

1813 - "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig.

1816-1817 - Activities of the "Union of Salvation".

1818-1821 - Activities of the Union of Welfare.

1820 - Uprising in the Semenovsky regiment.

1821 - Formation of the Southern Society.

1822 - Formation of the Northern Society.

1823 - Formation of the Society of United Slavs.

1825-1855 - The reign of Nicholas I Pavlovich.

1826 - Publication of the "cast iron" censorship charter.

1826-1828 - Russian-Iranian war.

1828-1829 - Russian-Turkish war.

1837 - Construction railroad from Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo.

1837-1841 - P.D. Kiselev's reform of the management of state peasants. 1839-1843 - Monetary reform by E.F. Kankrin.

1842 - Publication of the decree on "obliged peasants".

1844-1849 - Activities of the secret circle of M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.

1845 - Formation of the Slavic Society of St. Cyril and Methodius.

1853-1856 - Creation of the Free Russian Printing House.

1855-1881 - The reign of Alexander II Nikolaevich.

1855 - Signing of the Treaty of Shimoda between Russia and Japan.

1856 - Congress of Paris.

1860 - Treaty of Beijing between Russia and China.

1861-1863 - Activities of the "Velikorusse" secret circle.

1861-1864 - Activities of the organization "Land and Freedom".

1864 - Judicial, rural and school reforms.

1864-1885 - The conquest of Central Asia by Russia.

1866 - Formation of the Turkestan General Government.

1868 - Establishment of vassal dependence of the Bukhara Emirate from Russia.

1870 - Founding of the Russian section of the First International.

1870 - Publication of the "City Statute".

1873 - Creation of the Union of the Three Emperors.

1874 - Military reform. The introduction of universal conscription.

1874 - First “going to the people”.

1875 - Treatise of Russia and Japan on the division of possessions on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island.

1876 ​​- Entry of the Kokand Khanate into Russia.

1876-1879 - Activities of the organization "Land and Freedom".

1876 ​​- Second “going to the people”.

1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish war.

1878 - Signing of the Treaty of San Stefano.

1878 - Berlin Congress.

1879-1881 - Activities of the "Narodnaya Volya" organization.

1879-1881 - Activities of the "Black Redistribution" organization.

1881-1894 - Reign Alexander III Aleksadrovich.

1881 - Adoption of the "Provisions on Measures to Protect State Security and Public Peace".

1882 - Transfer of peasants to a compulsory ransom.

1885 - Strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory of T.S. Morozov in Orekhovo-Zuevo.

1887 - Circular about "cook's children".

1889 - Adoption of the "Regulations on the zemstvo chiefs".

1890 - Adoption of the "Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions" (zemstvo counter-reform).

1891-1894 - Registration of the Franco-Russian union.

1892 - Adoption of the "City Regulation" (city counter-reform).

1894-1917 - The reign of Nicholas II Alexandrovich.

1895 - Creation of the Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.

1897 - The first general population census in Russia.

1897 - Monetary reform by S.Yu. Witte.

1898 - 1st Congress of the RSDLP.

1901 - Obukhov Defense.

1902 - Association of neo-folk circles. Creation of the "Party of Socialist Revolutionaries".

1904-1905 - Russian-Japanese War.

1904, January 26-27 - Japanese ships attacked Russian squadrons in Port Arthur and Chemulpo.

1905 - Creation of the "Union of the Russian people".

1907 - Creation of the "Union of Michael the Archangel".

1907-1912 - Activity III The State Duma.

1917, February 27 - Formation of the State Duma Committee and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies.

1917, March 2 - Abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government. Establishment of dual power in Russia.

1917, October 24-26 - Armed uprising in Petrograd. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Formation of the Soviet government. (Great October Socialist Revolution).

1929 - The beginning of complete collectivization.

1957 - Civilian industry management reform. Creation of economic councils.

1959 - Visit of N.S. Khrushchev in the USA. 1959-1965 - Seven-Year Plan.

1970 - XXIV Congress of the CPSU.

1975 - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).

1976 - XXV Congress of the CPSU.

1981 - XXVI Congress of the CPSU.

1982 - Adoption of the Food Program.

1986 - XXVII Congress of the CPSU.

1987-1991 - The period of "perestroika" in the USSR.

1988 - XIX All-Union Party Conference.

1991- Dissolution of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the Warsaw Pact Organization.

1991, December 8 - Belovezhskaya agreement on the dissolution of the CCCI and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

1993, September 21 - Decree of President Boris Yeltsin on the beginning of constitutional reform in Russia and the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet.

1993, October 3-4 - Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Soviet and government troops in Moscow.


Head of state

(Chairman of the Central Executive Committee, since 1923 - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, since 1938 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from May 1989 to March 1990 - Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, since March 1990 - President of the USSR, since December 1991 - President of the Russian Federation).

1. Kamenev Lev Borisovich - November 1917 (new style)

3.Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich - March 1919 - March 1946

4. Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - March 1946 - March 1953

5. Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich - March 1953 - May 1960

7. Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich - July 1964 - December 1965

8. Podgorny Nikolay Viktorovich - December 1965 - June 1977

9. Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich - June 1983 - February 1984

10. Chernenko Konstantin Ustinovich - April 1984 - March 1985

11. Gromyko Andrey Andreevich - July 1985 - October 1988

12. Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - October 1988 - December 1991

13. Boris Yeltsin - June 1991 to December 1999

Head of the government

(Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, from July 1923 - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, from March 1946 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, from December 1990 to December 1991 - Prime Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, from December 1991 - Prime Minister Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation)

1. Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - November 1917 - January 1924

2. Rykov Alexey Ivanovich - February 1924 - December 1930

3. Molotov Vyachevlav Mikhailovich - December 1930 - May 1941

4. Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - May 1941 - March 1953

5. Malenkov Georgy Maximilianovich - March 1953 - February 1955

6. Bulganin Nikolai Alexandrovich - February 1955 - March 1958

7. Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich - March 1958 - October 1964

8. Kosygin Alexey Nikolaevich - October 1964 - October 1980

9. Tikhonov Nikolai Alexandrovich - October 1980 - September 1985

10. Ryzhkov Nikolai Ivanovich - September 1985 - December 1990

11. Pavlov Valentin Sergeevich - December 1990 - August 1991

12. Gaidar Yegor Timurovich - isp. obligatory - December 1991 - December 1992

13. Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich - December 1992 - March 1998

14. Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich - March 1998 - August 1998

15. Primakov Evgeny Maksimovich - September 1998 - May 1999

18. Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich - May 2000 - up to now.

Leader of Comm, party

(General Secretary of the Central Committee, from 1953 to 1966, First Secretary of the Central Committee).

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