What to replace dairy. How to replace dairy products. How to understand that the mixture is not suitable for the child

Repair from ZERO online 27.07.2020
Repair from ZERO online

Only a small percentage of new mothers continue breastfeeding children older than 12 months. In most cases, this trend is associated with the need to go to work or other social factors. When the baby is one year old, his body does not cease to need mother's milk. This product is the basis for the harmonious development of the digestive, nervous and immune systems.

If breast milk replacement is unavoidable, then parents should familiarize themselves with the list of alternative foods for a one-year-old child in advance.

Nutrition characteristics after a year

In addition to mother's milk, the diet of a one-year-old child includes vegetable, meat and fish complementary foods. At this age, parents can safely introduce cow's milk into the baby's diet. The frequency of feeding a child at this age should be 4-5 times. The average amount of food is 170-200 g at a time. If the baby does not eat the specified amount of food, parents should not force him.

The standard diet of a baby after a year is as follows:

  • After waking up in the morning, the baby can be attached to the mother's breast. If the mother is determined to wean the baby from natural feeding, then artificial milk formula (up to 200 ml) is used as an alternative. It acts as a substitute for mother's milk and mixtures. This product stimulates the child's appetite, so the interval between the first feeding and breakfast should be no more than 3 hours. If the baby wakes up no earlier than 8 am, then he does not need additional feeding before breakfast.
  • Breakfast. During this period, the child eats with maximum appetite. The main component of the breakfast of a one-year-old child is porridge (barley, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). It is recommended to mix a little into the porridge butter and ½ part egg yolk hard-boiled. As a dessert, you can offer your baby fruit juice or (no more than 50 ml).
  • Dinner. At the age of 1 year, the child's body is able to perceive and digest the complex animal proteins found in fish and meat. For lunch, it is recommended that the baby be offered mashed potatoes or meatballs from defatted meat or sea ​​fish. Vegetable puree (no more than 150 g) is served as a side dish.
  • afternoon tea. During this period of time, the child should be given light food in small quantities. For this purpose, baby kefir or artificial milk mixture is used. It is not recommended to apply the baby to the breast, as this will increase the duration of weaning. The amount of milk formula or baby yogurt is not more than 150 ml. If the baby is not full, then fruit puree or cottage cheese (30-40 g) is used as a supplement.
  • Night feeding. Before going to bed at night, a one-year-old child should be given artificial milk formula. The amount of the mixture is individual for each baby. The average volume is 120-140 ml.

What mixture to choose

After the young mother decided to start weaning the baby from the breast, she needs to take care of. For one-year-old children, it is recommended to select mixtures marked “after a year”. The composition of such nutrition includes whole milk, vitamins, minerals, starch, lactose, sugar, and protein - casein. Such mixtures practically do not contain inositol, taurine, nucleotides, L-carnitine.

The use of baby food instead of breast milk is advisable only if the baby's body is not yet able to perceive only complementary foods. Baby food should be excluded from the diet if the child consumes complementary foods without consequences for digestion. Milk formulas for one-year-old children are sold both in the form of a powder for breeding, and in finished form.

In order for the period of weaning not to be accompanied by negative consequences, parents need to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • In the children's menu, it is recommended to include only those products that the baby himself approves. If the child prefers certain types of cereals and vegetable purees, then they should be included in the diet.
  • Before feeding the baby, food should not be brought to a state of uniformity. During teething, the child needs to perform mechanical processing of food.
  • The amount of artificial milk mixture should be 700-1000 ml per day. Half of this amount can be replaced with baby kefir.

Transfer to mixed or artificial feeding is always stressful for a child. No matter how “proven” or, conversely, modern the mixture is, it still cannot replace mother’s milk for the baby. Fortunately, situations in which it is really not recommended to breastfeed a child are rare.

On the part of the child, contraindications to breastfeeding are some metabolic diseases (phenylketonuria, galactosemia). On the part of the mother, serious illnesses (renal or heart failure, mental illness, malignant neoplasms) or dangerous infections that can infect a child (HIV infection, hepatitis C, an open form of tuberculosis).

Other situations - the appointment of certain mothers medicines, detection of staphylococcus in milk, breast problems - do not mean a mandatory cessation breastfeeding. You can always find a compromise option that allows you to undergo treatment and continue to breastfeed your baby.

2. Need to know.


  • First week - 40-60 ml
  • Second week - 60-80 ml
  • Third week - 90-110 ml
  • Fourth week - 100-120 ml
  • By the end of the second month - 150-170 ml
  • By the end of the third month - 160-180 ml
  • By the end of the fourth month - 160-180 ml

3. Not enough milk?

Often it seems to young mothers that they do not have enough milk and the baby does not eat enough. It is very simple to check this - carry out a control weighing before and after feeding (preferably several times: the baby should be undressed and without a diaper). If the baby ate his physiological norm of milk, it is safe to say that he was full.

However, sometimes breastfeeding mothers actually produce less milk than usual. Such periods are called lactase crises. In this case, do not rush to supplement the baby with the mixture, but apply it to the breast more often, and then the milk will again begin to arrive in the same volume.


  • A breastfeeding mother does not feel that her breasts are filling up between feedings.
  • Normally, the diaper is changed every 3 hours. If after this time the diaper is dry or slightly swollen, this is a sign that the child's urination has become more rare.
  • There are changes with the baby's stool - if the baby usually has a stool after each feeding, now this happens less often. In addition, the stool may become more dense.
  • The child is not gaining weight well.

You can act differently: if the child is crying because he is hungry, then he can be supplemented with a mixture so that he sleeps peacefully. But the mother during this period without fail expresses herself with her hands or with a breast pump after each feeding (even at night!), Really often puts the baby on, drinks different teas for nursing mothers, decoctions, homeopathic remedies. This method is much quieter, but the result is the same.

It is necessary to start giving the child a mixture only when all the means aimed at improving lactation have not yielded results. You need to supplement the baby only after you have attached it to both mammary glands, even if there is very little milk in them. After that, you can give the child a mixture, starting with 20-30 g per feeding. If there is a need to completely switch to artificial feeding, first replace half of one feeding, then this entire feeding, then another one in the same way, etc. It will take you 5-7 days to transfer the baby from breast milk to formula. In the same way, there is a transition from one mixture to another (but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician).

4. How to choose the right mixture.

The most appropriate one for your baby should be prescribed by a pediatrician. But parents also need to know some criteria for her selection. So, up to 6 months, only adapted breast milk substitutes are acceptable for a baby: in their composition they are as close as possible to human milk and enriched with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a baby. In addition, the composition of adapted milk formulas includes nucleotides (biologically active substances that increase the child's immunity and have a positive effect on the digestion process) and taurine (an amino acid necessary for the proper formation of the brain and visual analyzer in a child).

Most mixtures are divided into initial ones - for children from 0 to 3 months (Humana PRE), from the age of 3 months - Humana 1, from 6 months - Humana 2, Humana 3 - from 10 months, as well as the new Humana Junior - from 12 months . All initial mixtures are adapted. The difference between the subsequent mixtures is that they have a higher energy value - they have an increased content of protein, iron and other important nutrients. A number of mixtures that contain an average amount of all the nutrients necessary for a child in the first year of life can be called universal. They can be used to feed babies from birth up to 1 year (the package says "0-12 months").

5. How much to eat?

For children in the first ten days of life, the daily amount of food is calculated using the following formula: N (number of days of life of a newborn) x 70 or 80. A coefficient of 70 is used for children born with a body weight of 3200 g or less, and a coefficient of 80 for children weighing more than 3200 g. For example, your baby is 10 days old and was born weighing more than 3200 g. In this case, he will need 800 g of formula per day (10 x 80 = 800).

6. Features of feeding.

One of the most common questions on the forums is whether to supplement a bottle-fed baby with water. Modern doctors believe that when feeding a child with adapted mixtures, it is not necessary to give him additional water. But if you feel that the baby is thirsty, then you can start offering water from 3-4 weeks in between feedings of 20-30 ml.

In artificially fed children, the stool is more rare and formed than in infants.

Artificial babies may experience less problems due to colic than babies, since in their case there is no dependence on what the mother eats. However, on the other hand, the cause of colic in artificial babies may be improper dilution of the mixture, as well as swallowing air when the bottle is in the wrong position during feeding.

In the future, the daily amount of food for children under 1 year old is calculated taking into account their body weight at a certain age.

For children aged 10 days to two months, the daily amount of food should be 1/5 of body weight (average 600-900 ml). For example, 4000 g: 5 = 800 g per day.

For children from 2 to 4 months - 1/6 of body weight (800-1000 ml).

For children from 4 to 6 months - 1/7 body weight (900-1000 ml).

For children from 6 months to 1 year - 1/8-1/9 body weight (900-1100 ml).

The daily volume must be divided by the number of feedings, and then you get the amount of food that the child should eat in one feeding.

In the first months of a baby's life, you need to feed 6-7 times a day - every 3-3.5 hours with a 6-hour night break. After you start introducing complementary foods, the child is transferred to 5 meals a day (every 4 hours).

7. Prepare the mixture.

It is not difficult to dilute the mixture, but you need to follow a few rules.

Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the mixture.

Take a sterilized bottle and fill it with hot (50-60 degrees) boiled water. It is possible that you use special baby water that does not need to be boiled. Then the mixture is poured into water at room temperature, and then heated. This is done much more often.

Using a measuring spoon, add the required amount of dry mixture and mix. Do not try to increase the nutritional value by pouring the powder into a “heaped” spoon - this can lead to digestive disorders in the baby (excessive regurgitation, vomiting, stool instability, allergies).

The temperature of the finished mixture should correspond to the temperature of breast milk, that is, be approximately 36-37 degrees. This can be tested by putting a few drops of the mixture on your wrist (you should not feel either warm or cold). It is better to give a colder mixture than a hotter one.

If the baby has not eaten all the prepared formula, do not leave the rest until the next time. Dilute a fresh portion of the mixture before each feeding. Also, the mixture cannot be prepared in advance (for example, overnight). The maximum storage time of the prepared mixture in the refrigerator is 2 hours.

Wash the bottle after every feeding hot water with baking soda or baby dishwashing detergent. For children of the first weeks of life, nipples and dishes must be placed in a sterilizer at least once a day.

It happens that with the transition to artificial feeding, the mother is tempted to completely delegate the process of feeding and caring for the child to someone else (nanny or grandmother). Even if you work and cannot be with the child all the time, try to devote the time when you are at home to the baby. This communication is necessary for both the baby and you.

8. How do you know if formula is not suitable for your baby?

  • The baby began constipation or, conversely, liquefaction of the stool.
  • There was a rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, gases, colic, because of which the child cries during feeding or immediately after eating.
  • The baby began to spit up a lot.
  • A rash appeared on the baby's skin. If the reaction occurred in the first days of the child's acquaintance with the new mixture, do not rush to immediately cancel it; continue to give in the same volume for another 2-3 days. Often unpleasant symptoms pass as soon as the baby's body gets used to the product. You can change the mixture only in the most extreme case, and the doctor should make this decision.
  • Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, at these moments the baby still feels the closeness of the mother. And well-chosen bottles and nipples will allow you to properly organize the feeding process. When choosing products for feeding and caring for your baby, safety, quality and convenience are crucial. Make sure that all bottles and nipples you choose meet international quality standards.

    Remember that the most important thing for your baby and his health is your love and care.

    In order to deprive milk of all the shortcomings, namely, to make it hypoallergenic, lactose-free and not offending the self-consciousness of cows and other "dairy" animals, it will be necessary to completely change its essence. From an animal product to turn into a vegetable. Yes, it will be a completely different drink, but who said that it would be bad? Plant-based milk has been drunk all over the world for thousands of years.

    Soy milk

    This is not milk, of course, but a drink made from soybeans. They are soaked, crushed, heated, and then passed through a filter. Cheap, affordable and the most popular substitute for traditional milk. The taste, of course, is specific, but the nutritional properties are very similar. Protein, though vegetable, and iron - more than in cow, less fat, cholesterol and lactose are not at all. Of the shortcomings - little calcium and B vitamins, especially B12.

    Soy milk is sold in bags or as a powder, often fortified with vitamins and minerals. There are "improved options" - with chocolate, vanilla, syrups or spices. It is stored in glass bottles for a week, in plastic - 2 days. Look for packages labeled "non-GMO".

    Why drink. Recommended for allergies, lactose intolerance and iron deficiency anemia. In addition, soy contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, so the product can be useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels. As for use, feel free to replace them with milk in traditional recipes. Fly at least in mashed potatoes, even in pasta sauce. Ready meals will have an unobtrusive nutty flavor.

    rice milk

    Grain milk is also successful. Oats, rye, wheat - from which they just do not make it. The most popular grain milk variant is made from rice and is traditionally drunk in Asian countries, primarily China and Japan.

    Rice milk is usually made from brown rice, less often from refined white rice. The taste is delicate, sweetish - natural sweetness appears during the fermentation process, when carbohydrates break down into simple sugars.

    Compared to cow's milk, rice milk is high in carbohydrates, B vitamins, and has some fiber. It is low-fat, the most hypoallergenic of all milk substitutes. There are also disadvantages - lack of proteins and calcium. Why drink. The Chinese and Japanese have been drinking rice milk for thousands of years, according to tradition. Europeans drink it out of curiosity, in the wake of interest in oriental cuisine, plus in cases of reaction to cow's milk. This drink, due to the content of fiber and carbohydrates, saturates well and improves digestion. It is drunk on its own or added to desserts.

    Milk: pros and cons

    An excellent source of protein.

    • Contains calcium, essential for strong bones. Calcium from milk is well absorbed because it comes with vitamin D and lactose.
    • Milk contains magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12.
    • It is a product of animal origin and, accordingly, contains cholesterol and saturated fats.

    Often causes allergies.

    • Many adults do not produce the enzymes needed to digest the milk sugar lactose. Lactose intolerance causes digestive problems.
    • May contain antibiotics and hormones treated with cows.

    Almond milk

    Another source of milk rivers is nuts: walnuts, peanuts, cashews and, of course, almonds. General principle preparation is the same - grind, pour water, let it brew, strain. Almond milk was especially popular during the Middle Ages. Firstly, it was the main product for fasting people, and secondly, it was stored longer than cow's.

    The main feature of almond milk is that it contains a lot of protein and calcium. From this point of view, it is almost like a cow! It also contains magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, B6. Why drink. The combination of magnesium + calcium + vitamin B6 is the ideal formula for strengthening bones. A glass of almond milk covers a third daily requirement human in calcium. Vitamins A and E protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, in addition, these are well-known antioxidants that rejuvenate the body as a whole. Potassium is needed so that the heart beats evenly and the nerves do not play naughty.

    Smoothies, cocktails, desserts, soups are prepared on the basis of almond milk. True, often the recipe calls for the use of roasted almonds. So it, of course, is tastier, but, alas, it is less useful. Raw foodists are probably right about something.

    Coconut milk

    Inside each coconut there is a liquid splashing - but this is not milk, but coconut water. Tasty, vitamin, suitable for use in cooking and giving a refreshing effect in the heat. Coconut milk is made from the pulp of a coconut - it is crushed, for example, grated, mixed with water, and then squeezed. The consistency depends on the proportions - than less water, the thicker the drink. Thick is used for making sauces and desserts, liquid - for soups.

    Why drink. Coconut milk is quite high in calories - up to 17% fat, it contains a lot of B vitamins. Ayurvedic tradition suggests that the drink helps with dehydration, loss of strength and skin diseases. It can be drunk with stomach problems - recent studies have shown that coconuts also have a weak antibacterial effect.

    ... unless it's a bird

    In general, milk is not driven except from a stool. Hemp, for example, makes an excellent drink. It does not have a narcotic effect, but it contains an excess of Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated acids, there are valuable trace elements like magnesium, 10 essential amino acids, and hemp proteins are absorbed better than soy proteins. Sesame milk is an excellent source of calcium. There is even more calcium in poppy milk. Pumpkin seeds are easily converted into a nutrient substance that supplies the body with iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium, which in the most beneficial way affects the ability to think and not get sick even in the midst of a flu epidemic. Oat milk - from flakes, and preferably whole unpeeled oat grains - a source of valuable dietary fiber that removes "bad" cholesterol from the body.

    The general principle of making vegetable milk is simple. Nuts and seeds are washed, soaked for several hours, crushed and mixed with water in a blender in a ratio of 1: 3. Then the mass must be squeezed out. You can add something interesting to the drink: spices, fruits, sweeteners, syrups, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, rose water - in a word, everything that matches your ideas of beauty.

    Get yourself a soy cow
    Previously, soy milk was made for a long time and manually - the beans had to be ground, the flour had to be boiled and filtered ... Special combines - soy cows - simplify and speed up the process. The unit looks like a kettle, its main functions are to grind and heat. It takes 100 grams of soybeans to make a liter of milk. Time - 20 minutes. In countries where soy milk is traditionally used in cooking, primarily in China, soy cows are found in almost every home. Some models can be used to make nut and rice milk.

    In addition to the fact that some products may simply not be liked, with hormonal changes that inevitably occur during pregnancy, even the taste of previously beloved dishes can be unpleasant and sometimes disgust expectant mothers in pregnancy. Don't want to eat- of course, you should not force yourself to eat them, as this will provoke a stress reaction that can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman. Even if these foods are considered healthy, you should not eat what you do not like. There is a better option - let's try to find a worthy replacement for unloved products!

    What is product interchangeability?

    Product interchangeability- this is one of the approaches that will allow mom to replace an unloved product with another one that has a composition similar to it. To make it easier to understand the choice of an alternative, consider 6 main groups of products: Starchy products (potatoes, grain products: cereals or wholemeal flour, cereals, muesli, pasta, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet, legumes) . Low starch vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, herbs, etc.). Fruits. Milk products. Products containing animal protein in large quantities (meat, fish, seafood, egg white, cottage cheese, etc.). Fats and fatty foods (nuts, avocados, oily fish). Being in the same group, these products contain similar amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so they are easily interchangeable within the group.

    Interchangeability of products: milk
    The #1 least favorite food is milk. By the way, whole milk can become a forbidden product not only because the expectant mother does not like it, but also in case of intolerance - that is, when the pregnant woman's body lacks an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). In this case, after drinking milk, a pregnant woman may experience diarrhea, increased gas formation, intestinal discomfort and nausea. Why does the expectant mother need milk? Milk is a source of: essential amino acids, including methionine, which prevents the accumulation of fat in the body; easily digestible calcium and phosphorus; vitamins A, B2, B1, D, E (there are more of them in milk in summer than in winter).
    What to replace milk? The most correct alternative to milk are fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc. Moreover, they have a number of advantages compared to milk: beneficial lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria; more B vitamins (they are additionally produced by lactic acid flora); the presence in kefir of a natural antibiotic substance - nisin, which suppresses the putrefactive intestinal microflora; high concentration and optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus in cottage cheese and cheese: 100 g of the product contains the daily requirement for calcium and 1/3 of the daily requirement for phosphorus, which favorably affects the construction of the bone tissue of the fetus.
    Tips: Grated cheese is easier to digest than sliced. If you don’t really like cottage cheese in its natural form, try cooking various dishes with it. For example, ordinary or lazy dumplings, casseroles, succulents, pancakes, baked rolls with cottage cheese and fruits. It is better to buy fortified dairy products. For example, sour cream and kefir with lactulose (this is a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora), bifidobacteria, calcium.
    Product Interchangeability: Liver
    Least favorite food #2 is the liver. A common complication during pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia, in which the doctor may recommend including in the menu future mother liver. It contains a large number of substances necessary for normal blood formation (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, etc.), vitamins (folic acid, A, B, C, B6, B12, etc.), amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine ). But not everyone loves this specific product.

    How to replace the liver? There is nothing wrong with disliking the liver; you can find a full-fledged replacement for this product. Moreover, it contains a lot of cholesterol: 200–300 mg versus 60–70 mg in ordinary meat. One of the most adequate offal for liver replacement is beef tongue. At the same time, in some ways it even surpasses the liver. So, for example, 100 g of the tongue contains 1.5 times more than the daily norm of the main hematopoietic vitamin B12, which is important for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. In addition, a sufficient amount of red meat in the menu of a pregnant woman (at least 200 g per day) will help compensate for the need for protein and trace elements (especially iron) and vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. Tips: It doesn't matter what kind of meat you will compensate for the lack of liver in the diet. Veal, beef, lean pork, skinless chicken and turkey, rabbit meat all have a similar chemical composition, and when they are used, the body of the expectant mother receives the same useful nutrients as when using an unloved liver. If there is a tendency to allergies, then it is better to replace the liver with hypoallergenic meats (they include rabbit meat and horse meat).
    Product interchangeability: fish
    Least favorite #3 food is fish. As a rule, dislike for fish is associated with its specific smell. However, fish is a valuable product, it is rich in trace elements (iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, chromium, etc.), essential omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D and group B, and some types of marine fish even exceed the value of beef.

    What to replace fish? An adequate substitute for fish can be squid - a high-protein product that does not have a specific smell and taste (unlike other seafood), rich in vitamins B, D, E, and characterized by a favorable combination of iodine, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc (It is recommended to consume up to 300 g per week). In addition, squid meat is rich essential amino acid methionine and has a low content of connective tissue, so it is quickly and well absorbed. But the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids missing in the squid are necessary for the full development of immune, nervous and of cardio-vascular system child and fetal retina, can be obtained through linseed oil, avocado and nuts.
    Tips: Try experimenting with certain types of fish that almost do not have a specific fishy smell: icefish, congrio, tilapia, catfish, halibut, etc. It is better to cook fish dishes in combination with vegetables and herbs, which will not only mask the fishy smell, but and enrich the dish with fiber, pectin and water-soluble vitamins. It is better to exclude salted, canned, dried, smoked fish in the diet of a pregnant woman due to the fact that it contains a lot of salts of uric acid, purines and sodium, which may not have a very good effect on the condition of the joints and contribute to an increase in blood pressure.
    Interchangeability of products: porridge
    Unloved product number 4 - cereals. Of course, not all cereals may be to your liking. However, the future mother’s body cannot do without cereals, and therefore you need to know which cereal dishes are interchangeable. Cereals are one of the main sources of B vitamins contained in the outer shell of the grains. Buckwheat oatmeal, barley porridge are very useful. Buckwheat is considered the most valuable, which, due to its composition (the presence of iron and B vitamins in it), contributes to normal hematopoiesis and maintaining the work of the nervous, endocrine, excretory systems of the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

    What to replace porridge? As a replacement for unloved cereals, any cereal from the above is suitable, as well as muesli flakes (preferably with fruit), muesli bars, bran additives in salads, finely ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour, cereals that can be added when baking pancakes, in sauces, when preparing the first dishes, etc. Tips: You can use decoctions from cereals (for example, as part of soups), which contain many useful substances, in particular, B vitamins and trace elements. Rice is better to buy not polished, but brown. Such grains retain a shell and, therefore, vitamin composition. Least favorite food number 5 - vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables (regardless of their type) are rich in essential water-soluble vitamins, trace elements, pectin and cellulose (dietary fiber). Particularly important for the body of a pregnant and unborn child are the beta-carotene contained in them (necessary for the growth of cells and tissues of the baby, as well as for the formation of vision and the immune system), vitamin C (important for the formation of teeth and bones of the child) and folic acid (necessary for normal development of the neural tube of the fetus). Dietary fiber contained in vegetables and fruits contributes to the normalization of the intestines, prevents constipation and hemorrhoids, and helps to remove toxins from the body of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman is recommended to eat at least 500 g of vegetables and fruits every day.

    What to replace fruits and vegetables? It is clear that fruits and vegetables can only be replaced with ... fruits and vegetables, replacing unloved ones with favorite ones, as well as including dried fruits and juices with pulp in your menu. If a pregnant woman prefers certain vegetables and fruits, you should not forcefully eat fruits that she does not like - you can use your favorite ones by combining them with each other. The main thing is that vegetables, fruits and juices from them are daily present in the menu of the expectant mother. At the same time, you can successfully do without vegetables rich in coarse fibrous tissue, and painlessly exclude them from the diet (these are turnips, radishes, etc.), as they can provoke increased gas formation, intestinal colic and even diarrhea. The same can happen with the abuse of very sweet berries and fruits (these include overripe plums, apricots, grapes, etc.). In addition, such unloved leafy vegetables as spinach, sorrel, rhubarb can be safely abandoned, since their benefits are doubtful. The fact is that spinach vegetables are high in oxalic acid, which binds calcium, preventing its absorption, and at the same time promotes the formation of insoluble oxalate stones in the kidneys, provoking urolithiasis.
    Tips: It is best to buy local fresh vegetables and fruits, but frozen ones are also suitable. It is worth avoiding only fruits in sugar syrup. In order to disguise the taste of unloved fruits and vegetables, try adding them in a small amount in crushed form to cereals, pancakes, salads, soups, etc. If you don’t like vegetables, but eat meat and fish, try making combined dishes. For example, vegetable stew with meat.

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    Or an allergy? And I want to replenish the body every day with all the useful elements that are contained in such food, but without harming my health. There is more than one way out of this situation.

    How is milk useful for the body of children and adults?

    Before deciding what products can replace dairy products, you need to know what benefits they have.

    Milk can rightfully be considered a storehouse of essential nutrients. Especially for a young and growing organism. It is not for nothing that in the first year of a child’s life, the most useful is considered breast milk. It contains protein, fat, vitamin D. But the body of an adult can completely do without milk, replenishing the necessary substances from other foods.

    Unfortunately, not everyone benefits from milk. There are people who are allergic to it. Their body is unable to digest lactose (the sugar in milk). The reason for this is, or rather, its absence in the body. This disease is also called lactose intolerance. You may also be allergic to milk protein. It is clear that in this case you need to look for something to replace dairy products. More on this later in the article.

    When should milk be excluded from the diet so as not to harm your body?

    Before giving up the product, you need to know in which cases milk is exactly contraindicated.

    1. Dairy products are hard to digest. That is, there are problems with the digestion of lactose or protein. This is expressed by spasms, bloating and a violation of the stool. True, when milk is boiled for a long time, protein and sugar are destroyed. But along with them and useful substances. Therefore, boiled milk cannot turn sour, but can only deteriorate. Yes, and there is not much benefit from it.
    2. When after drinking milk, especially if it is drunk on an empty stomach, there is a jump in blood sugar. This is a temporary phenomenon. And it poses a great danger to people who are overweight.
    3. If dairy products increase the allergic reaction. This does not mean that you are allergic to this particular product. For example, a person develops a rash in Fig. But only when rice is consumed in its pure form and in large quantities. If you do not overdo it, then you can eat such porridge. And when drinking milk, an allergy to rice appears even with a small amount of the allergen in food.
    4. Often it is not recommended to buy milk in the store. Since on farms, to increase the volume of milk yield, cows are given hormonal drugs. And so that the animal does not get sick, it must be vaccinated with antibiotics. It is clear that such a product does not carry any benefits.
    5. Natural milk provokes the growth of cancer cells. This happens due to the acidification of the constituent substances of milk in the body.

    It turns out that this product is not always useful for humans. And you have to look for what you can replace dairy products with. There are alternatives to these products. Let's take a look at them.

    soy milk

    It is the most popular milk replacer. To prepare it, you need to soak soybeans, crush them, squeeze out the liquid from them. Soy contains enough protein compared to other milk replacement products. But compared to natural protein, here the protein is not so actively involved in muscle building. Soy milk is also rich in potassium.

    Almond milk

    To obtain it, you need to grind almonds with water and filter the liquid from solid particles. In such milk, there is less protein than in natural and soy drink. But it attracts with its aroma and improves the taste of food cooked on it. And here's the texture almond milk close to natural. In addition, almond milk is low in calories and suitable for people on a diet.

    cashew milk

    It is prepared in the same way as milk from almonds. Has a creamy texture. Such milk is rich in zinc, calcium, vitamins B12 and D. But whether these nutrients are absorbed as well as in natural milk, there are still no exact answers.

    Hemp Seed Milk

    It is prepared in the same way as the previous drinks. This milk has a rather specific taste. It does not contain narcotic ingredients. Therefore, milk is completely legal. In addition, if you are wondering how to replace dairy products for allergies, then hemp is an ideal alternative. It has enough protein, fatty acids and iron. But to mask the bitter taste, sugar is added to hemp milk. Therefore, it may not be suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

    coconut milk

    For cooking, grate the flesh of the coconut, squeeze the juice out of it. Next, the resulting spin must be mixed with coconut liquid and water. The structure of the drink is close to whole milk. And it contains many useful elements. But in such a drink there is no protein, plus sugar is often added. Therefore, it is not the best alternative to a natural drink.

    rice milk

    A drink is prepared from boiled rice, water, rice syrup and rice starch. This milk has a sweet taste. Therefore, it is often used in cocktails, added to coffee, desserts. Milk contains enough calcium and vitamin D.

    Oatmeal milk

    The preparation method is the same as rice milk. This drink contains vitamin E, folic acid. It is lactose and cholesterol free. It also lacks protein and calcium.

    Lactose-free and other types of milk

    It is possible to replace cow's milk with goat's, sheep's, buffalo's, and so on. No less popular is lactose-free cow's milk. Basically, it's regular milk. But it has added enzymes that help digest lactose. This option is suitable for those who have problems only with the digestion of sugar in milk.

    Products that contain beneficial substances

    Among the listed analogues, you can choose a drink that replaces cow's. But sometimes none of the options work. Or the person just doesn't like milk. Then how to replace dairy and sour-milk products? AT this case The following products will help replenish the body's reserves with the substances contained in this food.

    1. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet. They well replenish the body with the necessary beneficial substances. And also normalize the work of the digestive system.
    2. Vitamin D can be obtained while walking in the sun.
    3. Eating dried fruits helps to replenish the body with the necessary reserves of vitamins and minerals. And if you are interested in how to replace calcium from dairy products, then know that dried fruits. So eat more of them.
    4. Nuts contain enough proteins, fats and minerals.
    5. If the body lacks calcium, then herring will help to replenish it.

    Now it’s clear how to replace dairy products. As you can see, the choice is large, for every taste and budget. It is only necessary to make a choice. Although sometimes it happens that there are no prohibitions on the use of milk, but they do not drink it. This mainly applies to children.

    How to replace dairy products for a child

    Children are still those gourmets. Therefore, most often the baby refuses to drink milk, kefir. There is a way out of the situation in this case as well.

    The main thing is not to force milk into the baby. Remember that all children have a sweet tooth. You can add fresh berries and sugar or jam to milk and make a cocktail. You can also cook dishes from dairy products. It can be cereal or casseroles. They can also be decorated with jam or condensed milk, which is also made from milk. And modern yoghurts will not leave indifferent any kid. The main thing is to read the composition of the product. It happens that children prefer drinks that replace milk. These are soy or coconut drinks.

    But if the baby flatly refuses any products containing milk, then vegetables, dried and fresh fruits, nuts will come to the rescue.

    Products for a child who does not drink milk

    How to replace dairy products for a child?

    The main products to replenish the necessary useful elements:

    • buckwheat (porridge, soups with buckwheat);
    • oat flakes(again in cereals and soups);
    • softened raisins;
    • dried apricots, pitted;
    • slices of dried apples;
    • any green vegetables;
    • carrots, preferably fresh, you can simply grate and sprinkle with sugar;
    • onions, it must be in soups;
    • White cabbage(you can cook more than one dish from it);
    • boiled chicken;
    • boiled sausage;
    • rye and wheat bread;
    • fish and dishes from it;
    • any cookie.

    All of the above is usually found in the baby's diet. But there are exceptions. Therefore, if you are interested in how you can replace dairy products for a child when he completely refuses milk, then you should pay attention to the above food.

    If there is a severe lack of calcium in the baby's body, then you can replenish its reserves with a medical method. Buy children's vitamins that have the missing elements.

    Do not give dairy products to your baby by fraudulent means or persuasion. This can develop an aversion to milk for life. Then even at the age of eighteen it will not be possible to persuade an adult child to use this product.

    Allergy to milk. What to do and use in this case?

    How to replace dairy products with milk allergy? This is especially of interest to young mothers who have lost their milk, and there is no trust in mixtures (and they are expensive).

    1. If there is even a drop of opportunity to save your milk, then you need to put inhuman efforts to this. The health and development of the child depends on this. Up to 6 months, it is difficult for a baby to digest any product other than mother's milk. Foreign milk can cause big problems with digestive system and give rise to allergies.
    2. When there is no chance of recovering one’s own, then before looking for a replacement for cow’s (as there is a suspicion of an allergy), you need to find out from the doctor what exactly the reaction is. For this, you need to contact your pediatrician.
    3. But it happens that the allergy goes to breast milk. Having found out the exact cause of the allergy (what causes it, what components), you can look for substitutes. Although here the main advice should be given by a gastroenterologist.
    4. In the old days, it was advised to try to give the child goat's or sheep's milk. They are less likely to cause allergies. But this option is outdated.
    5. You can try to give the baby soy milk or its analogues. The main thing here is to choose according to taste and not to be part of the allergen. Each analogue is good in its own way. There are pros and cons.
    6. When none of the proposed options for replacing milk is suitable, and the baby is still very small, you will have to buy expensive hypoallergenic formulas for feeding. And from 4 months, start introducing complementary foods so that the child can eat up faster and get essential vitamins and minerals not only from the feed mixture.

    Fortunately, it happens that by the year the body is getting stronger. And the milk allergy goes away. Then dairy products can be consumed. But introduce into the diet not immediately in liters, but gradually.

    It turns out that replacing cow's milk completely for a child with one product will not work. Much easier to find than you can replace dairy products with adults. And it often happens that an allergy or dislike for dairy products comes from childhood. Mom either did not pay attention to the reaction of the body and aggravated the situation, or forced to use it through force.

    A small conclusion

    Now you know how to replace dairy products for adults and children. As you can see, the list of products is large. Cow's milk is an important product. Therefore, it is worth looking for a way out of the current situation when you can not drink milk. Often the product is excluded when dieting. In this case, analogues of milk, vegetables, fruits or vitamin complexes will come to the rescue. If it is not possible to do right choice on your own, you can seek help from a gastroenterologist.

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