How to bring an Aquarius man out of depression. How different zodiac signs behave when they are depressed How to get an Aquarius out of depression

Ladders and railings 21.08.2020
Ladders and railings

The whole truth about Aquarius

How many already have I read the most varied descriptions of our sign, but nowhere, for some reason, have not met the whole truth about what is happening inside the Aquarius. Even the most "evil" horoscopes just in a joking tone retold the most common myths and delusions, and no one tried to get to the bottom of the truth. In general, this is correct, because only Aquarians themselves should know about themselves ... so I immediately warn all representatives of other signs - it is better for them not to read this text!

Observing Aquarius ...

Libra makes Aquarius bored.

And thirdly, just to look at this rather funny zodiac sign - Aquarius in an unusual and humorous way.In the end, you must at least try to warn normal people about what awaits them when dealing with these unbearable arrogant psychos))

"There is such a myth that Aquarius is the most non-sexual sign of the entire Zodiac. It is clear that this myth is most actively spread by those who are not lucky enough to run into the manifestation of the true sexuality of Aquarius. Those who are lucky, for the most part silently rejoice in their happiness and try so that no one else would find out about it - such happiness is usually very jealously guarded ...

But let's move on to the myth itself. Where did he come from? Probably, here, as in everything else, the usual instinct of self-preservation works - an attempt to understand Aquarius can turn out to be a very dangerous experience for the psyche of any person. What if it works out? The asylum is provided ... so people take the outside for the inside, but they diligently do not notice the inside - which, in general, is even commendable on their part. Aquarians have less trouble

The essence of this myth is that Aquarians relate to the topic of sex without such obvious interest as the same Aries (or Scorpios, whose attempts to hide something look like a neon inscription in meter letters "THERE IS NOTHING HERE !!!"), and, accordingly, they cannot and cannot really do anything. About "sensuality" is usually not even mentioned in relation to Aquarius. Well, in fact, any Aquarius knows about sex _so_ that the worst maniacs never dreamed of in their most perverted nightmares. Everything is simple here - when Aquarius begins to be interested in the topic of sex, he begins to understand it. He understands, of course, in Aquarius: without any special external manifestations, he simply lives inside himself several rich and interesting lives, filled with sex in all its forms and manifestations. That is why it is almost impossible to shock or surprise Aquarius with any fantasies on this topic (although, of course, he can easily pretend that you succeeded in this - he can do anything). But when it comes to "business" - Aquarius is rarely given only to physical, sensual pleasures. Well, where have you seen Aquarius, who lives only with his body, without running in parallel in two or three realities? So here too - Aquarius needs interest to be fully involved in the process. Otherwise, it will be a simple satisfaction of physical needs (which, however, if desired, he can also perform masterfully ... another question is that this is often simply not needed).

That is why all those girls who complain to each other about "inept" Aquarius just sign that they are not able to really interest him. Social frameworks and conventions are often only a little amusing and a little upsetting to Aquarius, but he happily accepts these restrictions - like the rules of any other game in which he is more interested in participating than winning. Therefore, he is unlikely to earn a reputation as a true macho and Don Juan (let's leave these toys to Lions and other Scorpios), but he will hardly ever want to take sex seriously - both "friendly" sex without any obligations and sex seem quite acceptable to him out of pure interest (sex, as a way of understanding a person is a very effective technique, and this is what Aquarians love and appreciate), and as a way to establish even more friendly, trusting relationships ... another question is that Aquarians are well aware of what an easy attitude to what is happening people, in principle, are not peculiar, and therefore often do not even show interest in this area - why do they need extra problems?

Here you need to understand one more thing - usually any Aquarius, meeting a girl who at least approximately falls within the framework of his ideas about attractiveness (and these frames are often quite wide, and besides, they can also change quite quickly - Aquarius still appreciates the inner content much more than the "outer packaging"), then ... in general, in those fractions of a second that it will take him to greet him in a friendly and friendly way, in his inner world the girl will already be disassembled into components, impartially evaluated, weighed and measured from all sides - in general, this is how Aquarius does absolutely everything that he sees. But in this case, this also means that the options for spending time together, including those that include sex, will also be considered - from all available positions, including the girl herself.

This, of course, takes a long time to paint everything, but in fact, all of the above fits into one simple and understandable feeling, which can be roughly translated as "it would be interesting, but not enough to really show any interest right now ... ugly it is just like this to obey animal instincts. " Yes, there is an opinion that Aquarius notices that there is a girl in front of him, only on the third date. Ha, he noticed this from the very beginning, only by that very third date he can decide that this interest of his can also be demonstrated. Fortunately, the mask of an absent-minded person who does not notice anything can be very useful - for some girls, this is just an extra incentive to force events. However, there are also enough other incentives - Aquarius's sincere interest in girls is usually flattered (well, how would they know that he is interested in everything he asks and talks about himself?), And nature has not deprived representatives of the Air signs with beauty. Another thing is that trying to catch Aquarius, bind him to yourself with demands and obligations is a sure way to kill his interest in the bud and lose sight of him faster and more imperceptibly than the shadow of a passing cloud. That is why Aquarius makes the best friends-lovers - although in most cases the term "friends" is enough for girls. Aquarius himself, in principle, does not care - in any case, in his life (lives, more precisely) there will be a place for more interesting events. In any case, as usual, it is sooooo far to ideal, and in comparison with this, everything else is simply not quoted in the internal value system.

But this is all true only until suddenly Aquarius meets a girl who fits his ideas about the ideal, at least in some truly important features for Aquarius. The first sign by which this can be noticed is that Aquarius begins to "freeze and slow down" much more than usual. It is he who just once again checks himself and his feelings - trusting them in such a matter is critically dangerous the first time, any Aquarius learns this very quickly. But nevertheless, if most of the "tests" give a positive result, then Aquarius may well "close" - and then the situation changes dramatically.

Stopudovye Malky, whatever you say ...

In this article, we will talk about how Aquarius part. The representative of this zodiac sign is rather difficult to bring, since he has a good disposition. For a long time he will smile, mock, trying not to pay attention to what offended him. He will never show you his true feelings. His beloved is lucky as he is a rather friendly sign. If nervous tension will reach a peak, he will not break the dishes, he will just leave the apartment with a full suitcase. After that, he needs time to think about the problem.

He is peaceful, unforgettable. Endures antics to the last. But if his patience runs out, be prepared for the unexpected. After that, he will be very worried, tormented by doubts, in a position to even burst into tears from the feelings that overwhelm him. He doesn't know how to manifest them, but the breakup will make him more emotional. And under negative emotions, a person commits bad deeds.

He will justify his beloved to the last, try to understand and forgive. But in some situations, when he was badly offended, he will not stand it. Then get ready for the fact that he will be very angry with you. It is not in his rules to be used and deceived. He will make sure that justice will prevail and everything will certainly work out. He prefers to lead a modest lifestyle, does not stand out from the crowd. He will leave for a long time until he meets his true soul mate, which will suit him in all respects.

Aquarius after breaking up can:

  • finally feel your freedom;
  • move away from endless quarrels;
  • become happy again with another partner.

If the partner decides to make up, he will not pretend to be touchy and will go towards his beloved. However, this does not give you the right to take advantage of his kindness and return it whenever you please. With the next quarrel, he will no longer slam the door, but he will close his heart to you. In love, he has the following qualities: patience, sincerity, ease of movement.


At this moment, representatives of the air element usually continue to treat their partner with care and affection. And if the nagging and claims continue, he will no longer slam the door, he will shut his heart and hide it away, fence himself off with a wall so that you no longer have the opportunity to hurt him. One day you will see his tired face, he will no longer come up with excuses for you.

After a quarrel, he will be very irritated, skeptical. Unfreezing him, especially if you turned his life into a nightmare with your nit-picking, you will not succeed. If you stop nagging him, he will temporarily melt his heart, but he will not completely trust you as before. He will try to avoid you in every possible way, especially if he has some emotions left. In the worst case, he will start a real war against you. No, he will not take revenge on you and spoil your life. He'll just start up bad rumors about you. And he will consider that this is the correct measure of punishment. Don't piss him off and make a fool out of him. He will not allow to use himself, his savings, connections.

If nothing changes and the partner continues to "wipe his feet on him" in every possible way, then he will finally wake up and come to himself, as if from a slap in the face. He does not tolerate betrayal and does not change himself if he is in a relationship. He will certainly part with the girl if she does not appreciate him and does not care about him. For this reason, you should communicate with him as much as possible, protect his nerves, love him. After a break, he is even able to drink. It will be especially unpleasant for him if the girl leaves for another.

At the same time, he will be restrained and cold. You will no longer see the radiant smile on his face that was meant only for you. If you stop provoking conflict, it will soften. Aquarians love their partner to the last. He will come up and make peace. If you decide to leave, then you should do it quickly and as painlessly as possible. Perhaps he will be grateful to you that you did not bother his nerves. But if you are planning to save the relationship, then try not to throw tantrums.

After parting, the representative of this zodiac sign will:

  • treat you coldly;
  • avoid you;
  • thinking about new relationships.

Decisions regarding love relationship he takes extremely painfully and slowly, but always considers them correct. He carefully considers his own choice. If you are on the verge of breaking up, he will not rush home, even ask friends for permission to spend the night with them. He will continue to live with a huge hole in his chest. You shouldn't tell him that you are leaving for another.

Aquarians, if desired, know how to be inhospitable and conflict. They do not give themselves offense. He will lie with his back to you, not talk, spoil your mood, swear until your patience runs out. He takes these measures only when he is extremely dissatisfied with his partner. He will also pretend that he is very tired and does not want to kiss or hug you. He does not like to be used and will never allow this. However, he will try to connect with you if you sincerely apologize.

When parting, this sign is able to fall into a real depression, from which it will no longer be able to get out on its own, since it always experiences everything deeply in its soul. He will be insecure about his future girls until one appears who is able to melt the ice in his heart. He will believe to the last that he loves a partner, even if it is a simple attachment. The main advantage is restraint. However, she will play a cruel joke with him if he constantly controls his emotions. Men of this sign do not know how to cry at all.

When a relationship cannot be saved

After breaking up, he will try to keep your meetings to a minimum. He will even leave the company of friends in which you spent time together so as not to see you again. If he continues to chat with friends, he will not discuss you. He never gossips. He will just try to forget you and move on.

If you break up quickly, he will not lie to himself that the connection can still be saved. After some time, he is able to feel happy again outside the walls of the past home. He will no longer call you and apologize. For all his friendliness, he has pride.

We recommend watching a very useful video about the Aquarius girls. Take a look now!

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Aquarius is lucky, he got two patrons at once: the planets Saturn and Uranus. But it is also a burden, since the planets are completely different in nature. Saturn condemns Aquarius to obedience, and Uranus constantly pushes them to action. Representatives of this sign rush between the two planets constantly looking for the truth that is in themselves.
The character traits that Aquarius inherited from Saturn are soft and light, these are ...

First of all, humility, thanks to which Aquarius, without being tormented in vain, transfers all the burdens of fate that fall on him like waves in the ocean. But this trait manifests itself only in certain areas of his life. Aquarius will not submit to the common man, he is too strong for this.

The desire to learn manifests itself in Aquarius from early childhood and does not leave throughout life. Aquarians live under the motto: "Live forever ..."

Also, daydreaming is inherent in him, rose-colored glasses help to cope with impending problems, endure them, dreaming and hoping that tomorrow will be a new day.

Aquarians can be envied, their self-control is beyond competition. They will never offend a person, no matter how they treat him. This trait plays another role. Sometimes we can say that Aquarians are stone people, but this is self-control, in fact, a volcano is raging inside them.
Humanity. Aquarians will always come to your aid, they will not leave anyone in trouble, but this feeling should not be abused, because if the representatives of this sign notice this, then you will not wait for more help from them.
Aquarius is quite patient, but his patience may also end. He is not irritable and modest as long as everything suits him, but a moment comes, and the volcano begins to act in full force.

The traits inherited from Uranus force Aquarius to conquer the peaks, sink to the seabed ... For example, take his energy, which constantly attracts Aquarius to action.
These people are quite impudent, but not in terms of rudeness, but in terms of action, they can get involved in the most unpromising business and eventually bring it to the best possible conclusion.
This is also possible because of the restlessness and activity of Aquarius, he is constantly in search, in motion, strives to improve himself. And, perhaps, not only himself, he will certainly make an ideal out of you, not in his own eyes, but the real one.

Aquarians are very sociable people, they have a natural appeal. People themselves strive to communicate with them, strive to join their society, but they themselves do not know why this is happening.
The inventiveness of Aquarius helps them reach quite great heights in life. Even the most boring thing in their eyes becomes an interesting game.

However, Aquarius is a kind of lazy seven-child. It all depends on his mood. He can lie all day on the couch, or he can move mountains that are beyond the control of even Hercules.
And plus to everything, Aquarians are also very humorous, they treat the hardships of life with irony, In addition, humor helps them in communication, Aquarius can present the most unpleasant fact in such a way that everyone will only smile, even if the solution to the problem is difficult and long.

Many of the listed qualities of Aquarius are clearly manifested in their love. Representatives of this sign are not very loving, but they are attracted to people, thanks to their love of communication. Aquarians may have many acquaintances, but they will give true preference to only one person. The rest are satisfied with the fact that they have the right to be near such a person. This is more likely to captivate Aquarius than become a burden to him.
Aquarius himself will not make much effort to seduce, since it is in his blood. He only uses the fruits of nature, gathering crowds around him who want to get into the circle of his close people.
And yet love for Aquarius is a way of self-expression, he will try to show his best side to you, and he has quite a lot of such sides, and he uses all of them to achieve his goal.

An Aquarius in love does not need to say that you prefer what suits you, he himself will feel your passion for something, and it will be at your feet if, in his opinion, you deserve it. The Aquarius man will conquer you rather slowly, stretching not your pleasure, but his own pleasure. But he does not like too open ladies, so you can only keep him with a mystery or a highlight.

Since Aquarius himself is quite sociable and smart, he will look for himself the same woman. And a small swarm of them will constantly circle around him, but this should not bother his lady. Aquarius is constant: if he is attached to someone, then this is serious.

The Aquarius man is intelligent in love: he will not allow himself either impudence or rudeness. If this is a flower, then a rose is 120 cm long, if it is a decoration, then the most exquisite. You will not be able to reproach him for anything, because your desires will be guessed by this wizard with unmatched ease.

But Aquarius in love will not rush to the top of the cliff for you and will not jump from the bridge, this, in his opinion, is not a way to prove feelings, but a way to get away from work for a couple of months, hiding behind a broken arm. He will not prove his feelings to you by throwing expensive gifts at your feet. But all the same, you will never forget this day. It will be a candlelit dinner in some quiet cafe on the river bank. And you will be the most expensive gift in his life.
The Aquarius woman is just as sociable, but she will not gather ordinary men around her, she is more picky than a man. Only the best will get into her environment, and it is from among them that a woman will choose the one that will fill her life without a trace.

So men will have something to think about. You can't catch this fish with a "worm". She needs a bigger bait. A woman needs water the strong man, to whom you can entrust not only yourself, but also your innermost secrets. If she starts to share something with you, this is the first sign of her love.
A woman in love with Aquarius becomes gentle and affectionate, she can make some concessions, but do not expect her to change, rather, you will have to do this. Even being at the height of happiness, this woman still considers herself to be perfect.
In a woman, the features of Saturn are more reflected, she is softer, more romantic and sometimes even melancholy, but this feeling arises in her if you cease to satisfy her. True, this is not always the case. You should not keep her to yourself if she is disappointed in you. You risk waking up the volcano, and the only one who suffers from this will not be her.

Compatible with others
Not all people will fall into the category of possible candidates for the position of a lover; compatibility plays an important role in their relationship. Aquarians believe that all signs are not very worthy of them, but some can still prove the opposite.

With Aries, Aquarius feels pretty good, but it will depend on his mood. If Aquarius is in a good mood, then everything will go fine, if not, then their relationship can be compared with the saying: "I found a scythe on a stone." Two rather strong and active signs can do so many things that they themselves will regret it later.

With Taurus, not just an alliance is not desirable, but even contact. These people do not understand each other. Taurus sets a framework, besides, his goal is despotic relations that are completely incomprehensible to Aquarius.

With Gemini. Yes, if you decide to create a small corner of Eden, then, perhaps, you should look for Gemini. This sign is so mobile and emotional that it will adapt to any of your moods. If necessary, Aquarius will not even notice his presence. And vice versa, Gemini will be the first to rise again, one has only to think about it for the Aquarius who has returned to life.

With Cancer, a rather interesting union is possible. The representative of this sign is open and sexy, and Aquarius will complement it with sociability and spirituality. If they can understand each other and do not get bored, then perhaps their relationship will be very strong.

There is no contact with Leo, he will simply suppress the softer Aquarius. Especially if he is in a bad mood. There will never be an understanding between them.

With Virgo, understanding arises, but still it is better to avoid such an alliance. True, if the Aquarius man can come to terms with some of the weaknesses of the Virgo woman, then everything is possible.
With Libra, full understanding, this is also an air sign, and he knows Aquarius from the inside. This helps them not only to perceive each other, but to fully comply. The two of them are capable of a lot. Aquarius will give Libra confidence, receiving support in everything in return.

With Scorpio, perhaps, if Aquarius wants to live a little, then he should not rely too much on Scorpio. He will demand reckoning for every little thing. The request of Aquarius will not go unheard, but in response they will demand too much from him. And if Scorpio is unhappy, his poison will burn everything around.

They are in complete harmony with Sagittarius. This is a union of understanding people, although Sagittarius belongs to fire sign, but he understands that he cannot live without Aquarius, he will lose a lot, and he will try to keep Aquarius with him, which will suit the second.

With Capricorn. No! Two intellectuals, one of whom gnaws at science, and the other just bathes in it. There will be constant quarrels between them, the outcome of which is known only to the Almighty. They are too smart, and this is what prevents them from being together, constantly forcing them to compete, and this is not an alliance, but enmity.

The union between the Aquarius themselves will be interesting, but difficult. They will strive to take possession of each other so much that in the end they will simply exhaust themselves and their partner. A variant of close relationships is possible, if one of the partners is in melancholy, and the other at the peak of activity, they will change roles and support each other.

With Pisces everything is possible, Aquarius understands their desires and seeks to please. And fish will always find something to captivate him, playing the role that this moment suits his mood best. Perhaps the Pisces woman and the Aquarius man have more chances here. They will always play cat and mouse without affecting the partner's depths.

Erotic horoscope
Sometimes it seems that Aquarius does not even like to talk about sex, but all this is just a game. Aquarius is a pretty sexy sign. He will open before you only if you have completely captured his thoughts and actions. Otherwise, you will get only crumbs from the master's table.

Aquarius will never reveal the soul and body to those whom they have not fully studied. He will not allow himself to miss in such an important area of \u200b\u200brelations. Aquarians love to hear praise in everything, but how to achieve this, if not by their actions. In addition, Aquarius intuitively feels a lie, so if you are already unhappy, it is better to tell the truth than even very cleverly to hide it. This is not an option where a beautiful lie is better than a bitter truth. You will lose Aquarius forever as soon as you fake the first time.

Aquarians often start their sex lives at an early age. They try to achieve excellence by learning from their partners. From experience, Aquarius makes only the best and then brings it to life. His sexuality is growing like a snowball, so that at a more mature age, Aquarius can have a small card index of fans. But it is at this time that he stops, realizing that the past is a simple game, and real relationships can only be built with one person, and the most worthy one.

So, entering into serious contact, Aquarius is already so armed that your first experience with him will be remembered for a long time. But like everything else, sex can annoy Aquarius. And he will look for new sensations or simply give up pleasure for a while at the expense of future meetings, which will bring joy only after a short separation.

It is the Aquarius men who do this more often, they are able to give up sex for a few days, but then all their feelings will rush in a new wave, on the crest of which they can be carried away into the clouds. In his understanding, sex is not about quantity, but about quality.

The Aquarius man will always try to take care of himself first of all, at some point becoming literally despotic. But then his partner will take her own, having received a lot of sensations, the Aquarius man will not leave her unattended.

If in communication Aquarius is quite active and talkative, then in sex you can not expect praise or comments from him, you should catch his mood by actions and unspoken desires. He will not scatter in compliments just because he is satisfied, but will calmly look at his partner, expressing his pleasure more with facial expressions than words.

Unlike men, the Aquarius woman is slightly sexier. She tries to get everything from sex: pleasure, passion and understanding of a partner. If she does not succeed in this, then she immediately changes it to a more open and perfect one.
In her understanding, everything should depend on the man, if he is not able to touch her secret strings, then he is unworthy to be around. The Aquarius woman does not show passion too often, she cares more about the depth of feelings than about surface fire, which burns in an instant and does not bring complete comfort and satisfaction. Not many men understand her desires and rarely give real pleasure.
Aquarius women are very sensitive to sex, so they try not to let themselves get carried away too early. This plays a positive role, as in the end their restraint will be appreciated and accepted by men. Aquarius has a passion for learning, in sex it manifests itself in no less way, so with just a few experiences, the Aquarius woman will conquer her partner by appearing in front of him as a completely experienced lady.

Marriage prospects
Many Aquarius women can afford to get married with absolutely no life experience, but this will only push them to action.
Marriage for Aquarius is always a pretty serious matter. They don't allow themselves to relate to him directly. Having concluded an alliance once, Aquarius will never again dissolve it. Only the most extreme circumstances can push them to take such a step.

In marriage, Aquarians do not try to completely control everything and everyone. They are of the opinion that equality is a more appropriate way of communicating than oppression or submission. For Aquarius, a spouse is not just a person with whom you live next to, it is support and help in a difficult situation. But they will never leave their half unattended, any help, even a simple word, will be appreciated by them.

For Aquarius men, marriage is an island where everything should be, like in paradise. They strive for excellence in everything. Let it be a small boat, but it should always be afloat, and the Aquarius man will make every effort to this. He will support the union, making every effort to this.

Wherever he is, Aquarius strives home, where they are waiting for him. And the longer he was absent, the more his feelings flare up, which he keeps in his heart. Since separation acts on an Aquarius man kindling, he can sometimes just leave. But not in terms of changing a partner - he needs to be alone in order to understand how strong his feelings are, whether they have cooled down from the routine of days. This Aquarius does not tolerate.

But after a short separation, he is again - the very charm, a caring, gentle, gentle person who can be trusted and trusted. Aquarius men are rarely capable of cheating and do not accept this in their partner, so if he finds out about this, the union can break apart in a matter of days. But after Aquarius will worry about what happened for a long time, constantly reproaching himself. Because he believes that he is perfect and cannot understand why he was changed.
In marriage, the Aquarius woman shows almost the same feelings, however, she is a little more tender and does not allow herself to leave, as she considers this to be a simple weakness, but she has periods when the world becomes alien. The Aquarius woman withdraws into herself, and she is no longer interested in anything. The house can be complete chaos, and she will not pay attention to it. But some time passes, and everything falls into place. Life begins to revolve around her at double speed. This is the Aquarius woman received from her ruling planet.

But Saturn not only rewarded his ward with this: the Aquarius woman is quite submissive, she will not contradict her husband if he decided to do something. Even if nothing comes out in the end &, all the same, her half will receive support and attention from her. But tenderness can also change into anger if she feels that they have stopped paying attention to her. A woman cannot live without communication and affection, this primarily concerns precisely loved one... Born under the auspices of the air, the Aquarius woman is capable of improvisation, compromise and the ability to adapt to her partner. Her house will always be new, and she herself will become a reflection of her half, penetrating into his feelings and thoughts.

But all this will continue until the Aquarius woman feels cold. This she cannot bear. A volcano wakes up in it, which cannot be stopped. The house turns into a burning hive, and this happens until she gets her way. The marriage will be preserved by her to the last, but if nothing helps, then everything will go to hell in an instant. And nothing can be returned. The Aquarius woman is not able to return to the world where she was offended. She will look for a new support, and the one that could not stand it will simply remain in the memory as a past stage.

Like the bewildered Alice that Aquarius Lewis Carroll led through the labyrinths of Wonderland, dealing with Aquarius must be prepared for any surprises. Usually affable and good-natured, people ruled by the planet Uranus still like to act contrary to public opinion and get a latent pleasure from shocking ordinary people with their unusual behavior. They often wear fancy clothes only to emphasize their unwillingness to comply with the norms.

Aquarius have blue, green or grey eyes, directed somewhere into an unknown distance. Their hair is light brown, straight and silky, their complexion is pale, their height is above average, and their facial features are thin, clearly delineated, like the profiles of Roman emperors on old coins.

Freedom-loving Aquarians are for the most part witty, original and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic and compassionate. They are very fond of using the words "friend" and "friends". So, President Roosevelt, also Aquarius, invariably began his addresses to the people on the radio with the words: "My friends." Aquarians really have many friends, they easily make new acquaintances, but they are more interested in quantity than quality, and they rarely get attached to someone for a long time. Such people can easily make friends with both a university rector and a local drunkard or giggling schoolgirl. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the ability to analyze human nature attracts them to more and more new acquaintances. Nevertheless, they never leave their former friends in trouble, and may even say to their former lover or wife: "Let's stay friends, huh?"

Aquarians, subject to Uranus, can get involved in politics, sports, horses, cars and anything else. Their ruler, the planet Uranus, endowed them with a rebellious spirit, and they instinctively feel that the world needs a radical, revolutionary remake, however, when it comes to politics, they are very careful. Open fighting on the barricades is not for them.

Astrology teaches that what Aquarians are thinking now, humanity will comprehend only in fifty years. It may be so, but so far it does not close the gap that separates Aquarius and other people in the present. Many among Aquarius are indeed geniuses, but genius often borders on insanity, and it is not always easy to establish a "divide" between the one and the other. Aquarians have a rare ability to calm the mentally ill, hysterical people and frightened children, which is obviously due to their highly organized nervous system... They themselves cannot boast of remarkable health, as they are especially susceptible to vascular diseases with circulatory disorders. They suffer from cold in winter and damp heat in summer. By old age, they often develop atherosclerosis and varicose veins, especially the legs. They need to move a lot, be in the fresh air and sleep, while they sit still, wrap themselves up and do not open windows, and their sleep is short and restless due to increased nervous excitability and mental activity.

Aquarians do not have a good memory and easily fall into the category of "absent-minded professors", but this deficiency is fully compensated for by a subtle intuition, sometimes an almost magical foreboding of future events and the ability to guess other people's thoughts. So, when the phone rings, he almost always knows in advance who will be on the other end of the line. On the other hand, these people are unusually susceptible to hypnosis and, knowing this, rarely agree to hypnotic suggestion, which is a mistake, since medical hypnosis would quickly relieve them of many of the obsessions from which they suffer. There is nothing supernatural about their thinking. Being a true researcher by nature, Aquarius will never make a final conclusion in his field of knowledge until he analyzes everything thoroughly, and then nothing can change his point of view.

Aquarians are very truthful, do not tolerate lies, and also do not like to lend money to someone or borrow money. A man who borrowed a ten and did not give it back on time died in his eyes forever. Although it is believed that Aquarians are idealists, they are actually very good at what is what, while idealism is mainly based on blind faith and unfounded optimism. And this is not at all peculiar to them.

The metal of Aquarius is radioactive uranium, and the stone is a dark blue sapphire that combines the wisdom of the past with the secrets of the invisible, distant future.

Depression, unfortunately, has become a frequent companion in modern world... It appears for various reasons: some people suffer from depression due to a serious physical illness, others after certain life events, and still others feel lonely and unhappy for no particular reason. One way or another, each person chooses his own individual way to get rid of this ailment. And of course, the choice depends on his astrological affiliation. What weapons do your zodiac sign representatives use?


Strong and confident Aries simply deny the disease. What other depression? I'm the best of the best, and I never give up!


Taurus doesn't have time to be depressed. He has a lot to do, and they are not waiting. I was a little hungry, drank and again in the ranks.


Representatives of this sign will dispel any melancholy with parties. In fact, they are doing this without depression, and here it seems like there is a reason to go to a bar on Wednesday evening.


But Cancers choose a position of humility and do not try to cope with depression in any way. They just sit in a corner and cry until someone comes and helps them cope with this condition.

a lion

Even if he feels bad, he will not show it. He is a leader, a king, and kings do not yearn. But they may well cut off the head of one of the subjects. For prevention. All this is of course a joke, but one thing is clear! If Leos are depressed, others suffer.


Virgo solves any problem logically. If she has depression, then there must be a reason. Which should be found and eliminated.


A person who looks at life as a masterpiece cannot have depression. Therefore, Libra goes to yearn for the museum. As a last resort, to an exhibition of contemporary art.


No one knows exactly what Scorpio does during depression, but we can say for sure what you should not do if he is sitting next to him so gloomy. Do not touch him in any way, but rather run.


He will definitely not stay at home. Will order tickets for the next flight and will be so. Upon returning, there will be no trace of depression.


He works. Whether he is depressed or not, he is always in business. Therefore, by the way, he very rarely yearns as he is busy with much more important things.


But in Aquarius, depression happens five times a day, and he, in general, is already used to it. Why fight your lifestyle, albeit so strange.


A reliable vest and a handkerchief are what helps Pisces. There is always someone near them who will comfort. Or he yearns with them, which is no worse and very effective in the end.

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