Friendship by horoscope female compatibility. Friendship compatibility calculator by date of birth online. Virgo in friendship

Jigsaws and circular saws 10.07.2020

Look at your friends under the Zodiac Signs microscope

A friend is our guide to physical and mental comfort. A friend is loose ears and a favorite vest. In the life of friends, we choose ourselves and then walk alongside them for many years. Friends are our quiet haven, our comfort zone and a happy pastime.

We do not choose friends by the sign of the zodiac, we choose them for their spiritual comfort and warmth. But today we propose to make an exception and look at your friends under the Zodiac Signs microscope.

Aries in friendship

In friendship, Aries is loyal and sympathetic. He gets used to people and feels pain when they leave his life. He will stand up with his chest to protect his friend, but do not expect that he will pry into your soul with questions. He will not torment you with interrogations, he will give you time to tell him everything yourself. It is easy to look for adventure with Aries, because they do not sit still and always get into different troubles. Such serious cranks.

Taurus in friendship

Taurus are loyal and reliable friends, but to get into their close circle you need to try especially hard. Taurus do not let people who have not been tested by time and circumstances into their comfort zone. The art of diplomacy is an important tool in friendly relations with them. He will not forgive deception, silently leave and forget about your existence.

For him, warm and frank conversations are important. And all this gives him the right to sometimes be jealous of friends, since any emotional connection for him is extremely important and dear.

Twins in friendship

Gemini avoids “problem people” who take advantage of his “free ears” and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely gets new people close enough. They have a lot of new acquaintances, but few real friends. But if the Gemini nevertheless let someone close, then it is very difficult for him to say goodbye to this person forever. He is constantly trying to solve the problem, find a way to cope with the conflict situation, because "attachment" to people for him is not an empty phrase, but the norm of life.

A feature of a quarrel with Gemini is his lightning quick temper and instant appeasement. He will not be afraid to come up first and he will need half the time than you to cool down after the conflict.

Cancers in friendship

Cancers are loyal friends. Usually they have been friends since childhood, and are not looking for a replacement for everything they know. Cancers often live for many years with memories of the happy moments of the past, while losing a sense of reality. Cancer in friendship is a stone wall and a reliable rear for friends. Representatives of this sign will always listen in difficult times, give good advice and help financially. Friends are not empty words for them. For "his" he will move mountains.

Lions in friendship

Leo always strives to be the first, so do not demand equal or partnerships from him. If you are ready to constantly praise, encourage, then Leo will become an excellent, loyal and reliable friend for you. You will definitely be satisfied when Leo wants to thank you for your patience and humble service to him, because in his gratitude he is generous and original.

Virgo in friendship

Representatives of this sign do not need advisors, they know exactly what they want and where they are going. Therefore, they look at friends as a source of entertainment. Virgos sometimes need relaxation and with friends they let off steam in full. Also, the Virgo periodically wants to be smart and here the free "ears" of a friend will also not be superfluous. Here are the true reasons for maintaining close relationships with friends for this zodiac sign.

Virgos love sincere and noble people, as they value honesty in relationships. They don't have many friends, as they are more loners than the noisy soul of the campaign. One best friend and a couple of acquaintances - this is the perfect compilation of friends for a Virgo.

Libra in friendship

Libras are always very cold-blooded in friendship. They will not give up at a difficult moment, but you should not expect their round-the-clock support. They will not borrow you money at a difficult moment, but will provide you with the opportunity to earn this money on your own. Their advice is always prudent and full of sobriety. Their view of the problem is as sharp and pragmatic as possible. They look at the root of the problem, so their recommendations are expensive. A positive quality of Libra is their great sense of humor, cheerful spirit and ability to "survive" in any campaign. They can cheer you up even on the hardest day.

Scorpios in friendship

Scorpios value and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other sign of the zodiac. In his presence, one cannot even say a bad word about his friend, Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender to protect his honor. He rarely opens up to the end, but friends know everything about him that he can tell loved ones, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio is a great friend, wise counselor, and cheerful conversationalist.

Sagittarius in friendship

Representatives of this sign are some of the best friends in the world. They will not dissemble, but will come up with a real way to help. Sagittarius will lend you money, but they will immediately figure out where and how you will make money, in order not only to repay them a debt, but also to make good money themselves. Sagittarius is drawn to more successful people, he likes to develop, although he is sometimes lazy. Sagittarius can be trusted, because they simply do not know how to betray and fail.

Capricorns in friendship

Capricorns cannot be the first to take a step towards new acquaintances. They do not respect other people, considering them unworthy of their attention, At least until strangers prove otherwise. Capricorns respect only those who are recognized in society or have a solid bank account. To such people, Capricorns just “stick”. If the new person was able to win the attention of Capricorn, then Capricorn will demand attention, care and respect in his direction. For their part, the representatives of this sign will always tell their friends in person how they should live, what they should not do, and “shower” them with their advice. It is difficult to make friends with Capricorns, because they do not know the stop during quarrels, they always have only one correct view of the problem and get what they want by any means. But the main advantage of Capricorns is that they are always extremely honest and always help their friends. Although the ways are used wayward.

Aquarians in friendship

Aquarians have many friends, they are ready to shelter everyone, help everyone, warm everyone. They are kind to people, so people think they are nice little ones. Aquarius does not like conflict, so in rare cases they will defend their point of view too firmly. They know measure in everything, although sometimes this sense of proportion is too high for them. Aquarians do not have close friends, but they have a lot of friends, acquaintances and companions. Aquarius is always one of his own.

Pisces in friendship

Pisces has few friends, but they are all real. Representatives of this sign value honesty and loyalty. They do not forgive betrayal, therefore, in friendship and in love, they are very demanding. Pisces are ready for self-sacrifice if their friend needs it. Their main disappointment in friendship is the fact that friends begin to consider them an always available "vest" or "free ears", but this period does not last long, since Pisces can explain in an accessible way that they are worth more.

Friendship is the main and lasting value in human life. Finding out what is the compatibility of the zodiac signs in friendship is a kind of help to find a reliable and loyal comrade. No one will deny that friendships arise regardless of races, genders, signs of the zodiac. Horoscope compatibility is a kind of human relationship model in which friends are selected based on absolutely objective criteria.

Astrology claims that people born in the same element most often become soul mates. They have a lot in common, but the main thing is one temperament.

Those born in this element are characterized by strength, energy, temperament. These are typical choleric people: fast, impetuous, irritable. They live by the principle: desire and act.

They have huge energy potential, but they are often prone to emotional breakdowns and recessions. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will find companions in their fiery element. They will also like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Air Signs fanning the flames of fire bring new ideas and inspiration.

Earth Release (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Those born under the auspices of the earthly elements are static, solid. Typical phlegmatic. It's hard to piss them off. In any business, they are unhurried, calm and diligent. They have a sense of duty and practicality. They do not like and do not want to show emotions. They are close in spirit to the people of their elements and representatives of Water.

Air Release (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

These are typical sanguine people: contact, mobile, positive and lively. But they are overcome by frequent and abrupt mood swings. They are sociable, cheerful and curious. They have an independent character, often uncoordinated and undisciplined.

Their friends are air and fire signs.

Water Release (Cancer, Scorpio, Fish)

Aquatic representatives are sensitive, vulnerable and dreamy. A typical representative is a melancholic. Lives by the principle: I feel and feel. Often moody, tearful. These are the most conservative people. Friends are chosen either from their native element, or from representatives of earthly signs.

Zodiac sign and friendship with him

If you know under what sign a friend, acquaintance, colleague was born, it will become easy to find common interests and points of contact.

Aries. Reliable, always, in any situation will support with advice and deed. He will not let you get bored. It's fun and interesting with him. But there is a small flaw: Aries are looking for friends who can obey them. If this doesn't happen, the friendship may end. Aquarius can be your best friend. He does not enter into a close relationship, keeps a psychological distance, and this attracts Aries.

Calf. The most loyal and reliable friend. Will always give useful advice and will not refuse to help. Taurus, without hesitation, will help out with money and things. As a rule, friendship with him is struck for many years. Taurus values \u200b\u200bfriendship and are able to do everything in their power to keep it alive. Best friends are Pisces, Cancers, Capricorns.

Twins. They are fickle and rarely attached to people. They are more interested in literature, travel, give all their attention and time to hobbies. Often they simply do not have the time and desire for friendship. But the only friend will not be bored. Aries, Libra, Aquarius are suitable for communication.

Crayfish. The most generous friend. He will always come to the rescue, but he demands the same from friends. As a rule, he discusses his problems with comrades, and shares joyful moments in life with strangers. Those who want to make friends with them should remember that they are the most sincere, but rather closed people. Lions, Virgo, Pisces will do.

A lion. He has a lot of arrogance and selfishness. He is flattered by the attention. Leo can forgive a lot, but he will harbor resentment and will not forget. He makes a lot of demands on his friends. Only an erudite person with a good sense of humor will be a friend. Gemini, Aries, Scorpions will do.

Virgo. Surround a friend with care and attention. He will always give good advice, help in any household chores. Often he is very attentive to any trifles and is not averse to pointing out flaws. Taurus, Capricorns, Cancers will become comfortable.

Libra. People are frank and always speaking the truth in the face. They value friendship and value it. Forgiving, accepting people for who they are. Much is generously forgiven. Gemini, Leo, Aquarius will do.

Scorpio. A born critic. It's hard to really make friends with him. But he will become a loyal and reliable companion. Betrayal or treason will not be forgiven and can become an implacable enemy. It is better to choose Virgo, Capricorn, Aries as companions.

Sagittarius. A comrade with whom it will always be interesting and fun. They are reliable and resourceful people. They know how to solve any problem. They say about them: "you can go on reconnaissance with him." Suitable for Aries, Gemini, Leo.

Capricorn. Closed, "case man". She trusts almost no one with her secrets and experiences, she does not flaunt her feelings. But if required, he will gladly provide assistance with advice or deed. With a few, but real friends, he maintains relationships throughout his life. Compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

Aquarius. The "guy-shirt" knows how to be friends and truly values \u200b\u200bit.

But a strong friendship will only be with one or two comrades. One of the first to come to the rescue in difficult times. Aquarius is comfortable with Gemini, Sagittarius.

Fish. They always try to create strong friendships for years to come. They strive to win their comrade's boundless trust. A spiritual connection is important to Pisces. They are open and sincere comrades. They will not forgive betrayal and lies. Vulnerable and touchy. Pisces will be comfortable with Cancer, Leo, Capricorn.

Representatives of all zodiac signs have different temperaments and character traits. But that shouldn't stop people from building long and lasting relationships. If it is easy and comfortable with a friend, then his sign does not matter.

Is a friend recognized in a horoscope? Or is it checked against a star chart? Or maybe from time to time falls into an eclipse? Or obscures itself from Mercury retrograde?


With representatives of this zodiac, without exaggeration, everyone wants to be friends. Their exceptional talent and open heart make them loyal and empathetic companions for almost any sign. If we talk about their own preferences, Libra is most comfortable next to Aquarius and Gemini. Leo, although a heavy character (he constantly strives to take patronage and dominate over you), often inspires creativity. And if life has acquired a bland shade and you want to add a reasonable spice to it, enlist the support of Aries. But the stubbornness of Capricorns and the aggression of Scorpios are difficult for even such balanced individuals as you are.


Rhetorical question: is there a person in the environment of Scorpios (and indeed on the planet) who will be 100% consistent with their idea of \u200b\u200ba perfect friend? Probably not. In the absence of such an ideal, he most likely surrounds himself with Cancers and Pisces, relying solely on his own intuition in this choice. These stellar representatives seem to them the most intelligent. For his part, Scorpio respects and accepts the authority of Lions, and, one way or another, falls under the influence of their charisma. Aquarians guarantee some semblance of stability, so you accept their society favorably. Once they undermine your trust, Gemini will lose your affection forever. Be on the lookout!


The most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac, and those around him sincerely admire his independence. In turn, you value your friends who do not impose their society on you and do not pester you with questions at those moments when you least want to explain something. Confident Aries and Leos understand this best. Virgo helps you channel your energy towards something productive - friendships usually start at work, but they can go beyond the boundaries of the work schedule. But Capricorn may be too hard for your temperament by nature.


No one is alone? Capricorn is not at all sure about this. It seems that only when they are alone with themselves they find harmony. They have many acquaintances, they are constantly surrounded by attention, but Capricorns are able to name very few true friends. As a rule, the necessary level of trust is won by "brothers in mind" - Virgo and Taurus. It is they who soften the most severe manifestations of Capricorn's character, persuade them to make compromises and do not allow them to become a lone tyrant. In those rare moments when you want to be surrounded with care and attention, turn to Cancers, they will give you a feeling of "home", almost like family members. But Libra and Aries should beware of you, with representatives of these signs Capricorns are the most merciless.


With Aquarius, only those who will not be embarrassed by the original, not to say the eccentric character and lifestyle of the representatives of this sign, can find common ground. The easiest way to act extravagant is understanding Libra and curious Gemini, they can make you cheerful company and, if need be, bring you back to earth. Loyal companions are consistent Scorpios who inspire admiration and respect in you. At work, a great partnership develops with Cancers. But overly serious Virgo and Capricorn have absolutely nothing in common with you.


Pisces, be vigilant and choose your friends extremely carefully: the peculiarity of your sign is that you, like a sponge, absorb absolutely all the energy that surrounds you. Cancer and Scorpio will be safe companions, they share your emotional vulnerability; the idealist Sagittarius is close to your creative impulses. You yourself sincerely admire Aries' thirst for adventure and are ready to accompany them on their travels. You are annoyed by the inability of Taurus to keep secrets and the inconsistency of Gemini.

Each person puts his own individual meaning into the concept of friendship. People who have similar values \u200b\u200band a kindred understanding of friendship as such are always attracted to each other. Interest and trust in a friend goes through a difficult path of strength tests, and only the end of this path marks the beginning of another, more complex relationship - friendship.

The duration of a stable and harmonious relationship depends not only on mutual affection and common interests, but also on conflicting aspects of the character of both parties. It is impossible to find out in advance whether a friendship is doomed to failure. However, astrology helps to discern some common features in the nature of the signs of the zodiac. Such knowledge will become parting words, but not prejudice, and will help determine compatibility in friendship.

Friendship and the influence of the elements

Friendship between the signs of the zodiac first of all is tied on the basis of common elements. Such a relationship begins simply, as if by itself. Affection comes quickly and easily.

Friendship of earth signs will be measured, but solid. Signs of the Earth are practices by nature. They expect stability and real, tangible participation in their own lives. Always remaining grateful, Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn repay the same, never forgetting about their friends.

Watermarks don't require extra words. Heartfelt and emotional, in each other they find that sensual understanding that they need in order to stay in harmony with themselves.

Two lights - flashing twice as bright. Active, full-fledged personalities, they complement and inspire each other for common activities. Such signs rest and have fun with pleasure. The complexity of this friendship is in innate leadership. You need to learn to control yourself and focus on the general, non-conflict sides of the character.

The air, light and free, endowed its signs with the best of abilities - the ability to be friends. Oriented towards the future, always ready to start something new together, life-loving and sociable - they are calm next to each other. With a well-developed sense of independence for air signs, the main thing is not to move away from each other and not get bored.

Air and Earth: learning to be friends

More complex and interesting is how the zodiac signs of different elements are friends. It is generally accepted that the greatest compatibility have the pairs Fire and Air, as well as Water and Earth.

But Virgo and Libra are not so harmonious tandem. The Earth's need for stability can be burdened by windy Air, which will not be able to carry it along. However, the compatibility of these zodiac signs in friendship is not uncommon.

Virgo is a practical person, she tries to stand firmly on the ground. She is attracted by the prospect of building stable friendships. Libra gravitates towards change. Too persistent persons can undermine the Virgo's trust with their disrespect for her efforts and care. It is necessary to learn to be friends, no one can avoid this.

In specific relationships, it is desirable to focus on intellectual work. Libra and Virgo are often united together precisely through the desire for knowledge. They can successfully work on a common project, simply study subjects and then share their opinions with each other. For them, conversations and reasoning are important. Nevertheless, Virgo, being quite critical, should show loyalty in time and not exert undue pressure.

Libras are born aesthetes. Their unshakable confidence in their sense of style is easily offended, but Virgo handles these situations well. She also loves beautiful things and is able to listen to the opinion of her friend. In the area of \u200b\u200ba sense of beauty, such zodiac friends will find a lot in common. It will be interesting for them to go together to exhibitions, discuss cultural trends and fashion.

Virgo is a rational person and loves to create an environment from people like themselves. Libra stands out slightly from the usual circle, however, Virgo is interested in their perfectionism.

If Libra and Virgo are versatile people, they can make good friends. Having a craving for the constant development and mastering of new disciplines, Libra will be able, if not to involve Virgo in their studies, just to interest them. Here, Virgo will act as an observer and a true connoisseur.

With regard to leisure activities related to entertainment, it should be remembered that Libra tends to let go of their finances, unlike Virgo, who stands up for their accumulation. Most likely, she will try to control her friend and thereby deprive him of some pleasure.

The following will help to build a friendship for Virgo and Libra correctly:

  • Virgo should adapt innate perseverance, appropriately showing it in an unobtrusive form;
  • Also, Virgo can learn to use their own perseverance for the common good of joint affairs;
  • Libras have a good prospect of encouraging their friend to be active in endeavors, acting gradually and patiently;
  • Having learned in time to calm down the feeling of their own infallibility and constant craving for change, Libra will be able to take an example from Virgo in terms of everyday life.

However, there are many Libra-Virgo couples who carry their friendship over the years, and it is not a burden to them. This means that such people have long gone through the initial obstacles, found out all their conflicting sides, reconciled with many and, most likely, fundamentally influenced each other's personalities. Are Virgo and Libra best friends? Why not. How often friendship is characterized not by common interests and values \u200b\u200bthat are easy to notice in a person, but by other, not similar to your own, character traits with which you learn to live and be friends.

Many people find that some people are easier for them to contact than others. Sometimes both interlocutors feel sympathy for each other, but they fail to establish a connection. This problem can be explained by the compatibility of the zodiac signs in friendship.

How to determine astrological compatibility

According to classical astrology, signs from different elements are well combined, provided that they help each other to develop, as well as people of the same zodiac.

By the elements

You can identify signs with high compatibility by comparing their elements. In nature, water feeds the earth, and air helps the flame ignite. Signs that are influenced by the elements have their properties and can find a common language.

The elements Water-Fire, Earth-Fire and Earth-Air will have a bad combination. They are considered opposing, in order for them to get along in any area of \u200b\u200brelations, they will have to look for compromises.

By numerological calculation

A more complex method is based on numerology. Compatibility is calculated by date of birth. Use a special calculator to find out first your destiny number, and then your friend or girlfriend.

The result will tell you what kind of friend you are.

1 - strong, but difficult people, they have few friends, but they are time-tested and common difficulties. ...

6 - ringleaders and party-goers, they have many friends, and they may not have close friends at all, but this does not bring them suffering. ...

According to a special table

You can also use a special table to determine compatibility.

What is every sign in friendship

With the help of horoscopes, a person can find out how easy it will be to establish a friendship between two different people. It is important to understand general principles compatibility to figure out which pairs are more suitable for each other.


Aries are distinguished by their sincerity and openness in friendship. They are not always tactful, but they will not ask questions about the secret.

However, Aries cannot be called attentive. They sometimes do not notice that a person is depressed. This is due to some egocentrism: the person of the sign is sure that next to him others should feel happier and forget about problems.

If a friend himself does not share his experiences with Aries, he will remain calm and cheerful, not noticing other people's problems. But when a friend tells him about his hardships, he will take his side and try to help.

Aries needs to constantly show their leadership qualities, but it is difficult for his comrades to constantly endure such a desire of their friend. You should also not abuse a friend's trust and seek his help without a good reason.

Aries is always sure that he is right, so he reacts sharply to teachings. To save a good relationship with this sign, you should accept it by anyone, without trying to remake it. It is important for him that a friend shares his point of view.

Also, Aries does not tolerate lies and does not hide his opinion. However, when his words hurt someone, he will immediately apologize. But if he realizes that he is being manipulated or the relationship is maintained only for selfish motives, he will immediately stop them.

In friendship, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries are well suited to him.


The main advantages of Taurus as friends are that they are reliable comrades, loved ones are always drawn to them. Vulnerable and quivering people especially need their company, they easily feel next to a calm and confident Taurus. He is looking for a society of creative people with extraordinary views.

Many people like to call Taurus their friend, without being interested in his opinion. But he is in no hurry to open up to others. This is always a very distrustful person, it is difficult to establish a strong relationship with him.

If Taurus has recognized someone as his friend, that person can safely count on him. This sign is always ready to give advice or help financially. But if a person wants his friendship with Taurus not to end, you should be more patient and not try to prove your case at any cost.

Taurus love long sincere conversations with family. They feel uncomfortable around overly emotional individuals.

There is one drawback in friendship with this sign - jealousy. Taurus is able to consider a person as his property and will not tolerate competition.

In friendship, Cancer, Scorpio and Virgo are most suitable for him.

The sign of the air element Gemini is loved for good communication skills and easy character. Gemini love to listen to others, show flexibility in communication, easily find an approach to any person. They value intelligence and choose erudite friends.

Gemini is a very sociable person, has a large number of acquaintances. But despite this, the person of this sign has only a couple of close friends whom he can fully confide in.

Winning a Gemini's affection requires accepting their desire to be the center of attention and eye-catching glances. The virtue of this zodiac is selflessness. They often form friendships with calm, humble people, helping them to release their constraints.

Friendly compatibility will be good with Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.


People under the constellation Cancer are considered secretive, they like to reflect. They will always support their friends, but meeting new people is difficult for them.

Such a person is happy and calm next to people he knows with kindergarten... This sign values \u200b\u200bmemories very much, and nostalgia becomes a good breeding ground for warm relationships.

Cancer friends don't like to hear a lot of complaints. The water sign likes to exaggerate, so he has few friends, but they have a lot of patience. If these people are loyal to him, Cancer will also remain loyal to them.

A good Cancer trait is hospitality and patience. He is ready to help financially and morally. But the downside is that Cancer always wants to take the lead in relationships.

Friendly compatibility is high with Scorpio and Taurus.

a lion

A person under the constellation Leo seeks to make friends with popular people who have good acquaintances and connections. Simultaneously in friendships and love relationship Leo wants to dominate.

To make communication with him pleasant, it is important to follow one rule: Leo does not accept criticism, especially if the statement of claims occurs in the presence of other people. This quality is more manifested in men than in girls. Also, they do not like slowness, tightness and passivity.

Libra, Scorpio and Gemini are suitable for Leo in friendship.


People born under the sign of Virgo are always very careful with strangers. They are able to notice flaws even in the closest ones, because of this, Virgos never have many friends.

Distinctive character traits of this sign:

  • energy;
  • love of change;
  • willingness to provide support in any situation.

Virgo is a good advisor, she is able to push a person to the right thoughts and, if necessary, explain all the details of her decision. It is also a good companion for attending various events. In life, he is calm and secretive, but watching a movie can cause a lot of emotions in a person.

The compatibility of the zodiac signs in friendship will be high in Virgo with Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.


People under the zodiac sign Libra are among the most charming and open to others. They quickly gain trust and loyalty. Although such a person can become a good friend, affection and soulfulness for him are in second place.

He always evaluates people rationally. Friendship with him also has a rational business character.

The main positive traits given sign:

  • at any time he will postpone his affairs if his friend has a trouble and he needs help;
  • know how to calm others during life's difficulties;
  • do not burden them with their problems.

In friendship, Taurus, Scorpio suits them well. Leo and Libra are well compatible. To achieve what they want, Libra will use their charisma and charm to the maximum. They don't like to pretend, but there is always personal benefit in the relationship between Libra and other signs.


One of the most difficult and hot-tempered characters is Scorpio. Friendly relations tied to it is not easy and even harder to maintain. It is important that friends do not challenge his leadership and incontinence.

The person who is next to the Scorpio should be calm and balance his companion, so they will be able to avoid quarrels. If a friend meets such requirements, this zodiac will become a good friend for him.

Scorpios value loyalty and are ready to do anything for their loved ones. Friendly compatibility is high with Cancer, Taurus and Capricorn.


People around them appreciate the care and attentiveness of Sagittarius, but excessive frankness and familiarity cause misunderstanding with loved ones. This trait is more evident in girls.

A Sagittarius always tells his friends the truth, even if he knows it will be unpleasant. His loved ones should come to terms with this quality. If in response they are also frank, they will grow in the eyes of Sagittarius.

In friendship, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius are suitable.


Representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign prefer to be among people with a certain power and influence. But he shares the concept of friendship and the desire to bond with strong personalities.

Capricorns are loners who rarely have more than one close friend. Relatives can entrust him with their secrets without worrying about their safety. Even in the most difficult situation, he will not reproach. Such a person spares no resources for family and friends.

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