How to learn Turkish on your own from scratch. Is it easy to learn Turkish at home? What you need to know about the Turkish language

Fence and gate 31.08.2020
Fence and gate

A selection of useful sites for learning the Turkish language. Save yourself so as not to lose!

  1. Free English site for learning Turkish. Turkish lessons include sections: pronunciation, vocabulary, chat, stories, poetry, site rules and contacts. The site is convenient for vocabulary training. In addition, there is a lot of information about Turkey, photographs, detailed reports of students and travelers, essays and essays. The user must go through authorization, and then select a lesson from one of the teachers on the desired topic. There is both theoretical material and homework to the lesson. The site will be interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. After authorization, the teacher can post his version of the lesson.
  2. Free English site. The material is divided into levels - from zero to intermediate. The menu contains the following sections "Audio lessons", "Video lessons" for pronunciation training, a dictionary for vocabulary. There is a support service and user manual. It is possible to take notes in a special form during the lesson. Lessons in PDF can be downloaded. There are iPhone, iPad, Android Apps free apps. Content is divided into free and paid. Authorization is required to work with the site. Quick user registration is available.
  3. English site. The University of Michigan has prepared a selection of electronic lessons, textbooks, tests, training exercises, here you will also find literary works, and reference materials. You can download audio and video files that are used in different universities around the world when learning the Turkish language. There are a lot of materials, there is content for studying the old Turkish language.
  4. . An English-language site that contains theoretical information on the grammar of the Turkish language. There is an interesting application that conjugates Turkish verbs.
  5. Free Russian-language site, suitable for beginners and beginners. Theoretical material arranged by lessons, which makes it easier to find the right topic. There are no training exercises, but there is audio support and lessons from Voice of Turkey Radio (TRT-World).
  6. An English-language online textbook developed by the University of Arizona for learning Turkish from beginner to advanced level. After authorization, the user works with DVD lessons, after each video there is training exercise on grammar topics, pronunciation or listening comprehension.
  7. English and German site. Simple and user friendly interface. You can use the main services of the site for free and without authorization. The main sections are vocabulary, an example of pronunciation, flash cards to consolidate vocabulary, you can download audio for free for work. There is an iPhone App and an Android App . The textbook can be purchased. Suitable as an additional material.
  8. Free site, Russian-language version of the menu is available. It is an interesting and convenient additional tool in language learning. The site offers to memorize words and expressions by performing vocabulary games. There is a demo version. Authorization will help you track your success, and will allow you to post your materials on the site.
  9. A free website for learning Turkish with an intuitive interface, suitable for practicing vocabulary. Ukrainian- and Russian-language versions of the site are available. suitable for vocabulary training. Levels from beginner to advanced. You can choose the desired topic for training - work, travel, transportation, hotel, business, romance / date, etc. upon registration, success is tracked and study results are saved. Available educational material to download and work on a PC. The service also offers to buy a language trip to the country or pay for a course at a language school anywhere in the world.
  10. Russian-language free site, extremely easy to use. Contains a lot useful information- Turkish textbooks in PDF, a library of texts in Turkish, Turkish via Skype with teachers from the I.Frank school, texts for reading using the I.Frank method and useful links to Turkish channels, radio stations, series.
  11. Free Turkish website where you will find different types dictionaries, publications of Turkish bloggers and an online library of works of various genres.
  12. A free site with a Russian menu, but before you start you need to log in. A very simple interface. The site was created for practicing vocabulary - you compile your own vocabulary, and then consolidate your knowledge by completing tests.
  13. languages-study. A free site that contains links to services that allow you to learn the Turkish language from all aspects - grammar, aphorisms, poems, crossword puzzles, various types of dictionaries.
  14. Free Turkish online dictionary. Working languages ​​are Russian, Turkish, German, English. Services that are provided for by the rules for using the site - translation and decoding of words and expressions, text editor, correspondence, pronunciation. The site offers training exercises in the form of online games to consolidate vocabulary.
  15. Free Turkish site where you will find books, reviews, reviews, information about the author. Quick search available. The site contains e-books and audio books of various genres.
  16. A free Turkish site where you can find and download audio books in Turkish for free.
  17. A free resource where you can download books in Turkish in PDF format in various genres.
  18. The site of a daily Turkish online newspaper, the main headings of the publication are politics, sports, economics, culture, blogs of public and political figures, video reports.
  19. The site of the Turkish online legal newspaper that publishes laws and bills, legislative acts and other legal documents.
  20. Turkish newspaper official website. Lots of headings, reviews and applications.
  21. Free Turkish site where you can watch or download movies with Turkish translation or dubbing. Each video has short description plot. In addition, a reviews section is available.

Have you always dreamed of trying to learn the language of some eastern country? Then turn your attention to Turkish. it interesting language with a rich history. In this article, you will learn how to learn Turkish better and where to start.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Why should you start learning Turkish?

Each person who is interested in learning Turkish may pursue different goals. Some people are interested in knowing the culture of this country, others want to travel or even live there, and others need to know Turkish to create new business partnerships and for their business in general.

It is known that Turkey is a kind of "bridge" between the European world, Eastern countries and Asia. Such a strategic position means that it is very beneficial to have partnership relations with this country, which is why many Russian businessmen are very interested in learning Turkish speech. And this applies not only to Russia, all European countries turn their attention to Turkey and do it from an economic point of view.

In addition to business relations and connections, Turkey also beckons with its history and unusually interesting culture. That is why many tourists are very interested in visiting this country and plunging into its world at least once.

Whatever goal you pursue, in order to better adapt in this country, you will have to start learning Turkish.

How to learn Turkish on your own from scratch?

Many people may immediately start asking about speed, how long it will take to learn a language, or how long it takes to master it at a decent level. There are no clear answers to such and similar questions, it can be different for each person. If you have polyglot skills or experience in learning languages, then perhaps time will pass faster for you, although when we are talking about Turkish, it is impossible to say for sure.

Turkish is a very interesting language that has its own special logic. It is somewhat similar to the mathematical formulas by which words and sentences are built. Here, not everything is as simple as in English, and simple cramming of words will not help, although you cannot do without it in Turkish.

Realizing now that this is a difficult language, you should determine in advance whether you have enough motivation to learn Turkish, because learning it is difficult, especially if you want to do it quickly with the express program. If you don’t have enough motivation and time to learn Turkish from scratch on your own and master it with a beginner’s textbook at home, it may be better to enlist the help of a tutor or teacher who will give you good advice and explain everything you need in detail. It is not difficult to find teachers in Moscow, today many people practice this language.

If you yourself are very motivated, you are not afraid of difficulties and you have a clear goal, then you will be able to master even such a difficult language as Turkish.

How to start learning Turkish?

Definitely the most important question in learning any language is where to start? And this always leads to a dead end, it would seem that there is a desire, there is a goal, but we don’t know where and how to start, and therefore we often stop and cannot move.

In the study of the Turkish language, as in others, the beginning is immersion in the language itself, in its atmosphere and culture. It is always ideal to visit the country as a tourist, but this is not always possible, especially if you want to go there already prepared. Therefore, in order to create this “immersion”, it is necessary in every possible way to provide yourself with the opportunity to hear Turkish speech.

Television would be a great option. Now everyone has access to the Internet, which has Turkish online channels. There are also audio books in Turkish, many series and films. Of course, music recordings are also available. Use these materials for daily listening. This practice will help you better understand new language, understand its pronunciation and, as a result, it is easy to master phonetics.

The main feature of the Turkish language and even its highlight are affixes. This is a curious point: a single word with one affix can significantly change the meaning of the entire sentence. Moreover, affixes in Turkish are built up on a word, adding to it a meaning that is enough for a whole sentence. There can be up to ten such affixes on one word at a time, while each individual will mean belonging, case, predicate, etc.

Moreover, a separate translation of words can lead to a stupor and it will be difficult to understand what is at stake. Therefore, it is also very important to adjust your thinking to new way, because in the process it will change a lot, and you will look at things from a completely different angle.

It is very easy to get confused in all this and you cannot do without enough time. So, create for yourself the most comfortable conditions for studying and do not be afraid of difficulties.

The main stages of learning the Turkish language

Turning to the very process of learning the Turkish language at home, you should understand that you will have to devote some time to your learning and preferably at least 30-40 minutes every day. This is not a very significant waste of time, which will allow you to master the language at an elementary level in the near future.

We warn you that any undertaking is difficult, especially when it comes to the Turkish language, as you will need to rebuild your logic for forming sentences and word forms. If you like puzzles, then you will definitely like this language.

So, we figured out where to start: you need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and culture of the language in order to feel at ease.

The next step is to study words and their formation. This is one of the most difficult yet fascinating things to learn. Discuss the formation of affixes and how they combine with words.

Here you have to cram a lot and memorize a huge number of words. At the initial stage, this is always the case, so get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the words and then memorize them. Try to learn as many words as you can. Usually this is 15-20 words per day, but someone may have less, while someone, on the contrary, is given more. It is difficult to say what quantity is right, the main thing here is quality, so try to do everything honestly.

Learn not only words, but whole sentences, and even write them out in your dictionary. This is a good practice for getting up to speed quickly. Knowing the template sentences and how they are read, you can begin to understand people easily.

You need to pronounce words, phrases and sentences as much as possible. This is the main way to achieve phonetically correct sound. Phonetics in Turkish is not very complicated, even quite simple, so it will not be difficult for a Russian person. Try to pronounce phrases from memory as often as possible or read them several times. When teaching subtitled TV shows, try to write down and repeat phrases you like or don't understand. It helps a lot in learning.

Remember that the key to learning a language quickly is regularity. If you conscientiously and regularly devote time to Turkish (at least 40 minutes a day or about an hour), then after 16 such intensive lessons you can see the first results.

Pay attention to the grammar of the language, but do not dwell on it if you do not want to study speech in depth, but simply want to understand and communicate with people. Pay attention to the main points that are associated with affixes, learn them, memorize cases, and also understand the logic of the language. Then you will master everything that is necessary and will be able to begin to communicate freely.

How to learn Turkish: summary

So, summing up the results of the study of the Turkish language, we recommend that you remember the following points:

  1. Create a favorable "Turkish" atmosphere for yourself, immerse yourself in it.
  2. Use online courses and a tutor if you have difficulty learning.
  3. Pay special attention to affixes.
  4. Learn words, phrases and pronounce them, learning vocabulary and improving phonetics.
  5. Spend as much time as possible on your classes, at least 30-40 minutes every day.

It is up to you to decide whether it is worth learning Turkish. It is complex, but very interesting and opens up new possibilities in many directions.

Turkey has played an important role in the life and history of society since ancient times. Located between Europe and Asia, this state is something like a bridge between Western and Eastern culture, which attracts the attention of many people. In addition, today Turkey is one of the most popular places for recreation and tourism: excellent climate, sea, many historical and cultural monuments include Turkey in the list of the most visited countries in the world.

Of course, under such circumstances, the Turkish language, which is the official language of the Republic of Turkey, is also becoming more and more interesting for many admirers of this country. Already now, according to the most conservative estimates, 100 million people in the world speak this language, despite the fact that it is native and second native for 80 million. Apart from Turkey, it is spoken in northern Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria and some other Balkan countries. At the same time, he is not only popular, but also very beautiful language with their own characteristics.

After learning Turkish, you can not only communicate with local residents in a language they understand, but also open up additional opportunities in study, science, and business.

How to learn Turkish

There are many ways to learn a language. You can:

  • enter the university at the language faculty;
  • go to the country of the language being studied and learn it there independently or in an educational institution;
  • enroll in language courses - full-time or part-time;
  • find a tutor
  • learn on your own with the help of a tutorial

or find another way.

If you want to learn Turkish from scratch, then you can turn to tutorials, which are now very numerous - both in paper form and online, on sites dedicated to learning foreign languages ​​in general or the Turkish language in particular. On such sites you can find manuals for both beginners and continuing education. The big advantage of independent training can be called the minimum cost of it. Tutors and courses are often not affordable for everyone, but you can learn on your own for free.

It is worth noting that this language is quite difficult to learn, especially for Russian speakers. The fact is that this language is part of the Turkic language family (which also includes Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Kazakh and other languages, about 40 in total), that is, it is agglutinative - new grammatical forms are formed using suffixes attached to the stem or root of the word . There are a lot of them, but they are all fixed. This principle different from the Indo-European languages, but nevertheless logical and consistent, which generally facilitates its study.

When choosing a tutorial for learning Turkish from scratch, you need to pay attention to how logical and understandable the grammar and basic vocabulary. A good manual allows novice students to read full-fledged texts after the first lessons, while focusing on spoken language.

Grammatical and lexical principles

Turkish has six cases, there is a lot of borrowed vocabulary - mainly from Arabic and French, while in many cases the borrowed word has a Turkish counterpart.

In addition to Arabic and French borrowings, Turkish has words that come from English (most often these are terms and trademarks), Persian, Greek, Italian and Latin. By the way, while studying Turkish, you will notice that some words in Russian are of Turkish origin.

It has many dialects, the Istanbul dialect is adopted as the basis of the modern literary language.

This language has a phonetic spelling and uses the Latin alphabet, which was adapted to Turkish pronunciation in the first third of the 20th century. Prior to that, the Arabic alphabet was used. Each letter corresponds to one sound, there are no consonant combinations, each letter is pronounced independently. In general, the letters reflect the spoken sound., except for a few (for example, the letter c is pronounced like the English j, there are also letters with diacritics and umlauts).

To better remember the original Turkish vocabulary, visual association techniques or working with word memory apps are great.

Vocabulary is not that hard to learn- the roots are usually short, easy to remember, so you can quickly translate complex derivative words.

If you want to learn Turkish on your own, then before working with derivative words, expanding your vocabulary, you need to understand the structure of the word and the principles of grammar, thanks to this you can find compound word root and look up its meaning in a dictionary.

You also need to learn suffixes. In Turkish they express the meanings that are conveyed in other prepositions or single words. They are standard, each performs its function, for example:

  • turns nouns into adjectives or verbs;
  • forms a possessive form;
  • tells the number - plural or singular;
  • denotes a profession;

and also has many other features.

Having learned them, you can easily understand the meaning of the word.

Another nuance of the Turkish language is the absence of the verbs “to be” and “to have”. Therefore, a sentence like "I have a house" will sound like "my house exists." Verbs are placed at the end of the sentence. They have importance in Turkish and carry the brunt of the sentence. Most of the Turkish vocabulary consists of verbs and verbal words. Since in Turkish the dependent word must precede the main one, the word that needs to be emphasized is placed before the verb.

However, over time, with due diligence the logic and principles of Turkish become absolutely clear and not as complicated as it seemed when you started from scratch. For example, there are very few exceptions and illogical constructions, grammatical genders, articles, irregular shapes plural etc.

So, to learn Turkish on your own, you will need the help of a self-taught book, a dictionary, and the internet.

A good tutorial will allow you to master the language in a structured and step-by-step manner. Tutorials, as it should be, are divided into lessons, each of which helps to learn a certain rule and consolidate the material covered with the help of homework.

Don't stop at a list of words that the tutorial gives, try to supplement the vocabulary yourself. The internet will be of great help to you. Now it will not be difficult to download movies and series in Turkish, as well as Turkish songs. Literally surrounding yourself with the Turkish language, you will create an atmosphere of immersion in it, which cannot but affect your knowledge in the best possible way. In addition, it will help you work on your pronunciation.

Do not forget about books - at first, perhaps, the texts will seem complicated to you, but over time, you will more easily understand the meaning and understand what is written.

Lots of apps for Android and iPhone help increase your vocabulary and consolidate their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

Communication with native speakers will be a big plus. You don't have to go to Turkey for this.– there are many learners of this language on the net, there are forums where you can communicate in Turkish and improve it. You can meet Turkish speakers on social networks.

And, of course, being in Turkey itself, feel free to demonstrate your knowledge, this will help you not only read and understand the language by ear, but also speak it fluently. In addition, you will show your respect local residents addressing them in their own language.

How to learn Turkish in the shortest possible time and with little bloodshed.

Why sexually mature? Because children usually do not ask such questions, they grasp foreign languages ​​at the speed of light. But adult brains, stuffed with various necessary and not very knowledge, are not as receptive to learning everything new as fresh “uncluttered” children's ones. Actually, for such our next article.
To begin with, let's decide whether it is necessary to speak Turkish to live and work in Turkey, or you can completely get by with English. Of course, no one argues that in Antalya you can even get by with Russians, since almost every trader in the bazaar knows Russian at the household level here. But. If you plan to live here for quite a long time without wandering around the net in search of Russian-speaking doctors, or you want to make successful deals (it’s better to bargain in Turkey after all in a language understandable to the local population), then of course it’s worth learning Turkish. Let's see how realistic it is.

Regarding the complexity of the language, then "the devil is not so terrible," as they say. Despite the fact that the grammar in Turkish is built on a completely different principle, as in Russian, for example, word formation is obtained by “sticking” one or more suffixes to the root of the word, and the predicate, as a rule, is placed at the end of the sentence, mastering this principle is quite perhaps, depending on the intensity of language practice. The Turkish language is quite logical and structured, unlike Russian, and although its logic differs from the logic of English, it is not so difficult to understand the structure and principles of constructing sentences and learn how to apply them. And so that not only the words “fool” (stop), “mess” (glass) and tobacco (plate) stick to your tongue, the main thing is practice, practice and again practice, “as the great Ataturk bequeathed! »

What, for example, did your obedient servant start with as soon as she moved to Turkey.

First thing, got a notebook where she entered all the most commonly used words and phrases in everyday life in alphabetical order, looked up their translation in the dictionary and crammed before going to bed. At the same time, I bought a phrase book, copied the grammar section of a Turkish textbook and delved into the structure of the language. Well, I tried to read “Turkish newspapers” at breakfast as much as possible, watch local Turkish TV shows and listen to live colloquial speech as much as possible. After all, nowhere, more often than in colloquial speech, will you hear aphorisms, slang and allegorical printed and not quite expressions, without knowing which you will remind the local population of a walking school textbook or a trade register newspaper. And the more virtuoso you are with the "word" and "live", and not the newspaper language, the closer you are to the local population, both in everyday life and in business terms. I must say right away that I began to speak more or less clearly in broken Turkish somewhere after a couple of months, and to understand the “noise background” around almost completely, and to speak freely on any topic, from import issues to disputes about literature - about after two years.

In general, this option of “budget” language learning is not suitable for everyone, because everyone has different abilities for foreign languages, different “volume random access memory and a different mindset. Therefore, an almost win-win option would still be to follow the path of least resistance and enroll in Turkish language courses, which, by the way, are a dime a dozen in Antalya, ranging from free courses for "Turkish wives" to expensive "elite" courses " Tomer».

Free Turkish language courses
available in every city in the country. In Antalya it is ASMEK" and " KONSEM", in Hatay " HATMEK" and so on. Both a Turkish citizen and any foreigner with a residence permit can enroll in these courses. Registration opens annually on certain dates. True, you will have to come to sign up almost from 4 in the morning, as there are enough people who want to, as you understand.

If the issue of maximum savings is not in front of you, but the task is to learn the language as quickly and efficiently as possible, there are many private language centers at your service different thickness wallet. Classes are most often held in the morning or evening hours, which is convenient if you need to coordinate training with your work schedule. Many language centers hold various promotions and discount campaigns in the fight for a client.

The average cost of learning Turkish per month is approximately 350 to 1000 TL.

Here is an approximate range of prices for Turkish language courses in different cities of Turkey:


Language CourseNet

Tuition - from $ 237 for 2 weeks

Parus Egitim

Tuition fee - from 170 TL (approx. USD 50) in 2 weeks


Lotus Egitim

Tuition fee - from 2000 TL (approximately USD 550) for 3 months

Hulya Gürdamar Etüt Merkezi

Tuition fee - from 400 TL (approx. USD 110) for 1 month

Yuksek Karyer

Tuition fees - from 1000 TL (approximately USD 275) for 6 months and from 1650 TL (approx. USD 455) for 1 year



Tuition fee - from 500 TL (approximately USD 140) for 2 months

In addition to group classes in language centers, which are located in large numbers in all major cities of Turkey, you also have the opportunity to take lessons from local private teachers who can be Russian-speaking, order training programs (from 200 TL) and take private lessons via Skype or watch Turkish language lessons online at YouTube.

* Now for a nice bonus!🎁

A small lyrical digression in the form of a list of the most frequently used figurative turns of colloquial speech by Turks, phrases in Turkish, the translation of which you are unlikely to find in the dictionary:

eline saglık! - God grant you health! (Literally - "Health to your hands")

ateş pahasına - at a crazy price

sokağa para atmak - throwing money away

baştan çıkmak - to lose one's head (from temptation), to be confused

baş belası - (trans.) headache

dil bozmak - to swear, to speak obscenities

can pazarı - a matter of life and death

uyku çuvalı - sleepyhead, sleeper

herşeyi goze almak - go for everything; stop at nothing

meydana çıkmak - becomes obvious (about lies)

her şey yolunda - it's all right

soz atmak + D.p. - hurt someone words, hint

kara sevda - 1 / sadness; 2/ unrequited love

kara sakız gibi yapışmak - stick like a bath leaf

kara cahil - a complete ignoramus, an absolute layman

kara borsa - black market

Canını acıtmak - hurt, hurt

Canı çekmek - to want to die, to crave

Canı sıkılmak - feel bored, bored, languish

isine bak! - mind your own business!

tovbe tovbe! - God forgive me!

aklından geçmek - come to mind, get into the head

taş koymak - put sticks in the wheels, deliberately interfere

Allahın belâsı - the punishment of Allah, the punishment of God

göze çarpmak - to catch one's eye, to draw attention to oneself

boş vermek + D.p. - do not give meaning., to not pay attention

delikanlı - hot (of a person)

ekmek parası - money for daily bread

bozuk para - change, coins

yerim seni - I will eat you (lacquer appeal to cute children)

sıkıntı yok - no problem

kafayı yemek - go crazy

Hello everyone, glad to see you on my channel.

Today I will tell you about how I learned Turkish, and I will give a few practical advice about how to learn it faster and not forget it.

I started learning Turkish when I met my husband. I went to courses and chose them based on the teaching program in Moscow. I really liked the courses, they seduced me by the fact that they were taught according to Tömer ‘Tomer’ textbooks (there were textbooks Hitit I, II; an audio course was also given). Teaching was divided into 3 levels. Entry level for beginners (Hitit I, II). I passed Hitit I, but Hitit II, unfortunately, did not pass, because summer came, our group was disbanded and another one was recruited. In addition, I have already left for Turkey to get married. But I study Turkish all the time and I can say that a foreign language is such a thing that goes away if you do not study it, so you should always practice.

What else can I recommend from Turkish textbooks? P. I. Kuznetsov’s manual “Turkish Language Textbook”, this edition consists of two parts, it even comes with an audio course. It has a lot useful exercises, texts. The only thing I can note is that the textbook was probably compiled in Soviet times, and it contains a lot of such vocabulary as “comrade” and everything that follows from it. Therefore, from the point of view of the interest of the texts and their lexical composition, the manual is a bit outdated.

Also, when I went to the courses, I immediately got myself a “Big Turkish-Russian and Russian-Turkish Dictionary”. Let me explain why I bought a two-in-one dictionary: I was already planning to move and, accordingly, I absolutely did not want to carry two such dictionaries. But teachers and those who study languages ​​recommend buying two separate dictionaries, because in a publication like mine, of course, a truncated version.

Right now in life situations Google Translate helps a lot. Naturally, he will not translate the whole sentence, but he will be able to translate some words, for example, while going to the store.

Another piece of advice on how to memorize grammar in general is easier, to systematize knowledge, is to start a notebook. I got one and write down all the grammar rules that I study in it. Why is it convenient? For example, you forgot a topic. You do not need to look for where the textbook is and run to reread the entire chapter in it; you have records of examples, rules; you repeated them, remembered - and everything is fine.

It is also very important to learn words. I took a notebook, divided the sheets in it with a vertical line in half. In the left column she wrote down words and even phrases in Turkish, in the right - their translation into Russian. All this can be read in the subway while you are going to work. Of course, looking for something in such records is not very convenient, because this is not a dictionary compiled in alphabetical order, but it is quite suitable for reading in transport.

Concerning how in general it is better to learn words. I discovered this thing for myself: I remember them best when I first write them down, then I pronounce them, and then I write down the translation. For example, I write the word bilmek, pronounce it and write the translation - to know. At the same time, my visual memory works, auditory and mechanical - I remember how a word is spelled, and sometimes it helped me a lot. Friends, this is really a very good technique, and I can advise you on it.

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