Snip construction site fencing device. Construction site fencing: types and basic requirements, installation rules

Roof 30.06.2019

A little boy at a construction site was playing,
an old faucet raised a plate.
The sound of cracked steel echoed hollowly!
For a long time the boy was scraped off the stove! The territory of the construction site must be fenced to prevent access by unauthorized persons. The fencing plan, the location of the gates and gates should correspond to the construction plan in the project of works (PPR) and the project of construction organization (PIC).
  In turn, when planning the fencing, it is necessary to take into account the boundaries of the area of \u200b\u200blandscaping (sites, driveways and lawns).
  When the construction is close to completion, it may suddenly become clear that the construction fence, which was once made long ago from pillars dug up by 1.5 meters, is located just in the middle of the future driveway from asphalt concrete. Therefore, the design of the fence, if possible, should be collapsible. Moving the fence should not be costly.
  On frozen construction sites, the Customer is obliged to prevent access to the facility by strangers, including by maintaining the condition of the fence in good condition, and performing regular repairs. For accidents that occurred at the construction in progress, the Customer bears all responsibility.
  For violation of safety requirements, the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate provides for a fine.

Requirements for normative documents for fencing

SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part I. General requirements" (SP 49.13330.2010)

6.2.2. Industrial territories and work areas in settlements or on the territory of the organization must be fenced to avoid access by unauthorized persons. The design of protective fences must meet the following requirements: the height of the fencing of production areas must be at least 1.6 m, and the work sites should be at least 1, 2; fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people must have a height of at least 2 m and equipped with a continuous protective peak; the peak must withstand the effect of snow load, as well as loads from falls of single small objects; fences should not have openings, except for gates and gates, controlled during working hours and locked after its completion. 6.2.3. Passage areas within hazardous areas must have protective guards. The entrances to buildings (structures) under construction must be protected from above with a visor at least 2 m wide from the wall of the building. The angle formed between the visor and the upstream wall above the entrance should be 70-75 °.

The same is repeated "Rules on labor protection in construction" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2015 N 336н

47. Production territories and areas of construction production in settlements or on the territory of the operated production facility must be fenced to avoid access by unauthorized persons. The design of protective fencing must meet the following requirements: the height of the protective fencing of the production area must be at least 1.6 m, and sections of work - at least 1.2 m; protective fences adjacent to the places of mass passage of people should have a height of at least 2 m and should be equipped with with a protective sun visor; the sun visor must withstand the effect of snow load, as well as the load from the fall of single small objects; protective barriers should not have openings, except for gates and gates, controlled during working hours and locked after its end. 48. Passage areas within hazardous areas must have protective guards. The entrances to buildings (structures) under construction must be protected from above by a visor that protrudes at least 2 m from the wall of the building. The angle formed between the visor and the upstream wall above the entrance should be 70-75 °.

GOST 23407-78 "Inventory fencing of construction sites and sections of the production of construction and installation works. Technical conditions"

2.2. Design Requirements 2.2.1. Fencing should be collapsible with unified elements, joints and fasteners. 2.2.2. The height of the panels should be: - protective and security (with a visor and without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m; - protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m; - the same, with a visor - 2 , 0 m; - protective fences of work sites - 1.2 m. The height of the racks of signal fences should be 0.8 m. 2.2.3. Fence panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the racks of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m. 2.2.4. In sparse panels of fencing (except for mesh), the distance in the light (sparseness) between the details of filling the canvas of panels should be within 80-100 mm. 2.2.5. Clearances in pavement flooring are allowed no more than 5 mm. 2.2.6. Visors and sidewalks of protections should be made in the form of separate panels of rectangular shape. The length of the visor and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the fence panels. A protective visor should be installed on top of the fences with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or roadway. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (from the side of the traffic) by 50-100 mm. 2.2.9. The design of the sidewalk panels should provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m. The design of the visor and sidewalk panels should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation. Sidewalks of fences located on the areas adjoining the construction site to streets and driveways should be equipped with handrails installed from the side of traffic. The railing design should consist of racks attached to the upper part of the fence or visor, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located respectively at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the sidewalk level. Handrails should be attached to the racks from the inside. 2.2. thirteen. Technological tolerances of geometric parameters of fencing elements must be at least 6th accuracy class according to GOST 21779.2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repair. The design of the fastening of the elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on the ground, having a slope of up to 10% along the line of installation of the fence. 2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. Metal parts of joints and fixtures shall have corrosion protection. Fencing should be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 * .________________
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.4.026-2001.2.2.18 applies. Sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that may cause injuries are not allowed on the elements and parts of the fences.

Building fence examples

The fencing of the construction site is a prerequisite for carrying out relevant work on it. According to the current GOST and SNiPu, without a protective fence around the object, no team has the right to begin construction, since this design is designed to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements. Namely:

  • to regulate passers-by about construction work;
  • protect the object from unauthorized persons entering its territory;
  • to prevent injury to people not involved in the site.
Types of fences for construction sites:

There are two main types of fences used at construction sites. It:
  • one-time fences;
  • temporary fences.
One-time fences mean fences that are erected once and after putting the facility into operation, are dismantled and then disposed of. Enterprises use such designs extremely rarely, since they do not justify economic feasibility. Unlike the first, the second option is used on objects much more often. The temporary fence of the construction site is a collapsible section of the fences, which are easily installed and dismantled.

Fencing for the construction site from corrugated board:

Of the large number of temporary fences used to erect a protective barrier at construction sites, galvanized and polymer constructions made of corrugated board are especially popular. Relatively light material is resistant to weather extremes, low cost and ease of installation and dismantling. At the same time, it meets all the provisions of the current GOST 23407-78, which means that it also meets the safety requirements.

Temporary construction fences can be made of a frame based on a metal pipe with the subsequent filling of sections with sheets of corrugated board. And as their fundamental basis, concrete blocks, steel anchors or metal plates are used. An alternative to such supporting structures are pillars driven into the ground.

Construction site fencing GOST 23407-78: basic provisions

According to the main provisions of GOST 23407-78, when erecting a fence on a construction site, contractors must observe the following rules:
  • the fence design must consist of collapsible elements of appropriate sizes;
  • for the free movement of workers and construction equipment, the perimeter of the fence must have the required number of gates and gates;
  • the erection of the fence should provide a place for moving people (pedestrian sidewalk), a width of not less than 1.2 m.
  • it is desirable that on the surfaces of the fences there are signaling signs informing passers-by about the progress of construction;
  • prefabricated panels should be made in the form of a rectangle with parameters of length 1.2, 1.6 and 2 m.
  • the height of the protective sections should be 1.2 m, and the protective and security sections should be 2 m;
  • the fence must withstand any weather conditions (squally wind, icing, snow, hail, etc.), as well as a drop in cargo from a height (200 kg per 1 cm2);
  • along the perimeter, the structure should not have sharp, cutting edges and protrusions that could harm pedestrians.
Construction fence is a prerequisite for work on the facilities under construction. Its presence is to ensure the safety of people passing by, to protect against unauthorized persons entering the territory and to prevent accidents at the site. Depending on the type of facility being built, the design of the fence is also determined - protective or protective and security.

Our company specializes in the manufacture of temporary fencing for construction sites from corrugated board with their subsequent installation at attractive competitive prices. Individuals will be able to individually choose the design corresponding to GOST according to the capabilities and requirements of each client. The presence of our own production workshop, the purchase of materials from manufacturers allows us not only to reduce the cost of production, but also significantly improve its quality.

A construction site is a place of increased risk, because large-sized equipment works there, heavy, sharp materials that can be dangerous to human health are used. Therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, repair of the structure should be surrounded by a fence. According to the law, availabilitybuilding fence  temporary type is necessary at all facilities before putting them into operation.

What should be the temporary fence of the construction site, its functionality is regulated by two regulatory documents:

  • “Organization of construction production” - the norms and rules of 1985 (SNiP 0.01.01-85);
  • GOST 23407-78 from 1979

According toSNiP 3.01.01-85, the construction site must be surrounded by a protective fence in order to comply with safety regulations.GOST23407-78 governs the use of temporary barriers. The main provisions of the document:

  1. The construction of the structure cannot be started without the installation of temporary fencing of the construction site.
  2. The protective structure must be assembled / disassembled, made in the same style.
  3. The fence should include gates and gates for passing people working at the facility, transport;
  4. The fence must be reliable and resistant to loads (precipitation, wind gusts, mechanical damage), withstand a weight of 200 kg / cm 2.
  5. The fence must be built from rectangular panels 1.2-2 m long and 1.2 m high.
  6. Materials for the construction of the fence must have a certificate of quality and a life of at least 10 years.
  7. On the outside of the fence, a sidewalk with a width of at least 1.2 m should be equipped so that passers-by can freely move around it. It should be equipped with a protective visor and railing. The visor is built at a slope of 20 ° so that it completely covers the sidewalk and protects people passing there from rainfall, rainwater .

Important: according to regulatoryrequirements, the design should not have sharp, traumatic parts.

Varieties of building site fences

By purpose, the fences around the sites on which construction is underway are:

  • signal - visually indicate the boundaries of the zone of increased danger. They are represented by a special tape fixed between the pins driven into the ground;
  • protective - to avoid possible injuries. To them belongs a facade net, which catches everything that falls from scaffolding;
  • security - the purpose of which is to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the construction site. They are fences made of various materials.

The complexity of the construction of fencing construction sites can be:

  • standard - simple structures in the form of a wall;
  • with additional details - fences equipped with visors, sidewalks, struts, railings.

Tip: if the construction is designed for a short time, the best option would be to install a standard fence, which will cost inexpensively.

Structurally distinguish building fences:

  • rack-mount - is a rack mounted in the slabs of the roadway;
  • panel - fences surrounding the construction site with a solid or sparse (mesh) wall;
  • combined - are a combination of the two previous varieties.

Materials used for the manufacture of protective fences

Temporary fences for the construction site consist of:

  • supports;
  • frame;
  • filling.

They can be made from:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • a tree;
  • slate.

Note: the material of the erection of the protective fence must be of high quality and comply with established standards.


Thanks to modern technology, the list of building materials has expanded. It included plastic structures, from which you can also build a temporary fence for the construction site.

The plastic fence can be presented in the form of a polymer mesh stretched between the milestones. Due to the bright colors, it is noticeable on the ground, which contributes to the implementation of its signaling function.

Tip: reinforce such a fence with steel wire threaded along its edges.

A popular temporary fence is the construction of their plastic blocks, on the upper edges of which polycarbonate sheets are fixed. Such a fence consists of stacked sections, so its length can be changed.

Plastic fencing has the following advantages:

  • resistance to environmental factors. Plastic tolerates temperature extremes, it is not afraid of corrosion, high humidity;
  • ease of installation. The material has a small weight, so the products from it can be transferred and installed by one person;
  • ease of care. Plastic is given a certain color in the factory - products from it do not need additional painting, they are easy to wash;
  • affordable price. Artificial material is cheaper than natural wood or metal.

Note: according to current standards, a plastic fence can be used. However, it cannot be used in large-scale construction, requiring the construction of solid fences of protective and protective type.


Wood attracts with its naturalness and affordable cost, but a building fence is erected from it only if it is planned to use the material in the future.

Mounting wooden fence  It is carried out quickly, but the design must be additionally treated with antiseptic agents that will ensure its protection from fire and decay. The cost of such a fence depends on the breed of raw materials, the prices of impregnating compounds.


The simplest and most affordable form of temporary building metal fencing is mesh netting. It is easy to install, carry, can be used repeatedly. Installation of the grid is carried out on a frame of professional pipes and equal-angle corners. But this material, like plastic, is not used in large-scale construction.

A more popular option is inventory building fences. They are sections of profiled mesh, allowing you to quickly build a temporary fence of arbitrary shape. The supports of these structures can be metal or concrete, which allows you to create enclosing structures of different stability.

The most expensive option for a metal fence for construction sites is the use of corrugated board. It is durable, yet thin steel sheetshaving a protective polymer coating.

The profiled sheet fence consists of supports and a frame sheathed with metal shields. It has high strength, durability, resistance to moisture, unpretentious care, easy to install.


Ten years ago, temporary slate fences were common. But in modern conditions, the material has lost its position in the construction market. It attracts with its affordable cost, easy installation, but it is very fragile, prone to the formation of fungus, has an unattractive appearance.

The choice of material for the construction of a temporary fence is carried out based on the specific situation. For large-sized construction, a reliable protective and security fence (for example, from corrugated board) will be required. When performing minor works, a plastic or mesh fence will be enough.

Note: if the construction work is short, you can not spend money on the purchase of fencing, but to rent it.

The temporary fence allows you to secure the construction, to avoid personal injury, accidents. It is necessary to approach the construction of a protective fence with all responsibility, to act in accordance with established norms and rules, since neglect of them can pose serious consequences.

The assortment of MasterTime company includes temporary construction fences. You can buy products of popular items by selecting devices that are suitable for the type of use, configuration. The products are made by Russian manufacturers, therefore available.

Construction site fencing - types, relevance of use

According to current standards, unfinished construction projects must be fenced around the perimeter. The need to install protective structures at the first stage of work is regulated - already when planning the site. At the same time, temporary fencing of construction sites is used not so much to preserve property or building materials, but to prevent accidents.

Such territories pose a danger to passers-by, who may accidentally find themselves in the immediate vicinity of a gap or unfinished structure where work continues. Injuries are likely not only among random people, but also among the workers themselves. Therefore, the inventory barriers of construction sites are a whole class of fixtures. And which of them to use, only the leader of the group to decide.

The choice is great! And in it there are both classic designs, and new, improved. For some, the classics of the "genre" are construction fences made of old slate, for someone - a wooden beam or metal sheet. All of them, especially if reused, are found “somewhere” in order to save on costs, of course, are available. But they cannot be called convenient, because such barriers for construction sites are extremely massive, complex and specific in transportation, dimensional and inconvenient to install. This increases their minimal, at first glance, cost, brings to the fore their irrationality.

Mesh designs are much easier and more convenient. Such offers the company "MasterTime". Here you will find a temporary fencing of the construction site, the price of which is the most favorable. And it is made of a metal profile, wire or plastic.

Protective building protections from "MasterTime"

In our catalog you will find the following types of products:

  • Portable protections - represent a metal framework from a pipe with the welded "legs". The middle part is made of thick wire or reinforcing bar. Portable construction fences are completely autonomous, can be used on any surface, and to install them it is enough to arrange them in the required manner. Their height is up to 1600 mm, which is enough to serve as a quality fence. Also in the catalog is a temporary portable fence made of plastic, smaller in size, with a lightweight design. All types of fixtures should be used within the construction site. Mobile fencing can be bought to indicate the zone of separation, the location of the foundation pit, engineering networks. The protective design will exclude accidents among workers at a construction site, will not allow falling into the pit. Its relevance increases if the work does not stop at night.
  • Stationary systems - we offer for sale metal netting and plastic nets of high strength, designed to install barrage structures around the perimeter of the site. Racks are used for installation, and for plastic mesh it can be lightweight plastic posts, and fastening can be done on polymer clamps. A classic chain link is hung on metal supports and fastened with wire or welding. Mesh systems are lightweight, versatile, durable, can be used repeatedly. In our catalog you will also find a mesh in a PVC sheath, which combines the advantages of metal and plastic products: strength, corrosion resistance, low maintenance and visual appeal.

For the temporary temporary fences presented in the catalog, the price in the MasterTime company is the most affordable. We offer their wide range, quality and affordable designs.

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