The meaning of the name Arkhip. Interpretation of the name. Arkhip - the meaning and origin of the name What does the name Arkhip mean?

Plaster 24.11.2020

Arkhip is an old nickname that characterizes a horse lover, since its interpretation sounds like “chief of the cavalry” or “senior horseman.”

Origin of the name

The once popular name in Rus' Arkhip comes from Ancient Greece. It was in those parts that the first boy was born, named Arkhip. It is formed from the merger of two Greek words “archi” (highest) and “ippo” (horse, horse).

general characteristics

Little Arkhipka loves increased attention to himself and often throws a tantrum in the presence of his parents so that they give him all their attention. He is especially capricious in front of his mother, but tries to restrain himself in front of other relatives or strangers.

The teachers in the kindergarten have a hard time with the little tomboy, he constantly strives to do some kind of prank on the sly - it is almost impossible to make sure that the baby doesn’t do anything bad. Archpushka happily takes part in any mischief.
Despite his not very good behavior, Arkhip’s reputation as a fighter and a bully does not stick. The boy does not strive to lead or be in charge, but he will never allow himself to be offended.

With the beginning school activities the little hooligan becomes more disciplined, tries to study well, although his behavior does not improve much. Complaints from teachers about schoolchildren are received regularly, and loving parents should instill good manners in their offspring, but they should not be punished too harshly for mischief.

Positive character traits

Arguments do not bring pleasure to the boy; he always tries to avoid conflict. Although, as soon as it comes to personal interests, Arkhip is ready to insist on his opinion to the last, and it is impossible to convince him.

Growing up, the guy becomes serious, thinks through the phrases he says, so as not to say too much or offend his interlocutor. He also tries not to make rash decisions, acts carefully, carefully and confidently, analyzing and predicting his every step in advance. For his calmness and sobriety of thought in difficult situations, the young man is respected not only by his close people - his work team values ​​his opinion and always listens.

The owner of the name is not vindictive; he forgets minor grievances very quickly. Arkhip is also capable of forgiving serious offenses, but this requires him more time.

Negative character traits

Arkhip's eternal seriousness makes him thoughtful and gloomy. He is not very smiling and is often in a bad mood. The boy has a real problem with his sense of humor; even the funniest joke cannot amuse him.

The man is not distinguished by his friendliness and interest in communication. Always busy with business, he does not like conversations on abstract topics. It would be nice for this person to take a break from work sometimes and learn to relax.

Zodiac sign

The zodiac sign that fits more harmoniously than others with the nickname Arkhip is Virgo. Fate is subject to the influence of Mercury, the planet that rules intellectual activity. Color range, most suitable for the name– yellow, red and brown shades. A marble talisman will serve to protect Arkhip from invisible evil.


Arkhipka, Arkhipchik, Arkhipushka, Arya, Arkhiponka, Arik.

Name options

Arkhip, Arkhippos, Arkippes, Arkhippus, Arshipp, Arkipo, Arkhippa.

Historical figures

IV century – Venerable Arkhip.
1841 –1910 – Russian artist, itinerant painter Arkhip Kuindzhi.

Name day


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (Looking at the name). Ed. "Soviet Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (Dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing House "AST". Moscow, 2005.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The male name Arkhip comes from the ancient Greek Arkhippos and means “horse manager”, “groom”, “master of horses”, “chief horseman”. It has become widespread in recent years.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: amber
  • Orange color
  • Plant: asparagus
  • Animal: raven, dog
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The name Arkhip hides many secrets and contradictory information. Beneath him lies an extraordinary, thoughtful, peaceful and hard-working character.

As a child, Arkhipka was a sickly, impressionable, silent boy. In the youth team, he stands out for his calm character and negative attitude towards the “ringleaders” and leaders. Realizing that he has no winning advantages, he will get into a fight, defending the weak. He shows interest in learning only in those sciences that he likes. If the owner of the name Arkhip is convinced of something, the situation cannot be changed. This is a person in whose character faith and spirit form a single whole. He has intuition, listens to his inner voice, makes unexpected decisions, and is endowed with the gift of healing.

Don't try to fool him. It will be not only embarrassing, but also bad. The bearer of this name surrounds himself with smart and talented friends. He distinguishes criticism from criticism and does not perceive it as directed at himself, but is able to “take apart his opponent piece by piece.” It's hard to argue with him, it's better to laugh it off.

Interests and hobbies

Arkhip's interests are so diverse that it is difficult to systematize them. He is interested in history, architecture, theology, parapsychology and the study of ancient languages, medicine, folk crafts, healing and hypnosis. In each field of knowledge, he is looking for something necessary to improve certain practices, research, and experiments.

Profession and business

Often Arkhip chooses scientific work, practical research in a certain direction. This is a first class performer. Serious, silent, responsive - he arouses the interest and trust of others. The work of an investigator, criminologist, doctor, lawyer, judge, scientist brings him financial well-being. But he does not receive satisfaction from work due to fatigue. Most often, such a person tries to concentrate his strength, faith and knowledge on the study of previously unknown pages of history, events, the phenomenon of clairvoyance, philosophy, religion.


It gets stronger over the years. Arkhip does not like to discuss such a topic. He will quickly talk about the state of health of his interlocutor than complain about fatigue or headache. Believes that it depends entirely on mood, laziness, greed and stupidity. He is convinced that doctors can cure a disease, but making a person healthy is not a task they can do.

Sex and love

Arkhip is a secretive person and a great skeptic. His chosen one should have some distinct advantage that makes her stand out from the crowd beautiful women. The girl who fell in love with him needs, first of all, to improve her knowledge. Such a man needs intelligence in bed. Sex without love is incomprehensible to him; aimless flirting is a waste of time.

Family and marriage

A special feature of the nature of the owner of the name Arkhip is that he can look for his chosen one all his life. It is not easy for him to confess his love, to talk about his feelings. But if he decides to do this, then nothing can stop him on the path to starting a family. Only a spouse can initiate her into her secrets, make her a like-minded and spiritually close person.

At home, he patiently resolves problems, raises children without yelling, petty pickiness, without connivance or intrusiveness, seriously and kindly. Such a father serves as a positive example for children for life. He is a calm, clear, confident and bright man.

The male name Arkhip comes from the ancient Greek Arkhippos and means “horse manager”, “groom”, “master of horses”, “chief horseman”. It has become widespread in recent years.

Name Astrology

Character traits

The name Arkhip hides many secrets and contradictory information. Beneath him lies an extraordinary, thoughtful, peaceful and hard-working character.

As a child, Arkhipka was a sickly, impressionable, silent boy. In the youth team, he stands out for his calm character and negative attitude towards the “ringleaders” and leaders. Realizing that he has no winning advantages, he will get into a fight, defending the weak. He shows interest in learning only in those sciences that he likes. If the owner of the name Arkhip is convinced of something, the situation cannot be changed. This is a person in whose character faith and spirit form a single whole. He has intuition, listens to his inner voice, makes unexpected decisions, and is endowed with the gift of healing.

Don't try to fool him. It will be not only embarrassing, but also bad. The bearer of this name surrounds himself with smart and talented friends. He distinguishes criticism from criticism and does not perceive it as directed at himself, but is able to “take apart his opponent piece by piece.” It's hard to argue with him, it's better to laugh it off.

Interests and hobbies

Arkhip's interests are so diverse that it is difficult to systematize them. He is interested in history, architecture, theology, parapsychology and the study of ancient languages, medicine, folk crafts, healing and hypnosis. In each field of knowledge, he is looking for something necessary to improve certain practices, research, and experiments.

Profession and business

Often Arkhip chooses scientific work, practical research in a certain direction. This is a first class performer. Serious, silent, responsive - he arouses the interest and trust of others. The work of an investigator, criminologist, doctor, lawyer, judge, scientist brings him financial well-being. But he does not receive satisfaction from work due to fatigue. Most often, such a person tries to concentrate his strength, faith and knowledge on the study of previously unknown pages of history, events, the phenomenon of clairvoyance, philosophy, religion.


It gets stronger over the years. Arkhip does not like to discuss such a topic. He will quickly talk about the state of health of the interlocutor than complain about fatigue or headache. Believes that it depends entirely on mood, laziness, greed and stupidity. He is convinced that doctors can cure a disease, but making a person healthy is not a task they can do.

Sex and love

Arkhip is a secretive person and a great skeptic. His chosen one must have some distinct advantage that sets her apart from the crowd of beautiful women. The girl who fell in love with him needs, first of all, to improve her knowledge. Such a man needs intelligence in bed. Sex without love is incomprehensible to him; aimless flirting is a waste of time.

Family and marriage

A special feature of the nature of the owner of the name Arkhip is that he can look for his chosen one all his life. It is not easy for him to confess his love, to talk about his feelings. But if he decides to do this, then nothing can stop him on the path to starting a family. Only a spouse can initiate her into her secrets, make her a like-minded and spiritually close person.

At home, he patiently resolves problems, raises children without yelling, petty pickiness, without connivance or intrusiveness, seriously and kindly. Such a father serves as a positive example for children for life. He is a calm, clear, confident and bright man.

Arkhip's compatibility in love and marriage

Dates of Arkhip's name day

Name days for the name Arkhip are celebrated 5 times a year. One of these dates is the Day of the Angel of a person named Arkhip.

Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or follows your birthday itself.

Short form of the name Arkhip. Arya, Arik, Arkhipka, Arkhipko, Arkhipchik, Archi, Arho.
Synonyms for the name Arkhip. Arkhippos, Arkhippos, Arkippes, Arkhippus, Arshippus, Arkipo, Arkippo.
Origin of the name Arkhip. The name Arkhip is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Arkhip is of Greek origin, a derivative of the ancient Greek name Arkhippos. The name Arkhip was originally written with two letters “p”.

The name Arkhip appeared from a combination of two semantic parts. The first is “archos” (ruler) or from “archi” (from above), and the second is “hippos” (horse). Therefore, the name Arkhip is literally translated as “ruler of horses,” “one who controls horses,” “ruler over horses.” In modern translation one can find various free interpretations of these options: “master of horses”, “chief horseman”, “groom”, “chief of cavalry”.

The Russian people used the form of the name Arkhip - Arkhip, while the name Arkhip does not have a paired female name.

The name Arkhip was borne by a companion of the Apostle Paul and is mentioned in the New Testament. The date of Arkhip’s Catholic name day is March 20. The remaining dates indicated are Orthodox name days.

The owner of the name Arkhip most often looks to others as a strict, courageous, and at the same time quite sharp, assertive, impatient man, with a rather strong character, but attracting to itself like a magnet. He is equally capable of kindness and tenderness, and certainly acts in his own best interests, especially when he wants to please or seduce someone or there is some benefit to him.

There may be a dichotomy in this person, so his behavior may be confusing. Despite his duality and desire to be on the “yes” side or the “no” side, in most cases Arkhip is indeed a kind, thoughtful, polite person who strives to be useful. However, he can suddenly become angry with anger, most often when he comes to someone's defense or when he is criticized inappropriately. This happens because the owner of this name cannot perceive any form of injustice.

Arkhip is a demanding man, a perfectionist. He rarely forgives a broken promise, dishonesty, or malice. As a child he is extremely sensitive, very receptive and easily influenced, especially by his mother. Arkhip can be very impressionable and tries to express himself creatively. Therefore, it is very important to give him a sense of self-confidence and encourage him to play sports in combination with music, for example. He is very emotionally dependent, and school performance is usually much better if the boy feels close and understood by his teachers.

Arkhip feels at home in various companies, groups and meetings, where he proves himself to be a good storyteller, speaker, and is ready for agreement and cooperation. He is also sensitive to wealth and prosperity, paying attention to the smallest things in life as much as to status, position in society and profession.

Love often comes to his mind, and this man becomes an affectionate and understanding partner, although sometimes Arkhip can be a little rude. He loves his family, his home. But, perhaps, he will treat his responsibilities as a father somewhat neglectfully due to excessive attachment to his mother, and this may bring certain difficulties to his life. family life. He often has difficulty choosing a wife due to his high expectations and uncompromising attitude.

This ambitious man will be able to realize his potential in the financial and social sphere, business, sports, and Arkhip will also succeed in providing consultations (psychology, tax consultant or medicine).

Arkhip's birthday

Famous people named Arkhip

  • Arkhip (Arkhippa) Perttunen ((1769-c.1841) Karelian hereditary rune singer. His songs are considered the best in the Karelian epic tradition. It was the runes of this singer that were collected and processed by Elias Lönrot for the Karelian-Finnish heroic epic “Kalevala”. In total, about 6000 verses.
  • Arkhip Alexandrov ((1921-1985) Soviet Chuvash playwright)
  • Arkhip Teslenko ((1882-1911) Ukrainian writer. Most of his works were published after the writer’s death.)
  • Arkhip Kuindzhi ((1841/1842-1910) surname at birth - Emendzhi; an outstanding Russian artist, master of landscape painting. The most famous paintings of the artist: “Dnieper in the morning”, “Moonlit night on the Dnieper”, “Birch Grove”, “Rainbow”, "Sea. Crimea", "Ukrainian Night", "After the Rain", "Snowy Peaks" and many others. Arkhip Kuindzhdi was an unsurpassed master of depicting light and its reflection.)
  • Arkhip Osipov ((1802-1840) Russian soldier (private) of the Tenginsky regiment, hero of the defense of the Black Sea coastline. In memory of his feat, a “Cross” was erected in the village of the Krasnodar Territory - Arkhipo-Osipovka.)
  • Arkhip Abaginsky ((1907-1960) real name - Kudrin; Soviet poet, wrote in the Yakut language. Awarded medals for the years of the Great Patriotic War. He wrote about the Communist Party, translated poems by A.S. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky, works of I. Turgenev, M. Gorky and other writers into the Yakut language. His most significant works are the poems “Shanghai” and “I am the son of the people.”)
  • Arkhip Lyulka ((1908-1984) Soviet scientist, aircraft engine designer. Developer of the first turbojet aircraft engine, later used on the aircraft of A. N. Tupolev, P. O. Sukhoi, S. V. Ilyushin and G. M. Beriev. Hero Socialist Labor Award in 1957, twice winner of the Stalin Prize (1948, 1951). A square in the city of Moscow was named in memory of the designer.)

"chief of cavalry"

Origin of the name Arkhip

The name comes from the Greek roots “archi” - “highest” and “ippo” - “horse”.

Characteristics of the name Arkhip

is born a weak child, he is early transferred to artificial nutrition. But the boy quickly grows stronger and after a year becomes an active, mischievous boy who does not listen to his parents. He doesn’t strive to become a leader, but he can stand up for himself. At school, Arkhip enjoys studying only those subjects that interest him. Usually he chooses a profession early, enters a university, graduates successfully and gets a good job in life. Knows his worth, knows how to find workarounds to achieve his goal. Easily adapts to any life situations, can drop everything and start from scratch, is not afraid to change jobs. Arkhip usually marries once, because he believes that divorce will not solve problems, and no other woman can become his wife. ideal wife. Arkhip, as a rule, loves friendly parties and is well versed in music and painting. At the same time, he is well versed in financial matters and will always be able to provide for his family.

Famous personalities: Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841-1910) - Russian painter and wanderer.

Name Arkhip - when is the name day?

Derivations of the name Arkhip:

Arkhipka, Arya.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for the name Arkhip:

The name is suitable for Capricorns and Leos.

Harmony with name bearers:

Incompatibility with native names:


The Monk Archippus of Herotopes served as a sexton for sixty years at the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael, where he came as a 10-year-old teenager. One day, the pagans decided to drown the temple and sent water from two mountain rivers into it. Sexton Arkhipp appealed to heaven, praying to save the temple to which he dedicated his life and service and which was the spiritual refuge of many believers. The Holy Archangel Michael heard this prayer and showed his miracle: with a blow of his rod he cut a large stone near the temple in two, and all the water flowed into the cleft of the stone. After this, Saint Archippus continued to live at the temple until old age and died at the age of 70.

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