Video Tutorial "Letters Oh after hissing in the endings of adjectives. Vowels about and e after hissing letters about e y after hissing in the endings of adjectives

Landscaping 13.01.2021

§ 1 Letters Oh after hissing in the endings of adjectives

In this lesson, we consider the rule about what conditions are written in the endings of adjectives about, and with some, and will memorize this new rule.

What vowels will write in the endings of adjectives good..gory great .. In adit, good..gox unstressed. In the adjective great .. shock. The basics of each word ends on the hissing sh. This is just the conditions when the rule is valid.

In the endings of the impression of adjectives after hissing under stress, it is written about, without emphasis - e.

Apply this rule to our adjective: good..gone, because. After a hissing vowel without emphasis, and in the adjective great..o - oh, because after a hissing voice under the stress:

In proverbs:

In the end of the adjective adjectives, stranging in accordance with the rule after hissing under the stress is written about, and in the adjective barrel without stress.

§ 2 letters O-e after hissing and c in the end of nouns

Upon these same conditions, the vowels are written - by the endings of the nouns after hissing and C:

Therefore, the rule can be formulated immediately for two parts of speech:

In the end of the names of nouns and adjectives after hissing and c, under stress is written about, without accepted - e.

Consider adjectives:

Is it possible to apply our rule to this adjective? No, it is impossible: all conditions are not respected, because in words: sh..sold, sh..lovka, h..r., although it stands after hissing, but is in the root of the word. For such a case, we apply another rule, the spelling rule of letters o, it after hissing in the root of the word.

§ 3 storage

In order to better remember the studied speech and the rule of spelling the letters of the O-E after hissing in the endings of adjectives, read the poem:

It will help remember the material of this lesson and the rule.

List of references:

  1. Babkina M.V. Thematic and persistent planning to the Russian language textbook for grade 5 edited by E.A. Fast / Babkina M.V. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Tutorial", 2011. - 152 p.
  2. Gdalevich L.A., Fudim E.D. Russian lessons in grade 5: KN. for teacher: from experience. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 176 p.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning "Russian Language Grade 5" according to the textbook: "Russian language V class". Textbook for general education institutions. Authors-compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostenzova L.A. and others - M.: Enlightenment, 2012 G. G.
  4. Kapinos V. I. Development of speech: theory and practice of training [Text]: 5-7 cl.: KN. For Teacher / V.I. Kapinos, N.N. Sergeeva, M.S.Solovechik. - 2nd ed. - M.: Link Press, 1994. - 196c.
  5. Krina M.P. Grade 5. Tests: 2h. - Saratov: Lyceum, 2006. - Part 1. - 64 s.
  6. Skin M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1983.
  7. Lviv M. R. Dictionary-Directory on the method of Russian language. - M., 1988. - 240 s.
  8. Nikitina E.I. Russian language. Russian speech. Grade 5. 19th ed., Even. - M.: 2010. - 192 p.
  9. Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1992.
  10. Course program "Russian language" to textbooks edited by E.A. Fast for 5-9 classes of general educational institutions / Ed. E.A. Fast, L.V. Cybier. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Tutorial", 2012. - 64 p.
  11. Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian lessons. Grade 5. - M.: School - Press, 1999. - 176 p.
  12. Russian language class. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors - compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostenzova L.A. and others - M.: Enlightenment, 2012 G. G.
  13. Russian language Reference materials: Tutorial for students M.T. Baranov, TA Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova; Ed. N.M. Shansky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 287 p.
  14. Russian language. Studies. For students ped. In-Tov on special. No. 2121 "Pedagogy and Methodology of the beginning. learning. " In 2 h. I. Introduction to the science of language. Russian language. General. The lexicology of the modern Russian literary language. Phonetics. Graphics and spelling
  15. Russian language: textbook for grade 5 of general education institutions: in 2h. Part 1 / E.A. Bystrov, L.V. Kibyreva, Yu.N. Girl and others; Ed. E.A. Fast. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Tutorial", 2013. - 280 p. - GEF.


1. After hissing under the stress is written about, in accordance

with pronunciation:

a) in the endings of nouns, for example: a knife,

ball, truly, candle (cf. unstressed endings: landscape,

crying, selling, cottage);

b) in the end of the names of adjectives, for example: Alien,

large (Wed unstressed endings: red, good);

c) in the suffixes of noun nouns: -Ok (shepherd),

Onok (Volchonok), -Con-A (Richonka);

d) in the suffix of the names of the adjective- (penny, bars

e) a quick o in the names of nouns (intestines) and the attraction


e) at the end of the mock, for example: fresh, hot, generally (but:

2. Writing E (E) under the emphasis, though pronounced:

a) in the endings of verbs, for example: burns, bake;

b) in the verdal suffix - it,, for example: to rush,


c) in the suffix of the exclusive nouns -E-a,

example: sizzy, Corchevka (but: hacksaw - from the adjective


d) in the suffix of nouns - for example: highway,

e) in the suffix of the suffering communals -one- (irrigated,

irrigated), excommunicable adjectives -E- (burning, smoked),

as well as in derivative words (Zhezhka, smoked);

e) in the proposed case of pronouns that: about what; in words

moreover, it is not necessary.

Exercise 54. Dream from these words the names of the essence

1) with suffix -ok: borsch, debt, friend, beetle, hook, meadow, man,

rooster, Pyhat, Horn, Chest, bitches;

2) with a suffix - Camel: Camel, Bear, Mouse, Shepherd;

3) with suffix -Con-A: paper, soul, klyach, book, leg, clothes

yes, hand, shirt, dog, old woman.

Exercise 55. Dream from these nouns

adjectives with suffixes - or - or-.

Exchange, Veche, Trick, Pear, Man, Shower, Yozh, Yersh,

reed, bucket, key, cake, kumach, cross, walrus, knife,

parch, shoulder, plush, sarza, watchman, canvas.

Exercise 56. Write these nouns in the form

certificate case of the only number.

Alycha, Apache, Barge, Exchange, Dandy, Imagine, Ga-

rage, gouug, soul, calent, reed, tick, bucket, left-hand,

leaf out, litter, likhach, dek, kid, metrah, mi-

rage, installation-, pack, paralysis, brocade, Asparagus, Surguc,

type, circulation, tonnage, tractor, already, hunger, horsetail, chrono-

metrah, Ibucha, Chizh, Shalash.

Exercise 57. Insert the missed letters. Explain to

listing in writing.

Alych ... VKS (tincture) - BACH ... BT, pears ... in

sh ... in, mortar ... nki - soot ... Nki, shower ... NKA - PSH ... NKA,

the key ... m - and ... m, the princess ... n - the striking ... n, bucket ...

shed ... the left, the beam ... m - furnace ... m, knife ... Waaya (saw) - no-

well ... Waa (wound), knife ... in-room - size ... in a knife ... n - zh ... n,

... ry - experience ... ry, shoulders ... m - nipoch ... m, shirt ... n-

ka - carcass ... NKA, mixture ... n - Lesh ... n, dog ... NKA ... N-

ka, strik ... m (bird) - strife ... m, crack ... TOOT - ...

floor ... M - experience ... m.

Exercise 58. Rewrite, inserting missed letters.

1. In the morning dawn, the shepherd does not drive cows from

va and an hour half acend in a circle ... it's not calling his rye ... to

(P.). 2. Like a ghost, the young man goes now to the cherished

threshold; Dagger from the leather knife ... hly takes out

little (L.). 3. Marina brought a bottle of roma, lemon,

sugar, and LJ ... NCA lasted (Rock.). 4. Gerasim became

whom in front of the door, pushed her shoulders ... m and poured into the house

with your nosh ... and (T.). 5. Both believed that the loan would revive

agriculture and gives a stronger ... to our fascinated industrial

lenya (S.-st.). 6. Above the belt is keen ... NKA

forester (N.). 7. Every work was for him nick ... m

(A. sharf.). 8. At noon, the rain stopped, and that white

push ... k, on the autumn dirt began to fall a snow ... to (nickname).

9. Uncle and Evrushka walked for a long time ... the streets (Ch.)

10. The soldier was dressed in the Red Kumach ... Wow Rubah (M. G.).

11. Through the length of the brown bone of the trees peacefully

les a fixed sky (sieraf.) 12. The breeze, fading

i Chesch ... Strip, smelling with honey flowers

(A. N. T.). 13. Psh ... Nnicks, Noodles appeared on the table ...

niki, soup with Navar (Gladk.). 14. Under the control of

well ... Ra of our orchestra beautiful and densely sang

licking Choir (Skitaletz). 15. Grigory stopped in

one small village on the night ... VKU (Shol.). 16. Ply

the light of frequently flashing lightning they saw two

well ... composition (Cossack.). 17. Korzh sailed soot ... Naki, Gul-

to clapping palms on water (N. Dikovsky). IS. By the morning

painted floor glitter, like a blass ... ny (Malz,). 19. B.

it was a gymnaster with a postponed collar,

circular lined belt with tassels (ANT.), 20.

I sow, like out of the sieves, but not powder ... To, I climb into lively,

but not worm ... k (mystery). 21. The beverage horse of the beast is not

takes (poked,). 22. Under the pine in Boru stands old. "K,

red cap ... K (mystery).

Vowels after C.


1. After C, in the end and suffixes, under the emphasis, writes

0, without emphasis - e. Wed: the end - the dance, fighters - com-

moltsev, Palteza - a dress, avert - Sitz, Soltzo

wash out - in police.

"1. After C, the end and suffixes are written, and not, and not,

eg; Wrestlers, round,. Slisser.

Exercise 59. Rewrite by inserting missed letters.

1. And on the sophisticated foxes ... we are the words of the crow

la in all the rororne throat (cr.) 2. So the trees ... their sheets

changes with each spring (P.). 3. One of our interlocities

nicknames, young more, palenolits ... and man, looking

shaft of us all with bewilderment (T.). 4. Coast and bottom of the river

ssed quartz ... M (Melne-Pec.). 5. In Kuts ... M Surtuk with

short sleeves of Yakov fussed, pouring into the tea

ki tea (M. G.). 6. Old healing ulcers whites

miya Rubwar ... cotton spots (KUPER.). 1. Young chas

conveniently colts ... let in a large number and such

once to learn airways of migratory birds

(Arrived.). I. Low Sun from the gloss ... Fight foliage

paved between the corebolds (A. N. T,). 9. She.

preparing for the first time the dance ... to give Cinderella (paust.). 10. PO

barrel, at an equal distance from each other, to the most

the tops are correct ring ... by cutouts in two

santimeter depth was removed by wood (ar.). 11. We.

stood, pressing to the entrance to the tunnel tube,

c ... Bath outside Wild Stone Plates (cat.).

12. Batmans did not reduce the head of the heavy part

Sbbits ... Observation (already.).

Exercise 60 (repeated). Rewrite by inserting

pusty letters in accordance with the rules of writing

after hissing and cinkers, suffixes and endings.

1. I lowered C ... Novka, wrapped in a fur coat and tried

(77.). 2. Baked in Bandura, C ... Mbaly - and went to

ha (G.). 3. The British everywhere know how to make their ...

lost (Rock.) 4. I went to the confectionery, drank the cup

kE W ... Kolada (S.-S.). 5. She begins to redo the

how much is my batch and makes it makes approach the mirror

(Chern.). 6. Edward was an excellent rider, Equiva

libriste, gymnast, ... Ngler, Master Dress

turning ... horses (Grieg.) 7. Part ... RT knows what

the pupil is risked! (POM). 8. Cheric, small

cue, kuts ... and a man with a red spout and in ... Case-

compassion, enters the crowd (Ch.) 9. At the door to the Race

lutov in Parch ... in Kaftane (M. G.). 10. All

whether ... to go to Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov (

res.). II. The pulmonary and c ... NGOs

(7 /. Morozov). 12. Pretty penny ... out of truths (lighthouse).

13. Near the other fanzochki were piles

panz ... Rey Krabov, dried and blushing on the sun

tse (ARA). 14. Finally, the boat with sh ... Rokh slid along

sandbone (A. N. T.). 15. Creepy fear rushes them through

darkness and impassive drum ... bu (shishk.). 16. Bottom logs

the mill has fallen, and ... ... forehead, in which

pond Water on the wheel, has fallen and tilted (TV.).

17. She hardly heard my admired sh ... sweat

(Gladk.). 18. Poster ... the bareboard for bike-

distims drove at a speed of twelve kilometers in

hour Senior Ordinator (Fed.) 19. The universities were hot

tea it's time: they handed over the ins ... You (Erenb.). 20. Sergei Yarost

but sh ... Rkal Sukonkoy and ... Lica of the shutter (Fad.). 21. Stage

rich ... To fiercely came for us (Laust.). 22. In the car

girl entered in a white down handkerchief and c ... Gyakov

jacket (ANT.) 23. It was all clear that Bread from ... n and

what underground ... g is the work of his people (Bub.). 24. Immediately

after a strong push over him, the dome deployed

rush ... Ta (Sayan). 25. W ... Furious with us, especially among

youth, became the most favorite profession (Bab.).

26. Someone in the snow with a light knuckle fell litto ... Ly

spring drops (field.) 27. How many wild seats ... b, where

people have not penetrated! (Already.). 28. Bark on trees and

shrubs became glitz ... twisted, got out (V. Pol-

thoratsky). 29. The boat was sailors, healthy, strong

, armed with daggers and pistols (pitch).

30. Pig ... Ludi eats, and oak does not notice (poked.).

Exercise 61 (repeated). Rewrite by inserting where

you need missed letters. Writing words of foreign language

check out the dictionary.

1.1. Compromous ... Treat the girl is not in my rules

(L.). 2. In a stormy ak ... RMPAN ... Menth was heard overflows

waves (T.). 3. In addition to them, there were other preteals ... Denta

on the hand of the sister (S.-W.). 4. You can find very memorable

pRESENTS ... Denta in serf practice (S.-S.).

5. Samgin's cartridge is especially true ... Passion was to ...

mystical lyrics of the Glenchev-Kutuzov (M. G.).

6. War ships, king the summer to.,. Mpania,

looked in wintering in the harbor (Nov.- Pr.). 1. Soviet In-

tel ... The Hen Settlement - Maternity ... May part of the people (A. N. T.).

8. From time to time they arose in our environment

any trouble and Inci ... Denta (TV.) 9.

the yard opened hurricane art ... Erian fire and chains

mi went to the offensive (Furm.). 10. Ahead Rysyu

i went to Kava ... Jeria (Furm). 11. After breakfast all to ... MPa

rear to the holiday home (good.). 12. From next year

Olga wanted to start experiments on the ... Limitization of new

sorts of apple trees, cherries, kryuzh ... vnik (Aram).

II. 1. In the socialist society there is no ant ... Gijit

chesky contradictions. 2. The revolution destroyed

l ... l ... Hyded class. 3. At the evening of poetry with

shem success was the young poet ... a. 4. Line, which

toraya divides the angle in half, is called bi ... ektri ... oh.

5. Debutan ... ka well coped with a difficult role

experienced intrigue ... ki. 6. Population of a number of overseas

countries increased due to and ... migration. 7. Conclusions

a ... a hord of the Nar ... who became a revolutionary

in 1905, the December armed in ...-

tension. 8. The sun was highly rising above the mountains ... umbrella.

9. Competitions on the desktop ... ISU

(PIN ...- PONG). 10. All those ... The factory of the plant was a ... Uranes

made by.

Date: 07.08.2013 Topic:

To live in someone else's city, to start a big deal, talking with the best friend, to achieve a good crop, approach the nearest village, get lost in the dense forest, organize a mighty movement.

1. A large pine stump ovens fire, blue, smelly smoke smoke. (S.-M.) 2. On someone else's side and spring is not red. (Ambassador) 3. Floored gold streams of young hot light. (Tyutch) 4. Gold beetles were spawned over the aluminum flowers of the bulk rose rose. (A. I. T.) 5. The sky with a raininess of volatile stuck around. (Tyutch) 6. There was a sunset all in an ominous fire (F. Sukhov.) 7. Mighty hissing, hissing, stroke, cracking bumps. (Seraf.) 8. On a shaky creaking staircase, the boy rose to the attic. (Nag.) 9. Quiet valleys are full of fresh haired. (L.)

Selective dictation

Write out the words from O - E after hissing in the terminiors of nouns and adjectives in one column, with E - O after hissing in the root to another.

1. Big talent requires greater hardworking. (P. Tchaikovsky.) 2. In the evening dusk, a large one-storey house with a rusty iron roof and with dark windows appeared. (C.) 3. Then he threw a heavy, soft movement of all his big torso from the shoulder of the connecting rod and in the elongated hands taken to the side. (KAG.) 4. The truck turned into a country village and stopped in front of a small, covered with ivy cottage. (Hyde.) 5. Through the rustle of the wind to the crackle of the birds, a distant one's noise was mixed. (Hyde) 6. It seemed on a pink water splash White belly small pike and a black head grabbed her big. (Enter.) 7. Spring soul Nature came to life (Tyutch.) 8. Chu! Behind the white, smoky wrap, the thunder rolled the thunder ... (Tyutch.) 9. We ran out of Chulana with noise and whisper. (L. T.) 10. Honey, wildflowers thick smells on a hot day of fresh hay. (CM.)



§ 30. Oh, after hissing and c in suffixes and endings of adjectives

Material for observation and reflection

Spicy words. Put the stress. Highlight the suffix and ending in nouns and adjectives. Match the writing of the O - E in significant parts of words after hissing and c. Take output. Check your judgment with the rule given below.

In the suffixes and endings of the adjectives, as well as nouns, after hissing and c, under stress, it is written about, and in an unstressed position - E (exemplary, alien, ring, dense).

175. I. Make proposals from word data, putting adjectives and nouns in the desired case. Compiled offers write down.

1. It is impossible, fresh, live, air, without. 2. By, cloud, blue, small, floated, sky. 3. Winter, snow, purest, whisst, in, grove, from running out, smoked. 4. Clouds, over, black, city, hung, lead. 5. Father, I, Yellow, Mittens, B, kept.

Indicate graphically significant parts of the word in adjectives. Explain their writing.

176. I. Record the adjectives by inserting the missed letters and distributing them into two columns: 1) from about after hissing and c; 2) C e after the same consonants in significant parts of the word. Graphically designate the spells.

Hedgehog..y, Persons .. ", Dressing ..y, Food .. Way, Punz ..y, Good, Fresh ..Ho, stranger..y, reed ..y, plush..y, lead .. , Sands ..y, walrus..y, gloss..y, rod .. ", Kolts..wood, polz ..", kid .. -haped, root .. "pears ..y, germ, so ..n, lily of the valley..y, Torsh..y.

II. What words didn't you write out? Why?

III. Make up and write down with these words (by choice) Four - five phrases "adjective + noun". Mark the main word in them.

177. I. Record adjectives in two columns: 1) with the letters of the letter in the suffix; 2) In the end. Insert the missed letters about or e. Remember the stress.

Dressing..y, great..o, sishah..gam, a bark ..y, gloss ..y, beige ..y, good, Punz ..y, alch ..y, fit .. mo, on fresh. .m, knife .. guy, pile .. on, in the denuh..m, orange..y, reed ..y, barbed ..Ho, ersh..y, lying ..Ho, watchman..wood, Sitz ..'ey, goshromh..Go, lead..y, hot .. mo, better..o, neighbors..o, sodges..y, things .. "

II. Make up and record three or four sentences with adjective data (optional). Stress the adjectives as members of the sentence.

III. Selected words disassemble the composition.

178. I. Spariate text, opening brackets. Insert the transmitted letter in the highlighted word, explain the spelling, denoting the spell.

Behind the big house there was an old garden, who was already wild, shredded by bungyan and shrub. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful. Through the glass (N, NN), the door was visible to the room with parquet floors, it should be a living room. Through

The lattice windows were visible Stari (H, NN) OE black piano and on the walls of engravings in wide frames of mahogany - there was nothing more in it. From the former flower beds survived some peonies and poppies, raising their whites and bright red heads from the grass. On the tracks, pulling out, preventing each other, the young maples and elms grew. The garden seemed impassable, but it's near the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old limes. And then behind them, the garden was cleared for Senokos, and there was no longer Pariil, the web did not climb into his mouth and poured the breeze.

The garden, more and more rebellious and passed into the real meadow, descended to the river, which crumpled reeds. Equally and zealous plants. Near the little dam was Ples, angrily noisheled a small mill with a straw (H, NN) Ooo the roof, the frogs were fuckedly, and nightingry sang in the evenings.

(According to A. Chekhov)

II. Exchange notebooks with a neighbor in the desk and check the correctness of the adjective adjectives.

III. Find a simple sentence with an introductory combination of words. What is the importance of the introductory combination of the offer? Read the offer without an introductory combination. Did the sense changed?

179. I. Consider the reproduction of the picture I. Shishkin "Corner of the overgrown garden." Pick the figurative language tools that will help you tell you about the color of the paintings. Make up and write down the picture description using the figurative language. Pay attention to the structural parts of the description: entry, the main part (general view, details), output.

I. Shishkin. Corner of overgrown garden

II. Discuss with your desktop your descriptions: Does the adjectives are successful for the description, do they help to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flavor of the paintings.

180. I. Read the adjectives, determine their discharge by value. Write down the adjectives in three columns, insert the missed letters and open brackets. Prove the correctness of their writing. With difficulty, refer to the theoretical material of paragraphs 28-30.

Reed .. -haped, orange..y, crimg, (n, nn) \u200b\u200bhaving, cool ..y, cut..y, Martro (E, SS) Kiya, Yantar (?) Sky, cranes (n, nn) \u200b\u200by, skin (H, NN), good..y, fit ... (not) high, and low; A tree (H, NN) b, glass (H, NN), Tin (H, NN), ULEBER (H, NN), domestic (H, NN), discipline (H, NN).

II. Make two or three sentences with these words. Make a syntactic analysis of one of them.

III. Make a phonetic and morphological analysis of the selected words.

O, E after hissing and c in suffixes and endings of adjectives - Rosіysk Mova

SOSH_ records:

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Spelling of the case of adjectives you can check formulation of the issue what? Since the endings of the questioning word and the end of adjectives coincide. Exception is the nominative case of the only number of male kind, where under the stress Writing end -Oh (young oh Man, field oh flower), and without emphasis Written - or -y. (old oh Warrior, Sin iY handkerchief).

In women's birth in the nominative case of the only number spelled -and I or - I say: nov. and I syn yaya blouse (what sweater?), but in the middle way is written -Or. or -her: nov. oE syn her coat (what coat?).

In the multiple number of all three genera, the end is written - or -Ith: nov. y syn iE scarves, dresses, sweatshirts (what kind?).

In the men's and middle way in the arterial case of the only number writes the end - or -them (answers the question what?), and in the proposed - - or -eat (answers the question what?): admired Nov. s syn them Suit (dress), talked about new oh. syn eat Suit (dress).

In the female genus in the vinegenous case of the only number is written ending -Un or Yu (answers the question what?), and in cooling - -Oh or -to her (-Oy or -Eyu.) (answers the question what? What?): bought Nov. yu syn yuu. sweater, admire new oh (-Oy) Sin to her (-Eyu.) Kofta.

After hissing In the endings of adjectives under the stress Written oh, without emphasis Written e., eg: alien aboutgo, big aboutgo, alien aboutmu, great aboutmu; Ryzh. e.go, big e.go, red, great eatw. (Wed with nouns).

After hissing in the adjectives under the stress Suffix writes - (penny oV hay, hedgehog oV bY, PARCH oV clezcha oV b), and without emphasis - Suffix. - (plush eV wheel, Kly. c. eV aya water).

    Note. To remember Writing words home yEv oh (cf. cheaper).

In brief adjectives under the hissing Written about: kushani hot about (about the ending), mob aboutn. (about Running in the suffix).

In adjectives on -y., Yeah, -ye (fox, foxes, fox) in all forms, besides nominative and vinitive cases of the only number of male genus (fox), before completion Written b: fox bit, foxes bhim, Lis. band etc.

Reductive adjectives are formed by suffix -In-: syn aMK iy, Tolsta aMK iY; after g, k, x I. -, I. -In-: loe oNK iY and loe aMK iy, wide oNK iY and wide aMK iy, Tikh oNK iY and quiet aMK iY.

In Suffix -an-, -forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather an. hay, sand an. silver jan. ha with the exception of three words: wood yanne oh, tin yanne whales, glass yanne oh.

In adjectives formed by suffix - from names of nouns with the basis for n., Two is written n: came nN. yy, s nN. y, length nN. oh.

    Note. From such adjectives it must be distinguished Adjectives with one n: yu n.hay n.oh etc. (they dont Have Suffix -).

In Suffix -in-forming from nouns adjectives with the value of accessories or properties is written n.: goose iN. blue, Sparrow iN. born, don iN. oh.

    Note. One n. Written in noun gOST iN. and Ithat previously, it was adjective: living room.

In Suffix -he N-forming adjectives from foreign language words, Two is written n: divisians he N a revolution he N i have a constitution he N oh.

In Suffix -nforming adjectives from nouns, writes two n: production eNN hay, celebrations eNN born, kinship eNN hay, straw eNN cranberry eNN oh.

    Note 1. Adjective wind eN oh Written with one n.. Adjectives with consoles formed from the word wind , written with two n: withoutwind eNNha behindwind eNNha underwind eNNoh etc. It should be distinguished adjectives wind eN oh (with suffix -) I. wind jan. oh (with suffix -). Suffix - Writing in adjectives with the value "With the Wind": wind eN and I Weather (weather with wind), wind eN oE Summer (summer with wind), as well as used in a figurative meaning: wind eN and I girl, wind eN oE behavior. These adjectives have a brush form: weather windy, wind girl. Suffix - It is used in adjectives with the value "Wind-cited Wind": wind jan. and I mill, wind jan. oh engine. These adjectives do not have a brief. With suffix - The name of the disease is also written: wind jan. aya Ospa (chickenpox).

    Note 2. In the first basis of complex adjectives are written two n.if it is formed from the adjective with two n: masha nN.o-Tractor Station (station machine nN.aya and Tractor), vago nN.o-locomotive park (Park Vago nN.and locomotive). But if The first basis is formed from the noun on n.then it is written in it n: masha n.acute factory (machine construction plant), vago n.ore repair factory (factory for repairing cars).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick-Yes and Beforeformed from adjectives with two n.writer too with two n: ure. nN.iy-Ure. nN.iR; society nN.yy-society nN.iR Society nN.iCA-Society nN.oar revolutionary nN.revolutionary nN.oar Production nN.production nN.iR; Tse nN.ost, and educated from adjectives with one n. writer too with one n: hemp n.conabi n.iR, Pescha - Song. n.iK, Yu n.yu - Yu n.ost.

    Note 4. With two n. Nouns formed by suffixes are also written -NickYes from nouns with the basis for n: friend n.a - friendship nN.iK-friendly nN.itsa, Mosh n.a - Moshe nN.iR Moshe nN.iCA.

Full adjectives having two n., keep them in brief form: tse nN.aya thing - thing tse nN.and.

Before suffix -sk- letter b Writing after l. (village - villages b sC. yy) and in adjectives formed from the names of months on ny, py: december b sC. iy, Nahn b sC. iy, Jun. b sC. iy, Jul b sC. iY (Exception: Word january sC. iY).

In other cases after n. and r Before suffix -sk- letter b Do not write: horse - Co. n. sC. iy, Bogatyr - rich r sC. iY.

To distinguish suffixes -to- and -sk-, we must remember With suffix -to- A qualitative adjectives are formed that have a brush form (bottom to x - Low, Uz to x-narrow), and with suffix -sk- - relative adjectives, not having a brief (Frenchman sC. iy, Kyrgyz sC. iy, Circass sC. iY).

    Note. From nouns with the basis for k, C. and c. Relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -to- , and Sounds to and c. Replaced sound c: kaz. to - Kaza c. to iy, Faith c.-the c. to iy, Nem c.-Nee c. to iY. But In some, mostly book, the formations of sounds to and c. Do not change and consumed suffix -Sh-: uZB. to-Use to sC. x, coals c.-Glie c. sC. i, also pfilla c.-pal c. sC. iY.

Adjectives -yny in a brief form enemy on - He: spump yoy- Software eN, zno yoy-Sno eN , besides dosto yoy - Dosto iN. .

    Note. Brief form Communion validated From verb to honor Writing under the general rule: udcy eN .

Write with uppercase adjectives educated from their own names With the help of suffixes -On-, -Ev-, -in-, (Dal eV Dictionary, Ivan. oVabout childhood, liz iN.a doll, bug iN.puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in a figurative sense, in which lost contact with your own name (Adam oVabout Apple, Based oVand the disease, Sisi f.oV LABOR, PROD w.stew bed, etc.).

Write with lowercase letters adjectives educated from their own names of peopleif the adjectives have a suffix -sk- (t.urgens sC.iE "Hunter's Notes", pushkin sC.go style l.ermontov sC.aya Prose, etc.).

    Note. With uppercase written adjectives with suffix -sk-, if a they are part of the names that are values "Name, Memory", eg: L.omonosov sC.iE reading L.yenin sC.and I Prize.

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