Buying food for proper nutrition. List of products for weight loss, what you can eat, and what is banned for PP? Sample grocery basket for the week

Wood materials and products 27.09.2020
Wood materials and products

Some people are simply sure: choosing a list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss, they will find only unpalatable, lean grains or greens, meals will turn from pleasure into a necessity, and the rule: "eat only for survival" will become a real credo. But are the necessary products really tasteless and everything useful as a medicine should be bitter or sour? Is it possible to find that balance in order to maintain pleasure and establish the right diet for weight loss, that's what a person should be more concerned about.

Food as pleasure

Do not combine different proteins. For example, healthy food fish and milk are not combined together, or fish and eggs (if this is not a dish).

Concentrated carbohydrates are not particularly combined. When thinking about what to eat, do not mix cheese with potatoes or nuts with cereals.

Fats are perfectly combined with ordinary cabbage. It prevents the slowdown in the production of gastric juice, which is caused by fats.

Incompatible bouquet: food where there are a lot of carbohydrates (potatoes or beans, bread) with sour vegetables or other products.

Food rich in fat should not be combined with protein. Do not take sour cream and eggs, vegetable oil and cheese, meat and butter.

Starch is only good in moderation. Do not eat porridge or potatoes with bread. It is better to eat bread separately, without jamming it with the main dish. Some still spread with mayonnaise.

Take more green vegetables, let them become the main part of any of your dishes.

When making salads, do not add a lot of oil or acid there, this will slow down the digestibility of proteins.
Tips to help you learn the basics of separate nutrition.

Grocery list


Low-fat milk (there is a percentage of fat on each package, take the lowest);
unsweetened yogurt;
Low-fat sour cream (% is indicated on the package, see it as a substitute for cream);
hard cheese;
Soft cheese, only low-fat;
Cottage cheese (only types with 5% and below);
Kefir (only up to 2.5%).

From breakfast cereals:

They are more convenient and faster to eat in the morning, when you are too lazy to cook porridge. What products are suitable for replacement:

Bran (there is fiber);
Muesli (see savory).


Brown rice (unpolished);
Buckwheat (regular);
Oatmeal (regular);
Quinoa (to taste)
Couscous (to taste);
What kind of pasta you can eat, of course, they are floury and should be limited in a good way, not some types are still considered dietary. Take only from durum wheat varieties (this is written on their packages);
Dried fruits (great snack);
dried almonds;
Cashew nuts;
Whole grain breads.

From beans:

Red beans (extremely healthy and tasty);
Turkish peas (chickpeas);
White or green beans (they are in jars);
Peanut butter (be careful with it);

From animal products:

White fish (this is telapia or sea bass, you can pollock or hake);
Red fish (this is salmon or trout);
Chicken fillet (only without skin, considered lean);
Turkey fillet;
Chicken or quail eggs.

From vegetables:

bell pepper;
Any greens;
Fresh ginger.

From fruits:

Dark grapes (black);
A pineapple.

From frozen foods:

Vegetable mix (special, for frying);
Frozen fruits or berries (by the way, you can freeze them yourself);
Polka dots;
colored or Brussels sprouts;
String beans;

Today, most nutritionists and ordinary people agree that the concept of "proper nutrition" is based on the principles of vegetarianism. It's no secret that the fundamental aspect of this nutrition system, which, by the way, is not just a refusal or the use of certain products, but a whole worldview, is a voluntary refusal to eat meat. The results of many studies have found that meat acts on our body as destructively as drinking alcohol or smoking. Meat is a conductor of animal fats into the human body, and as soon as they get inside, the cardiovascular system suffers, jumps occur. blood pressure. An excess of animal fats can also cause cancer.

In addition, the results of laboratory experiments have established the destructive effect of animal fats on the brain, as a result of which a person begins to experience neuroses, feel anger and irritability. All this affects the quality in the worst possible way. Everyday life, internal balance and harmony with the outside world are lost. So, with the fact that it is absolutely impossible to eat, we have decided, now we can consider a list for proper nutrition.

The proper nutrition system prescribes the use of more than three hundred types of vegetables and root crops, more than six hundred varieties of fruits, and about two hundred varieties of nuts. To fill the lack of protein will help: spinach, kohlrabi, cauliflower and the fruits of wheat, the use of nuts and legumes (soybeans, lentils, beans and peas) is especially effective in this sense. Animal fats replace various types of vegetable oils: olive, linseed, mustard, sunflower, hemp, coconut, corn, poppy, bean, nut, cotton, almond.

For clarity, the table below summarizes the percentage ratio of the proportions of the proper nutrition system, where 100% of the daily diet of an adult is taken as the basis:

Attention: completely exclude the use of any seasonings and vinegar from the diet!

It is very important not only to know what foods you need to eat, embarking on the path of proper and healthy nutrition, but also to be able to combine them correctly:

  1. Legumes and sesame are in perfect harmony with rice;
  2. Wheat is combined with peanuts, soybeans, sesame seeds, and legumes;
  3. Legumes are most beneficial when accompanied by corn or wheat;
  4. The perfect trio: soy, rice and wheat;
  5. Pairs: wheat - sesame, wheat - soy;
  6. Tandem: peanuts - sesame seeds, sesame seeds - legumes, peanuts - soybeans, peanuts - sunflower seeds;

Only by learning how to use all these products correctly and refusing products that contain dyes, seasonings, various flavorings based on chemical compounds, we can talk about observing the principles of a proper nutrition system.

Proper nutrition: a list of what foods you can eat

In order to avoid the development of serious illnesses, as well as in order to raise the general tone, you need not to go to the pharmacy for medicines and bioadditives, and go to the store for healthy products:

  1. Avocado: the calorie content of this fruit is about 240 kcal. It contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fats, which are simply necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair. In addition, avocados are rich in proteins, which means they can easily replace meat. This is a unique fruit also because it absolutely does not cause allergic reactions, which means that it can be safely introduced into the child's diet. Also, avocado boasts a high content of copper, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin A and trace elements. Since avocados are not a shortage in the domestic market, you should try to consume it at least a couple of times a week.
  2. Linseed oil: not very pleasant in taste, but priceless in terms of benefits! At proper storage(only in the refrigerator, open for no more than thirty days) linseed oil saturates our body with fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-9, Omega-6. Flaxseed oil is a great alternative to fish. To maintain the balance of these acids in the body, you need to consume one tablespoon of the product per day.
  3. sea ​​kale, nori algae: an indispensable source of iodine, micro and macro elements, vitamins B and C, as well as selenium. Nori is a seaweed that is extremely rich in the above substances, which means that you simply have to treat yourself to rolls once a week!
  4. Mushrooms: the purest protein, accompanied by a rare amino acid - valine. Mushrooms are unique in that the iron they contain is completely devoid of phytic acids. For example, 200 g of chanterelles can easily replace daily requirement organism in the gland.
  5. Tofu Cheese: Complete protein of the highest concentration (8.3 per 100 g). Tofu cheese can be a wonderful and savory ingredient for absolutely any dish.
  6. Whole-grain types of bread: the purest fiber and magnesium, as well as B vitamins. Eating bread from whole-grain flour gives a huge charge of vivacity, strength and energy.
  7. Different kinds cereals: oatmeal, pearl barley, brown rice, buckwheat, eggs and many others will help make up for the lack of fats, carbohydrates and fiber in the body. You can cook soups with their addition, make cereals and even cutlets.
  8. Protein peas - chickpeas: the name speaks for itself. It is the leader in protein content and necessary for the body micro and macro elements. All dishes with the addition of chickpeas are extremely satisfying.
  9. Peanuts and walnuts: contain a high concentration of trace elements, fats and proteins. They can be used as a healthy snack, as well as an additional ingredient for main dishes and salads.
  10. Beans, lentils, peas: contain easily digestible protein in large quantities, in addition, they are very rich in zinc.
  11. Greens: celery, parsley, dill, basil, cilantro - a source of all types of trace elements, fiber, zinc, iron, amino acids. In addition to additional ingredients for main dishes, they will be an excellent basis for various smoothies.
  12. Poppy, flax, sunflower and sesame seeds: pure vitamins, calcium, potassium and trace elements. The perfect accompaniment to all types of homemade cakes.
  13. All types of vegetables: different varieties cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, corn, tomato - all these are essential trace elements, fiber, vitamins for a complete and healthy diet.

It is important to note that when it comes to greens, fruits and vegetables, you need to remember the principle of seasonality and be aware that proper nutrition is not just awareness of what foods you can eat, but also their competent combination!

What you can eat with proper nutrition: a list

Proper nutrition is healthy nutrition! Such nutrition can ensure full growth and development in childhood, support the vital activity at the proper level of an adult, improve health and become a full-fledged, effective, and most importantly, natural prevention. various diseases and deviations. If you strictly follow the rules and eat only natural and healthy foods and at the same time pay attention exercise, then you can reduce the risk of developing such chronic and complex diseases as hypertension, oncology, diabetes, obesity, disease gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. With proper nutrition, you can eat:

  • Legumes: beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, peas;
  • Cereal crops: rye, millet, buckwheat, wheat, rice, barley, couscous, bulgur;;
  • Nuts: coconuts, pine nuts, pecans, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • All types of vegetable oils: linseed, sunflower, olive;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Marine products such as: brown algae (wakame, hijiki, kelp, lima), red algae (dals, rodimia, carrageenan, porphyra), green algae (monostroma, umi budo, spirulina, ulva);
  • Non-gelatin sweets based on agar-agar or pectin;
  • Vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, squash, celery, radishes, spinach;
  • As spices you can use: ginger, cinnamon, marjoram, fennel, basil, coriander, cardamom, pepper, cumin, turmeric, anise, vanilla, barberry, oregano, mustard;
  • For breakfast, cereals filled with cedar milk are very useful;
  • Fruits/dried fruits;
  • Bread made from coarse flour.

Be sure to pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to what you drink! Try to use as much clean water as possible, preferably of natural origin, make cranberry juice, lemon water, completely give up carbonated drinks. Drinking alcohol is out of the question! Watch your diet, it must be correct and balanced, only then you will be able to maintain order in your body, helping it cope with daily stress in a rather difficult environmental situation.

Do you want to start eating healthy, but don't know which foods to choose for proper nutrition? In this article, I will tell you in detail what I eat myself and how I lose weight at the same time.

Much has been said about the benefits of PP:

  1. it is an optimal way of life for people of all ages;
  2. proper nutrition allows you to effectively lose weight and keep weight at a certain point;
  3. it's really delicious food, not inferior to junk food;
  4. a balanced and healthy diet allows you to cleanse the body;
  5. A properly planned diet provides all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

All these advantages of proper nutrition work when observed. certain rule: you need to clean your refrigerator from useless food and adjust the grocery basket. Below we consider a list of products for proper nutrition, which should be given preference in the first place.

What foods are healthy

There is a wide variety of products currently on the market. The shelves are breaking! For a full life, we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements. Even our mood depends on what foods are included in proper nutrition.

Main principle choice the right products: naturalness, minimal processing, short shelf life, no sugar and preservatives in the composition.

The list of PP products should include: animal and vegetable protein, mainly vegetable fats, complex carbohydrates.

You should not take fat-free foods, as there is nothing alive in them, but there is a lot of starch.
Give preference to healthy foods that are quickly and easily digested: these are greens and vegetables, easily digestible protein. Do not forget about fiber: fruits, bran, cereals.

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss

The daily menu should consist of the products that we love the most, cook more often. Of course, they must be chosen according to the principle of PP.

Complex carbohydrates:

  • long-term oatmeal;
  • other cereals, except semolina;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas);
  • whole wheat bread;
  • potatoes (especially young ones are useful).


  • fresh greens;
  • oat and wheat bran;
  • all known varieties of cabbage: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli;
  • leaf salad;
  • shallots and leeks;
  • tomatoes, peppers and eggplants;
  • cucumbers, zucchini and squash;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • apples, pears, quince;
  • apricots, cherries, peaches and nectarines;
  • raspberries, strawberries, currants, blueberries, etc.;
  • subtropical fruits;
  • citrus.

Healthy fats:

  • unrefined oil (olive, linseed and sunflower);
  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts);
  • butter;
  • fish fat;
  • avocado.


  • chicken meat, turkey;
  • beef, veal, rabbit;
  • any fish, especially fatty varieties;
  • mussels, shrimp and squid;
  • dairy products.

Prohibited foods with proper nutrition

From the diet should be excluded: fast food, soda, semi-finished products, chips, crackers, mayonnaise, ketchup and other purchased sauces, store-bought sweets, pastries, muesli, premium flour, sugar, pork, animal fat, margarine, alcohol. All this is harmful not only during weight loss, but also in general for a person.

I hope now you understand which products should be bought at the PP, and which ones should be discarded. If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments. I will definitely answer everyone.

Everyone wants to eat hearty and lose weight, because constant hunger is the main reason for failures in the diet. Nutritionists say there are many useful products for weight loss, which saturate well and help burn fat. Include them in your diet every day, remove sweets and fast food, and the weight will start to go away smoothly.

How to eat and lose weight

There are no products that literally drown fat in the body. There is food with other properties that are important for your figure. She is:

  • Accelerates metabolism. A fast metabolism does not allow the food eaten to be stored "in reserve".
  • Suppresses the feeling of hunger. You eat less, do not stretch the stomach, gradually accustom yourself to small portions.
  • Creates a calorie deficit. You can eat a lot of foods with low energy value (up to 30 kcal per 100 g) and satisfy your hunger in the same way as with a large piece of meat (150 kcal per 100 g). A calorie deficit is one of the keys to losing weight.
  • Positive effect on bowel function. Good digestion is important for metabolism.

Top 5 Fat Burning Foods

Especially actively helps to lose weight food with several important dietary qualities. Memorize this weight loss food list. Include in the menu every day, 1-2 times a day:

  • grapefruits;
  • avocado;
  • natural yogurt;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • green tea.

Half of this fruit half an hour before each main meal will help you eat less and speed up weight loss. This is due to naringin and inositol - substances with a mass useful properties. They are:

  • Burn fat deposits and speed up metabolism (metabolic processes).
  • Do not allow carbohydrates to turn into excess weight.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Control fluctuations in the hormone insulin.

Grapefruit Diet Benefits:

  • The fruit contains less sugar than other fruits.
  • It has a low calorie content - 29 kcal per 100 g.

Disadvantages of this fruit:

  • Irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. With gastritis and ulcers on an empty stomach, grapefruit should not be eaten.
  • A strong allergen, like all citrus fruits. Follow the measure, start with small portions.


  • Vitamin D- strengthens bone tissue.
  • Fats- quickly saturate the body.

Eggs do not affect the level of bad cholesterol, therefore they do not lead to atherosclerosis. They can be eaten every day if there are no allergies and liver problems (the yolk has a choleretic effect). Expert advice for losing weight:

  • Instead of a sandwich or a bun, boil or fry 2-3 eggs for breakfast in the morning, make an omelette with them. This will help to forget about hunger for 3-4 hours.
  • If you don't have liver problems, eat up to 3 eggs every day.
  • For faster weight loss in the evening, use only egg white: leave the yolk for the first half of the day.

Green tea

This is the best drink for weight loss. It should be included in the diet 2-3 times a day. Drink a cup between meals or half an hour before them to speed up weight loss. Important: only green tea is useful without additives - sugar, flavorings. The drink contains catechins: these substances help burn the existing subcutaneous fat, especially in the abdomen, and do not allow a new one to accumulate. Another plus of green tea is that it speeds up metabolism and dulls the feeling of hunger.


This product contains monounsaturated fatty acid, among which experts especially distinguish oleic. It suppresses hunger, so half or 1/4 an avocado as a snack is a great choice for losing weight. In addition to healthy fats (28 g per fruit), avocados contain:

  • fiber. It improves bowel function and also enhances the feeling of satiety.
  • vegetable protein. It is digested easier than an animal.
  • Carefully monitor the serving size, because the calorie content of 100 g of the product is 212 kcal. For 1 time, eat no more than half an avocado in a salad or 1/4 pcs. - on a sandwich.
  • Do not combine this product with meat: the dish will be difficult to digest. Combine with vegetables, herbs.
  • Replace butter, sauces on sandwiches, and for salads with whipped avocado pulp.

it a good option snack, breakfast or dinner when losing weight. If you choose Greek yogurt, you get plenty of light protein to fill you up quickly. There are few carbohydrates in it, it does not cause fluctuations in blood glucose.

Another important property of yogurt is that it improves digestion due to probiotics. This is good for metabolism.

  • Do not buy a fat-free product - take 2%: it saturates better and does not interfere with weight loss.
  • Replace sour cream, mayonnaise, and salad dressings with yogurt when marinating meat, poultry, or fish.
  • Look carefully at the composition - avoid sugar, flavoring and aromatic additives.
  • Buy yogurt with increased amounts of vitamin D and calcium: this will speed up weight loss.

Healthy products for weight loss

During a diet, it is not necessary to choose only low-calorie foods.

Even nuts or fatty fish bring benefits to the figure, if used correctly.

Fill half of the plate with vegetables, fruits, herbs. Get the rest of the volume with proteins and healthy fats - eat meat, seafood, eggs, poultry, fish, seeds, vegetable oils. With this scheme, you will lose weight without feeling hungry.

Carry dietary products for weight loss at meals like this:

  • Breakfast. Cereals (oatmeal, barley), fruits, berries, nuts, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs.
  • Dinner. Meat, poultry, fish, unpolished (brown) rice, buckwheat, vegetables.
  • Dinner. Fish, seafood, eggs, herbs.
  • Snacks. Nuts, citruses, cottage cheese, cheeses (feta, cheese).


This group of foods is high in calories (550-620 kcal per 100 g), but has many benefits. Nuts contain protein and fatty acids, so they quickly relieve hunger, improve metabolic processes. Take 20-30 g for a snack or add to cereal for breakfast to energize the body for a long time. The most useful nuts for weight loss:

  • Almond. Contains L-arginine - an amino acid that helps to actively burn fat, spend calories during training. Eat a handful of almonds before cardio to improve your results.
  • Walnut. It has a positive effect on brain function, regulates hormonal levels.
  • pistachios. Reduce cholesterol levels, control fat metabolism. Important: avoid salted pistachios - they retain fluid in the body.
  • pine nut. The product is high in fat (compared to almonds or pistachios), but it saturates more and controls the level of the hormone ghrelin.

Fatty fish varieties

Protein from this food group is easier to digest than from meat. Another plus of fatty fish is omega-3 acids: they quickly and permanently saturate, do not allow excess deposits to appear. The figure will benefit:

  • Salmon. The best red fish for losing weight. She increases muscle mass and it helps you burn more calories.
  • Trout. Budget replacement for salmon, which is not inferior to it in dietary qualities.
  • sardines. Rich in vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, control blood sugar levels. Important: sardines are often found in canned form, but they are only useful in oil without additives.
  • Steam or bake the product. Do not use fatty sauces in the process: choose lemon juice for this, olive oil, natural yoghurt.
  • Avoid salted fish - it will cause swelling. Also refuse smoked: it has a higher calorie content, often eat dangerous additives in composition.
  • Include oily fish in your diet at least 2-3 times a week.

dietary meat

The main source of protein for weight loss - lean poultry: chicken, turkey. Before cooking, the skin is removed from it, the bones are removed. On the basis of poultry, light broths, soups, and other hot dishes are made. This group of products is suitable for lunch or dinner, combined with cereals, durum pasta.

For weight loss, breast fillet is used - the leanest part of the bird.

The norm for 1 meal is 100-120 g.

A couple of times a week, the menu is supplemented with other types of dietary meat:

  • veal. Young beef with tender fibers and a minimum of fat is very useful. It is well absorbed, increases muscle mass. The leanest parts are the neck, lower leg.
  • Beef. In terms of properties, it is equal to veal, has a low fat content, but takes longer to cook.
  • rabbit meat. Does not cause allergies, improves lipid metabolism. In terms of calories, the rabbit is lighter than beef.

Low-fat milk is a good source of light protein, phosphorus, vitamin D. Calcium, which is also present in dairy products, accelerates the burning of calories and excess deposits. Help to lose weight:

  • Cottage cheese. Great option for breakfast, dinner, snack. It saturates well, strengthens muscles, suppresses hunger. It is not necessary to buy fat-free cottage cheese. A 2-5% fat product will not hurt to lose weight.
  • Milk. Use it for morning porridge, fruit smoothies.
  • Kefir. Improves digestion and intestinal health. If you do not like the sour taste of the drink, replace it with natural yogurt.

Vegetables and leafy greens

The best foods on a diet are those that are high in fiber. It fills the digestive tract, helps to not feel hunger longer. Its other task is to improve the functioning of the intestines, to remove toxins. For weight loss, eat fresh vegetables and herbs. The exception is potatoes, but it is better to rarely include them in the menu: they contain a lot of starch.

The maximum benefit to the figure will bring:

  • Asparagus, string beans. It is an ideal side dish for meat or fish during a diet.
  • Spinach. It contains protein, iron, potassium, speeds up metabolism. Use spinach in salads or smoothies.
  • Parsley, dill, lettuce. They have a low calorie content, but a large amount of fiber, are slowly digested, and suppress hunger. Add them to every meal.
  • Cabbage of all kinds. Low-calorie product stimulates metabolism, saturates for a long time.
  • Celery. For weight loss, the petioles are more useful, not the root.

This is a great substitute for factory sweets, but you need to be careful with it. Fruits and berries contain natural sugar, and in large quantities it inhibits weight loss. To benefit the figure, look for unsweetened types, eat them in the morning. More often choose:

  • Citrus. Lemon, grapefruit and lime are ideal for weight loss. Eat orange less often, refuse tangerine.
  • Apples. Give preference to green varieties.
  • Watermelon. It contains a lot of sugar, but actively removes liquid, therefore it is useful for weight loss.
  • A pineapple. Contains substances that break down fat.
  • Blueberries, cranberries, cranberries. They have 26–40 kcal per 100 g, low sugar and high fiber. Use them in smoothies, cereals, add to cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Pears. 1 piece - 15% of the daily fiber requirement.
  • Bananas. Take them for a snack: a high-calorie product has a low glycemic index (18 units). Fruits contain potassium, which displaces sodium salts, relieves swelling.


A healthy human diet is impossible without food for proper nutrition. Proper nutrition. What is it? What is the meaning of the concept of "products for proper nutrition"? How to make a diet that meets the requirements of the body to the maximum?

Proper nutrition: food for health

First, you should establish the truth of the phrase "proper nutrition", what products it consists of and in what volumes they should be consumed, as well as what methods to cook. Proper nutrition is the consistency and integrity of the formation of nutrition that saturates the body nutrients and energy calories.

When deciding to continue to follow the above principles in food, it is worth starting with the elimination of objectionable products from your kitchen. The next step is to stop buying new pests. You need to be patient and develop willpower in the first weeks.

Unwanted Products

  • All fried food. This takes into account the methods of roasting. As a result, a slight frying in olive oil will do less harm than the same process carried out using animal fats.
  • Sweet carbonated and drinks based on dry mixes are excluded.
  • Sausage products and semi-prepared preparations, smoked meat and fish products, canned food.
  • Sour-milk products with a fat content exceeding the recommended one, desserts made from cottage cheese, yogurts with the inclusion of fruits.
  • Most of them are confectionery products.
  • Snack products - chips and nuts, crackers and more
  • Products in which the presence of dyes and all kinds of preservatives goes off scale.
  • Chocolate bars, milk chocolates with and without filling.
  • Fatty meats.
  • Fats of animal origin.
  • All fast food dishes from restaurants and requiring fast food.
  • Alcohol in any form.
  • Sweets and bread.

Table of foods to avoid whenever possible

This applies to:

  • Root vegetables such as potatoes and its sweet representative, sweet potato. As a result of the rejection of potatoes, the intestines are deprived of stagnation, and the stomach does not feel heaviness.
  • Flour products, including hard flour pasta.
  • Instant flakes or no-cook flakes due to the high starch/gluten content.
  • Of bread. White and rye, multigrain contains unwanted yeast. The exception is whole grain bread, similar to pressed porridge. However, buying it is problematic.
  1. vegetable-fruit;
  2. grocery;
  3. fish;
  4. meat;
  5. lactic;
  6. department of frozen products, which are purchased in case of inaccessibility or winter period.

And it's all! It is hard to imagine what costs you will avoid if you do not purchase sauces and pastries, confectionery and delicacies.

Listing the best foods for proper nutrition

It is worth writing out your favorite ones from it and filling them with storage places in the kitchen. You should cross out those that you do not like, cause you heartburn / allergies / indigestion, and those that are unloved.

Complex carbohydrates come from:

  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • brown (brown) rice;
  • oatmeal long-term cooking;
  • quinoa (pseudo grain);
  • bulgur (groats from durum wheat);
  • durum wheat pasta (duruma or spelled);
  • whole peas (it also contains protein);
  • chickpeas (also a source of protein);
  • beans (with protein);
  • green lentils (with the inclusion of protein).

The body is replenished with fiber through:

  • fresh herbs (parsley and cilantro, dill and basil);
  • cabbage (white and red, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, Savoy and broccoli, as well as kohlrabi);
  • lettuce (leaf and cress, iceberg and romano, lettuce and Beijing cabbage);
  • bulbous (onions - white and red, shallots and leeks, garlic);
  • root crops (carrots and radishes, radishes and daikon, turnips and beets, celery and parsnips, rutabagas and horseradish);
  • nightshade (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants);
  • pumpkin (pumpkin and patisson, zucchini and cucumber), including sweet varieties (watermelon, melon);
  • dessert vegetables (artichoke, asparagus, rhubarb);
  • seaweed (nori);
  • pome fruits (apples, pears, quince);
  • stone fruit (apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, peach, nectarine, bird cherry, cherry plum);
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, cranberries, cranberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn);
  • sub- and tropical fruits (kiwi, lychee, passion fruit, persimmon, pineapple, banana, coconut, papaya, dogwood, fig, grape, mulberry, pomegranate, dates, olive);
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangerine).

Fats enter the body from:

  • unrefined oils (sunflower, olive, linseed);
  • dried non-roasted nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts);
  • avocado.

The body gets its protein from:

  • chicken and turkey fillet;
  • lean meats;
  • white fish (pollock, sea bass, dorado, hake, perch);
  • red fish (tuna, salmon, trout, pink salmon), which also supplies fish oil and omega 3;
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels);
  • milk (preferably stored up to 10 days);
  • fermented milk products from whole milk (natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, kefir products);
  • protein powders with a low carbohydrate content.

Product Compatibility

Food compatibility is sometimes seen as a more important component of proper nutrition. Antagonist components, when simultaneously ingested, can turn into poison. When compiling your diet, you should follow these tips:

  • Fruit, as incompatible with other foods, should be eaten separately. Their rapid absorption allows them to be eaten 1 hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • You should not eat 2 different proteins at a time: fish and milk, fish and eggs.
  • The combination of foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates is also considered undesirable. Therefore, cheese, eggs, meat and nuts are forbidden to be eaten along with potatoes, bread and cereals.
  • An excellent combination of fats with cabbage. It is subject to slowing down the formation of gastric juice due to exposure to fats.
  • Products with a predominance of carbohydrates. And these are potatoes, bread, beans, peas, etc. Do not use them with vegetables and sour products.
  • Do not eat high-fat foods with protein at the same time. This, for example, sour cream and eggs, vegetable oils and cheese, meat and butter, and others.
  • Starch should enter the body at a time in a limited amount. And it is better to eat potatoes and porridge without bread.
  • A lot of milk is not healthy, because it prevents the formation of gastric juice, promotes fermentation.
  • It is very good if green vegetables become dominant in any dish. Then there will be no problems with the production of gastric juice.
  • Do not abuse the amount of oil, acid in salads. This will cause slow absorption of proteins.

All advice is fundamental in separate nutrition, which is extremely beneficial for the body. The correct assimilation of food prevents the occurrence of unwanted sensations. This lays the foundation for increased immunity and rejuvenation.

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