She dreams of cleaning her nails. Dream interpretation: nails, cutting nails in a dream - a complete interpretation of dreams. Cracked a nail in a dream book

Painting 05.07.2020

Fingernails in a dream personify the state of affairs of a person, the situation at work and the financial sphere. To figure out why such a picture is dreaming, you should carefully recall your dream, from your own actions and feelings, to the smallest details, combine what you saw into one semantic image and look at the meaning in the dream book.

Some dream books interpret ambiguously what the dream about nails is about. To see fingernails in a dream, according to Miller's Dream Interpretation, stands for unprofitable cooperation. A person will receive an incommensurably small reward for his labors. Putting marigolds in order is interpreted as a noble and prestigious job that will bring a meager income.

Esoteric dream book, a similar picture is interpreted as imminent trials in real life... Long marigolds in a dream symbolize a long and very difficult period of testing, short or broken - symbolize the end of life's difficulties, dirty or ugly - the emergence of unpleasant situations on the way, from which you need to get out with your head held high. An independent and meaningful choice by a person of a difficult path, strewn with trials, this is what dreams of cutting fingernails are for.

To find out why you dream of seeing nails on other people's hands, you should evaluate the appearance and condition of the nails. If the nail plate in a dream is dotted with white dashes or dots, the dream book speaks of an unkind and envious attitude towards a person on the part of the people around him, or of a person who was in a dream. Long and terrible - they personify the negative actions of persons in relation to the dreamer, intrigues and conspiracies against the sleeping person are possible. Lack of prospects at work due to someone else's interference, that's what broken fingernails dream about.

To see in a dream how a child carefully cleans and cuts his nails on his hands, Aesop's dream book promises a meeting with a person who will leave an indelible impression on himself. Also, this dream indicates a person's panache and narcissism, which will be very difficult to overcome.

The appearance and condition of nails on the hands

To understand what this dream is about, one should carefully recall the state of the nail plates in a dream, their color and appearance.

Why dream of a broken fingernail? Such a dream means that an insignificant, in the dreamer's opinion, incident or conflict can provoke big trouble in the future. It is worthwhile to monitor your emotions and words in the near future, avoiding harsh and rude statements towards others.

Beautiful, even and well-groomed marigolds on the handles in a dream indicate a dream book about a possible promotion or change of place of work. However, in most cases, wages will be small, and only after some time will it change upwards.

Unpleasant clashes in the team, squabbles and disassembly, which will be solved very difficult and painful, this is what dirty fingernails dream about. Also, this vision speaks of the dreamer's obscene behavior, which should be reviewed and tried to change. In some cases, such a picture foreshadows the gossip and intrigues of envious people, which are significantly activated in real life.

For businessmen, dreaming of long nails on their hands, a dream book portends high profits in real life. At this time, it is worth activating all your potential, expanding the scope of activities and acquiring new partners.

For girls who see long, well-groomed and beautiful marigolds in a dream, according to the dream book, they promise good luck in love affairs. For unmarried young ladies, this image portends a quick marriage proposal, for married women - peace, harmony and prosperity in the family.

A short nail plate on the hands in a dream, according to the dream book, speaks of the dreamer's limited abilities, his unwillingness to change his life for the better. Excessive vanity of a person prevents him from concentrating on true goals and desires. The dream book advises to take a break from the work performed somewhere outside the city, in nature, to recharge with positive emotions and to put your thoughts in order.

Red nails on the hands in a dream indicate the dreamer's imminent reconciliation with his relatives and close friends, capable of restoring the moral balance of a sleeping person. A black nail plate means that soon a person will have to seriously fight, defending his own honor and dignity. The dreamer will be accused of what he has never done, expressing serious doubts about his morality and sincerity.

Actions of a sleeping person aimed at marigolds

Taking measures and decisive steps in relation to the situation that has arisen, that's why you dream of painting your fingernails. Yellow varnish, testifies to the vile thoughts of a sleeping person, green - personifies vital energy and beauty, perhaps the dreamer will take decisive steps to change his daily routine, eating habits and attitude towards life.

Why dream about cutting fingernails? Most dream books interpret such a vision as conflicts and quarrels with colleagues in the workshop or among family members. For a girl, such a picture suggests that soon the dreamer will have to be separated from her family for a short time. For a man, this vision is a hint that you should not count on the support of friends and loved ones, since they will be powerless against the situation that has arisen.

For people who had to break their fingernails in a dream, the dream book warns of a possible disease. For businessmen, such a picture predicts problems in business.

If in a dream, I happened to cut the nails on the hands of another person, then, according to the dream book, strangers will experience strong negative emotions in relation to the dreamer. Such a dream indicates that you should pay attention to your manner of conducting a conversation and behavior in society, and try to eliminate all the shortcomings in the near future.

If in a dream a large fingernail fell off, it means that in real life, soon a person will experience remorse and incredible confusion about his ignoble or impartial behavior towards loved ones.

If a girl or woman dreamed that someone was painting marigolds, then, as the dream book assures, a person will soon appear in reality who can take possession of her mind, heart and feelings and become a worthy life companion. However, if in a dream, the young lady immediately erases the varnish, then the young man will turn out to be a liar and a deceiver.

Dream Interpretation Nails A symbol of acquisition, conflict. The dirty ones are a shame. Cutting is a loss of money or a lover. Beautiful, long - for money or a new connection; business acumen.
See long nails in a dream By the profit. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Nails Seeing nails in your dreams is a lot of work for a small reward. Putting them in order is a modest but noble work. Neglected or broken nails portend illness and business failure. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream is a shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you do not know how to critically assess the real state of affairs. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Well-groomed nails: a sign of prosperity. Also, you will have a penchant for learning and literary activity. Dirty nails: portends shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails According to the legends of grandmothers, people with "rising suns" or transverse lines on their nails will be lucky. Seeing white lines on the nails is a new thing, fortunately. Paying attention to the nails of a stranger, on which "rising suns" are clearly expressed, is to envy, an unkind attitude on the part of people whom you do not even know. Seeing a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream testifies to pedantry and panache that cannot be overcome; to the person who will make an indelible impression on you. Aesop's dream book

The meaning of sleep Nails self-image. Long, clean - contentment; short or nibbled - fatigue; dirty nails - treat yourself with disdain; breaking a nail - anxiety over trifles; to do a manicure - to work on yourself, your image. Home dream book

Dream Nails Gnawing fingernails: a sign of impoverishment and inflexibility of the fingers indicates the rejection of prohibitions. Diseases of the nails: indicate the inability and corruption of faith. Long nails are said to portend bitterness. Seeing yourself without nails: to ruin. If someone sees himself with broken nails: he dies, the same means green nails. Dream interpretation islam

Dream Nails Nails due to their shape: represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something, or, conversely, the extraction of nails from something. If a man sees that he is introducing nails into something: this symbolizes his desire to be sexually active, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence. If a woman sees that a man is inserting nails into something: this reflects the woman's desire to have sexual intercourse with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something: this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and maybe aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies. If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to implant nails into an object: this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence. If a woman sees a similar image: this reflects her latent desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness to other women, I feel that she is sexually frigid. If a person, regardless of gender, sees the image of extracting nails from something: this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to withdraw, to get out of sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself: this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity. The image of nails: may indicate the existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of "in syo" of a person through alien interventions, influences. In some cases, with this image, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream interpretation Nails Nails are long: disappointed hopes are short: hurry sick: disappointed hopes to pull out nails: reconciliation with family. Fingers are very beautiful: the happiness of pointing a finger in love: big changes an extra finger: a lost inheritance: litigation scratching a finger: cutting off profit: burning a friend's troubles: entering into a second marriage a hand without fingers: losing children. New dream book 1918

What is the dream of Nails A dream in which you see your nails on your hands has a positive meaning, on your feet - a negative one. Too long nails mean a disastrous situation when you need the help of friends. Short nibbled nails foreshadow sad events, which you yourself will serve as an occasion. Cutting nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. To do a manicure - you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you, a pedicure - work will not bring you joy and even less material wealth. Broken nails mean that you will be misled about a case in which you will not be fully informed. Sick, fallen out nails portend that you will personally face the need. The nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel. A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them - you expect success in business and revenge on your offenders. If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this is bad luck and illness in the family. Running nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in business and entrepreneurship, discord with a loved one. Seeing cat's claws instead of nails suggests that in the pursuit of dubious pleasures, you can succumb to bad influence. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Nails NAILS on hands are big - profit // grief, the plan will not come true; short, cropped - loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small - failure; brilliant - unexpected news; to cut - offense, quarrel, failure; to pull out - illness, trouble, death; gnawing is a loss; growing - deep old age; suddenly grew - wealth, money. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails: a warning about danger, someone's or their own aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautifully manicured nails: reflect safety. Cut, bite nails, have short cut: loss, impotence, disagreement. See long nails, cling to nails: show vanity, violent behavior. Get a manicure: hide your intentions. The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails. Seeing nails in your dreams - indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. Tidying up your nails means that you will do a noble job, even if it is very modest. To see neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame, dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails A dream about nails indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. If in a dream you tidied up your nails, then you should do a noble but modest job. Running or broken nails dream of illness and failure in business. Saw dirty nails, get ready for the shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically assess the real state of affairs. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails: a test on the way. You break it: you yourself choose the path of testing. Broken nail: passed tests. Long: a long way of testing, you will have to "climb a sheer cliff". Clumsy, dirty: very unpleasant situations, from which one must get out with honor. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Cutting your fingernails A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will part with your friend; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will unintentionally harm someone and will regret it; and having a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will soon forget about the troubles. Cutting your toenails A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will try to restrain your desires; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will make peace with your enemies; and seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream to improve well-being. Seeing big nails on your hands is a grief. Jewish dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails "Scratch out a place for yourself", "sharpen claws on someone": hatred, anger "scratch out someone's eyes": revenge, rivalry "grab onto something (someone) with claws", "press to a nail": to expose, to put in a hopeless position. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Seeing nails in a dream: feel own wish fight and dominate nails: this is a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone, a fabric, with the edge of which you can painlessly part if necessary. Long nails: this is a state of inconvenience and limitation, constraint in actions inside and obstacles from the outside (the claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss - a proverb). Seeing (in a dream) long nails: understand your own inconsistency in business and the fact that, despite all the efforts made (long nails are only an obstacle to actions), the result will be optimal. Nails: symbolizes anger, the desire for a final resolution of the situation, but long nails Short nails: hastily decisions takenthat are of no use. Short nails (cut or chewed off): a symbol of removing an unpleasant inconvenience that is not the main obstacle, hasty actions, spontaneous decisions that do not make sense, but seem important and defining. Sleep can be interpreted as unfavorable. Unhealthy nails (exfoliated, stained, burrs, abscesses): in sleep and in reality, they indicate liver problems and a general abnormal flow of qi energy in the body, a complete inappropriateness to the spring season and the cessation of forward movement in any season. Sleep is unfavorable. Seeing not your nails / claws: a sign of directed aggression, danger. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Big nails: profit / grief, the plan will not come true short, clipped: loss, poverty, haste, vanity small: failure brilliant: unexpected news to cut: resentment, quarrel, failure to pull out: illness, trouble, death gnaw: loss grows: deep old age suddenly rose: wealth, money. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Warning about danger, someone's or their own aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautifully manicured nails reflect safety. (See also Fingers.) Cutting, biting your nails, having them cut short - loss, powerlessness, discord. To see long nails, to cling to nails - to show vanity, cruel behavior. To do a manicure is to hide your intentions. Dream interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Nails Seeing nails in your dreams: to a lot of work for a small reward. To put them in order: to perform a modest but noble work. Running or broken nails: portends illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream: to shame and dishonor that will fall on your house if you do not know how to critically assess the real state of affairs.

If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. A dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this.

Seeing your nails healthy and strong - your work will be appreciated.

If the nails are yellow, sore, and break, then you have to work hard for a meager pay.

If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone spreads dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream portends a sexual affair on the side. If at the same time there is blood from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal.

If a man dreams of such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with his beloved woman.

If in a dream you scratched yourself, it means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

If you are scratched to the blood, your family will be involved in these troubles.

If you dream that your nails fell out (or they were pulled out) - the dream is very bad, it can mean a loss loved one.

Throwing away or burning your own clipped nails - you will commit an accidental crime that you will try to hide from others.

If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

If in a dream someone was nearby, it means that in reality you will find witnesses. You can work out this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else's.

Seeing how nails grow is a good sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age.

Excessively short nails - to a short life.

Seeing toenails is a journey.

If the nails were dirty, dusty, the journey will be long and not too pleasant.

Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

In a universal way, you can work out the dream about nails by imagining that your nails are of normal length, not too short or too long, clean, healthy and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream interpretation - Nails

To have long, beautifully trimmed nails is wealth, honor, unexpected money.

To have long nails is a nuisance / cruelty to commit or in thoughts of cruel to have / in something spiritually similar to a corpse.

Having short-cut nails - there is no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts are fraught with great danger for you.

Cutting nails - resentment, quarrel, irritation.

Cutting out a stuck nail is a need, a loss.

Biting nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

Interpretation of dreams from

Interpretations of why a nail has fallen off remind us of how thin the line is between a brilliant victory and a complete fiasco. Those who are balancing on the edge have to see such a sign in a dream. After analyzing some of the details, the dream book will help to predict in which direction it will swing.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book presents several explanations of why a dream has fallen off. Often they are associated with the actions of the sleeper, for which you will have to blush. What you dreamed symbolizes a scanty payment for a dirty one in a direct or figuratively work. What he saw in a dream also means an unseemly act in the native walls.

Watch your hands

To more accurately interpret what the dream is about, that the nail has fallen off, Loff's dream interpreter suggests taking into account its location. A nuisance on a finger means lost profits, forced unemployment.

If the "accident" happened with a nail on the finger of the right hand, only the categorical self-righteousness will help to defend the interests. A damaged left hand indicates a high probability of delusions.

When it happens to see damage to the false manicure, there is no point in waiting for mercy from fortune. Trying to fix the mess on your finger on your own indicates a tendency to devote too much time to self-examination.

Problem pedicure

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov explains in detail why he dreams that a toenail has fallen off. If you dreamed of how the nail plate of the thumb fell off, in reality you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant person. If you happen to see a little finger on your foot without a nail, there is a risk of ruining your relationship with someone you care about.

The dream book of Nostradamus regards the loss of a marigold on the leg as a harbinger of the disease of the sleeping person himself or a person from his immediate environment. An incident in a dream also portends a strong disappointment in someone from family and friends, or extreme dissatisfaction with reality.

Of good will

In dream books, there are explanations of why the dream is that the nail fell off, not without the help of the dreamer himself:

  • If in a dream you managed to get rid of an ugly marigold, in reality, do not risk in vain;
  • Amputation in the clinic promises getting rid of a pesky person;
  • If you manage to break off the nail cover, do not rely on outside help;
  • When the blood was dreamed during the procedure, the risk of a quarrel with relatives is high;
  • Anyone who managed to pull out a claw in a dream will be able to get out of the bad influence;
  • The deliberate act of the sleeper suggests that he is not looking for easy ways in reality;
  • Removing an extended nail in a dream, in reality you will reveal a curious secret.

Someone else's bad luck

If you had to see another person's nail fall off, the Lunar Dream Book warns of communication problems. If you dreamed about such a symbol, grandmother Agafya advises you to be attentive to your own well-being and family relationships. Clairvoyant Wanga warns that at a crucial moment you can be left without support.

There are many positive interpretations in dream books, which is why the sign dreamed. In the Spring Fortuneteller, it is a symbol of dedication, diligence and the implementation of a plan. If in a dream someone who is sick in reality was left without a nail plate, his condition should not cause serious concern.

According to the condition of the nail plates, one can assess the character of a person, his desire for cleanliness and grooming. They were also used in magic rituals... As the Russian folk dream book says, nails in a dream can suggest upcoming events regarding money, relationships and some kind of life changes.

Since nails in a dream can be a sign of a wide variety of events, you need to understand why such a vision is for you. Try to remember what nails you dreamed about:

  • Neat and well-groomed.
  • On hands or feet.
  • Broken and dirty.
  • Long or short?
  • The nails could break.
  • You cut your or your child's nails.
  • I dreamed of doing a manicure.

If you do not remember any details, but only know about the subject of the dream, says the New Family Dream Book, nails in a dream mean that you have a lot of work to do. You will not remain at a loss, but you will not have to rely on large profits.

Beauty and neatness

Neat and well-groomed nails in a dream are a symbol that your health is in order, as well as relationships with others. Clean nail plates tell the sleeper that in society one should not forget about good manners - this can help further life progress.

Polished shiny nails on the hands, says Tsvetkov's dream book, can dream on the eve of important news. But the same vision may mean that you are not completely sincere with your friends (or they are with you).

In a dream, nails were covered with varnish - in reality, joy and luck await you. A beautiful manicure is a dream if you are guaranteed a good attitude of others... If it so happens that you quarreled with a friend or family member, then after a dream where the manicure was with red varnish, you will easily and quickly be able to make peace.

Marigolds can dream not only on the hands, but also on the legs. Vision has the same meaning, with one exception: seeing broken toenails is a warning. The dreamer should be extremely careful in handling money.

In contrast to clean nails, dirty, nibbled or broken nails in a dream indicate that you need to take care of your health. The sleeper can be threatened by an illness, which in reality he does not yet notice, but the body is already sending him alarming signals - this is what dreams of sloppy and unkempt nails.

To see that it has crammed under the nail plates - such a dream warns: you need to very accurately assess the situation. Simply put, think seven times and express your opinion once, otherwise you can ruin relationships with colleagues and friends. But if you follow the advice of your dream, nothing will threaten your reputation.

Nails in a dream turned out to be sick - this is already a reason to think about the state of health of your entire family. Pay attention to the well-being of pets - especially babies. If you had to dream of seeing sore nail plates on your hands, try not to provoke domestic conflicts in order to keep the family calm.

Dreaming of a sore fingernail, and during sleep it falls off - in reality it will be possible to end a relationship with a person with whom communication has long been a burden for you. To see that someone else's nail fell off - in reality, you need to devote more time to your family, because household members need your care and attention.

Short and long

Why dream of fingernails if they are neat, but short-cut? Noble dream book says that the dream in which you saw yourself with short nails encourages the dreamer to "grow claws" in order to learn how to better defend their positions in all sorts of conflicts. Still short marigolds on the hands indicate that the dreamer needs to perform his official duties more carefully in order to have grounds for an increase or increase.

To see long nails in a dream, according to Madame Hasse's dream book, means that luck is on your side, and an improvement in your financial situation will not keep you waiting. The noble dream book believes that long, neat marigolds can be seen in a dream on the eve of public recognition. Long varnished marigolds promise a pleasant pastime in a dream.

Dreams that the nails are excessively long, which means that you need to be less arrogant in relation to others in order to maintain a good relationship... A broken nail warns that disappointment is likely, so do not overly trust others. Breaking long nail plates means that in reality the test strip ends for you.

Broken nail plates or one torn nail in a dream urge the sleeper to be very careful and careful on the road ahead. If you comply with this requirement, your discretion will pay off and the trip will be beneficial to you.

Seeing that broken fingernails are long and sharp - such a dream calls for gentleness in dealing with friends and family in order to avoid quarrels and conflicts. If you dream of a stranger with long nails, in reality he may turn out to be your enemy. This vision warns you of possible danger.

  • If you dream that you had to cut your nails, a vision portends a sleeping person: you will have to work hard so that your family can live comfortably.
  • Cut marigolds in a dream for - soon she will leave her parental home.
  • The young man dreamed of cutting his nails - dream books say that it is time for him to start earning his own living on his own.
  • Cutting a nail to yourself - such a dream signals that it is time to clean up the accumulated daily affairs. Also, a vision in which you had to cut your nails suggests that you are trying to deal with your aspirations and desires, but have not yet fully passed this path.

A married lady had to cut her nail plates in a dream - in her family life the "second honeymoon" is coming soon. But if a woman had to cut her marigolds to someone else, the dream symbolizes her fatigue from everyday household worries and advises to be distracted and rest.

For a self-sufficient and well-to-do man, cutting nails in a dream should be a warning - you have ill-wishers who can interfere with promotion. It is in your power to identify and neutralize them. If a man had to cut nails on someone else's hands, career growth will not take long.

Had a dream of gnawing marigolds - in reality, the solution to some problem does not let go. If you happen to bite your nails - try not to dwell on one issue in order to avoid losses in other directions. Gnawing unkempt nail plates in a dream means that in reality you need not give ill-wishers the slightest chance to ruin your reputation.

What else does the dream in which you dreamed of gnawing your marigolds speaks? If even in a dream you pull your fingers into your mouth and cannot overcome the urge to gnaw them, the 21st century Dream Interpretation advises you to stop “gnawing” yourself for past mistakes and start living life to the fullest.

Nail salon

The most favorable explanation of why nails dream in a dream is accompanied by a vision, when it happened to do a manicure, to take care of their hands. I saw how to build or paint false nails - such a vision warns against participating in adventures for the sake of enrichment.

If in a dream you just put the marigolds in order, then you will have a noble activity. It may not bring big profits, but it will raise your authority in society.

Painting the nail plates with red varnish - such a vision speaks of the sleeper as a person who cares about his image. To paint short and neatly trimmed marigolds - dream books advise leaving the image of a modest or modest woman. Be more natural, and then you will be able to achieve more.

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