Raw food diet how to cook. Raw food recipes for every day: simple and tasty options for raw food dishes. How to choose the right products

Interior Design 12.09.2020
Interior Design

You'd rather starve than eat anything...

Omar Khayyam

When I was little, it was always a mystery to me why, during illness, when someone in our family was unwell, fruits, herbs and fresh juices did not leave the table, and as soon as everything got better and the illness subsided, then these same fruits They weren't even considered food. I couldn't wrap my head around that logic.

Now that I have become a mother myself, there is always fruit in our house. I am absolutely convinced that when a person eats mainly fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, the disease will not even be able to set in. This is confirmed year after year by my daughter, who practically does not suffer from colds and other diseases, and if any signs of illness appear, they quickly go away after adjusting the diet.

It’s always easier with children, especially if they start eating right from birth or early childhood. Children easily refuse boiled foods in favor of raw food dishes. Sometimes it seems to me that children are born raw foodists! When I read some pages on the Internet about children's nutrition, I notice the following questions: How to teach a child to eat meat and fish? How to feed a child? Why don't children drink milk? And so on, and so on... Young mothers are sometimes lost, not knowing what to feed their child. But if you give your child sweet fruit or fruit and vegetable puree, it will disappear in a matter of minutes! “But this is not food”, “you can’t live on fruit alone” - IT IS POSSIBLE and even NEEDED! Your child will never experience chronic diseases, obesity, intestinal problems, cardiovascular and cancer diseases and much more if he eats live food from childhood.

There is a huge amount raw food recipes for children, which you will also like. There are more and more raw foodists now, they invent and invent incredibly delicious raw food recipes, which will delight gourmets of any age!

Well, with born raw foodist children everything is easy and simple. But for adult beginner raw foodists, things are a little different. A person who is accustomed to eating a varied diet and pampering himself with all sorts of flavors and beautifully decorated dishes needs more variety when switching to a raw food diet. For such people there are a large number raw food recipes . And those who love to cook and for whom cooking is a creative and exciting process will easily come up with even more incredible, better raw food recipes than those that can be found on the Internet. There are also people who do not like to get too involved in the cooking process and cook the simplest dishes in a hurry. For such people, there are a lot of simple raw food recipes that will not only be easy to follow, but also tasty and healthy. There are tons of raw food recipes for every taste!

I would also like to note that the raw food diet in our family makes up only 70-90% of the diet; sometimes we eat boiled cereals, bake our own yeast-free bread or simple pies. Our table is very simple and without frills. But every day the family archive of raw food recipes is replenished. My daughter loves to experiment with flavors and invent new raw food recipes. She cuts the fruits and vegetables herself. vegetable salads, learns to prepare dressings for them, prepares fruit ice and various assorted berries herself. He happily feeds his dishes to mom and dad. A raw food diet really opens up a lot of room for creativity. You yourself can come up with raw food recipes from simple products or create an exquisite dish from exotic fruits.

What do raw foodists eat?

If you read about a raw food diet, then it is already obvious to you that “everything that goes into your mouth is not healthy.” You most likely already realize that selecting products and assessing their quality “without leaving the checkout” is very important. Especially on a raw food diet. Therefore, “paralon” tomatoes and strawberries, which are on supermarket shelves, are of little use for food. At one time, in search of healthy raw foods, I went to many stores, read a sea of ​​articles on how to choose the right product, and learned to recognize “live” food by smell. It's actually very simple! There are only a few rules for choosing food products and creating raw food dishes:

First and foremost, it is best to eat those foods that are relevant in a given season. They are the freshest and have the highest nutritional value. We also include the territoriality in which your food grows in this same rule - first of all, choose what grew in your region.

The second rule is that your food should have a distinctive aroma. This means that tomatoes should smell like tomatoes, apples should smell like apples, and so on. Also pay attention to the presence of wax on vegetables and fruits - if the apple is shiny and beautiful, this does not mean that the coating applied to it to preserve its presentation is beneficial for you.

The third rule is that if you need nuts or grains for sprouting, then it is better to buy them in specialized stores (you can also buy them in online stores). As a rule, such grocery stores are run by people who themselves eat healthy food.

The fourth rule is that the best greens can easily grow on your windowsill. Even if you don't have land plot, on which you can grow fruits, vegetables and berries, you can plant greens on your window. Such a home winter garden will not take up much space, but it will not only delight you with its appearance, but will also diversify your diet in the winter season.

Of course, there will be a greater variety of food products for raw foodists in the southern regions of the country and hot countries, where everything grows on its own. But even in big cities, you can successfully follow a raw food diet if you know what to eat and how to choose foods. And recipes for raw food dishes will help you combine flavors.

Hello, dear blog readers! Today I would like to discuss a topic that I am sure is of interest to most of you. It's about about raw food diet. Or rather, about the raw food diet menu for every day.

I won’t write about what a raw food diet is, what raw foodists can eat, and what they can’t. I have already written about this and accordingly. Today I would like to dwell in detail on the daily menu. We are ready for change. But when it comes to specific actions, many questions immediately arise.

Of course, raw foodists do not eat cheese. This information is for beginner raw foodists. I think we are all conscious people and understand that before switching to a new diet, it is necessary to study the information in detail. Still, it concerns health first and foremost. If you decide to take this path just to lose weight, it’s better to turn back. A raw food diet is a lifestyle, not a diet. You cannot suddenly switch your body from one type of nutrition to another, and then back again, just for the sake of extra pounds. But if your choice is conscious, then you are welcome. Raw food guru to help you.

  • Victoria Butenko - book author " 12 steps to a raw food diet" Here you can find out everything about switching to a new diet.
  • Douglas Graham - book author " 80/10/10 " There's a lot here too useful information, although Mr. Graham recommends fruit as the basis of a daily diet.
  • Vadim Zeland And Chad Sarno « Live kitchen. Transurfing updates» – here are personal recommendations and recipes tested on yourself. Vadim Zeland is known for his books about transurfing, and Chad Sarno for restaurants where they prepare dishes without heat treatment. By the way, the chef compiled recipes with Chris Carr for her book “ Insanely sexy kitchen" This woman is a worthy role model. When she received a disappointing diagnosis and was informed of her imminent death, she did not hang her nose. By completely changing her diet and lifestyle, Chris achieved amazing results. More than 7 years have passed, and she is full of energy and was able to stop the growth of the tumor.

Let's go to the store

You have processed a lot of information on the topic of a raw food diet or are even taking your first steps in this direction. Let's talk about products that can be found in Russia and preferably throughout 365 days.

Permitted and approved gifts of nature include:

  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • Grains;
  • Seaweed;
  • Seeds;
  • Greenery;
  • Dried fruits.

As you have already noticed, all the products presented in the list can be found on the shelves of domestic stores. Moreover, online resources come to the rescue. Tried and tested online store, where you can always find legumes, grains, seeds, powders, raw food sweets and much more useful for a gourmet - a connoisseur of healthy food.

Raw foodist breakfast

There is an opinion - you can skip breakfast. I don’t think this is truly true; on the contrary, there should be breakfast. In the morning you can prepare the fruit. By cook, I mean wash, cut and arrange beautifully on a plate. Everything that you love. Apples or bananas. Or maybe pears or citrus fruits. Fortunately for raw foodists, they are available all year round on the shelves of any supermarket. In summer it can be melon, watermelon, strawberries and cherries. Focus on seasonal products. They are rich in essential microelements, vitamins and minerals.

Another win-win breakfast option is. Based on fruits or herbs, or a combination of both.

At lunchtime, soups and salads reign on the table. More vegetables and greens. If you prefer fruit, that’s also an option. Still, it is better to diversify your daily diet. If you had fruits for breakfast, give preference to vegetables for lunch. Season the salad with oil. Olive, sunflower, flaxseed, sesame or any other, most importantly unrefined, will do. You can also make avocado salad dressing.

For example, guacamole in the form of rolls. And what color is it! You are guaranteed a boost of energy.

And soup lovers can make gazpacho. In addition to tomatoes, it can be based on strawberries. Such a summery and fragrant option. I described his recipe in the article “”.

In the evening, it's time to treat yourself to more satisfying dishes. A salad with green peas, beans or beans is suitable. You can make spaghetti from raw zucchini with tomatoes and chili peppers. The dishes can be based on pre-soaked seeds or nuts.

Let's not forget about bread. Yes, raw foodists have it too. It is made from grains and is not baked, but dried in a dehydrator. You can add nuts, dried fruits and herbs to the bread.


Are you afraid of losing your favorite but unhealthy cakes and pastries? Not worth it. Raw foodists have a huge variety of amazing and truly delicious dessert recipes.

Sugar substitutes include dried fruits, honey and stevia. Natural, healthy and very satisfying. Especially when the recipe contains nuts. They quickly satisfy hunger and supply the body with natural fats. I selected 10 delicious sweets in the article “”. Watch and try.


This is where most of the above can be attributed. Nibble on a carrot or apple. Wash it, if necessary, peel the fruit or vegetable, and straight into your mouth. A raw food bar, also known as bread, will come to the rescue. Or you can make a delicious sandwich.

We prepare the bread in advance. Take 1 cup each of flax seeds, sunflower seeds, fresh corn, 1 head of coarsely chopped onion, 2 finely chopped tomatoes. Salt, pepper and cumin to taste. Place in a dehydrator and dry for 2-3 hours.

And vary the filling to suit your taste.

We take it with us wherever we need it and don’t go hungry. Let everyone marvel and drool when looking at your work of art.

A handful of nuts, dried fruits, dried berries are perfect for a snack - the choice is yours. Don't forget about light smoothies. We load it into the blender, press the necessary buttons and drink for own health and world peace. Beautiful, bright smoothies not only raise your energy level, but also charge you with positivity. Still, food should arouse keen interest.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: Fresh fruit smoothie


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 2 fresh soft kiwis;
  • a bunch of parsley and spinach (we mercilessly tear off the stems);
  • 1.5 cups of water (not boiled, of course).


Remove the skin from the kiwi and banana. We cut the fruits. Place all ingredients into a blender. Grind to a thick consistency.

Lunch: Cucumber soup with mint


  • 800 ml water;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 lemon, also peeled;
  • 3 cucumbers, peeled and seeded;
  • 60 g nuts (preferably almonds or pine);
  • 60g mint leaves (dried or fresh, whatever you have).


Place all ingredients except mint in a blender and mix until it becomes a thick paste. Next, add mint and stir quickly for 1 minute.

Dinner: Green salad

We estimate the quantity of ingredients by eye. As much as you can handle, put it in a bowl or basin, again at your choice. the main role given here green leaves: romaine, iceberg, spinach, etc. What you love and what you have at home.

Each of us has an individual body. Some people easily switch to eating raw food, while others find it difficult. Beginner raw foodists are advised not to rush. Gradually introduce more unprocessed foods into your diet. Listen to your body's reaction.

Before switching to a completely different diet, think about why you are doing it. Many people become raw foodists for the sake of health. When traditional treatment doesn't help, and the future is at stake. The experience of many raw foodists proves that switching to a raw diet can really work wonders. The main thing is to do everything gradually. Don't forget, a raw food diet is a nutritional system. By becoming part of the system, you learn the rules, regulations and experience of those who have achieved real results.

For competent advice, you can contact an experienced raw foodist here Denis Terentyev. Diet examples, answers to questions and a lot of other information for those who are just embarking on the path of “live” food.

The cuisine of raw foodists is quite interesting and varied. The main thing is to find the right approach. You can combine vegetables and fruits, nuts and other products. It is especially useful to resort to a raw food diet in winter, when the body is full of carbohydrates and fats, but at the same time it is sorely lacking in vitamins.

Raw food diet recipes are simple. At a minimum, you don’t need to cook, fry, bake, etc. It’s enough just to come up with something interesting from the prepared products.

On every day

Nutrition is an important part of human life. Of course, food should be both tasty and healthy, because only then can it bring maximum benefit. The raw food diet recipes prepared here are suitable not only for raw foodists themselves, but also for everyone who likes to adhere to proper nutrition.

There is one important condition for the nutrition of raw foodists: in order to resort to such cuisine on an ongoing basis, you must have a completely healthy body and it is advisable to consult a doctor in advance.

So, below are the most delicious and healthy recipes for raw foodists for every day, which will be appreciated by both adults and children.

Smoothie for breakfast

Smoothies are a great option for breakfast or a tasty snack between lunch and dinner. It is always prepared using the same technology - the necessary ingredients are placed in a blender, mixed, and - done. You can mix almost everything: fruits, vegetables, herbs, based on your own tastes and desires.

The most best recipes smoothies for raw foodists:

1. Energy drink- perfect breakfast.

Add a banana, several strawberries, previously frozen, freshly squeezed, to the blender Apple juice or water and 2-3 pcs. walnuts. It is recommended to crush the nuts before placing them in a blender. Mix until smooth and eat with a spoon.

2. Vitamin explosion.

Take a soft sweet pear, half a mango and a few spinach leaves, avocado if desired. Place all products in a blender, add water and blend until pureed. Eat with a teaspoon or drink through a straw.

3. Ultra-fast weight loss.

Pour a few lettuce and spinach leaves, dill and 2-3 celery sticks with lemon or orange juice and a small amount of water. Mix and eat with a spoon. Ideal for snacking.

4. Carbohydrate smoothie - for energy.

Grind the young buckwheat in the evening in a blender and add water. In the morning, add fruits of your choice, for example, apples, pears, peaches, melon, mix in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then pour in freshly squeezed juice of one of the ingredients and mix again.

The same option with oatmeal, but instead of fruit - berries. There is no need to cook the cereal; it will soften perfectly overnight and the porridge will be ready to eat.

Perfect salads

Salad is a universal dish for any time of day, which does not lend itself to precise rules. For a raw food diet, salad is an ideal option. Raw food salad recipes made from simple ingredients are presented to the attention of beginners and experienced raw foodists.

Fitness Salad

You will need:

  • Radishes - several pieces.
  • Carrots - one medium.
  • Parsley and dill - a bunch.
  • Lemon juice and olive oil - 1 teaspoon each.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


Grate the vegetables, chop the greens finely with a knife, place everything in one bowl, add oil and lemon juice, add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Salad ready.

Sweet salad

You will need:

  • Pumpkin - 200−250 g.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc. medium size.
  • Any greens - 1 bunch.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.


Grate the vegetables, add finely chopped herbs, sprinkle with sugar and mix well. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Add salt and pepper if desired, mix again and the salad is ready.


You will need:


Cut cabbage, carrots and peppers into strips, onions into half rings, chop dill and green onions. Place all ingredients in one bowl. Add sugar, salt and butter, mix and let sit for 15 minutes. Then evenly pour wine vinegar over the finished salad and you can serve.


You will need:

  • Beets and carrots - 2 pcs.
  • White cabbage - a quarter.
  • Olive oil and lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • You can add a pinch of salt.


Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots and beets, mix everything in one bowl, season with oil, lemon juice and salt and mix again. Ready.

Simple foods for lunch

Out of habit, lunch for most people is soup. Raw foodists may think that soup must be something cooked, and therefore may deliberately refuse a much-needed dish. But it's not worth it.

Beet soup

You will need:

  • Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  • Spinach, dill, green onions - a bunch.
  • Sweet potatoes (yams) - optional.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste.


Fill a saucepan with water, grate the beets on a fine grater and leave in this state for half an hour. While the water mixes with beet juice, finely chop the dill, onion and spinach, grate the sweet potato and carrots on a fine grater, put everything in one dish, add salt, mix and leave for about 3-5 minutes. Then add the resulting salad to the pan with beets and you can start lunch.

If desired, the soup can be blended with a blender.


You will need:


Peel the cucumber, chop all the vegetables and strawberries and place in a blender. Add juice and spices there and mix thoroughly. The soup is ready. Can be served with basil.

In addition to soups for lunch, there are plenty more interesting dishes for raw foodists. Here are some of them:


You will need:


Chop the vegetables as finely as possible or grate them. Grind the sunflower seed. Place everything in one bowl, add flax seed and spices, mix thoroughly. Form balls from the prepared mixture and leave on a plate, uncovered, for an hour and a half. When they are slightly dry, the cutlets are ready to eat.

Lentil porridge

You will need:

  • Lentils - 1 cup.
  • Carrots and cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Ginger root - 1−1.5 cm.


Place the lentils in a bowl of water so that the water level is 2 cm higher and leave to soak for 30-40 minutes. Grate the garlic, ginger root and carrots on a fine grater. Cut the cucumber into thin slices; it is recommended to peel the cucumber first, but this is optional.

When the lentils are soft, add other products and mix thoroughly. Ready.

Light desserts

As has already become customary, even for desserts, raw food recipes from simple products are presented. There are no preparation difficulties, just desire, a little imagination, time and anticipation of the delicacy, because every sweet will be to your taste.

Sweet porridge

You will need:

  • Walnuts - half a glass.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass.
  • Raisins - several pieces.
  • Banana and apple - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.


Grind nuts and seeds and mix with honey. Finely chop the fruit, mix with raisins and place on top of the nuts.

Pumpkin ice cream

You will need:

  • Pumpkin - 400 gr.
  • Banana - 5 pcs.
  • Black currant - 300 gr.
  • Water - 100 gr.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.


The basis. Chop the pumpkin and two bananas, place in a blender and blend until smooth. Then add 2-3 tbsp. l. water and mix again. Divide the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.

Mousse. Mix three bananas and currants in a blender, add honey and the remaining water and mix again. When the base has hardened, pour the mousse over it and the ice cream is ready to eat.

Vitamin canapés

You will need fruits and berries to suit your taste.

Fruits need to be cut into cubes, and berries need to be chopped only if they are large. Thread onto skewers in any order that interests you. Makes a great decoration for festive table or a special appetizer for dinner.

The mono-diet is a home option for high-quality cleansing of the body. This is an overly restricted diet that contains one or a few foods. You can use them in any form: cut, grate, or simply eat, chop in a blender, and so on.

You need to properly prepare for a mono-diet. In order to begin a course of cleansing the body, you need to make sure that internal organs are completely healthy and can tolerate such a load, as well as train their body to eat less food by drinking plenty of water before meals for two or three days before the diet itself.

So, the diet for raw foodists looks like this:

1. For one to three days, but no more than five, only one product is eaten. You can choose different products every day and combine them.

2. The best products diets: cucumbers, apples, pears, watermelon, red berries, kiwi, tomatoes, young buckwheat, prepared in the evening (just doused with water).

3. If ailments, dizziness, weakness and other ailments appear during the diet, then it must be stopped immediately.

4. A cleansing raw food diet does not tolerate failure. If sticking to your diet is unbearable, it is better to carefully add new foods at each subsequent meal.

5. The amount of food per day is no more than two kilograms.

Since childhood, we know that raw, unprocessed foods are good for health, but, as a rule, we perceive them as something tasteless and completely uninteresting. After all, what good could be in ordinary spinach or broccoli that our mother forced us to eat as children? Yes, of course they are full nutrients, vitamins and minerals, have many health benefits. But can they simple recipes raw food diet for every day be delicious?

Our answer is yes, they can! Although raw foodists eat only raw foods: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and some supporters of a raw food diet include raw meat, fish, eggs and other animal products in their menu, dishes made from such products are much tastier than people think. And preparing them is even easier.

With just one blender you can make an amazingly tasty and healthy fruit pie or ice cream, and a dehydrator (dryer for vegetables and fruits) will help you create real culinary masterpieces: bread, pancakes, cakes.

How to combine products correctly?

Not all raw food recipes that can be found on the Internet are considered truly healthy. Many proponents of this diet argue that it is necessary to combine foods correctly to get the maximum benefit from them. Otherwise, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, diarrhea, etc. may occur.

For example, if you eat starch along with protein, digestion is impaired because the body produces two different digestive media that neutralize each other. And the combination of proteins and fats (nuts and avocados) negatively affects the digestion of food.

Therefore, before preparing simple raw food recipes for every day, pay attention to the following rules:

Raw food diet - simple recipes for every day

One of the healthiest and easiest to prepare dishes is green smoothies. They can be consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner and as dessert. Here are some easy meals you can prepare in less than 10 minutes.

Green smoothie made with spinach and oranges

This simple dish is a good source of choline, which helps improve cognitive function, and vitamin C. Oranges and spinach are powerful antioxidant foods with anti-cancer effects, and a small amount of banana will provide you with essential potassium and B vitamins.

To prepare you will need:

  • peeled orange;
  • ½ banana;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • ¼ cup coconut water;
  • some ice.

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add more coconut water or other ingredients as needed to achieve desired consistency.

Blueberry and mint smoothies - simple raw food recipes for every day

This tasty and healthy dish contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and antioxidants (anthocyanins). By drinking one serving of smoothie, you will provide your body with carbohydrates, magnesium, copper, vitamins A, C and B, tannins, etc. And thanks to the action of mint, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite.

So, you need to mix in a blender:

  • 2 cups spinach;
  • 2 cups blueberries;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 cup coconut water;
  • 1 cup ice.

Pour the resulting mixture into a glass - the smoothie is ready to drink.

Cocktail for detoxification of the body

To cleanse and restore the functioning of the internal systems of the body during a raw food diet, you will need a simple recipe for every day, which includes:

  • 1 cup chilled green tea;
  • 1 cup cilantro;
  • 1 cup young kale or other greens;
  • 1 cup cucumbers;
  • 1 cup pineapple;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger;
  • ½ avocado.

Let's take a closer look at each ingredient.

Cilantro contains flavonoids and active phenolic compounds. It helps cleanse the body of heavy metals. In addition, cilantro has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the functioning of the digestive system.

Green tea contains flavonoids (antioxidants) and catechins. Catechins are known for their unique properties protect cells from damage and fight disease. Research shows that green tea may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and prevent heart disease.

Pineapple contains vitamin C, manganese, potassium, iodine, fiber and bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion.

Ginger also helps with digestion, in addition, it protects against the development of inflammatory processes in the body. It contains the substance gingerol, which is responsible for the burning taste of the product. It can reduce arthritis symptoms and improve metabolism.

Avocado and lemon juice have excellent cleansing properties. And honey contains phytonutrients, protects against viruses and bad bacteria, improves the body's immunity and can help treat allergies.

In addition to simple dishes like green smoothies and smoothies, you can treat yourself delicious salads, which will take a little longer to prepare.

Fattoush salad - simple raw food recipes for every day


  • 2 medium sized cucumbers;
  • 3 cups chopped tomatoes (can be any variety);
  • 2 sweet red peppers;
  • 1 large red onion;
  • 3 green onions;
  • 1 cup chopped parsley;
  • ¾ cup chopped mint;
  • some toasted bread, raw flax crackers or tortillas.

To prepare the dish you need:

  • Thoroughly wash, prepare and cut the ingredients and place them in a large bowl.
  • Season the salad with a mixture of ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, zest of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon liquid honey, minced 2-4 cloves of garlic, a pinch of sea salt and black pepper.
  • Let the salad stand for 30 minutes at room temperature. Before serving, crumble the crackers into a dish.

Strawberry shortcake

Sweet tooth lovers can enjoy incredible delicious pies and desserts prepared using a raw food diet according to simple recipes for every day. For example, puff pastry with strawberry filling. This simple dish is packed with antioxidants, fiber, iron, vitamin B6 and vitamin K.

To prepare the base for the cake you will need:

  • 1 cup cashews;
  • 1 cup dried coconut meat;
  • 2/3 cup dates.

For filling:

  • 2 cups cashews;
  • 2 cups strawberries;
  • ½ cup coconut oil;
  • ½ cup honey;
  • ¼ cup lemon juice;
  • 4 cups strawberries (optional)

The amount of ingredients is for 10 servings.

How to cook:

  • To create a crunchy base, grind the coconut and cashew meats in a food processor until they form a flour.
  • Add the dates to the mixture and turn on the processor for another 3 minutes.
  • Fill the resulting mixture into the molds. Set aside.
  • Place all ingredients (except extra strawberries and cashews) in a blender. Stir until smooth.
  • Finely chop the remaining fruit, add to the mixture and stir gently with a spoon.
  • Fill the cakes and serve.

As we can see, simple raw food diet recipes can satisfy almost everyone. taste preferences person. Now, while enjoying your favorite sweets, you can get the amount of vitamins and minerals that you would never get with a traditional diet. This means your heart health and immune system function will improve, your risk of cancer will decrease, and you will feel a huge surge of strength and energy.

Based on materials

  • http://www.blog.thewholelifestyle.com/biggest-secret/
  • http://www.savvysassyoms.com/blog/spinach-orange-smoothie/
  • http://themerrythought.com/recipes/blueberry-mint-green-smoothie/
  • http://helloglow.co/spring-detox-green-smoothie/
  • http://www.therawtarian.com/raw-strawberry-shortcake-pies

Good afternoon, friends, today we will talk again about the raw food diet, about what dishes for a raw food diet you can prepare yourself at home, while eating not only healthy, but also tasty. The latter is an important factor. After all, many who are just getting ready to eat, think that eating only one plant food, essentially grass, is meager, bland, and monotonous. But this is far from true! From raw foods, if properly prepared, you can get at least delicious dishes than with the usual traditional cooking method. will introduce you to simple and delicious recipes raw food diet dishes, will tell you how to properly germinate wheat and other grains at home and how to choose the right products for a raw food diet.

How to germinate grains

The most useful thing on the menu of any raw foodist is sprouted grains, so if you decide to join this food system, then you need to learn how to sprouted grains yourself. At one time I was interested in this and sprouted wheat at home myself. I can say that it’s a little troublesome, of course, but in principle, if you do it constantly, it will log into the system. I will say right away that I was not keen on a raw food diet, but added live sprouts to salads, first courses and other foods. This very well enriches the daily diet with all essential vitamins and microelements.

I bought grain from trusted places, this important point so that it is of the most reliable quality, not processed in any way, and not spoiled by long-term lying and storage. A good alternative may be to buy grain in pet stores; grain sold for animals has the necessary accompanying documents, which you can ask the seller about.

How to cook wheat germ

Pour one or two handfuls of wheat with water and wash it every morning and evening and place it on the windowsill, where there is more light. On the third day, small sprouts will appear, and on the fourth you can already eat it. In order to constantly have sprouted wheat, you need to soak it daily. You can also use simply soaked wheat, but sprouted wheat contains 10 times more vitamins. Peas, lentils, and beans are sprouted in the same way.

I would also like to add to this that now you can buy ready-made sprouts of completely different grain crops in supermarkets. True, there is a cost involved; it will be more economical to germinate yourself. I also did this, if I had a lot of grain sprouting and I didn’t have time to use it all, so that the sprouts didn’t disappear, I froze them in the freezer. This is also a convenient option so as not to constantly germinate grain, but to make a batch and eat until it runs out.

How to soak buckwheat

Buckwheat does not germinate. It is simply filled with water a centimeter above the level of the cereal so that during soaking all the liquid is absorbed. And they prepare it like this: you need to sort out the cereal, rinse it and fill it with warm drinking water for 4-5 hours. It is advisable to take green buckwheat, since the dark-colored buckwheat sold is fried and contains much less benefit.

How to choose the right products

The basis of the raw food diet is: greens, nuts, cereals, fruits and vegetables. If you do not have the opportunity to grow them yourself, then it is important to choose the right products in the store. What should you pay attention to in order to avoid purchasing a low-quality product?

  • Greenery. There are black spots on the greenery, these are traces of chemicals.
  • Nuts. Stale peanuts and cashews, which develop subtle but very harmful mold. This is noticeable by the brown rather than light yellow peel.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Stale, even slightly spoiled oranges and tangerines, in general all limp vegetables and fruits.

It is no secret that growing vegetables and fruits on an industrial scale requires the use of a huge number of fertilizers and chemicals. Such fruits contain many dangerous nitrates and nitrites; you can read about how to avoid this and how a nanometer device can help with this.

How to prepare and store food

Greenery. The greens need to be cleaned, wrapped in paper, then in polyethylene (since direct contact with the film is undesirable). Store refrigerated. Before use, separate the desired portion and wash thoroughly in a large container, changing the water. Wash lettuce leaves separately.

If you don't have fresh herbs, you can use dried ones. Before drying, peel and rinse parsley and celery, separate the greens, chop the stems, trim the roots. Drying can be done on radiators; it is believed that in order to best preserve valuable elements, drying should be done in a jar. After soaking dried herbs and roots, you can then add them to salads or drink infusions from them.

Berries. The berries must be prepared without sugar, but with pasteurization (although this does not correspond to the principle of a raw food diet). You can also pour honey on the berries or freeze them (but always at temperatures below -18°C). Some berries, such as cranberries or lingonberries, are stored well in a jar, filled with regular running water, on the refrigerator shelf.

Read more about how to store food in the refrigerator so that it does not lose its properties. beneficial features you can read.

Now let's look at the raw food menu, how delicious and healthy dishes can be prepared for the Lenten table. To season many dishes on a raw food diet, ground seaweed (kelp) in powder form is mainly used. Seaweed replaces salt in all prepared dishes.

Lemon juice can be used as a sour juice in all types of salad. But, if some starchy food is eaten at the same time as the salad - cereals, potatoes, etc. - then it is better to acidify the salad with the juice of another (non-citrus) fruit, for example, pomegranate, cranberry, etc.

Many recipes use onions, so that they do not act too irritatingly, you can pour boiling water over the chopped onions, or instead of the usual onions, use a salad variety - turnips purple(as in the photo).

Since beets and carrots are used raw, you need to choose the appropriate varieties. If carrots, then a juicy and sweet variety, for example, Nanskaya, if beets, then sugar beets.

It is better to buy our apples, domestically produced, the garden Antonovka is very good.

Instead of nuts, you can add sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, caraway seeds, etc. to salads.

You should beware of using table vinegar in any form, as it has a detrimental effect on the digestion process!

Fruit and vegetable dishes

Green salad


  • Green lettuce leaves
  • Dill
  • Ground seaweed
  • Sour juice
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Rinse the green salad thoroughly and tear it with your hands.
  2. Add chopped dill, seaweed.
  3. Season the salad with diluted water, sour juice and vegetable oil.

Spring salad from young vegetable tops


  • Tops of young beets and radishes
  • Leaves of dandelion, nettle or edible young leaves of other plants
  • Green onions or garlic
  • Ground seaweed
  • Sour juice
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the leaves of young beets, radishes, dandelions, nettles and chop finely.
  2. Add chopped onion or minced garlic.
  3. Season the salad with seaweed, sour juice and vegetable oil.

Cucumber salad


  • cucumbers


  1. Wash the cucumbers and cut into small pieces.
  2. Prepare salad dressing: dilute honey in a small amount of water.

White cabbage salad


  • White cabbage
  • Greens (any)
  • Garlic or onion
  • Sour juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Add 1-2 chopped garlic cloves or finely chopped onion, seaweed, sour juice and vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients well.

You can also prepare this salad with the addition of spinach and herbs (parsley, dill).


  • Beets or carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Wash the beets or carrots, peel and grate.
  2. Wash the cabbage, cut off the limp outer leaves, and chop.
  3. Chop the washed tomatoes.
  4. Add chopped herbs, seaweed and vegetable oil, mix everything.

Tomatoes in salad can be replaced with sour juice.

"Samarkand salad"


  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Bell pepper
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers and cut them as desired.
  2. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the stem and seeds, and cut as desired.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  4. Add any ground nuts.

Carrot salad


  • Carrot
  • Nuts (any)
  • Citrus slices


  1. Wash and grate carrots
  2. Add ground nuts
  3. You can decorate the salad with citrus slices on top.

Spring salad of young nettles


  • Young nettle leaves
  • Nuts (any)
  • Sour juice


  1. Wash the leaves of young nettle and chop finely.
  2. Chop the nuts with a knife or roll over them.
  3. Add a little honey and sour juice (not citrus).

Fruit salad


  • Apples or quince
  • Pears
  • Potatoes or wheat
  • Nuts (any)
  • Citrus slices


  1. Prepare apples (Antonovka) or quince, pears: wash, remove the core and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel and finely chop raw potatoes (you can use soaked wheat instead).
  3. Add any ground nuts and garnish the salad with citrus slices.

Eggplant (or zucchini) caviar


  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Ground seaweed
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the eggplants, peel and grate.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small pieces.
  3. Add chopped onion, seaweed, vegetable oil.

Stuffed cabbage rolls


  • Beets or carrots
  • Cabbage (green salad leaves or beet tops)
  • Greens (any)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Sour juice


  1. Grate beets or carrots.
  2. Add sour juice, chopped herbs and ground nuts.
  3. Wrap the filling in cabbage or green lettuce leaves.

Tabbouleh in Arabic


  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Wheat germs
  • Ground seaweed
  • Leaves (grape, cabbage or lettuce)
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the tomatoes and chop finely.
  2. Peel the onion and finely chop it too.
  3. Add chopped herbs, vegetable oil, sprouted wheat and seaweed.
  4. Wrap the filling in grape, cabbage or lettuce leaves.

Vegetable salad with pepper


  • Sweet green pepper
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Greens (any)
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the pepper, remove seeds and stems, and chop finely.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small cubes.
  4. Add finely chopped onion, chopped herbs, vegetable oil.

Instead of tomatoes, you can use sour pomegranate juice.

Radish salad


  • Black radish
  • Peanut


  1. Wash the radish, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Add ground peanuts or other chopped nuts.

Salad with radish and potatoes


  • Radish
  • Potato
  • Greens (any)
  • Ground seaweed
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Peel the radishes and potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Add chopped herbs, seaweed and vegetable oil.

Instead of radishes, you can put cranberries or other sour (non-citrus) fruit in the salad.

Vegetable and apple salad


  • Beets or carrots
  • Apple
  • Nuts
  • Salad leaves


Wash the beets or carrots, peel and grate with the Antonov apple on a coarse grater.

Add ground nuts and tear lettuce leaves on top.


  • Dry rose hips
  • Beet
  • Radish
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • cucumbers
  • Greens (parsley, dill)


  1. Infuse the rose hips by pouring drinking water over the berries for several hours (it is better to prepare them in the evening).
  2. Crumble all previously washed and peeled vegetables and herbs into the rosehip tincture: onions, radishes, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, parsley, dill, beets.



Dried fruit mixture


  1. Soak dried fruits overnight in clean boiled drinking water.
  2. Add honey as a sweetener (you can do without honey, but then add more figs, dates or sweet dried apricots to the compote).

Pumpkin and dried fruit dessert


  • Pumpkin
  • Beet
  • Dried fruits


  1. Wash the pumpkin and beets, remove the peel, and rub through a fine grater.
  2. Add soaked dried fruits.

Fig dessert


  • Figs
  • Nuts (any)
  • Apples
  • Crackers


  1. Chop the figs soaked in boiled water the night before.
  2. Mix with minced nuts.
  3. Add finely chopped apple and crushed crackers.

Raspberry puree for breakfast


  • Semolina
  • Lemon
  • Raspberries
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Soak semolina in boiled water.
  2. Add honey and lemon juice to this mixture.
  3. Make raspberry puree and combine with semolina.
  4. Before serving, sprinkle the top of the dish with ground nuts.

Plum or cherry mousse


  • Plums or cherries
  • Nuts (any)


  1. Rub plums or cherries (without pits) through a sieve.
  2. Mix berry puree with honey and ground nuts.

Oatmeal dish


  • Walnuts
  • Lemon
  • Vanilla to taste


  1. Grind oats into flour.
  2. Prepare honey water: dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 200 g of warm water.
  3. Dissolve oatmeal in honey water.
  4. Add grated walnuts, lemon juice and a little vanilla.



  • Nuts (any)
  • Vanilla to taste


  1. Grind 1/2 cup of nuts through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey.
  3. Add a little vanilla and mix everything.


  • Ingredients:
  • Nuts (any)
  • Raisins or figs or dates


  1. Grind through: nuts with raisins, figs or dates.
  2. If desired, you can add honey.

Dishes made from legumes and grains

This pate can be prepared not only from peas, but also from any other legume. It is consumed both as an independent dish and as a gravy for cereals, since it has a liquid consistency.


  • Peas (sprouted or soaked)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Tomatoes
  • Green onions and any other greens
  • Juice from grant


  1. Pass sprouted or simply soaked peas through a meat grinder.
  2. Grind the nuts in a blender.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and grind in a blender.
  4. Add ground nuts, tomatoes or sour pomegranate juice, finely chopped, to the peas green onions, greens, seaweed.

Pilaf in Iranian style


  • Buckwheat
  • Pea gravy


  1. Soak buckwheat in clean drinking water.
  2. Serve the soaked buckwheat separately with pea or lentil sauce (see recipe for pea pate).

Sweet pilaf


  • Buckwheat
  • Any dried fruits


  1. Soak buckwheat and dried fruits separately.
  2. Mix soaked buckwheat with dried fruits.


  • Ground nuts (any)
  • Greens (any)
  • Ground seaweed


  1. Mix buckwheat flour with water until it forms a thick mass.
  2. Add ground nuts, onions, herbs, and seaweed.



  • Fruit juice
  • Ground nuts


  1. Dilute buckwheat flour with fruit juice.
  2. Add ground nuts.

Cereal strips


  • Cereal sprouts
  • Nuts (any)
  • Dried fruits
  • Greens (any)


  1. Pass sprouted grains, nuts, herbs, and dried fruits through a meat grinder.
  2. Form the dough into balls or cut into strips.

Instead of cereals, you can use malt or whole-ground flour, diluted with an infusion of herbs, fruits, or just water.

Cereal strips with poppy seeds


  • Cereal dough


  1. Grind the poppy seed in a mortar.
  2. Fill the cereal dough (see recipe above) with ground or crushed poppy seeds.

Porridge with nut milk


  • Buckwheat
  • Nuts or poppy seeds


  1. Soak the buckwheat.
  2. Prepare nut or poppy milk. To do this, dilute any crushed nuts (walnuts, almonds) or mashed poppy seeds in clean drinking water.
  3. Pour the buckwheat soaked the day before with nut, almond or poppy milk.

Dishes for a raw food diet with step-by-step photos for every day

In addition to these recipes, friends, you can see a selection of recipes for a raw food diet with step by step photos, which I previously published on the site, if you follow the links:

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