What does it mean to submit originals to the institute. Rules for admission to the university. To participate in the competition you will need

Power tools 06.08.2020
Power tools

If the documents were sent by mail, how do you know if they were received by the admission committee of ITMO University?

This site will display a special tab page about documents received by mail. It will also reflect information about the incompleteness of the set of documents received by mail, if any.

What are the deadlines for submitting documents by mail?


Deadline for accepting documents from applicants:

  • applicants based on the results of the Unified State Examination for full-time budgetary education - until July 26, 2019 (inclusive);
  • applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university for full-time education - until July 10, 2019 (inclusive);

Master's degree.

The deadlines for submitting documents are ONE for applicants for both budgetary and contract places.

Can documents be submitted by e-mail?

No, within the framework of the current 2019, the acceptance of documents for e-mail will not be carried out.

Can parents take their child's original documents?

Yes, BUT upon presentation of your passport (applicant's parent) and a notarized power of attorney from him (applicant's child).

Can the parents of an applicant submit photocopies of documents and an application for him/her?

Yes, they can apply. But it is necessary for parents to present their passport and copy documents with signatures from the child applicant.

Do I need to certify the documents required for admission by a notary?

No, this is not required when submitting documents. It is enough to provide the ITMO University Admissions Committee with the original documents and their copies. The admissions committee staff will verify the original and the copy and certify the copies.

Is the personal presence of the applicant required when submitting the original documents?

No, if the person (parent or other person) providing the original documents presents a notarized power of attorney from the applicant.

Is it necessary to provide medical certificates upon admission?

If the applicant enjoys the right to enter under a special quota, then a conclusion is needed - an ITU certificate.

Help 086 is not needed upon admission, it will be required when settling in a hostel - both at the time of admission, and on a permanent basis already as a student.

Is a portfolio considered?

Undergraduate - no.

In my passport it is written Artem, and in the certificate they wrote Artem. Could this be a problem?

Yes, unfortunately they can. Full name in the documents submitted to the Admissions Committee - certificate, diploma, certificate and others - must fully comply with the identity document, i.e. PASSPORT. We advise you to contact your school with an application for a replacement certificate. And we advise you to do it now, i.e. in advance - before the deadline for submission of documents.

I don’t have a patronymic in my passport, how to fill in this column correctly in the application form and application?

In the information system itself - in the Personal Account - put "." (point). And check that in all accompanying documents the middle name is also NOT entered - there must be a FULL match with the passport data.

By what date do you need to bring the original documents to your university?

Depending on the level of education - master's or postgraduate studies, which you are striving to get at ITMO University, the deadlines for submitting the original document on education are different.

What documents should be submitted to the University Admissions Committee?

The list of documents required for admission is indicated on our information resources:

Please note that for foreign citizens- these lists are extended and related to the nostrification of documents.

Is there a recruitment for evening and correspondence courses?


Will it be possible to register for the USE of the second wave in electronic-digital form?

For registration and passing the GIA for the purpose of passing the exam, you need to contact the regional centers for assessing the quality of education. The ITMO University Admissions Committee only takes into account the results you have received, but does not organize their implementation.

Does the date of submission of documents matter with equal USE scores?

No. It doesn't matter. The main thing is to adhere to the deadlines for submitting documents and pay attention to the minimum values ​​​​of the results of the Unified State Examination, established at ITMO University.

What are the minimum USE scores for admission to a contract (paid education)?

Minimum points USE results are the same for applicants to places financed from the budget allocations of the federal budget, and for applicants to places under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities. The conditions for admission are the same - you can familiarize yourself with them.


Where and when can I find out the passing scores in the current year?

The passing score is determined only at the end of the deadline for submitting documents and the competitive situation of the current year. You need to independently monitor the competitive situation on this site and evaluate your chances.

How many points do you need to score to enter a state-funded place at any of the faculties of your university?

The actual passing score "adds up" after the end of the acceptance of applications and the formation of rating lists. You can track this data on our website yourself and evaluate your chances of being enrolled as a student at ITMO University.

Military department

Does the university have a military department?

Is there a deferment from military service?

Based federal law"On military duty and military service" full-time students have the right to deferment from military service for the period of study, if they did not use it earlier (for example, as part of their studies at a college / technical school).

In the process of enrollment or immediately after it, is it necessary to deregister at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration?

No. After enrollment - in September - each male student must apply to the ITMO University military registry office, who will register and issue or send Required documents to the military commissariat at the place of registration.

Is it necessary to provide a registration certificate or a military ID when submitting documents and for enrolling in the 1st course?

No. With a registration certificate or a military ID, you will need to apply to the military registration office of ITMO University for registration in September.

Is there a deferment from military service for full-time students who study on a contract basis?

Yes. Provided. From the point of view of federal legislation, it does not matter if a state student or a contract student. BUT the main thing is that he does not take advantage of this delay at another level of education - for example, getting an average professional education in college.


Is it possible to transfer from contract training to budget education?

Yes, you can. But you need to pass two sessions with "good" and "excellent", collect a package of documents and write an application to the dean's office of the faculty in which you are studying. Please note that times are limited. Detailed information can be obtained from the employees of the dean's office of your faculty.

Where can I see the cost of education?


What are the benefits

For admission to ITMO University within the framework of a special quota, they can be indicated on our website. Please note that in order to use the "benefits" it is necessary to meet a number of conditions:

  1. provide a package of documents confirming this right;
  2. have USE results established at ITMO University;

What are social benefits that do not give the right to enter out of competition?

These are benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, giving the right only to social payments and other forms of social support to certain categories of students, but not giving the right to preferential admission.

Students enrolled at ITMO University will be able to receive similar forms of social support starting in September by submitting a separate package of documents confirming this right.


What does it mean - the hostel is provided to the applicant at the time of admission?

This means that for the duration of the admission campaign - the period of applying and waiting for enrollment - there is the possibility of living in a hostel at ITMO University. When submitting original documents, you must have a medical certificate in the form 086y and declare this intention.


Will the diplomas of the last year's Olympiads be valid upon admission?

Yes, the diplomas of the RSOSH Olympiads are valid for 4 years, but the right to enter "without tests" will be given to you by Olympiads for grades 10-11. List of profiles of Olympiads of the RSOS and subjects confirming the results, . For grades 7-9 you will receive additional points to the ID -

How many USE points in a subject do you need to score in order to exercise the right to enter "without tests"?

It is necessary to pass the exam in the subject, confirming the victory or prize-winning place, by 75 points or more.


I am currently studying at ITMO University, but I want to enter the first year of another faculty. Can I apply based on last year's exam results?

Yes, you can. But first you need to be expelled from the students of the faculty where you are already studying; receive documents and submit them again to the ITMO University Admissions Committee within the established deadlines.

How to register in the system?

To register in our information system and fill out electronic forms of documents, you must create a "Personal Account" and enter the necessary data. To create it - .

Is it possible to transfer from other universities to your university?

Yes, of course there is.

You need to contact the dean's office of the faculty where you intend to be transferred. You can see the list of faculties and contact details of their heads by clicking on the link.

Please note that the terms and conditions of the transfer are defined and limited, so check the information about the possibility of transfer with the employees of the dean's office in advance!

Is a residence permit in St. Petersburg a priority or an advantage when entering full-time education?

No. This is NEITHER an advantage, OR a priority for enrollment. The place of residence and / or place of registration does not affect the competitive situation in any way.

Foreign citizens

Citizens of which countries, except Russia, can participate in the competition for budget places?

In accordance with the Agreement on the Granting of Equal Rights of Citizens of the States Parties to the Treaty on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields of March 29, 1996, to enter state higher educational institutions on an equal basis with citizens Russian Federation citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the Republic of Tajikistan are accepted.

Also, foreign applicants from other states, recognized as compatriots, can participate in the competition for places financed from the federal budget.

How is the process of recognizing foreign applicants as compatriots carried out and what documents are required for this?

The decision to recognize an applicant as a compatriot is made on the basis of documents submitted to the University Admissions Committee confirming the actual presence of USSR citizenship in the past or documents confirming kinship in a direct ascending line with former citizens of the USSR:

  1. Photocopy of the passport of one of the parents.
  2. A photocopy of the birth certificate of the parent who provides the passport. The certificate must indicate the place of birth of the USSR, Ukrainian SSR, etc.
  3. A photocopy of the applicant's birth certificate.
  4. Declaration of recognition as a compatriot of the Russian Federation.

If the documents are in a foreign language, they must be translated into Russian.

All copies of documents must be notarized.

Without leaving home? How to do it? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Documents can be submitted to the university via the Internet

Consider all possible options for submitting documents to the university

There are several ways to submit documents:

1. Come personally to the selection committee. This is the easiest option. You come with a package of documents necessary for admission, fill out all applications and forms yourself. If you choose this method, plan all expenses in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back, depending on the remoteness of the region of permanent residence, will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or hostel at - from 500 rubles per day per person; in a rented one-room apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. In the best case, you will be sheltered by friends or relatives. Don't forget to plan two trips: the first one to submit copies; the second - for the delivery of the originals after the clarification of the competitive situation.

2. Draw up a notarized power of attorney. The trustee can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign applications and perform all actions related to the execution of the assignment of the trustee. To do this, a power of attorney must be drawn up indicating all the training options that interest you: full-time, part-time or evening, on a budgetary or commercial basis. Be careful! If the authorized person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university, by law, simply will not be able to accept your application from someone else's hands.

3. Send by Russian Post. You download the application on the site, fill it out, attach copies of the necessary documents to it and send it all by registered mail with a list of attachments. Please note that only copies of documents can be sent. If you live far away, this is very convenient, because you will need to visit the university only once - to submit the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the Mail, send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the deadline for accepting applications.

4. Submission of documents by e-mail. You send all the necessary documents and scans to the mailbox of the admission committee. And there are many nuances here.

In some universities, electronic registration is not possible

Features of filing documents in electronic form

The ability to submit documents electronically is not available in all universities. Among them are both top universities - and regional ones - and. It is not necessary to certify all documents with a notary before sending.

Please note that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, for example, in order to sign documents, an electronic signature of a PDF file is required.

What documents are needed when applying for a university website

To submit documents electronically, you need to scan the following documents:

  • an application for admission to study, in which you need to indicate the specialty, direction or programs that you have chosen;
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (the form can be downloaded on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate and application with marks to it;
  • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
  • 2 black and white photos 3 x 4 in size (sometimes they may require more);
  • military ID, if you are liable for military service;
  • document confirming your individual achievements(participation in olympiads, awarding a gold or silver medal, a TRP insignia, etc.);
  • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (orphan status, disability, etc.).

Each university determines the mandatory list of digital copies of documents independently. You can find it on the institution’s website in the “Applicants” or “Applicants” section marked “Document submission”.

You can check whether the university of your dreams accepts documents in electronic format in search services using key phrases:

  • submit documents by email;
  • apply online;
  • submit documents electronically on the website;
  • electronic-digital form of submission of documents.

How to submit documents electronically: step by step instructions

Consider the general algorithm for electronic filing of documents:

If you did everything right, you will receive a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of applicants (they are published on the website). If you have any questions, please call the admissions office.

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reviews the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates outdated admission rules. Graduates, as well as everyone who wants to enter Russian universities, need to carefully study the changes made by authorized persons of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which directly affect the likelihood of enrolling in the desired university.

Of course, on this moment new rules in the education system aimed at enrolling applicants in the 2018-2019 academic year have not yet appeared, but based on the experience of past years, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. And to the main question from graduates and everyone who wants to become students - when to apply to university in 2018- you can find out the answer now.

Below is important information, after reading which, many burning questions will disappear by themselves.

Every institution of higher education wants not random students who failed to get into other coveted places and came to them because they had no choice. No, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

Therefore, there is an unofficial screening of applicants: those applicants who personally appeared at the selection committee and brought the originals of the documents required upon admission, and did not send them by e-mail, have an advantage.

Most non-resident students send copies of documents in the first week after graduation. Taking into account the fact that it is allowed to submit documents to only five universities, it is necessary to decide in advance which of them the originals should be brought to. The remaining four institutions of higher education can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

So, as soon as the graduation party has died down, the next day you can go to the admissions office of the university or institute that is in priority.

Some universities do not consider copies of documents. Well, that's their right. We will share with you the secret of how to get around this nuance. To do this, you just need to certify with a notary a copy of the original documents necessary for admission and, if required by the procedure of the selected university, you can personally present notarized copies.

If the university needs to take additional exams introduced by the university, then the documents must be submitted within the time limits prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date "floats" in the beginning of July.

If the university does not provide entrance exams, then you can apply to the selection committee immediately after the school graduation.

How to enter a university

To begin with, it is worth preparing the documents that need to be submitted to the selection committee.

  1. An application addressed to the rector, which indicates information about the successful passing the exam(both and chosen by the applicant himself) indicating the results of the exams. In addition, the application should give consent to the processing of personal data. Do not be afraid, this is a common procedure. A sample application can be requested from the admissions office.
  2. An identity document, as well as the citizenship of the applicant.
  3. High School Certificate. If the applicant enters the university after receiving education, then you need to submit a document on vocational education or a diploma from the university on receipt higher education.
  4. Photos in the amount of two pieces.

In some cases, the following documents should be attached to the main documentation:

  1. Document on the recognition of foreign education. Required if the education was obtained abroad and the relevant documentation on the education received was issued by another state.
  2. A document that confirms the disability. It is necessary to use benefits if the applicant is disabled or to create special conditions for entrance examinations, if necessary.
  3. Conclusion on the absence of restrictions for studying at a university. A similar document is issued by the institution of medical and social expertise of the Russian Federation. Required for admission to a university for disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, disabled since childhood, as well as those who received a disability during military service. This also includes the receipt of disability from an injury or disease that was received during military service.
  4. A document that confirms the preemptive right to enroll. Required for the privileged category of applicants to the university.
  5. Other documents, depending on the category of the applicant.

What are the benefits for admission?

Graduates of schools who have received distinctions or medals are enrolled in the university bypassing the competition. These applicants are interviewed. Some specialized universities, however, adhere to the practice of enrolling such applicants on a general basis.

  • winners and prize-winners of Olympiads (basic educational subjects are taken into account);
  • prize-winners of sports competitions (all types of Olympics or European championships and world championships are counted);
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation.

Applicants who have advantages when entering universities:

  • military of the National Guard;
  • children of employees of the National Guard;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear and radiation facilities.

The following points can be automatically counted as exams for admission to a university:

  • USE results;
  • the results of exams in another university;
  • results of tests conducted by the Ministry of Education;
  • results of all types of Olympiads;
  • test results of state-funded preparatory departments.

We go to university. Tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents

You have probably already chosen the universities and faculties where your grown-up child wants to study. Perhaps they have already sent the documents to the selection committee. And the most important, most exciting question remained: will they enroll - will they not enroll? What else can you do to get into the desired educational institution? Something is possible!

Check the documents again

You, of course, have already studied the websites of the institutes and know what documents are required for admission. Check again if you have everything assembled correctly?

To participate in the competition you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate with the application;
  • originals of documents confirming benefits (for privileged categories, target recipients, olympiads)
  • (sometimes) medical certificate 086/U (this document is not mandatory, it should be specified on the website of the university).

What can you miss?

Firstly, if the child graduated from school not this year, but recently retaken the exam, it should be indicated in the application, Which exam result should be taken into account?(After all, they are all in the All-Russian database).

Secondly, do not forget about such an important thing as additional points for individual achievements! The admissions committee can add up to 10 points for sports and scientific achievements, as well as for participating in volunteer activities - carefully study this section on the university website, the requirements of educational institutions differ. Another ten extra points can be earned for an essay - the same one that was written in the winter for admission to the exam. Especially often they are interested in the commissions of humanitarian faculties, some are even ready to extract them from the database and re-evaluate them on their own according to a 10-point system. So don't forget to indicate that you wrote the essay!

Applicant calendar: don't miss the moment!

The key dates of admission to the university are very important. We would like to note that if a child has passed the Unified State Examination and will not pass entrance tests and creative competitions, then you have not missed anything yet.

  1. Start of acceptance of documents - June 20(for training in full-time and part-time forms for undergraduate and specialist programs).
  2. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering the training based on the results of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation - July 7.
  3. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering training based on the results of other entrance examinations conducted by a higher education organization independently, - July 10.
  4. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering the training without passing the specified entrance examinations (according to the results of the Unified State Examination) - 26 July.
  5. Placement of lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand - no later than July 27.
  6. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 28th.
  7. The order on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, from among those who enter without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 29.
  8. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage - August 1.
  9. Enrollment order for persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, until 80% of the main competitive places are filled - August 3rd.
  10. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - August 6.
  11. The order on enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - 8 August.

Please note that these dates specified in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 N 1147 (as amended on November 30, 2015) are marked “not later”. Be sure to check the university website. exact dates!

Differences of the 2016 admission campaign - cancellation of priorities, statement of consent to enrollment (relevant in 2017)

The fundamental difference between the admission campaign of 2016 is the abolition of priority accounting for admission. Previously, when applying to a university for two or three specialties (study programs), you could indicate your preferences with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. If you did not pass to your preferred specialty, you were automatically excluded from this list and included in the next one. Now an applicant participates on an equal basis in the competition in all specialties (recall, an application for admission can still be sent to five universities for three specialties (training programs) in each).

But where you ultimately decide to go will determine your statement of consent to enrollment. This is just a novelty of this year - without this document, an applicant cannot become a student, even if he tops the rating list and brought the original education documents to the university.

The procedure for admission to the university in two waves

So, how does the admissions process look like this year? You bring documents to the selection committee, according to the list above >>>>. After that, you are anxiously watching the progress of your name in the ranking of applicants. Almost all major universities today indicate in the ranking which of the applicants immediately agreed to enroll and the original documents (that is, they are quite serious), and who are not (that is, they consider this university as a fallback). On the 27th you will see the final list on the university website.

And only now, after July 27, the real introductory race begins - you can no longer tear yourself away from the university website for a minute!

What happens on the 27th? In fact, now the real qualifying competition begins - only between those who brought the original documents and consent to enrollment. The university is obliged to close 80% of the enrollment, while applicants without originals are ignored (even if they are recommended for enrollment), and those who were at the bottom of the list can move up quickly enough.

So, on August 3, all universities will recruit 80% of students. Of course, 80% is a rather arbitrary figure, someone will want to return the documents after the enrollment order, but in general, the main set will be completed.

I didn't get into the first wave. Will the chances be higher in the second wave?

Depending on which university in question. If we are talking about a prestigious metropolitan university and you are literally on the border of the list recommended for enrollment, then you certainly have every chance to study at your dream university.

In a provincial university, the chances of enrolling may not be higher, but lower, because applicants who did not agree to be enrolled in the first wave can give it to the second! This means that many who sought happiness in the capitals will spit on the pie in the sky and return to Siberian universities for tits.

A good example: the admissions campaign at the Mukhomran Fence Building Institute.

Consider the situation on the example of the well-known Mukhomran Fence Building Institute in our country (for simplicity of the situation, we immediately consider only competitive recruitment on a general basis, not taking into account orphans, disabled people and citizens of Crimea)

Situation #1

So, 10 people are recruited for the popular faculty of chain-link mesh. Documents were submitted by 100 applicants, their ranked list is on the institute's website. Until August 1, 12 applicants brought original documents and consent to enrollment: No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 100 (numbers from the ranked list).

Since the university is obliged to fill 80% of the competitive places in the first wave, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95 will be enrolled. Yes, yes, they also took No. 95.

Situation #2

Applicants No. 7, 12 and 95 changed their minds about entering the faculty of chain-link mesh.

Applicant No. 12 brought an application for revocation of documents on July 30 at five o'clock in the evening. Since the selection committee worked only until six, they returned the documents to him on July 31 at 10 am, after which he managed to take the train and take his documents to MGIMO, where he also went through the competition.

Applicant No. 95, as we remember, was on the enrollment list, but on the morning of August 2 he changed his mind and came to pick up the documents. They were given to him after dinner, and he also rushed to MGIMO. But it turned out that he would no longer be enrolled on August 3, since consent to enrollment had to be given before August 1. Meanwhile, instead of the entrant No. 95, the entrant No. 96 was enrolled at the faculty of chain-link mesh on August 3.

Applicant No. 7 decided that he also wanted to go to MGIMO and that he, perhaps, had a chance to get there in the second wave. He came to the university on August 4 and also applied for the withdrawal of documents, hoping that they would be given to him within two hours. But since the enrollment order had already been signed, he was now waiting... waiting... waiting...

Situation #3

Applicant No. 95, who at first decided to wait for the second wave of enrollment at MGIMO, suddenly thought “what am I changing my native Mukhomransk for!”. He took the documents from MGIMO and again took them to the fence-building institute, handed over the originals and consent to enrollment to the selection committee. But it turned out that applicants No. 22, 58, 59, 60, seeing that they enrolled those whose USE results were much worse, decided to take a chance and also brought the original documents and consent to enroll! Since there were three free places left at the faculty (2 places - 20% of the admission plan, and a place vacated after applicant No. 7), applicants No. 22, 58, 59 were accepted there.

So, as a result, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 55, 58, 59, 79, 96 will study at the faculty of mesh netting. Applicants No. 60 and No. 95 can try their luck at next year, although much less capable applicants #79 and #96 have already become students. That's it!

The most popular questions of parents of applicants

- Can the child write a statement of consent along with the application for admission?

Maybe, especially if you submitted the original documents on education, but only one application for consent to enrollment can be attributed to the university.

And if he changes his mind about entering the specialty where he is enrolled, but chooses another one at the same university where he also applied for admission?

You will have to write a review on the statement of consent to enrollment and a new consent to enrollment.

- Maybe it's better to immediately submit the original documents to the selected university?

- Handed over the original documents, and then decided to pick up ...

And you are obliged to give them within two hours if you came to the selection committee more than two hours before the end of the working day, or in the morning the next day if you applied in the evening. In less popular universities, they sometimes try to withhold applicants' documents after the lists for enrollment are published, arguing that it takes time to prepare an expulsion order. Know it's not! You still have to return the documents within two hours!


    You may well be enrolled in the chosen university in the first wave, even if you are not included in the list of those recommended for enrollment. The lists are mobile, you can move up the rankings pretty quickly. It is important to bring the original documents on education and a statement of consent to enrollment in time. BOTH of these documents are required.

    The competition in the second wave may not be lower, but higher than in the first. Please take this into account when planning your admission.

" posted detailed information for the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of vacancies, as well as minimum points, which were required to dial to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the exam.

In the "Admission 2019" section, using the "" service, you can find out about the most important dates related to admission to a university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympics in detail a new version section " " indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the sites of the organizers.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before anyone else and automatically.

Acceptance of documents to universities begins

What is important to know? Reminder for applicants.

In order to apply, it is not necessary to wait for the results of the exam. The university itself will check their authenticity by scooping necessary information from the federal base to which he has access.

It is allowed to submit documents to 5 universities in three directions (a group of directions, faculties) in each. Think carefully about whether it is worth taking the risk and applying to more universities, because. if violators are identified, they will be immediately expelled.

You can submit documents at the same time for both budgetary and paid forms of education. At the same time, if the applicant has submitted documents for the budget, the paid form of education for the same direction is not considered a separate submission.

Regardless of the number of chosen directions or specialties, one set of documents and one application is submitted to the university. Documents do not require notarization.

Documents can be submitted in person, or sent by mail (with acknowledgment of receipt and description) or via electronic communication, if the university provides such an opportunity.

The personal participation of the applicant when submitting documents is determined by the current legislation. It also follows from it that parents cannot represent the interests of the applicant in this matter, even if he is under 18 years old.

When submitting documents by regular mail, keep in mind that the Russian Post is slow and even in Moscow, the delivery time for correspondence can be delayed for weeks.

As for the electronic filing of documents, it is better to duplicate it by calling the selection committee to make sure that an identification number is assigned to your personal file. With this method of sending documents, as a rule, the presence of this particular number confirms the fact of their acceptance.

You can bring both originals and copies of documents to the university. at this stage, both have the same legal force.

Please note that universities have the right to establish their own requirements for submitting documents, which may differ from the minimum set by Rosobrnadzor, which indicates the successful passing of the state exam.

When submitting documents, it is advisable to clarify in order to avoid any problems later.

Keep in mind that in the first two weeks from the start of accepting documents, the number of people who want to hand them over is large, so many hours of queues are possible.

Please note that universities do not have the right to require documents from you in excess of the list established by law. At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a list of specialties and areas of training , upon admission to training, applicants undergo mandatory medical examinations. And you need to know this.

Do not forget to pick up a receipt from the admissions office confirming the fact of submission of documents. The receipt must have the seal of the educational institution and the signature of the responsible person.

Remember that the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren who apply for admission without entrance examinations, as well as separate categories Applicants (children with disabilities, orphans, etc.) entering within the quota can use their special right only in one university in one direction of training. In other cases, they participate in the competition on a general basis, i.e. according to the results of the exam.

Be aware that if admission to a university is carried out by or by faculties, you will have to choose on your own, then the only direction where a special right will be used.

Keep in mind that people work in the selection committees, and all people make mistakes. Therefore, for your part, you need to be very careful. This will avoid problems in the future.

Note to applicants:
- most admissions offices do not work on weekends;
- if you have any questions admission committees Universities are easier to ask;
- also keep in mind that, as a rule, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation launches a "hot telephone line"on admission to universities, where you can get expert advice on certain aspects of the admission campaign;
- the most likely problems related to the submission of documents can be found

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