Dairy noodles benefits and harms. Milk noodle soup for a child: useful properties, rules for introducing into the diet, recipes. General cooking principles

Doors 27.09.2020

Probably every mother knows the recipe for milk soup. But does everyone get it right the first time? Which milk is better to choose? What and how much pasta should you add so that the soup is not too thick? How long to cook? Today we will try to find answers to all these questions.

General cooking principles

You can cook soup with regular store noodles or homemade noodles. It is better to choose high-quality pasta, preferably from durum flour - these will not fall apart during cooking and will not turn into a sticky porridge. You can buy the usual fine vermicelli or super-thin, the so-called "cobweb", which is prepared literally in a matter of seconds.

Milk is suitable for standardized 2.5% and 3.2%, which is sold in packages. You can use it whole, but only diluted in water. Baked milk is also suitable, which can be purchased in the store or melted yourself at home. Here it is important to pay attention to the fat content of milk. The higher the fat percentage, the more caloric the soup will be. Very fatty store milk, and even more so homemade milk, must be diluted with water, especially if you are preparing baby soup.

Correct proportions

In order for the soup with noodles, cooked in milk, to turn out tasty and tender, you need to correctly calculate the proportions. The soup should not be too thick. Therefore, you need to add just as much pasta as indicated in the recipe. You can pour a little less, but not more, since during cooking the dough swells greatly, absorbs liquid and increases in volume. The optimal amount of vermicelli for milk soup is 0.5 cups (volume 200 ml) per 1 liter of milk.

    1. Choose the right dishes. To avoid burning, it is best to cook in a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and always over low heat.
    1. Do not burn milk. To avoid burning anything, do not move far from the pan. Stir constantly as you cook. Whole milk burns most often, therefore, to prepare milk soups with noodles, it must be diluted with water. You can also use this trick: first pour cold water into the bottom of the pan, and only then add milk in a thin stream.
    1. Pour vermicelli only into boiling liquid. There are several ways to prepare dairy soups, but the general rule is that pasta should only be dipped in bubbling milk, stirring continuously so that the vermicelli do not clump and stick together.
    1. Make sure the pasta is not overcooked. As a rule, noodles are prepared very quickly, a little over a minute. Therefore, you can remove the soup from the stove almost immediately after boiling, as soon as the vermicelli is half cooked. While the soup cools down, it will absorb some of the hot liquid, become softer and will not boil over.
    1. If you like thick milk soup, like jelly, add a little starch to it (for 1 liter of milk - 0.5 tsp). To do this, dissolve the starch separately in a cup of cold milk, pour in at the very end of cooking, 2-3 minutes until cooked, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Some housewives cannot boil the vermicelli in milk, it remains raw and hard, and the milk burns. What to do in this case? The problem can be solved simply. Cook the noodles in boiling salted water like regular pasta until cooked, following the instructions on the package. Then discard in a colander so that all the liquid is glass, and immediately add to boiling milk, boil the soup and remove from heat.


  • milk - 400 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • vermicelli - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 chips.
  • butter - 1 tsp.
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife - optional

Total cooking time: 10 minutes / Cooking time: 5 minutes / Yield: 2 servings


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    The technology is very simple. I use a non-stick thick bottom dipper. I pour cold water into it first, and then milk. If you have store-bought milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you do not need to dilute it, but only rinse the ladle with water. I definitely dilute whole and very fatty ones, then the soup will turn out to be more tender and will not burn.

    I put the ladle on the stove, on the smallest fire. Stir constantly so that it does not burn and run away. As soon as the milk heats up, I send a piece of butter there, let it dissolve. Of course, you can add oil at the very end or even exclude it from the list of ingredients if cooking for babies.

    Patiently I bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, I add salt - just 1-2 tiny pinches will greatly improve the taste of the soup. Immediately add granulated sugar, as well as vanillin on the tip of a knife for a pleasant aroma. If you have durum flour vermicelli, then sugar can be added at the very end of cooking, then the soup will definitely not burn.

    I pour the vermicelli into the boiling milk, slowly and gently, stirring the soup so that it does not stick together and one lump does not form. I measure the rate of pasta in handfuls. For 500 ml of liquid I take 1 large handful, from the heart, this is about 50 grams.

    I continue to cook over low heat, stirring, for no more than 1 minute. It all depends on the type of pasta. If you have a "Spider Web", then remove from the stove immediately after boiling, cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes, it will evaporate on its own. Hard varieties need to be boiled a little longer and tasted "by the mouth", inside the vermicelli should be soft, but not overcooked. Keep in mind that it will swell in hot liquid and still reach condition.

Once the soup has cooled slightly, pour it into bowls. The soup is delicious, be prepared for the kids to ask for more! The amount of sugar can be adjusted or honey can be added instead. Bon Appetit!

There are many soups that are prepared with milk - fruit, vegetable, mushroom. But the variety with noodles fell in love with what many people associate with childhood - after all, such a milk soup was served to us in kindergarten. And they did it for a reason - it is useful for everyone, since it gently envelops the intestinal walls, improves digestion and carries a whole set of useful microelements.

Few people know what an entrenched dish on our table, like milk soup with noodles, appeared in Italy. It happened in the 16th century at the height of the war between Catholics and Protestants. The latter prepared on the eve of the decisive battle a huge cauldron of milk soup - of course, with noodles, because it was in Italy. The Catholics were so captivated by the aroma that they, without thinking twice, went to conclude a truce in order to taste a wonderful dish.

You can make fun of this story as much as you want, but you can't help but agree that milk soup is really the dish that can drive you crazy with its aroma.

This soup is used both hot and cold - here everything is decided by personal preferences. And milk can be used not only liquid, but also dry. It must be diluted with water, keeping the proportions: 150 gr. powder per 1 liter of liquid. If you want to make a sweet milk soup, condensed milk is also suitable. It also needs to be diluted with water: a glass of water is required for 2 tablespoons of condensed milk.

The total cooking time is 15-30 minutes.

Milk soup with rice

Rice makes the noodle soup more nutritious. One plate of this soup for lunch will allow you to do without a second course.


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of rice;
  • 150 gr. noodles;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • 10 gr. Sahara.


  1. Boil the rice beforehand - no need to salt the water.
  2. Boil the milk. Dip the noodles into it.
  3. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Add rice, sugar.
  5. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  1. Pour the soup into bowls, adding a small piece of butter to each.


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • butter - piece by piece before serving;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.


  1. Pour flour on a wooden board. Make a depression in the slide, pour the egg into it.
  2. Season with a little salt. Add water in a thin stream - a total of half a glass should go.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll it out thinly, sprinkle with flour on top and cut into strips of 5 cm.
  5. Place one strip of dough under the other and cut them into noodles.
  6. Spread out on parchment to dry.
  7. Boil the milk. Add noodles.
  8. Cook for 20 minutes. Add sugar and some salt.

Milk soup with dumplings

Potato dumplings are suitable for milk soup. True, this soup is best eaten hot.


  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 g vermicelli;
  • sugar, salt.


  1. Grate the potatoes. Add flour and eggs to it. Mix well.
  2. You can boil the dumplings in advance in water - for this, tear off small lumps from the total mass and form balls. Dip each in boiling water and take out after 10-15 seconds.
  3. Dumplings can be cooked according to the same principle, but immediately in milk.
  4. Add noodles, sugar and salt to the dumplings soup and cook for 15 minutes.

Milk soup with egg

The egg adds thickness to the dish. The number of eggs can be increased if desired.


  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 150 gr. vermicelli;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • toast.


  1. Beat the egg.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil.
  3. Introduce the egg into the soup in a thin stream.
  4. Add the vermicelli.
  5. Add sugar and salt.
  6. Cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Serve the soup with croutons and butter.

It is very easy to make milk soup in a multicooker - all the necessary components are put into the bowl of the device and set to the “Soup” mode. Cooking time is 20 minutes.

Milk soup has an indisputable number of advantages, for which it is loved and appreciated by representatives of three or four generations of a huge friendly family, where at least once a week this nutritious dish is present on the table.


    Milk, water, chopped almonds, corn flour, thick cream, salt.


  • Calories - kcal
  • Cholesterol - mg
  • Fiber - g
  • Carbohydrates - 65.3 g
  • Fat - 11.2 g
  • Proteins - 4.4 g


It has an indisputable number of advantages, for which it is loved and appreciated by representatives of three or four generations of a huge friendly family, where at least once a week this nutritious dish is present on the table. Because milk soup becomes almost the first acceptable and recommended food after the completion of the period of breastfeeding of the baby, and is also the key to high immunity of the schoolchild, a fruitful work day for parents and, of course, cleanses the body of the elderly.

However, it should be noted right away that milk soup (or rather, its main ingredient) is a fairly common allergen. Therefore, people prone to bronchial asthma should exclude milk soup from their menu. Milk soup should also rarely appear in the diet of urologist patients diagnosed with urolithiasis, because sufficiently fatty milk, which is also contraindicated in atherosclerosis (this ailment is more typical for elderly people), promotes the formation of phosphate stones.

In other cases, milk soup is extremely beneficial, since its main component has a unique composition in the form of over 20 vitamins (primarily groups B, A, D, E, K), has 22 amino acids (especially tryptophan and phenylalanine, methionine and lysine , citric, hydrochloric and other acids), as well as 30 irreplaceable mineral salts (including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, fluorine, cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, bromine, silicon, etc. ). If we talk about dietary properties, then milk soup is prescribed for all dreamers to naturally reduce excess body weight due to the content of easily digestible protein of animal origin, which consists of unique substances: albumin, globulin, casein (do not allow the development of diabetes, oncology and tuberculosis).

More recently, it became known that it is milk and dishes made from it (including milk soup) that activate the reproductive function of the body and qualitatively remove toxins and radionuclides, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, due to the presence of lactose (milk sugar), milk soup significantly lowers sugar levels and increases hemoglobin.

In general, milk, which has antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, used for breakfast (this can be milk soup, fruit and berry cocktail, etc.) is recognized as a guarantee of excellent health, good mood and fruitful activity for the whole day. Because in this case you will definitely forget about osteoporosis, hypertension, intestinal problems and colds. So try to prepare an invigorating and invigorating milk soup for yourself and your loved ones, especially since it is very fast, cheap and easy!

So, to make milk soup, it is enough to have the following products: milk (1 l), water (1 glass), chopped almonds (1 glass), corn flour (1 tablespoon), thick cream (1 glass), salt, pepper ground black (to taste).

Milk soup begins with the fact that milk is diluted with water and heated. Then add chopped almonds and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile, you should dilute cornmeal in a little milk and add to boiling milk, salt and pepper.

It is customary to pour cream into the finished milk soup shortly before serving and decorate with chopped almonds.

Broths, soups and, in general, first courses take pride of place on our table. Many soups such as borscht, cabbage soup, okroshka are known in many countries of our planet, and most of them can be found in the restaurant menu.

But a special place in this category of dishes is occupied by milk soup with noodles, which mothers and grandmothers fed us in childhood. Many of us did not like it, and refused to eat, but if you cook it correctly, add delicious ingredients, then the dish will turn out not only very satisfying and tasty, but also incredibly useful for the digestive system of our body.

A few words about the dangers and benefits of milk noodle soup

There is no unequivocal opinion on the question whether this dish is beneficial or can harm - at the moment, there is no. The only thing that even nutritionists agree with is that milk soup is very quickly absorbed by the body, which means that a feeling of fullness immediately comes.

For example, warm vegetarian soup with the addition of milk helps to normalize blood pressure, quickly restores the correct ratio of fluid in the body. And tender creamy soups-puree are light and nutritious, suitable for baby, diet food, as well as for those who follow a diet and play sports.

A negative point is the fact that it is impossible to combine dairy dishes with meat ingredients - long cooking destroys all useful micro and macro elements in the dish, and together with milk and the liver cannot cope with the processing of meat products, which increases the load on the organ.

Let's make simple conclusions - milk soups should be light and vegetarian, with a lot of vegetables, herbs and aromatic spices.

It is not at all necessary to cook milk soup with noodles in whole milk; for cooking it can be diluted with water. Store-bought or home-made baked milk is also good.

The higher the fat content of the milk, the more high-calorie the finished dish will be. The most optimal product is 3.2%, and even this milk is recommended to be diluted with boiled water. And if it is a natural product, literally from a goat or a cow, then it must be bred, especially for baby food.

As for the vermicelli, it must be chosen from varieties of durum wheat, thin, which is cooked literally one minute in a boiling liquid. Such vermicelli will not boil down, and the soup will not turn into an incomprehensible frozen mass.

Milk soup with noodles should be liquid. Therefore, it is not worth adding pasta in large quantities, exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. While the noodles are cooking, the soup must be stirred continuously so that the pasta does not stick together and does not turn into a large lump.

Pumpkin milk soup with noodles

Time for preparing

calorie content per 100 grams

Delicate soup, with a slightly sweet taste and bright orange color, will surely please you and your family members.

How to make milk soup:

This soup is ideal for a family breakfast or for baby food. Cinnamon, which is not loved by everyone, can be successfully replaced with vanilla sugar or extract.

How to cook:

  1. If there is no small vermicelli in the kitchen stocks, then you can use medium-sized horns or break the spaghetti into small pieces. Dip the vermicelli in boiling milk, stir, reduce heat, and cook for 2 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly;
  2. Add all the spices and seasonings to the soup, mix. Cut the cheese into very small pieces and add it to the pan;
  3. Stir, cover and let stand for just a few minutes so that the noodles have time to swell and be saturated with aromas;
  4. Pour the soup into bowls, season with butter and honey, and invite everyone to the table.

An easy-to-prepare, hearty meal that can be cooked in a few minutes during the week, or included in a fast.

Time for cooking soup is 20 minutes.

Calories per serving - 86 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater. Heat the butter in a saucepan in which the soup will be prepared, so that it does not burn, you can add st. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Add carrots and fry until golden;
  2. Squeeze one clove of garlic through a press, and simmer until the roots are soft;
  3. Grate potatoes on a coarse grater and rinse from starch. Squeeze and add to roasted vegetables;
  4. Stir, pour milk over everything, add noodles and spices and cook over low heat so that the soup barely gurgles for 3-5 minutes, until vegetables and noodles are cooked;
  5. Turn off the heat, squeeze out another clove of garlic, add chopped herbs and cover the pan with a lid, let the dish brew.

Milk soup with noodles and mushrooms in baked milk

To surprise and delight your family members, you can cook milk soup with baked milk and add mushrooms to it.

Time for cooking soup is 45 minutes.

Calories per serving - 132 calories.

How to make milk noodles soup:

  1. Any kind of mushroom will work, both dry and frozen, but it is best to use a mixture of dry and fresh mushrooms. But it is worth abandoning a canned product, if vinegar is present in it, then the milk will curdle, and there is little taste in such mushrooms;
  2. Pour baked milk into a saucepan and leave on the stove. While it is boiling, peel and dice the potatoes and grated carrots (you can pre-fry them if you wish). Add to milk and make medium heat, add a little salt and add coarsely ground black pepper;
  3. Steam dry mushrooms in hot water, then remove, do not pour out the water. Fry dry chopped mushrooms in a small amount of oil, add chopped champignons to them, garlic squeezed through a press. Fry until golden brown and the liquid has completely evaporated;
  4. Transfer the mushrooms to the soup, pour the broth left after soaking the dried mushrooms without sediment, salt the soup and season with spices;
  5. As soon as the vegetables in the soup become soft, add the vermicelli, pour in the cream, the soup should thicken;
  6. Pour fresh herbs, darken for some time on the stove with the fire off under the lid and serve.

Tip: Instead of heavy cream, you can use a teaspoon of starch to thicken the soup. Before adding it to the soup, it is worth diluting the powder in a little water (cold).

  1. You don't have to buy it ready-made in a store to make a soup with baked milk. It is quite possible to cook it at home, it is enough to boil milk and pour it into a thermos, for 6 hours, or even better for the whole night;
  2. Potatoes are a very unhealthy product and don't always agree to quick cooking. When in doubt, boil the potato cubes or slices separately until half cooked in slightly salted water. After that, it is enough to drain it and lower it into boiling milk;
  3. Milk can be used not only from cow, but also from goat. The benefits of such a soup will be much greater, but you should not boil the soup too much when cooking. He should languish and barely gurgle;
  4. It is imperative to cook such a first dish in a saucepan with a thick bottom, and always on low heat - from a long heat treatment at the bottom of the pan, the milk may burn. For the same reasons, it is worth breeding whole or homemade milk;
  5. In a regular milk soup with noodles, without adding vegetables, you can add a little dried fruits, candied fruits or berries when serving;
  6. If the soup turned out to be liquid, do not worry, the vermicelli will swell overnight in the refrigerator, and the dish will acquire a normal consistency.

As you can see, milk and noodles can be used to prepare a lot of delicious and healthy dishes in order to have a delicious lunch surrounded by family and friends.

The full nutrition of the baby includes vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products. His menu should be varied and balanced. Various soups are good. They can be in vegetable broths or milk.

Each of us remembers the taste of milk soup with noodles that our mothers and grandmothers fed us with. This is the classic version of the milk soup. Also, milk soups are prepared with the addition of various cereals: rice or buckwheat, there are even options for recipes for vegetable milk soups.

Benefits of milk soup for a child

  • Milk soup is rich in protein and vitamins, contains useful minerals. This dish is low in calories and is well absorbed by the child's body.
  • Milk-based dishes have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and stomach, improve vision and remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating puffiness. Milk contains a lot of calciumessential for healthy teeth and bones, it rich in iodine, potassium, vitamins D, A and group B.
  • Milk has a gentle effect on the stomach, forming a protective film on its walls, and neutralizes the aggressive effects of gastric juice.
  • Cow's milk contains lactose - milk sugar, which is an excellent source of energy and a stimulant of the nervous system, participates in metabolic processes and is in a healthy intestinal microflora.

However, about 20% of people are lactose intolerant. Modern industry produces lactose-free milk, you can also prepare milk soups with goat milk, the lactose content of which is much lower than in cow's milk.

  • How to cook milk soup? All milk soups for children are prepared in the same way. The basis of the soup - vegetables, noodles or cereals - is steamed or boiled until tender. The base is added to the boiling milk, the heat is reduced and the dish is simmered for another 10-15 minutes. To improve the taste of the soup, butter, sugar, salt, fruit, and jam are added to it.
  • This is a complex multicomponent dish, so the mother must be sure that all its components are well tolerated by the baby and do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Milk soup is prepared at one time and is not stored. If you choose vermicelli or pasta as a base, then storage will soften and lose their shape.
  • Any flavoring additives: salt, sugar, jam, fruits or berries are selected by the mother, based on the baby's taste preferences. If your child does not eat salt, sugar, jam, has any berries or fruits, then do not add them to the soup.
  • The consistency of the dish will allow babies from a year to cope with it. Milk soup can be an option for breakfast or a first course for lunch.

Milk soup recipe

Since there are many variations on the theme of milk soup, here are some of the more popular types.

Milk soup with noodles or pasta

To prepare such a soup, take a spider web vermicelli for the little ones: it will be easier to chew, and for children from 2 years old - any pasta.

You will need

  • vermicelli or pasta - 90-100 grams;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • salt - 2-3 grams;
  • milk - 1500 ml;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • sugar to taste.

Milk vegetable soup

This is a soup for vegetable lovers. It tastes good and is very beautiful.

You will need

  • half a small carrot;
  • one medium potato;
  • pumpkin - 15 grams;
  • cauliflower - 4-5 inflorescences;
  • broccoli - 4-5 inflorescences;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt to taste
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 100 ml.

How to cook milk soup for a child - video

It only takes 25 minutes to prepare milk rice soup in a multicooker. For a detailed recipe, see the video.

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