Is it possible to drink energy drinks: the pros and cons of drinking energy drinks. Permissible number of energy drinks and what to do in case of an overdose What to do if you drink an energy drink

Heating 20.06.2021

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. After drinking the first jar, a long-awaited relief and the ability to work at an accelerated pace appear. This is a real salvation for a student, an office worker, an athlete, a driver, a nightclub visitor, as well as just tired people who want to improve their body tone. It seems to everyone that energy drinks are a modern invention. However, many of their constituents have been used as stimulants since ancient times.

But few people know that an overdose of energy drinks leads to a rapid depletion of the body's resources. Let's take a closer look at this issue and find out energy drinks - is it harm or benefit to the body? What kind of symptoms will be with an overdose of energy drinks and what first aid methods will be needed if necessary.

Composition of energy drinks

Manufacturers of energy drinks insist that their drinks bring only benefits and come up with new tastes every day. From what active ingredients consist of energy drinks?

  1. Caffeine. This component is part of almost all energy drinks. It acts on the body as a stimulant.
  2. Taurine. One can of the drink contains 400-1000 mg of the substance. This is a sulfonic acid that accumulates in muscle tissues. It is used as a dietary supplement. It is credited with antioxidant properties. According to medical data, taurine has no effect on the body.
  3. L-carnitine. It is used to enhance metabolism and reduce fatigue. It is worth noting that this substance is independently produced by the body in sufficient quantities.
  4. Guarana and ginseng are pharmaceutical plants that have biostimulating, general tonic effects.
  5. Vitamins of group B. Used to activate metabolic processes.
  6. Melatonin to adjust the daily rhythms of the body, regulate the work of brain cells.
  7. Matein. A substance found in mate tea from South America. The extract of an ancient tree copes with the feeling of hunger and eliminates excess weight.

In addition, almost all energy drinks are highly carbonated and contain a huge amount of carbonic acid.

Types of power engineers

Tonic drinks were used in the early stages of the development of civilization. Ancient energy drinks were stimulants natural origin. Tea, herbs, coca leaves were used as energy drinks.

Modern energy drinks are of the following types:

The harm of energy drinks on the human body

Many people think that the resources of the body are replenished from the use of energy drinks, while the harm of energy drinks on the human body with excessive use has long been proven by scientists. The energy drink stimulates the work of the cardiac, nervous and endocrine systems. As a result of use, the body experiences stress and begins to work at a double speed, releasing adrenaline into the blood. In this state, the resource internal organs decreases, and the tone of the body increases.

We must not forget that there are certain contraindications to the use of energy drinks:

Symptoms of energy poisoning

After drinking an energy drink, the nervous system is excited, the ability to work, cheerfulness, and mood are increased. After the termination of the stimulant, fatigue, irritation, depression come, and the person begins to drink the energy drink again, which is absolutely impossible to do.

From excessive consumption of energy drinks and exceeding the recommended daily allowance, the following overdose symptoms may appear:

Over time, with the frequent use of energy drinks, the nervous system is loosened, a disorder appears gastrointestinal tract. With frequent overdose, a person may experience a mental disorder. In rare cases, with a severe overdose of energy drinks, deaths from cardiac arrest have been noted.

First aid for energy drink poisoning

If, after drinking an energy drink, a person becomes ill, he needs to provide first aid. In severe cases, you need to take the patient to a medical facility.

  1. Clear the stomach of the remnants of the drink, causing vomiting.
  2. Provide access to fresh air.
  3. Taking sorbents and drinking plenty of water will help the body cleanse itself faster.
  4. If a person has become very ill, he has a rapid heartbeat, a red face, high blood pressure or he lost consciousness, then do not hesitate - call an ambulance.

You can consume energy drinks, but not on a regular basis, in recommended doses, when a person is completely healthy, has no contraindications and chronic diseases.

Invented quite recently. But mankind has been using their ingredients for centuries to cheer up.

Absolutely everyone drinks energy drinks: office workers who have to finish their work in the evening; students while preparing for the exam; drivers who are already long time on the go, and just those who like the taste of an energy drink. Cheerfulness and a surge of strength - that's what these people want to get, considering the energy drink to be a miraculous drink.

Just a small jar - and the energy overflows again. The producers of this miracle drink claim that the energy drink does not cause any harm, its effect on the body is comparable to that of ordinary tea.

But everything would be fine, if not for one but. They want to limit distribution. Does this mean that energy drinks are not so harmless? Then questions arise: "Is it possible to drink energy drinks? The consequences of drinking - what are they?" About this and will be discussed in the article.

How did energy sources appear?

People constantly stimulated their nervous system. For example, in Asia and China they always drank strong tea, in the Middle East - coffee, in Africa they ate kola nuts.

At the end of the 20th century, an energy drink was invented in Asia. The Austrian Dietrich Matesich, who was then in Hong Kong, independently developed his recipe and began to produce it for sale. The new drink quickly gained popularity. Currently, "Red Bull" has captured 70% of the energy market.

Which countries allow the sale of energy drinks?

  • in Denmark, France and Norway, energy drinks can only be found in pharmacies;
  • in Russia, the sale of energy drinks at school is prohibited, contraindications must be written on the label and side effects;
  • It is illegal in the US to sell alcoholic energy drinks.

Many countries have already begun to ban the sale of energy drinks. For example, in Ireland, one athlete died in training because he drank three cans of energy drinks.

In Sweden, too, there were sad incidents. Teenagers mixed alcoholic drinks and energy drinks, as a result they died.

Composition of energy drinks

  • Caffeine. Undoubtedly, this is the most popular energy drink. Millions of people drink coffee to get a boost of energy. All energy drinks contain caffeine. This component is an excellent stimulant 100 mg of caffeine increase mental alertness, and 250 mg improve stamina of cardio-vascular system. To achieve the desired effect, you need to drink three cans of energy drinks, but this exceeds the daily dose.
  • Taurine. It is an amino acid found in human muscles. It improves the work of the heart, but recently doctors began to refute this hypothesis. Some doctors claim that taurine has no effect on the human body at all. One energy bank contains from 300 to 100 mg of this substance.
  • Carnitine. Found in human cells. Reduces fatigue and increases endurance. This element is able to burn body fat and can improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Ginseng and guarana. These are medicinal plants. They have a tonic effect on the human body. Guarana has found its use in medicine: it relieves muscle pain by removing lactic acid from the tissues. Guarana cleanses the liver and prevents atherosclerosis.
  • B vitamins. These components are simply necessary for a person. Thanks to them, the human brain and nervous system function properly. A lack of B vitamins can adversely affect human health. Manufacturers of energy drinks claim that if you get vitamins of this group in large quantities, then mental abilities will improve significantly. This is just a marketing ploy. An excess of vitamin B will negatively affect the human body.
  • Melatonin. This substance is found in the human body. It is responsible for biorhythms.
  • Matein. The substance helps to dull the feeling of hunger and has a fat burning effect.

Pros and cons of using energy drinks

Scientists have not come to a general conclusion whether energy drinks are harmful or beneficial. Some perceive them as ordinary lemonade, while others believe that if you regularly use energy drinks, you can harm your body.


  1. The choice of energy drinks is huge. Everyone can find an energy drink that will fully meet their tastes and preferences. Some drinks may be fruit-flavored, while others may be plain. There are drinks with a high content of vitamins, and there are with a high content of caffeine.
  2. Energy drinks can lift your mood in minutes, and they can also quickly improve mental alertness.
  3. is a real lifesaver for students, workaholics, drivers and athletes.
  4. Glucose and various vitamins are added to many energy drinks. Glucose gives strength and energy, and the benefits of vitamins are known to absolutely everyone.
  5. The energy drink lasts about 4 hours, which is 2 times longer than the effect of a cup of coffee. Moreover, energy drinks start to act much faster than coffee.
  6. Energy drinks are convenient to use: you can always keep them in your bag or car. Energy is always at hand!


  • Energy drinks should be consumed strictly in accordance with the prescribed dose: no more than two cans per day. If you drink more, then an increase in blood sugar and pressure is guaranteed.
  • All the vitamins that are added to energy drinks will not replace vitamins from natural products and from multivitamin complexes.
  • Those with heart disease and those suffering from high or low blood pressure should not drink energy drinks.
  • The energy drink is not a miracle drink at all. It does not give a person energy. This drink just shows the body where to get it from. Energy drinks are just the key that opens the door to cheerfulness. To put it simply, power engineers do not give us strength, they only get our own energy from the reserves. After this drink has taken out the last strength from the reserves, the person becomes irritable and tired.
  • Caffeine, which is contained in any energy drink, depletes the human nervous system. The energy drink works for 4 hours, but after this time a person just needs to rest. Moreover, caffeine can be addictive.
  • Huge doses of caffeine and glucose added to an energy drink can harm a person.
  • In some types of energy drinks, an incredible amount of vitamin B is added, which significantly exceeds the daily dose. Exceeding the norm can cause muscle tremors and rapid heart rate.
  • Caffeine has diuretic properties. Therefore, after power loads, it is forbidden to drink energy drinks, because the body has already lost a lot of fluid through sweat.
  • Glucuronolactone and taurine are added to some energy drinks. These substances are contained in the drink in unrealistically large doses. So, for example, taurine exceeds the daily norm by 10 times, and glucuronolactone - by as much as 250! Scientists have not yet figured out how safe this dose is for humans. Research is underway on this topic.

Side effects of energy drinks

With regular use of energy drinks, you can notice the following side effects:

  • tachycardia - increased heart rate, the norm for a person is 60 beats per minute, but with tachycardia, 90 or more heart beats can be observed;
  • psychomotor agitation - anxiety that can be expressed in various ways: from uncontrolled motor restlessness to shouting out various phrases and sounds for no reason;
  • increased nervousness - fatigue, lack of sleep at night and drowsiness during the day, irritability and frequent headaches, all these symptoms directly indicate excessive nervousness;
  • depression - lack of joy, indifference to everything that happens, impaired thinking.

What is the right way to drink energy drinks?

It can be seen that the cons of energy drinks are much more than the pros. But still, everyone may have a situation where one simply cannot do without an energy drink. To do this, you need to study all the postulates of the use of energy drinks in order to protect yourself from negative consequences.

  • No more than two cans of energy per day! They contain a daily dose of caffeine, it is strictly forbidden to exceed it.
  • After drinking an energy drink, you need to rest. It is desirable that this was a full sleep.
  • It is forbidden to drink energy drinks after a sports load. As mentioned above, the energy drink removes water from the body. Moreover, energy drinks, like sports training, increase blood pressure;
  • You can not drink energy drinks in the presence of the following diseases: hypertension, heart disease and glaucoma. It is also forbidden to drink energy drinks if you suffer from insomnia and have caffeine intolerance.
  • You can not give energy to kids and teenagers. Some people ask "Can children drink energy drinks?". The consequences may not be very pleasant, so it is better for the guys not to offer this drink.
  • Within 5 hours after drinking the energy drink, it is forbidden to drink tea or coffee.
  • Energy drinks and alcohol don't mix. The energy drink raises blood pressure, and alcohol at times enhances the effect of this drink. As a result, you can earn a hypertensive crisis.

Frequently Asked Questions About Energy Drinks

  1. Can I drink an expired energy drink? It is forbidden. At least it threatens poisoning. It's a product just like any other. It's better to buy a new jar of energy drink than to put yourself at risk.
  2. Can teenagers drink energy drinks? If the energy drink does not contain alcohol, this does not mean that it is unsafe. Persons 15-16 years old are not recommended to drink this drink.
  3. Can children under 13 drink energy drinks? If teenagers should not drink energy drinks, then even more so for children. This drink can negatively affect the nervous system of a growing organism.
  4. Can pregnant women drink energy drinks? It is forbidden. Pregnant women are better off eating a nutritious diet and avoiding foods containing caffeine. Substances that make up energy drinks can harm the fetus.
  5. Can I drink an energy drink before an exam? Can. Just follow the instructions for using this product.
  6. Can I drink an energy drink before a workout? In small quantities. It is forbidden to drink an energy drink after a workout.
  7. Can you drink energy drinks under the age of 18? The store can sell energy drinks to people under 18, but this does not mean that they can be consumed. Conscientious manufacturers on the labels of energy drinks indicate: "Forbidden for use by persons under 18 years of age."

What brands of energy drinks can be found?

  • Red Bull.
  • Burn.
  • Adrenaline Rush.

These are the most popular non-alcoholic energy drinks.

Also on the shelves of the store you can find alcoholic energy drinks. It is strictly forbidden to drink them! If you see alcohol in the composition of an energy drink, then put it aside, take care of your health.

What is the difference between non-alcoholic energy drinks?

It is worth saying a few words about which of the listed energy drinks harms the body the least.

  • Red Bull is a drink similar in composition and action to a cup of coffee with a spoonful of sugar.
  • Burn - a huge amount of guarana, theobromine and caffeine has been added to this drink.
  • Adrenaline Rush is the safest of all energy drinks. it has an invigorating effect with the help of ginseng, which is a common medicinal plant.

In conclusion

Whichever drink you prefer, it is worth remembering that these are just carbonated analogues of a cup of coffee. Energy drinks can harm the body.

Vitamins and substances that are part of energy drinks can be found in juices, fruits and chocolate.

Think about it, maybe it's better to drink a cup of strong and aromatic coffee with a piece of dark chocolate than to poison your body with energy drinks?


Despite repeated warnings about the dangers of energy drinks, many continue to use them, especially among young people and middle-aged people.

Millions of students and workaholics around the world daily consume energy drinks or caffeine mixed with alcoholic drink to increase your performance.

But what actually happens to our body when we drink such a drink?

Here is a step-by-step guide that explains the changes in our body, from the first 10 minutes to 12 days after drinking just one can of this drink.

It is worth noting that studies have proven that energy drinks, as well as alcoholic ones, have the same effect on the brain of a teenager as the most powerful drugs.

The dangers of energy drinks

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First 10 minutes after drinking one can of energy drink

Caffeine begins to penetrate into the blood.

Heart rate and blood pressure begin to increase.

After 15-45 minutes

If you drink the drink quickly, then after 15 minutes you will feel more alert and more concentrated. But if you drink the drink slowly, then this effect will come in about 40 minutes.

After 30-50 minutes

Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and as a result, your liver releases large amounts of sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked and you no longer want to sleep.

Blood sugar levels rise sharply, causing a spike in insulin. The liver responds by converting the sugar into fat.

After 1 hour

Your body begins to feel a sharp drop in blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). The energy quickly runs out and you start to feel very tired.

An hour after drinking the drink, you will want to go to the toilet, and you will get rid of the water that was in the drink. This water is enriched with valuable nutrients, but instead of using them for their intended purpose, these substances came out with the water.

Impact of energy drinks

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After 5-6 hours

During this time, the amount of caffeine in the body decreased by half. In women taking birth control pills, this period can be up to 10 hours.

After 12 hours

During this time, the human body completely gets rid of caffeine in the blood. And yet, the speed of caffeine clearance depends on many factors, from age to physical activity.

After 12-24 hours

Breakdown begins. About a day after drinking an energy drink, an unpleasant surprise awaits you. If a person often used such a drink, then during this period he begins to feel lethargic, exhausted, headaches and constipation appear.

After 7-12 days

Studies have shown that by this time the body becomes more resistant to the regular use of a certain dose of caffeine. This means that you will no longer experience the same unpleasant feelings to the same extent.

Read also:

Non-alcoholic energy drinks

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Today, anyone can get a sweet non-alcoholic energy drink, even a schoolboy. While teenagers and older people continue to use energy drinks and then end up in the hospital, advertising continues to talk about how this or that drink invigorates and inspires.

Doctors in many countries, including Russia, have long been warning about the dangers of such drinks, that energy drinks cause problems with the cardiovascular system, potency, can cause insomnia and quickly deplete the body's energy reserves.

Well, if you mix such a drink with alcohol, then the situation worsens even more. Such a mixture can lead to irregular heart rhythms, cause seizures, and even lead to kidney failure. It is worth noting that deaths have been repeatedly recorded after drinking energy drinks with alcohol.

Relative Benefits of Energy Drinks

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1. For a short period of time, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

2. It is possible to choose a drink with a high concentration of caffeine or with a large amount of vitamins and carbohydrates. The former help to cope with drowsiness, and the latter increase the level of endurance during physical exertion.

3. Vitamins in such drinks can stimulate vital processes in human body, and glucose can quickly enter the bloodstream and supply energy to the muscles and brain.

4. Thanks to its convenient packaging, energy drinks can be taken with you anywhere and used almost anywhere. For some, they can replace a cup of coffee.

5. Most 8-ounce cans of energy drinks contain 80 milligrams of caffeine, which is less than the 400 milligrams recommended by doctors. Coffee can contain more caffeine than an energy drink (about 300 milligrams on average).

Why are energy drinks harmful?

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1. If you drink more than 2 cans of energy drinks per day, it can increase significantly arterial pressure and may also increase blood sugar levels. The result is hypertension and diabetes.

2. Since deaths have been officially registered in Europe after the consumption of energy drinks, in some countries they can only be purchased at pharmacies.

3. Vitamins contained in energy drinks do not form a balanced complex.

4. If a person suffers from a disease of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, pancreas or liver, then the use of energy drinks will only aggravate the situation. The same applies to those who are predisposed to the above diseases.

5. The energy drink itself does not give energy, but opens the channels of the body, where internal resources are contained. As a result of the use of energy reserves, the body is depleted, a person may experience nervous overexcitation, and with frequent use, fatigue increases, insomnia, irritability appear, a person is more prone to nervous breakdowns and depression.

6. With regular use of energy drinks, the body gets used to caffeine and over time asks for a larger dose, and a large dose of caffeine depletes the body and encourages frequent urination, and this in turn removes salts from the body (in a fairly large amount).

7. A large concentration of B vitamins can lead to a violation of the nervous system, increase the heartbeat, lead to tremors in the limbs and greatly weaken the body.

8. The dose of amino acids taurine and glucuronolactone in one energy bank exceeds the daily norm by 500 times. And given that they are used together with caffeine, then such a mixture can lead the human nervous system to severe exhaustion.

9. Caffeine and other ingredients in energy drinks irritate the stomach wall, which means that the risk of stomach ulcers and gastritis increases.

10. Energy drinks are high in sugar, which means they are high in calories. Caffeine, as a stimulant, can cause anxiety, nausea, dehydration, and increased heart rate.

11. Between 2007 and 2014, the number of people hospitalized for energy drinks doubled in the US alone. This data was shared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Composition of energy drinks

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* The basis of any such drink is caffeine

There are also extracts of guarana, tea or mate, which also contain caffeine.

Sometimes the manufacturer calls caffeine differently: mateine ​​or theine, but in fact it is the same caffeine.

Other stimulants such as theobromine and theophylline, which are homologues of the same caffeine.

* Carnitine.

This component contributes to the rapid oxidation fatty acids. This means that it enhances the overall metabolism in our body. As a result, the level of muscle fatigue decreases in a person.

* Taurine.

Some believe that this component of energy drinks, as it accumulates in muscle tissue, leads to improved muscle (and heart) function. However, experts in the field of medicine assure that taurine has absolutely no effect on the muscles. Despite this, in one energy bank, its volume can be from 400 to 1000 mg. This begs the question: why is it needed then?

* There are also vitamins (particularly B vitamins), such as carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose).

It is worth noting that the B vitamins are needed by the body, and if you are deficient in them, the body will tell you about it. But an excess of these vitamins (which can give an energy drink) can hardly be considered beneficial to humans.

I am a shameless pig - I have people on my blog here, and I beat the buckets =). Laziness is the main ailment that crippled my enthusiasm. But, as they say, for every action there is a reaction. For me, the cure for laziness, in this moment, are you, my dear readers. I don’t know how it happened, but the search engines gave me a plus and the great uncle Google dumped on a whole bunch (on a modest scale) of targeted traffic, which I am immensely happy about.

Okay, now to the point. Summer! Here, actually, and it. What can you say? Unexpected =). Ahead of 3 months of complete separation, warm days, the sea, summer terraces and other delights of this time of year. And, of course, the mass of sleepless nights, which then result in very, I must say, difficult morning hours. The body will gradually deplete, require more energy, but people deal with this problem quickly. Someone will get hooked on coffee, someone will prefer to take time to sleep, and someone will simply start pouring liters of energy drinks into themselves, bringing their body to the limit of its capabilities. Today I would just like to pay attention to the issue of energy drinks, namely, their overdose.

Working at the bar for 15 hours and getting only 4-5 hours of sleep, I know firsthand what a subnet for energy is. Sometimes they really save - they tone up for a couple of hours, bring the body into at least some order. But, sooner or later, you cease to feel the measure, and the so-called medicine turns against you. I’ll start, perhaps, with the basics, namely, what are energy drinks and how do they affect the body?

According to one of the wiki authors, energy drinks are non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, advertising which promotes their ability to stimulate the physical and intellectual abilities of a person (not literally). Be that as it may, an energy drink is, first of all, a mixture of chemical components that affect the functioning of the human body. In principle, substances that tone the body have been known to the population of our planet for a long time. In the East, in Asia they are dispersed by tea, in South America by an unusual mate drink, which I will definitely mention, in Africa there are kola nuts. In the North-Eastern part of Asia, people are addicted to various stimulant plants: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass and aralia.

The very first energy drinks appeared at the end of the 20th century, when the “inspiring” Red Bull hit the market. Of course, the Pepsi and Cola conglomerates immediately sensed the threat and started producing their own energy drinks - Burn and Adrenaline Rush. Today, with energy drinks, everything is not as smooth as it used to be. A couple of overdoses, a couple of deaths and governments different countries sensed a threat. In some countries, energy drinks can only be bought at a pharmacy, in Russia there is a whole article of the law that specifies restrictions on components and sale rules.

The composition of all power engineers is approximately the same. At the origins lie sucrose and glucose. Sucrose is a regular sugar and is broken down into carbohydrates - the main source of energy for the body. Glucose is quickly absorbed into the blood and supplies energy to all vital organs. Glucose is also closely related to adrenaline, which is known to stimulate the cardiovascular system. Tonic substances are caffeine(matein, thein, etc.) , theobromine(cacao alkaloid) , taurine, guarana, carnitine and many others. Energy drinks also contain a high dose of vitamins.

Caffeine- the most popular component of energy drinks, which is a powerful psychostimulant. It gives a temporary effect (about 1-2 hours) - relieves fatigue, drowsiness, speeds up the pulse, etc.

Studies have shown that among people who regularly drink coffee, the number of suicides is significantly lower than among those who neglect this drink.

Theobromine- cocoa alkaloid, which is contained in small doses even in chocolate. In principle, the substance is poisonous, but after chemical treatment it completely tones itself.

Taurine- a derivative element from cysteine ​​​​(amino acids). Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, speeds up metabolism, etc. Synthesized in the body on its own.

Carnitine- something like a B vitamin. It is synthesized in the body on its own and affects metabolism.

Ginseng and guarana are natural stimulants found in plants. They contain the same caffeine, so the effect is similar.

Mate- contains mateine, which has the same effect as coffee.

In general, you can list forever. In one bank, energy is almost the entire periodic table. How all these components work, I think, is not worth telling. In a nutshell, caffeine-like substances accelerate the blood, which already contains a shock dose of vitamins and other "energy" substances that speed up metabolism, the breakdown of carbohydrates, the work of the brain and muscles. But this, in fact, is the removal of a large amount of energy from the body overnight, after which total fatigue sets in.

Energy overdose syndromes

You can get an overdose from any product, whatever one may say. But going out into the street, seeing the bright advertisements of Red Bull and other energy drinks, immediately there is a desire to follow the crowd. As a result, energy drinks are consumed as a fashion statement, not as a necessity. And they are used, I must say, in exorbitant quantities. One can of Red Bull contains more than 2 daily doses of caffeine, an exorbitant amount of taurine (400 mg) and even nicotinic acid, which is mildly addictive. In fact, you can drink only 1 can of 250 ml per day, but we, as a rule, are content with at least three. With coffee, the situation is the same - a cup in the morning, then another, then another, and then an overdose.

  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • redness of the face;
  • rapid pulse;
  • digestive tract disorder;
  • tremor (when your hands and everything else is cowardly);
  • cold sweat;
  • a period of restlessness;
  • increased anxiety, etc.

I got my first overdose of coffee while working at Caffeine - about 6 cups were enough for me. Then the guys were preparing for the championship of Ukraine, and I had the honor of being a taster - a part-time waiter. Most clear sign caffeine overdose - tremor and cold sweat, total fatigue, lack of concentration. So, how to deal with it?

What to do with an overdose of caffeine, taurine, guarana and other components of energy drinks

  1. Of course, you should stop, in the sense, put the next jar of energy or a cup of coffee aside.
  2. Provide yourself with fresh air.
  3. Excess B vitamins are easily excreted in the urine, so drink plenty of fluids. In principle, any overdose of vitamins is eliminated by drinking plenty of water and stopping the use of these vitamins.
  4. Caffeine is neutralized green tea(due to flavonoids), protein (cream, milk) and foods rich in magnesium. I took off my overdose of coffee with milk and meat - as if by hand. This method was suggested to me by Val, a barista with many years of experience.
  5. The accelerating effect of energy drinks, oddly enough, can be slowed down with alcohol, with the calculation of 50 ml in terms of pure alcohol. The same rule has another side - some symptoms of alcohol overdose can be neutralized with a cup of coffee. For the same reason, you should not use energy drinks together with alcohol. The power engineer masks the harm of alcohol - for this reason, you can get very severe alcohol poisoning (another fad for an article about).


Drink the right energy drinks. Here I do not mean specific manufacturers (by the way, Burn energy contains the largest amount of caffeine, guarana and taurine, in comparison with other brands). It is better to stimulate yourself with natural substances - brew mate, drink tinctures of natural stimulants (eleutherococcus, ginseng, guarana), coffee, tea (tea also contains caffeine, even green tea), cocoa. I have personally tested mate - it stimulates, dulls the feeling of hunger, tones. Last summer, I periodically drank tincture of Eleutherococcus - excellent. Also tested not by me, but by a good friend, ginseng tincture - helped him survive at the bar during the summer.

Well, happy first day of summer to you, my dear readers. Have a wonderful holiday, warm sea, delicious drinks. Relax with the mind and taste, and the mood will follow by itself =)

P.S. What happens when there is too much coffee?

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Energy drinks are gaining popularity among teens and young adults, and doctors continue to count the toll on the health of a new generation.

A new study found that energy drinks in doses from two cans a day are dangerous for the cardiovascular system.

Such doses of stimulants can cause tachycardia, chest pain and more serious problems requiring hospitalization, scientists say.

In the United States, 31% of teenagers aged 12-17 regularly indulge in energy drinks, while among youth aged 18-24 there are already 34%. US CDC experts are very alarmed by these figures.

“Energy drinks have become too popular in the last decade. Half of the consumers buy energy drinks to overcome fatigue, increase concentration and attention, mainly for nightly activities and entertainment,” says Dr. Ian Musgrave, a pharmacologist at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

In the latest issue of the International Journal of Cardiology, scientists said that caffeine and other herbal stimulants added to such drinks pose a serious threat to the cardiovascular system, not to mention sugar and synthetic additives.

The more the more dangerous

A study of the effects of energy drinks was conducted on patients admitted to South Australia's emergency departments in 2014-2015.

According to the authors, 70% of young patients with tachycardia and chest pain had previously consumed some kind of energy drink, and 36% of them did so within 24 hours before hospitalization. Many managed to drink 5 cans of energy drinks, and a few unique ones managed to consume 12 cans per day!

Researchers have calculated that the risk of serious side effects increases dramatically with the use of 2 or more cans of energy drinks per day. One jar for most people passes without consequences, but the authors strongly advise not to check this day after day.

Energy drink + alcohol = heart attack

Dr. Musgrave says that drinks with alcohol and caffeine are the worst tolerated.

In November 2010, the FDA warned seven manufacturing companies that their products would be removed from the US market due to health risks. FDA experts were concerned that the manufacturers' claims about the safety of such drinks were incorrect and misleading the consumer.

“The first problem is that alcohol deprives you of the ability to make informed decisions about taking energy drinks. The second problem is that alcohol slows down the metabolism of caffeine, due to which the concentration of this alkaloid in the blood can reach huge values,” Musgrave warns.

According to Australian scientists, combined drinks with alcohol and caffeine should be banned.

“It is unlikely that you want to drink seven cups of espresso one after another, but a can of energy drink is welcome. Meanwhile, it contains exactly the same amount of caffeine. It's risky even for healthy person not to mention people with heart problems,” they say.

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