What can cause vomiting. How to stop nausea and vomiting: folk remedies and drugs. poisonous fumes poisoning

Calculator 26.08.2020

Vomiting is a complex reflex act necessary to remove toxic substances from the stomach, but it can occur due to various functional, organic disorders. Often it is preceded by nausea. These symptoms accompany all sorts of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, and even infectious diseases (especially in children). To get rid of these unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to determine the type of nausea and vomiting (this will help determine the cause), and then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Why Vomiting and Nausea Occurs

Sometimes nausea occurs due to irritation of the vestibular apparatus. So, it is this process that underlies seasickness.

Most often, nausea precedes vomiting, but it happens that vomiting occurs without the unpleasant sensation of a lump rolling up to the throat. Sometimes there is no vomiting after nausea. These painful symptoms arise due to the activation of the center of vomiting, and not only pathological processes serve as a stimulus, but also:

  • disgusting sensations (gustatory, visual, olfactory);
  • irritation of the vestibular apparatus and interoreceptors (seasickness).

Also, a special chemoreceptor zone, the trigger zone, is interconnected with the center of vomiting. Toxins that enter the stomach stimulate chemoreceptors, the signal from which enters the trigger zone. Mediators are released in it and the vomiting center is stimulated, from which impulses are sent to the abdominal muscles. They contract and push the contents of the stomach out. The stomach itself does not take part in the reflex act.

This is not a complete list of all those functional disorders and pathologies accompanied by vomiting and nausea. These unpleasant symptoms can even be psychogenic, arising from strong emotional experiences, nervous overstrain. That is why, in order to accurately determine the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

What is vomiting and nausea

In the pathology of the digestive tract, vomiting occurs, as a rule, due to the use of heavy, fried, fatty foods, and the patient usually feels relieved after vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting most often occur due to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the appearance of toxins in the blood. There are such types of these painful manifestations:

  • visceral;
  • central origin;
  • hematogenous-toxic.

The clinical manifestations of these types of vomiting are different. For differential diagnosis you need to pay attention to such signs:

  1. When vomiting occurs. Its appearance is provoked by certain foods (for example, fatty foods), it appears in the morning or at any time of the day, regardless of the meal, or immediately after a meal. For example, if the subcardiac part of the stomach is affected, vomiting begins shortly after eating, and in case of pyloric pathology, after 2–2.5 hours.
  2. Nausea can be an independent symptom or precede vomiting. Sometimes, to alleviate the condition, patients themselves induce vomiting. In some diseases, nausea does not precede vomiting. For example, strong gushing vomiting that occurs without the feeling of its approach indicates an increase in intracranial pressure.
  3. Does the patient's condition improve after vomiting.
  4. The nature of the vomit. It is necessary to determine their acidity, whether they contain impurities of bile, blood or undigested food.
  5. Clinical, laboratory and instrumental signs of the underlying disease. The patient is sent to take a blood test, urine. If a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is suspected, it is recommended. With vomiting of central origin, a study of the nervous system (nystagmus, examination of the fundus) is necessary.

Careful examination and questioning of the patient helps the clinician most accurately determine the type and cause of vomiting and nausea:

  1. Esophageal vomiting that occurs with stricture, it is not preceded by nausea. It appears after eating, not abundant. In the vomit there are undigested pieces of food, it has an alkaline or neutral environment.
  2. Gastric. It is usually preceded by nausea. It appears 1-1.5 hours after eating, at the height of digestion. The vomit is acidic and contains partially digested pieces of food. The presence of blood in them, as a rule, indicates. After vomiting, the patient feels relief. With tumors of the stomach and esophagus, vomit has a putrefactive character.
  3. With pyloric stenosis, vomit is neutral or alkaline reaction. They contain a large amount of undigested and partially digested food eaten the day before (food leftovers can even be from food eaten the day before the onset of the attack). Vomiting in this case is profuse.
  4. Due to a violation of the patency of the duodenum, bile is found in the vomit. Especially if the pathology has arisen distal to the nipple of Vater.
  5. Visceral vomiting caused by pathology of the liver, bile ducts, renal colic does not alleviate the patient's condition.
  6. Vomiting of central origin occurs at altitude due to increased intracranial pressure. It often happens without nausea preceding it and does not alleviate the patient's condition.
  7. Hematogenous-toxic vomiting, especially in children under one year old, is one of the main symptoms infectious disease. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the presence of other signs (for example, cough, runny nose with or acute respiratory infections).

It should be remembered that vomiting is not only a painful symptom of the disease. It can lead to dire consequences:

  • Prolonged vomiting causes dehydration, alkalosis, disruption of the heart.
  • Intensive - causes rupture of the esophagus and other serious consequences.
  • In children of the first year of life, vomiting can cause death.

Therefore, there are many different tablets for nausea and vomiting. But the doctor will prescribe them after he determines the type of these unpleasant symptoms and the reason for which they arose.


Vomiting and nausea is a reflex act necessary to protect the body from poisoning, because it is not without reason that unpleasant taste and smell sensations cause it. It occurs with a disorder of the vestibular apparatus, but most often indicates the presence of a pathological process. Which one, the specialist will determine. When these unpleasant and painful symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a therapist, a gastroenterologist.

With vomiting of central origin, you need to be examined by a neurologist, less often - by a psychiatrist. If there is a suspicion of acute myocardial infarction, the help of a cardiologist will be required. And already these specialists will determine why nausea and vomiting arose and how to get rid of them.

Vomit- this is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach (sometimes the duodenum) through the mouth (rarely through the nose).

Nausea- this is a painful feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, often preceded by vomiting.

In order to draw any conclusions about the causes that caused vomiting, it is advisable to conduct an examination of the vomit after each occurrence. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the amount of vomit;
  • their consistency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • the presence of food debris and their composition;

as well as for the presence of pathological impurities:

  • blood;
  • mucus;
  • pus;
  • worms;
  • a lot of bile.

Depending on the nature of the vomit, the following types of vomiting are distinguished:

  • freshly eaten food;
  • congestive vomiting (of long-eaten food);
  • bile;
  • bloody;
  • fecal;
  • purulent and others.


Undigested food may indicate

  • complete absence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the gastric juice (gastric achylia),
  • violation of peristalsis of the esophagus or its other lesions,
  • intestinal infection.

When vomiting pure gastric juice of high acidity, it can be assumed that the pancreas is damaged, characterized by increased secretion of gastrin.

  • A putrid odor can be observed with decaying stomach cancer,
  • the smell of alcohol - with alcohol poisoning,
  • the smell of acetone is about acetonemic vomiting (a symptom that develops as a result of a metabolic failure in children, ketone bodies and acetone accumulate in the blood).

Bloody vomiting (hematemesis) always indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and requires urgent medical care and finding out the reasons.

The presence of little-changed blood (liquid or in the form of loose clots) indicates a short stay of blood in the stomach (for example, with food bleeding), or achylia.

With a stomach or duodenal ulcer, vomit takes on the color and appearance of coffee grounds. Usually such vomiting is accompanied by chalky (black semi-liquid stools with a characteristic unpleasant odor).

An abundance of bile in the vomit is observed

  • with narrowing of the duodenum,
  • reflux gastritis,
  • with biliary colic,
  • with complications after operations on the stomach.

Laboratory diagnostics

If it is not possible to establish the cause of vomiting, then its cytological, chemical examination and examination for the presence of intestinal infections are carried out.

A blood test can help identify many causes of nausea and vomiting, such as suspected inflammation of appendicitis, cystitis of the liver and gallbladder, myocardial infarction, neuroborreliosis, food intolerance, or metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus.

Urinalysis is indicated mainly for kidney diseases (such as kidney failure, cystitis, renal colic).

Intestinal examination is performed primarily for nausea and vomiting associated with infectious diarrhea (eg, salmonella infection).

(H2 breath test) can prove incompatibility with milk sugar (lactose), fructose (fructose).

The infection usually develops in two stages:

first presents with flu-like symptoms and fever, headaches, and muscle aches;

after a short-term improvement, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and, possibly, paralysis and disturbances of consciousness reappear.

  • Neuroborreliosis: Lyme disease bacterial infection, the causative agent of which (Borrelia) is transmitted by ticks. In five to ten percent of patients, the infection, months or years after the tick bite, passes to the nervous system and signs of the disease are nausea and vomiting.
  • Brain Contusion: If nausea and vomiting occur immediately after a head injury, but the patient remains fully conscious, then there is likely a brain contusion. With persistent vomiting, you should call an ambulance!
  • Concussion/traumatic brain injury: If nausea and vomiting occurs immediately after a head injury and the patient then loses consciousness, the cause is a concussion (mild head injury) or higher-level head injury. You should immediately call an ambulance doctor!
  • Brain tumor: nausea and vomiting that cannot be explained with gastrointestinal disease, and most often early in the morning and on an empty stomach, may indicate a brain tumor. Another possible warning symptom is new headaches that get worse over time. They are especially noticeable at night and early in the morning, but may occur spontaneously during the day.
  • Motion sickness (traffic sickness): on a boat, on a bus, car or train can throw off balance in the vestibular apparatus, causing nausea and possibly vomiting.
  • Meniere's disease: Patients constantly experience attacks of sudden dizziness (nausea and vomiting), tinnitus and acute hearing loss.

Other reasons

  • Acute glaucoma: accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and intolerable, unilateral forehead and eye disease. The affected eye becomes red and hard, vision is blurred. Due to the risk of blindness, contact your doctor or your nearest eye clinic immediately!
  • In diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis): Nausea, vomiting, and cramping pain in the upper abdomen are warning signs. Other symptoms of this dangerous metabolic disorder can be intense thirst, fruity breath. Call an ambulance immediately!
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: Nausea and/or morning sickness, loss of appetite, and reluctance to eat certain foods appear in 70-90 percent of early dates pregnancy. Doctors talk about complications. Vomiting does not depend on food intake, does not occur at rest, and is not associated with any other disease. It usually starts in the sixth to eighth week and lasts until the 12th week of pregnancy. Women lose a lot of fluids, electrolytes, and also weight, so treatment is a must.
  • Fear, anxiety, pain, disgust: some people react to such factors with nausea and possibly even vomiting.
  • Side effects of drugs: Nausea and vomiting can occur as an undesirable effect of various drugs, such as tablets, antibiotics.

What to do with vomiting?

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by symptoms of a disease requiring treatment, you should consult a doctor.

But what about nausea and vomiting in harmless cases, such as in the car, with a fever, stomach flu, or during pregnancy? In such situations, you can take steps to alleviate the condition:

  • you should refrain from eating for at least one day or at least limit its amount;
  • drink sweet tea with a small amount of wheat crackers;
  • eliminate alcohol, caffeine, raw, fatty foods, and hot spices for a while.

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (at least two to three liters per day).

You can purchase special formulations at the pharmacy that will restore lost electrolytes and prevent fluid loss from the body.

  • For nausea during pregnancy It is best to have breakfast in bed in the morning.
  • Food should be light.
  • Eat small carbohydrate-rich meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods, coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks.

Nausea and vomiting are an uncontrolled process that occurs reflexively under the influence of certain factors. This reflex works most strongly in children and women, especially with a tendency to motion sickness.

Nausea and vomiting are not a separate type of disease, but often act as a symptom of various diseases. When diagnosing, this factor is very important, because the time, frequency and even the volume of vomiting attacks can tell a lot to a specialist.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

The factors that cause vomiting are extremely diverse and often not even related to the activity of the digestive tract. Many people report an attack of nausea when inhaling an unpleasant odor, and even an unpleasant sight.

The gag reflex is closely related to the activity of the nervous system, so emotionally unstable people are more susceptible to this symptom.

The main causes of nausea and vomiting are:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, stomach and duodenum, and.
  • and toxic poisoning.
  • Symptom of inflammation of the appendix -.
  • various types.
  • The entry of a foreign body into the cavity and.
  • Viral and bacterial damage to the digestive tract.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. Injuries and, viral damage to departments (,),.
  • Diseases of the heart vascular system. , and before heart attacks, .
  • Disorders of the endocrine system, such as ketoacidosis, thyrotoxicosis, phenylketonuria.
  • As a result of motion sickness while driving.
  • The manifestation of the psychosomatic reaction of the body.
  • Side effects when taking certain drugs (especially with).
  • Diseases of the inner ear:,.

In women, the period of pregnancy is often associated with bouts of nausea and vomiting. This phenomenon is called toxicosis and is considered an acceptable reaction of the body to hormonal imbalance in this period.

However, some cases of toxicosis, especially in the later stages, serve as the basis for inpatient monitoring of the patient.

Associated symptoms and what diseases are they associated with?

When diagnosing diseases, it is important to take into account the accompanying symptoms, which will also provide information about a possible illness.

Additional symptoms:

  1. If nausea and vomiting occurs with a headache? Most often, this is associated with an increase in blood pressure, brain injuries and inflammatory processes in this organ. In this case, vomiting does not bring relief, on the contrary, it provokes an attack of weakness and apathy. Second possible cause is toxic poisoning of the body, for example, when using low-quality products, an overdose medicines or inhalation of toxic compounds.
  2. Dizziness. Most often caused by an attack, especially if accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.
  3. No temperature. May be a sign of a foreign body, helminthic invasion or motion sickness.
  4. Temperature increase. Indicates the viral or bacterial nature of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Diarrhea and weakness. such conditions are most often caused by an infectious infection of the body, an acetone crisis (vomit has the smell of acetone), as well as.
  6. Stomach ache. Sharp and spasmodic pains can be the cause of development, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines. If the pain does not go away after an attack of vomiting, or, conversely, increases, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  7. Pain in the chest. This is usually the first symptom of problems in the work of the heart muscle. Pain can radiate to the left hypochondrium, scapula, and even
  8. After meal. Nausea and vomiting after eating may not necessarily indicate gastrointestinal problems. Most often this happens after overeating, drinking alcohol and heavy meals on the stomach. If the feeling of nausea after eating becomes constant, it is necessary to check the functions of the digestive organs.
  9. High pressure. Most often manifested in hypertension or a crisis. Usually, after vomiting, temporary relief occurs and the pressure drops slightly. In any case, an increase in blood pressure and vomiting are a reason to see a doctor.
  10. Vomiting blood. It is a symptom of the upper stomach, esophagus, or pharyngeal vessels. If bleeding occurs directly in the stomach or duodenum, impurities will have a brown tint due to reaction with gastric juice.
  11. Vomiting with foam. Most often manifested in pulmonary bleeding.
  12. Vomiting with bile. May indicate the release of bile into the stomach, for example, with frequent vomiting, or in the duodenum.

When contacting a doctor, it is very important to indicate the frequency, duration and abundance of vomit. Often this is very helpful in making a diagnosis and will help determine the cause of such conditions.

Treatment for adults and children

Good help is provided by herbal teas with a calming effect (mint, lemon balm, valerian). In addition, you can use decoctions of chamomile or dill seeds. You can dissolve a small piece of ginger root under the tongue, which is great for motion sickness.

Our body is a complex functioning mechanism in which all possible systems are thought out. Often, a signal of a possible failure in the work of the internal departments is nausea and vomiting, which are not a separate disease.

These symptoms, to varying degrees, can manifest as a result of dysfunction of the digestive tract, as well as disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The main causes of vomiting, as well as methods for alleviating the patient's condition, are discussed in our information.

- This is a reflex eruption through the mouth of the contents of the stomach, and sometimes the duodenum.

The gag reflex is quite complex - it involves various muscle groups. It is controlled by the vomiting center located in the brain stem. By its very nature, vomiting is a mechanism by which the body defends itself against poisoning. Normally, vomiting is a reaction to toxic substances entering the gastrointestinal tract or simply something that cannot be digested - for example, too fatty foods. Therefore, after an attack of vomiting, a person often feels relieved: the body has cleansed itself.

However, the intoxication that caused vomiting may have an internal source, that is, be the result of any pathology or disease. It is also possible that the irritation of the nervous system, leading to vomiting spasms, is not related to the state of the stomach at all. This makes one perceive vomiting as a very serious, and even formidable symptom. An attack of vomiting is almost always a sufficient reason to see a doctor. In case of recurring attacks, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Causes of vomiting

In most cases, vomiting is due to irritation of the stomach receptors or, in medical terms, has visceral origin. The cause is most often acute or chronic diseases of the stomach itself (acute food poisoning,). Also, the receptors of the stomach can also respond to diseases of other organs - the gallbladder, uterus, heart (vomiting is included in the complex of possible symptoms of myocardial infarction).

Vomiting may also central origin, that is, caused by pathologies of the central nervous system (brain), such as meningitis, encephalitis, trauma and brain tumors. Quite often, vomiting is observed with. Problems of the inner ear can also lead to vomiting (in this case, vomiting can be observed against the background). With excessive irritation of the receptors of the inner ear (during motion sickness), it can even vomit healthy person, especially when the vestibular apparatus is not trained. Sometimes vomiting is caused by an emotional disorder (stress) or is a reaction to something that causes extreme disgust (conditioned reflex vomiting).

Irritation of the vomiting center can be caused by toxic substances carried by the blood stream ( hematogenous-toxic vomit). Toxic substances can enter the body from the outside (for example, chlorine or carbon monoxide - by inhalation), or can be produced in the body itself - as a result of impaired liver or kidney function.

Vomiting and other symptoms

When vomiting is scary

Any bout of vomiting is a very unpleasant experience. Even if a person experiences relief with the resolution of an attack, vomiting itself is perceived as an extraordinary event, which should not normally be. The shock of the body, domestic and social inconvenience - all this makes vomiting a process of a different order compared to other reflex actions, such as coughing or sneezing. We always react sharply to vomiting (we do not leave it unattended), and rightly so.

However, in some cases, vomiting worries us especially strongly. Takova vomiting of bile, vomiting with blood. Parents are worried about vomiting in a child. Quite often observed vomiting during pregnancy drawing increased attention.

These cases should be mentioned separately:

Since vomiting can happen to anyone, it's helpful to know how to prevent vomiting, what to do during and immediately after an attack, and when to see a doctor.

Nausea is a precursor to vomiting. If you feel sick, try opening a window (increase the oxygen supply), drinking some sweetened liquid (this will soothe the stomach), sitting or lying down (physical activity makes nausea and vomiting worse). You can dissolve a tablet of validol. If you get sick on the road, take candy with you and dissolve on the way. This will help prevent vomiting.

What to do during an attack of vomiting

During an attack, it is important to exclude the ingress of vomit into Airways. The patient during vomiting should never lie on his back. Do not leave young children unsupervised if they may vomit. An elderly or weakened person must be helped to turn on his side, head to the edge of the bed, put a pelvis in front of him.

What to do after vomiting

After an attack, you need to rinse your mouth cold water. If the patient himself cannot do this, it is necessary to moisten a piece of gauze in a soda solution and wipe his mouth.

Immediately after the attack, you can drink only a few sips of water, and then if there was no blood in the vomit. You can drink properly only after 2 hours, and eat only 6-8 hours after the attack. Food should be dietary, sparing; best of all - porridge on the water, rice, low-fat soup.

With repeated attacks of vomiting, dehydration of the body is possible. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a special solution that restores the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance.

When should you see a doctor for vomiting?

- in many cases, a sign that the body is experiencing serious problems and needs to be cleansed, and therefore, most likely, in treatment. If the disease is accompanied by vomiting, this usually indicates that the disease is quite severe.

If the attack of vomiting was one-time and there is reason to believe that it was caused by overeating, motion sickness, alcohol poisoning or stress, there is no direct need to see a doctor. In all other cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Especially if the attacks are repeated for two days or more, as well as in the presence of diabetes or other chronic diseases.


Vomiting is a response to the process of excitation of a specific center of the medulla oblongata. This irritation of a part of the brain occurs due to the penetration of poisons, or reflexively - from the organs. Nausea is usually the harbinger of vomiting.

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Vomiting may accompany:

  • pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • thrombosis of vessels of internal organs;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • acute kidney disease;
  • toxicosis (gestosis) of the first half of pregnancy;
  • infectious (most often intestinal) diseases;
  • diseases of the visual organs;
  • vestibular disorders;
  • acute forms of myocardial infarction;
  • drug overdose, drug incompatibility.

The patient first experiences nausea, excessive salivation, and shortness of breath. Then the diaphragm descends and the section of the stomach, passing into the duodenum 12, begins to contract in the opposite direction (antiperistalsis), on the contrary, the upper “floor” relaxes. Spasms of the diaphragm begin, pressure in the stomach cavity rises, the glottis closes. After this, there is an eruption of gastric contents through the esophagus into the oral cavity.

The patient turns pale, he has a cold, clammy sweat, dizziness and severe weakness often occur, he may fall arterial pressure. - this is a sensation that occurs due to irritation of the vagus and splanchnic nerves. Excitation from them is transmitted to the vomiting center and from it the impulse goes to the organs that are involved in vomiting.

In fact, vomiting is a certain symptom, but depending on the causes of occurrence and a number of other factors, it has many varieties and features of the course.

Features of vomiting:

  • vomiting that is not accompanied by nausea is characteristic of problems with the brain;
  • vomiting with severe headache is a sign of migraine;
  • vomiting in the morning is characteristic of poisoning.

Signs of vomiting with pathological changes in the digestive tract

It begins with bouts of nausea, sometimes with accompanying pain.

Esophageal vomiting

Begins without nausea, lying down or leaning forward. It occurs due to the delay and accumulation of food in the esophagus.

Food vomiting is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • narrowing of the esophagus (tumor, post-burn, ulcerative);
  • achalasia of the cardia (spasmodic tension of the lower esophagus);
  • diverticula of the esophagus (saccular protrusions of the walls);
  • insufficiency of the sphincter (a muscle that compresses the passage from the esophagus to the stomach).

According to the timing of occurrence, they distinguish:

  • early vomiting that comes on eating, with pain behind the sternum. It is provoked by the use of solid food with problems in the esophagus;
  • late vomiting, which manifests itself 3-4 hours after eating (a sign of a strong expansion of the lower esophagus);
  • mixed. Occurs with ulcerative esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus with ulcers).

Sometimes there is nighttime vomiting. Complicated by inhalation.

Signs of vomiting in diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Gastric vomiting makes itself felt almost immediately after a heavy meal, with the pathology of the duodenum - after 2-3 hours.

Note:a distinctive feature is relief immediately after vomiting and a decrease in pain.

The narrowed opening of the outlet (pyloric) section of the stomach (with cicatricial changes) causes frequent, voluminous vomiting with undigested food that has been in the stomach for more than a day, with a putrid odor.

If vomiting is repeated frequently, it contains the remnants of recently eaten food, then a spasm of the lower part of the stomach should be suspected. It occurs in case of poisoning with toxins, acute ulcerative process in the stomach, diseases and dyskinesia of the bile ducts, neuroses.

In cases of acute gastritis, patients often complain of vomiting - repeated, with pain in the epigastric region, bringing relief. Chronic gastritis is very rarely accompanied by vomiting.

Signs of vomiting

Vomiting begins with the onset of severe, spasmodic and paroxysmal pain in the abdomen of a diffuse nature. Intestinal obstruction in the upper sections is the cause of vomiting of bile. Obstruction, localized in the sections of the large intestine, is manifested by fecal vomiting. The patient has a similar complaint in the presence of a passage (fistula) between the adjacent stomach and a loop of the large intestine.

Acute can also vomit, especially if present. severe pain and elevated temperature.

The arteries of the peritoneum are accompanied by vomiting with blood.

With peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), repeated vomiting and fever are observed, each time bringing relief.

Vomiting, which can be caused by diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and ducts

With these diseases, vomiting is often repeated, it is accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. In patients, yellowness of the skin, sclera of the eyes is observed, especially after a violation of the diet and ingestion of fatty foods. Diseases with focal changes in the gallbladder, ducts, are the cause of vomiting of bile.

Acute pancreatitis is manifested by simultaneous vomiting and paroxysmal pain in the upper abdomen. During an attack, vomiting with blood may begin, often of an indomitable nature.

Infectious often occurs with vomiting and fever, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, an enlarged liver, and the development of yellowness of the skin in patients.

Vomiting in endocrine diseases

In severe forms, diabetic coma can occur. These are formidable complications of this disease, requiring immediate help. Vomiting is a frequent companion of this pathology.

Chronic adrenal insufficiency and hyperparathyroidism are also characterized by the presence of vomiting.


Intoxications that occur for various reasons in humans (infectious diseases, poisoning with industrial, household poisons) can give vomiting and diarrhea without fever or with various kinds of fevers.

Important:vomit in any case of intoxication is subject to mandatory laboratory testing.

Phenomena indicative of cerebral vomiting

It occurs as a result of injuries and diseases of the brain, blood vessels and surrounding tissues. An increase in pressure in the diploic veins of the skull (intracranial pressure) gives a characteristic vomiting with intense headache that occurs in the morning when trying to get up or just turning the head while lying down. These signs may be accompanied by a violation of the heart and breathing. Possible loss of consciousness (Bruns syndrome).

Vomiting and temperature are characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the brain and membranes - and. In these cases, there is also intense pain in the head, specific neurological symptoms that are determined by the neuropathologist. Perhaps the development of paresis and paralysis.

Meniere's disease is accompanied by lesions of the vestibular apparatus with bouts of dizziness, hearing loss and occasional vomiting.

In many people suffering, the pressure periodically rises sharply and the condition worsens, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

How to artificially induce vomiting

In some diseases and conditions, it is necessary to be able to induce vomiting on your own. In case of overeating, poisoning, eating poor quality food or water, it may be necessary to empty the contents of the stomach, causing forced vomiting.

The most commonly used traditional method is pressure on the root of the tongue with two fingers, or a spoon. To facilitate the procedure, it is better to drink a solution of manganese. It is prepared from a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals and a liter of warm, boiled water. The solution must be stirred until a pink, uniform color is obtained. Then drink it, stimulate vomiting. The solution helps to wash the stomach well, cleanse it. It also relieves discomfort during vomiting.

For the same purpose, you can use a solution of salt and soda in water (1 teaspoon per liter). Drink in one gulp and empty the stomach. In most cases, there is relief.

Vomiting in children

Vomiting in a child is a common symptom that accompanies many childhood diseases.

As in adults, it happens:

  • psychogenic;
  • organic (caused by diseases).

In newborns of the first months of life, vomiting may occur due to excessive food intake. It is often accompanied by swallowing air.

Note:sometimes there is "chewing gum" - regurgitation with repeated swallowing (rumination). Regurgitation is distinguished from vomiting by the absence of muscle tension.

Vomiting in children is accompanied by:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathology of the nervous system.

The child has cases of vomiting and diarrhea without fever of unknown etiology or as the first (single) symptoms of an incipient disease.

Important:requires a mandatory determination of the cause - vomiting of bile. In children, it is a sign of serious illness.

What to do with vomiting in children? The answer is in the video review:

First aid measures and methods of treatment of vomiting

The volume and nature of assistance must be taken into account depending on the causes of vomiting.

Most cases require immediate gastric lavage by inducing artificial vomiting. It is strictly contraindicated to administer antiemetic drugs to the patient.

If there is blood in the vomit, then it is forbidden to wash the stomach. The patient can be given small pieces of ice for oral administration, it is better to put an ice bubble on the epigastric region. Urgent hospitalization in the supine position is required.

Subcutaneous atropine or methaclopramide may be used to stop vomiting. With indomitable vomiting, neuroleptics (etaperazine, meterazine, haloperidol) are prescribed.

Treatment of repeated vomiting with severe dehydration is supplemented by intravenous drip of isotonic solution, glucose, and other drugs.

Such patients are subject to hospitalization.

Lotin Alexander, radiologist

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