In the plural, the gender of adjectives is not defined. Plural endings of adjectives

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Adjectives in German are declined if and only if they come before a noun:

  • red th table - rot er Tisch
  • red oh table - rot em Tisch

There are three types of declension of adjectives:

  • Strong declination.
  • Weak declension.
  • Mixed declension.

How to understand what type of declension of this or that adjective in a particular case?

  1. If the adjective comes before a noun without an accompanying word, then it is inflected in a strong type.
  2. If there is an accompanying word, but it ambiguously shows gender, number and case, then the adjective is declined in a mixed type.
  3. If there is an accompanying word and unambiguously shows gender, number and case, then the adjective is declined according to the weak type.

Strong declination

IMPORTANT! In the plural, words: Viele (many), Einige (several), Wenige (few), Zweie, dreie usw (two, three, etc.) acquire a generic / case ending and do not affect the ending of the adjective (both parts of speech get the definite article ending).

  • Viel e gut e Eltern (Nom.) - many good parents;
  • Viel e gut e Eltern (Akk.) - many good parents;
  • Wenig ru gut ru Eltern (Dat.) - Few good parents;
  • Einig er gut er Eltern (Gen.) - some good parents.

Weak declension of adjectives

IMPORTANT! In the plural, after the words alle (all), sämtliche (meaning alle) and beide (both) in all cases, the adjectives are neutral<–en>and alle and beide also get the plural ending (the definite article ending).

  • Alle mein ru Freunde (Nom.)
  • Alle dein ru Freunde (Akk.)
  • All ru dein ru Freunde (Dat.)
  • All er sein ru Freunden (Gen.)

The definite article, demonstrative pronoun and interrogative pronoun are mutually exclusive parts of speech and are not used simultaneously with the same noun:

  • Der gute Vater - Diese gute Mutter (correct)
  • Der dieser gute Vater - Jede die gute Mutter ( notcorrectly)

Different parts of speech can act as an accompanying word, but they all unambiguously show the gender and number of the noun already in the Nominativ.

NOTE! In compound demonstrative pronouns (derselbe, derjenige ...), the definite article is merged with the demonstrative word, which means that both parts of the word are declined.

In this case, the part-article is declined as a definite article, and the part-adjective as an adjective:

  • D erselb e gut e Film is the same good film
  • D ieselb ru gut ru Filme - Same Good Movies

Mixed declension

IMPORTANT! The indefinite article EIN is not used in the plural.

Declension of homogeneous adjectives

Homogeneous adjectives before a noun are inclined in the same way:

  • Ein klein es neu es Haus / Das klein e neu e Haus
  • Klein e neu e Häuser / Die klein ru neu ru Häuser

Declension of compound adjectives

When an adjective consists of several (it is a plural or compound word), the ending is placed only at the end of the word:

  • mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich es Thema - strong declension
  • das mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich e Thema - weak declension
  • ein mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich es Thema - mixed declension

Declination of adjectives before substantivized adjectives

If in a sentence the adjective describes a substantive adjective (Der Deutsche, Die Kranke, Die Verwandten), then the end of the definition is selected according to the general rule:

either the adjective itself (definition), or the accompanying word must determine the gender, number and case of the noun. Gender, number and case are shown in a phrase once.

In this case, the substantive adjective receives neutral endings<–е> or<–еn>:

  • Der Kranke - Sick
  • Der arm e Krank e - poor patient
  • Ein e arm e Krank e- (some) poor patient
  • ein es arm ru Krank ru (Genitiv, "Whose?") - one poor patient (m)
  • ein er arm ru Krank ru (Genitiv, “Whose?) - one poor patient (f)

Singular Dativ. If the gender shows an adjective (that is, we have a strong declension), then the substantivized form will have a neutral ending:

  • bei arm er Krank ru - the poor patient
  • bei arm em Krank ru - the poor patient

1. Nouns belong to one of three childbirth: male, female, average.

The gender of a noun can be determined by agreeing with it the possessive pronoun mine:

my son, my voivode, my curtain, my house - masculine gender;
my wife, my wall, my night - feminine,
my window, my sky, my animal - neuter gender.

In addition, for most nouns denoting people, gender can be determined by gender - my journeyman, my grandfather (masculine); my mother, my sister (feminine).

2. Genus immutable nouns is defined as follows.

    The gender of immutable nouns that name people is determined by gender.

    Brave hidalgo, exquisite lady.

    Nouns denoting profession and occupation are masculine.

    Military attaché, night porter.

    Immutable nouns for animals are masculine, although feminine nouns can be used when referring to a female.

    Australian kangaroo, funny chimpanzee, little hummingbird.
    The chimpanzee fed its cubs.

    Exceptions: tsetse, ivashi - feminine.

    Immutable inanimate nouns are neuter.

    Night taxi, delicious stew, new blinds.

    Exceptions: coffee, penalty kick, sirocco (masculine), avenue, salami (feminine).

3. A special group is made up of nouns general kindwhich can represent both male and female people.

What a slob you are! What a slob you are!

    General nouns characterize a person, usually give an evaluative characterization of a person, have the endings -а, -я and refer to the 1st declension.

    A slob, a cheerleader, a singer, a hard worker, a dirty man, a dude, a drunkard, a sissy, a sleepyhead, a crybaby.


Some nouns of the 2nd declension with a zero ending, naming persons by profession ( doctor, professor, associate professor, driver etc.), although they can be used in relation to females, they are still masculine nouns!

4. The gender of nouns is determined by the singular form. If a noun is not singular, it cannot be attributed to any of the three genders.

Nursery, pasta, trousers, pitchfork.

B) The number of the noun

1. Most nouns have two numbers - the only thing and plural... In the singular form, a noun denotes one object, in the plural form, several objects.

Pencil - pencils; doctor - doctors.

2. Only one form (singular or plural) have real, collective, abstract and some specific nouns.

Form only singular have:

    most real nouns;

    Oil, cement, sugar, pearls, sour cream, milk.

    most abstract nouns;

    Joy, goodness, grief, fun, redness, running, gray hair.

    most collective nouns;

    Teachers, students, foliage, beasts, crows, children.

    most of the proper names.

    Voronezh, Caucasus, Caspian, Ural.


In some cases, nouns that have only the singular form can form plural forms. But such education is necessarily associated with a change in the meaning of the word:

1) at material

a) types, grades of substance:

wine - dessert wines, oil - technical oils;

b) the meaning of the large space covered by this substance:

water - ocean waters, sand - Karakum sands;

2) at abstract plural forms of nouns mean:

a) various manifestations of qualities, properties, states:

opportunity - new opportunities, joy - our joys;

b) the duration, frequency and degree of manifestation of a sign, state, action:

frost - prolonged frosts, pain - severe pain, cry - screams.

Form only plural have:

    some real nouns;

    Ink, sawdust, cleaning.

    some abstract nouns;

    Name days, elections, attacks, intrigues, beatings.

  • some collective nouns;

    Money, finance, jungle.

  • some proper names;

    Karakum, Carpathians, the novel "Demons".

    words denoting paired objects, that is, objects consisting of two parts;

    Glasses, trousers, sleighs, gates, scissors, pliers.

    some names for periods of time.

    Twilight, day, weekdays, holidays.


For nouns that have only the plural form, not only gender, but also declension is not determined!

C) Case and declension of nouns

1. There are six in Russian cases:

    All cases, except for the nominative, are called indirect.


1) To correctly determine the case of a noun, it is necessary to find the word on which the noun depends, and ask a question to the noun from this word, and it is better to use both questions simultaneously.

Wed: He believed a friend: believed [to whom? what?] friend - D. p.

The form of an I. p. Usually has a subject, and such a noun does not depend on other members of the sentence, but is associated with the predicate.

Wed: I have [Who? what?] friend - I. p.

2) It is especially important to ask both questions if the noun is in the nominative, genitive or accusative case, since animate nouns have the same genitive and accusative questions (who?), And inanimate nouns, the nominative and accusative questions coincide (what?).

3) If the noun has a preposition with it, then the question must be asked using this preposition.

Wed: He looked into the book: looked [in whom? what?] in the book.

4) A preposition can be separated from a noun by an adjective, a pronoun. Note that a preposition is associated with a noun, not a noun-dependent definition.

Wed: He quarreled with his friend: quarreled [with whom? with what?] with friend.

2. Changing nouns in cases and numbers is called declination.

    Immutable nouns ( coat, citro, metro, taxi, kangaroo, UN, traffic police) have no declension! Their number and case can be determined in phrases and sentences on the question.

    He sat [in whom? what?] in coat - singular, prepositional; He came [without whom? without which?] without coat is singular, genitive.

3. The declension of the nouns to be changed is determined by the form nominative singular... Most nouns in the singular are divided into three types of declension.

The type of declension is determined by its initial form (singular, nominative):

1st floor -and I Feminine, masculine and general nouns with the endings -а, -я. Spring, earth, line, uncle, lord, dirty.
2nd floor zero Masculine nouns with zero ending. House, edge, ball, planetarium.
-o, -e All nouns with the endings -o, -e. Window, field, suspicion - neuter gender; wolf, journeyman - masculine gender.
3rd floor zero Zero-ending feminine nouns. Mother, daughter, night, steppe.

4. Ten neuter nouns in -name (ending -я): time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame, banner, crown, seed, name, udderas well as nouns way, child refer to versatile (they have endings of different declensions).

5. The noun person has different roots in the singular and plural ( person people), therefore it has different types of declension in the singular and plural:

person (singular) - declines as a noun of the 2nd declension;
people (plural) - declined as a noun of the 3rd declension.

6. Substantial adjectives and participles (nouns formed by transition from one part of speech to another: ice cream, dining room, living room, maid etc.) do not belong to any of the three types of declension. They continue to bend like adjectives and participles!

D) Samples of declension of nouns

1st declension

Case Singular Plural
I. p. Mother Nanny Aria Moms Babysitting Arias
R. p. Moms Babysitting Arias Mom Nian Arius
D. p. Mom Nanny Arias For mothers Babysitting Ariam
V. p. Mom Nanny Aria Mom Nian Arias
T. p. Mom (s) Nanny (s) Aria (s) Mamami Babysitting Ariami
P. p. About mom About nanny About aria About moms About nannies About the Aryans


Nouns of the 1st declension into -ia (ending -я): army, aria, symphony, Maria and others - in the dative and prepositional singular have the ending -i, as nouns of the 3rd declension.

Wed: to the army, to the aria, to the symphony, to the symphony, to Mary, about Mary.

On nouns ending in -ya (ending -я): Marya, liar, cell

Wed: to Marya, about Marya.

2nd declension. Masculine gender

Case Singular Plural
I. p. House Horse Cue Houses Horses Cues
R. p. Houses Horse Kiya Houses Horses Kiev
D. p. Home Horse Kiyu Homes Horses Qiyam
V. p. House Horse Cue Houses Horses Cues
T. p. Home Horse Kiem Houses Horses Cues
P. p. About home About the horse About cue About houses About horses About cues


Nouns of the 2nd declension into -th (zero ending): cue, radium, proletarian, planetarium and others - in a single prepositional case have the ending -i, as nouns of the 3rd declension.

Wed: about radium, about the planetarium.

On nouns in -ey, -ai (zero ending): edge, sparrow etc. - this rule does not apply (!).

Wed: about the edge, about the sparrow.

2nd declension. Neuter gender

Diversified nouns

Case Singular Plural
I. p. Time Way Time Paths
R. p. Time Paths Time Ways
D. p. Time Paths The times Paths
V. p. Time Way Time Paths
T. p. By the time By From time to time Paths
P. p. About the time About the way About the times About the ways


In indirect cases, nouns ending in -name have the suffix -en- ( time, seed, name).
An exception make up plural forms of genitive nouns seed, stirrup - no seeds, no stirrups.

Grin Marina Viktorovna
Educational institution: Basic secondary school of the Branch of the State Pedagogical Institute in Zheleznovodsk
Brief description of work:

Date of publication:2018-05-17 Plural endings of adjectives Grin Marina Viktorovna Basic secondary school of the Branch of the State Pedagogical Institute in Zheleznovodsk introduce the generic endings of adjectives; continue acquaintance of students with the semantic meaning of adjectives; reinforce the ability to ask questions from noun to adjective; to deepen students' ideas about the role of adjectives in people's speech; develop the skill of noun + adjective coordination.

Plural endings of adjectives

Topic y: Plural endings of adjectives.

Objectives: (educational, developmental, upbringing) and tasks of the training session:

Educational :

introduce the generic endings of adjectives; continue acquaintance of students with the semantic meaning of adjectives; reinforce the ability to ask questions from noun to adjective;

to deepen students' ideas about the role of adjectives in people's speech; form the skill of concordance noun + adjective.

Developing :

develop a coherent speech of students through the ability to answer questions; enrich the vocabulary of students with words of different parts of speech; develop spelling vigilance in children, observation; ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Educational: to educate accuracy, culture of behavior in the lesson.

Objectives of the lesson : lead students to understand the role of adjectives in our speech.


Recall the cases of nouns, learn about the features of nouns in the nominative case


- to recognize the importance of learning and learning new things, to understand the importance of certain educational actions;

- be able to assess life situations (actions of people) from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values;

- show interest in the search and assignment of common ways of solving educational problems;

- to comprehend the reasons for success in educational activities.



- to form the ability to accept an educational task and strive to fulfill it;

- to form the ability to pose and formulate a problem;

- the formation of the ability to determine the goal of activities in the lesson;

- formation of the ability to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

- the formation of the ability to perform and compare with the sample;

Fix overcoming the difficulty


- draw conclusions based on generalization;

- be able to model, structure knowledge, consciously and arbitrarily build statements;

- be able to make a choice of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions


- listen, collaborate with classmates when working in a group, a couple;

- participate in an educational dialogue, argue your point of view

- take into account the positions of other people.

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activities


1.Motivation for learning activities.

- Today we have guests in class. Turn to the guests, say hello, smile at them and your neighbor. I think that each of you today will delight yourself and me with your work in the lesson.

I really want you to smile,

We were satisfied with our work.

May this lesson make us all happy

And each of us will feel our success.

–Let's check the boarding rules when writing





Open notebooks, put them correctly, at an angle.

A minute of calligraphy (SLIDE)

Ay, yaya, oh, her, oh, oh, oh, oh

Personal: self-determination,

regulatory: goal setting; communicative: planning educational collaboration with teacher and peers

2.Knowledge update

- Which tree is the same color in winter and summer? (SLIDE)

- By the word spruce, select and write down the same-root words (herringbone, spruce, spruce ...

- With what words can we describe the spruce (fluffy. Green. Prickly….

- What part of the speech helped you in the description? What do you know about her? ( SLIDE)

(An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions what?, What?, What?, Which? Adjectives change in numbers, gender and cases)

- So how do adjectives in the singular change?

(In the singular, adjectives change by gender and case)

- How to determine the case of an adjective in the singular?

(The case of an adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)

An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a feature of an object and answers the questions what?, What?, What?, What? Adjectives vary in number, gender and case)


We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

- to build a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

- formulate your thoughts orally.



- in



Predict the work ahead (make a plan).

Participate in the discussion and formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- participate in the assessment and discussion of the result of a specific assignment.

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson


- This puzzle will help you define the topic of today's lesson:

Two beauties of the forest ...,
Two sisters cousins \u200b\u200b... ,.
One has a short ...,
Other lengths have needles. (Pine and Christmas tree)


On the tables you have cards with the same text. Add the endings in them

- What can you say about the topic of the lesson? What are we going to study?

(Adjectives are plural.)

Why did you decide so?

(The poem omits the plural endings of adjectives.)
- How did you determine that this is an adjective in the plural?

(On the question - What?; Noun, with which these adjectives are associated, they are also used in the plural.)

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the declension of adjectives in the plural.

- What goals will you set for yourself in this lesson?

Determine the topic of the lesson

4.Discovery of new knowledge. Working in groups

- We begin to study the name of the adjective (work in groups).

Group 1: How do plural adjectives change?

1. How to inflect plural adjectives:

forest beauties, long needles

3. Do the endings of adjectives change?

4. In what cases are the endings similar in what are different?

Questions: Make a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 2: What are the plural endings of adjectives? Create an endings table

1. Decline adjectives in the plural

2. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

3. Create a table of endings.

4. In which cases the endings are similar, in which they are different

Group 3: Do plural adjectives change by gender?

1. Decline adjectives in the plural: slender, small (spruce, bushes, trees)

2. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

3. What kind of nouns did you inflect adjectives with?

4. Did the adjective endings change?

5. Do plural adjectives change by gender?

Output. Make a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 4: How to determine the case of an adjective in the plural?

Winter forests, about huge pines, from green leaves, delicious buns, thin branches, to small islands, rich harvest, with funny monkeys, in the forest twilight, mighty heroes, interesting people

1. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

2. Determine the case of words in a phrase (Remember how the case of adjectives in the singular was determined)

3. How to determine the case of an adjective?

Decline phrases

1 row of small trees

2 row of green forests

3 row tall spruce

Work in groups


- to determine and formulate the goal of activities in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

- to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.


- Rwe develop the ability to show our attitude towards heroes, to express our emotions.

- evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation.


-Randcallthe ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts.

- into reveal the essence, features of objects.

- nand draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

generalize and classify according to characteristics.

- aboutnavigate the spread of the textbook.

- find answers to questions in the illustration.


6.Primary consolidation (work in pairs).

- Remember the topic of our lesson.

- How do plural adjectives change? (Cases only)

- How do the names of plural adjectives not change? (Do not change by gender).

- How to determine the case of an adjective in the plural? (As in singular, the case of an adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)


- we form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


- learn to express your guess based on the work with the illustration of the textbook.

- learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.


convert information from one form to another: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

- to be guided by the spread of the textbook.

- find answers to questions in the text, illustrations

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Level 1

a) Write off.

The number of adjectives.
1. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight the endings.
Green leaves, rare rains, autumn days, strong wind, large drops, the last leaf, a forest glade, a beautiful village.

Level 2
2. Choose appropriate adjectives for nouns. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight the endings.

Native lands, (what?) ……… .. business, (what?) ………… bag, (what?) ………. Tree, (what?) ………. meadows, (what?) ……… .. month, (what?) ……….… plant.

Level 3.
3. Insert the missing letters. Determine the gender, the number of adjectives.

After the warm days, came the z..otaya os..n. Mushrooms still grow along the forest edges: red-headed .. boletus, greenish .. and pink raw .. ki, how much .. to .. milk mushrooms and fragrant .. red .. ki. On the old .. big .. stumps huddle together .. ke thin-legged .. honey.


- to participate (in the work of a teacher) in assessing the results of general and individual work.

8. Reflection of educational activities in the classroom.

- At the beginning of the lesson, we set ourselves the goal of finding out how the plural adjectives are inflected. Have we reached our goal?

- What questions did we plan to answer?

- Did we manage to do it?


- evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned tasks

- to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

9. Homework.

Write down 10 word combinations adj. and n. determine the genus. Number, case.


- to choose tasks in the textbook for individual work according to strengths and interests.

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, . .

In a sentence, the adjective is often associated with the noun and is fully consistent with it. That is, if the noun is masculine, then the adjective is masculine, if the noun is in the dative case, then the adjective, respectively, is in the dative case. For example, beautiful tree... To a tree (what?) - dative, neuter, singular. Therefore, the adjective has the same characteristic.

In the case when the adjective is not associated with a noun, gender, number, case is determined by the adjective itself.

Case of adjective

Adjectives in each case have specific endings.

  • Them. P.: which one? what? what? th, th, th, th, th;
  • R. p.: what? which one? what? -th, -th, -th, -th;
  • D. p.: what? which one? how? -th, -th, -th, -im;
  • V. p.: which one? which one? what? what kind? th, th, th, th, th, th;
  • T. p.: how? which one? what? -th, -im, -th, -th, -im;
  • P. p.: what about? what about? about what?-th, -th, -th, -th.

Short adjectives are not declined by case.

The case of an adjective can also be determined by the verb with which it is associated. For example, only the instrumental adjectives are always attached to the verb "to be proud".

Gender of adjectives

Masculine adjectives (in the nominative) have endings th, th. For example, beautiful, rare.

Neuter adjectives end th... For example, beautiful, rare.

Feminine adjectives end in -and I. For example, beautiful, rare.

Short masculine adjectives have no endings (open),feminine - have an ending -a (open),neuter - -o (open).

The endings of adjectives in other cases are given above in the subsection "Cases of adjectives".

Number of adjectives

Singular adjectives end with th, th, th, th... For example, beautiful, rare; beautiful, rare; beautiful, rare.

Plural adjectives end th, th.For example, beautiful, rare.

Short plural adjectives end in -y, -and. For example, open, rare.

In a sentence, the adjective is often associated with the noun and is fully consistent with it. That is, if the noun is masculine, then the adjective is masculine, if the noun is in the dative case, then the adjective, respectively, is in the dative case. For example, a beautiful tree. To a tree (what?) - dative, neuter, singular. Therefore, the adjective has the same characteristic.

In the case when the adjective is not associated with a noun, gender, number, case is determined by the adjective itself.
Case of adjective

Adjectives in each case have specific endings.

Them. p .: what? what? what? th, th, th, th, th;
R. p .: what? which one? what? -th, -th, -th, -th;
D. p .: which one? which one? how? -th, -th, -th, -im;
V. p .: which one? which one? what? what kind? th, th, th, th, th, th;
So what? which one? what? -th, -im, -th, -th, -im;
P. p .: what about? what about? about what? -th, -th, -th, -th.

Short adjectives are not declined by case.

The case of an adjective can also be determined by the verb with which it is associated. For example, only the instrumental adjectives are always attached to the verb "to be proud".
Gender of adjectives

Masculine adjectives (in the nominative case) have the endings -th, -th. For example, beautiful, rare.

Neuter adjectives end in -e. For example, beautiful, rare.

Feminine adjectives end in -a. For example, beautiful, rare.

Short masculine adjectives have no endings (open), feminine ones - have the ending -а (open), neuter gender - -o (open).

The endings of adjectives in other cases are given above in the subsection "Cases of adjectives".
Number of adjectives

Singular adjectives endings -th, -th, -th, -th. For example, beautiful, rare; beautiful, rare; beautiful, rare.

Plural adjectives end -s, -ies. For example, beautiful, rare.

Short plural adjectives end in -ы, -и. For example, open, rare.

Thus, the gender, number, case of adjectives is easiest to determine by the noun to which it refers. If the adjective in the sentence is not associated with other parts of speech, you can determine the case or gender by asking a question. Usually the endings of the questions and the adjectives themselves are the same.

Let's reveal the secret of the endings -s, ee. To do this, you need to determine which sound the stem of the adjective ends with. A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

The roads are funny, sad,

Now near, now far,

Both light and hard

Sinuous, mountainous.(S. Mikhalkov)

(Torny means smooth, even)

In words funny, sad, torny, winding, mountainous stem ends in solid sound l, n, t.

In words near, far, light stem ends in a soft consonant n", to" .

If the stem of an adjective ends in a solid sound, the ending is written: s.

If the stem ends in a soft sound, the ending is different: no.

There are exception words. Let's find them in riddles.

In the summer in the garden they are fresh, green, and in the winter they are salted in a barrel.(Cucumbers)

When she looks into the garden

The grapes will become more transparent

Big apples are redder

And late pears are tastier. (Autumn) (I. Kulskaya)

Fresh, large, green, salty - the stem ends in a solid consonant, but write zhi-shi with the letter I, so the ending -ee is written.

Late - the stem ends in a soft consonant, the ending is -ie. Another spelling is an unpronounceable consonant sound, the test word is late.

Let's choose adjectives and write them down, following the commands of nouns.

Birds of Paradise.

Bird feathers…,…. ,….,… .. In form they are…. : some -…, others -…. with tassels on the wings, others -…. Legs …. and .... because they live in trees. …. birds!

Help Desk: yellow, orange, green, black, unusual, wide, narrow, fluffy, strong, tenacious, fabulous. (see Fig. 2)

Birds of Paradise.

Bird feathers (what?) Are yellow, orange, green, black. They are (what?) Unusual in shape: some are wide, others are narrow with tassels on their wings, and others are fluffy. Legs (what?) Are strong and tenacious, because they live in trees. Fabulous birds!

People, admiring the beauty of birds of paradise, are often surprised by their croaking. And there is nothing surprising: these birds are close relatives of our common crow.

What nouns can be used with an adjective delicious?



Delicious oranges, zucchini, sweets, cucumbers, pies, salads.

Nouns from the first column do not change numerically. Nouns bread, butter, milk, jam, chocolate, vermicelli are singular.

Funny people.

In the distant ... times in Russia there lived merry ... people - amusements. Holidays, folk ... festivities were not complete without these people. The buffoons staged puppet shows ... performances right on the streets. Druzhn… mobs could be seen in villages and towns. The amusers carried balls of different colors ... yes boxes of slaughter ..., next to them were mummers ... goats and bears on chains. The musicians carried their musical ... instruments.(According to I. Nikitina)

What times? distant, what kind of people? funny, th, what kind of festivities? folk, th, what representations? puppet, th, mobs (these are noisy crowds) what? friendly, th, what balls? multi-colored, th, what boxes? carved, th, what goats? mummers, th, what tools? musical.


Matryoshka is a (wooden) doll. (Russian) masters have endowed the matryoshka with beauty. Matryoshka has a (ruddy) face, (blue) eyes, (scarlet) lips, (sable) eyebrows. A (smart) shawl and a (bright) dress complement the beauty of the toy. (Russian) matryoshka - (best) gift.

What doll (is she)? wooden, singular, ferrous

What masters? Russians, plural

What face (is it)? ruddy, singular, Wed.

What eyes? blue, plural

What sponges? scarlet, plural

What eyebrows? sable, plural

What shawl (is she)? smart, singular, f.

What dress (is it)? bright, singular, Wed.

What matryoshka (is she)? Russian, singular, f.

What gift (is he)? best, singular, m.r.


Matryoshka is a wooden doll. Russian masters have endowed the matryoshka with beauty. The matryoshka has a ruddy face, blue eyes, scarlet lips, sable eyebrows. An elegant shawl and a bright dress complement the beauty of the toy. Russian nesting doll is the best gift.

Put the adjectives in the form you want. Determine the number of adjectives and gender in the singular.

Tundra in summer.

The summer tundra is multicolored. On the melted water there are motley ... birds. On the hummocks there are bright ... flowers. Reindeer lie lazily fed ... Their branchy ... horns at the golden sunset are like a fabulous ... bone forest. And there is endless ... silence. (According to N. Sladkov)

Tundra in summer.

The summer (what?) Tundra is multicolored (f.y.). On melt water, motley (what?) Birds (plural). On the hummocks there are bright (what?) Flowers (plural). Well-fed (what?) Deer (plural) lie lazily. Their branched (what?) Horns (plural) at golden sunset are like a fabulous (what?) Bone forest (m.w.). And all around the endless (what?) Silence. (f.units) (According to N. Sladkov)

In the lesson, you learned that a plural adjective always has one command - which ones? The adjective, obeying this command, is used in the plural. For adjectives in the plural, the gender does not differ, since the endings are always the same: -th or non.

  1. MS Soloveichik, NS Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. MS Soloveichik, NS Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - SPb .: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T.Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  • Insert letters. Guess on what basis the words are combined. Find the "extra" combination of words.

fast ... rivers

far away ... mountains

fragrant ... lilies of the valley

mighty ... pines

rare ... forest

autumn ... mushrooms

  • Write plural phrases.

Friendly team - …

Friendly family - …

Friendly link - ...

City Park - …

Town Square - …

City building - ...

  • Solve spelling problems in the endings of adjectives.

Chuck and Gek Walk.

Children walked to the spring along a narrow ... path. Above them a cold ... blue sky shone. How fabulous ... the castles rose to the sky high ... the cliffs. In the frost…. in the silence curious ... magpies chirped sharply. Ser… yurk… squirrels were jumping between the cedar branches.

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