Interpretation of sand sleep in dream books. Seeing an hourglass in a dream Accidents and events

Electric 13.12.2020

In a short period of time, you will have to solve an important life task.

Time is useless, waste of energy.

You had a dream Hourglass - you see an hourglass in a dream - constantly strengthening your state of mind, you strengthen your health; you are well-versed in life, you can easily distinguish true values ​​from tinsel; you will live to a very old age.

What does the hourglass mean in a dream 1. Time does not matter in dreams. A dream in which periods of time are indicated draws our attention to the need to measure our thoughts and actions. When this kind of symbol is old-fashioned - like an hourglass - it is our perception of time and its disposal may be old-fashioned. This shows us that we need to understand how to use alternative and more accurate ways of measuring these actions. 2. When we are under the pressure of circumstances, we can feel the lack of time more than ever, and feel that time has become our enemy. This kind of state is embodied in the hourglass. 3. In the past, the hourglass was perceived as a symbol of death. Currently, they are seen as a symbol of the Segment of Life.

Hourglass -

The dream has to do with emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and the needs of a sleeping person. Painting with good sense promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Inexpressive sleep promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

The dream hides important information regarding the future dreamer. It can talk about imminent changes or remind of the past in which you missed something or did not complete it. For a sleeping person, it is better not to discuss such a dream with anyone: this will allow the good to come true and protect himself from the bad.

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the growing moon are prophetic.

The picture seen warns of troubles that may soon occur. Try to remember the key points of the dream: they will indicate mistakes that you can prevent.

Dream interpretation hourglass

If you dream of an hourglass, then this means that you will somehow be drawn into public life and will take an active part in rallies and folk holidays... All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply dragged on the lasso into this business and dumped all the organizational part on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: you are respected and they want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their school activities. After 17 or 26 days they have some kind of holiday planned, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

Fast going - to short.

Dream interpretation hourglass dreamed why the hourglass was dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an hourglass in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

If you dream of an hourglass, it means that you will be somehow involved in public life and will take an active part in rallies and national holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply dragged on the lasso into this business and dumped all the organizational part on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: you are respected and they want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their school activities. After 17 or 26 days they have some kind of holiday planned, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

A clock in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

Working hours in a dream means that your business is progressing well.

A watch with a bracelet to see or receive in a dream predicts an imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then happiness awaits you in married life. Expensive hours in a dream portend good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being.

The hands of the clock indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped clock in a dream portends a stop in business or the death of the person who owns this clock. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can damage your well-being a lot.

If you dream that someone took the stopped watch for repair, then you will be able to safely get out of the next adventure.

If the clock is in a hurry in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and speaks of deteriorating health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slows down, then your life is in danger or trouble. To see a lot of ticking hours in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken clock in a dream portends failure due to obstacles that you cannot cope with.

To see a broken clockwork in a dream means that you will lose your earnings. Such a dream threatens patients with death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries awaits you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures.

To break the clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten off your luck.

Seeing a broken clock is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will be very lucky in a matter that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of the alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of the wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes even a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving it as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready for anything for the sake of your happiness.

Wind up the watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that a friend left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Having seen a clock in a dream, you can succeed in playing on the stock exchange.

If you checked the time by them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone - get ready for trouble.

Broke the glass in the watch - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant company.

Stole your watch - know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Heard the striking of the clock in a dream - upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then at home she may have various troubles.

If you let the watch on your wrist, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward can be intangible.

If you dreamed about a large wall or grandfather clock, then you will be surprised by the person you have always considered restrained and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he very clearly expresses his feelings.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will find out some very important and long-awaited news.

Broken clock bad sign... Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step or your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretation of dreams about watches.

We looked at an old clock in a dream - in the future you will very much regret for the mistakes you made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock, you will have something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you will not have enough time to carry out your plan.

In a dream, they determined the time by a clock that does not have a dial - an event that happens to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - someone from your loved ones is in great need of help. And the sooner this assistance is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds?

If you dreamed about a wall clock, you absolutely do not value your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Watch, tower clock to see - a symbol of unforgiving time.

Ominous dream about a tower clock - you will lag behind the requirements of the time.

They beat - an important social event has approached, the hour has come for your verification, testing.

To look at a watch - to waste life on trifles.

Breaking them is a mess in your life / loss of a family.

Losing is a kind of lateness / loss of a friend.

The clock knocks loudly - anxious expectation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a wardrobe - you have a place to hide from a difficult present.

The clock in your home strikes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

Without arrows to see - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you will return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring at the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to fix a large clock is a reasonable hope, you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in little things.

To wind any watch is to experience impatience.

Trying to stop the clock, hold or break the hand - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of the running of time.

To break the clock on purpose is to be dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

To find a spider in a watch is to find the culprit of something.

Find a skull in a watch - think about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or an arrow - to feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time.

Walkers, to see the cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is the danger of losing a dear person.

Turning them over is to be the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the watch symbolizes age and health.

There is a popular belief that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give watches to young people for weddings, as popular wisdom says: "Happy hours are not observed."

If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and keep looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

To see a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the striking of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be facing a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

To break your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm clock, it means that in real life you have to experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

Broken clock - reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not hurry up, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

The dream in which you are trying to repair the watch testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Buying a watch means starting a new business.

Someone buys a watch - get unexpected news or offers.

The watch symbolizes a change in life.

If you manage to memorize hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean a year and a month or a month and a day of change.

Broken or broken watches - to misfortunes and all kinds of troubles.

Look at the clock - to lose in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch is in trouble.

Losing - to a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a watch still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow moving clock - to a long life.

Fast going - to short.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for a patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

Hurrying hours - for a trip somewhere.

Laggards - to the appearance of guests.

If you dreamed about a watch, you will have a visit to an official.

The street watch will appreciate your efforts.

If the clock is not very large, you have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind up the watch, which means that you will plunge headlong into work, and the result will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes - your time is running out, hurry up to complete the case.

Wearing a watch or looking at it - a very important person will visit you.

The clock on the facade of the building - dreaming of getting approval, recognition.

Small hours - you have to make a decision quickly.

Wind up your watch - you will have to work hard to get the bang for your buck.

The ringing of the chimes is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - get public recognition.

Seeing a clock in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

To break the clock - portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass in a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses hours in a dream, this means that domestic troubles will cause unhappiness. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

To give someone a watch means that you will be in trouble.

If you hear - the striking of the clock - disappointing news is possible.

Dream interpretation Symbol hourglass dreamed of why in a dream Hourglass symbol? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Hourglass Symbol in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

If you dream of an hourglass, it means that you will be somehow involved in public life and will take an active part in rallies and national holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply dragged on the lasso into this business and dumped all the organizational part on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: you are respected and they want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their school activities. After 17 or 26 days they have some kind of holiday planned, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

A clock in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

Working hours in a dream means that your business is progressing well.

A watch with a bracelet to see or receive in a dream predicts an imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then happiness awaits you in married life. Expensive hours in a dream portend good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being.

The hands of the clock indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped clock in a dream portends a stop in business or the death of the person who owns this clock. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can damage your well-being a lot.

If you dream that someone took the stopped watch for repair, then you will be able to safely get out of the next adventure.

If the clock is in a hurry in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and speaks of deteriorating health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slows down, then your life is in danger or trouble. To see a lot of ticking hours in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken clock in a dream portends failure due to obstacles that you cannot cope with.

To see a broken clockwork in a dream means that you will lose your earnings. Such a dream threatens patients with death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries awaits you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures.

To break the clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten off your luck.

Seeing a broken clock is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will be very lucky in a matter that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of the alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of the wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes even a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving it as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready for anything for the sake of your happiness.

Wind up the watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that a friend left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Having seen a clock in a dream, you can succeed in playing on the stock exchange.

If you checked the time by them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone - get ready for trouble.

Broke the glass in the watch - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant company.

Stole your watch - know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Heard the striking of the clock in a dream - upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then at home she may have various troubles.

If you let the watch on your wrist, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward can be intangible.

If you dreamed about a large wall or grandfather clock, then you will be surprised by the person you have always considered restrained and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting, he very clearly expresses his feelings.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will find out some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to reckon with the opinion of a loved one. Try to take the first step or your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretation of dreams about watches.

We looked at an old clock in a dream - in the future you will very much regret for the mistakes you made in the past. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock, you will have something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you will not have enough time to carry out your plan.

In a dream, they determined the time by a clock that does not have a dial - an event that happens to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - someone from your loved ones is in great need of help. And the sooner this assistance is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds?

If you dreamed about a wall clock, you absolutely do not value your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Heard the sound of a clock in a dream - your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Watch, tower clock to see - a symbol of unforgiving time.

Ominous dream about a tower clock - you will lag behind the requirements of the time.

They beat - an important social event has approached, the hour has come for your verification, testing.

To look at a watch - to waste life on trifles.

Breaking them is a mess in your life / loss of a family.

Losing is a kind of lateness / loss of a friend.

The clock knocks loudly - anxious expectation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a wardrobe - you have a place to hide from a difficult present.

The clock in your home strikes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

Without arrows to see - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you will return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring at the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to fix a large clock is a reasonable hope, you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in little things.

To wind any watch is to experience impatience.

Trying to stop the clock, hold or break the hand - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of the running of time.

To break the clock on purpose is to be dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

To find a spider in a watch is to find the culprit of something.

Find a skull in a watch - think about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or an arrow - to feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time.

Walkers, to see the cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is the danger of losing a dear person.

Turning them over is to be the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the watch symbolizes age and health.

There is a popular belief that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give watches to young people for weddings, as popular wisdom says: "Happy hours are not observed."

If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and keep looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

To see a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the striking of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be facing a serious illness.

The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

To break your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm clock, it means that in real life you have to experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

Broken clock - reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not hurry up, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

The dream in which you are trying to repair the watch testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Buying a watch means starting a new business.

Someone buys a watch - get unexpected news or offers.

The watch symbolizes a change in life.

If you manage to memorize hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean a year and a month or a month and a day of change.

Broken or broken watches - to misfortunes and all kinds of troubles.

Look at the clock - to lose in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch is in trouble.

Losing - to a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a watch still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow moving clock - to a long life.

Fast going - to short.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for a patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

Hurrying hours - for a trip somewhere.

Laggards - to the appearance of guests.

If you dreamed about a watch, you will have a visit to an official.

The street watch will appreciate your efforts.

If the clock is not very large, you have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind up the watch, which means that you will plunge headlong into work, and the result will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes - your time is running out, hurry up to complete the case.

Wearing a watch or looking at it - a very important person will visit you.

The clock on the facade of the building - dreaming of getting approval, recognition.

Small hours - you have to make a decision quickly.

Wind up your watch - you will have to work hard to get the bang for your buck.

The ringing of the chimes is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - get public recognition.

Seeing a clock in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

To break the clock - portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass in a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses hours in a dream, this means that domestic troubles will cause unhappiness. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

To give someone a watch means that you will be in trouble.

If you hear - the striking of the clock - disappointing news is possible.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Clock - If you dreamed about a pocket watch, then settled family relationships Find a clock in a dream - you must be punctual.

If you dreamed about a gold watch, then your close acquaintances will rob you. Stopped hours - you are wasting time. Wall clock - the funeral of a loved one is waiting for you.

If you dreamed about a watch, it symbolizes a change in life. To do this, you need to remember the hours and minutes in order to determine the year and month of future changes.

Buying a watch in a dream - you will start new business. If someone buys a wristwatch nearby in a dream, good news, new things, offers from an unexpected place await you.

If you dreamed of a watch rushing forward, then a hasty trip awaits you.

Why dream of seeing a lagging clock - then stagnation in business awaits you. If you dreamed about an hourglass - someone's short life.

See also: what is the dream of time for, what is the dream of the alarm clock, what is the dream of the belt.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why do you dream of a Watch, how to understand a dream:

Clock - If you dreamed about a clock, then you carefully plan your work, so you get it.

Look at the watch in a dream - the intrigues of competitors are waiting for you, which will be crowned with success.

Breaking a watch in a dream is a loss. Giving a watch in a dream - your stupid desire for entertainment will harm your business.

If the clock strikes dreamed, then bad news awaits you, the death of a friend.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is the dream of the Watch according to the dream book:

Clock - If you dreamed about a clock, this is a symbol of waiting.

Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

What is the dream of Watch according to the dream book:

Seeing that the clock is broken is a sign that you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

Broken clock - reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If you dreamed of how sand flows in an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably, and if you do not rush, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

Seeing that you are trying to repair a wristwatch is a sign of your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Watch - Seeing that you wind up the watch means a safe solution to a difficult matter. Hearing the striking of the clock in a dream portends that suspicion of an offense you have not committed will fall on you, which can greatly undermine your prestige and authority.

Dreamed of ringing an alarm clock - to positive changes in business.

A wrist watch means a successful career. A watch on a chain is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

If you dreamed about a wall clock, this suggests that you will suffer from false slanders of slanderers.

If you dreamed about a gold watch, this promises you primacy in an unspoken competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Big dream book

What is the dream of Watch - dream analysis:

What is the dream of Watch - interpretation of sleep:

Clock - If you dreamed about a clock, then you can succeed in playing on the stock exchange. If you checked the time by the clock in a dream, then all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Seeing that you broke your watch or gave it to someone - then get ready for trouble.

Broken glass in a watch in a dream - you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant company.

Seeing that your watch has been stolen - then your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

If you heard the striking of the clock in a dream, then sad news is possible.

Universal dream book

If you dream of a Clock, what is it for:

Watches, wristwatches - Brief interpretation: timeliness; research thoroughly; stay awake. Popular expression: measure seven times - cut once; watch over; be on your guard. The watch suggests the idea of ​​observation. When it is necessary to be attentive and focused, then you are always on the alert. Do you want to guard someone, or do you want another person to guard you? People love to be appreciated and desired. Does the dream reflect your desire to be the object of someone's attention?

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why is the Clock dreaming? Interpretation of a dream:

Clock - An hourglass in a dream symbolizes your expectations. You will have to be separated from your family and people close to you indefinitely. You have made your choice, but your heart is heavy from separation.

Dream interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Seeing the Clock in a dream:

A clock in a dream portends success in business. Seeing that you are looking at the clock means that your efforts will be canceled out by your rivals. If in your dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, this is a sign that in real life you will miss a chance that a person does not often get. To see a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

Seeing that you have heard the striking of a clock that has stopped long ago, then in reality it is fraught with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be facing a serious illness. The striking of the clock in a dream always warns of something. Seeing that you hear the chime of the clock and counting the strikes that hit the time until noon means you have great happiness ahead. If the clock strikes the afternoon time, expect trouble.

A sharp single strike of the clock warns of deterioration in your health and maybe even of impending death. If you just dream of the clock striking, then you will soon get married and be very happy. If you dreamed of a tower clock, this dream will be followed by the destruction of your house, the collapse of your affairs. Seeing that you hear the chime of the tower clock, you have to make some important decision. A broken clock is a harbinger of misfortune and loss.

To break your watch in a dream - in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation. Completely broken glass in a watch - speaks of your awkward and frivolous behavior in an unfamiliar company. A clock without arrows means that you will be rejected by your family, society. Winding up the watch means a change for the better. A pocket watch in a dream promises wonderful family relationships. A gold watch in a dream is a symbol that close friends will rob you.

A large clock in a dream is a reminder that time is money. If a woman loses hours in a dream, it means that domestic troubles will become the cause of her misfortune. Seeing that you have stolen the watch, beware of furious opponents who will try to denigrate you. Giving someone a watch is in trouble. The dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.

Dream interpretation for girls

What is the dream of the Watch according to the dream book:

Clock - If you dreamed of a clock in which the hands are spinning very quickly in front of your eyes, this indicates that in real life you do not have time to do anything. You are sorely short of time. Do you know why? Because you grab onto everything you can. Yes, we can say that you are a greedy person for life, you want to keep up with everything and cope with everything, forgetting that there are only 24 hours in a day and a good half of them are devoted to sleep. Your subconscious mind signals that it's time to stop and choose one thing that you can devote more time to. Then, you look, and there will be a sense of your affairs, otherwise it is still not clear what you are fond of and in what area you have in-depth knowledge, because all the information you have is superficial.

If in your dream the clock hands are spinning in the opposite direction, this indicates that in real life you are doing something wrong. Your subconscious mind signals that you, more than ever, are close to making a mistake, which will be difficult to correct later.

Breaking the clock in a dream means that in real life you are protesting against time frames. You think that they restrict human freedom. You really do not like it when you are allowed to go for a walk strictly until 20 o'clock and not a minute later. You just understand that your parents are afraid to let you go out until a later time, because they are afraid that something bad might happen to you.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

What is the dream of the Watch according to the dream book:

Clock - If you dreamed about a clock, then you should take a chance and agree to some kind of advantageous offer, because after such a dream you can achieve unexpected success.

Buying a watch - starting a new business; someone buys a watch - get unexpected news or offers.

Wrist watches symbolize changes in life. If you manage to memorize hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean a year and a month or a month and a day of change. Broken or broken watches - to misfortunes and all kinds of troubles. Look at the clock - to lose in the fight against rivals. Giving a watch is in trouble. To receive a watch as a gift in a dream is an auspicious sign. Such a dream means that all your efforts will not be in vain. Losing - to a bad situation in your own home. A dream about a watch still promises you an acute lack of time, being late. A slow moving clock - to a long life; fast going - to short. A stopped clock is a sign of death for a patient. The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life. Hurrying hours - for a trip somewhere; lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Looking at the clock in a dream and not making out what time it is on it - to an unsuccessful solution to current affairs. Perhaps your rivals will have a hand in this.

A dream in which you harm your watch in any way (for example, break or break it) means that you are too frivolous and unreliable for someone to risk entrusting you with an important matter. This is partly why you are still vegetating in a place that you consider unworthy of yourself.

Seeing that your watch has been stolen means that your reputation is threatened by ill-wishers. Hearing the striking of the clock in a dream means receiving unpleasant news.

Everyday dream book

If you dream of a Clock, what is it for:

Clock - If you dreamed about a clock, then all your efforts aimed at improving your material and social situation will not be in vain - soon you will be successful.

Seeing a clock broken portends some kind of loss, hardship, grief. It is also bad if the glass of the watch is broken or crossed out with a crack - your frivolous behavior in society can do you a disservice, you will gain a bad name, and this will interfere with your plans.

If you dreamed of a watch that you stole, then this means that your enemies are actively working to spoil your reputation and, most likely, they will succeed.

Seeing a watch that you give someone is a series of troubles. Pay attention to who exactly you are giving the watch to - if this is a familiar person, then he can be the source of your troubles.

Seeing that you hear the chime of the clock means that in reality you will receive bad news, which will greatly upset and upset you. If you dreamed about a gold watch, then there is a very high probability that you will be robbed, moreover, by close acquaintances.

If you dream of a watch, the hands of which are standing, this means that in reality you are wasting time. A pocket watch in a dream symbolizes a calm family relationship, the strangers say that some of your distant acquaintance may soon die.

Dreaming of the Clock? See the following interpreter.

Dream interpretation of Lewis

Why is the Clock dreaming, for what reason:

Clock - Eleven o'clock - Eleven o'clock is a common symbol indicating that someone's time is almost over, meaning either death or a line that cannot be crossed. For some Christian nations, eleven hours is a symbol of the short time remaining before the coming of Christ. Dreaming about a dial with hands pointing to eleven often reflects fear of death.

Hourglass - The hourglass symbolizes the passage of time and the completion of a certain period in the dreamer's life or affairs.

Clock - The clock as a symbol often reflects the dreamer's anxiety that he is not at the peak of events and, thus, does not fit into the schedule. The clock can also symbolize a biological clock that counts down the time for people who want a child, or for those who feel that time is running out of him.

Lunar dream book

Why does the sleeper dream of the Clock, this means:

They show the life, business activity of the dreamer, various circumstances and affairs. The dream in which you dream of a wristwatch is considered to be one of the most significant and important. It can concern both you personally and relatives, acquaintances and friends. This is what wrist watches dream about most often.

Time problems

In such a dream, a person usually sees his daily watch on his hand, which shows a certain hour. Sleep is relevant for men who do not part with them in life and always try to keep their finger on the pulse of time in order to do everything. To see your wristwatch in a dream and count the time - hurry up. You may not have time to do something important and necessary for yourself. This is an indicator that things and some important projects are best completed in the very near future, since the deadlines are running out. In some situations, this dream is seen by men who are unmarried and have serious intentions to marry. The dream book warns that you need to make an offer very soon, since your passion will not wait and she has another gentleman who can get ahead of you.

Seeing that they stopped and hurrying up is in trouble. Perhaps you are simply missing out on an opportunity or circumstances will move extremely slowly, which can lead to unnecessary delay.

It is possible that you will not be able to complete the undertaking due to unfavorable circumstances or unfinished business, which will force you to postpone an important decision in this situation.

Wind of change

Why did you dream of a new wristwatch on your wrist? The dream book writes that such a dream means a new business, opportunity or addition to the family. Most likely, you will be able to change your occupation, place of residence, or simply move to another city, or even a country. Sometimes a dream about a new watch shows a change in financial situation or marriage. Especially if a woman has a man's watch and a man has a woman's watch. It all depends on the cost of the new model. The dream book writes that it is very good if you are wearing a new watch of a more expensive brand than you are used to wearing. For both guys and girls, such a dream predicts a profitable marriage, new job, career growth and a position that will give an excellent financial position. Sometimes seeing a beautiful new watch on your wrist means the birth of a child.

What else will the model of a wrist watch tell in a dream? The dream book writes that in this way you can determine exactly what changes await you in the future. Since the clock generally shows a change in social status, material status, or even someone's life. Old, rare models mean a past that will remind of itself in the near future, inheritance, activities related to history, museums and world values, as well as solving an important secret of the past, including your family's pedigree.

Why dream of finding them in a dream? Expect an unexpected offer or news. For girls, such a dream can promise marriage with an elderly, but wealthy and conservative person who will make your happiness. Sometimes the dream book writes that you will find out the secret of your kind or the past.

Modern and expensive watch models dream of changes in the dreamer's financial situation, a new position or a profitable marriage. If you dreamed about a beautiful wrist watch presented by a wealthy person, then soon he or someone similar to him will contribute to your luck and great well-being.

Receiving them as a gift is a sign of change. Especially if you just know that they were presented to you, but cannot understand who. Sometimes such a dream means pregnancy and the imminent birth of a child.

Accidents and events

In such dreams, you who have an owner and you know exactly who they belong to. What happens to them in a dream means a change in the owner's life. If you have a friend that he left with you, then the dream book writes that soon you will make friends with this person for many years and you will have a very close relationship. If you dreamed of a friend's wristwatch that she left with you, it is possible marriage with this woman or her crush, which will prevent you from building your personal life with another person.

Losing your watch is a bad sign. Perhaps dismissal from work, work troubles and conflicts, as well as uncertainty of the situation, which will drag on for too long. If you dreamed that your watch was stolen, then the dream book writes that the dream portends you real losses and troubles. Perhaps the destruction of hopes for good marriage, dismissal from work, a long search for it, or danger to your life and health.

Why is the clock dreaming? In general, to see a clock in a dream is a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in a dream. A watch in a dream can indicate both the state of health of the sleeping person and his age. A dreaming hourglass suggests that time is running out, and if you do not rush, then all opportunities can be lost.

A dreaming clock can indicate changes in the future. Seeing a clear time (hours and minutes) in a dream is the month and day of an event that can turn your life around.

To see the tower clock - soon you will have to learn important and long-awaited news. Hearing the chimes of the tower - to changes in the state, which will directly affect your life.

If in a dream you understand that your watch is in a hurry, this indicates that you have little time left to make a very important decision. To waste away on the dial of a watch is a sign of good health.

Trying to determine the time by a watch that does not have a dial - a serious danger awaits you. A pocket watch means that in the future your family problems will be settled and your life will get better.

Why do wrist watches dream?

The dream in which you see a wristwatch is considered a sign of obligations occurring in real life. Often it can indicate the anxiety of the sleeper about the timing of important tasks. Putting on a wristwatch is a reminder that you need to properly manage your time.

Looking at your wristwatch means that you have a strong anxiety about things to come in the future. This may be an important meeting that you would like to hurry up. If you dreamed that you were late somewhere, looking at your watch, it means that in real life you have problems with the deadline for completing the tasks assigned to you. To look at the clock and see the pronounced number "5" - in society you do not impersonate who you really are.

If the dreaming clock does not have hands, it means that a carefree pastime and a waste of life are expected. It can also mean that the sleeping person is awaited by circumstances in which he will forget about time (falling in love).

To dream of a bizarre watch or a watch with a very beautiful dial means that very interesting moments happen in a person's life.

It is considered a bad sign to see in a dream a clock that has stopped, as a rule, such a dream can speak of someone's death. Losing a wristwatch - to trouble caused by a rash act.

If the time on the dial goes counterclockwise, it means that the person is in an extremely difficult situation, from which he cannot find a way out. To wipe the watch with a cloth in a dream means that the rest of your life will have to be spent in a foreign land.

Bringing the hands on a wristwatch indicates the nearest reward for the work done, but you should not expect wealth, since, most likely, it will just be the praise of an influential person. To wind the watch - changes for the better are expected.

A dream in which your friend accidentally leaves his wristwatch with you is considered the predecessor of a long relationship with this person.

Golden watch in a dream

A dream in which a person sees a gold watch can be contradictory. He can portend unpleasant events, such as betrayal of loved ones or theft of a favorite thing. If the gold watch does not show the time, it means that in real life a person is doing things he doesn’t need.

Seeing a golden watch in a dream may mean that intrigues are woven around a person that can disrupt the state of mind of the sleeping person. Finding a gold watch is good news from loved ones.

Some sources of a dream in which a person sees a golden watch are interpreted as an imminent acquisition of authority and recognition among others. See expensive watch- to wealth and good health.

Why do wall clocks dream?

Hearing the ticking of a wall clock in a dream - to an extreme situation, the development of an illness or sad events. If the ticking comes from a clock that has long been out of order, then the sleeper is in danger of serious problems related to financial situation or health.

Seeing an old clock in a dream is a sign that it is worth reflecting on the past and the future. Have you lived your life worthily, and what mark will remain after you. To look at an old watch - in the future, remorse and shame for the previously committed acts await.

Seeing a wall clock used for its intended purpose means that a sleeping person does not value his life and time at all. And also such a dream portends a situation that can fundamentally change your life.

Setting the alarm clock in a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to face unfair accusations that can unsettle. Hear the alarm ringing - it's time to make an important decision.

Wall cuckoo clocks imply long life... Pendulum clocks usually symbolize the work of the heart. Seeing a wall electronic clock - to a dispute with relatives or close friends.

To see in a dream a wall clock with a prominent number "1" - in a month, the person who is not indifferent to you will pay attention to you. If there is only the number "1" on the dial, this indicates your selfishness, which in the future may affect your relationship with loved ones.

If the arrows on the dial are curved - after a victory in real life, a streak of failures will follow, which can drag on for a rather long period.

Why do broken or broken watches dream?

Seeing a broken or broken wristwatch in a dream is a harbinger of a problem that will require urgent resolution. Repairing a watch - in real life, your attempts to stop an inevitable situation will not work. If the watch is intact, and only the factory is broken, this may symbolize the fact that soon you will deceive your heart.

If in a dream you break the clock yourself, this can be considered a sign that a delicate situation or bad news awaits you. Breaking the glass in a watch is a sign of frivolous behavior in a society that is unpleasant for a sleeping person, which can end in an unforeseen situation.

A dream in which a broken clock appears suggests that we must not forget that everything is changing and does not stand still. The broken clock symbolizes a difficult situation, from which in this moment you can't get out.

To drop the watch in a dream, while not breaking it - expect good luck in resolving a case that everyone considered hopeless.

What does it mean to find a watch in a dream

Finding a watch in a dream - to losses and losses. Find a pocket watch - symbolize small problems. Finding a large wall clock is a big problem. The reason for such problems may be your lack of punctuality. The dream reminds you that you should take your responsibilities more seriously, both professional and family.

If a woman dreams that she is losing her watch, it is a harbinger that everyday troubles can cause great misfortune. To steal a watch means that someone is trying to tarnish the sleeper's reputation. If a watch was stolen from you in a dream, ill-wishers are trying to destroy your happiness.

Why dream of buying a watch

Buying a watch in a dream may indicate your excessive carelessness, as well as an inability to independently cope with the prevailing circumstances and make difficult decisions. Also, such a dream reminds you that you need to take life more seriously and not waste your time.

The dream in which you buy a watch may indicate that you lack self-confidence. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as an imminent receipt of a gift that will be very valuable to you.

What does it mean if you gave a watch in a dream

To receive a gift in the form of a wristwatch in a dream means that a new acquaintance awaits the sleeper in the near future. The presented watch fully symbolizes the person with whom the acquaintance will occur.

If you don't like the watch, it means that acquaintance will be unpleasant. If a gift drives you crazy with its beauty, perhaps in the future you will meet true love.

To give a watch in a dream - to trouble, in love affairs this may mean that you are wasting time with a person with whom you will have nothing in the future.

According to the dream book, the clock in a dream portends changes, successful achievement of goals, good luck in business, a pleasant surprise, a happy chance. What else are they dreaming of? Sometimes they promise deception, illness, unfair accusations, the machinations of ill-wishers.

Interpretation from the dream books of Enigma and Miller

Have you seen a watch in a dream? Dream Interpretation Enigma explains: the plot reminds of the dreamer's irrational use of time. You should correctly prioritize, revise your views and deeds in order of importance.

If they were on your hand, you will successfully achieve your goals, despite the difficulties that arise. Thanks to the previously accepted principles, you can easily overcome them.

Did you dream that you were watching their arrows? Miller's interpretation is this: rivals will devalue your achievements and interfere with efforts aimed at a certain cause.

The loss of hours in a dream foreshadows a woman's domestic troubles, which will provoke conflicts, troubles with a partner, says Miller.

What does it mean according to Wang and Freud

Why do you dream of an old clock? According to Vanga, this is a hint: it's time to rethink your achievements and understand whether you made the right decisions. We need to think about what spiritual heritage you will leave behind.

Have you looked at a watch that doesn't have a dial and tried to tell the time? Vanga's dream book warns: there is a tragedy to be experienced, which will bring a lot of pain.

Was there a large grandfather or wall clock in your night dream? This means, according to Freud: you will be surprised by sex with a person who was previously considered squeezed and restrained. It turns out that he expresses his feelings very vividly.

According to Islamic, Muslim dream book

To see a clock in a dream, according to the Muslim dream interpreter, means: the sleeper is entering an important period of life, there are serious changes ahead. We need to prepare.

Don't be afraid of change. Even if they appear to be unfavorable, there will be benefits and experiences as a result. It is important to be patient and be able to adapt to new circumstances. Nothing remains the same - everything changes in due course.

What kind of clock did you dream

Remember what you dreamed about:

  • wrist - small joys;
  • pocket - good luck in business and endeavors;
  • whites - it's time to think about new goals;
  • black - a person you trust will deceive;
  • mechanical - drop illusions, live here and now;
  • old - tiredness from routine activities;
  • sand - you may be late to do something;
  • strangers - envy of someone;
  • rusty - deterioration of health, loss of energy.

Red - soon they will return forgotten debts that you did not expect to receive. But they themselves must also remember who needs to repay the debt.

Why dream with a pendulum on the wall? The dream interpretation indicates: you will greatly regret for the mistakes made earlier.

Precious in a dream

Was the watch silver in the dream? Soon you will reach your goals and feel peace and tranquility.

Wearing gold - you will take up old tasks or affairs, but thanks to new circumstances, they will be easily solved. Also, the vision promises recognition and honor.

Watch with diamonds - there will be some changes. To understand what kind of plan they are, the appearance of the watch will help.

On a bracelet, strap

Women, with a beautiful bracelet, suggest: it's time to think about current affairs and solve the accumulated questions or troubles. Pay special attention to the love area.

Men, on an expensive strap in a dream, signal the beginning of significant life changes, says the dream book. Perhaps the dreamer will meet a person who will affect his future.

Have you seen board games?

Why is the table clock dreaming? They symbolize important things that the sleeper did not dare to start. It's time to tackle them closely. There is no need to be afraid - the main thing is to start, and then everything will work out.

Seeing an alarm clock - soon you will take part in unusual events that will bring a lot of positive and pleasant emotions.


Did you look at the tower clock in a dream? This is a danger warning to you or your family.

The clock on the tower tells us: now is not the time for active action, do not rush things. Have you heard the chimes? The dream interpretation warns: you will find out the sad news.

Was there a wooden clock in your night dream? A certain stage of life is coming to an end, it's time to take stock. Assess your achievements, draw conclusions and move on.

Are the two clocks next to each other showing different times? Become unfairly accused. Also, a vision indicates an uncertain life position.

Why dream of a watch as a decoration?

Why dream of wearing a graceful watch in the form of a ring on your finger? For past good deeds, fate will thank you at its true worth.

Did you have a chance to hang a pendant with a clock around your neck in a dream? Your chosen one will very soon present an exquisite surprise in honor of a special date or as a sign that he loves and appreciates you very much.

Have you seen an original, unusual bracelet with a watch? The dream interpretation suggests: to achieve what you have planned, you will have to work hard. Was it new? Move to a more prestigious job.

What does it mean to do something with them:

  • to measure - there is a difficult choice;
  • find - you need to be punctual;
  • to sell - a long-awaited vacation;
  • buying - striving for easy money;
  • to give - there is trouble ahead;
  • receive as a gift - you are deceiving yourself;
  • steal - enemies want to tarnish your reputation;
  • to drop without breaking - good luck in solving a difficult case;
  • smash - make a serious mistake;
  • put on your hand - significant events in the life of loved ones.

Have you chosen in the store? So, things will get better and go uphill - the dream book says. The vision promises success at work and in relationships.

Have you checked the time on them? You have enough energy to complete your endeavors. Don't be afraid to take action.

Lose and seek

Lost and searched in a dream? Troubles and strife at home. Show patience and understanding. Also, according to the dream book, the search for a clock indicates a lack of communication.

Found the lost ones? Be careful to avoid losses. Finding someone else's watch is a great sign. With unexpected luck, you will achieve your goal.


Why dream of moving the arrows forward? In reality, the dream of the sleeper will come true, but not so quickly. To translate back - something will happen that the person deliberately delays. Moreover, this will happen earlier than he suggests.

Turn the clock upside down - according to the dream book, you need to reconsider your beliefs. Some misunderstood information is confusing and prevents you from making the right decisions.

Take off

To remove them in a dream - you are working too hard, it's time to arrange a rest, otherwise you will start to make mistakes or ruin the results of your work.

Taking off your old watch and throwing it away is an auspicious omen. Symbolizes getting rid of prejudices or outdated views.

Over time, everything changes, and so does beliefs. Learn to adapt to modern realities. But do not go to extremes: distinguish important principles from those that change under the influence of fashion or circumstances.

Mend the broken

Why dream of breaking a watch? The dream book says: failures and losses will fall on you. Repairing them - you can correct the situation, outplay the ill-wishers.

Also, repairing a watch in a dream means: you will correct your mistakes. Also, to repair a watch in a dream - you will have to help someone to settle the consequences of his mistakes.


Did you have a chance to disassemble the clockwork? You will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which it will not be so easy to get out. Think carefully about your steps, do not act rashly.

Why dream of disassembling them, fixing the problem and assembling them? The meaning of the plot, according to the dream book: the sleeping person will independently cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

We saw how something was happening with the clock:

  • beat off time - a significant event is very close;
  • crashed - troubles, losses;
  • broke down - you need to immediately solve a certain problem;
  • stopped - relatives will seriously quarrel;
  • in a hurry - there will be an opportunity to change the life of the family for the better;
  • going back - a return to the past.

Was the clock lagging behind in your sleep? Hurry up to do something or complete what you started: favorable time passes. Go wrong? Everything will go awry, it may even end sadly.

In a dream, any objects, any events can appear to a person. The main thing is to correctly interpret the dream. Why do wrist watches dream? It's worth understanding.

Why do wrist watches dream - the main interpretation

The clock counts down the time that is left for a person to live. And it runs inexorably. Dream Interpretations say that if you dreamed about a watch, it is important to remember everything, even the most insignificant details of sleep:

Where did the watch come from in a dream;

Whose watch do you see in a dream;

Whether they were serviceable;

Can you hear the clock hands running;

What emotions visited you during sleep;

Who else was present in your dream.

By interpreting the dream in its entirety, you guarantee yourself a clear prediction of future events. In some cases, events of the past may appear in a dream. In this case, it is worth looking even more closely at all the details of the dream. In them, most likely, you will find a lot of interesting things.

If you see in a dream that the clock has stopped, such a dream portends someone's health problems and maybe even death. If you have an antique watch on your wrist in a dream that you really like - it's time for you to remember the most pleasant moments of the past and let it go.

If you see an old watch on your wrist, which all turned yellow, perhaps even cracked, such a dream may promise you the appearance of someone from your past life... This person will raise a storm of emotions in you and will not allow you to calmly perceive reality.

The dream book advises not to restore old ties, not to re-enter relationships with old loved ones, not to try the happiness of those whom you have refused. Your past not only weighs on you, it in every possible way prevents you from building your future.

If in a dream you are trying to determine the time by a watch that does not have a dial, you are in danger. Accidents and unpleasant events will simply haunt you at every turn. If you suddenly feel sad and lonely, do not seek comfort from strangers- betrayal and treason are possible on their part.

If you clearly hear the sound of the clock on your hand, your life will be long time not defined. You will not be able to establish contacts, you cannot establish relationships with others. You even have to figure out the internal causes of such troubles.

But it is worth remembering how long you heard the sound of the clock. If he never stopped in a dream, then you should be prepared for lingering problems and obstacles. If he calmed down by himself in a dream, the problems will recede, and you yourself will find the right solution in order to get rid of them.

If you have a dream in which you found someone's wristwatch on your bed, someone is very jealous of your family happiness and the person will not rest until he destroys the family. The dream book advises in the near future to limit the circle of your friends and the circle of your admirers. If you even suspect who it might be, try to cheat and not pretend that you are expecting a dirty trick.

A dream in which you will dream that someone else brought a wrist watch into your house and did not give it, but threw it in - remember who it was. You may have a serious conversation with this person. The conversation will be difficult for you.

A dream in which you cannot find your wrist watch promises wasted time that you cannot recover. You will have to deny yourself a lot for a long time to catch up. If you nevertheless found a watch in a dream, then the troubles will end, if the watch has not been found, you will have to struggle with the coincidence of circumstances for a long time.

A dream in which the robbers stole your watch promises the loss of your time for the troubles and problems of other people. The dream book advises to help only those who really need it. Perhaps you were too gullible and sought to help many at the expense own health, then the dream book advises you to stop such behavior, otherwise the result will be negative for you.

If in a dream you accidentally break your watch, but it only cracks and continues to go, such a dream promises you difficulty. You will be looking for opportunities to implement your plans for a long time and you will find. If you yourself break your wristwatch in a dream, and it cannot be restored, such a dream promises you problems that you have brought upon yourself. You will also have to decide them yourself and you will succeed very badly.

If you dream that you have found an old wristwatch on the road, you will have to participate in solving someone's problems that in the past concern you. A sense of duty will not allow you to refuse a person to help, but the dream book advises you to take this step, otherwise you will lose a lot.

Why do wrist watches dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that if you see a watch on your wrist, you will be grateful for the work done. If they are made of pure gold, your work will be appreciated and will turn to you for help more than once.

If a girl dreams that a man is giving her a watch decorated with stones and other expensive accessories, such a dream portends her an incendiary romance with a rather wealthy man.

A dream in which a man gave you a watch old or even broken - unpleasant relationships, bad sex and a very difficult parting with a man await you. The dream book advises to be ready for this in advance and not to hope for an improvement in relations soon.

If a married couple dreams that the wristwatch has stopped, their relationship is also moving towards completion. They could have tried to keep them for a long time, but everything has its time. And the time for living together is over. If the partners dream that a connection arose again between them, that they exchanged hours as a sign of this, so it will be in reality. They will really give each other valuable moments of attention and love.

If a girl dreams that she is giving her lover a watch, this is a rather unfavorable sign. She will devote more time to relationships than a man. At some point, she will get tired of it and she will end the relationship, but the partner will not be ready for this, since he believed that everything is in order and the partner is satisfied with everything.

Why dream of a wristwatch according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the most important and valuable thing in a person's life is time. If you manage it correctly, you can achieve a lot. If you spend it on regrets and fears, nothing can be achieved. If you dream that you have found a wrist watch and it is in good working order, you will be given a chance to correct some situation from the past.

If you dream that you have found a watch and it is broken, your hopes of success in some business will not bear fruit. It is worth taking a closer look at exactly where you found them. If this is your home, such a dream portends you many opportunities that you will miss due to the difficult situation in the house.

The dream book advises not to allow despondency and scandals in the house. If you do not heed the advice and do not restore harmony and harmony in it, you will continue to be accompanied by troubles. If you find a broken clock at work, you may have to look for a new job.

If in a dream you are trying to fix your watch, such a dream promises you an attempt to restore balance and justice. You can safely start a new business if you managed to repair your wristwatch. What is the dream of a wristwatch - for a new favorable period in your life. The dream book warns you against thoughtlessly using an opportune moment. You should be more attentive to the gifts of fate, take the maximum benefit from them.

Why do wrist watches dream about other dream books

The Wanderer's dream book says that a wrist watch in a dream is a new activity that will take your time every day. If you do not know what kind of activity it can be, you should take a closer look at the rest of the details of the dream.

If in a dream you choose a wristwatch for a long time and cannot buy it in any way, you yourself will come up with troubles for yourself and then you will courageously solve them. You will overcome difficulties with enthusiasm, not realizing that they could have been avoided.

Medea's dream book says that a stopped clock in a dream is a symbol of stopped time. Your life will be stagnant, but it can be foreseen now. You can still change everything. The dream book advises you not to stop there, not stop planning, but constantly change goals, constantly strive for something. If in a dream the stopped clock starts running again - such a dream means that you will be able to realize your lost opportunities in the past.

Such a dream has several meanings. Finding a watch in a dream on the street or in the house may mean that soon you will devote a lot of time and energy to something or someone, or you will not have enough moments to solve all your problems and troubles.

Usually, the nature of this measuring device, its purpose and appearance shows you a change, what exactly will make you change your plans in the near future. A wrist watch can mean lack of freedom, some problem, business or activity.

Alarms and wall clocks often predict changes in your personal and family life. To understand what it means to find a watch in a dream, pay attention to the place where you found it, the state of the time measuring device, its color and purpose.

Try to connect them with changes, new plans and changes that will happen soon in your environment or in your personal life. This is why you dream of finding any watch most often.

Street, house or apartment

The place in which you managed to find the clock in a dream may indirectly indicate an activity in which changes will soon occur or the time when this will happen. Pay attention to the circumstances under which you were able to find them, the weather, and at least indirectly the period of the year or day. Especially if this time is different from the real one. For example, if it is autumn in a dream, and it is snowing outside or the August sun is beating down.

If in a dream you found a watch on the road while rushing to work or to a place of study, then the dream book writes that soon you will be made an offer that can affect your professional activity or change your life. Sometimes for a girl such a dream predicts an unplanned pregnancy, which can change her life plans or the need to spend a lot of time on someone or something.

A clock found on the road, especially at an intersection, predicts the birth of a child for you, as well as a change associated with a choice or change life path... After such a dream, many will change the profile of the university, move to a similar institute in another city, or will soon start working at a new enterprise.

In some cases, the clock, especially the beautiful one found at the intersection, predicts a romance for you, as a result of which you will waste a lot of time and miss some chance. But in some cases, the dream book writes that soon you will have a choice, a road, resettlement and even a change of residence.

Try to understand what such a find means and whether the watch was running in a dream, whether it was broken or deformed.

Sometimes the clock at the intersection predicts that very soon you will have some painful choice. However, the very situation is indicated by the nature of this measuring device.

Finding a watch in public transport means that, as a result of changes, you can find your lucky chance and not miss it. However, stealing this accessory is a bad omen. It is believed that you can cross someone's road and even take a person's life unintentionally.

It is also worth paying attention to the watch, its purpose, condition and size. In a public institution - wait for a new assignment or business.

The dream book writes about the following meaning of such a dream: you will spend a lot of time on work or it will seem endless to you. And the watches found on the market predict the danger of deception and fraud for you.

If they are in the store, do not miss your chance, but remember that prosperity will not always last.

Finding a watch in the house is a change in the family. They can be completely different. Predict both good and bad. Sometimes their appearance means the addition of a family.

Time of year and day

V walking around in a dream, when winter has come, means that you still have time to complete some business. Pay attention to whether you found a new watch or an old one in a dream. The older the model, the more neglected the case will be, requiring attention.

Sometimes the dream book writes that very soon you will have to do the affairs of your parents or grandparents.

Usually, the deeds of the past remind of themselves by the time of the year that has passed recently or in the present.

Especially if the events unfold approximately in the time interval that is in effect now.

If you see the future tense, then the dream book writes that some event will happen soon and it will be important. Pregnant time of year, especially month, year, the weather often means the date of birth of the child. Especially if it coincides with a holiday or someone's birthday. Also found hours can mean premature birth, often for several months ahead of time or later.

The time of day in a dream shows in what rhythm or pace you will solve your problems. If you find a men's wristwatch in the dark, wait for a responsible task or unexpected and overtime work, which will take you a lot of time.

Sometimes the dream book says that you need to hurry up with solving an important and responsible issue. Early time means work, but you will be doing it as usual. But the beautiful watch found at night or at dawn, it does not matter, morning or evening, predicts troubles in your personal life or a new acquaintance.

Watch model

A wristwatch usually means something and something that is related to professional activity, work, communication and sports. The more expensive the model, the more significant the status and prestige of a person, as well as wealth.

The dream book writes that such a dream often means a new job or activity that will soon bring you tangible income. Or meeting an influential person who will affect your life and place in the sun.

Sporty models, simple and not too expensive, usually mean friends and leisure time. Sometimes finding them predicts you will meet a person who turns out to be good friend and boyfriend, marriage in his youth and an active lifestyle. For a pregnant woman, finding them means the birth of a strong and healthy child, more often a boy.

The alarm clock often predicts changes in your home or family. Color means care, the birth of a son or daughter, if the shade is close to blue or pink. Pay attention to how pleasant the shade is to you. But in general, an alarm clock means chores and worries.

Finding wall round and modern clocks means that changes in your personal life and at home are waiting for you soon. Singles can bring a woman into the house, fall in love or marry. A married person dreams of such a dream for the birth of a child or pregnancy.

But old or semi-antique watches, even just a piece of jewelry, predicts that soon the affairs of parents and grandparents will require increased attention.

Any broken and spoiled, bent clock predicts trouble for you, the collapse of hopes and plans for the future. Sometimes a pregnant woman dreams of a miscarriage and the fact that the child is born dead or will not live long. But if even the most hopeless hours have gone, then contrary to all forecasts, you will get what you want.

Even if it seems that it is incredible or impossible. Hours that run at incredibly fast speeds mean you need to take a break from your activities and get some rest.

The dream book writes that such a dream means an extreme degree of tension and depression, the feeling of a “squirrel in a wheel”. Try to focus only on the most important things to avoid overwork.

Women's watches in a dream mean women's affairs or personal life, men's watches - business activity or meeting a guy for a girl or a lovely lady.

    Dream interpretation "vseproson"

    Sand watch in dream Sand watch in dream you see, how in sand hours leaks away sand

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  • Dream interpretation "goroskop.rx24"

    According to Tsvetkov's dream book: See in dream sand watch- get a reprimand from your superiors for your lack of focus. According to Hasse's dream book: If in dream you see sand watch- in life you will be disappointed in what you are doing According to the Esoteric Dream Interpretation: Sand watch- symbol sleep that carries the energy of control and precision. See such a sign in dream, means that in reality you need to be more collected, because the time allotted by fate for your life is not infinite.

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  • Dream interpretation "magiachisel"

    See in dream wall electronic watch, on which is highlighted - means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate environment and make an important discovery. If you dream sand watch- this suggests that you will somehow be drawn into public life and will take an active part in rallies and national holidays.

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  • Dream interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream sand- suffer losses. It is sometimes believed that sand- means wealth. Sit on the beach and sprinkle sand from hand to hand or otherwise play sand- in reality, experience uncertainty and big doubts about your righteousness, indecision in business, which can harm. in dream sand watch- in your love experiences there will be an equal share of joys and sorrows.

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  • Dream interpretation "owoman"

    Why are they dreaming Watch according to the dream book: Watch- with stopped arrows means death; with fast moving arrows - your time is running out. Sand watch- a possible symbol of death when time runs out. Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia. See Watch in dream: Watch- If you dreamed that you fail watch on your hand, then know: such dream testifies to a large reward for the work you have done.

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    wrist watch sand watch wall appliances watch... Dream interpretation Watch To consider in dream vintage watch- a sign that in the future you will very much regret for the mistakes you made in the past. in dream you see, how in sand hours leaks away sand

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  • Dream interpretation "magiachisel"

    Sand watch in dream see- unfavorable, since watch Sand v hours- a natural element, but the dreamer has lost or is losing touch with natural rhythms, the result will be ill health and the loss of his own self. No success is possible in this state. Dream

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  • Dream interpretation "isonniki"

    See in dream Sand watch- does not necessarily mean something bad, sometimes dreams to film what you thought about before sleep or this day. What does dream Sand watch or see in dream Sand watch and what to expect from sleep- if you think about it, then the interpretation of these dreams you will find it with us. Our dream book Sand watch will help you find out everything about dream in which you saw Sand watch.

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  • Dream interpretation "DomSnov"

    Sand watch see in dream, suggests that you need to do something urgent, if you do not complete it on time, the result will be depressing. Also sand watch can tell you about your frivolous attitude to time, which should be appreciated and not wasted. Watch without arrows or with broken arrows indicate that stagnation in business and great worries awaits you.

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  • Dream interpretation "esonniki"

    Sand watch in dream see- unfavorable, since watch- the product of human hands, seeing them means submission to other people's external temporal rhythms. Sand v hours Dream construed as a warning against grossly inappropriate personal behavior.

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  • Dream interpretation "sonnik.bun"

    Sand watch in dream see: unfavorable, since watch. Sand v hours Dream construed as a warning against grossly inappropriate personal behavior.

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  • Dream interpretation "sny-sonnik"

    See Sand watch in dream means - SAND WATCH- if you dream sand watch, then this suggests that you will somehow be drawn into public life and will take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. If you have your own experience associated with a dream Sand watch write about it: Mark the page you like

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  • Dream interpretation "esonniki"

    Watch sand sand/ water in hours See in dream watch watch

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  • Dream interpretation "vseproson"

    Sand watch in dream- the danger of losing a dear person. Sand watch turn over - to be the culprit of important changes in your life. If in dream you see, how in sand hours leaks away sand, Is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably, and if you don’t hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

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  • Dream interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    Sand in dream see/ go along sand/ pour it over / watch sand - sand, it is the yin element of the earth, which easily conducts yang energy in both directions (give and take away). sleep sand. Sand- a common symbol of time: sand v sand hours wandering sands deserts burying ancient cities ... a dream involving sand can reflect the fear of death, fears for their health (time is running out) or the desire of a sleeping person to leave their mark on life (a mark on sand).

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  • Dream interpretation "felomena"

    Watch sand either aquatic or rapidly decreasing sand/ water in hours- a waste of time and energy on empty deeds or on an ungrateful person. See in dream broken / stalled mechanical watch on the arm / on the wall / vintage, stopped watch- psychological stop, fixation on some event in the past and the absence of the present; long-term negative emotions have created blocks in the body - impassability of energy through the channels.

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  • Dream interpretation "isonniki"

    See dream Sand dream book See in dream Sand- Pleasant visit; to scatter - an unclear relationship. Sand dream book Interpretation dreams Sand- Wealth; sit on sand, go on sand- meeting with an old friend. Sand dream book Why dream SandSand in dream portends hunger and loss. Sand dream book Sand- A common symbol of time: sand v sand hours wandering sands deserts burying ancient cities ...

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  • Dream interpretation "junona"

    Watch sand either aquatic or rapidly decreasing sand/ water in hours- a waste of time and energy on empty deeds or on an ungrateful person. See in dream broken / stalled mechanical watch on the arm / on the wall / vintage, stopped watch- psychological stop, fixation on some event in the past and the absence of the present; long-term negative emotions have created blocks in the body - impassability of energy through the channels.

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  • Dream interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream interpretation interpreter online »Meaning dreams with the letter P "Dream Interpretation Sand watch what are they dreaming of Sand watch in dream see.All of this will begin 26 days after you dream of this dream But gradually you will discover how you were simply dragged on the lasso into this business and dumped all the organizational part on you, which, of course, you will not like.

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  • Dream interpretation "vedunica"

    Dream in which you drag sand stretcher, foreshadows deception and the dire consequences of mistakes made through no fault of their own. If see in dream a children's sandbox, in which your child is playing, will in reality bring you fulfillment of hope, success in business and family happiness. Turn over in dream sand watch- in your love experiences there will be an equal share of joys and sorrows.

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  • Dream interpretation "sny-sonnik"

    Sand watch in dream see: unfavorable, since watch Sand v hours: a natural element, but the dreamer has lost or is losing touch with natural rhythms, the result will be ill health and the loss of his own self. No success is possible in this state. Dream construed as a warning against grossly inappropriate personal behavior.

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  • Dream interpretation "junona"

    Sand watch in dream see- unfavorable, since watch- the product of human hands, seeing them means submission to other people's external temporal rhythms. Sand v hours- a natural element, but the dreamer has lost or is losing touch with natural rhythms (see the article Time), the consequence will be ill health and the loss of his own self. No success is possible in this state. Dream construed as a warning against grossly inappropriate personal behavior.

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  • Dream interpretation "esonniki"

    You dreamed Sand watch in dream? See in dream Sand watch- does not necessarily mean something good or bad, sometimes dreams take pictures of the latest events, namely, what you thought about before sleep or this day. And what does dream Sand watch if really see in dream Sand watch and what to expect from sleep- if you ask yourself similar questions, then the answer to them and the interpretation of these dreams you will find it with us.

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  • Dream interpretation ""

    Dream interpretation Sand watch- If you dream sand watch dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor.

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  • Dream interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What does it mean if you dream Watch: WatchSee reminds of a decent use of time; if dream in dream, what watch run forward, it means death; what if see that they are lagging behind, it marks a long life. in dream you see, how in sand hours leaks away sand, Is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not rush, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

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  • Dream interpretation "astrokey"

    Sand watch in dream see- unfavorable, since watch- the product of human hands, seeing them means submission to other people's external temporal rhythms. Sand v hours- a natural element, but the dreamer has lost or is losing touch with natural rhythms (see the article Time), the consequence will be ill health and the loss of his own self. No success is possible in this state. Dream construed as a warning against grossly inappropriate personal behavior.

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  • Dream interpretation "ladyelena"

    Generally see in dream watch- a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in dream. Watch in dream can indicate both the state of health of the sleeping person and his age. Dreamed sand watch say that time is running out, and if you do not rush, then all opportunities can be lost. Dreamed watch can indicate changes in the future. See in dream clear time ( watch and minutes) - month and day of an event that can turn your life around.

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  • Dream interpretation "felomena"

    Dreamed sand Watch, but desired interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming sand Watch in dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it!

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  • Dream interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    Watch in dream see. Sand watch- if you dream sand watch, then this suggests that you will somehow be drawn into public life and will take an active part in rallies and national holidays. It all starts 26 days after you dream of this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trifling favor.

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  • Dream interpretation "horo.mail"

    AshesSee in dream ash - means that the one who sees this dream bitter changes await. sand watch, and suddenly I don't know why - they fall, and in dream sand falls asleep the whole room. I start to collect it quickly, because I am waiting for someone to visit, but nothing happens, it becomes more and more .. I read that sand- this is the ambiguity in the relationship.

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