Useful recommendations for patients with hemorrhoids. American Society of Colorectal Surgeons Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease Recommendations for Hemorrhoids

Concrete 26.08.2020

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins veins of the rectum and anus. The disease is associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion and tortuosity of the hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes around the rectum.

Hemorrhoids are characterized by a pathological process in the anus, which brings a lot of inconvenience and significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.
Suffering from hemorrhoids about 80% of the world's population, but only 1 in 4 sick people seek help from a doctor.
The real threat of developing hemorrhoids occurs after 25 years. Men are most susceptible to it, but hemorrhoids also cause a lot of trouble for women.
The disease is based on the anatomical features of the structure of the rectal wall.

In the area of ​​the anus there are so-called anal ridges, in the thickness of which there are a large number of convoluted blood vessels. In these vessels, blood pressure is constantly increased. Pineal nodes are swollen and dilated veins; blood is deposited in them. Depending on where the node protrudes, doctors talk about internal or external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and complications of hemorrhoids

Manifestations of the disease depend on the stage. At first, you may experience a feeling of heaviness, itching, and burning in the anus. Unpleasant sensations intensify after drinking alcohol and excessive physical activity. As the disease progresses, the main symptom of chronic hemorrhoids appears - prolapse of hemorrhoids, often accompanied by the appearance of scarlet bloody dischargĕ at the end of a bowel movement on stool or toilet paper.

In addition to discomfort, hemorrhoids lead to the development of dangerous complications. Hemorrhoids can become inflamed, leading to thrombophlebitis. This complication manifests itself in the form of sharp pain and swelling, the hemorrhoidal node thickens, and the temperature rises.
The inflammatory process can spread to the fatty tissue surrounding the veins.
No less dangerous are the loss and pinching of internal nodes, in which they become dense and very painful. In both cases, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Causes and risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an exclusively human disease that scientists associate with the ability to walk upright.
The formation of nodes occurs with increased pressure in the venous system of the rectum and local increase in arterial blood flow for a number of reasons.

  • Heredity. The literature describes cases of hemorrhoids in five generations in a row. It's about about the structure and strength of venous vessels and their walls. Often with hemorrhoids, other diseases associated with the pathology of the venous system are determined, for example, varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Constipation may be the main reason. Due to constipation, when straining, intra-abdominal pressure increases and hemorrhoids are pushed out of the anus.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth. During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, intra-abdominal pressure increases, this impedes venous blood flow and increases pressure in the veins, which leads to venous congestion. At the time of birth, these factors can exceed critical values ​​and lead to the formation of irreducible nodes. After childbirth, hemorrhoidal veins narrow sharply, and the symptoms of the disease, if there are no other predisposing factors, often disappear.
  • Heavy physical labor . Loads arising from lifting and carrying heavy objects, especially by an untrained person, can lead to damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the rectum and pelvis.
  • Passive lifestyle. When sitting on something soft for a long time, the hemorrhoidal veins expand and blood stagnates in them. Heat acts on the perineal area as a kind of warming compress.
  • Diet violation - abuse of spicy, fatty, salty and smoked foods, chronic overeating. Spicy seasonings irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, which leads to increased blood flow, so long-term abuse of hot and spicy foods contributes to excessive blood supply and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). A high concentration of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract causes a persistent reflex vasodilation, spreading to all parts of the digestive tract, including the rectum. In dilated vessels, blood flow slows down, and blood stagnation in the hemorrhoids and their inflammation occurs.
  • Severe diarrhea. Direct damaging effect on tissue - frequent enemas, inaccurate spinning, suppositories, laxatives, anal sex, excessively intense anal hygiene.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Diagnosing hemorrhoids is not difficult. This is a visual inspection skin anal area, the presence of bleeding and its degree.

A digital rectal examination of the rectum is mandatory. However, with severe pain, this may not be possible. Then, while taking painkillers, an anoscopy is performed.

To examine the mucous membrane of the rectum and the lower part of the sigmoid colon, sigmoidoscopy is performed, which allows you to see the presence of even high-lying internal hemorrhoids and assess the condition of the internal nodes, or fibrocolonoscopy.

Recommendations for patients with hemorrhoids. What to do if you have hemorrhoids

This unpleasant disease requires special attention from both the doctor and the patient. Treatment of uncomplicated hemorrhoids should begin with simple recommendations.

  • Constipation leads to strained bowel movements, which in turn leads to hemorrhoids. This requires treatment, especially when there are symptoms - anal discomfort, discharge, itching, blood in the stool.
    Rely not on laxatives and enemas, but on a balanced diet: eat foods rich in fiber, cereals, fruits and vegetables; wheat bran, seaweed And flax-seed in their natural form or in the form of pharmacological preparations. The doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations, agents that affect the flora and peristalsis of the small and large intestines, dietary fiber against the background of regular and sufficient fluid intake.
  • Untimely and delayed defecation. Stagnation in the rectum leads to hemorrhoids quite quickly. To prevent and treat hemorrhoids, you need to empty your bowels regularly.
  • Try to set the same time of day to empty your bowels (to develop the reflex), preferably in the morning, after sleep, after drinking a large glass of water. Don't spend time in the toilet long time, for example, while reading.
  • In the evening, sit for 10–15 minutes in a cool bath, which naturally stimulates blood circulation, or make a local bath with chamomile infusion: pour 4 tbsp. spoons of herbs 1 liter of water, heat to a boil, cool and strain.
  • Follow your diet. Avoid foods that can cause local irritation and dilation of blood vessels (spicy seasonings, alcoholic drinks, coffee).
    Your daily diet should include as much liquid as possible. During the day, drink at least 6–8 glasses of water, fruit juices, kvass, and fruit drinks. Normally, the contents of the large intestine are 78% water. If its quantity decreases, the movement of feces stops.
  • Lose excess weight that contributes to the development of hemorrhoids. The danger increases many times over if your fat is deposited on the anterior abdominal wall. Beer belly, which can be caused by an addiction to beer and sweets, baked goods, puts pressure on internal organs and disrupts venous outflow.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Hygiene of the anus is mandatory after each bowel movement; in other words, washing is necessary.
  • Try not to lift heavy objects.
  • Move more. If you have to sit a lot, choose a hard chair (wooden is best).
  • Do it regularly physical exercise, do gymnastics, swimming, walking; Avoid cycling and horse riding. Every 1.5–2 hours, perform special exercises that promote the outflow of venous blood. While standing or sitting, tense and relax the muscles of the anus 10-15 times. Circular movements of the pelvis and bending back and forth in the “feet shoulder-width apart” position are effective.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too tight.
  • Do not stay in a steam room for too long at high temperatures.

  • Hemorrhoids - treatment, tablets, suppositories, surgical methods

    Treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. Accordingly, conservative or minimally invasive methods or surgical operations can be used...

    Herbal treatment of hemorrhoids, herbal preparations

    In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it can be used as a general remedy (herbal preparations with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, hemostatic, healing and anti-spasm effects)...

    Attention! the information on the site does not constitute a medical diagnosis or a guide to action and is intended for informational purposes only.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are pathological expansion of veins in the area of ​​the rectum and anus. Weakened vessels form nodes that cause discomfort during bowel movements or when playing sports. At the early stage, the manifestations of the disease are minor: itching and heaviness in the anus are mild and can be eliminated by using special suppositories for hemorrhoids.

In later stages, a person suffers from severe burning, heaviness and pain even at rest. Timely consultation with a doctor helps to cure the pathology at an early stage. However, in Russia, only a small part of the country's residents are ready to inform a specialist about the symptoms of the disease, undergo examination and receive medical care.

Hemorrhoids are an inflamed condition of the veins inside and (or) outside the rectum, their varicose veins. The disease occurs as a result of an increase in the volume of “cavernous” tissues located around the exit from the rectum, and the ligaments that hold these tissues are subsequently destroyed. Hemorrhoids are a chronic, progressive disease with periodic exacerbations. Folk remedies for treating hemorrhoids stop the progression of the disease and allow you to avoid or minimize exacerbations.

Hemorrhoids are not dangerous disease, but before it can be treated, an accurate diagnosis must be made. Hemorrhoids are diagnosed in only 40% of patients with proctological diseases. Under the guise of hemorrhoids, colitis, polyps, and rectal tumors can be hidden. Causes of hemorrhoids: chronic constipation, sedentary image life, obesity, pregnancy. The causes of hemorrhoids may be related to the profession - it can occur if you have to stand for a long time (salespeople, hairdressers), lift heavy objects (loaders, diggers), sit (drivers, operators) Symptoms and signs of hemorrhoids: itching, burning sensation, heat in the anus , pain during defecation, bleeding, traces of blood in the stool, prolapse of venous nodes from the anus, prolapse of part of the rectum with pinching.

For hemorrhoids, the following recommendations should be followed: constipation; alcoholic drinks and spicy, salty foods; hypothermia of the lower body, do not sit in the cold; heavy physical activity, strong tension;

Retracting the anus in a sitting and lying position, “Walking” on the buttocks Sitting on your heels, rock your torso from side to side for 2-5 minutes All abdominal exercises

Exercises should not be performed during the acute stage of illness

The disease hemorrhoids has been known since ancient times, so there are many folk remedies and methods of treating hemorrhoids.

Scientists associate this disorder with the ability to walk upright. Nodes are formed under the influence of increased blood flow in the arteries and high blood pressure in the venous vessels of the rectum.

A number of factors lead to this:

  • hereditary predisposition. The structural features of blood vessels and the degree of their strength are determined genetically in the body. Patients of different generations with hemorrhoids may exhibit similar disorders. The most common example is varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • constipation Straining during bowel movements leads to an increase in pressure in the intra-abdominal zone, because of this, nodular veins are pushed out;
  • heavy physical work. Unregulated loads contribute to damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis and rectum, which leads to congestion, stretching of veins and twisting of vessels into knots;
  • sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and hemorrhoids are concepts that are inextricably linked. If a man for a long time sits in one place, a “warming compress” is applied to the perineal area. Under the influence elevated temperature the vessels are constantly expanding, and the blood stagnates;
  • unhealthy diet. Abuse of smoked, salty, fatty and spicy foods stimulates increased blood flow and irritation of the rectal mucosa. As a result, the veins gradually dilate and become nodular;
  • alcohol abuse. High alcohol content leads to reflex vasodilation, congestion and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Irritation of the mucous membrane and severe diarrhea are additional factors leading to inflammation and prolapse of veins. An exacerbation of hemorrhoids during or after childbirth is often observed.

Hemorrhoids are an exclusively human disease that scientists associate with the ability to walk upright. The formation of nodes occurs with increased pressure in the venous system of the rectum and local increase in arterial blood flow for a number of reasons.

  • Heredity. The literature describes cases of hemorrhoids in five generations in a row. We are talking about the structure and strength of venous vessels and their walls. Often with hemorrhoids, other diseases associated with the pathology of the venous system are determined, for example Varicose veins.
  • Constipation may be the main cause. Due to constipation, when straining, intra-abdominal pressure increases and hemorrhoids are pushed out of the anus.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth. During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, intra-abdominal pressure increases, this impedes venous blood flow and increases pressure in the veins, which leads to venous congestion. At the time of birth, these factors can exceed critical values ​​and lead to the formation of irreducible nodes. After childbirth, hemorrhoidal veins narrow sharply, and the symptoms of the disease, if there are no other predisposing factors, often disappear.
  • Hard physical work. Loads arising from lifting and carrying heavy objects, especially by an untrained person, can lead to damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the rectum and pelvis.
  • Passive lifestyle. When sitting on something soft for a long time, the hemorrhoidal veins expand and blood stagnates in them. Heat acts on the perineal area as a kind of warming compress.
  • Diet violation - abuse of spicy, fatty, salty and smoked foods, chronic overeating. Spicy seasonings irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to increased blood flow, so long-term abuse of hot and spicy dishes contributes to excessive blood supply and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). A high concentration of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract causes a persistent reflex vasodilation, spreading to all parts of the digestive tract, including the rectum. In dilated vessels, blood flow slows down, and blood stagnation in the hemorrhoids and their inflammation occurs.
  • Severe diarrhea. Direct damaging effect on tissue - frequent enemas, inaccurate spinning, suppositories, laxatives, anal sex, excessively intense anal hygiene.

Prohibited sports

And for those people who are professionally involved in sports, when this disease is detected, it is best to switch to a more gentle regime of exercise, so as not to lead to serious consequences and not to prolong the disease for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the load - do not lift heavy objects, do not make sharp turns. So what should you not do if your hemorrhoids worsen? Participate in certain sports that can increase pressure in the pelvic area.

  • hold your breath when performing physical activity;
  • climb mountains, as well as hike into mountainous areas.

In addition, in no case should you wear tight underwear or clothes, tighten belts at the waist and sit for a long time on soft sofas, chairs, etc.

Causes and risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

Basically, according to physiological reasons A disease occurs when the walls of blood vessels begin to lose their elasticity. And therefore, it is strictly forbidden to provoke any stagnation of blood.

This condition can also be caused by a body position that does not change for a long time. Therefore, people who stay in one position for a long time most often suffer from hemorrhoids. This category includes people of the following professions:

  • truck drivers;
  • scientists and people who give knowledge to others - teachers;
  • hair stylists;
  • people who work time carried out in the office;
  • bartenders.

And for those who occupy such positions, it is advisable to change their position after a few hours, and it is best to do simple gymnastics. What should you not do if you have hemorrhoids? First of all, stay in one position for a long time. Therefore, you need to get up as often as possible, walk around, you can bend over, make circular movements of your hips.

Hemorrhoids: prevention in children

Prevention of disease in children is not fundamentally different from measures to prevent disease in adults. So that you do not have to start treating hemorrhoids at home in your baby, follow the basic recommendations:

  • provide your child with high-quality and healthy nutrition;
  • Do not allow your child to sit for a long time at a table or computer. Be sure to send your child for a walk or arrange outdoor games right at home;
  • Do not leave small children in one position for a long time. Be sure to turn them over, pick them up, rock them to sleep.

Scheme for the prevention of hemorrhoids in men

For women, three risk factors are most relevant: a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and childbirth. Let's deal with each of them in turn. Most jobs offered to women involve sitting for 8 hours.

If we add travel time to these eight hours, we get 9-10 hours of sitting per day. In the absence of physical activity, this daily routine will sooner or later cause hemorrhoids. What to do?

Firstly, we cannot but rejoice at the trend towards regular visits to fitness centers. The benefits that can be gained from playing sports are invaluable. In addition to getting in shape, you are also taking measures to prevent hemorrhoids.

Secondly, very often, in addition to playing sports, women are addicted to diets and healthy eating. This is another important factor in how to avoid hemorrhoids during sedentary work. What should the diet be like?

The cause of hemorrhoids is constipation and problems with bowel movements. Therefore, it is worth adhering to a diet that promotes the formation of healthy stools.

The diet should contain fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits), and also exclude foods that irritate the intestines: alcohol, spicy foods, marinades.

Products in this category cause fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines. If you can’t afford a gym membership, you will do yourself a big favor by developing healthy habits like morning exercise or jogging.

The more active your lifestyle, the more successful will be the prevention of hemorrhoids at home.

Among the male half of humanity, the disease is even more common. Very often it is caused by poor nutrition or overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and unexpected strength loads.

If we have already examined the issue of nutrition in detail in the women's issue, then in the men's issue we will pay more attention to preventive exercises.

In general, the best prevention of hemorrhoids during sedentary work is sports. But on the way to sports, other health problems that are common among the population can become an obstacle. Therefore there is an easier way. To prevent hemorrhoids, there is physical prevention in the form of exercises:

  1. Without changing the starting position, we move on to the second popular exercise - “bicycle”. We pedal alternately in both directions.
  2. The last exercise in this position is as tight as possible press your knees to your stomach.
  3. We turn over on our stomach and We stand firmly on our hands, elbows and knees. Then alternately rotate your pelvis so that your buttocks touch the floor.
  4. We move to a chair. While sitting, cross your hands at the back of your head and tighten your anus, pulling it in slightly. It is enough to do 6-7 repetitions.

Such exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids, when performed regularly, will help you forget about this disease for the rest of your life. At the same time, do not forget about personal hygiene and maintaining a balanced diet.

We also do not advise men to be too heroic with lifting weights. Know your limits and don't push too hard. Sticking to all these simple rules, you will see that sedentary work and hemorrhoids can be incompatible.

Among men, the disease is even more common. Very often it is caused by poor nutrition or overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and unexpected strength loads.

In general, the best prevention of hemorrhoids in men during sedentary work is sports. But on the way to sports, other health problems that are common among the population can become an obstacle. Therefore there is an easier way. To prevent hemorrhoids, there is physical prevention in the form of exercises that can be performed at home:

  1. The first exercise that strengthens the muscles around the pelvis, as well as accelerates blood in the pelvic organs, is the well-known “scissors”. Lying on your back, alternately cross your straight legs.
  2. Without changing the starting position, we move on to the second popular exercise - “bicycle”. We pedal alternately in both directions.
  3. The last exercise in this position is to press your knees as tightly as possible to your stomach.
  4. We roll over onto our stomachs and stand on our hands, elbows and knees. Then alternately rotate your pelvis so that your buttocks touch the floor.
  5. We move to a chair. While sitting, cross your hands at the back of your head and tighten your anus, pulling it in slightly. It is enough to do 6-7 repetitions.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Carrying a fetus, especially in the later stages, has a negative impact on blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Also during this period, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood are increased, this can also affect the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Statistics say that 50% of pregnant women exhibit symptoms of pathology in one way or another. To avoid this, prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is necessary. The disease can behave cunningly, and a woman may sometimes not be aware of it until the first check with a doctor. Therefore, we advise you not to delay going to the clinic while you are pregnant.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is: proper nutrition and a specific set of exercises:

  1. First exercise. In the starting position, your feet are shoulder-width apart and your arms are extended forward. Movement: turn the torso to the right, keeping the feet in place, and abduct as much as possible right hand back. This movement is done while inhaling. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. Five seconds are allocated for each movement.
  2. The same starting position as in the first exercise, but the hands are clasped. We turn the body in different directions, with effort we move our arms back.
  3. Starting position: sit on the floor and lean on your hands behind you. Without lifting your heels, bend your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position. It is enough to do it five times.
  4. In the starting position, sitting, spread your legs to the sides without bending. Then stretch your body toward each leg, trying to reach your feet. ATTENTION! Exercise is ONLY allowed in the first and second trimester.
  5. Recommended for the third trimester the following exercise: Sit in your starting position on a chair. Move your right arm, with your left leg bent at the knee, try to reach the side of your abdomen, you can help yourself with your left hand. This movement is carried out as you exhale, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the action for the right leg and five times for each.

These simple physical exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids will help disperse the blood and strengthen the necessary muscles.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women expecting a child involves doing aqua aerobics for pregnant women, daily walking, and performing specially designed gymnastics exercises. It is important to follow a diet and avoid excessive weight gain.

During rest, it is necessary to place a special pillow under the stomach, which reduces pressure on the pelvic organs and prevents the development of congestion.

During pregnancy, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases many times over. This is due to excessive pressure from the uterus on the hemorrhoids. While carrying a child, you should refrain from using excessively tight, constricting belts and bandages, as well as wearing tight clothes and high heels.

During the period of bearing a child, enormous pressure is exerted on the pelvic vessels. This leads to blood flow, congestion and deformation of hemorrhoidal vessels. The situation becomes aggravated at the moment when a woman begins to give birth - extreme loads can lead to dilated veins falling out. The next day, the woman who gave birth will have great difficulty moving and going to the toilet.

Knowing this, expectant mothers often wonder how to avoid hemorrhoids after childbirth. Doctors recommend doing the following:

  • To prevent unpleasant pathology during pregnancy or shortly before childbirth, a woman is prescribed special products: creams, ointments and suppositories for the prevention of hemorrhoids. In the first trimester, doctors prescribe the following medications to expectant mothers: Natalsid, propolis-based suppositories and ointments, Posterisan. In the second trimester: Neo-Anuzol, Ichthyol. In the last trimester: Hepatrombin, Posterizan forte, Sea buckthorn suppositories;
  • The best prevention of hemorrhoids during childbirth is to trust the doctor receiving them and follow all his recommendations. Controlling your behavior and efforts during childbirth will help avoid the formation and rupture of hemorrhoids and cones;
  • Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy includes maintaining a normal weight. Contrary to popular belief that you need to eat for two, unhealthy eating and overeating are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

The occurrence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and childbirth is an unpleasant process that aggravates the already difficult situation of a young mother. To avoid this, follow preventive procedures and closely monitor your health.

To avoid this, prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is necessary. The disease can behave cunningly, and a woman may sometimes not be aware of it until the first check with a doctor. Therefore, we advise you not to delay going to the clinic while you are pregnant.

Symptoms and complications of hemorrhoids

Manifestations of the disease depend on the stage. At first, you may experience a feeling of heaviness, itching, and burning in the anus. Unpleasant sensations intensify after drinking alcohol and excessive physical activity. As the disease progresses, the main symptom of chronic hemorrhoids appears - prolapse of hemorrhoids, often accompanied by the appearance of scarlet bloody discharge at the end of a bowel movement on stool or toilet paper.

In addition to discomfort, hemorrhoids lead to the development of dangerous complications. Hemorrhoids can become inflamed, leading to thrombophlebitis. This complication manifests itself in the form of sharp pain and swelling, the hemorrhoidal node thickens, and the temperature rises. The inflammatory process can spread to the fatty tissue surrounding the veins. No less dangerous are the loss and pinching of internal nodes, in which they become dense and very painful. In both cases, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Diagnosing hemorrhoids is not difficult. This is a visual examination of the skin of the anal area, the presence of bleeding and its degree.

A digital rectal examination of the rectum is mandatory. However, with severe pain, this may not be possible. Then, while taking painkillers, an anoscopy is performed.

To examine the mucous membrane of the rectum and the lower part of the sigmoid colon, sigmoidoscopy is performed, which allows you to see the presence of even high-lying internal hemorrhoids and assess the condition of the internal nodes, or fibrocolonoscopy.

You should not sound the alarm ahead of time if you discover symptoms of this disease. The treatment is sold publicly in almost any pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. We are talking about a medicine for hemorrhoids, such as suppositories.

The active ingredients have healing anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic properties. In addition to treatment, suppositories are used to prevent hemorrhoids. Therefore, suppositories should be present in any family medicine cabinet, because there is a reason for their use, and the product may be needed at any time.

Overall, preventive measures for hemorrhoids will have an overall positive effect on your body and health. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of regular exercise and balanced nutrition. General muscle tone, as well as specifically digestive system It will not only protect you from the occurrence of unpleasant diseases, but will also bring your general condition to optimal.

Be healthy!

You should not sound the alarm ahead of time if you discover symptoms of this disease. The treatment is sold publicly in almost any pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. We are talking about a medicine for hemorrhoids, such as suppositories for men and women.

Overall, preventive measures for hemorrhoids will have an overall positive effect on your body and health.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of regular exercise and a balanced diet. The general tone of the muscles, as well as the digestive system specifically, will not only protect you from the occurrence of unpleasant diseases, but will also bring your general condition to optimal.

Be healthy!

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

Despite the huge amount of information about hemorrhoids and its treatment, there is very little information on the Internet about practical ways the fight against hemorrhoids from ordinary citizens.

Below I suggest that you familiarize yourself with Evgeniy’s practical recommendations on the prevention of hemorrhoids and the prevention of exacerbations of hemorrhoids. I quote the text of the letter verbatim, almost without editing, it is written well, one can feel the person’s experience in this matter. It's nice to receive such useful letters from readers.

Evgeniy wrote me a letter about his experience in treating hemorrhoids. With his consent, I decided to post this information on my blog, hoping that my readers will find it interesting and useful to study this letter.

The main thing that I was able to understand is that hemorrhoids are not a disease, but a symptom of an imbalance in the body.

Just as cystitis, for example, indicates an infection in the genitourinary system, so hemorrhoids indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract - GIT. Therefore, as I understand it, it is necessary to treat the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs.

My wife came up with a diet for me that does not contain fatty, fried, smoked, spicy or salty foods.

Porridge in the morning, cottage cheese in the afternoon, then steamed vegetables or boiled meat, and in the evening another meal of vegetables, for example. It turns out 4 times a day.

I noticed that it is important to eat only these four times, and in small portions, so that the stomach and intestines are not overloaded and do not put pressure on the rectum, and also so that the blood supply is not impaired due to intestinal overcrowding.

It is also important to chew your food very very very well so that it is easy for the stomach and intestines to cope with it. Enzymes, pancreatin and Creon (pharmacy, for example, contain enzymes) are also suitable for improving digestion.

In general, digestion must be dealt with first so that the gastrointestinal tract machine starts working well.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. Accordingly, conservative or minimally invasive methods or surgical operations can be used...

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In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it can be used as a general remedy (herbal preparations with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, hemostatic, healing and anti-spasm effects)…

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What drugs can be used for prevention?

Excessive and regular use of laxatives can cause hemorrhoids. Frequent constipation must be treated by eliminating the cause of its occurrence in the first place. Laxatives cannot cure constipation but will only provide temporary relief.

For prevention purposes, various medicines, contributing to the provision of a venotonic effect. The selection of drugs should be carried out by a doctor. Can be used:

  • Detralex tablets for internal use are used both for exacerbations and to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Venarus is an analogue of Detralex, used in courses several times a year. Regular use of the medicine in combination with diet and physical activity gives excellent results.
  • Homeopathic suppositories are widely used to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Suppositories based on sea buckthorn or propolis can also be used.

Traditional methods are used in the treatment and prevention of chronic hemorrhoids.

  1. In order to prevent exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to insert candles from raw potatoes. The course of treatment ranges from 30 days and can be extended if the proper therapeutic effect is provided.
  2. To prevent the external form of the disease, it is recommended to apply a compress of cinquefoil grass to hemorrhoids. To prepare the decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials cold water and bring to a boil. Then cool and use for the procedure. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a short break.
  3. Sitz baths with the addition of essential oils and decoctions of medicinal plants. During treatment, you can use oak bark, St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile inflorescences, and lemon balm.

Facilities traditional medicine must be used for a long time: in some cases from several months to six months. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease and the tolerability of a particular drug.

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Treating hemorrhoids at home

Be healthy!

Be healthy!

It is very important to consult with your doctor about taking different medicinal herbs, both internally and externally (in the form of baths, compresses, etc.). After all, herbal treatment, if taken orally, affects the entire body as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the indications and contraindications of these medicinal plants. And those herbs that may have blood-stopping properties should be taken in certain doses and generally better limited. After all, with such a disease, blood clots can form. This ultimately leads to serious consequences.

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Bad habits

It is worth stopping smoking, because just an hour after smoking a cigarette, blood circulation in the capillaries worsens by 30%. If there is a tendency towards hemorrhoids, then this factor can provoke its development. And if the disease already exists, smoking promotes thrombosis.

It is recommended to drink alcohol rarely, and ideally to give it up. The fact is that the products of alcohol metabolism contribute to excess blood supply. This also applies to the vessels of the rectum. And red wine increases blood pressure so much that if you have hemorrhoids, it can even provoke real bleeding.

Prevention methods

It is quite difficult to take any measures during the birth itself. The best and most relieving remedy will be timely pushing and following the advice of the obstetrician. Much depends on how the last months of pregnancy proceeded, when the fetus weighs the most.

It puts pressure on the blood vessels, so in order to prevent the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids during childbirth, you need to follow the rules throughout the entire period.

There are a lot of ways to treat varicose hemorrhoidal veins, and the sooner it starts, the sooner it ends. Treatment medications - ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids - will help get rid of them during pregnancy.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk. If you have to be in the same position for professional or other reasons, we recommend that you follow a few simple rules:

  • While working, get up and stretch every 30-50 minutes. If possible, walk around the room or go outside;
  • play sports. To keep the body and intestines in good shape, cardio exercises are suitable: aerobics, running, swimming and dancing. Lifting barbells, dumbbells and weights with heavy weights has the opposite effect: hemorrhoids form due to high pressure;
  • When staying at home for a long time, do exercises and be active in performing classic household chores. Get a dog - once you have a pet, you won't have time to sit in front of the computer or TV in the evenings.

If you don’t have enough time for additional activity, combine your commute to work with walking. This is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids during sedentary work, which does not take much time and is safe for health.


Patients with hemorrhoids suffer frequent constipation As a result, such women have to put in a lot of time and physical effort to defecate. Therefore, nutrition is an important part of preventing hemorrhoids; it is important to cope with constipation.

A special diet helps to structure the diet so that bowel movements occur regularly (daily, preferably at the same time), without much physical effort.

It is important to drink at least a couple of liters of water a day; mineral water, for example Essentuki, is especially good.

You will have to give up any smoked meats, spicy foods, any pickled foods and, of course, semi-finished products and fast food.

It is important to eat enough vegetables, fruits, and grains, because they are rich in fiber. You should also eat dried fruits and dairy products. They have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and also normalize intestinal function. Excellent mild laxatives:

  • pumpkin;
  • jelly made from rhubarb;
  • beet;
  • prunes;
  • fermented milk products, namely kefir, yogurt.

It is also worth giving preference to rye or bran bread. If there is still not enough fiber in the diet, the proctologist will prescribe special medications containing it.

In the process of treating hemorrhoids, the patient is prescribed many recommendations: what medications to take, how to eat, which will help relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, in addition to this, you also need to know what not to do with hemorrhoids, so as not to aggravate the situation. Sometimes even competent and comprehensive treatment does not give the desired result due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, gentle nutrition or prevention of further development of the disease.

To effectively fight it, you need to radically change your lifestyle and follow contraindications for hemorrhoids.

Existing restrictions during the treatment period should help the patient relieve the load on the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the large intestine. Therefore, the doctor’s prescriptions should concern not only taking the necessary medicines, but also taking into account what is prohibited for hemorrhoids.

The influence of the causes of hemorrhoids on the treatment process

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids is impossible without determining the causes that caused inflammation in the veins of the rectum. Therefore, in the process of fighting the disease, it is important to take into account the factors that provoked its development. Hemorrhoids are often caused by the following reasons:

  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • unhealthy diet, abuse of fast food;
  • excessive physical activity, for example in athletes;
  • persistent constipation or diarrhea, which increases the load on the anus and smooth muscles of the intestines;
  • physiological characteristics of the large intestine;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • heredity.

Most of these prerequisites can be eliminated and the development of hemorrhoids can be prevented by following preventive measures. But if the disease has already appeared, eliminating them can help in the treatment process. Contraindications for hemorrhoids include actions that exclude provoking factors.

Features of nutrition in the treatment of disease

The main prohibition for hemorrhoids is uncontrolled eating. To eliminate the disease, you will have to adhere to special diet, the main purpose of which is to ease the work of the stomach and intestines. It is necessary to eat only food that is easily digested, does not cause constipation and is easily excreted from the body.

The basic rules of gentle nutrition include:

  • Eliminate smoked, fried, spicy and salty foods from your diet. Any products that cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines are prohibited.
  • Limit the consumption of coffee and tea, completely eliminate carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • It is better to eat steamed or boiled dishes with minimum quantity salt.
  • Avoid legumes, sorrel, cabbage, radishes and other foods that increase fermentation in the stomach and intestines.
  • Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet that are high in fiber, which enhances metabolism and activates intestinal motility. The exceptions are apples, grapes and potatoes -.
  • Eat often, but in small portions. There should be 5-6 meals a day, varying in quality and calorie content.

By adhering to a diet, the patient will be able to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate the occurrence of constipation or diarrhea, help his body fight hemorrhoids and avoid its exacerbation.

Physical activity restrictions

Often, hemorrhoidal cones appear due to constant stress on the pelvic area, for example, during work involving heavy lifting, or among professional athletes. Therefore, physical overload is also among the contraindications that must be taken into account during the treatment process for both men and women. Patients with hemorrhoids should not:

  • Work out in gym, bodybuilding, cycling and horse riding.
  • Lift heavy objects weighing more than 5 kg.
  • Go on long hikes and mountaineering.
  • Sitting for a long time, especially on uncomfortable chairs and armchairs. Even squats create additional stress on the perineal muscles.
  • Lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Do not sit and strain in the toilet.

It is important to understand that limiting activity does not mean giving it up completely. After all, lack of mobility and moderate exercise is also a common cause of hemorrhoidal disease. Therefore, in the matter of activity, one must observe a sense of proportion. There are ones that are aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lumbar and pelvic areas.

And an active lifestyle is the prevention of not only hemorrhoids, but also many other health disorders.

Rules of hygiene and choice of clothing for hemorrhoids

An important contraindication for hemorrhoids is the use of the same hygiene rules and procedures that were used before the onset of the disease. Ignoring principles proper care It will not allow you to completely cure the disease, but will only aggravate the situation. The following rules must be followed:

  • The anus area should be washed with water at room temperature twice a day, and also after each bowel movement.
  • Instead of water for washing, you can use decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects - chamomile, string, oak bark, sage and others.
  • Do not wear tight underwear made from synthetic fabrics that restrict air flow. In addition, you need to temporarily give up tight trousers and jeans that pinch blood vessels in the pelvic area.
  • Loosening the belt on the belt or completely abandoning it for the period of treatment of hemorrhoids.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids

Sports for hemorrhoids

The right choice of clothing and compliance with hygiene requirements will help to avoid many unpleasant symptoms and complications of hemorrhoids.

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