A set of basic exercises for gaining muscle mass. How to Gain Weight for a Skinny Guy: Special Stepper Weight Gain Diet for Men

Blocks 27.09.2020

The weight training program for men implies, firstly, the presence of a certain foundation that was laid earlier, and secondly, a certain experience that a person acquired by laying it. Thus, an athlete burdened with training experience has the opportunity and also feeds the need to engage in a more advanced training program, which we will consider today.

This article is a logical continuation of the difficult path of a beginner in the gym. In it, we talked about which training program to start with and what to strive for. Well, now, as promised, let's move on to split training. And by tradition, we will explain what this means. This means that it will no longer be possible to train the whole body during training, but specific muscle groups. This will give them a varied load and increase the stimulation of different muscle fibers within the same group.

What should be considered the basis for building a training program for a split-scheme? Split, translated from English means "division". This is what we will do. We will build mass gain for men based on the fact that we train six muscle groups (remember: legs, back, chest, deltas, arms, abs), and training takes place three times a week, we will divide them in this way: we will train two muscle groups in day. Exercises on the abdominal muscles, as before, will be present all the time.

The duration of the second stage will be 6 months. We will change the program every month, we will give preference to basic exercises with the inclusion of additional exercises for this muscle group. We will work mainly in the range of 10 repetitions. Training time - up to 1.5 hours, rest between sets of moderate severity - a minute / one and a half, rest between heavy sets - 2 minutes, or until full recovery, as mentioned in previous articles. We continue to do hyperextension at the beginning of each workout, and do ab exercises at the end of the workout. Also, deadlift appears in our program. But before we get started, let's get back to three old questions.

First Is the workout program given here aimed at gaining muscle mass or total body weight? The program below is a training program for gaining muscle mass for a man. We have in our arsenal the skills of the exercise technique built during the first stage and the foundations for the formation of a neuromuscular connection. This is already a great help in the process of building muscle.

Second - can less experienced and more experienced athletes train according to the split scheme? The beginner is strongly recommended to train on the "full body" principle, if you start training with a split-scheme from scratch, then only under the guidance of a personal trainer. More experienced athletes not only can, but often use a split-scheme as a fundamental principle of building training programs.

So. Stage two. Duration: 6 months. Purpose: building muscle. Training cycle change: every 4 weeks.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: 1st Cycle

We will build trainings in the first month in this way. First day: chest / shoulders. Second day: biceps / triceps. Third day: legs / back.

Comments. 1st day: hyperextensions will be discussed separately below. Bench press - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell press and breeding as well. Seated dumbbell press, pull to the chin and reverse dilutions according to the technique. 2nd day: lifting a bar with a straight bar, lifting dumbbells and hammers standing, according to the technique. Push-ups will also be discussed separately. French bench press and extension from behind the head according to the technique. 3rd day: squats, leg extensions and lunges according to technique. About pull-ups also at the end, bent-over barbell row - with a direct grip, dumbbell pull to the belt according to the technique.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: 2nd Cycle

We will build the second month of training in this way. First day: back / triceps. Second day: legs / shoulders. Day 3: chest / biceps.

Comments. 1st day: barbell thrust in the slope - reverse grip. Deadlift will be discussed below. Pull of the horizontal block according to the technique. Press with a narrow grip, French dumbbell press and extension of the arms according to the technique. 2nd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian Deadlift and Calf Raises according to technique. Press the bar while standing from the chest. Incline dumbbell breeding and dumbbell shrugs - according to technique. 3rd day: bench press lying - on a bench with an upward slope. Press from the chest in the simulator and the bow tie according to the technique. Lifting the barbell in the Scott bench is performed with an EZ bar, lifting dumbbells in the Scott's bench and concentrated lifting according to the technique.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: 3rd Cycle

For the third month we will train as follows. First day: legs / biceps. Second day: chest / back. Day 3: Shoulders / Triceps.

Comments. 1st day: squats are standard. Leg press and leg curls according to technique. Lifting the barbell - with a straight bar, hammers according to the technique - sitting, lifting in the block also according to the technique. 2nd day: bench press lying - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell bench press also, crossover information - from the upper blocks. Pull-ups and deadlifts are performed according to the technique, T-bar row in the station with an emphasis on the chest. 3rd day: Arnold bench press, standing dumbbell breeding and dumbbell shrugs are performed according to the technique. Dips on the uneven bars according to the technique, French press sitting - with a barbell, extension of the arms in the slope - simultaneously with both hands.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: 4th Cycle

For the fourth month, let's make up the training in this way. First day: chest / triceps. Second day: back / shoulders. Third day: legs / biceps.

Comments. 1st day: bench press lying down on a bench with a downward slope, dumbbell press as well. A butterfly in the simulator - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups from the bench - with weights, extension from behind the head and in an incline according to the technique. 2nd day: bent-over barbell row - with a straight grip, deadlift - according to technique, vertical pull - to the chest. Press the barbell while sitting behind the head. Bent over dilution and barbell pull to the chin - according to the technique. 3rd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian deadlift and leg extension - by technique. Scott Bench Biceps Curl - EZ Bar. Dumbbell curls for biceps and hammers - according to the technique.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: Cycle 5

Let's designate the fifth month with this training split. First day: back / biceps. Second day: legs / triceps. Third day: chest / shoulders.

Comments. 1st day: pull-ups, deadlifts, and horizontal pulleys are performed according to technique. Lifting the bar for biceps - with a straight bar. Concentrated biceps curls and block biceps curls according to technique. 2nd day: squats are standard. Hack squats and standing calf raises - according to the technique. Bench press with narrow grip and French press - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups - with additional weights. 3rd day: bench press lying on a horizontal bench, dumbbell breeding as well. Information in the crossover - from the lower blocks according to the technique. Seated dumbbell press, sitting dumbbell breeding and reverse breeding - according to the technique.

Muscle Gain Program for Men: Cycle 6

For the sixth month we will train in such a split. First day: chest / legs. Second day: back / shoulders. Day 3: Triceps / Biceps.

Comments. 1st day: bench press lying on a bench with an upward slope. Press from the chest in the simulator and bow tie - according to the technique. Squats - with a barbell on the chest. Leg press and barbell lunges according to technique. 2nd day: T-bar row in the simulator with an emphasis on the chest. Deadlift and dumbbell row to the belt - according to the technique. Bench press standing - from the chest. Slope dilutions - according to technique. We perform shrugs with a barbell behind the back. 3rd day: push-ups on the uneven bars and seated French dumbbell press - by technique. Extension of arms in the block - with a rope. Lifting the bar in the Scott bench - with a straight bar. Lifting the bar with a straight grip and hammers - according to the technique.


Hyperextension. Earlier, for two months of the first stage, we did this exercise without weights. The muscles of the lower back have already got used to such a load and, most likely, practically do not react to it. This suggests that it is time to use the extra weight in the exercise. The most convenient for this purpose is a barbell disk, which must be thrown over the head and held on the shoulder blades.

Bars. Everything here is purely individual, but if you can do push-ups on the uneven bars more than 10 times, there is no point in doing it 15, 20, or more times, since you will be training endurance, and weight gain for men involves slightly different manipulations. What to do? Take a belt, chain, and perform push-ups with weights, but as before - no more than 8-10 times. Where to begin? Hang a 2.5 kg disc on your belt. Still doing more than 10 times? Weigh 5 kg. Pick up the weight for 8-10 reps.

Pull-ups. The same story as with the dips. If you can pull up more than 10 times, hang a weight on the belt. Start in the same way, for example with 2.5 kg. Adapt the weights according to the same principle - select the weight for the given number of repetitions. In this case, you need to choose the weight so that at the 8m, 9m repetition you already feel fatigue and tension, and the final repetition goes through strength.

Deadlift. As you noticed, it is absent in the first cycle, since we swing our back on the same day with our legs and it is undesirable to perform two heavy basic exercises on the same day. Moreover, during the first cycle, on hyperextensions, you will sufficiently work out the lumbar muscles, which are involved in the deadlift, without which, in turn, the training program for gaining muscle mass for a man would be incomplete.


As for the number of approaches: while the weights are small, you can perform one warm-up approach before the working weight. A working weight is a weight with which you can complete a given number of repetitions. For example, if in the bench press you have to perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions according to the program, and for this number of repetitions you can squeeze, say 40 kg, then it will be enough to perform one warm-up approach with a weight of 20 kg, and then three workers with a weight of 40 kg. Warm-up sets do not count. When you reach a weight of, say, 80 kg, you can perform two warm-up sets, the first with a weight of 40 kg, the second with a weight of 60 kg, and then proceed to work approaches. The warm-up rule applies to all exercises. We have already said that it is necessary to perform a warm-up.

Globally, the approach to the training process described in this article is called the linear progression method. The weight training program for men, in the context of this method, provides for the fulfillment of the following basic conditions. The first is a constant increase in working weights (we have already talked about this). And the second, which follows from the first, is that every week is hard, that is, every next week you try to take more weights than the previous one. This is the principle of linear progression.

MYTH. There is an opinion that some exercises can be split, some cannot. The very concept of resistance training debunks this myth. The essence of the training is to create the maximum traumatic effect on the muscles, which will give them an incentive to heal and grow. It is the quality of the workout that matters, not the split itself. For this reason, the definition of "correct split" or "wrong split" is inherently completely flawed.

EXPERIENCE. You can often hear the question - why do several exercises for one muscle group? The answer is extremely simple. Each muscle group needs to be worked out in a complex way, to give a load to each of its parts (external, internal, lower, upper, peak), then you will get the result. Whichever muscle group you are working on, a prerequisite is to perform basic exercises, as well as a variety of load due to various exercises on the target muscle group.

ADVICE. Most beginners who just come to the gym either copy the training programs of famous athletes, or start training according to the same programs as their more experienced friends. Both cases, for obvious reasons, exclude the period of laying the foundation. Such a course of events is a significant omission, as an attempt to build a house not on a solid foundation, but on soft ground, which in the future will lead either to injuries or to stagnation in training, or to a lack of desire and refusal to train. Do not neglect


You can familiarize yourself with a full illustrated description of the exercises given in this program, the technique for performing them and tips by clicking on the links to articles with the appropriate name:


At this point, the six-month stage of mass gain for men ends. During this stage, we did a good job on each muscle group and strengthened the foundation laid during the first stage. Performing the second is just as important because in these six months you have tried all the exercises for each muscle group. We did them, of course, not thoughtlessly, but listened to our body and determined which of them it reacted best of all. In the future, this will help us adjust the training program so that it mostly consists of precisely those exercises that give your muscles (in your individual case) the best stimulus for growth. If you have reached this point and you are not tired of the gym yet, and the results in measurements and in the mirror motivate you to continue exercising, then you are ready to move to the next level, where the muscle gain program for men will be presented in a completely new, more complex and varied form.

Skinny guys are not attracted to the female sex, because everyone wants to see a muscular man next to them who can fend for themselves. The presented needs are formed to a greater extent by stereotypes, so young people tend to gain weight in any way possible. It's easy if you know exactly how to gain weight for a thin guy.

To do this, you will have to work hard in the gym, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition with a predominance of protein in the diet, and also use special energy protein shakes. They contain protein and protein, the building blocks needed to build muscle. Only a complex "therapy" will help in achieving the goal, improving the relief of the body. Further, the features of weight gain for very thin guys will be presented in detail.

In order for a guy to gain weight quickly, he needs to heed the following recommendations:

  • regularly eat healthy food - the calorie content should be slightly increased, but due to the consumption of complex carbohydrates and vegetable fats;
  • the calorie content should be greater - the daily calorie content should exceed the energy expended per day;
  • it is important to include easily digestible foods in the diet;
  • regular training is mandatory in weight gain - strength exercises under the careful supervision of a trainer.

Young people of thin build should not neglect one of the presented rules.

It should also be understood that results cannot be achieved in 1-2 weeks, and without regular implementation of the rules, muscle mass will quickly go away.

Please note: It is important to follow the basics of proper nutrition exactly so as not to provoke the formation of a fat layer.

Gain weight quickly in healthy ways

In questions of how to gain weight for a man at home, it is impossible to limit oneself to eating high-calorie and unhealthy foods - this will only provoke an increase in cholesterol, disrupt the functioning of internal systems, liver and intestines, and provoke endocrine problems.

Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to undergo an examination and determine what weight is suitable for a skinny in this case.

For this, doctors and thin guys themselves should use the body mass index correspondence table.

If a guy needs to increase weight, it must be at the expense of muscle mass.

This requires:

  • observe the ratio of carbohydrates - for 1 kg of a person's weight there are 4-5 g, while more than half should contain complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals, bread and pasta from durum wheat, the rest falls on fruits and vegetables (low-fat sweets can be supplemented);
  • proteins are an essential building block, which is consumed daily in the amount of 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight; not only meat and chicken are introduced into the diet, but also protein, whey isolate and other additives;
  • fats will help to add weight at the rate of 1-2 g per 1 kg of the guy's weight, they prefer butter, peanut butter, sour cream.

Proper nutrition with a balanced combination will help a thin man recover quickly and effectively. A guy's diet should include only healthy foods.

In the process, it is necessary to monitor the permissible indicators presented in the table.

Name % ratio Kilograms
1 Muscle 43 30
2 Bone tissue, skeleton 12.1 8.5
3 Skin and subcutaneous fat layer 8.7 6.1
4 Blood 7.7 5.4
5 Gastrointestinal tract 2.9 2
6 Liver 2.4 1.7
7 Brain 1.8 1.3
8 Lungs 1.4 1
9 Other organs, endocrine glands, etc. each less than 1% 20 14

Correct calculation

Eating correctly is to correctly calculate the ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fats, for which they adhere to the following calculation technique.

For example, for a 70kg guy who wants to gain 12kg:

  • counting carbohydrates for gaining muscle mass - in 1 g of carbohydrates 4 kilocalories, taking into account the above standards, a man should consume 350 g of complex carbohydrates per day, ¼ part can be occupied by light carbohydrates;
  • proteins are counted - 175 g or 700 g of protein should come to these indicators of a young man, which is expressed in the form of 0.7 kg of meat or fish;
  • fat counting - in this case, you need 140 g of fat or 1260 kcal, it is allowed to use butter for weight gain, where 100 g is added to cereal porridges, and the remaining 40 g are spread on bread;
  • as a result, the total daily caloric intake of a young person appears to be 3360 kcal per day.

It will not work to gain weight only on the use of the presented calorie content - it is important to provide the body with regular strength training in order to gain muscle mass.

Approximate diet

Protein supplements are essential to build faster in the gym. Otherwise, you will have to be content with just a toned body.

In the morning, it is allowed to eat desserts or sweets, but low in fat. Bitter chocolate, marshmallow, Turkish delight, marshmallows and others are perfect.

Since the addition of protein auxiliary components is essential to increase muscle mass, it is necessary to provide the most effective and beneficial products for gaining muscle mass.

Drug name Act Taste Consumer assessment
Naturade, Weight Gain Whey, sunflower oil, buttermilk, soy protein isolate, milk protein concentrate, soy lecithin, pea protein isolate, egg white, apple fiber, flaxseed, acacia gum, papain bromelain Vanilla 4,1
Optimum Nutrition, Pro Gainer, Banana Cream Pie whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg proteins, whey peptides, wheat glutamine peptides), lipid blend (medium chain triglycerides, high oleic sunflower oil), vitamin and mineral blend Banana Cream Pie 4,1
Optimum Nutrition, Serious Mass Protein mixture (whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, egg, protein, calcium whey), vitamin and mineral mixture, lecithin, medium chain triglycerides. Chocolate 4,3
Universal Nutrition, Real Gains, Weight Gainer Casein, Whey Protein, MCTs, Flaxseed Powder Chocolate ice cream 4,4
Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Up Your Mass Propolis Protein Matrix, Soy Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Whey Concentrate, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, MASS Carbohydrate Carbohydrate Blend [Barley, Oats, Oat Fiber], Medium Chain Triglycerides, Essential Fatty Acid Blend, Evening Primrose Oil, Powder flaxseed, safflower oil, sodium caseinate, vitamin premix Vanilla 3,6
Muscletech, Mass-Tech, Advanced Muscle Gainer Oat bran, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, whey isolate, casein, egg albumin, coca extract, soy lecithin, medium chain triglycerides. Milk chocolate 4,4
MRM, Gainer With Probiotics Natural Protein Optimizer, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Isolate, Casein, Plant Enzyme Blend, Sunflower Oil Powder, Probiotic Blend Vanilla 4,3

For exercising in the gym

Gaining weight without steroids is only possible with hard work in the gym. But even in this case, you will have to face difficulties, namely the lack of relief.

You can gain the necessary kilograms without chemistry if you follow the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to resort to complex training - working out all muscles;
  • training is required three times a week;
  • perform squats and one of the deadlift options are effective exercises to achieve the goal;
  • the training program should include pull-ups, bench press with a barbell;
  • pay attention and time to aerobic training;
  • classes should be conducted with a trainer - in the first few trainings, it is required to develop a comprehensive program that can be performed later without the presence of a specialist.

Among other things, they start using drugs and supplements in accordance with the instructions for use.

Name Flavors The form Additional ingredients
lifornia Gold Nutrition No flavors Soluble powder
Jarrow Formulas No flavors Capsules
Scivation, XTend Strawberry Kiwi, Mango, Blue Raspberry, Lemon Lime, Watermelon, Green Apple, Fruit Punch, Pink Lemonade, Grape, Pineapple, Pina Colada, Margarita, Mandarin, Red Orange Soluble powder Vitamin B6, Citrulline Malate, Electrolyte
MusclePharm Lemon-lime, watermelon, blue raspberry, fruit punch Soluble powder Beta-carotene, fruit and vegetable juices
MRM No flavors Capsules

If strength training is prohibited due to health problems, you should consult with your trainer and your healthcare professional. Together, they should make up the optimal workouts to increase performance and achieve goals.

Work on the body requires an integrated approach - a guy needs to give up bad habits and give preference to a healthy lifestyle. Regular walks in the fresh air are recommended, you can ride a bike or roller skate. It is advisable to exercise daily if there is a need to gain pounds of muscle mass quickly.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing muscle tone. Unlike other machines, the stepper has its own benefits for workouts aimed at losing weight and strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Important not only do it right, but also choose the right simulator.

Features of the stepper simulator

The simulator simulates climbing stairs, the hydraulic or magnetic loading system allows the pedals to work alternately, creating the necessary resistance when striding, loading the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The pedals are lowered under the pressure of the body's weight, thus forcing the muscles to work, ensuring that the legs are constantly lifted like a ladder.

How to do the stepper correctly

  • An important training condition is continuous movementin which the feet do not come off the pedals.
  • So that the load on the muscles is even, heels cannot be taken off the pedals and rise to the toe.
  • Also it is not recommended to fully straighten the kneesto protect the joint from excessive stress.

What muscles work on a stepper

The main work is aimed at the muscles of the legs, buttocks and lower legs. When performing the movement, the quadriceps and biceps muscles of the thigh, as well as the adductors, are included. With the correct position of the foot, the gluteal and calf muscles are exposed to the load. Static load the muscles of the abdomen and lower back are exposed if you train on the classic model.

If you train on, you can additionally connect the oblique abdominal muscles, deep stabilizing muscles of the spine. In models with resistance bands, you can work out all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, performing swings for the deltoid muscles, as well as flexion and extension of the arms for the biceps and triceps.

Pros and cons

Use of the stepper

  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases the body's endurance.
  • Increases the tone of all muscles in the body.
  • Helps to reduce weight, reduce subcutaneous fat and body volume.
  • Safe for training at any age, at any body weight.
  • Does not overload the joints and the spine.
  • Suitable for training during trauma rehabilitation.

Contraindications and cons

  • Exercise is contraindicated in heart disease, high blood pressure.
  • Most household models are not capable of supporting over 100 kg.
  • Some models do not provide adequate resistance to obtain the required load.
  • One disadvantage may be that there is no support for the arms, which only provides the load in one position.

What are the steppers

By load system steppers are divided into 2 types:

  • Mechanical - the load is generated by the user's movements due to the hydraulic resistance of the cylinders. These steppers are inexpensive and have displays that show time, steps, and calorie counts. Models come with or without handles (mini-steppers), expanders to increase the load on the shoulder girdle. Such models are suitable for training at home.
  • Electromagnetic - the load is created by magnetic resistance. These models belong to professional fitness equipment designed for fitness clubs. The dimensions and cost of the simulators are several times higher than the mechanical ones. The simulators are equipped with a display that shows time, steps, calorie consumption. The program also creates an individual load in which you can set your own parameters - gender, weight, age. Such simulators contain several levels of loads and types of programs for muscle tone, weight loss and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Depending on the type of movement and the principle of operation the following types are distinguished:

  1. Classic. Mechanical or electromagnetic steppers of various sizes, simulating classic stair climbing.
  1. Mini steppers. The smallest model on the market, specially designed for home workouts. Such simulators can include only pedals in the design, or additional handles for support and resistance bands. There are also of several types:
  1. with expander - the design with resistance bands is designed to load the muscles of the shoulder girdle, they can also have a display showing the duration of the workout and the number of steps;
  1. balancing - such a simulator has a dependent pedal stroke on the user's efforts, the movement of the simulator occurs due to rolls from foot to foot. Thus, coordination is additionally trained.

  1. Swivel with revolving handles. Exercise machines are designed for additional work on the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, while performing twisting to the sides (twist). Designed for home use.
  1. Staircase. Modern professional models are specially designed for fitness clubs. Such state-of-the-art simulators simulate climbing exactly like an escalator, therefore, they are much more expensive than their predecessors. Equipped with a huge number of functionalities, from displaying any program of various levels, to multimedia and entertainment applications.

How to exercise on a stepper for weight loss

The optimal training duration is 40-60 minutes.

  • If exercising on a machine with a hydraulic system, select a sufficient level of resistance at which the muscles receive a tangible load, but are able to maintain a sufficient pace. For such workouts, resistance bands or light dumbbells can be used to provide multiple repetitions for all muscle groups.
  • For training on electromagnetic simulators select an interval load in the fat burning mode, for this the program itself will select an individual load and a heart rate zone depending on personal parameters (weight, gender, age).

Technique to increase the load on the buttocks

In order to accentuate the load on the buttocks, professional trainers are needed that provide stops in various positions. These models have horizontal or inclined handles on which the forearms can be positioned. In this way, tilting the body will provide more load on the buttocks, excluding the help of the lumbar muscles. The resistance load can be more intense and the pace slower.

How to choose a stepper

  • Pay attention to the maximum user weight, what load the simulator can withstand.
  • For home use, choose exercise machines with handles or resistance bands for additional stress on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  • Choose independent pedal travel, at which you can select several levels of load.

Main manufacturers

Model HS-5027 - classic stepper for home, and mini-stepper K0710A from an American manufacturer with a hydraulic system, the loads are specially designed for home conditions, they run on batteries. Withstand a maximum load of up to 100 kg. Equipped with a computer showing exercise time, steps and calorie consumption.

The brand offers professional electromagnetic fitness equipment for gyms. The model has an independent pedal travel, which provides biomechanical correction of movements. Includes functions for changing speed, programs and loads. Withstands up to 180 kg.

Classic stepper with mechanical loading system with handles and resistance bands. The Polish manufacturer has developed a home line of exercise equipment that can withstand load weights up to 100 kg. The treadmill display shows distance, steps, and workout duration.
The professional line of independent pedal electromagnet steppers offers a classic model with color display, heart rate sensors and load indicators. Compatible with iPod and Polar.

Bradex Cardio Twister

Rotary stepper model with seven load levels for home use. Withstands up to 110 kg. Soft grip swivel handle, non-slip pedals, durable construction.


In the case of steppers, the more expensive and professional the simulator is, the more effective the load, therefore, the better the result. Electromagnetic trainers are able to maintain any position of the body, in which one can easily develop speed, while maintaining stability and safety of movement. Step height and different levels of programs help you lose weight quickly without unnecessary stress on the spine and joints. When choosing available mechanical simulators, choose a model that is close to professional in parameters.

How to use a stepper in video format

> > Weight training program

Weight training program

Building muscle is a time-consuming and time-consuming process that requires not only an effective weight training program, but a set of actions, from nutrition to sleep. As simple as it sounds, many people actually fail to get results for one of two main reasons - they are either trying to over-complicate the process, or they don't really understand the fundamental principles of mass gain. It is important not only to know how many approaches and reps you need to do to gain mass, but how to help your muscles grow as much as possible thanks to proper rest and nutrition.

Weight training principles

The more a person trains, the more he becomes adapted to the loads, therefore it is important to select the correct amount of loadssufficient to ensure consistent muscle adaptation and growth. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly increase the working weight so that the muscles adapted to a certain load continue to progress, and therefore increase in volume.

For muscle growth optimal number of repetitions is the zone from 8-12 times... Since three approaches with moderate weight are suitable for adaptation to the load, then more trained athlete must be done 4 sets with maximum weightworking to muscle failure.

So, the weight of the load should be selected in such a way that it was cannot be lifted more than 12 times. But not less than eight timessince strength will develop and work in the minimum rep range will not increase muscle volume - this is very important.

Rest between sets should not exceed two minutes, this time is enough to rest the muscles from the load. It is also important to have a proper weight training schedule as overworking will not lead to growth. It is advisable to train every other day, and leave two full days of rest. Therefore, the most suitable weight training system for most athletes is 3 days a week.


The increase in muscle volume will inevitably depend on two things.

  1. First, in order to progress, muscles need recovery, including adequate rest and intake of the right nutrients;
  2. and secondly, at some point there will be a "dead center".

The second usually occurs around the 8-week mark, and is associated with the inability to recover in a short time and a lot of stress affecting the central nervous system and other important regulators of muscle growth. At this stage, you can reduce the load, or rest for several days. This should give the body the opportunity to recover, adapt and grow further.


Athletes need to get enough calories, that is, energy to maintain and grow muscles, from carbohydrates and fats, and this is also important for the production of hormones. Protein must be sourced from such as meat, eggs, dairy, whey, and those who need extra protein and recovery need full cycle amino acids and (essential amino acids) needed to build muscle.

Rememberthat total protein and calories in the diet will be the most important determinant of muscle growth, with supplements that will help improve nutrition and fill in the gaps. Sports supplements, such as those, can help maintain strength in the gym, so it's a great tool for people looking to maximize muscle growth.

A significant increase in exercise volume can also have a large effect on the immune system, so additional intake of vitamin C is important... Other supplements that will benefit those looking to build muscle are Omega-3s, fish oils, and Vitamin D.

An important condition for muscle growth is eating right after exercise... Within forty minutes after exertion, the body must replenish its reserves of energy, proteins and carbohydrates. During this period, all nutrients are completely absorbed by the muscles, and this provides a significant impetus for the restoration of damaged tissues, and therefore growth. Also it is important to replenish glycogen stores after sleepsince they begin in a hungry body, the timely supply of protein and carbohydrates will stop the breakdown of its own protein.

Weight training program for men

Day 1 (Chest, biceps)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Press the bar at an angle of 45 degrees 3 x 10-12.

  1. Reduction of hands in a crossover at an angle of 30 degrees 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Press: 3 x 15-20.

  1. Abs: lifting the legs on the uneven bars 3 x 15-20.

Day 2 (Back, legs)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Leg curl in the simulator 3 x 10-12.

Day 3 (Shoulders, triceps)

  1. 3 x 10-12.

  1. Delta machine 3 x 10-12.

). Those. for each muscle group, I will try to single out only 1 exercise, which I would not 100% ignore, unless there are special reasons for that. Go!

Your future SUCCESS (in terms of muscle growth rate) half depends on the correct choice of exercises in the gym, therefore, it is vital not to be mistaken and make the right choice.


Everyone knows this exercise. The best of the best. One of the most effective exercises for developing the broadest muscles of the back ... the one there, FOR DEVELOPING A POWERFUL V-BACK .. This is probably the most popular / ancient and at the same time easily accessible exercise that I would never ignore in the world ...

When it is performed, the entire upper shoulder girdle is involved: the latissimus dorsi, the shoulders (mainly the front bundle), the trapezium (by the way, they are very heavily loaded), the forearms (they also actively plow) and the muscles of the arms (biceps, brachialis, too actively in most people) and even CHEST and TRICEPS. This exercise is the BASIS in training the back muscles of all (if not all, then the absolute majority) athletes.

For this exercise, there is an equally effective replacement - the pull of the vertical block to the chest:

The pull of the vertical block imitates pull-ups (this is analogous), the only difference is that in pull-ups we pull (pull) our body to the projectile (crossbar), and in the pull of the vertical block we pull the projectile to the body, and of course, in the vertical it is possible to set a small weight (or medium) to the deadlift, this is useful for those who do not know how to pull themselves up (cannot, there is not enough strength), for girls, etc. That's all. As for the muscles, the same works.

For many people, pulling the vertical block to the chest will be even more effective than pull-ups, because pull-ups are a very, very difficult EXERCISE (both PHYSICAL and TECHNICAL), as a result, as practice shows, many people pull up WRONG! They twitch in jerks, just to pull themselves up, do not feel the muscles of the back, pull up mainly due to the strength of the biceps, in general, for many people (who do not know how to pull themselves up correctly) the pull of the vertical block to the chest is better suited, due to the fact that we have the ability to put medium or even light weights and clearly work out the technique (learn to turn off the biceps from work, produce traction at the expense of the back muscles), this will be much more effective than those jerking on the horizontal bar, anyhow, if only it was.


Barbell Shoulder Squats

The exercise is one of the best of the best. It involves almost the whole body ... legs, buttocks, shins, abdominals, back, arms, shoulders ... in short, in no case can be ignored, without special reasons (for example, spinal injuries, knee joints, hemorrhoids).

This exercise, in my opinion, is the best in training the muscles of the legs and buttocks! It is this exercise that I would have chosen (performed) if I did not have the opportunity (for example, due to lack of time) to do other leg exercises. This is the BASIS, there is no cooler than it.

If you cannot squat (for some reason), then I would recommend:

Ideally, of course, do a good squat, and then do a leg press, but if there is no way to do a squat, then the leg press is the second, most effective movement for the leg muscles, and this is what I would do, which is why I recommend it to you.

Actually, I'm one of those who can't do squats, so my main exercise in training leg muscles is just the leg press. It would be something more effective, I would do it, and so the leg press !!!


The barbell pull to the chin (aka broach) with an average (relatively wide grip) is the only basic exercise for training a MEDIUM BUNDLE OF DELTS. ONLY !!!

Who does not know, it is the middle beams of deltas that make your deltas (shoulders) wide (spherical). In addition, as practice shows, many athletes have overdeveloped front beams, and the middle and rear beams lag behind, it is for these reasons that I singled out this exercise BASIC in training deltoids (shoulders), and I would strongly recommend you in no case ignore. There is no replacement for him.

Although, I'm lying, an exercise can be a substitute - raising dumbbells while standing (swing):

This exercise also develops medium bundles of deltoids, but alas, it is isolated, therefore, less effective than a broach, so it is much better to give preference to the pull to the chin.


For those who do not know what the muscles of the arms are made of, learn: Anatomy of the Arm Muscles.

  • BICEPS: Reverse Bicep Pull Up
  • TRICEPS: Dips (emphasis on triceps)

Reverse biceps pull-ups and dips

Many, perhaps now, will be horrified, and will ask, where is the lifting of the bar for biceps?))

Who does not know, lifting the bar to the biceps is an isolating exercise \u003d) because when it is performed ONLY ONE JOINTS (elbow) DOES work, therefore it is isolated ...

lifting the bar for biceps while standing


Hanging leg raises on the bar

This movement is, in fact, another variation of the classic reverse crunches. However, do not hesitate - this variation of the exercise is much more difficult (to perform), and therefore more effective (better). Therefore, this is what I recommend to you.

The exercise focuses on the entire rectus abdominis muscle (the entire press) and oblique muscles (the same "scratches" on the side, from the cubes), as well as auxiliary muscles: hand, forearms, back, shoulders and leg muscles. In my opinion, the best of the best exercises for this muscle group.


Standing and Seated Calf Raises

In training the lower leg (calf), these two exercises are basic. They do not compete with each other in efficiency, because develop slightly different areas. The standing calf raise accentuates the calves, but the sitting calf raise is the soleus muscle (it is located under the calf muscles). If the target is massive, powerful, large shins, both exercises should be performed.

By the way, calf raises are more basic (heavier) than sitting calf raises, if you cannot do both, then give preference to standing calf raises! But remember what I told you. I recommend studying: "How to pump up calves", "Calf muscles training program".


  • Reverse biceps barbell lift
  • Barbell wrist curls

To consider the forearm training SEPARATELY, in my opinion, there is no need (does not make a significant sense), because this muscle already receives sufficient stress during the training of the back and biceps muscles. Do you understand? That is why, for the vast majority of people, I would not recommend concentrating on working out this muscle group. It is too small and not significant. But, by the way, the above exercises (in my opinion) are the most effective.


  • Barbell or dumbbell shrugs

Barbell and dumbbell shrugs

Ideally, I would recommend somehow alternating or combining, or using the one to which the soul lies (what you like more, where you feel the trapezoid more, etc.), in shags with dumbbells AMPLITUDE OF MOVEMENT a little more than with barbell, but when working with a barbell, you can work with decent working weights, but with dumbbells you do not have this opportunity .. well, in general, such moments (just know), both exercises of high efficiency.

As for the number of repetitions, sets, rest between sets, etc., see these articles:

  • How much weight to work with in the exercises? (how to choose the weight, etc.)

Best regards, administrator.

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