Where the examinations in the Russian language are checked. How to check the composition of the exam in the Russian language

Ladders and railings 06.08.2020

No less than the USE results themselves, participants in the unified state exam are interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually it goes to check exam papers, approve results and announce them. 8-12 days... Let's take a closer look at what this time is spent on.

After completing the exam, the USE forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RCCI).

  • The processing of the results of the compulsory USE in the Russian language and mathematics in the RCIO should not exceed 6 calendar days after testing. During this time, specialists will scan the USE forms, check the information entered in the forms, and subject commissions will evaluate the answers to the tasks with a detailed answer.
  • Checking the USE results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, english language, german, french and spanish) must complete no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant exam.

After completing the examination of the exam results in the regional information processing centers, the work is sent for a centralized examination. It ends no later than in 5 working days from the moment of receipt of works.

Then during 1 working day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. During the next 1-3 days the exam results become known to the USE participants.

Usually, the announcement of the USE results occurs 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's make a couple of simple calculations. To the official date of the Unified State Exam-2018, we will add the number of days spent on processing and sending the Unified State Exam results to the regions. We get approximate dates of the announcement of the results of the exam-2018 , passed in the main terms:

  • Geography: no later than June 8
  • Informatics and ICT: no later than June 8
  • Mathematics (basic level):no later than June 13
  • Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15
  • History: no later than June 18
  • Chemistry: no later than June 18
  • Russian language: no later than June 20
  • Foreign language ( oral part): no later than June 23
  • Social science: no later than June 24
  • Biology:no later than June 29
  • Foreign language: no later than June 29
  • Physics:no later than June 30
  • Literature: no later than June 30

Approximate dates for the announcement of the results of the Unified State Exam-2018 reserve days:

  • Informatics and ICT, geographyno later than July 3
  • Maths:no later than July 6
  • Russian language: no later than July 7
  • Foreign languages, biology,history,social science, chemistry: no later than July 7
  • Literature, fmzmka:no later than July 8
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral): no later than July 10

In regions with hard-to-reach and remote territories uSE results may be announced later. At the same time, the period for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selected subjects - 9 days... However, usually the results become known even before these dates.

The Unified State Exam is called the final state certification, which, as a rule, is carried out according to programs of general secondary education. The check is carried out officially in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This is a written exam, which is taken in Russian, with the only exception being the “Speaking” section of the foreign language certification. The exam schedule is the same throughout the country. The following categories are eligible to take part in the exam:

  • school graduates, including those of previous years;
  • students who receive specialized education;
  • students of foreign educational institutions.

The exam is carried out in the following subjects:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Maths.
  3. Social science.
  4. Chemistry.
  5. Physics.
  6. Biology.
  7. History.
  8. Informatics.
  9. Geography.
  10. Literature.
  11. Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, Spanish, French, German)

Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for graduates of the current year. For everyone else, the choice of subjects depends on what specialty they want to choose for admission to the university.

Who checks the work of graduates on the exam

On the exam, graduates gain points for test and detailed answers. In all subjects except basic level mathematics, the exam is evaluated on a 100-point system. There is a generally accepted minimum score that a graduate must achieve in order to pass the exam.

The tasks themselves are divided into three parts:

  • A (choice of an answer from four options);
  • B (short monosyllabic answer, choice of one or more options from the proposed ones);
  • С (tasks requiring a detailed answer).

As far as verification is concerned, the results of Part A and B are verified without any human intervention. Everything is mechanized, they are checked by a computer, scanning and automatically recognizing the correct answers. Therefore, mark as carefully as possible so that the machine does not accidentally count the correct answer for an error.

As for sector C, people are already checking it. For objectivity, two specialists are invited who work independently of each other. Since data is processed by people, there are several nuances:

  1. The points given by the experts coincided, then the score received is set for the task.
  2. The grades differ, but not cardinally, in this case, the average score is given.
  3. It is also possible that the scores differ significantly. In this case, the third expert comes to the rescue. The latter checks the work, but focuses only on those tasks in which the previous reviewers disagreed.

After verification, the forms with grades are scanned and sent to Moscow on the portal of the Unified Testing Center of the Ministry of Education. There, the results of the exam are processed and entered into the database, from where they go to those institutions where graduates passed exams.

It should be borne in mind that the computer processing system is capable of error. For example, part B may have a illegible word, or your pen was poorly written (the ink is too light). In this case, you should not worry. If you see that you were clearly not enough points, you can appeal that you do not agree with the results. But keep in mind that the committee has the right to revise the results both upward and downward, and nothing can be changed, and your scores in the system are tied to your passport data.

The Regional Clearinghouse is responsible for assessing the exam results, so all complaints are directed there. Think twice before filing an appeal, and if you are not sure that the error is precisely in the assessment, then it is better to simply accept the results.

After processing at the Regional Center, the forms are sent to the Federal Testing Center as described above. Here the options of the USE participants are checked with the correct answers.

It is important to know that the exam results are up-to-date and valid for 4 years. And for those who doubt the correctness of the verification of the results, you need to know that the appeal can be filed within 2 working days.

After the regional centers send the results to the Federal Center, it takes about 5 working days to double-check all the forms. But this is not the end. After that, one more working day is still needed for the results to be approved by the State Examination Commission. In the next 3 days, the results are published. You can find out your scores either on the Internet on the portal of the center of grading, or in the place where you wrote the exam. If you live in remote regions, most likely, the results will come with a delay, usually no more than 12 days.

Retaking the exam

There is the possibility of retaking the exam in two main disciplines: Russian and mathematics. But you can write the exam again only in one of the subjects in one year. That is, if you did not score enough points in both subjects, then you will be able to retake only next year. And those graduates who, with the help of an appeal, annul the exam results, also have the right to retake only the next year.

It may happen that the days of writing exams in two subjects fall on one day. In this case, you should not panic, since there are reserve days for delivery.

Applicants are allowed to retake who:

  • failed to show up for change for a good reason. It may be some kind of serious illness (confirmed by a certificate from a medical institution);
  • if the results of the exam were canceled, but only if the mistake was made by the organizers.

Remember that you can only use a black gel pen to write on your exam forms. This is necessary so that there are no problems with scanning your work and for its correct processing. Try to write in calligraphy so that the scanner can read all letters accurately. In the form with assignments, you can write as you want: it is not forbidden to make notes in the margins, make calculations. Points are not deducted for this.

As you get down to writing Part C, don't worry. Even if the topic is very difficult for you, try to write at least something. Since this part is already checked by people, and not by mechanisms, the human factor also matters. The examiner can be caught either condescending or picky. You may get a credit for trying if it shows you really put in the effort.

The processing system of the first two parts is improved every year. New programs, modern equipment, progress does not stand still. The problem remains only with the evaluators evaluating the third part. Alas, a specialist may be caught who carelessly approaches his duties as an examiner of the exam, not fully realizing that someone's fate depends on his work. Time is running and after a while, most likely, everything will be mechanized.

If you follow all the rules for passing the unified state exams, prepare for them properly and approach it responsibly, then there should be no problems with passing and gaining a sufficient number of points. If you did not learn anything and did not prepare in any way, then it is better not to try to criticize the system and try to challenge its rules, all the same it will not work. The system was not created by stupid people who calculated and thought everything over.

In order to get your work checked quickly and there are no controversial points, do not forget about the color of the pen and tips regarding handwriting. If the examiner cannot understand what is written, he will count the wrong answer. A large number of corrections will also not play into the hands, since the grade is lowered for inaccurate work.

The Russian language exam is compulsory for all graduates. Admittedly, for those who need to overcome the minimum barrier, it is not difficult. But if you expect to get a high score, then you need to seriously prepare. Expert Elena Buzina, the leader of the popular group for preparing for the exam in Russian, "I Write One Hundred", told Uchebe.ru about how to do it better.


uSE expert, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

host of the group "VKontakte" "I am writing a hundred"

What, in your opinion, is the biggest difficulty of the Russian language exam?

There are no difficulties in the Russian language exam in the USE format, and this is true. If they do occur, they are easy to overcome. To do this, first, you need to carefully study demo version test, specification and codifier. On the eve of the academic year, all these documents are published on the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). After analyzing them, you need to determine what tasks are causing you difficulties, and start preparing, taking this into account.

The Russian language is the only exam that can serve as a “lifesaver” for those who enroll in prestigious universities. To pass more than 90 points, mathematics is very difficult. Physics, chemistry or biology - even more so. And to pass the Russian language by more than 90 points is quite within the power of anyone who sets such a goal.

But, of course, if you plan to get a high score (from 80 and above), then without systematic repetition, you will hardly be able to pass the exam in Russian, like any other exam.

What topics do you find to be the most challenging?

The most difficult topics are generally known: within three years, since the new USE model in the Russian language appeared, several tasks have been stable “champions” in terms of the lowest percentage of completion.

First of all, this is task number 14 from the "Spelling" block, in which knowledge of the rules for writing one or two "n" is tested, and task number 19 in the "Punctuation" block. In this task, you need to choose the correct answer by analyzing a complex sentence with different types of connection.

Graduates show a consistently low result when performing tasks based on the source text that is offered for work. These are tasks number 21, number 22 and number 23. Their difficulty lies in the fact that the correct answer must be found in the text that the graduate reads on the exam for the first time.

What to do? For the "Spelling" block, you need to repeat the rule - not to memorize, but to learn to work on the basis of the algorithm and perform all actions sequentially in order to find the correct answer to the question posed. However, this approach applies to absolutely all tasks of the block.

To learn how to perform tasks from the "Punctuation" block, you need to repeat the basic rules that are given in grade 8. It is necessary to repeat very well the theme “Simple sentence”: to understand the laws of such a sentence, how it can be arranged, how it can be complicated. After that, it will be easy to complete tasks for complex sentences, because in fact these are several simple sentences combined in different ways.

What is the best way to prepare for the exam? Are there any secrets?

The first secret: distribute the tasks of the first part (tasks from number 1 to number 24) into thematic blocks. There are several of them: tasks number 8-14 make up the Spelling block, tasks number 15-19 - the "Punctuation" block, tasks number 4-7 - the "Culture of speech" block. Tasks No. 1-3 and No. 20-24 are two blocks that test the skills of semantic and speech analysis, including the large text that is given in the test.

Secret two: in each block, select the easiest and most difficult tasks for you personally. Repeat the rules. Any rule is easier to work with if it is given in the form of a diagram, table or algorithm. When you train, you can and should look there as much as necessary in order to remember the rule and the order of its application.

The third secret: consolidation. To do this, you can refer to the popular site "I will solve the exam". Having worked out the rule, you need to immediately complete at least five, and preferably 15 tasks. Be sure to complete 10-15 tasks of this type in the paper version. You can use the manuals with which your teachers recommend preparing for the exam.

What type of questions is considered the most difficult? What is the best way to train on them? What questions give the most points and is it worth "pushing" on them?

There are four tasks in the Russian language test, for which more than one point is given. These are tasks number 1 and number 15, for which you can get 2 points. They are defined as “basic level of difficulty,” meaning that absolutely anyone can do them.

But the tasks that are of a high level of difficulty in the first part of the USE in the Russian language are only three: number 7, number 23 and number 24. Task number 7 and task number 24 are the most "expensive": 5 and 4 points, respectively. And this assessment is quite fair - how many correct answers there are, so many points will be counted. If, for example, in task number 7 you correctly match two sentences, you will get 2 points, and so on.

Task number 24 is a list of means of expression that are used to create figurative speech. In this task, nine terms are given, of which four must be selected and put in the correct place in the reviews. In order to complete this task, you need a serious study of the theory and very good training. But the percentage of its successful completion is much higher than that of task number 14 (one or two "n" in different parts of speech), although children learn to apply these rules starting from grade 5.

Pay special attention to the fact that in tasks number 7 and number 24, the order of entering answers to the form is fundamentally important. If it is violated, it turns out that you made a mistake while completing tasks. You will lose points this way.

It is very important to learn how to read the question correctly. Everything that requires the assignment is clearly formulated, and if you read carefully, it is very difficult to make a mistake with how to enter the answers into the form. For example, the task: “Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the number of answers. " The very statement of the question prepares you for choosing more than one answer. And here is a fragment of another assignment: "From sentence number 33-34, write out a word with the meaning (...)". Singular in the question says that you need to choose only one word for the correct answer.

When performing task number 23 (this is a task of increased complexity, although it gives only 1 point), you need to be very attentive to the wording and analyze exactly the sentence that is indicated in the task. This is how it sounds: “Among the sentences (further indicated by numbers), find one (or those) that (which) are (are) connected (connected) with the previous one using the same root words. Write the number (numbers) of this (these) offer (s) ". Only the ability and willingness to analyze will allow you to find the correct answer to this question.

It is worth paying attention to tasks number 8-14 in the "Spelling" block. Here you need to write down a word that meets the condition and enter it into the answer form. The word you have chosen should be entered correctly on the answer sheet. If a spelling mistake is made in it, the answer will not be counted. The same will happen if you introduce a word, but forget to write the correct letter in place of the gap indicated in the test.

All these and other details are described in the most detailed way by the specification of control and measuring materials, and it is useful to refer to it.


How should you write an essay-reasoning to get the maximum number of points for it?

Task number 25 - essay-reasoning - is very important. The maximum for it you can get 24 points, this is more than 42% of the total points for the correct execution of the entire test. I must say right away that today this part of the work is performed by almost all graduates: even those who have just crossed the lower threshold receive at least 3-5 points for this task.

The writing is checked by two independent experts based on 12 criteria. They can be conditionally divided into blocks:

  • criteria 1-4 are responsible for the content: for how the text of the essay itself was created, how the problem is formulated, how the commentary on it is given, how the author's position is formulated and his own point of view is reasoned;
  • criteria 5-6 evaluate the quality, structure and completeness of speech;
  • criteria 7-10 assess literacy, and according to criteria 7 ("Spelling assessment") and 8 ("Punctuation assessment"), you can get a maximum of three points, and this is a lot;
  • the so-called "Ethical Criterion" and "Actual Accuracy" allow you to evaluate the background material with which the graduate worked, and how the text turned out to be correct according to estimates, with accurate facts.

These criteria are quite clear and transparent. But approaching each of these steps is formally impossible to get high scores. In order to earn at least 20 points, it is important to learn how to carefully edit the already written text: work with a draft and check the final copy. AT

Mind or feelings, which is more important? At all times, mind and feelings are opposed to each other. To live by reason or indulge in a riot of feelings - each person makes this choice himself.

The most significant in the novel are the love stories of two heroes - Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The storyline of Pavel Petrovich is his relationship with Princess R., his unsuccessful love. Moreover, Turgenev emphasizes that that period in Kirsanov's life was the brightest, stormy, eventful one.

And, conversely, Bazarov appears before us as a "spiritual dead" at the beginning of the novel. Pride, pride, heartlessness, dryness and harshness in relation to people, nature, the whole world around - Turgenev immediately reveals these features in the hero. Meanwhile, some kind of anxiety is noticeable in Bazarov's behavior. What is behind the actions of the hero? Meanwhile, the hero himself does not allow natural human needs to manifest in his soul, considering them nonsense and romanticism. Bazarov is deprived of the fullness of life, life in all the diversity of its manifestations.

Love for Madame Odintsova "resurrects" the hero, awakening his sleeping feelings, thirst for life and love, revealing to him the beauty of the world. but love story Bazarova is also unsuccessful: Anna Sergeevna Odintsova rejects his love. At the beginning of the novel, Bazarov condemns Pavel Petrovich in a conversation with Arkady: “... a man who put his whole life on the card of female love and, when this card was killed to him, became limp and sank to the point that he did not become capable of anything, such man is not a man, but a male. You say that he is unhappy: you know better; but not all the nonsense came out of him. " In the finale of the novel, Bazarov himself finds himself in a similar situation.

Using the example of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, Turgenev shows two different attitudes to nature-destiny. Turgenev associated the image of nature with the image of ancient fate, which was initially hostile to man: “the gaze of the eternal Isis is not warmed by maternal love for her brainchild, it chills, squeezes the heart with an indifferent cold”. In the face of fate, according to Turgenev, three ways are open to man: "despair of pessimism, stoicism, consolation of religion." Pavel Petrovich in the novel demonstrates to us the “despair of pessimism”, which manifests itself both in his way of life and in his very skepticism. Bazarov at the beginning of the novel appears as a stoic, a calm and imperturbable person who does not react in any way "to external and internal stimuli." However, at the end of the novel, the hero comes to the same “despair of pessimism” that possesses the soul of Pavel Petrovich.

Thus, both heroes (Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich) are simply unhappy. However, this is not the heroes' objective fault. Turgenev's happiness is capricious and whimsical, it does not depend on a person, but a person depends on him.

However, neither Pavel Petrovich's feelings nor Bazarov's interest are reciprocated by Fenichka. Bazarov's unexpected persecutions offend her, but Pavel Petrovich's attention is just as hard for her: “They all frighten me. They don’t speak, but they look tricky, ”she complains about Kirsanov’s gazes. Fenechka herself loves Nikolai Petrovich, who is a little shy about this love, and his age, and his feelings for Fenechka.

The culmination of all these relationships is a duel, which, paradoxically, reveals the best that is hidden in both "rivals": the chivalry of Pavel Petrovich, his repentance for his own arrogance, the ability to soberly assess the situation and human vulnerability of Bazarov, his courage, nobility ...

Love, like beauty, like art, was a kind of higher force in Turgenev's worldview. Through love, art, beauty, the writer "comprehended immortality." These were the forces that resisted the doom of human life, the frailty of human existence.

The developers of the exam questions answered the most fAQ graduates

Text: Natalia Lebedeva / RG
Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

One of two compulsory exams (the second is mathematics), which all students take. This year, graduates will write an exam in Russian on the birthday of A.S. Pushkin, June 6... If the result is too low, then the exam can be retaken on a reserve day - June 26, or in an additional period - 4 September... What do you need to know about the exam in order to pass it to the maximum score the first time?

1. How many points can you get on the exam in the Russian language?

For the correct fulfillment of all tasks examination work a maximum of 58 primary points can be obtained. For a well-written essay, you can get 24 points.

To obtain a high school diploma, you must score a minimum of 24 points. And if an eleventh grader plans to enter a university, and no matter what specialty, the exam must be passed at least 36 points.

2. How much time is given to complete all tasks?

210 minutes, or 3.5 hours, are allotted for the execution of the examination work in the Russian language.

3. What knowledge will be tested on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language?

The tasks of the examination paper in the Russian language test the knowledge of the norms for constructing text, lexical, spelling, punctuation, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language, the ability to create a text based on what has been read.

4. What tasks does the exam variant consist of?

Each version of the exam work of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language consists of two parts and includes 26 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 contains 25 tasks with a short answer (open-type tasks for recording an independently formulated correct answer and tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers).

The tasks of the first part check the assimilation of the educational material by the participants of the exam, both at the basic and at high levels of difficulty: the last type includes tasks that check the grammatical norms (task 7), the ability to find means of communication of sentences in the text (task 24) and used in the text linguistic means of expression (task 25).

Part 2 contains one task (task 26) - according to the read text. Performing this task, the examinee must demonstrate the ability to analyze the content and problems of the read text, comment on the problem of the original text, determine the position of the author of the text, express and argue his own opinion, express thoughts consistently and logically, use a variety of grammatical forms and lexical richness of the language in speech, form statements in accordance with the spelling, punctuation, grammatical and speech norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The essay can be written by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

5. This year there is a new task number 20. What does it check?

Task number 20 will check the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian literary language. The task will be evaluated at 1 point.

The task will be given in two versions:

  • as an exception, that is, it will be necessary to remove the extra word;
  • as a replacement, that is, the word will need to be replaced.

Execution algorithm: first you need to find a semantic (semantic) contradiction in the sentence, isolate the error and complete the task, correcting this error.

6. What is the difficulty of completing task number 7?

The task sounds like this: "Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed."

There are three types, but the exam will only need to identify morphological and syntax errors.

Morphological errors:

  • incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;
  • incorrect use of a numeral name.

Syntax errors:

  • violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate;
  • violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms;
  • an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members;
  • incorrect construction of sentences with an adverbial turnover;
  • violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover;
  • violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application;
  • incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech;
  • an error in the construction of a complex sentence.

Before starting the assignment, the authors of the exam tasks advise you to carefully read all the sentences.

7. What is the difference between an essay in the USE in the Russian language (task number 26)?

To successfully write an essay based on the text read, the developers advise you to adhere to the following plan:

  • formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text;
  • write a commentary on this problem, including two examples-illustrations from the read text, which are important for understanding and arguing the problem;
  • indicate the author's position;
  • express your personal attitude to what you read, supporting your opinion with two literary arguments.

But following this plan is not strictly necessary. In a good composition, thoughtful composition is important. You can limit yourself to three basic parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. And you can include other parts with their own micro themes in each.

Tips from the developers:

  • It is necessary to think over the composition only after the problem raised by the author in the text has been identified. It is important not to confuse the topic and the problem of the text.
  • It is advisable to draw from works as arguments.
  • Modern and foreign literature can be used as arguments.
  • You can rely on non-classical genres of literature (detective or thriller), but the chosen argument must be presented precisely as an argument.
  • A reference to a feature film is not a literary argument, even when it comes to film adaptation.
  • Popular science articles and books can be used as a literary argument.

8. How does the difficulty level of the task affect the final score?

Among the tasks of the basic level of difficulty, there are tasks with a low percentage of completion - you should pay special attention to them. These are tasks that check the spelling -Н- and -НН- in different parts of speech (task 14), punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of communication (task 19), knowledge of functional-semantic types of speech (task 22).

9. What must be considered to get the maximum score?

In general, all the necessary advice and explanations are given in the instructions for performing the work before the CMM option. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions for the option and the specific task. Following these tips will allow you to more efficiently organize your work on the exam. In addition to the general instructions, in each part of the work, recommendations are given on how to write down the answer to tasks of one type or another. Before completing the tasks, you should carefully read the instructions for each type of task.

10. How to fill out the exam form correctly?

Practice has shown that it is better to write the answers first into the CMM, and then carefully transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Answers to tasks are written without unnecessary additions (a term, concept, keyword or a combination of words from the text is written, etc.).

It is better to write the answer to task 26 on a draft first, and then rewrite it in form No. 2. The essay should be written in a clear, legible handwriting. Draft entries are not included in the processing and review of works.

Video consultation on the exam in the Russian language from the developers of the exam:

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