Learn Spanish from scratch on your own online. Spanish for beginners from scratch. Where to start learning - choosing a method

Polyurethane foam guns 31.08.2020
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Anyone who decides to learn Spanish from scratch asks reasonable questions - where to start, how to teach more effectively, what mistakes to avoid.

Everyone knows that Spanish is in second place after Chinese in terms of the number of speakers worldwide, so many people try to learn Spanish as the first foreign language.

In this article we will try to answer many of your questions, including -

  • Is it hard to learn Spanish from scratch,
  • Is it easy to learn Spanish on your own at home and how to do it,
  • What is Spanish online - whether to learn it this way, and other questions.

Is it difficult to learn Spanish

The most frequent and widespread question asked by practically everyone who decides to learn Spanish is - is it easy to learn it?

There is an opinion that learning Spanish from scratch is quite easy, especially for those who already speak some other European language, in particular, Italian or English.

This is partly a correct belief. Yes, for someone who is fluent in Italian or another foreign language, learning Spanish from scratch will be much easier and easier than for someone who does not know any other languages.

Spanish belongs to the Romance group of languages \u200b\u200bfrom which Latin, French, Italian, etc. are derived. That is, the languages \u200b\u200bwithin one group are quite similar to each other - this makes it easier to learn them.

Is it easy to learn Spanish for beginners if a person learns it as the first foreign language?

This question can be answered unequivocally - a little easier than any other European one.

What makes Spanish easy

When is it difficult to learn Spanish

Of course, the Spanish language is not limited to these difficulties, there are other points that you will encounter in the learning process.

It is clear that Spanish is an easy and difficult language at the same time, so you need to try to learn it yourself in order to understand for yourself exactly whether it is difficult to learn Spanish.

Is it difficult to learn Spanish on your own? Many people ask this question.

Learning Spanish at home, without the help of a teacher, is only possible for those who already have experience in learning foreign languages. In this case, the person knows what to do, is ready for difficulties, understands how any foreign language works and how it differs from Russian.

Those who are going to learn Spanish from scratch on their own need to adequately assess their strengths, capabilities and perseverance. Because this process is completely difficult and requires a lot of motivation and willpower.


The Spanish alphabet consists of 27 letters and is a slightly modified version of the Latin alphabet, where Ñ was added to the traditional 26 letters, denoting a separate sound.
Along with the traditional letters, the Spanish alphabet contains the so-called digraphs - Ch, ll, Rr, which used to be also part of the main composition, as they denoted individual sounds. Over time, these digraphs were dropped from the main alphabet.


Spanish sounds in pronunciation are very similar to Russian ones in terms of softness and hardness, so there should not be any difficulties in learning to pronounce them correctly. Here you can simply listen to the audio sound of each letter and repeat.


After you learn the letters and learn how to pronounce them correctly in words, you can move on to the next step - learn the count.
The number names in Spanish are very simple: 1 \u003d uno, 2 \u003d dos, 3 \u003d tres, 4 \u003d cuatro, 5 \u003d cinco, 6 \u003d seis, 7 \u003d siete, 8 \u003d ocho, 9 \u003d nieve, 10 \u003d diez.
Learning them will not be difficult, even for kids.


After counting, you can proceed to the next more difficult steps - memorizing vocabulary, new words, phrases, speech turns.
The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to communicate with native speakers.

There are many resources on the Internet that allow you to independently study the Spanish language, replenishing your vocabulary, memorizing everyday phrases, phrases and even whole sentences.

Memorize every day three or four common phrases, the most common: greetings, goodbyes, thanks, acquaintances, and others.
Choose those resources that offer audio recordings of these words so you can be sure that you pronounce them correctly.

The Spanish language is easy to learn under the guidance of a specialist, but we are learning Spanish on our own, so you will have to delve into the theory very seriously. As for nouns, the main difficulty here will be understanding its gender - masculine or feminine. The gender of nouns in Spanish does not coincide with Russian.
Therefore, it is best to immediately memorize words with articles that indicate gender.

Articles in Spanish are confusing for beginners from scratch. Since there are eight of them (four definite and four indefinite), and their use directly depends on the gender and number of the noun.

Verbs and verb tenses
Since we learn Spanish from scratch on our own, you have to learn the conjugation of verbs. Keep in mind that verbs are divided into regular and irregular, and you will have to learn all of them.

It's not easy work, but worth it. We are learning Spanish from scratch and we want to speak Spanish correctly, right?

After the present tense has been mastered, it will be possible to move on to other tenses - past and future, other grammatical forms.

So, gradually, step by step, developing grammatical rules for the use of words, and expanding your vocabulary, comprehending the basics of grammar, you will move forward and learn Spanish on your own.

But be prepared for the moment when you will understand that you need a specialist.

Explain grammar, correct pronunciation, explain the use of certain words or phrases - all this is the prerogative of a teacher who knows his job.

Learn Spanish online with a specialist

You can save a lot of your energy, nerves and time if you learn Spanish online for beginners with a specialist teacher.

It is not at all necessary to attend language schools and sit in class, wasting time on the way and waiting for your turn to check the assignment in the group.

You can successfully study online and learn Spanish for beginners online not alone, but under the strict guidance of an online tutor who will quickly teach you the spoken language.

This method suits everyone -

Since classes are held individually via Skype, there are no restrictions on the level of knowledge, age, education and experience of the student.

Based on your goals, objectives,All the same, each individual lesson is developed by an online teacher for you personally,

  • Your abilities and capabilities,
  • Based on your pace of memorizing new information,
  • The speed of assimilation of the material,
  • The time allocated by you for classes.

Learn Spanish online - the pros and cons of the method

For those who did not know that it is possible to learn Spanish online for beginners, let us dwell in more detail on this method, or rather on its advantages:

The most up-to-date and effective teaching materials

Learning Spanish online for beginners with a teacher, you gain much more opportunities, since you have all the resources of the Internet at your disposal -

  • and textbooks,
  • and manuals,
  • and workbooks,
  • dictionaries and
  • reference books also
  • many videos and
  • audio recordings,
  • literary texts,
  • articles from magazines, newspapers and other periodicals.

All of this is used during your lesson when you want to deepen your knowledge or learn Spanish from scratch online.

Individual approach

You learn Spanish individually, that is, one-on-one with your teacher.

The teacher directs all his energies to you and your occupation in order to help you learn Spanish from scratch online as quickly as possible, or to achieve any other goal you have set.

You can start at any level, we teach Spanish from beginners to advanced, when spoken Spanish is taught with a native speaker.

Saving money

All materials that are used during the lesson are sent to you completely free of charge and remain with you forever.
At any time, you can open your notes and view the training material, recall the theory and do the exercises again.

Save time

Since you will learn Spanish on Skype, you will not need to worry about wasting time on the road or cleaning the house before the teacher arrives.
You can completely relax and immerse yourself in the process.

As you can see, learning Spanish online is much more convenient, faster and more effective than trying to comprehend it on your own.

This method has only one advantage. It is much cheaper than any other options and more effective, as it saves both effort and time and money.

Is it effective to learn Spanish online for kids

Many parents, when choosing which language to teach their child, ask themselves questions -

  • What foreign language is the best for children to start with,
  • Is it difficult to learn Spanish for children,
  • Is it effective to learn Spanish online for children?

We often reassure parents and answer that we have highly qualified professional teachers who know how to work with children, both younger and older students.

It has been working since 2008, and during this time we have gained tremendous experience in teaching kids, children and schoolchildren.

We have noticed that learning Spanish online for children is much more fun, easier and more effective than in a regular language group or at school.

Spanish for children is much easier for them than any other foreign language. After all, the pronunciation is very similar to Russian, and the child will not have any difficulties in reading the words.

It has also been noted that grammar is intuitive for children learning Spanish online.

Children adore everything new and modern, therefore, giving them such a great opportunity - to learn Spanish online for children, you not only give them knowledge of a foreign language, but also gradually teach them the distance learning method.

Children, schoolchildren and toddlers really like to learn online, because during the lesson they -

  • use the internet,
  • perform interactive exercises,
  • write by typing on the keyboard,
  • watching videos,
  • cartoons,
  • play educational games,
  • communicate with native speakers -

All this helps them to feel free, relaxed in the classroom.

Do not deny your child this, try to offer him to learn Spanish for children over the Internet.

You will also find this method very convenient, because you can at any time

  • Control your child,
  • see what he is doing during class,
  • what and how he studies,
  • how to answer the questions of an online teacher,
  • see how the lesson goes,
  • and much more.

Online Spanish for tourists and travelers

Travelers often want to learn Spanish for tourists just to feel at ease in a country where they will have to use Spanish with a native speaker.
This is a completely true desire, because it is so pleasant -

  • understand what they tell you
  • be able to answer any question,
  • express your wish or just
  • exchange a couple of phrases with a native speaker when you sit in a bar and relax after a busy day of a traveler.

At our school, we teach Spanish for travelers online, where the main emphasis is on the spoken language.
All that is required of you is -

  • work out the correct and beautiful pronunciation,
  • learn several dozen common phrases for tourists on various everyday topics,
  • understand in general how grammar is constructed,
  • learn to ask and answer questions and that's it.

You can safely go to rest.

To do this, just take a few lessons with an online tutor who will develop lessons specifically for your trip,

  • will choose a topic dedicated exclusively to your route,
  • Will select words and phrases that will meet the purpose of your trip,
  • will mark those topics of conversation that will interest only you personally.

And often tourists stop there, this minimum is enough for them to travel.

You can start training right now by filling out the form on our website.

Let's start learning Spanish grammar with the smallest and most useful words - personal pronouns. Take a look at the table below. You will see that Spanish pronouns are slightly different from Russian ones. So listen and remember the following words:

* The pronoun “ello” is very rarely used, as Spanish nouns can only be masculine or feminine.

Masculine and feminine pronouns

Some Spanish pronouns have two variants: the masculine variant (for example, nosotros) and the feminine variant (for example, nosotras). “Nosotros” essentially means “we men” and “nosotras” means “we women”. If a group of friends say “we want to go to the movies,” they use the word “nosotras”, and if a group of men say it, they use the word “nosotros”. Similarly, the choice of pronoun occurs in the case of ellos / ellas, vosotros / vosotras.

You should also pay attention to the pronoun “you”. In Russian, we use "you" as an informal address ( you, my friends, come here) and as formal ( You, Ivan Ivanovich, what do you think?).

In spanish informal "you" expressed in words vosotros / vosotras. Formal "you" translates as Usted / Ustedes... In this case, the word Usted is singular (Usted, Ivan Ivanovich), and the word Ustedes is plural (Ustedes, dear sirs).

Spanish is one of the most beautiful languages \u200b\u200bin the modern world. It is spoken by more than 500 million people, it is the official language in 27 countries of the world, and is actively used in more than 50 states. It is also one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof such international organizations as the UN, EU, African Union, Organization of African States and a number of others.

Knowledge of Spanish gives you the opportunity to fully enjoy their rich culture. Learning this language is very interesting, because it will help you touch the work of many brilliant writers, poets, musicians, get acquainted with incendiary salsa, romantic bachata, evaluate famous TV shows and programs in their native language.

Spanish is the language of travelers and businessmen, the language of work and leisure. It will open the door for you to an amazing world and help you in learning other foreign languages.

For those who have decided to start learning Spanish, this selection of books will help:

№ 1. Textbook of the Spanish language. Practical course for beginners

E. I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A. I. Patrushev, I. L. Stepunina

The textbook contains 20 lessons, which cover the main everyday, some regional and socio-political topics. Lessons include phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, body copy and post-text exercises.

An approximate analogue of Bonku in English: old Soviet uninteresting texts (by the end of the textbook - about the struggle of Latin American countries for independence from American capitalism, etc.), not a very good vocabulary, but the grammar is presented in Russian, sensibly and orderly, everything practiced in a variety of exercises.

No. 2. Espanol en vivo. Modern Spanish textbook (with keys)

Georgy Nuzhdin, Carmen Marin Estremera, Paloma Martin Laura-Tamaylo

This textbook is intended for non-linguistic university students who are starting to learn Spanish from scratch and is in line with the first and second year Spanish curriculum for non-linguistic specialties.
The phonetics of Spanish needs to be trained according to this textbook, this is definitely The Introductory Course (Phonetics) is the best that I could find and see. There are audio files for the textbook, with them, according to this textbook, you can independently set yourself a very decent pronunciation. Lots of exercises to practice each sound, to distinguish between similar or difficult sounds, every aspect is worked out very carefully. Highly recommend. Otherwise, Patrusheva is better in terms of vocabulary, she is really more lively and pleasant there, but the grammar is more chaotic. But someone can and will easily go.

Number 3. Spanish grammar

V. S. Vinogradov

The textbook for institutes and faculties of foreign languages \u200b\u200bcontains basic normative information about the grammatical structure of the Spanish language. It includes sections on morphology, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.
The most sensible guide to Spanish grammar in Russian.

No. 4. Spanish Grammar Exercise Book

V. S. Vinogradov

The collection contains exercises for all major sections of Spanish grammar. It is fully consistent with the `Grammar of the Spanish language` of the same author (6th ed., 2003) and corresponds to university programs in the Spanish language. The purpose of the collection is to help learners of the Spanish language to consolidate the material covered and to develop the skills of grammatically correct speech. Designed for university students and a wide range of Spanish learners.
Actually, a practical supplement to Vinogradov's handbook. Good for practicing and reinforcing, as well as repeating problematic topics.

No. 5. Spanish course for beginners

I. A. Dyshleva

The proposed manual is designed for 120-140 hours of classroom studies and consists of 11 lessons and an introductory phonetic course. The manual allows you to learn the basic rules of pronunciation, grammar, teach you how to communicate on basic everyday topics
Good grammar exercises galore. There are many good conversational constructs that really get fixed if you do the exercises honestly. How to use is briefly, but fully and clearly stated in Russian.

No. 6. Spanish language textbook for the second year of humanitarian faculties

M. G. Gorokhova, N. I. Tsareva

The textbook outlines the most complex phenomena in Spanish grammar: the use of the subjunctive and conditional moods, future tense in a modal meaning, absolute constructions with an infinitive

For the intermediate level. Simplified version of the old textbook "Perfeccione su Español". Adapted texts by Spanish authors as texts for lessons, exercises for both grammar and vocabulary.

No. 7. Spanish Colloquial Grammar with Exercises

I. I. Borisenko

The manual includes an exercise on the main and most complex grammatical topics: imperative, subjunctive and conditional moods, modal use of the future tense, etc. Each topic is preceded by a short grammatical reference.

Just a cult collection of exercises on Subjuntivo, Condicional, timing. There are also some texts, illustrated anecdotes, but the exercises overshadow everything

No. 8. Workshop on Spanish grammar. Subjunctive / Espanol

L. P. Kuznetsova

This 3-part study guide contains grammar exercises for the use of subjunctive tenses. The book contains the keys to the exercises for translation from Russian into Spanish.

In terms of cult status, it is not inferior to Borisenko's collection, but is entirely devoted to Subjuntivo.


No. 9. Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary

Corbei J., Arshambaut A.

The Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary contains an extensive list of the names of objects and phenomena around us. Designed for a wide range of readers, the "Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary" nevertheless meets the requirements of everyone who seeks to find the exact and correct word to use in their daily life and professional activities. This dictionary will become an indispensable assistant for you in finding unknown terms, checking the meanings of words, using the correct special terms, and also as an additional teaching aid. When compiling the "Russian-Spanish Visual Dictionary" its creators pursued the goal of collecting under one cover the maximum number of words that most fully reflect all the facets of the world around us. The dictionary contains 17 thematic sections, 20,000 terms and definitions.

The visual dictionary is a picture dictionary. For beginners, it is great for getting basic vocabulary like the names of vegetables, animals, clothes, etc. For translators - to understand the details.

No. 10. Spanish-Russian Visual Dictionary

Visual teaching of a foreign language. - A quick and easy way to learn and memorize thousands of Spanish words. - Themed illustrations reflect different aspects of everyday life.

No. 11. Practical Spanish course. The final stage of training / Espanol: curso de perfeccion

M. I. Kienya

The new modern textbook of the Spanish language is oriented towards the final stage of education and is intended for universities and higher educational institutions preparing bachelors, specialists and masters with knowledge of the Spanish language.
For the advanced level. Complex texts, a lot of vocabulary exercises.

No. 12. 5000 useful words, expressions and terms. Russian-Spanish dictionary-reference

G. Ya. Turover

The "Russian-Spanish Dictionary" is based on the thematic principle of organizing the material, which is most optimal for mastering a foreign language. The reference dictionary consists of 5 parts.
A dictionary useful for translating the names of some international organizations, conferences, well-established newspaper stamps, etc.

No. 13. Spanish textbook. Practical course. Advanced stage

A. I. Patrushev

The book is a continuation of the `Textbook of the Spanish language. Practical course. (For beginners) `E.I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A.I. Patrushev, I.L. Stepunina. Contains 17 lessons on household, socio-political and regional studies
The book is a continuation of the `Textbook of the Spanish language. Practical course. (For beginners) `E.I. Rodriguez-Danilevskaya, A.I. Patrushev, I.L. Stepunina. Contains 17 lessons on household, socio-political and regional studies

No. 14. Practical translation course. Spanish

V. A. Iovenko

The practical course of translation is aimed at the formation and development of skills and abilities of written translation and all types of interpretation from Spanish into Russian and from Russian into Spanish texts of political, economic and legal topics.

Vocabulary in the spirit of "summit meeting", "meeting the delegation", "an agreement was signed", etc.

No. 15. Uso de la gramatica espanola: Avanzado

Francisca Castro

- En 22 temas imprescindibles:

- toda la gramatica necesaria para un tercer ano de espanol,

- los ejercicios que la ponen en practica.

- Estructura de tema:

An approximate analogue of the English Grammar in Use from Raymond Murphy: first a brief grammar material, then exercises on it. Uso has three levels: Elemental, Intermedio, Avanzado.

No. 16. Practical translation course. International Relations: Spanish

V. A. Iovenko

scathing texts and exercises about meeting delegations, diplomatic notes, etc.

No. 17. Spanish grammar. Collection of exercises / Espanol

A. V. Kiselev

This collection contains exercises on the main topics of Spanish grammar for junior high school. It covers issues related to nouns, adjectives, articles, adverbs, numbers, verbs.
A good collection of exercises on the most basic topics: the article, the verbs ser and estar, adjectives, prepositions, numbers, reflexive verbs and basic verb constructions, practicing common verbs like tener and hacer. Good for beginners and intermediate learners - A2-B1. For completely newbies - it is difficult, advanced - there is nothing to do.

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, second only to Chinese. It is officially recognized as the second language of international communication and is the state language not only in Spain, but also in many other countries. That is why Lifehacker decided to devote another selection of YouTube language channels to Spanish.

1. Spanish for beginners

On this channel you will find many lessons for self-learners from scratch. Each lesson is a short video covering one small element of the Spanish language. Thus, you can practice even during breaks between main work or at any other free minute. There is also a short Spanish course for tourists, which will come in handy if you are going on a short trip.


If you have already achieved some success in Spanish, but want to improve your level, you should refer to the lessons from a native speaker. PRACTIQUEMOS is created and supported by a professional Spanish teacher who has been sharing helpful tips, examples and exercises for her students for six years.

3. Spanish lessons with Petrov

Dmitry Petrov is a very popular polyglot, translator, teacher who has developed his own original method of learning a foreign language. It offers to master the basics of the Spanish language in just 16 teaching hours. And the best part is that it really works. Of course, you will not learn to speak Spanish fluently during this time, but you will lay a solid foundation of knowledge.

4. The Web Spanish School

This channel has a six-part video course for Spanish. A total of several hundred lessons from qualified and experienced Spanish teachers. An invaluable gift.

5. Spanish from scratch

The main value of this channel is that it aims to improve the most essential skills: listening and speaking. You can learn all the grammar rules, memorize a large number of words, but you still can't achieve a natural command of the language. Therefore, Lifehacker advises to start the study with this video course, which allows you to hear the correct pronunciation of the most popular phrases and practice plenty of them in reproduction.

Bonus: LIFE in SPAIN

As a bonus, a wonderful channel that, although it does not contain educational materials in the literal sense of the word, will tell a lot about life in Spain. It is led by a Russian girl who studies in this beautiful country. In her videos, she talks about how to move to Spain, go to university, learn the language, and many other interesting things.

Spanish from scratch to proficiency in 8 months!

A comprehensive course of studying the Spanish language from "zero" to the level of confident proficiency (B1) is designed for 8 months of classes, during which gradually one after another you complete the program of 3 levels: A1, A2, B1

For whom?

Are you just going to learn a language and don't know where to start? Feel free to join our course, there is everything for the right start. In two months you will reach the A1 basic level.

You speak Spanish at a basic level, but want to develop further: for you classes at A2 and B1 levels. A great way to keep learning even if there is a long break in learning.

The main objective of the course is to help as many people as possible learn Spanish, regardless of their goals. The program of the online course "Spanish Seriously" was developed according to the existing regulations governing the knowledge of Spanish as a foreign language, therefore the division into levels and their content corresponds to what will be required for the DELE and SIELE exam.
Note that two of the course authors - Georgy Nuzhdin and Irina Sarguzina - were DELE examiners at one time.

Are you already studying? Excellent! How about some extra practice and the ability to dig deeper? Practice every day, anytime, anywhere. Surprise your tutor or teacher!

The course is better for those who are over 12. Children learn differently than adults, but from the age of 12 we can recommend our course.
An upper age limit has not yet been set. Record - 78 years old :)

Don't have the ability or funds to attend full-time courses or just want to study at home?
This course is perfect! You decide when and where to study, and you can even pause classes.

The lessons of the course not only teach the language, but at the same time introduce you to the peculiarities of life in Spain and Latin America, as well as to the Hispanic culture.

Learning a foreign language is a great brain training at any age.


Course authors

Curator and chief methodologist of the intensive, the ideological inspirer of the site. Transforms materials and exercises into interactive Spanish lessons and builds a system of lessons. Supports participants during classes, solves any problems that arise and answers all questions.

Renowned linguist and author of Spanish textbooks, the most famous of which "Español en vivo"... Lives in Madrid and teaches Spanish and mathematics at school, teaches Spanish teachers in teaching methods and is actively involved in the development of online courses.

Friendly team of website development

Native speaker consultants and speakers - Mario Pineda Jiménez, Vanesa Edo Nevado, Susana Sanz, David García García, Guillermo Vicente, Paula Salgado Reig, José Manuel Gómez Quesada, Raúl Torres Franco, Enrique Guitérrez, Beatriz Salz Gómez Pascual, Marigó Josí Reig Salgado Salmerón.

How are the lessons going?

Classes are held on the ichebnik platform, you can study at any time, anywhere where there is Internet, on a computer, tablet, phone

The beginning of training in each step begins only after activating access to the lessons of the step. You can activate the stage on any day convenient for you.

The results you get are reflected in your personal plan and ranking. Competitive passion is an incentive for development and movement forward. Compare results with other participants.

The course curator will answer questions, provide moral support and help organize Spanish classes.


Our advantages

  • 1. A comprehensive online Spanish course that starts from scratch and goes up to level B1.
  • 2. Modern Spanish, which is spoken in Spain right now. Audio and video educational materials are produced in Spain with the participation of native Spanish speakers.
  • 3. The course was created by Georgy Nuzhdin, the author of the best paper Spanish textbook Español en vivo.
  • 4. Since classes are held on an online platform, you can study at any time and in any place where there is the Internet, without spending on travel and the need to coordinate the time of the class.
  • 5. Exercises in online lessons are very diverse: dialogues, songs, educational series, riddles, anecdotes, grammar, vocabulary, games - this is nowhere else.
  • 6. With the help of lessons, not only vocabulary and grammar are studied separately, but basic skills are formed - reading, listening, writing and speaking.
  • 7. Learning through practice. During an online lesson, the material is presented step by step with the help of slide shows, tables, simulators, as well as its consolidation using audio or video dialogues, exercises of various types and games, and all this is instantly checked.
  • 8. Lesson plan for each day. You do not need to think about what and when to do, in what sequence to study the material.
  • 9. Achievement of the goal by a certain date. Often people learn the language for years, they cannot gather their will into a fist, but we set certain deadlines, and the system forces people to comply with them and achieve goals on time.
  • 10. Our system can completely replace face-to-face courses and tutors or add to them.
  • 11. Affordable price.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When can I start exercising?

You can start classes at any time, the main thing is not to postpone the moment of starting classes for a long time. The countdown of the access period starts only from the moment of activation of each of the purchased steps, and not their purchase.

BUT, if a lot of time has passed since the start of the current stream, and the moment of competition with other participants is important for you, then it will be difficult for you to catch up with other participants in the current stream and take first places in the rating. In this case, it is better to wait for the start of a new stream and only then activate the course. The following starts: March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1.

2. Can I pause my classes?

Yes. For you, in your Personal Account, on the step tab, the FREEZE option is provided, with which you can suspend access to the step for a while. You are given this opportunity no more than 3 times in one step. The main thing is not to stretch the pause in the classroom for a long time and do not forget to use the function as soon as the need arose for it. This option is also useful for those who are on frequent business trips or work on a rotational basis.

3. If I buy now, do I have to start practicing right away?

No, you can start whenever you want, even after a day, even after 10 years.

No. In no case. First you activate the first one. When? Whenever you want!
After you deal with it, for example after 35 days, activate the next one.
But again, you can rest and take a break, or you can start right away.
You make your own decision about it.

6. What questions can I contact the curator?

For any: something is incomprehensible in the lesson or in the system of lessons, noticed a technical glitch on the site, there were problems, were forced to interrupt classes, advice is needed - you solve all the questions through the curator, by sending a letter to the dedicated intensive address or in social networks. The curator periodically checks mail during the day or gets in touch on social networks.

10. How to activate a step and start classes?

After purchasing the required step of the online course, a tab with its name appears in your personal account. When you open this tab, you will see the "Create Plan" button. The start of your classes and the countdown of the access period to the lessons begins only after you yourself click on this button. If you are afraid that you will click on it by accident, then we will reassure you: after clicking it, you will be asked again "Are you sure you want to start classes?" and only after your second consent, the selected stage will be activated.

11. What should I do if I miss a step on time?

In your Personal Account, for a surcharge, you can extend access to the activated step for 10 days or change your tariff to one that has a longer validity period or provides unlimited access FOREVER.

12. How do you collect feedback and why should I trust them?

After the participant completes all the lessons of the step, he is invited to take part in the survey and leave his feedback. When a person leaves a review, he can either consent to its publication or not.
In case of refusal to publish, we use the survey results and reviews only for internal analytics and finalizing the course taking into account the wishes of users.
If a person has agreed to publish, then his nickname / name is highlighted with a link. By clicking on this link, you can go to the page with the review, where you can also see the photo of the participant, if he uploaded it to the site at will. It also displays information about how many steps of the course he has completed in full so far.
When you complete a Step, you will also be asked to provide feedback on the website.
If you do not want to do this or do not give us permission to publish, then the site will only display information about what you participated in the course and which steps you completed in full. If you want to see how many people have completed at least one stage of the course and get acquainted with their progress, click on the link

13. I don't want to compete!

Can I exclude myself from the rating of participants? Yes. To do this, in your Personal Account after creating a lesson plan on the Settings tab, check the corresponding item. In this case, only you will see the statistics of your results, and your name will not appear in the ranking.

14. What if I don't want to play the Games?

Mind-vocabulary games are a great opportunity to repeat words in unusual conditions and an excellent exercise for the brain, therefore many people note their effectiveness in memorizing words. But all people are different, and some do not like games. Therefore, from the new stream, we will make it possible to refuse games. You just need to click on the "Cancel games" button and they will disappear from your lesson plan. But, before you give up this tool, first try it in action. We developed them for a reason, but for a teaching purpose.

It is very simple, after on the website, on which you will find each step and be able to "walk" through them, try to perform exercises, get acquainted with how the material is being submitted and what types of lessons we offer you. Open lessons do not bite, and if you are not yet ready to study seriously and do not know the correct answers, nothing terrible will happen :)

16. How to determine at what level to start studying?

a) Take tests to check your listening and reading skills on our website, as well as your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. To start classes at the A2 level, you need to get a high result in the A1 level tests; to avoid stress while exercising at the B1 level, you should perform well on the A2 level tests.

B) Familiarize yourself with the program (for example, on the Tariffs page, you can download the PDF step plans) and try to perform in the step you are interested in.

C) Contact the tutor (see question 8. How to contact the tutor?), Tell us about your experience of learning Spanish, the problems that arise, as well as the goals and objectives that you set for yourself, and they will select the level that suits you.

17. Where to get speaking practice?

We have everything in our course to prepare you to communicate in Spanish. And nowadays many services help to find an interlocutor-carrier, and more than one, and for free. To this end, we have prepared two reviews, which, we hope, will help you find not only interlocutors, but also friends, you just need to be active and not be afraid to make contact. If you have studied with us, then you know and can do a lot, and therefore you will definitely cope, you just need to start.

There are no webinars, since our classes go straight into practice in order to save the student's time, without water and digression. If something is unclear, you need advice, there is a problem, contact the curator, all questions are resolved and you get additional explanations.

We only have an online course with the support of a curator. It can be used in addition to classes in courses or with a teacher, in which case the effectiveness of the classes is enhanced. We have many students combining both the course and offline classes, some teachers themselves advise to devote more time in the classroom to speaking practice, creative work with students, and not to parsing the rules and routine work.

23. How can you start learning Spanish on your own?

Our online course was specially designed for self-study of the language, with the support of a curator who will answer your questions, if any, give advice, and help solve organizational issues. In addition to materials and tools for working with them, we also help a person not to abandon classes, introduce them into a habit, give a complete plan for each day so that you do not think what and when to do.

24. And if I can't study, you will not return the money?

The short answer is NO, but read on for the detailed one.
Our task is to help you start and finish your studies at least one of the stages of the course (but we hope that you will enjoy it and you cannot help but continue). For this, a lot has been done in the course:
If you are in doubt about whether classes are right for you, then try trial lessons.
You can start classes any day.
If something unexpected happened, you can always contact the curator, we will discuss and find the best solution for you.
You have the opportunity to study at any time, a wide variety of types of work, and the selection of material so that you do not need anything else, just go to the site and do what you need with our help according to the plan.
Plus, you will have the support of a curator who will answer questions and help you with advice, and, as mentioned above, will help with organizational questions for the course if you have any problems.
Therefore, we do not return the money, but we will stimulate and push you to study so that you still can.
After all, we are doing the course so that people achieve their goals, get results. A lot of effort has been invested here to help you with this. And from you you need a decision to study, do not hesitate to contact the curator if you have problems, find time for classes, well, and actively engage, of course.

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