Internet in a private house. No phone or wires. Can I connect to the Internet without a home phone? How to make the Internet if there is no telephone line

Mechanized tools 06.09.2020
Mechanized tools

Not so long ago, the owner of an apartment or house without a home phone could simply forget about accessing the Global Network - and, of course, the problems due to which letters to email, he was not interested. Now everything has changed: providers offer more and more tempting terms of cooperation - and not only according to the ADSL standard. How to connect to the Internet without a home phone - let's try to figure it out.

Ethernet cable

The installation process can be roughly divided into several steps - the variations depend on the provider:

  1. The owner of the apartment without a home phone comes to the office of a telecom operator and enters into a service agreement, including the installation of a satellite dish and related equipment - a router for distributing a wireless signal.
  2. An alternative option - purchasing from a provider and installing a router and a dish on your own - is strictly not recommended to the user. There are two main reasons: the complexity of installation work and, if we are talking about an apartment building, legal difficulties. An apartment owner who wants to connect the satellite Internet on his own will have to spend time coordinating the installation of a dish in housing and communal services or housing and communal services - and it is far from the fact that he will receive approval. Providers, on the other hand, usually take over the legal and technical aspects, offering the user a ready-made connection without unpleasant intermediate steps.
  3. On the appointed day, the owner of the apartment without a home phone receives employees who install the satellite dish on the outer wall of the house, and then connect the device to the router and carry out the initial setup of the home network.

That's all - you just have to set a new Wi-Fi password yourself and use the Internet without a home phone.

Advantages of installing a plate:

  1. Wide coverage area. The Internet signal today can be caught almost throughout the country, and no cable is required for this, which means that you can forget about the operator's refusals due to the remoteness of the house from the main highway.
  2. Ease of use. A subscriber who has paid for the installation and connection of the dish together with the use of the Internet has nothing to worry about - he gets access to the global network "out of the box" at the highest possible speed and with all the privileges offered by the operator.
  3. The possibility of moving. If the plate has already been purchased, it can be removed and installed on another wall of a private house or in another apartment. The user does not have to buy a new device from his provider every time he changes the address - and besides, in most cases, it is possible to switch from his plate to a new telecom operator.

Disadvantages of satellite dishes:

  1. The speed of the Internet received "over the air" is in most cases slower than the speed of the Internet. This means that the user will have to wait a little longer while a video is downloaded, a music album, an email is sent, or a movie is loaded in an online player.
  2. The flow can be "interrupted" and completely interrupted due to unfavorable weather conditions. An apartment owner without a home telephone and unable to connect to the wired Internet will have to be disconnected from time to time - however, fortunately, with the development of information technology, the frequency of failures is rapidly decreasing.
  3. Legal problems. Even if the installation of a satellite dish on an apartment building was previously agreed and did not cause any complaints in the process, the new management of the HOA, recently resettled tenants or another change in legislation may cause a revision earlier the decision- and, as a result, the dismantling of the plate or lengthy litigation.
  4. High cost. Connecting the Internet in this way is more expensive than pulling an Ethernet cable. In addition, some providers set higher tariffs for customers using satellite dishes.

Advice: When purchasing a satellite dish, an owner who wants to connect to the Internet without a home phone needs to choose a bidirectional communication option, which ensures the receipt and sending of data packets over a single channel. Modern devices are designed only for this format - however, it does not hurt to clarify in advance.

Mobile data

And, of course, the owner of an apartment without a home phone can use the mobile Internet; the main thing is to choose a profitable one, preferably unlimited tariff... Another important recommendation is to buy a separate SIM card to access the Global Network: this will make it easier to track spending and control traffic consumption.

Connecting the house to mobile Internet possible in two main options:

  1. Directly from a smartphone that supports wireless signal distribution. The user will need to activate the SIM card, allow the use of mobile data and turn the phone into an access point using the system option. And, of course, keep an eye on the charge of the phone, and it is better to keep it constantly connected to the mains - the Internet will disappear as soon as the battery is discharged.
  2. Through a modem. The SIM card is inserted into the corresponding connector of a mobile device that looks like a USB flash drive, with or without an antenna. In the future, depending on the model, the modem works as a router, distributing the Internet without "intermediaries", connects to the router or directly to the USB connector of the receiving device: a computer or laptop. The latter can, in turn, be made an access point - then the mobile data transmission chain will include at least three links.

Benefits of Mobile Internet:

  1. General availability. The signal is distributed by mobile operators throughout the country, and it will not be difficult to connect to the global network, except for particularly hard-to-reach places.
  2. Flexible tariff system. The more offers on the market, the more moderate and more varied the prices - with regard to the mobile Internet, this rule still works in the Russian economy. Cellular operators there are enough price lines in the country, too; which means that each user will be able to choose the best tariff plan for himself.
  3. Compactness. In contrast to the bulky, causing difficulties in coordinating, installing and re-assembling a satellite dish, a smartphone or a modem for distributing mobile Internet fits in the palm of your hand, while providing comparable performance. The user can take the device with him, move it to any room in an apartment or house and, of course, replace it with another one whenever he pleases.
  4. Ease of use. In most cases, in order to establish a home wireless network, an apartment owner without a home phone will just need to insert a SIM card into a modem or smartphone and get to work. The initial settings are minimal, and it won't be difficult to change them later.

Disadvantages of using mobile data:

  1. Interruptions in the signal due to weather changes are not excluded. The user must prepare for periodic disconnections of the home wireless network: providers are currently solving problems of this kind rather quickly, but for an hour or two in the event of another interruption, they will have to forget about the Internet.
  2. Instability of transceivers. Phones and modems that receive and distribute mobile Internet tend to overheat and fail. To at least partially eliminate this possibility, you will have to purchase expensive models or have spare options on hand.
  3. Weak signal. Both modems and smartphones do not differ in the special quality of data transfer. The owner of an apartment without a home phone will be able to receive a signal without any difficulties on a directly connected laptop or computer, as well as within the room - but in order to ensure stable reception throughout the house, you will have to connect repeaters, which significantly complicates and increases the cost of creating a home wireless network.
  4. Lack of variability. It is virtually impossible to configure the mobile Internet transmitted from a modem or smartphone; the user is limited by the choice of password, protocol and connection speed. For advanced settings that make connecting to the global network more comfortable, you will need to connect either an expensive modem combined with a router, or an additional router. In the second case, a new link appears in the data transmission chain, which negatively affects the stability of the signal.

Advice: when connecting an apartment without a home phone to the mobile Internet, you should choose an unlimited plan - its increased cost will more than pay off in the first month of active traffic use.

Summing up

Connecting to the Internet without a home phone is currently not a problem. The user can stretch an Ethernet cable or fiber optic into the apartment by concluding an appropriate agreement with the provider. Other options include installing a satellite dish and using mobile data; in the latter case, you will need to purchase not only a separate SIM card, but also a modem or smartphone to create an access point.

In Russia, the leader in the provision of Internet services is Rostelecom. The telecommunications market requires an Internet provider to have extensive wired connections available. Due to the large distances between settlements, it is unprofitable to lay new lines, and Rostelecom uses existing telephone lines. Thanks to this, the Internet from Rostelecom can be connected to every private house or sparsely populated point. As the development progresses, the technologies for connecting the Internet to private households are also being improved. In a variety of connection methods, Rostelecom also remains the leader.

Internet connection technologies for a private house

ISPs use several technologies. Here are the most common ones:

  • ADSL connection - transmits a signal via telephone cable lines, you need a landline phone;
  • PON connection - uses fiber optic cable;
  • Wi-Fi connection - works using radio waves;
  • 3G or 4G modem - uses the cellular signal for mobile phones;
  • TV cable + Ethernet - a special modem converts the TV signal into an Ethernet signal.

What technologies are presented in the services of Rostelecom

Rostelecom uses three main types of technologies: ADSL, GPON and Wi-Fi. They all have advantages and disadvantages. The specific type of Internet connection to a private house or summer house is established based on technical capabilities.

ADSL connection

If the house has a landline telephone, then Internet access is provided using ADSL. This technology uses telephone lines that carry the internet signal. Depending on the distance of the communication center and the length of the cable line, the speed of obtaining information ranges from 2-4 Mbit / s to 20-25 Mbit / s. Average speed declared in the tariff line - 10 Mbps.

The technology is based on the use of a digital line of a telephone network subscriber. The telephone network transmits a voice message in analog form. Using ADSL technology, the analog signal is converted into digital and transmitted to the input of the network adapter. In this case, the digital and analog signals are divided into two components and fed simultaneously to the telephone and computer.

When connected, devices can be connected using ADSL technology

By modern standards, the speed, of course, is small, but this is enough for downloading programs or media content. For comfortable use of online games or watching movies, the speed is not enough, but all inconveniences are compensated for by a fast connection. For those who only use the Internet to watch news, this is more than enough.

The main inconvenience, especially if the telephone lines are old, are frequent interruptions in communication, when cable connections are flooded with water during rain or overhead lines are cut off during natural disasters. You often have to contact technical support or utilities.

GPON connection

GPON-connection technology is the best solution for laying an Internet connection line to a private household. Unlike copper, passive optical fiber is cheaper and more resistant to external influences. It is almost impossible to break it under external mechanical stress, it is not affected by moisture.

From personal experience I can say that the fiber optic cable stops passing the Internet signal when it is bent by 180 °. When the cable is straightened, the signal reappears. There is no mechanical damage to the cable when bent.

The speed of obtaining information at better conditions reaches 1 Gbps. The standard speed that Rostelecom declares in its tariff line is 100 Mbps.

Fiber optic cable stops passing the Internet signal when bent by 180 °

The fiber-optic cable can be used for home television, burglar alarms, surveillance cameras and a “smart home” remote automatic control system.

What is the peculiarity of the technology? Thanks to the network structure, one central unit can be both a receiver and a transmitter. Therefore, it is possible to serve the information flows of many subscribers, regardless of their number and volume of information. The signal is transmitted over a single conductor from the many fiber optic strands that make up the fiber optic cable. On the line between the provider and the subscriber, a splitter is used, which transmits the signal to the subscriber in the splitting mode and in the opposite direction in the mixing mode.

When connecting via PON technology, you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of the subscriber nodes

The main advantages of a GPON connection:

  • high resistance to interference;
  • connection is carried out directly with the central module and does not depend on accidents and breakdowns of other devices in the network;
  • high bandwidth of the communication channel allows you to connect several services to the router;
  • there is no intermediate equipment between the central node and network subscribers;
  • you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of the subscriber nodes;
  • cost-effective, easy to connect and operate.

The main disadvantages of a PON connection:

  • it is difficult to create a network;
  • it is expensive to lay a fiber-optic cable to a private house if it is far from the connection point;
  • due to the high sensitivity to kinks, the signal level is reduced.

Video: features of GPON Internet connection via fiber optic cable to a private house

In the absence of cable lines, you can use Wi-Fi technology.

Wi-Fi connection

Private households connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi in small settlements with 250-500 inhabitants. The service from Rostelecom is called Internet at Home. The company installs access points with long range, and the private house is connected to the Internet via a wireless connection based on radio waves.

The speed of obtaining information using this technology is up to 10 Mbps. In addition, the company provides free access to 2 thousand websites of state authorities.

When connecting to the Internet at the "Internet at Home" tariff, the company installs access points with a long range

How to activate the universal Internet at Home service:

  1. Establish a connection between a router equipped with a Wi-Fi device and a long-range access point.
  2. Connect to the RTOpen network to gain access to the Rostelecom sites and
  3. Register on the website.
  4. After registration, go to the RTWiFi network for a full-fledged work on the Internet.

If finances do not allow purchasing equipment for connection at the “Internet at home” tariff, and the access point is within 100 meters from a private house, then you can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi as part of the “Eliminating Digital Divide” program.

Internet connection at a social rate to the "Eliminating the Digital Inequality" service

To do this, register on the official website of Rostelecom or call 8–800–301–00–35.

Register via a Wi-Fi network near the hotspot... How to do it:

At first, the connection to the wireless network was paid, but when the service gained popularity, Rostelecom made it free.

There is another option for connecting to the Internet. If the house does not have a landline phone, they do not plan to do wiring for the optical network in the area of ​​a private house, and the access point is too far away, then try to negotiate with neighbors who already have access to the Internet. You need to install a router with a Wi-Fi receiver and pay for the connection service for two.

Tariffs and cost of Internet connection

If there is a landline telephone in a private house or dacha, Rostelecom specialists will connect you free of charge. You pay only for setting up additional equipment that can be connected to the Internet... Choose a tariff plan on the official Rostelecom website.

Select a tariff for connecting to the Internet on the official website of Rostelecom

When you connect Wi-Fi at the "Internet at home" tariff, you do not need to pay anything: the tariff is free, within the framework of the state program for the development of the Internet in the Russian Federation.

When activating the Internet at Home service, the tariff is free

Connection costs vary by region: high in remote areas such as Chukotka and Kamchatka, and low in Moscow suburbs.

When connecting via fiber optic cable, there is no general pricing criterion: it all depends on the location to the nearest connection point, cable length and installation work. The cost is assessed on an individual basis. The total cost consists of the tariffs for running a running meter of cable, the price of fiber-optic cable and the operating time.

When connecting, you need a router, preferably with a Wi-Fi device... You can buy it in the store. The cost of the router ranges from 1200 to 3500 rubles. If financial capabilities do not allow purchasing the device, then it can be rented from Rostelecom with the option to purchase it. The payment will be included in the monthly subscription fee. It will remain to make monthly payments according to the tariff plan.

What equipment is needed to connect to the Internet in a private house

To connect to the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to buy and configure equipment. It can also be rented from a provider with the option of subsequent purchase. Depending on the connection technology, the equipment also changes.

Dial-up connection

You will need an ADSL modem.

Select and connect the ADSL modem to the network

Different types of such modems connect to the Internet after installing a special filter - a splitter. It separates analog voice and digital signals: you can use the phone and the Internet at the same time.

Plug the splitter into the network in front of the modem

Video: connecting and configuring an ADSL modem

The modem must be equipped with a Wi-Fi device in order to support multiple devices on the network.

Fiber optic connection

You will need a GPON modem. Such a modem can combine the functions of an Ethernet and a Wi-Fi router. If you can, immediately install a router for organizing an intra-house network.

Purchase and network a router

It will help to split the Internet signal into several devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone, TV, phone. You can divide by wires connected to the LAN connectors of the router, or via a Wi-Fi connection. You can configure the router through any browser on the default settings site, for example,

Wi-Fi connection

You will need a set of equipment. As a rule, it is indicated in the agreement or on the website of the Rostelecom distributor.

Please select necessary equipment for internet connection

The kit includes:

  • LTE antenna for receiving a wireless Internet signal from a long-range access point;
  • Wi-Fi router for signal reception and separation;
  • adapter adapters;
  • connection cable;
  • wall mount for cable.

Internet connection over 3G and 4G

The Internet from Rostelecom in a private house can also be connected via 3G and 4G, if technical conditions permit. For such a connection, Rostelecom networks and LTE antennas are used. They are connected using a special modem in USB format equipped with a SIM card with a special tariff.

Choose 3G modem or 4G modem for internet connection

3G modem can support speeds up to 3.4 Mbps, and 4G modem up to 30 Mbps. In the future, the manufacturer promises to increase the speed to 1 Gbps.

TV cable connection

If the technical conditions in the region allow, then you can connect the Internet using DOCSIS technology, using a TV cable as a conductor of the Internet signal.

If necessary, rent a modem from Rostelecom

A modem for a TV cable connection can be rented from Rostelecom. Such a modem has a key built into the firmware.... He does not need additional configuration, immediately after connecting to a TV cable, he decodes the TV signal into an Ethernet signal.

How does the internet connection work?

Connection takes place in several stages.

Connect the internet in four steps

There are four standard options to apply for:

Connecting with a distributor can be cheaper, since he needs to attract new customers... With the rapid development of construction in the private sector and high competition among Internet providers, this is real. Private sector home linking organizations offer profitable terms.

Check out the distributor's offers

When the application is processed, a team of specialists will come to you, which will connect the house to the Internet and make the initial settings of the equipment.

After presenting the Internet in work, sign the contract between the client and the company in duplicate... One copy remains with the client, the second copy is taken by Rostelecom specialists.

You need to keep the client instance and not lose it: you might need it. When developing a new tariff plan, Rostelecom can connect all customers in a row to it. You can connect services that you did not order, for example, "Night acceleration" or "Your perfect HD". To dispute the undeclared connection and return the money, you will need an agreement.

Internet connection from Rostelecom - the best way for a private house. The company offers several types of connection technology using cable routes or in their absence. The connection speed of wired and wireless connections is gradually equalizing, and sharp differences in performance disappear. For rural areas, the priority is wireless connection, since it is quite expensive to install fiber-optic cable, and telephone lines are being pushed out of the market by mobile communications. This must be taken into account when deciding on the implementation of the Internet in a private household.

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Tariffs Promotions Connect

Home Internet from MGTS is an unlimited Internet access at a speed of up to 1 Gbps using the latest GPON technology. A high-bandwidth personal optical channel guarantees a stable speed at any time of the day, and advanced technologies ensure the highest quality of communication. With GPON from MGTS, using the Internet becomes as comfortable as possible!

  • High speeds for fun, learning and communication
  • Wi-Fi modem at no extra charge

Fast connection

You can connect high-speed Internet even on the day of your request. Just leave the connection on the website or by phone, and we will connect you to MGTS services as soon as possible.

High speed and stable connection - for leisure and work

The Internet plays a huge role in our lives - from accessing information to managing smart devices. Therefore, we are constantly developing and improving technological capabilities so that the desired page is loaded on any of your devices in a matter of seconds, and you can receive news, read books, watch TV series, play online games and broadcast in real time without loss of quality. speed, without interruptions and interference. And also upload and download text, photo and video files in a few minutes.

Why do we recommend connecting Home Internet from MGTS in Moscow and the Moscow region?

We work using GPON technology - and we lay "fast" fiber-optic cables not to the building as a whole, but to the apartment of a particular subscriber. Because of this, you do not experience network congestion and gradual slowdowns.

To connect to the Internet, we install ONT optical modems with a built-in Wi-Fi module. You don't have to lay around the apartment network cable- you can access the Internet from any device using only the name and password of the Wi-Fi network.

Using the ONT modem, we are ready to offer a whole range of services to our subscribers - for example, connecting home telephony, IP-television with a wide range of channels, as well as installing round-the-clock video surveillance and alarm systems. Payment for all services is formed in a single account.

We provide Internet services using a credit method of payment - this ensures that you will not be left without communication, even if your payment is delayed for several days. In addition, we quickly restore access to services after payment - within 30 minutes.

Pay the Single Invoice in any convenient way and always stay online

We provide Internet services using a credit method of payment - this ensures that you will not be left without communication, even if your payment is delayed for several days. In addition, we quickly restore access to services after payment - within 30 minutes. You can deposit money for MGTS Home Internet in your Personal Account on our website, in the mobile application and on the website of your bank, at ATMs and payment terminals, in the offices of MGTS and MTS.

Which Home Internet to choose and connect?

Pay attention to our service packages - so you can simultaneously connect the Internet, IP-TV, and services mobile communications with a 20% discount and more.

We are also ready to take care of the security of Internet access - to connect an antivirus, set up the "White Internet" for children in order to protect them from harmful information. You can also contact the Unified Support Service with a request for servicing computers and laptops, and our specialists will help you.

In our time, it is impossible to imagine life without Wi-fi. Most of us use several devices to connect to the Internet, often at the same time. Downloading movies, choosing something in the online store and at the same time chatting with friends in the messenger is a common thing. How would we do without Wi-fi? No way! Connect the Internet wirelessly Wifire and forget about all the inconveniences of a wired network connection.

It's no secret that wired Internet is significantly inferior in comfort to connection via Wi-fi. Let's take a look at the main benefits of wireless internet.

  • Access to the network within the range of the router (up to 50 meters indoors)
  • Ability to connect multiple devices at the same time (PC, laptop, smartphone)
  • Convenience - Internet without unnecessary wires

Connect the Internet wirelessly at a speed of 50 to 300 Mbps and get access to the network anywhere in your apartment! We offer high speed and stability of connection, favorable rates and technical support 24 hours 7 days a week. To connect to the Internet without wires at home, you can buy or rent a high-speed router. When connecting to the Internet without wires, use and also combine tariffs and save with Wifire!

How to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi?

What do you need to connect your home Internet without wires in Moscow? Just choose a tariff, a router and leave a request. We offer two equipment options.

Router "Wifire S1010 NBN" and "Wifire S1500 NBN". Excellent specifications, cloud storage via USB, work in the range of 2.4 and 5 GHz and affordable price Are some of the main advantages of Wifire equipment.

You can buy or rent a router - only from 55 rubles / month. Our experts will conduct the Internet, professionally configure Wi-Fi equipment and advise you on any questions. Internet without wires is fast, inexpensive and convenient!

Connect the Internet wirelessly in your apartment and take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Speed ​​from 50 to 300 Mbps
  • Tariffs from 400 rubles / month
  • Powerful routers - you can buy or rent for only 55 rubles / month
  • Attractive Packages and Digital TV
  • Antivirus for all devices
  • High-class technical support

Enjoy the benefits of using the Internet wirelessly from a reliable provider! Connect all your home devices to the same network - the speed and stability of the connection will always remain stable. Add a digital TV package to the Internet and watch your favorite programs in excellent quality without interference! More than 180 channels for children and adults, channels in HD format.

We have already connected over 944 thousand clients to the Internet and other services. Leave a request and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Question answer

How to connect the Internet via Wi-Fi, and how much will it cost?

Choose a tariff and leave a request on the website or by phone - we will do the rest ourselves. The connection cost depends on the speed, as well as the availability of additional services.

Why should I choose Internet Wifire?

We offer competitive prices and high connection speeds, round-the-clock technical support, and we are constantly working to improve the quality of services. In addition, our company has received many prestigious awards in the telecommunications industry.

The tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information on tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the website.

Living in your home and thinking about connecting to the World Wide Web? Perhaps you should pay attention to the largest communication provider - Rostelecom, which offers its subscribers not only fast connection to the network, but also very favorable terms of use.

One of the services offered by Rostelecom is home Internet to a private house. Previously, it was provided by Domolink, a subsidiary of Rostelecom, but today it is fully incorporated into Rostelecom, and the service is now provided under the Rostelecom Center brand. At the same time, Domolink subscribers, who had signed the contract earlier, automatically switched to Rostelecom's servers.

New subscribers wishing to connect to the network can leave a request on the company's website or by contacting the office.

How to lead a network to a private house

Connection to the network is available both through a telephone cable using ADSL technology and using an optical line.

You can leave a request in two ways:

  1. Visit the Rostelecom office. There you will receive expert advice, during which you can find out:
  • which option is more convenient for you;
  • How much;
  • the cost of tariffs and their benefits;
  • information about additional services.

After discussing all the questions you are interested in, you can postpone the application for connection, which will be considered in the near future.

  1. Leave a request on the company's website. This option is also convenient, especially since after considering it, a specialist will definitely contact you and clarify the main points, as well as discuss the details with you.

To complete the application, you should:

  1. Go to the company's website.
  2. Select the region you are in.
  3. Open the "For yourself" section and go to the "Internet" subsection.
  4. To get started, open the "Tariffs" subsection and familiarize yourself with them.
  5. Choose the most optimal option for you and click on the "Connect" button.
  6. In a new window, you will see not only an application form, but also an additional list of services available to you. You can immediately leave a request for them.
  7. Fill out the form, indicating in it your last name and first name, contact phone number and e-mail, the address at which you live, a convenient time for you when the operator can contact you.
  8. To send an application, click on the "Order" button.

Connection cost

The cost of connecting the Internet to a private house depends on several factors and is calculated directly by specialists. The price depends on:

  • choice of line type - optical wire or telephone;
  • the required length of the cable;
  • the choice of the tariff model.

Tariffs and services

Today, Rostelecom offers its subscribers to connect their home Internet via an optical line for only 99 rubles a month. At the same time, such tariff plans are available as (in brackets the usual cost in rubles is indicated):

  1. 200 Mbps (890).
  2. 100 Mbps (690).
  3. 80 Mbps (590)
  4. 45 Mbps (480)

One 8 Mbit / s tariff plan is available over the telephone line at a cost of 349 rubles per month.

Also, subscribers can use the following services:

  • night acceleration up to 200 Mbps from 00:00 to 08:00;
  • antivirus program;
  • fixed ip;
  • parental control.

Which one is better to spend

The company offers two connection options - via a telephone cable using ADSL technology or via an optical line.

The first option is mainly suitable for residents of the suburbs, since it is too expensive to stretch fiber there both in time and in cost. In addition, the information transfer rate will be only 24-26 megabits per second, and the subscriber will need to purchase a special router.

When the line is connected via fiber optic, the information transfer rate will be much higher - up to 100 megabits, although it will cost more.

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