The construction of multi-story brick houses. Prefabricated houses pros and cons

Apartment selection 18.06.2019
                  Apartment selection

The purchase of an apartment is a very important and important moment. Before choosing which house to buy an apartment in, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so that in the future your purchase will evoke only positive emotions for many years.

Specialists of the SKIP Real Estate Agency will help you make the right choice of an apartment in a new building, as well as in matters of acquiring housing in the secondary market. Using our experience and professionalism and relying on the wishes of our customers, we help to buy the best real estate in Moscow and Moscow region.

So, in which house to buy an apartment? Today there are three types of high-rise buildings: brick houses, panel houses and monolithic houses. Let's try to figure out what are the main differences between these types of buildings.

Brick house

Brick houses these days began to be built in smaller numbers. More modern and cheaper materials replaced brick, but, nevertheless, these houses are time-tested. They remain the most solid option for living.

The advantages of brick houses:

  1. The brick house will serve for many years, and even centuries. It is a durable, reliable, aesthetic and, most importantly, environmentally friendly home.
  2. Brick has refractory properties.
  3. Brick houses withstand various weather conditions, do not rot.
  4. The brick has a high heat capacity (this is both a plus and a minus). This means that in summer it’s cool outside the brick walls, and in winter it’s warm, but if in the winter, in cold weather, the heat is turned off for a long time (this happens with us), the apartment will be cold. Short-term heat outages (5-6 hours, for example) will not greatly affect the temperature change in the apartment.
  5. The advantage of bricks is that this material absorbs and gives off moisture. In our climate, this is a huge plus. It’s easier to breathe in a brick house!

Cons of brick houses:

As mentioned earlier, this is a large heat capacity of the brick, which is both a plus and a minus. If the brick house is new, you will have to wait a while with the repair until all the residents have settled, and the house will not shrink. The shrinkage of a brick house, in contrast to a concrete one, occurs not at once by the whole building, but by its individual sides.

During a fire, the brick loses its strength by 60-70 percent, the masonry becomes fragile. Another minus is the high cost of brick, as a result of which apartments at a price come out more expensive than their competitors.

Panel house

Currently, one of the most popular types of housing. Panel houses of 137 series are in special demand.

pros prefabricated houses:

  1. In modern panel houses began to use new materials, so now panel houses are approaching in terms of heat saving to brick, which is a significant plus.
  2. The building "sits down" all at once. Even in a new house, you can immediately make repairs without fear of distortions.
  3. Panel houses  - the most affordable housing for today.
  4. Another plus of prefabricated houses is that they rent out with decoration. This significantly saves money and time.

But the main advantage of panel houses for the consumer is still its low price.

Cons of panel houses:

Joints between panels are very difficult to make airtight. These are statistics today, so what about the houses of Soviet buildings? As residents say, there is “siphon” in the houses.

By cons we also attribute very good audibility not only from the street, but also from neighbors. Panel houses have low ceilings. Many panel houses have very small kitchens.

Monolithic house

Monolithic construction is rapidly gaining momentum. Today, monolithic houses are already becoming a competitor to brick houses. This relatively young and quick way to build buildings is very promising.

Briefly about technology. At the place of construction of the house, reinforcement is installed in the formwork, concrete is poured into the form. They wait for solidification, then the form is dismantled and transferred to the next floor, where the described actions are repeated. The result is a one-piece frame based on piles.

Monolithic houses are of two types: brick-monolithic and monolithic-frame.

Brick-monolithic houses are based on a monolithic frame, and the external walls are made of bricks and insulation (aerated concrete is often used as insulation).

Monolithic frame houses are houses built using the latest technology. Its essence is that first they assemble a monolithic frame, then the external and internal walls are made of lightweight structures. Unlike other technologies, all frame elements (columns, girders and hollow slabs  floors) are made at the factory. On the construction site  they are only collected.

Pluses of monolithic houses:

Monolithic houses occupy a middle position between brick and panel. The advantages in front of panel houses are the lack of seams at the joints, resulting in reduced heat loss. Such houses have good sound insulation.

Plus in front of brick houses - price. A positive point is that the structures are based on columns of a monolith. So when redeveloping an apartment, the walls can be easily removed or punched in arches. Redevelopment of apartments of this method of construction is limited only by your imagination.

To be interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the material from which the house was built, where you plan to purchase an apartment, you need to buy it. Only in this way will you be able to think things over, discuss with family and make the right decision.

Main advantage brick apartments  in their excellent sound insulation and thermal protection. Brick retains heat indoors much better than panel walls. Therefore, such an apartment does not need additional insulation. Brick houses are built without the use of massive metal structures that can corrode over time.

Another advantage of brick apartments is the environmental friendliness of the building material. At the moment, the brick is the safest building material for health, which is used for the construction of multi-storey buildings. Brick walls “Breathe”, due to this, microorganisms and fungi will not multiply in them. Of course, there are some nuances, for example, if the apartment is on the top floor and the roof is leaking, then mold may form on the walls. This also needs to be considered before buying, so as not to purchase housing in an emergency home.

The cost of apartments in a brick house is always higher than in a panel. This is due to the fact that the construction of such a building is always more laborious, and it also takes a lot more time to erect it.

Brick is the most durable building material. This is easy to prove, because many houses built in the pre-revolutionary period have been serving for 100 years or more and at the same time remain in excellent residential condition. The same can be said about the "Stalin".

With the purchase of an apartment in an old house you need to be careful. Be sure to consult with an experienced realtor, as among such apartments there are both emergency and in excellent condition.

Most of the panel houses were built in the 50s of the twentieth century. The main goal of the mass construction of residential buildings according to standard projects was to provide as many people as possible with apartments. The most common houses of that time are 5-storey “Khrushchevs”.

Modern panel houses are being built using completely different technologies. Such apartments are cheaper than in brick houses, as buildings made of panels are built much faster.

The service life of prefabricated houses depends on the technology by which they were built. These nuances must be clarified in each case. For example, if we are talking about “Khrushchevs,” then their design life is about 50 years, but experts say that this is the minimum, since their real strength exceeds one and a half times that specified in the project.

You need to know that noise and heat insulation in panel apartments  worse than in brick. It may well require additional wall insulation. In such an apartment it will be impossible to make a redevelopment.

If the house is old, then cracks between the panels are quite possible.

If you choose an apartment in a panel “Khrushchev”, be sure to find out if your future neighbors are adequate from above. Sound insulation in old houses is poor, so there are times when people sell apartments because of too noisy neighbors.

In modern panel houses, this problem is solved with the help of new building technologies.

For example, claydite-concrete panels have excellent sound insulation. There are also so-called sandwich panels in which insulation is placed between two layers of concrete.

If you decide to buy an apartment in a building that has not yet been built, you mean that a brick high-rise building will be built for about three years, and a modern panel house is being built for 9-12 months.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when he begins to think about acquiring his own housing. Someone prefers apartments in high-rise buildings, and someone seeks to gain more freedom and independence by building a private house.

The first option does not cause much difficulty in choosing. Here it is enough to determine the required number of rooms and (panel, brick, monolithic). But private homes are very diverse. Modern technologies allow developers to erect residential buildings of various configurations, taking into account all the wishes of the customer. Let's look at what types of houses are today, what are their differences and what materials are used for their construction.

Differences in houses by purpose

Absolutely all private buildings are divided into two main groups:

For summer holidays;

For year-round use.

The first category includes summer cottages and country houses, designed to relax in the warm season. Most often these are small and economical buildings in which there is no heating and other communications.

Houses for permanent residence can be made in several versions, each of which has its positive and negative features.

What types of private buildings can be

Today, there are several popular categories of houses that differ in functionality and have different It can be:

One-story capital buildings;

Multi-level cottages;



Let's consider what characteristics each of the options is endowed with and what are their differences.

Features and Features

Detached houses are considered the most comfortable and preferred option. Such structures are located in separately located areas. Moreover, the greater the number of acres of land, the more expensive the buyer is to buy this property.

Usually on small plots there are small cottages of several floors. They are equipped with all necessary communications for a comfortable stay at any time of the year. On the ground floor of such houses is a living room, kitchen and boiler room. Lounge areas and a bathroom are set up on the upper levels.

If the land area is large enough, one-story bungalows are erected on it. This view is very convenient in that, due to the lack of stairs, movement around the house is more comfortable and safe. This option is preferred by families with young children and senior citizens. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford the acquisition of such real estate, so economical types of private houses - townhouses and duplexes - are very popular today.

The first name refers to a variety of multi-story buildings that are designed for several owners. Each owner owns several floors, a separate entrance and, in some cases, a garage.

The cost of the land on which the house is located is divided by the number of owners, which makes townhouses more affordable, even if they are built within the city, where, as a rule, the land is very expensive.

In European countries, another type of budget housing is popular - duplexes and triplexes. This option is very similar to town houses, as it also means that several families live in the same house. However, in this case, the property of the owners is not limited to walls, but to floors. In our country, duplexes are not widely used, so we will not dwell on them for a long time.

Materials and methods of building houses

Previously, all houses were built in the same way. But since technological progress does not stand still, several technologies are used for the construction of modern residential buildings, using various building materials. The following houses are most popular today:


The construction of walls from the block;

Construction of houses from timber;

Brick houses

Brick houses have been popular for many decades. From this material, both simple square houses and buildings of a more complex configuration are erected.

Its positive qualities include environmental friendliness, durability and fire resistance. Buildings made of brick are distinguished by their presentability, they are considered very durable, capable of standing for hundreds of years. However, for the construction of summer buildings such material is not recommended.

In conditions of high humidity quickly moldy, and an unpleasant odor appears in the room. It should be noted that the construction of a house from a brick is a costly and lengthy process, and if you are limited in time and money, pay attention to other types of houses.

Block buildings

Today, gas silicate, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete and arbolite blocks are actively used in construction. Each of these options has its own characteristics, however, several common qualities can be identified. These include:

1. Light weight material. During the construction of the house, the construction of a complex and expensive foundation is not required, since the walls are quite light. The same property allows you to save money on the delivery and unloading of building material.

2. Large block sizes. Since the dimensions of the block are much larger than brick parameters, the construction of walls using this material is much faster. However, considering the types of houses, photos of which are published in this article, it should be borne in mind that the large size of the block does not allow building complex buildings from it.

3. Low thermal conductivity. Block type buildings do not require additional insulation.

4. Breathable properties. The porous structure of the block promotes natural air exchange and the unhindered release of moisture and steam. That is why moisture does not accumulate in the walls of such houses, and the microclimate that is optimal for a person is created in the room.

Wooden houses

Houses from timber and today are at the peak of popularity. This is facilitated by: environmental friendliness of the material, record-breaking deadlines for erecting walls, reasonable construction costs and a spectacular appearance of the house. Wooden buildings retain heat very well inside, which reduces heating costs. The inner walls of the house do not require interior decoration, which also has a positive effect on the owner’s budget.

A wooden beam is suitable for the construction of both country and capital housesTherefore, more and more often there are buildings erected from this material within the city.

Speaking about the negative qualities of wood, we should mention the susceptibility to rot formation and fire hazard. But subject to timely treatment with antiseptic agents, a house built from natural material will serve the owners for more than a dozen years.

Frame houses

Frame-panel technology has recently begun to be used in construction, however, such structures are already surpassing many types of houses in popularity.

During the construction process of such a building, a wooden or metal frame is constructed, which is subsequently sheathed with sandwich panels. The panel itself consists of two OSB plates, between which there is a layer of expanded polystyrene.

Due to the large amount of insulation that is part of the panel, such buildings are warm and soundproof. The light weight of the house allows you to do without pouring a heavy-duty base, which helps to save the owner's money. Houses are assembled in record time, and the interior walls are perfectly smooth and do not require leveling.

The main negative property of frame buildings is their fragility. With proper care of the house, its maximum service life is 50 years, so this technology is most often used for the construction of temporary buildings.

In conclusion, I want to say that modern construction is very diverse, therefore, having considered what types of houses are currently being built, everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves, both in price and in terms of functionality.

Housing today offers many technologies and techniques.

Varieties of panel buildings

Prefabricated houses, the pros and cons of which will be considered in the article, are buildings built using prefabricated technology. This technique involves the use of pre-formed which are produced in a factory. most common in the construction of administrative buildings and large residential buildings. Such houses can be frame and frameless. The first type should include frame-panel constructions, while the second - large-panel ones.

Positive characteristics

Panel houses, the pros and cons of which you should consider before choosing this technology for work, have many advantages. Among the main positive features can be identified low cost. Apartments located in panel buildings are considered economy class housing.

Among other things, one cannot but note their convenient location. If we talk about old buildings of this type, then they were mainly located in sleeping areas, in which the infrastructure is quite developed. However, in large cities, such buildings are located in the central part, thus, acquiring a similar apartment, you become the owner of housing located in a prestigious area. If you decide to prefer an apartment in prefabricated house, which was erected in the days of the Soviet Union, you can be sure that the housing will have windows on opposite sides of the world, which was taken into account in previous times. Today, this rule is ignored in the construction of modern houses.

Environmental Reviews

Panel houses, the pros and cons of which are worth considering in advance, are chosen by consumers quite often and because of environmental friendliness. Given the current not very positive environmental situation, the use of harmless materials in the construction process is very important.

Negative characteristics

Considering the Khrushchev, which are related to panel housing, it is worth noting a rather inconvenient layout. It assumes the presence of very small kitchens. For this reason, residents of such apartments quite often carry out redevelopment. At the same time, the kitchen is expanding, interior partitions are being demolished. Today, such manipulations are not allowed. It is possible to dismantle supporting structures as built-in cabinets or partitions, but all work can only be done after obtaining permission. If such work is carried out without proper permission, this can cause tragic consequences, which are a violation of the building structure and its further destruction. Panel houses, the pros and cons of which are described in this article, are characterized by poor heat and sound insulation. Almost all apartment owners in such buildings of the early years have to deal with the problem, which is expressed in the fact that, being inside, you can hear everything that happens in the neighbors and in the yard.

Leaking roofs

Prefabricated houses, the pros and cons, the reviews of which you must have studied before purchasing, are often characterized by leaking roofs. This is largely due to the lack of an attic. Among other things, in such buildings there is almost never a garbage chute or elevator. However, modern panel construction involves the correction of these shortcomings.

Negative reviews

If you are considering panel houses, the pros and cons of living in them should be explored. This will make it possible for those who intend to improve their housing situation in the near future. Owners of such apartments, who live in seismically hazardous areas, note that explosions and earthquakes can partially or completely destroy such buildings.

Studying the reviews, we can note the moment that concrete absorbs sounds rather poorly, which is why when neighbors are working or using a drill, sounds are clearly audible, and conversations turn into echoes.

It is impossible not to mention interpanel seams, which, according to the owners of such apartments, suggest the need for good sealing. If there are even insignificant gaps in the corners and at the joints of the plates, then moisture can get inside the rooms, then the walls will damp, which contributes to the appearance of putrefactive formations and mold. All these circumstances also contribute to sound transmission and poor thermal insulation.

Negative features

Panel buildings are not able to accumulate heat sufficiently, and this becomes the reason for the quick cooling of the walls, which is especially noticeable in severe frosts. And, on the contrary, on sunny hot days, stoves can heat up well, and then, during the night, intensively give off heat. Subsequently, without forced ventilation or air conditioning in the summer, being inside such apartments is quite uncomfortable.

In addition, unsuccessful planning decisions can be noted. Little ones like it. It is not worth talking about elongated rooms, low ceilings and small kitchens. All this is a significant minus. Arrangement of shtrob in concrete floors is prohibited. This is due to the fact that such structures have voids.

Positive features

The human factor, which may cause errors, is excluded during the construction of panel buildings. This is due to the fact that the walls are fully manufactured in a factory where the processes are mechanized. A plus can be called a short-term construction, which lasts for six months. If we compare with monolithic technology, then the latter takes 2 years and is frozen for the winter period. Panel buildings can be erected at any time of the year also for the reason that wet processes are practically excluded. Owners of new apartments can begin repairs immediately after the construction of the house, without fear for the fact that the walls may warp and materials will settle.

Features of brick-panel houses

A brick-and-panel house, the pros and cons of which should be considered before the start of construction or acquisition, is considered warmer than the above buildings. Today, such buildings are becoming increasingly popular among applicants in the real estate market. Among the positive features, it can be distinguished that the variability of the appearance of such houses can be more diverse. However, it is worth considering that such a technique is somewhat more expensive. Apartments in these houses most often have modern double-glazed windows, enclosed in wooden frames. This significantly improves heat and sound insulation. In order to increase the level of comfort, the walls between neighboring apartments are made of brick.

Cons of brick-panel houses

Considering the question of what are the pros and cons of panel houses, you can connect panel-brick buildings to this analysis. They, as mentioned above, have one significant drawback. It is expressed in the fact that with individual construction you can not do without the use of heavy equipment, which increases the cost of work.

It should be noted and a feature that is to limit the designer in the preparation of the project. This is due to the use of typical reinforced concrete panels.

Alternative technology

Which should be considered before acquiring a building of this type, differ in a fairly reasonable cost. However, from the shortcomings, it can be distinguished that the quality of the structure will depend on the qualifications of the team. Among other things, it is impossible not to note the short life of such a house. Pros and cons of SIP-panel houses today are actively discussed by consumers. If we consider such a construction technique, it can be noted that buildings of this type are quite warm. However, there are significant disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the combustibility of the material.

There are a lot of panel houses in any city, especially in Moscow. If a person plans to buy or rent an apartment in such a building, then he must first weigh all the pros and cons. This will help to make the right choice and not make mistakes.

The main advantages of prefabricated houses

The main advantage of prefabricated houses is. Housing in buildings of this type is several times cheaper. If we compare the cost of a one-room apartment in a panel and in brick housesthen the difference will be significant.

The plus of panel houses must be called and the speed of their construction. You can give a simple example: professionals build a 17-story building in six months, and it will take at least 2.5 years to erect a monolithic building. Ready-made reinforced concrete structures are delivered to the construction site, which significantly reduces the time for building a house. External panels are supplied with window blocks, while internal panels have ready-made channels for electrical wiring.

Another advantage of prefabricated houses is that the inner walls are flat. Wall panels  still smoother than masonry. As a result of this, you do not need to suffer for a long time with the plaster of the walls, bringing them to perfect smoothness.

The advantage of houses of this type is their "sitting". For this reason, in a panel house, it is possible to start repair immediately after the completion of the construction process. Even in the new house, the repair will be without distortions and other shortcomings.

The construction of panel houses is constantly being improved and modernized. In 2016, it is planned to erect buildings of this type in Moscow according to new requirements. Projects of panel new buildings will have, as well as a variety of facades.

Cons of panel houses

Panel houses have some drawbacks. The first one is. If your neighbors started the repair, then you probably will not be able to fully relax in your apartment. Quite often in a panel house you can hear screams or just loud conversations of neighbors.

The big disadvantage of panel houses can be called the seams that are between the panels. If there are even not too large gaps at the joints of the plates, there is a chance that moisture will enter the room. As a result, the walls become damp, mold appears on them.

The downside of buildings of this type is that they do not accumulate heat well. In the cold season, the walls of the house quickly cool down, and in the summer the stoves become very hot.

Among the main disadvantages of houses built from panels, one can distinguish the following:

  • not quite a good layout;
  • roof leakage problem;
  • make redevelopment of the apartment is problematic;
  • panel houses, as a rule, are built according to one model.

We can conclude that panel houses have more minuses than pluses. In Moscow there are many old residential buildings made of panels, but panels are also often used for the construction of new buildings. Of course, the quality of the new panel houses is on a completely different level. And apartments in panel-type new buildings are more comfortable for living.

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