Read passionate stories. Love stories. Anna: “And sometimes I think with horror what would have happened if my friend had not shouted then:“ Boys, are you Russian? ”

DIY decor 16.08.2020

I have a cousin Natasha. The difference is 5 years, I am older than her. Somehow we got together in a mixed company (relatives and friends, about fifteen people), into nature. I knew one rather quiet and cozy place on the high bank of the river. It was relatively equipped for recreation and it was possible to accommodate there quite freely, there was room for both a volleyball net and for those who like to kick the ball. The glade was about 50 meters from the river, so it was not so cool in the evening and, most importantly, it was sunny. The sun was shining on it all day, so sunbathers did not need to go to the river.

We arrived at the place in the afternoon. While we set up camp, cooked a meal, caught fish in the ear, fried kebabs - in general, evening came, and given the normal supply of alcohol, what an evening. They danced, sang and rejoiced until they dropped. In general, I went to bed not the last, but it was already about two in the morning. I passed out instantly despite the noise, because I had just returned from a business trip and was damn tired, I hardly slept the night before. The habit of rising with the first rays of the sun, no matter what, worked again flawlessly. Seemed and slept nothing at all, but slept. It was fresh outside, but not cold. I took a towel and went to the river. I have long dreamed of swimming naked at dawn like this. Everyone was asleep except for the birds. They are so ferocious. The dew burned my feet. I went down to the river. The fog covered the banks with a veil, spreading over the water. I went to the edge of the coast, looked around ... Not a single extraneous noise except the splash of water on the coast and the singing of birds. I undressed, took off my swimming trunks, threw everything in a common heap, and hung a towel on some bush near the water, just in case, suddenly one of our women draws. The descent to the water was steep, along ledges, but short. Literally two or three ledges and you are ankle-deep in water. The bottom, oddly enough, in this place near the coast was sandy, but after two meters it sharply went into depth. I knew that so I just dived and floated in a sweeping crawl to the opposite shore. That bank was gentle and covered with vegetation. I slowly left, caught my breath and admired the dawn. When I got a little cold I decided to return to the water, it is warmer there. And in fact. The water was like fresh milk. Having swum somewhere to the middle, I rolled over onto my back and so swam further, trusting the current, because it is weak in this place. I admired the sky with the dying stars, the crowns of trees painted with the glow of the rising sun and the opposite shore, on which a dense predawn fog descended. And at that moment I saw my penis emerge from the water. He lowered his ass - hid, raised it - seemed ... Cool. I did this several times trying to show him out of the water as much as possible and hold him back. During this occupation, I completely forgot where I was swimming and caught myself thinking that if someone watched from the side, they would think about me, God knows what. I even smiled at these thoughts.

- How warm is the water? - a voice rang out like a bolt from the blue. I almost "gurgled" barely having time to roll over onto my stomach. It turns out that I swam to the very shore and was about to crash. Sister Natasha was standing on the shore. I looked at her from the bottom up, she was smiling from the top of her mouth. - So how's the water? She repeated the question.

- Get in - you know ... Have you seen enough of me?

- There is a little ... Especially since you tried so hard to show yourself - she laughed.

- I didn't know that there were spectators. - I answered her tone. - Well, how do you like the show?

- Wow ... there is something to see, it is bad just far away and poorly visible.

- Well, jump here and take a closer look, I intrigued her.

- Well, that's why I took a towel. Only I don’t know naked or in a swimsuit.

- What for you a swimsuit. There is no one. Feel how the water caresses the body, the naked body.

She threw off her clothes, hesitated for a while, then took off her bra, pulled off the elastic of the swimming trunks, looked there, clicked the elastic over her body and began to go down to the water. I admired her breasts, slender long legs and involuntarily pubis, which was right in front of the eyes. All this time I was standing up to my waist in water, but when she began to descend swiftly it seemed to me that she was about to fall, I jumped out and grabbed her. Involuntarily we snuggled up to each other. She looked into my eyes and I realized that I was not only a brother, but something more. Pulling back, Natasha threw herself into the water and began to swim along the shore, watching me. I ducked under it. I always swim underwater with my eyes open, except for the pool. I admired her. Even if it was not so clear and clear, it was still beautiful, especially the view of naked breasts. I popped up next to her a little scared.

- Fu you ... frightened at all. - she said not at all offended.

- Don't you want to take off your swimming trunks and feel how the water caresses your body?

- Honestly?

- Honestly!

- I really want, but suddenly who will appear?

- So you hang your trunks over there on that bush where my towel hangs. If anything, you will put it on in the water, it’s still wet. ”She thought and swam away from me. And suddenly she dived hiding under water for a while. I was even frightened by surprise. But then she surfaced and pulled up a clenched fist. I do not understand anything. Apparently she read it on my face and laughed.

- Surprise! - and opening her fist showed her swimming trunks dangling on the index finger. She strode to the shore with big strokes and hung them next to the towel. I swam up to her. Natasha did not know about the abrupt end of the day and I was afraid that she would not stumble, God forbid she gulped.

- Careful - I shouted. She stopped, but by inertia continued to slide along the bottom and ended up in my arms. I was excited if we add here her high and elastic girlish breasts, clearly a little more than the second size, and even my understanding that she is now without swimming trunks, you can imagine how excited I was! She clearly felt it ... in the abdomen ...

She raised her head and looked straight into my eyes. I broke down and kissed her ... She answered. I pulled her closer to me even more, she clung to her whole body hugging my neck. I felt chills and caught my breath. My heart shook to the beat of the chill. Natasha was in the same condition. Finally, we were either satiated, or just wanted to take a breath and pulled away from each other looking eye to eye. I was happy!

- My dearest! I've dreamed about it for so long! - I didn't have time to finish ...

- If you knew how I dreamed about it - she interrupted - from the very day when you first lifted me in your arms and whirled around, and that was on my sixteenth birthday. I was just in seventh heaven.

- I didn't even think that you like me. You were always somehow cool with me, like a sister with a brother. But I so often imagined how you and I are making love and I caress you, especially after we were with a company in the sauna, you still have a habit of sitting on the top shelf in Turkish cross-legged. Do you remember? I was still hovering you with a broom.

- Of course I remember. Do you think I had no idea? Even fantasizing.

I looked at her lips and leaned back against them. She answered and started spinning again ... But that wasn't enough for me. I began to kiss her face, eyes, nose, neck ... sinking lower and lower and getting higher and higher out of the water. When the water was knee-deep, I stopped, there was pleasant sand under my feet. I caressed her breasts, then one, then the other, processing my tongue protruding, excited nipples and surprisingly regular shape and size framing their areas. She was trembling, and it was obvious! In the meantime, I sank even lower. Her flat tummy was covered in bumps like chills and it turned on. Finally I knelt down and my tongue touched her navel. Natasha just shuddered and she tensed. Below was a thin line of hairs to the pubis. I slowly passed it, feeling both my own and her increasing tension. And here is the pubis, behind it and the bosom. “Am I not sleeping now and all this is really happening” - flashed through my head. I looked up and saw her thrown back head on a graceful long neck, a half-open mouth with dry lips and the tip of her tongue nervously licking them, half-closed eyes and heaving chest like blacksmiths' bellows. I touched her tongue to the “hollow”. In the place where it just begins. My little sister tensed like hardened steel. I raised my eyes again to look at her. She looked at me point-blank with such a loving and willing look that I involuntarily wanted to kiss her again. Apparently she guessed it and bent down, our lips again merged in a kiss. We seem to have compensated for all these years. I knew that she wanted more like me. Tearing myself away from the kiss, I clung to her bosom, vagina, vagina ... call it what you want. The bottom line is that this quivering and tender flesh excites women as well as us, even from the very thought of touching it. And if a woman is loved, then caressing her in all available ways is the ultimate dream. I was close to this limit and wanted her to be fully satisfied. Therefore, given my experience and desire, I went to the end. She moaned, artificially muffling it, and ran her fingers through my hair like a rosary. I stroked her cheek, neck, shoulders ... I penetrated her tongue as deeply as I could and she could not restrain herself and moaned into her voice ... This groan spread over the silent river and melted into fog, as if the river was on our side and wanted to hide everything from prying ears and eyes. I took up her clitoris and she finished. She finished powerfully, energetically, like an erupting volcano, and the juice poured out of her like lava. I drank and licked this lava, and it pulsed and flowed ... Suddenly it froze and went limp. I held it and gently sat it in the water, it just reached my chest. Natalka looked at me with a dull look, pulled me by the neck, kissed me gently and said thank you ... Then she pulled her knees under her and laid her head on them. She felt good. And despite the fact that I was still aroused and not discharged, it worried me least of all. I was happy for her. Perhaps this is love. I admired it. After a moment, she raised her head and smiled at me.

“Soon I’ll take care of you… I’ll just come to my senses, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t cope,” and smiled again.

- Rest. Do not worry about me. I said as confidently as possible.

- No. This will not work. I do not play with only one goal, and I do not like to be obliged. - Her eyes literally shone.

- Good. Has persuaded. I’ll wait, once you insist - I joked ...

She got up slowly and walked over to me. She hugged her again and snuggled up. I felt it with every nerve. Already in anticipation, I was drawing for myself the heavenly groves into which pleasure would now take me away, when suddenly voices were heard. I thought it seemed to me, but no. The name was Natasha.

- Your name is Natalka! Let’s jump out faster, or else they will “cover” us here. She turned her head sharply, listened, looked at me, pressed her lips to my lips again, turned around and went to the shore. I helped her up the ledges by specially touching her ass and touching her pussy.

- Stop doing that. They are already close. Why won't you go?

- Where am I in this form - I pointed to the riser - we need to cool down. Go. I'm not going anywhere, love!

- My dear. I love you so much! The debt is mine. - She shook her finger and ran to the camp. I plunged into the water and began to swim relieving stress. The day started out great!

All ages are submissive to love, the love of an adult woman and a guy is a story from life.

Have I ever thought about the fact that my boring and measured life can suddenly turn upside down in an incredible way, turning into a stormy stream of frivolous actions and crazy love passions? Frankly, no. But it happened ...

That Saturday day began quietly and peacefully. Nothing foreshadowed turbulent events. In the morning I sent my son to the market and enthusiastically set about cleaning. Soap, rubbed, scrubbed.

To make it more fun to work, turned on the volume of the tape recorder. This is probably why I heard the doorbell only when he became too persistent.

Again Pashka forgot to take the keys with him, - I muttered, heading into the hallway.

Opening the door, I saw in front of me a tall handsome brunette in a white T-shirt and shorts, with a sheathed tennis racket in his hands. Seeing me, the guy was a little confused, so I spoke first:

Hello. To whom are you?

To Pasha, - he smiled. - We were going to the courts with him.

And I sent him to the market ...

Recovering myself, I pulled the colorful kerchief off my head, imagining how awful I must look in old breeches, without makeup, with a doormat in my hands. “But he’s about to return. Come on in.

After escorting the guest to her son's room, she threw a rag into the bucket and, rinsing her hands, rushed to change. Pulling on a sundress, she went to the mirror. It seems to be nothing, but it would not hurt to make up. But is it convenient to leave a guest alone for a long time? No, it's inconvenient ...

Love has no age

“Do you think I'm lying? - asked Kostya. - In vain. Believe me, I know many women who are much younger than you. But, none of them are worth your little finger. You are beautiful, smart, kind. "

I looked into his sad eyes and saw in them a mute request. "I love you. Marry me, "he said quietly and suddenly knelt down in front of me."

Before I could think, there was the sound of the door being unlocked. Pasha is back. Entering the hallway, he shouted cheerfully: “Mother! I propose to arrange a grand celebration of the stomach on the occasion of the weekend. I bought some delicacies here! "

Very good, ”I said, looking out of the bedroom. - We have just guests. Rather, a guest. Can't you guess who?

Foolish head! - Pashka swore. - I promised to go to the courts from Kostya.

Now we will not have time, - there was a remark of his friend, then he appeared himself. - Hi!

Hello! - Having passed towards each other, the guys shook hands.

I hope you had time to meet your mom? - the son asked a friend.

Not really, - he hesitated, then turned to me: - Forgive me for not immediately introducing myself. I'm Kostya. Pasha and I work together. Recently, but already became friends.

Very nice, - I smiled, straightening my bangs. - Oh yes ... Alla Ivanovna.

The acquaintance took place. Ten minutes later, the three of us sat in the kitchen and ate the pilaf cooked in the evening and the delicacies brought by Pasha.

Awesome pilaf! - the guest could not resist praising. - Teach you to cook?

I'll teach you, - I nodded in response. - A-ah-ah ... Are you cooking yourself? (At the request of Pashka's friend, I began to tell him "you".)

I have to, - he smiled. - I live alone. Mom and father in Smolensk.

So you're a newcomer! And how long have you been in Moscow?

Almost ten years. Actually, my parents insisted that after graduation I return home, but I stayed here.

Are you used to living in the capital?

You could say that. Yes, and I want independence, but living with my parents, willy-nilly would have to obey. I don't know about you, but my mom is a real dictator.

And we have complete democracy! - Pashka waved his hand. - Really, mother?

I don't know why, but the word “mother” caused a protest in my soul. Previously, it did not cause, but now ... Well at least I did not call him an old woman, because sometimes this also happened. In short, I did not answer Pasha.

After breakfast I was going to wash the dishes, but Kostya said that he agreed to take this unpleasant procedure on himself:

You cooked, Pashka went to the bazaar, I clean - everything is fair.

Washing dishes is not a man's job! - I tried to object, but the guy resolutely took the apron away from me.

My mother thought differently, so I have been accustomed to housework since childhood. So go to the room and rest in peace. Pashka will show me what and where to arrange.

Okay, - I finally conceded, but I didn't leave the kitchen. It was very pleasant to communicate with an unexpected guest ...

The love of a grown woman and a boy

Since that very Saturday, Kostya has developed the habit of spending both weekends with us, and after three months he began to appear almost every day. And he preferred to talk not with Pashka, but with me.

Gradually the conversations became more frank, one might even say intimate. To tell the truth, it surprised me, because my own son had never opened up to me that much.

Pashka was convinced that with my "Sovdepov" upbringing, I could not understand the problems of today's youth. He was skeptical about my "patronage" of Kostya, but he was careful not to openly mock me.

More and more often I caught myself thinking that I was thinking of Kostya not as an elder friend of my son, but as a man who I wanted to like. "This is stupid, because he sees in me only the mother of a friend!" - reproached herself.

And in the evening she again put on something brighter and carefully corrected the makeup that had slightly swam during the day. Let not think that at forty a woman feels like an ancient old woman ...

Once on Saturday, Pasha forgot to warn Kostya that he was going on a date with a girl (since he had one, his friend gradually faded into the background).

In general, Kostya and I were left alone by chance. At first everything went as usual: we told each other about the events of the day, joked, drank tea. We sat up long after midnight. Finally Kostya got ready to leave.

Before he could get up from the table, the light went out. Oyknuv, I tried to fumble for a lighter on the table, and suddenly felt Kostya's hand on my back, then felt his hot breath on my neck.

Frightened, she jumped up, knocking over the stool with a crash. I wanted to take a step towards the door, but found myself in a man's arms - so strong that there was no point in resisting. And to be honest, I didn't want to ...

I don't remember how long we stood like that. Kostya did not dare to kiss me, but he whispered such tender words in his ear that I was lost like a girl. I didn't know what to answer, only more and more I surrendered myself to the power of his strong hands.

Is this the love of a grown woman and a guy? They already touched my chest, and then suddenly a light flashed. With a cry, I staggered to the side, feeling a wave of shame flood my face and neck. But Kostya stood as pale as chalk. He stood and looked at the floor. Silently.

Go away, ”I asked, strangled. - Please, Kostya ...

Without waiting for an answer, she ran into the bathroom. After a minute slammed entrance door... I decided that Kostya had left, so I dared to leave. At the door I ran into Pashka: "You ?!"

Pope! - the son laughed in response. - Why are you so scared?

The light was turned off, - I grunted, glancing towards Bones leaving the kitchen.

Shine? - Pashka asked. Noticing a friend in the doorway, he stumbled: - And are you here? Oh well…

It was a shame to explain to my son what happened. Yes, he, in fact, did not try to find out anything, he was used to the fact that Kostya disappears with us on weekends. Well, stayed once longer than usual, so what? In short, Pashka didn’t guess anything like that at the time. And still I didn't know what to do with my eyes.

At night I could not sleep for a long time. Going to the window, she looked at the sky overcast with clouds. She sighed: wow, not a single star! Bad sign... Oh bad ...

Returning to bed, I curled up in a ball and suddenly felt so empty, old that she finally burst into tears ...

Early in the morning I left for the dacha. A lot of things had accumulated, only they did not distract from disturbing thoughts about yesterday. I could not help but think about it, about the love of an adult woman and a young guy, I could not!

I recalled Kostya's strong embrace, his passionate whisper and felt how youth and desire were pouring out in a hot wave over the body longing for a man's affection. Returning home, I anticipated a meeting with Kostya.

I was not mistaken: he was waiting for me at the entrance. Unhappy, with the eyes of a repentant sinner. Stepping forward, he blocked the road:

If you tell him to leave, I will die!

My face twisted nervously:

But I'm old for you, you know? And that's all nonsense. Caprice!

Not true! he almost shouted.

Now I was faced with a choice: to be with my beloved, but lose, full or keep my family, leaving everything as before? And that, and another did not suit me, but you had to decide something!

Stepping forward, he grabbed me by the shoulders: - You ... You ... You are the best, do you hear ?! And I love you! So much so that ... In general, more life! "You're wrong boy!" I wanted to say, but instead suddenly buried my face in his shoulder. My head was spinning with happiness. Loves! He loves me!..

A minute later we kissed at the entrance. Like crazy. “I have never met such a woman,” Kostya whispered in my ear during breaks. - I've been crazy since I saw you! Pashka was jealous, can you imagine ?! Just because he could be with you as much as he wanted! Is it funny? "

What could I answer him? What was also waiting for our meetings all the time? That she started going to the beautician - in the hope that I could turn back the damned time?

Let's go up to me, - whispered barely audibly, - Pashka was going to go to the night disco in the evening.

You really want us to ...

He halted and looked into my eyes. - Well ...

Very much, - I nodded.

It was true. My body wanted him desperately, so much so that all thoughts and fears disappeared from my head along with common sense. And how could you not want him? So young, handsome! With bottomless black eyes, in the depths of which an unknown attractive force splashed.

Now I already knew that I could not resist their undivided power ... I will never forget our first intimacy. We both laughed and cried out of an excess of enthusiastic feelings. And they did not feel ashamed at all - even I, for all my notoriousness.

Waking up in the morning, she looked at Kostino's pacified face for a long time. And suddenly she clearly understood that she was doomed to love him forever. Only him and no one else.

Despite the difference in fifteen years and all the absurdity of their behavior. I was only afraid of one thing - talking with my son. And yet it took place. That same morning. Kostya deliberately waited for Pashka, although I insisted that he had better leave.

When Pashka found out what had happened, at first he was speechless. Then he looked at his friend with genuine bewilderment:

Why do you need it?! So, say! You know how we treat such connections!

This is not a connection! - Kostya interrupted him. - This is Love! And we ... We're getting married soon.

What-oh-oh ?! - Pashka goggled his eyes. - Well, you do! Completely out of your mind? Yes, the whole world will make fun of you!

And I don't care what and who will say about the love of an adult woman and a guy! - Kostya said calmly. - Don't give a damn about everything!

Understand-a-atno ... - mockingly drawled the son. - And the kids? Will you give birth to babies too? Or will you adopt me?

Stop doing that! Of course, you think it's ridiculous that I love your mother. But it is, and you have to come to terms with it.

My body wanted him desperately. So much so that all thoughts and recent fears disappeared from my head. What common sense can we talk about when a woman falls in love before losing her pulse? It doesn't matter that the beloved is not much older than your child.

Never! - Pasha said syllables and left the kitchen, loudly slamming the door.

You'd better leave, ”I said to Kostya with a sob. - Let him calm down a little, think. It's harder for him than for us, isn't it?

After seeing off her beloved, she went to the bathroom. “And if Pasha is right? - I thought, standing in front of the mirror. - Look at yourself! Well! Sunken cheeks, smudged makeup, painted over gray hair. Who do I want to fool?

Maybe it's worth cooling off and finally realizing that my place is on the couch in front of the TV, and not next to a young guy? What the hell is the love of an adult woman and a young boy! Will people understand? Even the son did not understand. Neither me nor Kostya. And this is terrible. "

Having washed off the remnants of makeup from my face, I sadly trudged into the room. Approaching the door of Pashka's room, she knocked, asking to be admitted. But he didn't answer me.

Well, okay, - I said offended. - You can be angry, since you do not have a heart ...

Eight months have passed since then. Kostya and I signed and live in my cousin's apartment. She is the only one who understood us.

Although ... Yesterday my son called and said that he was no longer angry and would like to meet. Not only with me, but also with Kostya.

Come! - I answered gladly.

And almost burst into tears with happiness ...

2015 - 2016,. All rights reserved.

I lived in the far north, beyond the Arctic Circle. I'm not a little tall, and I'm not offended by force. And as was the custom in our nineties, he was engaged in dark and bad things. And then one day we were sitting with a business man and waiting for miracles different led conversations are correct and vital. Yes, for some reason they started talking about our parents. I must say that I am fatherless, and after this conversation something stuck in my head that it would not be bad to find a mother with a folder. Be patient a little - it all starts with the folder.

There was one policeman I knew who worked in the passport office - so he made a competent request. True, I had to wait six months, but I still found a folder! And where - in Moscow! I thought, I thought - yes, and decided to call. And so I go into my father's kitchen, and there my younger sister is with my father from another wife, but she is my own blood. It turned out to be so small, and at the age of 25 years and with a nephew already. He is engaged in a haircut with his girlfriend ... It was then, guys, that everything started spinning before my eyes.

As I saw my sister's friend, I really got sick: well, I am drawn to my sister's friend, and that's it. The sister turned out to be smart and silent. I understood everything and calmly left for the north. But Natasha stuck in her head firmly. Believe it or not - but for five years I went to visit my father and only looked in the direction of Natasha. But in the sixth year I watched her and hinted, well, a personal meeting, well, sit somewhere. Without any hope - but she agreed. And everything worked out there heart to heart, and believe me - I did not want to continue another.

I left for the north with one thought - how to live with Natasha and rejoice in my soul. True, in the winter I came to Moscow on my own business and decided to call her right away. Everything worked out: I met her at the entrance, got into the car, and then it began - we drove to the Moscow region, walked for a long time, I confessed to her, she agreed to think about our road, which we would go together ... She asked what I would be doing in Moscow - I'll come up with it, I said, and we returned to our Moscow corners.

I didn't want to leave, but I had to. I ventured to visit her before the road, and Natasha was waiting for me. After another six months of my courtship, she said from afar: come! And now more than 10 years have passed. True, when she found out more about me, I had to part with my habits - now I'm an ordinary guy, I'm honestly working. Recently, the valiant authorities visited me on old matters, but they saw that I was living correctly. And thanks to Natasha, who once said that they sent her to earth to correct and instruct loved ones on the right path, and I am her closest person. And I'm still studying now in my 4th year in technical university... Well, and how old I am, you ask, how old? Yes, more than forty. And their daughter's name is Lizaveta.

Silver Scoda Oktavia, having driven into a holiday village, passed a high fence made of natural stone and stopped near a chic wrought-iron gate.

Good-natured owners Sergei and Marina, warmly waved their hands to the couple who got out of the car.

Olga and Ivan immediately began to hug the owners of the summer cottage.

Putting the bags on the kitchen table, the men retired into the courtyard to light the grill, leaving the women to cook and keep secret.

These two couples, slightly over forty, have been friends for a long time and there were always plenty of common topics for conversation.

Half an hour later, the intoxicating aroma of barbecue hovered over the site, forcing the neighbors to swallow their saliva.

A huge oak table was laid in a chic gazebo on the shore of a small lake.

On a huge platter, mouth-watering pieces of meat were still sizzling, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, herbs and a variety of sauces were placed in rows in plates.

The women drank wine.

Men brandy.

Toasts were sounded to the beautiful ladies, who were slightly blushing from the wine, or from the frank glances of men at the beautiful female bodies, chained in the fabric of swimsuits.

Sergei looked passionately at Olga, Ivan at Marina.

Both women knew about their husbands' sympathy for each other and played a little along with them, but they never went further than flirting.

Everyone was pretty drunk.

Ivan offered to swim. Olga and Sergei refused, but the hostess of the dacha supported the guest.

Laughing and pushing slightly, the couple threw themselves into the refreshing cool water.

Olga decided to walk around the courtyard, admire the flowers, Sergei volunteered to be an escort, and they hid behind evenly trimmed bushes with a stroll.

Ivan every now and then dived trying to emerge as close as possible near Marina. The woman held the game, laughing merrily, splashing, squealing and trying to outwit the diver.

At some point, Ivan emerged close to the woman. She gave a mock cry and jumped up slightly. The fabric of the swimsuit immediately treacherously jumped down, exposing the chest.

Ivan froze, unable to look away.

Beautiful elastic breasts of the fifth size have not lost their shape over the years. The papillae, hard from the coolness of the water, beckoned.

Embracing the woman's waist with a strong hand, Ivan drew her to him. Their lips merged in a passionate kiss. Hands eagerly wandered over the bodies, causing wild excitement.

In the blink of an eye, women's panties slid off her lush thighs. Men's swimming trunks followed.

Marina's legs closed in the area of \u200b\u200bIvan's buttocks. He entered her abruptly, eagerly, without caresses and foreplay. Their bodies craved wild, animal passion. It was something she had not experienced with her husband for so long. And the danger of being noticed only increased the desire.

It was fast, but insanely arousing sex that delivered huge waves of orgasm to both partners.

The sun setting behind the horizon excited imagination with its brightness. The intoxicatingly smelling lilac, in the rays of the departing heavenly body, seemed to be an unprecedented strange plant from the fairy land of elves. Now, another moment, and among the beautiful flowers, a small creature will appear with shiny sunbeams wings.

Olga brought her face closer to the flowers, greedily inhaling the fragrance with her little nose.

Sergey came up from behind and, embracing the woman by the thin waist, gently kissed her ear. Olga gracefully threw back her head, smoothly closing her eyes.

She would never have let another man come to her, while remaining faithful to her husband, but the wine and the sweet aromas of flowers turned her head. In addition, she knew that Sergei had been burning with passion for her for a long time, wanting not only her body, but her very essence. This added zest to what was happening, and like any woman, Olga was flattered to be desired by another man.

Hot male lips gently touched the female neck, giving short kisses to the silk skin. A shiver ran through Olga's body. A wide palm squeezed a small female breast, while not giving even a hint of rudeness or pain. My heart pounded in a frantic rhythm. The butterflies at the bottom of the flat belly swirled in a chaotic round dance. Legs became wadded.

She would definitely have collapsed to the ground, but strong man's hands grabbed the slender body and carefully lowered the grass onto the green carpet.

Slowly freeing Olga from the burden of a bathing suit, Sergei enjoyed the sight of the guest's long-desired body, memorizing every mole, every bump, every bend of her gorgeous body.

His movements were thought out, verified, gentle and accurate. He longed for her for too long and could not afford to be careful in the moment that fell on his luck.

And she accepted his caresses, his kisses, moaning softly and stroking her thick hair, passing it through her thin fingers.

Male lips slid over the elastic chest, like a swan feather, plunging the female consciousness into a trance of ecstasy, and Sergei, with every second, dropped lower and lower and became more tender.

Even under hypnosis, she could not remember the number of waves of orgasm that covered her head.

And then they just lay there and were silent, not thinking about anything.

When Sergey and Olga returned, Marina was updating the snacks on the table, and Ivan was pouring alcohol into glasses and wine glasses. From the ruddy cheeks of the women and the confused speech of the men, it was not difficult to guess what had happened, but everyone pretended that nothing had happened. Everyone decided for himself that this is a fleeting attraction, which appeared with a desire to diversify the dullness of relations in the burned out fire of family life.

They had fun until morning, fervently and not forcedly, taking only a few hours to sleep.

In the morning, restrained, but in a friendly way, we said goodbye and departed.

Household problems, family routine and eternal affairs overwhelmed families. But still something was wrong.

Ivan constantly thought about Marina, having completely lost interest in his wife.

Olga, lying in bed with her eyes closed, dreamed of Sergei's caresses. The hostess Marina often began to overload the cooked food, dreaming about Vanya's wild passion.

And Sergei, placing an old photo of Olga on the table in his office, did not take his eyes off her, sighing heavily.

This could not last forever.

They met at their favorite cafe, where they often celebrated holidays together. The conversation was long and difficult. Each found the strength to confess his love for another.

After not much chatting, they parted.

Sergei took Olga to his place.

Ivan took Marina to his house.

Despite their not young age, they left the ashes of burnt out love and plunged headlong into a new flame of passion.

Sergei rushed home from work with a bullet, surprising his beloved, with a new bunch of flowers and after a long hug, he would certainly carry her to the marriage bed in his arms. And Olga gave him tenderness and affection, giving herself completely and completely.

Ivan and Marina, not wanting to creak the bed, which had become hateful in those marriages, traveled a lot. Their lust and insane, sometimes animal passion involved them in love games as a couple in the most unexpected places. They, like young students, not giving a damn about morality and ethics, merged into a single whole in a passionate vice, where they wanted and when they wanted, covering each other with waves of violent orgasm.

The silvery Scoda Oktavia stopped at the familiar gate. Ivan and Marina got out of the car. The hosts, Sergei and Olga, came out to meet them with open hands.

They sat for a long time in the gazebo, chatting and sharing the news.

And when the sun lazily crawled over the horizon and shining stars spilled out onto the sky, the lovers dispersed so that they would meet again in the morning.

Ivan and Marina scattered, jumped into the lake, from which it all began, cuddling with memories and new passion.

And Sergei, picking up Olga in his arms, carried his beloved, now legal wife, to their lilac bush.

The text is large so it is paginated.

Whatever she did was tempting. Eroticism manifested itself in all movements. She was especially inimitable in the kitchen. In a light robe, tight-fitting, torn outward. A man who sees her eating a cucumber, a banana, or licking ice cream might have gone mad if he hadn't finished. John knew this feature of his wife and therefore, created for her special dietconsisting of spherical and cube-shaped products. With this approach, he had a chance not to go crazy with lust. No cucumbers, bananas, or ice cream. Only its member is long and conical. And now Inga, on her knees, licked the head of his penis, pushing back the upper flesh. John tried not to look in order to delay the pleasure ...
This is what the young writer Perversev wrote. Erotic scenes were his strong point. He considered himself the greatest writer of genius, and much of his genius consisted in frankness.
- What are you writing, dear?
Trofim looked at his wife. Her robe was not tight. It is difficult to find clothes that can be used to cover this knitting needle - any thing, like on a hanger.
- A story, dear, - Trofim muttered.
- What about? - asked the wife.
- About love.
Sonya froze with enthusiasm, dreamily looking up at the ceiling.
“About love…” she whispered.
In one hand a knife, in the other a headless fish.
- I asked not to distract me! - soared Trofim.
- Good, good, - and Sonya returned to business.
Trofim loved to create his creations in the kitchen. Here you can, without being distracted from writing, drink coffee, smoke a cigarette and replenish your energy reserve by eating something high-calorie. It used to be thought that a writer should be hungry. Perversev thought otherwise. The writer must be full. From this, the creator becomes kinder and his works. Previously, they wrote on an empty stomach, and what a grudge it turned out.
- Dinner soon? - Trofim asked without raising his head from his genius.
- Soon, dear, soon.
It is easy and pleasant to release a magnificent body from a small robe, it breaks out by itself.
John loved to free Inga from unnecessary clothes. He began to kiss her, often combining business with pleasure, because making love is so nice to have a light snack. At first, the lovers used fruits: kiwi and strawberries, bananas and watermelons, then they tried meat, and finally fish. Herring is an irreplaceable thing in eroticism ...
- So, when is dinner ?! - exploded Trofim.
- Please, darling, - Sonya put a plate in front of her husband. Boiled potatoes, a couple of fried pollock and a cucumber. Sonya sat down opposite and took a bite of a cucumber. Perversev flinched at the loud sound. Goosebumps ran down my spine. He sighed heavily, buried himself in his plate and broke a potato with a fork.
After supper, he continued with John's life story.
But the most delicious fruit was between her legs ...

He finished writing at night. In the morning I had to get up and prepare a financial report for the boss. He hesitated for another minute, fantasizing that instead of reporting he would give her his stories and that she, stunned with excitement, would fuck him, and went to bed.
He climbed under the veil. Sonya was snoring, she was lying on her side, curled up, he lifted his nightie, got up from him. All of John's tension went to him. He lowered his panties from Sonya, smeared the head of the penis with saliva and inserted it. Several frictions were not easy - rather dry. He grabbed her skinny ass (it's useless to touch her chest - it's the same as touching pimples) and moved dynamically.
"Oo-o-ooh," he sighed and finished.
- Yes, honey, did you want something? - Sonya woke up.
“No, dear, nothing,” Trofim replied. - Good night.
He turned his back to her and quickly fell asleep.

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