How long does the wedding ceremony take. How is the wedding going and how long. How to prepare for the ceremony

Bathroom 16.08.2020

2013-03-16 The ceremony of the sacrament of the wedding in the church. Church calendar weddings 2020

Church wedding - a serious step in the life of lovers who want to spend their whole lives together. This is a beautiful, touching and very responsible ceremony. Wedding - this is a more significant event than the registration itself, because it is this marriage that will take place in heaven. And if you are already on the site wedding photographer, then this article will definitely be useful to you. I will share with you, future newlyweds or couples who are already married, but not married, how to properly carry out this ceremony and what subtleties of its performance exist.

What do you need to know when performing a wedding ceremony?

The very first thing you should worry about is whether it is possible your church marriage... There are factors that prevent the wedding ceremony. It is forbidden to get married:

  • - unbaptized and those who are not going to be baptized before the wedding;
  • - atheists;
  • - if one of the future spouses is in actual marriage with someone else;
  • - people who are consanguineous;
  • - people who are in a spiritual relationship (between godparents and godchildren);
  • - newlyweds professing a non-Christian religion;
  • - those who took priestly orders or took a monastic vow;
  • - those who have this marriage will be the fourth in a row.

Choosing a wedding location

Then you must decide which church you are going to get married in.Please note that you first need to coordinate your decision with the priest. He must give his blessing. If there are no factors interfering with your decision, then you will needchoose a wedding date... Please note that now in most churches only those who have already officially registered their marriage are crowned. By the way, you can get married not only on your wedding day, but also in a week, and in a month, and even in a few years.

Choosing a wedding date

When choosing a date for a wedding in a church, look at the wedding calendar for 2020.

In the above wedding calendar for 2020 the year the temple holidays of a particular church are not taken into account, in different temples these are different dates. Therefore, before finally deciding on the date weddings in 2020, consult with your priest.

Required items for the wedding ceremony

To commit wedding ceremony you must havethe following things:

  • - marriage certificate, therefore, marriage registration at the registry office should be before the wedding;
  • - rushnyk (you will be standing on it) and scarves;
  • - pectoral crosses for both spouses;
  • - wedding candles;
  • - wedding rings;
  • - icons of the Savior and the Mother of God.


The appearance of the bride

To look the way you should, and avoid possible misunderstandings, follow these guidelines (but this is not critical):

  • - your makeup should be natural, your manicure should be discreet, and your perfume should be without a strong smell;
  • - on top of your hair you must have a headdress - a veil, scarf or hat;
  • - forget about trouser suits - only dresses or skirts below the knee are allowed;
  • - arms, shoulders, back and chest must be covered. If you are getting married in a dress in which you were married, and you have a problem with this, use a cape;
  • - it is better not to wear a long and fluffy veil: it can catch fire if it touches burning candles.

Preparing for the wedding

Before weddings you and your loved one will need to perform all the necessary rituals: communion, fasting, prayer, mutual forgiveness. After that, prayers, requiems and funeral services usually take place in the temple for about an hour. On the day of the wedding, you will need to come to the beginning of the service. Before that, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke anything the day before, from 12 o'clock in the morning. You will need to find out in advance whether several couples will get married at the same time. Although it is prohibited by the church charter, in practice it is not observed, because there are a lot of people who wish, and the duration of one wedding is 30-40 minutes. On weekdays (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) there are much fewer people. Your friends and relatives should already be present at the liturgy, but in extreme cases, they can approach the beginning of the wedding. Two of your loved ones will have to become your witnesses. They will hold the crowns over your heads. Note that witnesses must be baptized. Discuss in advance with the priest whether it is possible to take photographs and videos during the wedding - this is not allowed in all churches. You will also need to give the wedding rings to the crowning priest in advance so that he will consecrate them by laying on the throne.

(Photo: Ukraine, Kiev, 2012, St. Andrew's Church. More photos -)

Wedding ceremony

Rite of the sacrament of the wedding consists of two stages - the engagement and the wedding itself.

The first part of the wedding ceremony: Betrothal

Wedding ceremony begins with the betrothal, which can be performed separately. As a sign of the firmness of mutual promises, the priest puts consecrated rings on the fingers of the betrothed. In prayers, the church representative asks for them perfect love, like-mindedness in truth, firm faith, blameless life and childbearing. Rings are very important in engagement: they are not just a gift from the groom to the bride, but a sign of an inextricable, eternal union between them.

The second part of the wedding ceremony: Wedding ceremony

After the young couple has been engaged, the second part of the ceremony begins. It begins with the fact that the priest asks the bride and groom: do they freely enter into marriage, are they not bound by promises to others? After that, he lays crowns on their heads, and the wedding ends with a threefold blessing of the priest: "Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor." Then the Apostle and the Gospel are read, the Lord's Prayer is raised. At the same time, those who have entered into marriage drink wine three times from a common cup and three times, preceded by a priest, bypass a lectern.

Answers to frequently asked wedding questions:

What days can you get married? - the allowed days for the wedding are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
How long does a church wedding last? - wedding time usually lasts about 40-60 minutes.
How much does a church wedding cost? - each church has its own rates. Approximately UAH 300 - 800
Where to buy wedding candles, towel, icons? -can be bought in icon stores at churches or specialized stores (for example, I bought at the icon store at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra)
Is it possible to get married if the bride is pregnant? - can. But in any case, you will need to discuss this issue with the priest.

A wedding is an important event in the life of every Christian family. It is rare when couples get married on their wedding day (to "kill two birds with one stone" at once) - in most cases, couples still approach this issue deliberately, realizing the importance of this rite and experiencing a sincere and mutual desire to become a full-fledged, according to church canons, family ...

How does this ceremony take place, and what do you need to know about it?

How to prepare correctly for the sacrament of the wedding?

A wedding is not a wedding where they walk for 3 days, fall with their faces in a salad and beat them to each other according to tradition. A wedding is a sacrament through which a couple receives a blessing from the Lord in order to live together in grief and joy all their lives, to be faithful to each other "to the grave," to give birth and raise children.

Without a wedding, a marriage is considered "defective" by the Church. And, of course, it should be appropriate. And it's not about organizational issues that are resolved in 1 day, but about spiritual preparation.

A couple who takes their wedding seriously will certainly take into account the requirements that some newlyweds forget about in pursuit of fashionable photos from the wedding. But spiritual preparation is an important part of a wedding, as the beginning of a new life for a couple - from a clean (in every sense) sheet.

The preparation includes a 3-day fast, during which you need to prepare for the ritual prayerfully, as well as refrain from intimate relationships, animal food, bad thoughts, etc. In the morning before the wedding, the husband and wife confess and take communion together.

Video: Wedding. Step-by-step instruction

Betrothal - how is the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church?

The betrothal is a kind of "introductory" part of the sacrament that precedes the wedding. It symbolizes the fulfillment of the church marriage in the face of the Lord and the consolidation of the mutual promises of a man and a woman.

  1. The betrothal is not done in vain immediately after the Divine Liturgy - the couple are shown the importance of the sacrament of marriage and the spiritual awe with which they should marry.
  2. Betrothal in the temple symbolizes the husband's acceptance of his wife from the Lord himself : the priest introduces the couple to the temple, and from that moment their life together, new and pure, begins in the face of God.
  3. The beginning of the ceremony is burning incense : the priest blesses the husband and wife 3 times in turn with the words "In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." In response to the blessing, everyone signs himself with the sign of the cross (note - baptized), after which the priest hands them over already lit candles. This is a symbol of love, fiery and pure, which husband and wife should now nourish for each other. In addition, candles are a symbol of the chastity of men and women, as well as God's grace.
  4. Cruciform incense symbolizes the presence next to the couple of the grace of the Holy Spirit.
  5. Next, there is a prayer for the betrothed and for their salvation (soul) , about the blessing for the birth of children, about the fulfillment of those requests of the couple to God that relate to their salvation, about the blessing of the couple for every good deed. After that, all those present, including the husband and wife, should bow their heads before God in anticipation of a blessing while the priest reads a prayer.
  6. After prayer to Jesus Christ, betrothal follows : the priest puts on the ring to the groom, "betrothed the servant of God ..." and 3 times overshadowing him crosswise. Then he puts on the ring to the bride, "betraying the servant of God ..." and the autumn sign of the cross three times. It is important to note that the rings (which the groom should give!) Symbolize an eternal and indissoluble union at the wedding. The rings lie, until they are put on, by right side the holy throne, which symbolizes the power of sanctification in the face of the Lord and his blessing.
  7. Now the bride and groom must exchange rings three times (note - in the word of the Most Holy Trinity): the groom puts on his ring to the bride as a symbol of his love and readiness to help his wife until the end of his days. The bride puts her ring on to the groom as a symbol of her love and readiness to accept his help until the end of her days.
  8. Further - the prayer of the priest for the blessing and betrothal of this couple by the Lord , and sending them a Guardian Angel to guide them in their new and pure Christian life. The betrothal ceremony ends here.

Video: Russian wedding in the Orthodox Church. Wedding ceremony

The sacrament of the wedding - how is the ceremony going?

The second part of the sacrament of marriage begins with the exit of the bride and groom in the middle of the temple with candles in their hands, as with the spiritual light of the sacrament. In front of them is a priest with a censer, which symbolizes the importance of following the path of the commandments and ascending their good deeds, like incense to the Lord.

The choir greets the couple by singing Psalm 127.

  • Next, the couple stands on a white towel spread in front of the analogue : both in the face of God and the Church confirm their free expression of will, as well as the absence in their past (approx. - on each side!) of promises of marriage with another person. The priest asks these traditional questions to the bride and groom, taking turns.
  • Confirmation of a voluntary and unbreakable desire to marry reinforces natural marriage who is now considered a prisoner. Only after this does the sacrament of the wedding begin.
  • The rite of the wedding begins with the proclamation of communion with the couple in the Kingdom of God and three lengthy prayers - to Jesus Christ and to the Triune God. After that, the priest marks (in turn) the groom and the bride with a crown crosswise, "crowning the servant of God ...", and then "crowning the servant of God ...". The groom should kiss the image of the Savior on his crown, the bride - the image of the Mother of God, which adorns her crown.
  • Now the most important moment of the wedding comes for the bride and groom in crowns when, with the words "Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor!" the priest, as a link between people and God, blesses the couple three times, reciting a prayer three times.
  • Church Blessing of Marriage symbolizes the eternity of the new Christian union, its indissolubility.
  • After the reading of the Epistle to the Ephesians of St. apostle paul , and then the Gospel of John about the blessing and sanctification of the marriage union. Then the priest says a petition for the married and a prayer for peace in a new family, honesty of marriage, integrity of cohabitation and life together according to the commandments until old age.
  • After "And grant us, Master ..." everyone reads the prayer "Our Father" (it should be learned in advance, if you didn’t know it by heart until the preparation for the wedding). This prayer in the mouth of a married couple symbolizes the determination to fulfill the will of the Lord on earth through their family, to be loyal and obedient to the Lord. As a sign of which, the husband and wife bow their heads under the crowns.
  • They bring the "chalice of communication" with Cahors , and the priest blesses her and gives her as a sign of joy, offering to drink wine three times, first to the head of the new family, and then to his wife. They drink wine in 3 tiny sips as a sign of inseparable from now on being.
  • Now the priest must join the right hands of those who are married, cover them with a bishop (note - a long ribbon around the priest's neck) and put your palm on top, as a symbol of the husband's receipt of his wife from the Church itself, which in Christ united these two forever.
  • The couple is traditionally circled three times around the analogion : on the first circle they sing "Isaiah, rejoice ...", on the second - the troparion of the "Holy Martyr", and on the third, Christ is glorified. This walk symbolizes the eternal procession that from this day begins for the couple - hand in hand, with a common cross (the burdens of life) for two.
  • The crowns are removed from the spouses and the priest greets the new Christian family with solemn words. Then he reads two petition prayers, during which the husband and wife bow their heads, and after the end they capture pure mutual love with a chaste kiss.
  • Now, according to tradition, the married spouses are led to the royal doors : here the head of the family must kiss the icon of the Savior, and his wife - the image of the Mother of God, after which they change places and again apply to the Images (just the opposite). Here they kiss the cross, which the priest brings, and receive 2 icons from the minister of the Church, which can now be kept as a family relic and the main amulets of the family and passed on to future generations.

After the wedding, candles are kept in the icon case, at home. And after the death of the last spouse, these candles (according to the old Russian custom) are placed in his coffin, both.

The task of the witnesses at the wedding ceremony in the church - what do the sureties do?

Witnesses must be believers and baptized - a friend of the groom and a girlfriend of the bride, who, after the wedding, will become the spiritual mentors of this couple and her prayer guardians.

The task of the witnesses:

  1. Hold crowns over the heads of those who are married.
  2. Give them wedding rings.
  3. Lay the towel in front of the lectern.

However, if the witnesses do not know their duties, this is not a problem. The priest will tell the guarantors about them, preferably in advance, so that there are no "overlaps" during the wedding.

It is important to remember that a church marriage cannot be dissolved - the Church does not give divorce. An exception is the death of a spouse or his loss of reason.

And finally, a few words about the wedding meal

A wedding, as mentioned above, is not a wedding. And the Church warns against possible obscene and indecent behavior of all those present at the wedding after the sacrament.

Decent Christians dine modestly after the wedding, and do not dance in restaurants. Moreover, at a modest marriage feast there should not be any indecency and intemperance.

Today, few couples decide to get married. There are many reasons for this, and one of the main ones is the thrill of the sacrament, because the wedding has, first of all, spiritual significance. And because the wedding is not such a frequent procedure, not everyone knows what the rules for holding it in the church, what is needed for the wedding and how it goes. Knowledge gaps need to be filled, and therefore we deal with the basic rules of wedding in the church together.

When is a wedding impossible?

There are rules, if not fulfilled, the wedding in the church will not take place:

  1. Marriage is not allowed more than 3 times.
  2. People who are in a close degree of kinship (up to level 4) cannot marry. With a spiritual relationship - godfather and godfather, godparent and godson, wedding is also not allowed.
  3. A wedding is impossible if the bride or groom declares themselves to be atheists and are going to get married for extraneous reasons.
  4. They will not marry a couple if one of them is not baptized and does not want to be baptized before the wedding or professes a different faith.
  5. If one of the future spouses is married (civil or church). A civil one must be dissolved, and in a church marriage, it is necessary to seek permission from the bishop to dissolve and conclude a new one.
  6. The wedding takes place after state registration of marriage.

What do you need for a church wedding?

When preparing for the wedding, you need to remember the following things:

  1. A wedding dress should be modest - without a deep neckline and cuts, arms and legs are closed. Also, according to tradition, a wedding dress should have a train, it is believed that the longer the train, the happier the married life will be. And of course, the bride's outfit should be complemented by a veil.
  2. Wedding rings that must be given to the priest in advance. Previously, wedding rings were different - gold (sun) for the husband and silver (moon) for the wife. Now this tradition is no longer adhered to.
  3. Body-worn crosses are required for newlyweds.
  4. You will need a towel or a piece of white linen on which the newlyweds will stand.
  5. Since the wedding ceremony takes a long time, you should take care of comfortable shoes.
  6. During the wedding, the bride and groom hold icons, they must first be consecrated.

What should be done before the wedding?

Surely, many are worried about how to prepare for the wedding, because not only the cleanliness of the dress is important. Today, chastity is no longer required from the married, but before the sacrament one should refrain from certain things. So on the day of the wedding, starting at midnight, one should refrain from sexual intercourse, eating, alcohol and smoking. In the church, young people confess and receive communion, after which they dress in wedding clothes.

How is the wedding ceremony?

Of course, it is impossible to fully describe the wedding ceremony, and it is not necessary - all the beauty and holiness of the ceremony can be understood only after passing this sacrament. But some points are still worth mentioning. For example, it is important to know how long the wedding lasts. The time for the ceremony is at least 40 minutes. This is due to the fact that now both the betrothal and the wedding are being held together, while earlier these rituals were held at different times. Therefore, you need to think not only about comfortable shoes, but also about hardy and tall best men - they have to keep crowns over the heads of the wedding couple.

The first is the betrothal ceremony, at the beginning the priest gives out candles to the young people, so the bride will need to either not take her bouquet to church or give it to someone present for a while. After the betrothal, the future spouses go to the center of the temple, where the sacrament of the wedding takes place. This is followed by the reading of prayers, the laying of wreaths on the heads of the young. A bowl of wine is brought into the hall, which symbolizes all troubles and joys family life, drink wine three times in small sips. The wedding ceremony is completed by the passage of the spouses around the lectern and the priest's reading of edification.

    Worship can last for a different amount of time. When I was a witness at the wedding of a close friend, the wedding lasted about two hours. Since I held the crown over the bride's head, I felt very well how long this ceremony lasted.

    When my husband and I were married, it took about an hour. Before the wedding itself, we went to the priest several times, received communion, confessed, asked questions of interest about the ceremony, so we knew approximately how everything would happen and how long. The guests were immediately warned about this.

    Therefore, there is no definite answer to this question, you need to ask in advance.

    On average, a wedding ceremony lasts approximately 40-45 minutes. During the wedding procedure itself, no rush is inappropriate. You need to carefully listen to all prayers and observe all the rules of the wedding. Of course, the time of the wedding may vary somewhat, but on average the numbers are the same.

    How long does a wedding in the Church last? depends on how quickly the priest will conduct the ceremony.

    The fastest wedding lasts about 40 minutes, but it happens that the priest spends a whole hour for each couple.

    There is no need to rush there. Everything should be majestic and beautiful. The movements of the young are guided by assistants, but if you hurry, you get a pun. Young people will be confused, embarrassed and by the end of the wedding they will be generally angry. This should not be allowed. Usually, they explain everything to the young people in advance, but at this solemn moment, for most of the betrothed, everything goes out of their heads. That is why Church ceremonies are always slow, flowing and beautiful.

    The wedding ceremony lasts about 45 minutes. As a rule, there are several pairs, but everything passes very quickly. At the end of the ceremony, Father says goodbyes to the young family, presents them with icons. At the wedding, there must be those who will hold the crown to the bride and groom.

    There is no strict time frame for the wedding. When I first attended the wedding, then this sacrament took about forty minutes. But recently I was at another wedding, it lasted almost two whole hours, everything was very solemn. Although many said they were married quickly, less than forty minutes passed. And now, most often, the wedding ceremony takes from half an hour to forty minutes. Some of the details of the wedding are discussed in advance with the priest.

    The time is about forty minutes, it also depends on how many couples get married at the same time.

    I was only two times at the wedding, once as a child, and the second - about three years ago. So for a long time the wedding lasted a very long time, more than an hour, and recently it took only half an hour, somehow everything was fast. Both times only one couple got married.

    It seems to me that now they are getting crowned just for show.

    Before the wedding, it is imperative to find out how many couples will be married at the same time. The church charter prohibits such a group wedding, although on some days, when there are many couples, simultaneous wedding ceremonies are still held.

    If a couple is one, then the duration of the wedding is 40 minutes or a little more. If there are several pairs, then the ceremony takes longer: sometimes up to two o'clock. During weekdays there are much fewer people getting married, so the priest sometimes manages to complete the ceremony and for 30 minutes.

    Good day. Rite weddings considered the culminating ritual of the entire wedding.

    In this case, I agree with the author of the best answer (the answer of the author K - Wolf). there is no exact time during which this ritual should take place. The wedding ceremony can last more than an hour, or it can take only half an hour. On average the wedding lasts about 40-50 minutes.

    I have attended a wedding several times in my life, and it always lasted for a different amount of time. I don’t know why. Maybe it depends on the priest. Or really the procedure can be different .. But once the young couple got married for 2 hours, and on the other - 20 minutes was enough.

    The wedding procedure does not have a strictly regulated time, i.e. it can pass in time in completely different ways. But if we talk about how much the minimum time a wedding can take, then this is about thirty minutes. And usually, the wedding procedure takes from thirty to forty-five minutes.

Vick Dee

A wedding is one of the church sacraments, a religious rite of marriage according to church statutes, literally a marriage before God. Marriage is allowed only to couples baptized in the Orthodox faith who have registered their marriage at the registry office and who are not related to each other. The sacrament of the wedding - a serious decision, taking which one must take a responsible attitude to marriage according to the Orthodox canon, since such a union is not debunked. After an official divorce, you can only receive a blessing for a re-wedding, which is given by the archbishop.

The sacrament can take place in the presence of witnesses, but this is an optional condition. On the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds need to confess, receive communion, to keep the outpost preferably at least three days.

He will explain the meaning of the ceremony, its importance for the spouses who are going to get married.

It is important to consider that no wedding is held on any day... According to the church charter, the sacrament is not performed during fasting, on the eve and on religious holidays, on the eve of one-day fasting (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). Therefore, the estimated date of the ceremony must be agreed with the priest.

Nuance: the girl is not allowed to participate in the sacraments during menstruation, so it is better choose a date for safe days from the point of view of the female cycle.

What is needed to perform an ordinance?

For the ceremony, you need wedding icons, candles, a towel, wedding rings.

Wedding icons Is a pair of icons, usually Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ, with which the priest blesses the couple during the ceremony. They can be purchased in advance, or the parents of the wedding couple can present the icons as a gift.

Candles will be needed during the ceremony, the spouses will hold them in their hands. It is better to take care of handkerchiefs so that, while holding lighted candles, you will not be afraid of being burned with wax. They can also be purchased from the church store. After the ceremony the candles remain with the spouses, they can be lit in front of home icons.

Rushnik It is a piece of white cotton or linen fabric with embroidery on the edges. You can sew it yourself if the bride is doing needlework or purchasing a finished product. The only condition for a towel is that it must be white.

Wedding rings can be gold or silver. Naturally, both spouses must wear pectoral cross.

How is the wedding ceremony in the church?

Newlyweds should have a loose breakfast in the morning, if in the morning they are going to confess and receive communion before the ceremony, then they should go to church on an empty stomach.

The girl follows dress piously, the head and shoulders should be covered with a scarf, the skirt of the dress should be below the knee. Since you will have to stand for a long time, it is better to choose comfortable shoes without heels. The groom is supposed to take off his headdress at the entrance to the church.

How does the sacrament itself take place? Where, when and with whom does the wedding take place? The procedure in all Orthodox churches is approximately the same. The sacrament must be attended only by the married couple and the priest who will conduct the ceremony. Witnesses, guests, church choir - at the request of the married couple.

The wedding ceremony can be roughly divided into two parts: betrothal and wedding

First, the priest betrothed the married, they officially become betrothed. The couple exchange rings three times. Then they are led into the temple, consecrating the path with a censer. After that, the priest, blessing the spouses, hands them lighted wedding candles. The newlyweds with candles stand on a towel spread on the floor in front of a stand for theological books, on which lie the wedding crowns. The priest places them on the heads of those who are to be married, the crowns are held by witnesses, or they dress on the heads of the newlyweds. Then prayers are read for the blessing of the family, granting them family well-being. The priest blesses the wine, gives three times to drink from a cup of wine to each of the married, then joins the hands of the spouses together and covers them with a bishopric, which symbolizes the continuity of their union.

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After prayers and blessings, the procession is performed three times around the analogion, the priest leads the young, witnesses follow them, holding the crowns. At the end of the procession, the priest takes off the crowns, the spouses kiss the images Blessed virgin and the Savior and receive wedding icons from the hands of the priest.

What should witnesses do during the wedding? Guarantors hold crowns, give rings, spread a towel

This is a common wedding scenario. How long does the sacrament last - usually 40-60 minutes... After the ceremony, the sacrament can be celebrated with a meal, but the church warns against too noisy festivities and too abundant festive table, reminding of the importance of humility and self-limitation.

If guests are present at the ceremony, then after the ceremony, the young are given flowers, gifts, congratulations sound - like at a wedding. It is important that all those invited to the ordinance observe the rules of how to behave in the temple.

There are signs that relate to wedding candles, supposedly which one will go out first, then the spouse who held it will die first of the couple.

The Church calls not to believe in stupid superstitions, not to succumb to fears based on beliefs

Asking yourself the question of how to get married correctly, you should discuss all the detailswith the priest. There is no need to be afraid to ask or clarify something, even if the question seems stupid, it is better to voice it so as not to get lost in conjecture. Some priests even advise you to listen to a sermon, go to church and get closer to church life before going to get married. Still, a wedding is not just a process consisting of certain actions, it is something more.

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The Slavic wedding ceremony was carried out in a similar way, only instead of wedding crowns on the heads of young laid wreaths, hence the name - wedding. Only the customs were much stricter, it was believed that it was impossible to marry a girl who is not pure, that is, is not a virgin, and without this condition the ceremony could not have been carried out.

Photo and video filming at the wedding

Photographing and video recording of the sacrament of the wedding allowed, but not in all temples, so it is better to ask the clergyman for permission in advance. It is important to remember that the church needs be quiet, therefore, the photographer must move carefully, without disturbing either the young, the priest or the guests during the ceremony.

Avoid using flash or clicking the shutter too often to avoid interfering with the ordinance.

Despite the limitations of the photographer's work, there are many angles and ways to take great photos that will last for a long time.

Because the the church is the house of God, then the photo session is best done on the street after the ceremony. Wedding photo session - important point for the young, but by no means key in the rite. From the pictures of the wedding, you will get a wonderful photobook that can be combined with a photo from the painting in the registry office.

What cannot be done after the wedding of the spouses?

The requirements after the wedding do not differ from the requirements of general morality. Do not take the wedding as a duty or imposition of morality. A wedding is marriage before god, therefore, after the wedding, you need to maintain the desire to live your whole life hand in hand with your other half.

Do not forget that the wedding ceremony is a delicate process and to understand the full picture of what is happening you can watch wedding sacrament video.

May 31, 2018 9:21 pm

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