The best bosses. The best and worst bosses of pc games Top biggest bosses in games

Cement 13.01.2021

Two talented video game reviewers on the popular English-language portal, Karl Smallwood and Dustin Koski, have agreed to have a verbal duel to decide which bosses are the most difficult. Each writer gave his list of the five coolest bosses, and another commented on it. See if they can convince you that they are the best at the best of the worst villains in games.


5. Death, "The Sims"

Charles: What is a video game boss? It is a person, being, or thing that stands between you and your goal. IN The sims your goal is mainly survival, so I think Death the final boss. She never stops being a threat. The boss only needs one burnt lunch or a malfunctioning fire alarm to defeat you. The situation is even worse in later games, where the concept of "old age" was introduced to complicate matters. Now, no matter how well you play, Death will always get you in the end.

Dustin: I don't agree to accept abstract concepts as bosses. In that case, the "boss" who defeated me most often was a gaping abyss that I could not jump over. And in the games of my childhood, it's time to go to bed.

4. Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat

Charles: In the newest games in the series Mortal kombat there are ways to defeat Shao Kahn, the emperor of Outworld. It is enough to repeat the same move over and over again. But in Mortal kombat ii Shao Kahn blocks every attack you make on him, slowly moving towards the point where he will destroy you in three turns. It was terribly difficult to punish him for this habit, let alone win.

Dustin: Dude, no one told you to defeat Shao Kahn, you just need to keep your distance until he starts approaching you, and then hit him with a combo or ranged attack. I have tried this method myself and I can vouch for it.

3. Through Fire and Flame, "Guitar Hero 3"

Charles: One of the biggest controversies around the entire series Guitar Hero - which song is more difficult to play in it. Some argue that this is "Jordan" - because it is supposed to be performed with a bucket on your head. According to others, the song "Raining Blood", which requires fast and precise finger work, is the first.

And in my opinion, the most difficult song is the one that is played after defeating the final boss, Through Fire and Flame. She is my favorite, and it kills me that I cannot perform her at an above average level. So I will never be the guitar hero.

Dustin: Undoubtedly, many of the songs in Guitar Hero are very difficult, but only if you are a beginner. Many professional guitarists note that it is much more difficult to use a real guitar than "Guitar Hero 1".

2. The guy at the end of Mile High Club on Veteran difficulty - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Charles: Although the nameless terrorist in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare cannot do much harm, I consider him one of the most difficult bosses. Because it's terribly difficult to get a chance to fire a bullet in his head.

IN Mile high club you have exactly one minute to get to the second floor of the hijacked plane and rescue the kidnapped hostage. Enemies are between you and the hostage. Their firepower is enough to raze a small country to the ground. The only real way to win is to throw a grenade and charge forward, hoping you don't die. To top it off, if you make it to the end and don't kill the final boss with a headshot, you will instantly lose.

Dustin: Having only a minute to get to a guy isn't too bad. This means that not too much time is wasted and you have a chance to reach your goal.

1. Virgil. "Devil may Cry 3"

Charles: IN Devil may cry 3 your character, Dante, fights his brother Virgil three times. In the first meeting, Virgil beats you completely. He hits your magic swords using the power of his mind. In the second, you are both roughly equal, and in the third, you surpass him.

Since the plot states that I must win the final battle against Virgil, I refused to let him hit me even once. If during the battle Vergil had stabbed me, I would have started all over again.

Dustin: If you set yourself super difficult tasks, you can make any boss difficult. For example, if you play with your eyes closed.


5. Kulex from Super Mario RPG

Dustin: Kulex doesn't have to be defeated. This game is not too cool. Little damage is done, and even the fiercest of enemies look pretty cute. But Kulex is clearly destined to be the coolest. He has a higher hitting score and more powerful attacks. Worst of all, he's got those damn living crystals. When one of them hits you with a spell, any of your characters becomes useless. They just turn into mushrooms! When I first played this game as a kid, I thought Culex was supposed to be invincible.

Charles: Yes, it's not good to put such a difficult boss in a game for kids. But since he is the boss of choice, you can simply bypass him and win.

4. Lady Comstock of Bioshock Infinite

Dustin: Lady Comstock is a ghost who constantly revives her followers. You have to fight it several times in different places. She and her henchmen killed me over and over again until I devised some strategy to get to her. To put it simply, I went for Youtube, found those who defeated her, and borrowed their method.

Charles: All first person shooters boil down to "Shoot an object until it dies or transforms"... It is the same with Lady Comstock. You shoot the ghost or punch it until it explodes. There is no puzzle solution, no weak point to target, you just pound it. The only difficulty is the other enemies that you have to fight at the same time.

3. Paula from Shadows of the Damned

Dustin: Paula is a pretty amazing villain, because the main character, Garcia Hotspurtrying to save her from hell. In the end, she temporarily loses her mind, grows six angelic red wings and makes us chase her down some kind of winding tunnel.

How difficult is this enemy? Well, we have to shoot her wings as she flies through the air, which are pretty small and fast moving targets. We must go through the tunnel, or the "darkness" will catch up with us. Darkness means that we are standing in that part of the room that reduces our health. She also periodically attacks us, like her demonic minions. If you let your minions get into the dark zones, they become invincible.

Charles: As in the previous case, the boss fight is difficult here only because of the smaller enemies you have to fight with. This does not make the fight difficult, but only makes it annoying.

2. Sigma from Mega Man X

Dustin: Mega manIs my favorite episode, but I hate Sigma, her final boss. First, you have to fight his dog. This is a pretty fast opponent that does a lot of damage. Then you have to fight Sigma himself, and if he knocks you down, then you are finished. He can only be defeated by climbing a wall and firing a full clip of shots at him.

Charles: As difficult as Sigma is, each form has only one way to attack. If you manage to dodge these attacks, he will not be able to touch you. But as a result, the struggle drags on. Basically, you are taking an endurance test, not a skill test.

1. Mike Tyson from "Punch Out"

Dustin: The hardest boss is Mike Tyson, the world boxing champion. Defeating him is almost impossible. Throughout the match, he gives you so many uppercuts that he will knock you down with one blow.

Charles: You will get kicked in the ass by Iron Mike until you realize that you are fighting an old man with a very specific fighting style. Once you learn to recognize his pattern, which hasn't changed in two decades, you will beat the old man who knows nothing better.

Gordon Freeman should be given credit: without further ado, he does what he does best - saves humanity once again. But we are sure that even a fearless and talented physicist said a few swear words to himself when he first saw the final boss of the first Half-Life - Nihilanth.

An overgrown flying toddler will be able to spoil the nerves of a gamer, thanks to an army of minions, self-guided attacks and invulnerability until you destroy two energy crystals. And if suddenly this is not enough for you, then Nihilant has an additional trump card up his sleeve - the player's teleportation to other locations. Well, at least it doesn't send it into outer space, and thanks for that.

9. Shadow of the Colossus - Colossus # 15

The iconic game Fumito Ueda is a real anthem to bosses in games. 16 centuries-old giants with a bored look meet the tiny conqueror of giants. After all, why should they be afraid, the blow of the sword is like a toothpick prick into the elephant's skin. But each colossus has its own Achilles' heel, which will be the main difficulty in the battle with the stone titans. No clues, just trial and error

Among all the variety of bosses, hunt separately to mark the humanoid giant at number 15. It's a shame to admit, but the author of this text even had to read the guides on the Internet in order to find the correct sequence of actions for the triumphant victory over the colossus.

8. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil 5

Sportsman, genius and just handsome Albert Wesker could build a career as an outstanding scientist, curing the whole world from the T-virus infection. But why, when domination over the world is much more interesting. And to make the Napoleonic ones come true, Wesker did not forget to inject himself a horse dose of the virus, mutating into one of the most difficult bosses of the Resident Evil series.

Superhuman speed, Neo-style dodges and invulnerability - Albert became the real Chuck Norris from the world of video games. To be honest, it seems Sheva, the main character's partner, is in a secret conspiracy with Wesker, since it is she who is required to make the final finishing feint to kill Wesker. But more often than not, Sheva, at the decisive moment, seems to forget about her mission, which further complicates the already unpretentious final boss fight.

7. Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Satan

For the sake of his beloved, a person is ready to do anything: go through the most difficult tests, cope with the feats worthy of Hercules himself, and even fight Satan. This is the way Gabriel Belmont goes to return his beloved from the kingdom of the Dead to Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

And if the game could seem complicated, then only when you meet Satan do you start thinking about the game developers as maniacs with sadistic inclinations. Satan cannot boast of outstanding strength or dexterity, but magical barriers, for the passage of which you must constantly switch between the magic of light and darkness, can infuriate even monks who have comprehended Zen.

6.Metal Gear Revengeance - Stephen Armstrong

Japanese game makers are always with a special sophistication to create bosses. And Metal Gear Revengeance was no exception, so be prepared to smash your gamepad to smithereens when you meet Stephen Armstrong, and if you play the game on PC using the keyboard mouse, then God help you.

Stephen Armstrong dreamed of completely rebuilding the social structure of American society, leaving room only for the most powerful, the so-called super-people. And if Armstrong's clichéd ideas can only make you laugh, then his nanomachine-powered physical strength and supersonic speed will make you hate the self-proclaimed US president.

5. Mortal Combat 2 - Shao Kahn

Fighting a character who bears the title of "Emperor of the Outside World" is hardly a lazy exchange of blows. Add divine power, a penchant for cruelty, and a craze for black magic to the mix, and you have the toughest boss in Mortal Combat history, Shao Kahn.

In the second MK, Shao Kahn was listed as the final opponent and could, after a few punches, start performing fatality, tearing the player in half. But against Shao Kahn, one strategy is correct - a continuous barrage of blows, forcing the boss to constantly be in a defensive stance, but remember: one mistake - and you are dead.

4. Dark Souls 3 - The Nameless King

During the passage of the Dark Souls series, even ordinary opponents can cause problems, and what can we say about the bosses, about which you can already make up legends. All of them are epic, strong, tenacious and insanely complex. Among all the variety of bosses in the Souls series, the Nameless King should be mentioned separately.

The giant knight, without further ado, unleashes the power of his dragon on the player and treacherously waves his long sword, hiding behind the thick skin of a flying monster. However, after killing the fire-breathing cattle, you should not prematurely rejoice. The Nameless King, even without the support of his faithful animal, will be able to trample even the most hardcore gamer into the ground for a few seconds.

3. God of War - Queen of the Valkyries (maximum difficulty)

Studio Santa Monica designed their masterpiece with a clear eye on the Souls series. This is noticeable both in the combat system and in the difficulty level, which requires superhuman reflexes from the player. And if the first three levels of difficulty are still quite within the power of most players, then the maximum, called God of War, provides a real hardcore challenge.

The Valkyrie Queen in God of War is the final boss, thanks for being optional though. To defeat her, the tactic of constant spam of runic attacks works best of all: first light, then strong, change the weapon, repeat - and so on until you tear off the wings of the evil beast. But again, the slightest mistake and miscalculation will make you watch the loading screen.

2. Metal Gear Solid - Psycho Mantis

If you still doubt that Kojima is a genius, then Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid is coming to you. He does not amaze with his gigantic size, outstanding strength or vitality, his trump card is completely different - psychic abilities, for example, mind reading. If you play Metal Gear Solid on the first Playstaton, then you won't even be able to hit Psycho Mantis, he will guess all your actions in advance.

Such a dishonest fight raises only one question: "How the hell can I beat you ?!" The solution to the problem feels non-trivial and innovative even 20 years after the release of the first MGS. To prevent the boss from reading minds, you will have to connect another gamepad to the console, and only in this case, Nostradamus in a gas mask will be vulnerable to player attacks.

1. Punch-Out !! - Mike Tyson

The first place among the most powerful bosses in games is Mike Tyson from the imperishable fighting game Punch Out. The game was released more than 30 years ago and probably even for the best that modern gamers are unlikely to ever encounter Tyson in the electronic ring.

In Punch-Out, Mike Tyson was dubbed invincible for a reason, because only one missed uppercut can send a player into a deep knockout. To defeat the legendary boxer, it was required to dodge, counterattack and block attacks with mathematical precision. In general, the developers perfectly conveyed the feeling of the fight with Mike Tyson, forcing them to train hard in the art of contact sports to achieve the champion title. Everything is just like in real life.

See also r. True, they do not differ in complexity, but they compensate for this with an unprecedented scale, epic and cruelty.

Bosses in games are cool, they are epic. Huge, charismatic and strong.Today I have prepared a list for youthe most difficult bosses in the games that made you tense up and go over all the mats during the battle with them. All coincidences and absences of your favorite games are completely random.

General Draug from The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

Let's start with General Friend from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Incredibly thick-skinned, healthy and armored brute. As an arch-ghost, Draug does nothing by himself. The servants do everything. Servants are always ghosts and cursed spirits who refuse to rest in peace.

“The general never admitted defeat. He continued to fight even after death. ”- Description of Draug's Map in Gwent

What is the difficulty in the battle with him? Because of his power, witcher signs and bombs do not affect him. Therefore, in the battle with him, only the old witcher-grandfather's method remains - the silver sword. Of all cgbcrf, this is the weakest boss, but nevertheless, it will be difficult to complete it the first time.

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5. I'm sure everyone knows this dude. By the way, he was far from always so bad, his villainous plans did not begin from early childhood. He was quite unusual, gifted from birth with inhuman intelligence. Therefore, he passed the selection and got into the Wesker Children project. The project is an old dream of the Umbrella corporation to create a superman using a virus. Albert became thus a superman. For a while, he was considered the longest-liver of the series Resident evil, so many times to circle the protagonists around the finger and very few people managed to die. But he did not manage to survive the fight with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. The fight was long, a sea of \u200b\u200bammunition, grenade launchers and QTE mountain.

Virgil from Devil May Cry 3

In Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition, the main character Dante will have to fight his brother Virgil 3 times. Each fight with him is more difficult and exhausting than the previous one. hits your magic swords using the power of your mind, one wrong move and you are a corpse.No tricks, only improving your skill will help you.

Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Next comes Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. When the Prince of Persia opened the hourglass and decided to play with the sands of time, he could not have imagined that this would wake up the ancient demon, whose goal would be to kill the one who opened that very clock. In fact, it is not very difficult to defeat him, it is much more difficult to achieve a battle with him. After all, you cannot kill him both during the game and at the end, if you have not received a water sword. And to get it you need to collect all the caches with lives, which is not as easy to do as it seems. Go scour all the locations in search of them.

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will quickly reset your entire health bar if you're not prepared to face her. She is fast, she has good weapons in her arsenal, and the skills are the same as yours. When the leader decides that you have spent enough of her health, he immediately begins to heal himself. Yes, she is restoring her health. But that's not all. It can multiply by budding. So after a while you will have to fight two of them at once.

Cannibal from Demon 's Souls

Place in the list won back the most dangerous rival in Demon's Souls. His ability to fly and, so to speak, "multiply" makes him strong enough, do not forget what mechanics this game uses. Add to this that the place where you will fight is from a narrow path along the edges of the abyss, which greatly constrains your movements.It is incredibly difficult to dodge his attacks, I advise you to immediately run to the island with a spark, there is more space.

The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3

The unnamed king from Dark Souls 3 is a real devil. Trying to defeat this brute from a secret location in a fair fight, you will probably rip more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. Many of the unnamed king passed for several months, in general, we wish him a happy New Year and the same torment that he brought us.

Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2

The second place was taken by the main negative character of Fallout 2, Frank Horrigan. A mutant cyborg with a huge and extremely durable body. Participated in excavations at the military base of Mariposa, where he mutated and subsequently became a test subject in the experiments of the Enclave, which did not have the most positive effect on his intelligence. Leads nearly all of the Enclave's combat operations. He meets the Chosen One in scripted scenes, and also confronts him in the final battle. Strong, cunning, vicious, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat

Emperor Shao Kahn is sitting on the throne of the most difficult boss. And he won this place in a fair fight. Actually, not really. In Mortal Kombat (2011), he non-stop throws spears and strikes with a giant hammer. He cannot be stunned, and special X-ray tricks take a meager amount of health from him. And if you die too much, the game itself will lower the difficulty level. And believe me, the way he fights in part 9 cannot be compared to the real nightmare in Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat III. In the second part, he took a quarter of health with one blow, and he also blocks every attack of yours, immediately moving to the point where he will smear you in 3 turns. In the third part, he ate health with an incredible speed with a hammer and his fucking knee. It was very difficult to kill him, but in the end, after going over all the mats, you still kill him. And what a pleasure it is to sit with a gamepad turned into a mess and realize that you have defeated it.

Yes, there are many more difficult bosses than presented in this list, but you can't list everything. Leave in the comments which bosses made you tense, show your middle finger at the screen and go over all the mats.

Bosses in games are cool, they are epic. Huge, charismatic and strong. Today we have prepared for you the top 10 most difficult bosses in games that made you tense up and go over all the mats during the battle with them. All coincidences and absences of your favorite games are completely random.

10. General Draug from Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

In last place was General Draug from The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings. Incredibly thick-skinned, healthy and armored brute. As an arch-ghost, Draug does nothing by himself. The servants do everything. Servants are always ghosts and cursed spirits who refuse to rest in peace.

“The general never admitted defeat. He continued to fight even after death. "
- Description of the Drauga map in Gwent

What is the difficulty in the battle with him? Because of his power, witcher signs and bombs do not affect him. Therefore, in the battle with him, only the old witcher-grandfather's method remains - the silver sword. Of the entire top, this is the weakest boss, but nevertheless, it will be difficult to pass it the first time.

9. Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5

In the penultimate place is Albert Wesker from the game Resident evil 5... I'm sure everyone knows this dude. By the way, he was far from always so bad, his villainous plans did not begin from early childhood. He was quite unusual, gifted from birth with inhuman intelligence. Therefore, he passed the selection and got into the Wesker Children project. The project is an old dream of the Umbrella Corporation to create a superman using a virus. Albert became thus a superman. For a time, he was considered the longest-liver of the series. Resident evil, so many times to circle the protagonists around the finger and very few people managed to die. But he did not manage to survive the fight with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. The fight was long, a sea of \u200b\u200bammunition, grenade launchers and QTE mountain.

IN Devil may cry 3 the main character Dante will have to fight 3 times with his brother Virgil. Each fight with him is more difficult and exhausting than the previous one. And what a rape it was for a schoolboy of that time, for Virgil has health regeneration, he hits your magic swords using the power of his mind, one wrong move -
and you are a corpse. No tricks, only improving your skill will help you.

7. Baal from Diablo 2: Lords of Destruction

When I killed Baal from Diablo 2 lod, then I really wanted to slap five bream to the sadist who made this boss. It still pains me to remember his ability to create copies of himself, suck mana, teleport, and also his tentacles and a slowing wave that takes away almost half of the lives.

6. Cannibal from Demon "s Souls

The sixth place was won by the most dangerous rival in Demon "s Souls... His ability to fly and, so to speak, "multiply" makes him strong enough, do not forget what mechanics this game uses. Add to this the fact that the place where you will fight is a narrow path, along the edges of an abyss, which greatly constrains your movements. It is incredibly difficult to dodge his attacks, I advise you to immediately run to the island with a spark, there is more space.

Dark Samus will quickly reset your entire life bar if you are not prepared to meet her. She is fast, she has good weapons in her arsenal, and the skills are the same as yours. When the leader decides that you have spent enough of her health, he immediately begins to heal himself. Yes, she is restoring her health. But that's not all. It can multiply by budding. So after a while you will have to fight two of them at once.

4. The unnamed king from Dark Souls 3

The unnamed king of Dark souls 3a real fiend of hell. Trying to defeat this brute from a secret location in a fair fight, you will probably rip more than one kilogram of hair from your head and break more than one gamepad or keyboard. Many of the unnamed king passed for several months, in general, we wish him a happy New Year and the same torment that he brought us.

The most popular game of all time wins silver. Not only did only a few pass more than three levels, so even fewer reached the leader - a huge dragon. The creators did a very good job on their game. As if they knew that the game would become a cult. And Bowser can be killed in this way: you run up to him, try to run behind him, grab his tail and throw at the bombs on the edges of the island.

The second place was taken by the main negative character Fallout 2 Frank Horrigan. A mutant cyborg with a huge and extremely durable body. He participated in excavations at the military base of Mariposa, where he mutated and subsequently became a test subject in the experiments of the Enclave, which did not have the most positive effect on his intelligence. Leads nearly all of the Enclave's combat operations. He meets the Chosen One in scripted scenes, and also confronts him in the final battle. Strong, cunning, vicious, tenacious and just a bastard with 1000 lives.

Emperor Shao Kahn is sitting on the throne of the most difficult boss. And he won this place in a fair fight. Actually, not really. IN Mortal Kombat (2011) he non-stop throws spears and strikes with a giant hammer. He cannot be stunned, and special X-ray tricks take a meager amount of health from him. And if you die too much, the game itself will lower the difficulty level. And believe me, the way he fights in part 9 cannot be compared to the real nightmare in Mortal kombat 2 and Mortal kombat 3.

In the second part, he took a quarter of his health with one blow, and he also blocks your every attack, immediately moving to the point where he will smear you in 3 turns. In the third part, he ate health with incredible speed with the help of a hammer and his fucking knee. It was very difficult to kill him, but in the end, after going over all the mats, you still kill him. And how nice it is to sit with a gamepad turned into a mess and realize that you have defeated it.

So our top of the most difficult bosses in games has come to an end. Yes, there are a lot more difficult bosses than we presented, but you can't list everything. Leave in the comments which bosses made you tense, show your middle finger at the screen and remember all the mats.

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