Human energy centers. Chakras. "Energy-information frame" of a person. Energy information flow and its polarization. European and eastern types of “energy”. Energy centers and chakras Programs for removing blockages from manipura

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Chakra is the energy center in the human body. People cannot perceive them through their senses in a normal state. Ancient mystics characterized them as funnels of vital power that spun at high speed. They were drawn in the form of a lotus: a circle representing a cup, and petals around, the number of which differs for each energy center. Each chakra. They all do something for certain organs.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have discovered that in an emotional state there is a surge of psychic energy. Based on the nature of emotions, it occurs in various centers human body. The more subtle the emotion, the higher the chakra was located.

Reference! You might be interested.

You need to realize that when influencing the chakras, changes affect all areas of life, therefore it is considered the most effective and powerful spiritual practice. But for it to be as effective as possible, everything must be done under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher. If a practitioner is absolutely ready for a serious understanding of internal practice and has been engaged in it for a long time, then the teacher can teach him meditative practice.

How many chakras does a person have and what are they?

There are only 7 energy centers. These are the main chakras of a person. Each of them has its own. They are described below short meaning, can be studied in more detail in separate articles.

The state of the chakras has important for a person. If they are, then they are necessary.

The lower energy center, which regulates the basic processes of life. The energy of life is concentrated in it. She has 4 petals, dhara is under its influence. Controlling this energy center promotes consistency, resilience, and well-being. You can read about the signs of blockage and the opening of the Muladhara chakra.

She is also responsible for the mobility and condition of the legs. The main properties of a powerful and pure chakra are that a person seems to shine and smells pleasant.

Regulates varuna or water factor. If a person has a well-developed energy center, then it looks like water, energetic, flows like water, flowing around obstacles. He does not become attached to anything, does not participate in conflicts, and begins to understand the feelings and emotions of those around him.

Along with the improvement of this chakra, taste in music, food, works of art, etc. appears. A person exhibits special charm, attractiveness, and splendor. Eat .

It creates an inclination and attachment to objects in the surrounding world. An open chakra promotes courage, the desire to move, endurance, flexibility, and energy. Laziness evaporates and mobility takes its place. This energy center is responsible for good vision. People with an open chakra become leaders.

Regulates and directs prana. It contains pranendria, which allows you to feel the subtle vibrations of the world. A person feels the energy of certain places, knows the thoughts of the people around him, feels everything subtle, incomprehensible to sight and hearing.

A developed chakra makes it possible to transmit one’s own emotions to the world. Such people are very attractive, inspiring, able to effectively interact with and understand others. This energy center promotes carelessness and ease of consciousness. A person remains calm even in the most difficult situations, inspiring everyone with his grace. brings relief and healing.

Regulates the essential factor. It concentrates the superpowers that all people have.

When this energy center is cultivated, unusual attractiveness and eloquence emerge. A clear mind and excellent memory develop.

All the best virtues of a person are concentrated in Vishuddha.

Regulates consciousness, lives beyond physiological nature. The possibilities of omniscience are concentrated in it.

The universe is made of matter that matches that of which humans are made.

Likewise, the mind and consciousness of people correspond to the Universal Mind.

Its development leads to awareness of oneself as the Universal Consciousness. As a result, a person becomes aware of everything that happens in the entire Universe.

It is the center of pure reason, where there is no longer any distinction between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

All the power and energy present in the macrocosm is also in the microcosm.

This chakra represents the center with a thousand petals. All qualities of consciousness are regulated and can also be turned off or suspended by it.

Useful videos

In these videos you will learn everything about chakras:

. In addition, it is important to comply

Hello Dear friends! Today we will analyze not only human chakras and their meaning, but also programs for cleansing and opening energy centers. You will learn how to do this quickly and safely.

Chakras - general information

A human chakra is an energy center that performs certain functions. These energy centers look like energy rotating vortexes. Energy centers are located along the spine. There are 7 main ones and several additional ones. Although the word “additional” is hardly appropriate here. We will discuss with you the 7 main energy centers that are located in the human physical body, because... First of all, our health and emotions depend on them.

Each energy center has the shape of a cone. One cone is directed forward, the other backward. By the strength of the energies of these flows, one can judge how open or closed the chakra is.

The upper (sahasrara) and lower (muladhara) have one cone up and down, respectively.

Each energy center on the physical plane is responsible for a certain part of the body, its own endocrine system. It has its own frequency, which corresponds to a certain note, its own element and its own color. She is also responsible for certain emotions, desires and feelings.

When the energy center is disrupted, problems and diseases of the organs for which this center is responsible begin in the corresponding part of the body.

Cones of energy centers

The rotating energy in the energy center looks like a cone. The stronger the clockwise rotation of the vortices in the center, the more open the chakra is, the healthier the body and the more developed some emotional sphere of a person is.

If the rotation of energy in the center goes counterclockwise, then the person has destructive energies that disrupt the functioning of this energy center. In this case, a person almost always has diseases in the corresponding organs.

The forward cone represents the present. If thoughts and emotions in the present in the relevant areas for which the energy center is responsible are in order, energy flows freely.

The cone at the back represents the past. If you have emotional problems with the past, then the chakra closes at the back. Thus, it is possible to have an open energy center in the front, closed at the back and have a disease.

Diagnostics of chakras

Chakras are easily diagnosed using the method. Using this method, you can diagnose the general condition of each energy center and find out the blocking programs. Our research has shown that if the energy center is open by 30% or less, a person begins to develop diseases in the corresponding area. If the chakra is open more than 60%, then the person succeeds in the corresponding qualities. If the energy center is more than 80% open, then genius abilities and the highest inner sensations begin to appear in the corresponding area.

If you want to open the chakras and feel their qualities, download the book « » .

Chakra meaning

Let's begin the study of human chakras, their meaning, cleansing and opening programs with muladhara. More detailed description each energy center and opening program, see the links in each center. Below is more brief basic information on the energy centers, their meanings and the main programs for their discovery.

Located in the coccyx area, red in color. Responsible for animal instinct, survival, connection with the Family. At the physical level, it is responsible for the legs. If you have problems with your legs (varicose veins, knee pain, etc.), hemorrhoids, lumbar radiculitis, constipation, then muladhara is not working well. Often, hypertension can be the cause of closed muladhara.

The work of muladhara is mainly influenced by fears and worries, uncertainty, and a weak will to live.

Removing blockages from muladhara

It is necessary to understand and realize that our body is like a shirt to the soul, which is thrown away when it wears out. The body will sooner or later go into the ground, and the soul will receive a new body. Our whole life is a game, and we are actors in it. We just play our roles, but often we forget this and start taking our lives seriously.

Learn to see the game of this life, and yourself as an actor in it. Look at the children. They do their role perfectly. It is unthinkable to imagine a child with varicose veins veins or hemorrhoids.

Set yourself a program: all the will of God and don't take life seriously. If you are afraid of something, it means you do not trust God. Feel the energy of fearlessness and determination. It is also necessary on an emotional level to remove all claims against parents and one’s Family.

Svadhistan or sexual energy center. Located in the lower abdomen near the spine. The color of the energy center is orange. Responsible for relationships with the opposite sex, parents and children. At the physical level, responsible for the genitals and kidneys. If this energy center is disrupted, a person develops diseases of these organs, and may also have allergies, constipation and depression.

Opening of svadhisthana

This energy center can be called a family one and it provides a huge amount of energy. To open this center, it is necessary to remove all grievances and regrets towards the opposite sex. Then you need to sincerely internally thank the person with whom you had grievances. This person taught you something, gave you some life lessons. Realize this and thank your teacher.

In this way, energy transformation will occur and the energy center will start working, after which the corresponding diseases will go away.

Svadhistan is well opened by remembering pure and pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Remember and remember this state. Try to always be in this state.

In addition, you need to learn to see goddesses in women (if you are a man) and gods in men (if you are a woman). And not only those that you like, but all of them, and especially those that cause unpleasant feelings in you.

Understand that everyone’s souls are pure and beautiful, but the external manifestation is a set of different programs. These programs can be removed and any person will become beautiful. Learn to see the soul in a person, not a set of programs.

If you don’t like something in another person, then that quality is in you.

Accept all men and women as God's creatures, absolutely all of them. Claims and grievances even against one person can close the energy center and bring illness. Feel the love for all women and all men and the joy of it. Feel that you have no claims left against the opposite sex. Now in your memory there are only pure, wonderful relationships. Your health is in your hands.

Located in the solar plexus area, yellow in color. Manipura is called the center of power of joy. On the physical plane, it is responsible for digestion. This center is influenced by your attitude to power, work, relationships with friends and in society.

If you do not have joy from work, you are not satisfied with your relationship with your boss or co-workers, you do not feel needed by people and do not feel in your place, manipura is blocked. Problems begin with the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

The liver is greatly affected by anger. If you have liver problems, then you are an angry person. If you have such a problem, read the material « » . This will help improve the condition of manipura. Anger destroys joy and the center closes.

When manipura is violated, gastritis, heartburn, and all kinds of problems with the digestive organs begin.

Programs for removing blockages from manipura

Remember, you are responsible for everything that happens to you. Neither the government, nor the country, nor the people are to blame for this. You need to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you.

you can find Good work you become richer even in the most severe crisis, and I tested this on myself. We have enough crises and a whole field for experiments)))

When you take full responsibility at the emotional level, you need to accept your position. You may have made mistakes and it has led you nowhere where you want to be. But this is your path, your mistakes and your victories. Accept them. Accept all the difficult situations that happened to you, because this is a consequence of your past desires, wicked actions. Acceptance is a very important step for opening manipura.

After acceptance, you need to thank all the people who took part in your life for the valuable experience. Thanks to them, you learned and gained experience. Now you know a lot and it is easier for you to make the right decisions.

The next difficult step for many is the lack of control. Each person has their own experience in this life. Never control anyone, not even your children. If you want to change children, guide them, but don't control them. Control closes the manipura and shifts the biofield.

Do only what brings you joy. Learn and then the problem of finding your life’s work will disappear.

Cultivate a sense of joy and love in yourself, undergo charity training « » , do an internship « » , feel the energy of joy enter into you.

Energy Center Green colour, is located in the heart area. This is the center of love and mercy. Anahata blockages lead to heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and decreased immunity.

This energy center closes when a person refuses to love himself or people, when he is susceptible to emotional wounds and has compassion.

Removing anahata blockages

People need to be loved for who they are. Every person has a beautiful soul. Learn to love a person's soul, not his appearance and behavior.

The second most powerful blocking of anahata is compassion. This is a negative quality that increases suffering. If you have compassion for a sick person, then there are already 2 sick people, you and that person.

The compassion program must be replaced with mercy, when you do not sympathize, but help a person. You need to understand that the emotion of compassion closes anahata and the person gets sick.

As soon as a person learns to love himself and all people as they are, removes compassion, the heart center will immediately begin to work well. Also, to open anahata, I recommend mastering the practice. Do some practice.

Located in the throat area, blue in color. It is the center of communication, emotion and creativity. Problems with this energy center lead to various diseases throat, thyroid gland.

The main reasons for blocking Vishuddhi are isolation, accumulation of negative emotions and reluctance to reveal one’s talents.

Removing Vishuddhi blockages

It is necessary to open up to communication. Next, try to feel like an actor in this life who plays roles. At work you play the role of an employee, in a car as a driver, at home you change the role of a husband or wife or a child’s teacher. Never forget that you are just playing in this life.

Don't accumulate emotional garbage. As soon as you are offended by some words of other people or they hurt you on an emotional level, Vishuddha closes. You may have noticed that after unpleasant conversations, your neck begins to hurt.

Never argue with anyone. Disputes also block this center. Send love to any unpleasant words.

This center opens up creativity very well. Find a creative activity that you enjoy and do it. For all creative people, the throat center works well.

When ajna is blocked, there may be nightmares, headaches, and impaired growth and development.

When Ajna is revealed, a person receives a gift, he begins to see the game of this world, he receives clarity, understanding and wisdom.

Ajna opening programs

It is necessary to understand that there is an information field in which absolutely all information is located. You can access this information through intuition. Absolutely every person has this opportunity.

Unlock your intuition with

Make a decision that from this moment you will leave the influence of all external influences and at the same time you will not push anyone through. As soon as you start pushing someone emotionally, programs will immediately turn on that block the center of intuition.

Realize your unity with the whole world. Every thought and emotion you have affects the world, and the world affects you. Feel this relationship between yourself and the surrounding space.

This energy center is located in the fontanel area, it purple. If sahasrara is violated, there may be insomnia, depression, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, autism, chronic fatigue.

The main reason for blocking this center is materiality. This not only happens when a person does not believe in God, but also when a person has a material concept of religion. For example, when "our daily bread...", is perceived as a material object, not a spiritual one.

Also, sahasrara is often blocked in various “spiritual” teachings. For example, various sects, channelings, teachings from teachers of “light”, etc.

Opening of Sahasrara

It is necessary to realize that God exists. Realize yourself as a part of a single whole organism. Open up to the flow of the Holy Spirit. This flow always goes to everyone. You just need to open up to him and not interfere. Realize your dependence on the flow of the Holy Spirit. Without this flow, a person cannot be complete. Think about people with autism. They have blocked this flow.

Always live according to your conscience. Conscience is a joint message with God. If you start being cunning, the sahasrara closes.

Removing blockages from energy centers - how to open chakras

Work your chakras with this meditation. If you do everything that is said in this recording at the emotional level, your energy centers will immediately begin to work better. We checked this. Meditation taken from.

Opening methods

There are several methods for opening energy centers:

  1. Emotional. Most effective method. The energy center opens automatically when you enter the correct emotional state. I outlined this method in detail in the book. "The reference state of the chakras" .
  2. Meditations. A good, but less effective method compared to the first one, because... The opening of energy centers occurs for a short time.
  3. The embodiment into the material world of what the energy center is responsible for. For example, to reveal Vishuddhi, you need to start doing creativity. My Vishuddha started working 20% ​​better just because I started writing articles on this blog.
  4. Cleansing through practices. A good, but short-term method.

The material “Human Chakras and Their Meaning” was prepared in addition to a full description of the main energy centers from the section « » .

How to open the chakras and feel their qualities - look in the book "The reference state of the chakras" .

Dear friends, I have prepared a practical guide for you, which includes dozens of the most effective techniques and practitioners for:

brain development, sensitivity to energies, solving health problems, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, removing psychological problems and mastering methods of changing fate.

All practices have been personally tested, and they have all shown to be highly effective!

Go to the practical guide page >>>

I wish you 100% opening of all energy centers! Best regards, Lyubomir Borisov.

What do you think about the methods of opening the chakras? Let's discuss in the comments!

In cosmoenergetics they work with the first five (out of seven) energy centers or chakras. Each energy center has its own serial number and a certain “area of ​​responsibility,” which includes both aspects of physical health and aspects of well-being in life. Let's consider all energy centers in order.

1 energy center (or muladhara chakra)

The chakra is located at the base of the spine. The survival center gives energy and psychological stability in life. Controls the skeletal system, legs, large intestines. Disturbance in the functioning of this chakra manifests itself in rapid fatigue, irritability, and weakness. The following diseases appear: obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, prostate problems.

2nd energy center (svadhisthana chakra)

The chakra is located in the pelvic area, above the pubic bone. Chakra of intimate feelings and emotionality. Controls the genitourinary system. Chakra dysfunction leads to problems with sex, procreation, family creation, and diseases of the genitourinary system. If this chakra is damaged, it can be argued that there can be no family happiness.

3rd energy center (manipura chakra)

The chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus. This is a repository of energy necessary for life in this world. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for will, success in business and other matters, power, success, and intelligence. Controls the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas. If the chakra works well, then the person has a strong will and high intelligence. When the 3rd chakra is damaged, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas occur.

4 energy center (anahata chakra)

The chakra is located in the center of the chest. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for love, family happiness, support, and protection. In terms of health, it is responsible for the lungs, heart, arms and thymus gland. Malfunction of the chakra leads to bronchial asthma, hypertension or hypotension, dystonia, heart and lung diseases.

5th energy center (Vishuddha chakra)

The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the neck and governs communication. creative activity, – communication skills, self-realization, speech. In terms of health, it is responsible for the upper lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Consequences of malfunction: sore throats, runny nose, chest diseases, stuttering, other speech disorders, mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.

We will not consider the remaining two energy centers, since the healing practices of cosmoenergetics do not work with them in any way.

Speaking about energy centers, it should be noted that they can operate with different “power”, from 1 to 100%. A person’s health and fate depend on how well energy centers work.

A person is more complex than the first bacteria, 5-, 6-sided molecular structures are not only diffraction gratings, but also reflective correction elements, the reflected signal, which, together with the incident light, forms a structure of a characteristic shape inside a person, along the spine double helix. Standing waves are characterized by high amplitude (brightness of light); they are important for the body as energy sources. They are also called "chakras".

If you connect 2 or more 6-tigral structures, you get a flat mesh. It will have a different shape in the plane; if you change the rigid connection of the rings, then the shape of such a molecular formation will be a tube, the same shape as cells and a soccer ball.

A ball is an ideal geometric body, the most durable, the maximum possible volume, with the minimum possible area, applicable to the biological structures of the cell and its shell.

The cell is a translucent ball; it is interesting because it provides complete reflection of the beam (a drop of water). The hemisphere works like a concave optical mirror. A living cell reflects light like a drop of water.

1. The shape of the cell always strives to accept the minimum volume of the membrane. And this is a ball or an ellipsoid similar to a ball.

2. The cell is filled with a clear liquid.

3. Its walls are translucent.

Light passes into the cell and reflects hemispheres, like in a drop of water. That's all. The superposition of direct and reflected viton light produces a rainbow of light in the form of a double spiral - energy centers.

The wavelength (frequency) of each color of the rainbow is different, but the energy centers have different locations and overlap different areas human body. Such energetic influence tells about the functioning of different organs and the character of a person, his soul.

This influence has been known for a long time.

From the laws of optics, physics and microbiology, we know that at the lowest frequency energies low-organized microorganisms or molecules develop, and the higher the frequency, the more complex their organization of the world, for the convenience of radiation of human energy, this color system of energy centers, the color of the rainbow, has been adopted unfolds from red to purple, from bottom to top.

There is an ancient system of correspondence between energy centers and the relationship between the organs of the human physical body and a given energy center; this is how a person’s personality type is formed, with certain character traits and hormones produced by the main glands of the endocrine system, controlled by the lymph nodes corresponding to this energy center.

First energy center


Element – ​​Earth

Endocrine system - adrenal glands

Physical organs - kidneys, bladder, spine, coccyx, formation of blood and cells, legs, genitals and excretory organs.

The first energy center is our connection with previous generations of our kind. He is responsible for fear. The potential difference or reversal of polarity that occurs in this energy center has a dissipative effect.

This center is responsible for the core of personality, physical vitality, vitality, and strength of character. Wisdom, strength, godliness, joy, innocence and purity, receptivity, spontaneity.

The stability of a HUMAN SYSTEM SETTINGS depends on maintaining energy balance in the first energy center.

Second energy center

Orange color

Element – ​​Water

Energy system – gonads.

Physical organs - genitals, controls the activity of the kidneys, lower part of the liver, pancreas, spleen and intestines.

The second energy center is the energy exchange center (YIN-YANG) of energies between a man and a woman; it has a torsion vector for collecting and accumulating energy.

The function of the center is sexual energy, sensory-emotional center, reproductive system. the ability to create, will, thirst, passion, impatience, pleasure, burning love, the habit of living in the future, determination, and also: rudeness, rudeness, envy, jealousy, sloppiness, begging.

Problems in this center are caused by: intense planning for the future, the habit of living in the future, selfish use of power

The second energy center is sexual passions, the herd instinct, controlled by the external factor of invention, the desire to eat deliciously. But here other desires may arise, something that can be taken immediately. I wanted it and drank a glass of juice. He wanted it and began to sing and took possession of the beautiful woman. The second energy center is the specificity of actions. This center does not understand abstract terms and reasoning. It can develop harmoniously only if there is no problem at the lowest energy center. Faced with the fear of death, the interests of this energy center are paralyzed by the interests of the lower center.

Third energy center

Yellow color

Element – ​​Fire

Endocrine system – pancreas.

Physical organs: digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands.

The third energy center is the center that is responsible for the energy balance of our body, for human consumption of food, and the release of energy necessary for all human systems. This center is also called the triple heater.

Torsion vector – dispersion. One of the functions of the pancreas is to produce insulin, which is a catalyst for the release of energy and the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and occupies a dominant place in the system.

Function is the center of power and wisdom, thought, manifestation in society, perception, accuracy, neatness, justice, law, duty, norm, morality, attitude in society.

This is altruism, egocentrism, honesty, practicality, efficiency.

This is the desire to teach, manage, generalize, reason, explain.

This is self-confidence, ingenuity, hypocrisy, narcissism, self-expression.

Problems in this center are caused by stinginess, passion for material consumption, moral and marital infidelity, disrespect for a marriage partner, theft, illegal monetary income, alcoholism.

This is the center of activity, hard work, diligence, evaluation of oneself and others.


The work of this center is the desire to be useful, to take control of affairs, to participate in the affairs of others.

Fourth Energy Center

Green color

Element – ​​Air

Endocrine system - thymus (thymus gland)

Physical organs - heart, lungs, liver, circulatory system, bronchi, immune system.

The fourth energy center is the heart center and HAS A HIGHER FREQUENCY. But the main difference is that in this center there is an energy valve for releasing excess energy from the human energy shell. On the physical plane, its work is represented by the heart valve; the spatial vector of the center has a retractor function. The center represents an entropy barrier in the radiation system. It divides the human energy column (YIN, YANG) into two levels, including energy and information.


Function – love, bliss, happiness, purity, humanity, understanding, sense of beauty, naivety.

Problems - in this center are caused by painful emotional attachments, fear, smoking, unspiritual life, cruelty, selfishness.

The radiation of the energy center gives a person a special vision of the subtle harmony of the world, a FEELING OF HIDDEN MEANINGFULNESS OF HIS LIFE PATH.

The fourth energy center is acceptance of the world as a whole, rather than evaluating and dividing the world into good and bad. She does not separate the beautiful everywhere, she follows the beauty, everything turns out on its own, without logical reasoning.

Fifth Energy Center

Blue color

Element – ​​Spirit

This center has a dual purpose.

In addition to the usual functions of the energy of the body and its systems, through this energy center a person is connected to his soul.

There are two more energy centers in the human energy system; they are located on either side of the 5th center. They are designed for reliable positioning, eliminating the movement of the soul relative to the body, and are attached through three points. Such a rigid fastening is necessary so that the core of the soul, which is located in the head, cannot move even a millimeter relative to the head of the body. The optical axes of the brain, by displacement, disrupt the alignment of the connecting elements of the connection between the soul and the body, the mind turns off - the person simply loses consciousness. This occurs during movement, a person experiences sudden acceleration (braking) or strong gravitational overloads.

Endocrine system – thyroid gland.

Physical organs - larynx, upper lungs, shoulders, head, ears, nose, tongue, eyes.

Function - connection, self-expression, clairaudience, insight, illumination, ecstasy, overexcitation, vision of the main thing, desire for the highest.

Problems in this energy center are caused by: foul language, swearing, rudeness, dominance over others, talkativeness, gossip, guilt.

The fifth energy center has a high frequency attunement of perfect form.

A person with a well-developed fifth center is an ancient god, people of art with a strong channel, icon painters, writers and performers of sacred music.

The fifth center is the vision of the very essence, the feeling of the main point, the center of prophetic visions, the center of talent.

Sixth Energy Center

Color – Blue

Known as the "third eye".

Endocrine system - pituitary gland.

Physical organs – nervous system, hypothalamus, lower part of the brain, eyes, nose, ears, vertebral region spinal cord.

Problems in this center are caused by non-forgiveness, desire for revenge, impure thoughts, tense thinking, selfishness.

The sixth energy center is the palace of knowledge, it is the center of highly developed intuition and deep ideas.

The powerful sixth energy center is Knowledge of absolutely everything down to the smallest detail. knowledge without thought, without emotion.

The sixth energy center is not so much knowledge itself as a repository for it, the ability to systematize knowledge, lay out, structure, but an unconscious skill that is comprehended without any images, emotions, reactions, reasoning. It works strongly and stably, a person knows significantly more than what he has seen and experienced, the sixth energy center tells a person a solution in situations in which he has never been.

He knows “everything”, even sees details that he has never seen before.

With a developed sixth energy center, you can accurately predict, see what is happening to other people, and recognize the meaning of unfamiliar words in a foreign language. If this center develops in the older generation, THEY ARE CALLED SAGES.

Even a short conversation with the Sage can change you for the better, help you in difficult situations, and cure illnesses.

Seventh Energy Center

Color – Purple

Endocrine system - pineal gland

Physical organs - upper part of the brain, eyes, limbic nerve plexus.

Function – Communication with cosmic energies, with the help of resonant attunement with other spaces, our entire life and spiritual growth.

Problems in this center are caused by doubts and tossing of the Soul, atheism, activity against the Creator.

The center has several energy rays - valences. These are resonating flows of attunement with the Higher spaces.

The opening of the seventh energy center is the highest achievement of the path of improving human centers. For the center to be strong, it takes a lot of effort, many years and many rebirths.

Many spiritual schools contain rules for self-development for revealing the 7th energy center, but complete understanding is not conveyed in words, it is achieved through entire millennia, traditions, and a set of knowledge.

Only this principle of development allows you to avoid many searches - but also does not always guarantee success.

But, we, drowning in the daily bustle, cannot even understand what worlds open up when improving our consciousness, the possibilities of which are limitless, to understand that this is an approach to the Creator, - heavenly bliss, - nirvana, - immortality, and then “The Path “The Path itself will show you!

The sixth and seventh energy centers are directly connected to the brain with disease problems that arise in one way or another and are associated with this organ, indicating dependence on it and the character of a person.


The disease forces you to rethink your life and get to the root cause of its occurrence, and the person himself needs to go through it.

These two centers are energetically tuned to the blue-violet spectrum of radiation, and this is evidence that the energy is high-frequency, and largely consists of the energy of the Soul.




Who am I?

What am I?

What am I made of?

What do illnesses tell me?

What are they?

Chakras and Subtle Bodies?

What do the Aura colors mean?


SECTION 1 “Fine-material

The Structure of Man"...................………….......... 5 pp.

Electro-magnetic nature. Chakras.

Human energy centers.…………………........................... 6 p.

Additional and comprehensive information

about Chakras……………………………………………………………………....... 7 p.

3. Brief description of each “I” .....……………... 7 p.

4. Seven “I”s of a person.................................................... ............... 9 pages

Muladhara........................................................ ........................ 16 pages

Svadhisthana........................................................ .................... 22 pp.

Manipura........................................................ ........................... 30 pp.

Anahata........................................................ ........................... 38 pp.

Vishuddha................................................... ........................... 46 pp.

Ajna................................................... ........................... 56 pp.

Sahasrara........................................................ ....................... 66 pp.

12. Soma – Chakra................................................... ...................... 72 pp.

Spiritual Heart................................................... .......... 75 pp.

Minor Half-Chakras.

Small Energy Centers.................................................... 78 p.

General View of the Chakras................................................... ............ 79 pp.

16. Additional Mandalas-Chakras………………….. 90 p.

The Etheric Body and Energy Channels............................. 97 p.

Three channels and Enlightenment.................................... 101 p.

Psyche........................................................ ........................ 109 pp.

Aura or Subtle Bodies. Colors of Aura........................ 110 pp.

Auric Bodies................................................ ......... 123 pp.

22. Energetically – Physical Body.......................... 124 p.

Emotional Body................................................... 128 pp.

Astral Body................................................... ......... 136 pp.

Mental Body................................................... .......... 142 pp.

Causal Body................................................... ..... 150 pp.

27. Intuitive – Buddhic Body.................................... 154 p.

Nirvanic Body................................................... .. 160 pp.

Atmic Body................................................... ......... 163 pp.

Aura states................................................... .......... 166 pp.

Crystalline Bodies................................................... 177 p.

Karmic Structure...................................................178 p.

Generic Structure................................................... .......180 pages

34. Joint work of Subtle Material and

Physical structure.

Additional Structures and Constructions. ……... 184 pp.

35. Magnetic nature. Chakras, Auras and Fields of people -

Magnetic nature………………………………………….. 640 pp.

36. 12-chakra Bodhisattva system…………………. 641 pp.

Subtle Material Fields of People.................................... 655 pp.

SECTION 2 “Ethereal and Astral

Ethereal Essences................................................... .... 678 pp.

Astral Entities................................................... 682 p.

Conclusion................................................. ............... 712 pp.


"Subtle material

Structure of Man"



Human energy centers. Chakras.

Chakras are energy converters and transformers of one Energies into others.

At first the Chakras open slightly, later they open and develop over time.

This period spans hundreds of incarnations for Humans.

Each Chakra is responsible for implementation in the physical world:

1) For physical and material well-being and health.

2) For sexuality, emotional satisfaction, for continuation of the Family, etc.

3) For social status: in society, in the family, in business, etc.

4) For family, relationships with a loved one, children, relatives, etc.

5) The ability to communicate, show creativity in life, as well as all types of creativity.

6) The ability to think correctly, analyze, think about others, be a specialist in technology, also in computers, in a more advanced version of a person, to be more Spiritual, Righteous.

7) Be able to see everything in its entirety: situations, Fate, human development, problems, Spiritual perfection, etc.

Complementary and versatile . information about Chakras

Red, orange and yellow are the chakras of the body. They are responsible for physiological processes in the body, and, accordingly, they contain all the information about the work of each cell and all body systems. In addition, the energy they create determines the quality of our emotions. If the energy flows are clean and calm, then these are emotions of satisfaction. If there is disturbance in the flows of energy, then first it will be irritation, then anger, fear, apathy, and then the death of the body - the sequence of emotions is determined by the strength of the energy disturbance. Sometimes we feel fear in the stomach, in the pelvic area. It is usually called animal fear. This state is activated by these chakras.
The second group of chakras are the chakras of consciousness, or, as esotericists say, the chakras of the spirit. These are the blue, blue and violet chakras. They are mainly responsible for awareness, analysis of information, verbal expression of thoughts and actions. But they also take part in controlling the body.
There is still green chakra left. This is our connection with the Psyche, and occasionally with the Soul. She is the most emotional. Admiration is what she strives for. It is located in the chest and is responsible for uniting the Spirit and body. Its main function is Love, acceptance, unification. It’s not for nothing that the Heart is in the chest. Blood is mixed in the Heart, which is saturated with energy and information in different parts body and, accordingly, in different chakras. In theory, all chakras should work in harmony and not interfere with each other. But, unfortunately, most people have an internal conflict between different “I”s (chakras). This is largely due to upbringing.
I think you will be interested in how peacefully all your seven selves exist.

Now a brief description of each “I”

The red “I” is responsible for physical health and blood condition. When the red chakra works well, a person will be physically very strong, often even at a small size. Such people are characterized by hot temper and aggressiveness. Sometimes red can suppress all other selves, and a person's actions will be purely animal. Red actively protects its territory and property. Jealousy, aggression, ability to kill.
These are the qualities of the red “I” in its purest form. In people's lives, all energies are mixed. There are practically no pure species. A person may have a one-time condition when red energy dominates. Or it can prevail in a person all the time.
For the harmonious development of a person, red energy is very important. She helps to realize your plans, to defend yourself and your business. Make realistic decisions, provide own safety and the safety of people, the business for which you are responsible. Gives stability in life. Helps you “stand on your feet.” Other people feel it well, and do not enter into direct conflict with the owner of powerful red energy if they do not feel strong enough to cope with him. This energy gives a person a feeling of strength. Helps you take responsibility for organizing your space.
Let's now get acquainted with the orange "I". This chakra begins to activate during puberty, and a person develops a sense of OWN DIGNITY. This is the main psychological characteristic of this Self. In addition, it is responsible for sexual development, parental instinct and, accordingly, creating a family and having children. Orange energy gives mood, tone, activity. Helps you take responsibility for other people.
The yellow “I” is the main provider of energy for the body. It is responsible for digestion and absorption of digested foods by body cells. If there is not enough yellow, calcium will not be absorbed and various bone problems will arise (sciatica, osteoporosis, etc.). Yellow makes the body flexible, mobile, tender. This is the color of business activity and productivity, fun and joy, as well as financial success. Yellow energy is responsible for activity, a person’s ability to set and achieve goals.
Green “I” - as already mentioned, this is a connection with the Psyche and sometimes with the Soul. Its main function is selfless service. Yes, the Soul does not like money and does not require it. But She can be selfish. She wants the same Love in return and even more. She demands respect and praise, sometimes slipping into flattery. Orders, medals, certificates - this is what the Soul is easily bought with. When She does not receive this, She is offended and indignant. Gradually, resentment accumulates in the form of dark, dirty masses of grievances. And they kill Love, and the body begins to suffer from pulmonary and bronchial diseases, allergies and asthma may develop. The heart will also play pranks.
Green energy is responsible for accepting yourself, the people around you, and the world. When there is acceptance, Unconditional Love arises. Gives energy for emotions. The main emotion of the green “I” is admiration. But if a person is offended or angry, then the polarity will change, and the same powerful anger and indignation will arise. A person with a powerful green chakra - people like him, they feel flows from him

energy, notice him. The problem of lack and lack of contacts with the opposite sex is the weak green and orange energies of a person. On a subconscious level, they don’t notice it, because... no stimuli or impulses come from it.
Blue "I" is a talker, singer, artist. His task is to express in words the thoughts and desires of all the other selves. A lump in the throat, and the inability to express everything that you feel and think - this is due to problems in the blue chakra. Often it cannot work properly in certain situations. For example - during public speaking, during exams, when communicating with superiors, when establishing relationships with new people, etc.
In addition, the blue chakra controls the immune system, and partly the hormonal system (thyroid gland). Accordingly, you can make your own list of diseases that occur when this chakra malfunctions.
At bad work blue chakra, the connection between the head and body is disrupted. I think this conclusion is not difficult to draw based on its location. The result will be poor coordination of movements, fatigue, and headaches. And what is very important, poor connection, or its complete absence, between the red Self, orange Self, yellow Self (body) and green (Soul) on the one hand, and the blue Self (mind) and violet "I" (the caretaker), on the other hand. As a result, either the interests of the body prevail in a person - eat, sleep, have sex, or the cold logic of the blue “I” without taking into account the interests of the body (contempt for the body - it is dirty and lustful).
Blue "I" - Mind. He thinks all the time, builds logical structures, conducts internal dialogues, and always doubts. Trying to take control of everything. Often authoritarian and tough. But if the mind is put in order and tuned, it is an excellent tool in understanding the world and oneself.
The purple "I" is the caretaker. Has the ability to KNOW. He can connect to the energy information field of the Earth and receive information directly, without analysis or any calculations. Receives insights. True, they must then be interpreted - and this is already the task of the blue “I”. It often happens that the blue controller completely denies the insights of the violet self, and the person becomes a terrible pragmatist, capable of digesting only other people's thoughts received from authorities.

Trust your insights, your ability to look into the essence of things, into the future, and into the past.

The seven human selves

First chakra

(Sun, tailbone, red color, magma level)

As the source of our existence, it closely connects our body with the Earth. The primary association with this chakra is survival. The first chakra is the most instinctive. Food, clothing, shelter and protection are what she is responsible for.
Sex as a means of procreation and procreation also refers to the motor functions of this chakra. In other words, her main desire is survival.
The first chakra is located at the very bottom, where the process of personality emergence occurs. Perceiving reality from this level is very simple, since everyone has an innate survival instinct. There is a beast inside each of us.
A feeling of danger is the first sign of imbalance in the first chakra.
If our first chakra is not balanced, then our perception is dominated by the fear of not having enough of what we need. As a result, we find ourselves in a vicious circle - we feel unprotected and lead the life of a victim, and therefore we find more and more reasons for fear.

Second chakra

(Moon, lower belly, orange, plant level)

The main driving force of this center is the search for pleasure. Sensual and sexual activity becomes the main desire. It is this chakra that helps us feel life more fully and gives us all the richness of emotions.
Experiencing pleasure is one thing, but recognizing life experiences as enjoyable and then appreciating the beauty of the moment is another. This is where the real art lies. The second chakra is always hungry, it always thirsts for everything that can bring pleasure. It is very easy to get used to such sensations. Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs - all this is the second chakra, and it’s easy to get used to all of this. Addiction to habit consumes a person trapped in this chakra, and the thought of pleasure drives away all other thoughts. Constantly enjoying, you lose your head and cease to be aware of your surroundings. We very easily get used to pleasure, and the fear of losing it leads to an unbalanced state of this center.
Desire and the ability to appreciate are two sides of the second chakra, but they differ from each other. Desire is characterized by concentration on what we want, but do not have the ability to appreciate - the highest form of manifestation of the consciousness of the second chakra.
Instead of focusing on what we don't have, we learn to enjoy what we have. This is the deep meaning of a positive change that anyone can bring into their lives without much effort, and this change will turn into a huge leap in development for us and will really change our entire life for the better to a much greater extent than we can imagine.

Third chakra

(Mercury, solar plexus, yellow,

animals level)

The third chakra is a source of self-confidence, awareness of one’s own strength, and the ability to distance oneself from influence outside world and at the same time influence this world yourself. The third chakra gives us an understanding of what is right and wrong in the outside world. It is she who gives us the strength to defend our beliefs and resist the blows of Fate that fall upon us.
Insight is the main characteristic of a healthy third chakra. You have to know when to stop, when to give up pleasure - it's all part of self-control. It should be directed not only to the outside world, but also inside ourselves. This is the correct use of the will itself. Until we balance our internal energy, events in the external world will not return to normal. If we have managed to balance the third chakra, we know that we can achieve our goals, enjoy the results and feel safe. Our self-confidence is rooted in the awareness of harmony.

“To have a calm and harmonious life, give up the need to always be right.” The level of consciousness of the third chakra is the awareness of one’s own strength and significance in the world. A person at this level of inquiry has powerful willpower.

Fourth chakra

(Venus, Heart, green, Human level)

The Path of the Heart fills our being with warmth and joy. This is not a life strategy, not a life plan, but pure joy. It allows us to live our lives from this level of consciousness and influence the material world.
If we choose the Path of the Heart, then there is no room for fear in our mind. The more we love, the more objects and opportunities for Love appear in our lives.
Awakening the Heart is the most important thing life goal. We don't have to pay or sacrifice anything to achieve this, it only takes one thing - Faith. We must trust that life will not break us if you remove your protection. And everything will happen exactly like this: “remove the protective shell so that the flow of life freely washes you. And believe that Love is the main driving force of the Universe.”
By awakening the Heart, we will be able to connect personal life and Spiritual life. We will become one. The heart is the connecting thread between the Ego and the Spirit. The transition from the level of the third chakra to the fourth is very important, since it requires a radical revision of the perception of life. At the level of the fourth chakra, there is no place for a sense of competition, as we begin to communicate with others through the Heart. From the level of the heart chakra, only the path of cooperation is possible. This perspective is accompanied by a feeling of abundance, we begin to understand that there is enough in the world for everyone. Compassion awakens, because now it is clear to us that what is good for everyone is good for everyone. We are inseparable, we are connected.
And making “love” also changes, as soon as you awaken your Heart. From the perspective of the lower chakras, sex is vital as a means to release energy, gain pleasure, and satisfy a sense of power. From the point of view of the fourth chakra, sex is an amazing opportunity to receive and give at the same time. It opens the door to Higher Spiritual Intimacy when we gain the ability to make “love” with the Divine Essence and with our partner at the same time. Sex with our partner is not just a physical act. We interact on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The awakened Heart often becomes the source of one problem - this is an exaggerated desire to give. “Under no circumstances give in to this deceptive impulse, for you can harm others and yourself” - Those who know will understand.

Fifth chakra

(Mars, throat, blue, Genius level)

The most important property of the fifth chakra is the awakening of our inner voice, which can tell us the truth.
The fifth chakra is governed by the Spiritual and Divine realms, which involve separation and observation, resulting in us receiving a wide variety of views about life from which we can form our own point of view.
The fifth chakra encourages us to express ourselves creatively. This is creativity at a high level.
Energy brings us information in encoded form, and if we are able to cope with the wave, incredible “flashes” of information will appear in our mind. Our personal mind will merge with the collective mind. Creativity comes from the collective mind.
Self-knowledge at the level of the fifth chakra is the discovery of the tendencies of one’s development. We gain inner freedom and allow the pure, liberated mind to shine in full force. We become a kind of “universalist”, gaining the ability to notice beauty in every religion and in every manifestation of culture.
When attachment appears at the level of the higher chakras, problems arise. If we are committed to any point of view, alternative or consistent, the mind ceases to be free. An extreme example of such a situation is fanaticism that develops into extremism. People who, with the help of strong faith, open the fifth chakra, but are not spiritually ready for this, become religious fanatics, we all know how this ends.

Sixth chakra

(Jupiter, forehead, blue, level of Clairvoyance "Third Eye", opens all lower chakras)

The fifth chakra deals with Mental-Karmic Ideas, while the sixth deals with images and awareness of the powerful life force of which we are a part.
The sixth chakra leads us to a world that lies beyond the reality limited by our senses. When a person reaches the level of the sixth chakra, or the level of the "third eye", he has the ability to change polarity. The duality or polarity of the world (good-evil) is very conditional. At the sixth level of consciousness, you can rise above polarity and see life through a broader lens that embraces all aspects of life - this is the "single state of consciousness." This approach perceives all things as a manifestation of the One Great Spirit. A sense of grace permeates this perspective. However, since our perception of life has expanded to include all existing points of view, such a feeling does not surprise or irritate you.
Christian mystics call the sixth chakra "witness", Krishnamurti - "detached observer", and Buddhists - "attention". In the state of consciousness of this chakra, we feel the grace of recognizing Divine Perfection in all life manifestations. We become part of the consciousness of Mother Earth.

Seventh chakra

(Saturn, crown, violet)

The crown chakra represents pure, uncomplicated Cosmic Energy. This chakra, which initiates the process of receiving the energy of the Cosmos, is at the same time the chakra that completes the process of Evolution. When we move to this level of consciousness, all of life is perceived by us as a Spiritual Experience.
Each of us has a goal - the Divine intention that gave us this incarnation.
It would be more correct to call the level of consciousness of the seventh chakra sacred. We completely surrender to the will of the Supreme Providence, and our whole life proceeds in accordance with the Divine Will. To reach the seventh chakra level of consciousness, we must completely surrender to our Higher Power. We should not be left with any questions regarding our path; we live by it - and constantly. You are in this world, but do not belong to it, because our consciousness is on the Divine Level.
Awakening the seventh chakra is the awakening of the Bodhisattva Path.

Chakra location: in the perineal area, at the point located between the genitals and the anus.

Colors: Red and black.

Optional Color: blue.

Symbol: a circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inscribed in it. Sometimes the square is painted in a yellowish-golden color, which symbolizes the material world, and it may contain letters corresponding to the sound of the mantra "Lam". A stem emerges from the square, symbolizing the connection of the chakra with the central thread - Sushumna.

Keywords: solidity, resilience, acceptance, self-preservation, survival, perception.

Basic principles: physical willpower to exist and survive.

Internal aspect: earthiness.

Energy: survivability.

Age period of development: from birth to three to five years.

Element: Earth.

Feeling: sense of smell.


Body: physical body; later, at the age of 16, a connection will appear with the Energetic-Physical Auric Body, which has a development period from 8 to 15 years.

Nerve plexus: coccyx.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: gonads and adrenal glands.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra:"solid" organs of the body - the spinal column, skeleton, bones, teeth and nails.

Excretory organs: anus, rectum, intestines.

Childbearing and reproductive organs: prostate and gonads. As well as blood and cellular structure.

Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra: constipation, hemorrhoids, fatigue, apathy, lethargy, blood diseases, back tension problems, joint and bone problems, tissue and skin problems.

Aroma oils: patchouli, cedar, sandalwood, vetiver.

Crystals and stones: agate, ruby, onyx, hematite, red jasper, bloodstone, red coral, cuprite, garnet, agate, rhodochrosite, spinel, smoky quartz, alexandrite, black tourmaline.

The main chakra, also called the root chakra, is located in the perineum area. Its petals are directed downward and are located between the legs, and its stem is directed upward, towards the central thread - Sushumna. In a healthy and natural state it should be slightly open.

This chakra connects us with the material world. It transmits cosmic energies to our physical and earthly layers and encourages the stabilizing energy of the Earth to flow into the energy bodies.

Muladhara lays the foundation for the activity of the remaining chakras, as well as for our existence and development. It connects us to the Earth, protecting the connection with this source of energy that nourishes us and gives us life.

It gives us a sense of confidence and stability, which we need for our development at all levels. The more securely we stand on Earth, the simpler and easier our physical existence in the material world becomes.

The base chakra supports our primary survival instinct - the need to work to achieve a stable position that provides us with food, shelter, family and offspring, all of which together represent part of our role and our needs in this world. Moreover, it is this chakra that activates sexual instincts (as opposed to awareness of sexuality, which is one of the functions of the second chakra). The sexual instinct is embedded in this chakra due to the need for procreation and self-preservation through the creation of additional “shoots” from the main trunk.

The base chakra represents the struggle for survival and self-preservation, and is the source of all instincts that exist to protect ourselves and protect our physical and mental health, as well as to meet our basic needs. First of all, the “instinctive” desire and need to protect oneself from danger.

Fears that prevent us from getting into situations that may be detrimental to our physiological or mental health are part of the self-defense mechanism activated by this chakra. Most of these fears are basic, common to all people, such as the fear of falling, or the fear of fire, the fear of drowning, and so on. Various conditions life forces a person to test the limits of these primal fears. In general, people are hesitant to overcome these fears unless they have a strong need to do so or are motivated by competition and the need to test their capabilities. These are all manifestations of a situation of imbalance in this chakra. Cases of imbalance in the survival instincts of the main chakra can lead to cowardice and dependence on the judgments and opinions of other people and, on the other hand, to going to extremes and taking unnecessary big risks.

Basic information about the chakra:4 petals, each of which has its own functions. The dominant color is yellow-brown.

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