Aflubin how many drops to a child. Aflubin - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of release (drops, spray in the nose - nase, tablets under the tongue) of a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of influenza, orvi, rhinitis and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy.

Wood boards and products 04.01.2021
Wood boards and products

Homeopathic remedy for colds

Release form, composition and packaging

Homeopathic drops in the form of a transparent, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint, without a specific odor.

Excipients: ethanol 43% (by weight) - 59 ml.

20 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
100 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - cardboard packs.

Homeopathic sublingual tablets white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk, odorless.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

12 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Complex homeopathic preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antipyretic, detoxifying effect. Has activity. Helps to increase the activity of nonspecific factors of local immunity. Reduces the intensity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndromes, normalizes the functions of the mucous membrane respiratory tract.


The action of the drug is the result of the cumulative action of its components, so it is not possible to conduct kinetic observations; all together the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.


- treatment and prevention (planned and emergency), parainfluenza and other acute respiratory infections in order to alleviate symptoms (as part of complex therapy);

– treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome.


- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


At flu and acute respiratory infections (1-2 days of illness)children under 1 year old children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 caps. Multiplicity of reception - no more than 3-8 times / day.

At influenza and acute respiratory infections (advanced stage)children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times / day for 5-10 days.

For routine flu prevention at the beginning of the cold season or 1 month before the annual expected peak incidence children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 3 weeks.

For emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections immediately after contact with a sick person or after severe hypothermia children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 2 days.

For treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome,children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 cap. The multiplicity of reception - 3-8 times / day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), in the future - 3 times / day for 1 month.

V the onset of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug every 0.5-1 hour, 8-10 drops, but not more than 8 times / day. After improvement of the condition, the drug is prescribed 3 times / day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal. Drops are taken in pure form or diluted in 1 table. l. water. For children under 1 year old, drops are diluted in 1 teaspoon. l. water or mother's milk. 1/2 tab. should also be dissolved in 1 tsp. l. water or mother's milk and give 1 cap. Before swallowing, it is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a while. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Side effects

Rarely: increased salivation.

The patient should be informed that if other side effects you should consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

drug interaction

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Aflubin with other medicines not installed.

Homeopathic remedy for colds

Release form, composition and packaging

Homeopathic drops in the form of a transparent, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint, without a specific odor.

Excipients: ethanol 43% (by weight) - 59 ml.

20 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - packs of cardboard.
100 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper (1) - cardboard packs.

Homeopathic sublingual tablets white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk, odorless.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

12 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Complex homeopathic preparation. It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antipyretic, detoxifying effect. Has activity. Helps to increase the activity of nonspecific factors of local immunity. Reduces the intensity and duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndromes, normalizes the functions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.


The action of the drug Aflubin is the result of the cumulative action of its components, so it is not possible to conduct kinetic observations; all together the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.


- treatment and prevention (planned and emergency), parainfluenza and other acute respiratory infections in order to alleviate symptoms (as part of complex therapy);

– treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome.


- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


At flu and acute respiratory infections (1-2 days of illness)children under 1 year old children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 caps. Multiplicity of reception - no more than 3-8 times / day.

At influenza and acute respiratory infections (advanced stage)children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times / day for 5-10 days.

For routine flu prevention at the beginning of the cold season or 1 month before the annual expected peak incidence children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 3 weeks.

For emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections immediately after contact with a sick person or after severe hypothermia children under 1 year old appoint 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 2 days.

For treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome,children 1-12 years old- 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and teenagers- 1 tab. or 10 cap. The multiplicity of reception - 3-8 times / day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), in the future - 3 times / day for 1 month.

V the onset of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug every 0.5-1 hour, 8-10 drops, but not more than 8 times / day. After improvement of the condition, the drug is prescribed 3 times / day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal. Drops are taken in pure form or diluted in 1 table. l. water. For children under 1 year old, drops are diluted in 1 teaspoon. l. water or mother's milk. 1/2 tab. should also be dissolved in 1 tsp. l. water or mother's milk and give 1 cap. Before swallowing, it is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a while. The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Side effects

Rarely: increased salivation.

The patient should be informed that if other side effects occur, consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

drug interaction

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Aflubin with other drugs has not been established.

Aflubin instructions for use are almost like a remake of the famous "Bittner's Balm". This is a homeopathic preparation made by Richard Bittner AG (Austria) mainly on the basis of phytocomponents in small doses. A drug is used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections, in combination with the main treatment program, as an immunomodulator.

Aflubin is a complex drug not only in composition, but primarily in action. This drug has immunomodulatory properties, "works" as an interferon inducer, stimulating the body to produce its own protein with antiviral activity. The effect is noticeable from 3 to 72 hours after ingestion of this homeopathic remedy. Aflubin also has local anti-inflammatory properties, mild antipyretic properties, as well as detoxification properties.

At the initial stage of the development of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), during a viral attack, the body temperature rises above 39 ° C, which is difficult for adults, easier for children. The described drug is able to keep the numbers at the level of 38 ° C. This, firstly, is quite tolerable even for young children. Secondly, the activation of standard mechanisms takes place at the proper level, interferon is synthesized, lymphocytes differentiate and actively undergoes the process of phagocytosis.

General characteristics of the drug

Thanks to the drug, you can expect the reverse development of the symptoms of the disease at a double rate. This means that if in the “standard mode” you get sick with a viral infection for about a week, and then the same amount of time to deal with complications.

The absence of clinical symptoms or their significant leveling "on Aflubin" can be expected on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease. Much less often, the symptomatology “leaves” on the 4th day; in both cases, the development of complications (pneumonia, otitis, etc.) was not recorded in the studies.

Release form

Aflubin is described in the instruction as a complex formulation consisting of 3 plant components (gentian, bionia and aconite), iron phosphate, lactic acid and ethanol for liquid (intended for oral administration) or lactose, starch and magnesium stearate for sublingual tablets. It was in two such forms that Bittner presented his offspring for sale. The composition is designed to reduce the level of inflammation in the patient's airways and stimulate the body's own defenses.

Very often, parents have a question, is there Aflubin for children? Given that the drug is classified as homeopathic and there is no need to make it in a lower dosage. This is what medicines for children differ in. Both forms of the drug are approved for use in children under one year old. But drops, due to the convenience of administration, are preferable to give to children from 3 years old. It is better for babies up to this age to give tablets due to the content of ethanol in the liquid.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication that an official annotation for a medicine can state today is an allergy or intolerance to any of its components. According to most open sources, the drug is well tolerated and does not have a toxic effect on the body, despite the ethanol (liquid form) and aconite contained in its composition.

So far, no side effects have been reported. When the tablet is resorbed, increased salivation is possible.

Regardless of the form of the drug, Aflubin instructions for use for children and adults absolutely equally recommend taking half an hour before meals or at least an hour after.

Please note that for any homeopathic remedy, even a glass of tea you drink is considered a meal.

Aflubin drops instructions for use recommends not swallowing immediately, and even more so not to drink water, hold in your mouth for up to half a minute. In the oral cavity in the sublingual region, homeopathic medicines are absorbed into the blood no less actively than in the mucosa of the deeper sections. gastrointestinal tract(GIT). So that the ethanol contained in the medicine does not burn the mucous membrane, it is permissible to dilute Aflubin drops for children under one year old in a teaspoon, for children from 1 to 12 years old in a dessert room, for teenagers and adults in the dining room.

It is possible to use Aflubin drops in its pure form. Tablets should be sucked in the mouth until they are completely dissolved.

Aflubin drops instructions for use for children recommends dosing as follows (in the tablet dose is indicated in brackets) up to a year, 1 drop (half a tablet), 1-12 years, 5 drops (half a tablet), adolescents from 13 to 18 years, 19 drops (1 tablet).

Aflubin instruction for the use of drops for adults suggests dosing as well as adolescents, 10 drops each. This is equivalent to chewing 1 tablet.

Aflubin instruction for children, adolescents and adults recommends taking the drug:

  1. for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, they are used on the first day of illness 3-8 times / day, later 53 times a day, the course is 5-10 days;
  2. as a prophylactic, the medicine is drunk 2 times a day, in a course of 21 days;
  3. for urgent prevention 2 times a day for only 2 days;
  4. for rheumatoid manifestations, the medicine is taken for a month at the dosages indicated for influenza.

The cost of the drug

For Aflubin, the price in tablet form ranges from 194 rubles for 12 lozenges to 510 rubles for 48 of the same tablets. For Aflubin drops, the price is 270 rubles for 20 ml, and 390 rubles for 50 ml.

Aflubin - official instructions for use (drops)

Similar drugs

There are no structural analogues for the Bittner products. The following drugs may be the closest replacement:

  • Agrippin Agri,
  • Anaferon,
  • Arbidol.

The most interesting thing in the reviews of the drug is a dispute between allopathic doctors (traditionalists) and homeopathic doctors. The first in some cases consider the described medicine to be effective at the placebo level due to the low content active components. Homeopaths do not recognize it as "their own" referring to allopathic medicines that fight the cause of the disease, and do not eliminate the deep roots of the problem.

Summary of Reviews

The dispute between homeopaths and allopaths does not prevent the medicine from being popular with many pediatricians and therapists, as well as their patients. The manufacturing company took the trouble to "stock up" with a list of clinical trials of the drug, confirming its effectiveness. Thanks to this, practitioners can still use the medication, relying on a significant amount of knowledge and experience. And those who use this drug leave reviews on Aflubin that are generally positive. But it should be understood that standard treatment should not be neglected.

Good reviews for Aflubin for children when using it as a prophylactic. The remedy helps to endure the cold season for children of kindergarten and younger school age with minimal losses. Parents are pleased with the fact that it is almost impossible to overdose the drug, it does not cause addiction, and the incidence of the child decreases when taken correctly. Children get sick less often and recover faster.

Preparations for stimulating the immune system are quite in demand. Such funds are almost always in the home first aid kit if a child is growing in the family. They are especially relevant during the off-season - in spring and autumn, the likelihood of colds and infectious diseases increases.

Immunomodulators are presented in a wide range, and it is not always easy to navigate it. Consider a popular remedy called Aflubin - its composition, form of release, how to give this drug to children and existing analogues.

Composition, form of release and action of the drug

Aflubin belongs to homeopathic preparations and is made in the form of drops and tablets. Drops go on sale in dark glass containers equipped with a dropper dispenser. The volume of the bottle can be 20, 50 and 100 ml. The composition of 1 ml of the solution contains the following substances:

  • gentian yellow - 0.01 ml;
  • wrestler from the buttercup family - 0.1 ml;
  • dioecious step - 0.1 ml;
  • iron phosphate - 0.1 ml;
  • lactic acid - 0.1 ml;
  • ethanol - 0.59 ml.

Tablets have a slightly different composition and concentration of active ingredients. 1 dose contains:

  • gentian yellow - 0.0036 g;
  • wrestler from the buttercup family - 0.0372 g;
  • dioecious step - 0.0372 g;
  • iron phosphate - 0.0372 g;
  • lactic acid - 0.0372 g;
  • lactose monohydrate (sweetener);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch.

Aflubin tablets are less in demand than the drug in the form of drops

Aflubin is positioned as an antiviral agent and as an immunomodulator. The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. Also, the medication will help reduce the temperature and remove toxins from the body, formed as a result of the vital activity of microbes - the causative agents of the disease.

Indications for use of the drug for treatment and prevention

Aflubin is used as prophylactic against SARS, influenza and the common cold. The medicine increases the local immunity of the upper respiratory tract, strengthens the body's defenses.

Also, the drug is used in the combined treatment of acute viral diseases, rheumatism, inflammatory processes, accompanied by aching joints. The use of the drug allows you to reduce the negative manifestations of the disease - to neutralize headache and relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, thereby helping to speed up recovery.

Method of application and dosage

Aflubin for children is usually used in the form of drops; tablets are more convenient for adults to take. Like any homeopathic remedy, Aflubin is applied between meals. It is desirable that at least an hour has passed after eating, and the next meal was only half an hour later.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug should be started a month before the expected seasonal epidemics of SARS. It is permissible to start taking the remedy during the onset of the epidemic.

Tablets and drops will show the greatest effectiveness if you keep the drug in your mouth as long as possible during administration. The tablet should be placed under the tongue, waiting for its complete dissolution. Next, consider the regimen for taking Aflubin for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Use of drops

Drops can be given to children from 2 years of age. It is allowed to dilute the drug with water or juice. For the planned prevention of seasonal diseases, the following regimen is used.

If urgent prevention of the disease is required (after contact with someone who is already ill or hypothermia), the drug should be taken as follows:

  • Children under 12 are shown to take 2 to 9 drops twice a day. The course is 2-3 days.
  • Children over 12 years old and adults - 10 drops twice a day.

The immunomodulatory drug must be used strictly according to the instructions.

For treatment on day 1-2 of the disease, the following dosage is used:

Application of Aflubin tablets

Tablets are used from the age of five. The instructions indicate a prophylactic regimen for three weeks:

  • children from 5 to 12 years old take 0.5 tablets twice a day;
  • from 12 years and older - 1 tablet in the morning and evening.

For the treatment of the acute phase of respiratory diseases, the following dosage is used:

  • babies from 5 years old should be given 0.5 tablets 3 to 8 times a day;
  • from 12 years and older - 1 tablet every half hour to an hour, but not more than 8 times a day.

Interactions with other drugs and special instructions for use

Aflubin is allowed to be taken together with other medicines. However, it is recommended to observe a 20-minute break between taking various drugs.

It is not advisable to give Aflubin to children under two years of age, since the effect of the drug on the children's body has not yet been studied. A pediatrician may recommend taking the drug to a baby from a year old, but only under the supervision of a specialist. Use during pregnancy and lactation is also not recommended, but there may be exceptions.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

There are not many contraindications to the use of Aflubin. These include childhood up to 2 years, as well as manifestations of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects include a slight exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease in the first days of taking the medication. At the same time, you should not refuse treatment, because through short period(1-2 days) the condition should return to normal.

How much does Aflubin cost and are there any analogues?

The cost of Aflubin varies depending on the form of release and the volume of the drug. For example, a package of tablets can cost from 180 to 550 rubles (12, 24 or 48 pieces in a box). Drops - from 350 to 500 rubles (20 or 50 ml in a bottle).

There are no medicines with a similar composition on the pharmaceutical market, but if you wish, you can choose a remedy with a similar effect. Consider the analogues of Aflubin - homeopathic preparations that are used in pediatrics.

Name of the drugActive substanceIndicationsspecial instructions
Viburkol, candlesChamomile, belladonna, dulcamara, plantain, sleep grass (lumbago), calcium carbonate.childhood infectious diseases, fever, hyperactivity of the child, insomnia, anxiety, convulsions, etc.Used as an aid. The advantages include mild action, as well as the possibility of use in children from birth.
Oscillococcinum (see also: )Muscovy duck liver extract, sugar, lactose.Acute phase of influenza, SARS, prevention of colds and infectious diseases in children and adults.Most effective on early stages illness. Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.
Angin-heelApis mellifica (dried bee powder), mountain arnica, belladonna, gepar sulfur, etc.Angina, tonsillitis of various etiologies. Prevention of throat diseases.Approved for use in children under one year old.
cinnabsinCinnabaris (red mercuric sulfite), potassium bichromate, Hydrastis canadensis, echinacea.Various types of rhinitis and sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils. Helps to strengthen local immunity.During the use of the drug may increase salivation.


Aflubin (Aflubin)


Complex homeopathic remedy Aflubin has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immunomodulatory, detoxifying effects.
Stimulates the activity of non-specific protective factors mainly of local immunity. Reduces the severity and duration of intoxication and inflammatory manifestations.

Under the influence of Aflubin, the protective functions of the mucous membranes of the nose and the tracheobronchial tree are normalized.
Aflubin helps to increase the body's resistance to influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and the tracheobronchial tree.
It is used in the treatment of rheumatoid diseases of the musculoskeletal system as part of complex therapy.

Mechanism of action Aflubin is the result of the combined influence of active ingredients, so the use of kinetic studies is not possible using markers or biological studies.
Therefore, the final metabolites of the drug cannot be detected.

Indications for

Complex therapy or prevention of influenza, parainfluenza, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- complex treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by articular syndrome (joint pain).

Mode of application:

For influenza and acute respiratory infections(1-2 days of illness) children under 1 year old are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 caps. Multiplicity of reception - no more than 3-8 times / day.
For influenza and acute respiratory infections (advanced stage), children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times / day for 5-10 days.

For routine flu prevention and at the beginning of the cold season or 1 month before the annual expected peak incidence, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 cap..
Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day. Course duration - 3 weeks.
For emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections immediately after contact with a sick person or after severe hypothermia, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1/2 tab. or 1 cap., children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 drops. Multiplicity of reception - 2 times / day.
Course duration - 2 days.

For the treatment of inflammatory and rheumatic diseases accompanied by articular pain syndrome, children 1-12 years old - 1/2 tab. or 5 cap., adults and adolescents - 1 tab. or 10 cap. The multiplicity of reception - 3-8 times / day at the beginning of treatment (1-2 days), in the future - 3 times / day for 1 month.

At the onset of the disease as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms, it is possible to take the drug every 0.5-1 hour, 8-10 drops, but not more than 8 times / day.
After improvement of the condition, the drug is prescribed 3 times / day.
The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal.
Drops are taken in pure form or diluted in 1 table. l. water.
For children under 1 year old, drops are diluted in 1 teaspoon. l. water or mother's milk. 1/2 tab. should also be dissolved in 1 tsp. l. water or mother's milk and give 1 cap. Before swallowing, it is recommended to hold the drug in the mouth for a while.
The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Side effects:

Rarely: increased salivation.
In isolated cases, in persons with hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, allergic reactions are possible.
The patient should be informed that if other side effects occur, consult a doctor.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

At the beginning of drug treatment, a slight increase in the severity of symptoms of the disease is possible, which do not require discontinuation of the drug.
Dosage form of a tablet contains lactose therefore, patients with rare hereditary forms of galactose intolerance, lactose deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should take the drug in the form of drops instead of Aflubin tablets.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or work with other mechanisms.
Despite the alcohol content in the preparation in the form of drops, Aflubin in recommended doses does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and mechanical means.

other medicinal
by other means:

The drug can be combined with any drugs and treatments.
When using Aflubin in complex therapy with other medicines It is recommended to adhere to a pause between their intake of at least 20 minutes.


Information about any risk to the fetus and child due to taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation is not yet available.
The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus / child.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Release form:

Drops Aflubin homopathic for internal use in the form of a clear, colorless to colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint, without a specific odor, in bottles of 20, 30, 50 and 100 ml with a drop dispenser.
Aflubin tablets sublingual homeopathic white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk, odorless, 12, 24, 36 or 48 pieces in cardboard boxes.
Spray nasal homeopathic Aflubin-Nase 20 ml in a vial.

Storage conditions:

A drug in the form of tablets sublingual should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children.
Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.
A drug in the form of drops homeopathic should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place protected from light and strong electromagnetic fields, out of the reach of children.
Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Since Aflubin contains herbal and other natural ingredients, a slight change in taste, transparency or color of the solution may occur during storage, which does not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

100 ml drops of homeopathic Aflubin contain:
- active ingredients: gentian (Gentiana) D1 - 1 ml, aconite (Aconitum) D6 - 10 ml, bryonia dioecious (Bryonia) D6 - 10 ml, iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum) D12 - 10 ml, lactic acid (Acidum sarcolacticum) D12 - 10 ml ;
- excipients: ethanol 43% (by weight) - 59 ml.

1 tablet sublingual homeopathic Aflubin contains:
- active ingredients: gentian (Gentiana) D1 - 3.6 mg, aconite (Aconitum) D6 - 37.2 mg, bryonia dioecious (Bryonia) D6 - 37.2 mg, iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum) D12 - 37.2 mg, lactic acid (Acidum sarcolacticum) D12 - 37.2 mg;
- excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

100 ml homeopathic nasal spray Aflubin-Nase contains:
- active ingredients: black mustard (Sinapis nigra) D2 - 1 ml, Euphorbium (euphorbia resinous, milky juice) D6 - 10 ml, meadow backache (Pulsatilla) D6 - 10 ml, luffa (Luffa) D12 - 10 ml, mercury iodide ( Mercurius bijodatus) D12 - 10 ml;
- excipients: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride isotonic solution.

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