The secret of the last minutes of the life of Yegor Gaidar. Yegor Gaidar, Russian politician: biography, personal life, reforms Et Gaidar was the ideologist of the program

Drywall 19.02.2021

Yegor Gaidar, one of the main ideologists and leaders of economic reforms in the early 1990s, was born on March 19, 1956.

Private bussiness

Yegor Timurovich Gaidar (1956-2009) was born in Moscow into the family of a war correspondent for the newspaper Pravda, Rear Admiral Timur Gaidar. Both his grandfathers - Arkady Gaidar and Pavel Bazhov - were famous writers.

With the outbreak of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962-1964, he lived in Cuba, where his father wrote materials for Pravda. Raul Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara visited their house. In 1966, my father and his family went to Yugoslavia. In 1971, the family returned to Moscow.

In 1978, Yegor graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, in 1980 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, the topic of which was the estimated indicators in the system of cost accounting of enterprises. Academician Stanislav Shatalin, who was considered not only his teacher, but also an ideological associate, was Gaidar's scientific advisor.

In 1980-1986 he worked at the All-Union Research Institute of System Research. For the next two years, he was a senior researcher at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress, worked under the leadership of Academician Lev Abalkin, later - Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers.

In the early 1980s, he met Anatoly Chubais and his colleagues. A Moscow-Petersburg group of economists and sociologists emerged, engaged in the analysis of the real state of the Soviet economy and society, the international experience of reforms and the prospects for reforms in the USSR. Yegor Aydar becomes the leader of the Moscow part of the group.

In 1983-1984 he participated in the work of a commission that studied the possibilities of economic reforms in the USSR. By his own admission, even while working at the Research Institute of System Research, he realized that the USSR's economy was in a difficult state, and gradual market reforms were needed to solve its problems, otherwise “the socialist economy would enter a phase of self-destruction”.

In 1986, Gaidar, Aven and Chubais organized an economic conference at the Zmeinaya Gorka boarding house in the Leningrad Region, at which the expanded Moscow-Petersburg group discussed the real situation in the Soviet national economy and talked about the prospects for transformation.

In 1987-1990 he was the editor of the economics department in the Kommunist magazine, in 1990 he worked in a similar position in the Pravda newspaper.

In 1990, he headed the Institute of Economic Policy at the Academy of National Economy of the USSR (now the Yegor Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy).

In August 1991, after the start of the GKChP putsch, he announced his withdrawal from the CPSU and joined the defenders of the White House. In those days, he met with the Secretary of State of the RSFSR Gennady Burbulis. Subsequently, Burbulis persuaded President Boris Yeltsin to entrust Gaidar's team with the development of economic reforms. In October, Yeltsin met with Gaidar and decided to form a new government based on his team.

1991-1992 - Minister of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR, Minister of Finance of Russia, first deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation and, finally, acting head of government. Under Gaidar's leadership, market reforms were carried out - retail prices were released, freedom of foreign trade was introduced, the privatization and restructuring of the fuel and energy complex began.

After the Congress of People's Deputies approved Viktor Chernomyrdin as head of government, Gaidar was dismissed, but he retained his influence on the country's economic course, was the president's economic adviser. In September 1993, he was re-appointed as the first deputy head of the government. During the constitutional crisis of September-October 1993 (MPs against the president), he called on Muscovites to take to the streets to defend democracy. “Today we cannot shift the responsibility for the fate of democracy, for the fate of Russia, for the fate of our freedom only on the police, on the internal troops, on the security forces. Today the people, Muscovites, must have their say, ”said Gaidar.

In 1993 he was one of the founders of the Russia's Choice movement, then the Democratic Choice of Russia party. 1994-1995 - deputy The State Duma, from 1994 to 2001 - party chairman.

In 1998, together with Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov, Boris Fedorov and Irina Khakamada, he joined the leadership of the Right Cause bloc. The next year he went to the State Duma from the SPS party, created by Khakamada and Sergei Kiriyenko. In 2001, he became one of the co-chairs of the party, after its defeat in the elections in December 2003, he left the leadership, but remained in the Union of Right Forces until 2008.

On November 24, 2006, during a seminar in Dublin, Yegor Gaidar was hospitalized with symptoms of severe poisoning. This story has not been fully clarified to this day. It is only obvious that the consequences of the poisoning hastened his departure.

What is famous for

Egor Gaidar

Economist, under whose leadership the market reforms of the early 1990s were carried out, which allowed the transition to a new socio-economic structure in Russia. At the same time, millions of people were forced to experience all the hardships of the transition period from socialism to capitalism.

Gaidar's critics blame him on the negative consequences of the reforms: depreciation of the population's savings, hyperinflation, a sharp decline in the average standard of living and an increase in income differentiation.

Gaidar himself explained that such tough and rapid reforms were the only way out after the collapse of the USSR economy. “We saw: another two or three months of passivity, and we will get an economic and political catastrophe, the disintegration of the country and civil war"- he declared.

What you need to know

One of the most famous components of Gaidar's activities over the past decade and a half is his books and articles. In 1996 - 1997, his memoirs and a fresh analysis of his own activities and the situation in the country were published ("Days of Defeats and Victories" and "State and Evolution"). Subsequently, the scientist prepared a whole series of works analyzing the political and economic laws of transition processes in different societies: "The death of an empire" (first of all, about the laws of the collapse of the USSR), " Long time"(About the place of Russia in the process of world transformations)," Troubles and institutions "(about the patterns of passage of" troubled "periods and the formation of new institutions as a result)," Anomalies of economic growth "(about the specifics of growth in the modern economy), etc. ...

Direct speech:

Anatoly Chubais, Chairman of the Board of Rusnano OJSC:"Whatever subsystem of the country's current economy - the Tax Code, the Customs Code, the Budget Code, technical regulation, etc. - each of them is either spelled out from beginning to end by Gaidar and his institute, or to a large extent he participated in their development." ...

Yegor Gaidar in the book "The Death of an Empire" about the collapse of the USSR:“To make the economy and politics of the world superpower dependent on the decisions of potential opponents (the United States) and the main competitor in the oil market ( Saudi Arabia) and wait for them to come to an agreement, it takes a long time to recruit especially incompetent people to the country's leadership ”.

Yegor Gaidar in his book "Days of Defeats and Victories" about the reasons for painful reforms:“From an advisor, I turned into a decision-maker. Discussions about "soft", "socially painless" reforms, in which it is possible to solve problems overnight so that everyone will feel good, and it will cost no one anything, reproaches against us, which soon filled the pages of newspapers and sounded from scientific tribunes, even did not offend. We saw: another two or three months of passivity, and we will get an economic and political catastrophe, the disintegration of the country and a civil war. "

8 facts about Yegor Gaidar:

  • He spoke English, Serbo-Croatian and Spanish... He was a good chess player and also played football.
  • Colleagues in the "Democratic Choice of Russia" jokingly called him Iron Winnie the Pooh - the nickname was given for his characteristic appearance, unbending character and enormous capacity for work.
  • Gaidar was married twice. For the first time he married in the fifth year of Moscow State University. In a marriage with Irina Smirnova, two children were born - Peter and (just before the divorce) Maria. In 2004, Gaidar admitted that he was Maria's father, and she took his last name. Subsequently, Maria Gaidar worked at the Institute for the Economy in Transition and was actively involved in political life. The second time Yegor Gaidar married the daughter of the writer Arkady Strugatsky - Marianne, the couple had a son, Pavel.
  • According to human rights activists Yuliy Rybakov and Sergei Kovalev, Gaidar played an important role in rescuing hostages during the seizure of the hospital in Budennovsk by Shamil Basayev in 1995. Sergei Kovalev was able to get through to Gaidar, who had already contacted the Prime Minister. According to Kovalev, Viktor Chernomyrdin only learned from Gaidar that there were not one hundred people in the hospital, but two thousand hostages. Gaidar persuaded the prime minister to entrust Sergei Kovalev with the formation of a commission of negotiators, thanks to which the hostages were rescued.
  • For a long time Gaidar was credited with the phrase "there is nothing wrong with the fact that some of the pensioners will die out, but society will become more mobile." In 2000, the Kuntsevo inter-municipal court of Moscow admitted that the quote was specially disseminated by the politician Viktor Ilyukhin in order to denigrate Gaidar.
  • The Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy and Maria Strugatskaya established

Today, many recall with shudder the dashing 90s, when millions of people were forced to experience all the hardships of the transition period from socialism to capitalism. One of the key figures in the political arena of that time was Yegor Gaidar. Although 5 years have passed since the death of this politician, disputes over the economic reforms carried out according to the plan developed by him still do not subside.

Yegor Gaidar: biography, nationality of parents

This politician's surname the former USSR was known to every schoolchild, since millions of Soviet children were brought up on the example of the heroes of the books written by his grandfather, Arkady Golikov. During the Civil War, he fought in the ranks of the Red Army, and during his service in Khakassia he got the nickname Gaidar. Later, the writer took him as a surname, which then passed to his son from his second marriage with Leah Lazarevna Solomyanskaya - Timur, and then to his grandson. Thus, the father of Yegor Gaidar is Russian only on the father's side, and on the mother's side he has Jewish roots.

Timur Arkadievich was born in 1926 and devoted his whole life to the USSR Navy, rising to the rank of Rear Admiral. In parallel with this, he received a second higher education at the Faculty of Journalism VPA them. Lenin and after completing his military career he worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Pravda" abroad. In 1955, he married the daughter of the famous Russian writer P. Bazhov, Ariadna Pavlovna, and in 1956 they had a son, Yegor Gaidar, whose biography, nationality and activities in the political field are described below.


Yegor Timurovich Gaidar (biography, the nationality of his parents are already known to you) was born in Moscow. As already mentioned, he was the grandson of two famous writers. As for the nationality of the politician, he considered himself Russian.

At an early age, Yegor ended up in Cuba, where his father was sent as a correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. There he met Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, who visited the house where Yegor Gaidar's family lived.

In 1966, the boy was taken to Yugoslavia, where he got acquainted with the literature banned in the USSR, and also discovered the true, uncorrupted meaning of the economic works of Marx and Engels.

In 1971, the family returned to the capital, and Yegor Gaidar began to attend school number 152, from which he graduated 2 years later with a gold medal. Having entered the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the young man began to study planning issues in the field of industry, and after receiving he continued to improve his knowledge in graduate school.

Career and scientific activity in the pre-perestroika period

In 1980, Yegor Timurovich Gaidar defended his Ph.D. thesis on cost accounting mechanisms, joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, of which he remained a member until the August year, and was assigned to the Scientific Research Institute of System Research.

There he began to work as part of a group of young scientists headed by the famous Soviet economist Stanislav Shatalin. Soon Gaidar and his colleagues engaged in a comparative analysis of economic transformations in the countries of the socialist camp formed a firm conviction of the need for cardinal reforms in the USSR.

In the same period, the scientist met Anatoly Chubais, and a circle of like-minded people was formed around them, united by the desire for changes in the economic sphere.

In 1986, Yegor Gaidar, as part of a group led by Shatalin, was transferred to work at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in the scientific community, as a result of the publicity policy announced by Gorbachev, it became possible to discuss issues related to preparation for the transition to market relations.

Work in the field of journalism

Gaidar's ideas of economic liberalization could have remained unknown to the general public if the scientist had not accepted the offer to become deputy editor of the Kommunist magazine, and somewhat later - head of the economic department of the Pravda newspaper. During this period of his activity, he actively promotes the idea of ​​reducing budget expenditures in areas that do not bring tangible benefits. At the same time, at the initial stage of his career as a journalist, Gaidar was a supporter of gradual reforms that could be carried out within the framework of the existing Soviet system.

Work as acting chairman of the government of the RSFSR

On the famous August night of 1991, Yegor Gaidar took part in the defense of the White House. There he met the Secretary of State of the RSFSR G. Burbulis. The latter persuaded B. Yeltsin to entrust the development of the program of economic reforms to Gaidar's group. In October 1991, it was presented at the 5th Congress of People's Deputies and received the approval of the delegates. A few days later, Yegor Timurovich Gaidar was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the RSFSR in charge of the economic bloc, and on June 15, 1992, he became Acting Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He remained in this post until December 15, 1992 and played a key role in the creation of many state institutions RF, such as tax and banking systems, customs, financial market and others. At the same time, today Gaidar's critics blame him for the negative consequences of the reforms: depreciation of the population's savings, hyperinflation, a decline in production, a sharp decline in the average living standard, as well as an increase in income differentiation.

Political and parliamentary crises of 1993

Yegor Gaidar, whose biography contains mention of not only ups, but also falls, did not receive the support of the deputies of the 7th Congress of People's Deputies on the issue of his appointment as the chairman of the country's government. This refusal to approve a politician for one of the most important positions in the state, together with a number of other reasons, led to the onset of a political crisis.

From December 1992 to September 1993, Yegor Gaidar was engaged in scientific work. In addition, he advised the President of the Russian Federation on economic policy issues. The politician was one of the key figures during the year, a few days before which he was appointed deputy chairman of the Chernomyrdin government. It was he who addressed the Muscovites on television and called for a gathering at the building of the Moscow City Council. As a result, on the night of September 22, barricades appeared on Tverskaya, and by the morning there was an assault on the White House, which ended in a victory for Yeltsin's supporters.

It soon turned out that Gaidar and Chernomyrdin had fundamental disagreements over critical issues economic policy of the country, so Yegor Timurovich submitted his resignation, having previously explained the reasons for his action in a letter to the president.

Further activities

From December 1993 to the end of 1995, Gaidar was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In parallel with this, he headed the Democratic Choice of Russia party. During the Chechen war, the politician Yegor Gaidar opposed the hostilities and called on Boris Yeltsin to abandon his candidacy for the next presidential term. However, after the publication of the plan for a peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in Chechnya, the party he leads supported the current head of state.

In 1999, the Union of Right Forces bloc was formed. Gaidar's party also entered it. In the elections held in December this year, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation. During his work in the supreme legislative body of the country, Gaidar participated in the development of the Budget and Tax Codes.

Death of a politician

In the last years of his life, Yegor Gaidar had certain health problems. In particular, in 2006 he passed out during a public speech in Ireland, was taken to the intensive care unit of one of the local hospitals and was there for several days. Since this event took place the day after the announcement of A. Litvinenko's polonium poisoning, rumors appeared in the press that Gaidar had also become a victim of an assassination attempt. An investigation was carried out, but no signs of the poison were found.

The death of Yegor Gaidar occurred on December 16, 2009 in his house located in the village of Uspenskoe near Moscow. The famous scientist-economist at that time was only 53 years old. Yegor Gaidar's children, in particular his daughter Maria, reported that their father had died of a heart attack. As for the doctors, they named the separation of a blood clot as the reason.

The funeral of the politician took place at the Novodevichy cemetery. Yegor Gaidar's wife and other members of his family did not want to disclose their date, so the burial took place without the presence of strangers.

Personal life

For the first time, Yegor Gaidar got married quite early, at the age of 22. Irina Smirnova, whom the politician met at the age of 10, became the chosen one of the 5th year excellent student at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. As Yegor Gaidar himself later admitted, his personal life during his postgraduate studies and in the first years of his work at the Research Institute of System Research did not develop. Therefore, even though he had two children in his first marriage, after the birth of his daughter, he began to think about divorce.

After some time, Gaidar entered into a second marriage with Maria Strugatskaya. Thus, the politician became related with the famous Soviet science fiction writer Arkady Strugatsky, who became his father-in-law, and with the famous Sinologist Ilya Oshanin, who was the grandfather of his wife. The second family of Yegor Gaidar existed until his death, and in this marriage he had a son.

Children of Yegor Gaidar

As already mentioned, the politician had two children from his first marriage: a son and a daughter. After the divorce of her parents, the girl remained with her mother, while her brother - Peter - Irina Smirnova agreed to leave her husband with her parents, who doted on him.

In addition, the second wife of Yegor Gaidar, who had a son from a previous relationship, gave birth to another boy in her second marriage. This happened in 1990, and the child was named Paul. He is the grandson and great-grandson of Arkady Gaidar and Pavel Bazhov.

Thus, the politician has only three natural children and one adopted child.

Maria Gaidar

Of all the kids, politics is on this moment greatest interest attracts a daughter from her first marriage - Maria Gaidar. After her parents divorced at the age of 3, the girl stayed with her mother, who soon remarried. When Masha was in third grade, the family moved to Bolivia. Before the trip, the girl's last name was changed, and she became Smirnova. After 5 years, Maria, together with her mother and stepfather, returned to Moscow and began to attend a special school with a Spanish bias. She regained her surname Gaidar only at the age of 22, after graduating from the Academy of National Economy.

Having received a law degree, the girl changed several professions, having worked as a teacher, manager and planning expert, and then Yegor Gaidar's daughter tried herself as a presenter on the O2TV channel, and since 2008 - at the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

In parallel with this, Maria Egorovna was actively involved in political activities and since 2006 was a member of the SPS Presidium. She always adhered to opposition views and repeatedly became a participant in rallies and marches organized by opponents of the current authorities of the country.

On March 26, 2009, the daughter of Yegor Gaidar became, however in 2011 she announced her resignation due to the desire to continue her education in the United States, at the School of Public Administration. J. Kennedy at Harvard.

Returning from the States, Maria worked for some time in the Moscow government, and then was nominated for the Moscow City Duma, but was not registered by the electoral committee due to the discovery of violations in the documents. This decision was appealed in court, but the latter upheld it.

In the summer of 2015, M. Gaidar was appointed deputy chairman of the Odessa regional administration on the recommendation of Mikhail Saakashvili, and a little later she renounced Russian citizenship.

The most important scientific works

Yegor Gaidar, whose biography you now know, no doubt, played an important role in recent history our country. Its assessment has yet to be given to our descendants, however, the merits of this politician as a scientist, many of whose ideas were confirmed after his death, cannot be underestimated.

Among the most interesting scientific works of Yegor Gaidar are:

  • the book State and Evolution, dedicated to the relationship between power and property in the Russian state;
  • Economic Growth Anomalies, which examines the causes of the collapse of the socialist economy;
  • article "On the Reform of World Financial Institutions", etc.

At the moment, of particular interest is the work "Death of the Empire", written in 2006. There Gaidar predicted the possibility of a crisis that could arise due to fluctuations in oil prices.

Russian politician, one of the main leaders and ideologists of economic reforms in the early 1990s in Russia, founder and director of the Institute for Economic Policy named after E. T. Gaidara, author of numerous publications on economics, several monographs devoted to the economic history of Russia and the analysis of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy.

In 1990, Yegor Gaidar became director of the Institute for Economic Policy, and in 1991 he participated in negotiations in Belovezhskaya Pushcha of three union republics: Russia, and on the creation of the CIS.

In 1993, Gaidar became a member of the first convocation, then he was a deputy in the Duma of the third convocation.

  • Yegor Gaidar was one of the key participants in the events on the part of the government during the Constitutional Crisis of 1993 and the termination of the activities of the Supreme Soviet of Russia.
  • Gaidar Took part in the development of the Tax Code, the Budget Code, legislation on the Stabilization Fund.
  • Organizer of anti-war rallies during.
  • Founder and one of the leaders of the parties "Russia" and "Union of Right Forces".
  • Head of the "Russia's Choice" faction in the State Duma of the first convocation (1993-1995)
  • Deputy from the SPS faction of the Duma of the third convocation (1999-2003).

Yegor Gaidar biography

Father, Timur Gaidar (1926-1999) - a foreign war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper, rear admiral, the son of the famous Soviet writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar from his first wife Leah Lazarevna Solomyanskaya.

Mother - Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova (born 1925), daughter of the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and Valentina Alexandrovna Ivanitskaya. Thus, Yegor Gaidar was the grandson of two famous Soviet writers.

Yegor Gaidar's parents belonged to the intelligentsia of the sixties who professed democratic views.

As a child, Gaidar lived with his parents in Cuba (from 1962, during the Cuban missile crisis, until the fall of 1964). Ernesto also visited the house in Cuba.

Since 1966, Yegor Gaidar spent part of his time with his parents in Yugoslavia, where he first became interested in the economic problems of reforms. There he was also actively involved in chess, played in youth competitions.

In 1971, the family returned to Moscow, and Yegor Gaidar began to attend school number 152, from which he graduated 2 years later with a gold medal.

In 1980, Yegor Timurovich Gaidar defended his Ph.D. thesis on cost accounting mechanisms, joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, of which he remained until the August 1991 coup.

From 1980 to 1986, after graduating from Moscow State University, he was assigned to the Scientific Research Institute for System Research, where he began to work as part of a group of young scientists.

In 1986, Yegor Gaidar, as part of a group led by Stanislav Shatalin, was transferred to work at the Institute of Economics of the USSR, and in the scientific community, as a result of the publicity policy announced by Gorbachev, it became possible to discuss issues related to preparing for the transition to market relations.

In October 1991, the program of economic reforms was presented at the 5th Congress of People's Deputies and received the approval of the delegates. A few days later, Gaidar Yegor Timurovich was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR, in charge of issues of the economic bloc

From December 1992 to September 1993, Yegor Gaidar was engaged in scientific work. In addition, he consulted on economic policy issues. The politician was one of the key figures during the 1993 constitutional crisis.

From December 1993 to the end of 1995, Gaidar was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In parallel with this, he headed the Democratic Choice of Russia party.

In 1998, together with Boris Fedorov and Irina Khakamada, he entered the leadership of the Just Cause bloc. The next year he went to the State Duma from the SPS party, created by Khakamada and Sergei Kiriyenko.

In 2001, he became one of the co-chairs of the party, after its defeat in the elections in December 2003, left the leadership, but remained in the Union of Right Forces until 2008.

On November 24, 2006, during a seminar in Dublin, Yegor Gaidar was hospitalized with symptoms of severe poisoning. This story remains unclear. It is only obvious that the consequences of the poisoning hastened his departure.

The death of Yegor Gaidar occurred on December 16, 2009 in his house, located in the village of Uspenskoe near Moscow, Gaidar was 53 years old.

A family

  • The first wife is Irina Smirnova, Gaidar married at 22. Daughter - .

In the summer of 2015, she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Odessa Regional Administration on the recommendation, and a little later she renounced Russian citizenship.

  • Second wife - Marianna Strugatskaya, common son Pavel Gaidar.

Amazing creatures - Russian liberals. They perfectly remember the so-called. the horrors of Scoop, which did not exist and do not remember the real horrors of the period of the formation of capitalism, which left ...

What did Gaidar do for Russia? ... everything you need to know about "liberals" and "reformers"
The second day I stumble upon switching TV channels to broadcast and news about the "Gaidar Economic Forum". Moreover, this is already the 10th in a row. Okay, ...

The presidium of the public organization "Yegor Gaidar Institute" has completed an emergency meeting to resolve the issue of the nationality of the Kuril Islands ....

Vyacheslav Igrunov: "Gaidar deliberately made the population poor"
One of the founders of the Memorial Society and the Yabloko Party, Soviet dissident Vyacheslav Igrunov recalls, to put it mildly, the specific statements of Yegor Gaidar and ...


Our task is not to do something stupid, not to start distributing money, to save everyone and everything. A clear priority now is to maintain the financial stability of the banking system. ""

Since then, I can not calmly listen precisely from the communists to their ritual rallies and parliamentary sobs over the lost imperial greatness of the country, which, after seven decades of their brutal rule, they put before the world with outstretched hand. ""

There was no responsible political force in Russia that would dare to declare that from the point of view of the goals of self-preservation and reproduction of the Russian people, the collapse of the USSR was the greatest success in the last half century. ""

It seems to me a mistake to associate the hopes of those who want to build a really functioning democracy in Russia with my name. ""


Yegor Timurovich Gaidar (March 19, 1956, Moscow - December 16, 2009, Uspenskoe, Moscow Region) - Russian statesman and politician, economist, doctor of economic sciences.

One of the main leaders and ideologists of economic reforms in the early 1990s in Russia. In 1991-1994, he held high posts in the Russian government, including for 6 months was and. O. Prime Minister. Took part in the preparation of the Belovezhskaya Agreement. Under Gaidar's leadership, the transition from a planned to a market economy began, prices were liberalized, the tax system was reorganized, foreign trade was liberalized, and privatization began.

One of the key participants in the events on the part of the government during the 1993 Constitutional Crisis and the termination of the activities of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of Russia. Organizer of anti-war rallies during the First Chechen War. Founder and one of the leaders of the parties "Democratic Choice of Russia" and "Union of Right Forces". Head of the "Russia's Choice" faction in the State Duma of the first convocation (1993-1995) and a deputy from the SPS faction of the Duma of the third convocation (1999-2003). Took part in the development of the Tax Code, the Budget Code, legislation on the Stabilization Fund.

The attitude towards Gaidar and his reforms is contradictory. Gaidar's supporters believe that his reforms in 1992 prevented mass famine and civil war and laid the foundation for future economic growth. Gaidar's opponents accuse him of various negative consequences of the reforms, from falling living standards to deliberate destruction of the economy. There are also intermediate points of view that see both positive and negative aspects in his activities. Gaidar's memory is immortalized by the decree of the President of Russia

In 1983, Gaidar met Anatoly Chubais, who was the informal leader of the Leningrad group of economists from the Engineering and Economic Institute, which held economic seminars discussing possible ways of market reform of the socialist economy. Close contacts began between the Leningrad group and the Moscow economists who were working on the reform program.

Since 1984, Gaidar and his Leningrad colleagues have been involved in the preparation of documents for the Politburo Commission on improving the management of the national economy. According to Gaidar, the commission was supposed to prepare a moderate program of economic changes, which was interested in the younger generation of members of the Politburo, headed by Gorbachev. At the same time, the Hungarian economic reforms of 1968 were taken as a model. As a result, the commission's proposals were rejected, but, according to Gaidar, in the process of working on the program "a team of people was formed who understood what was happening in the Soviet Union, are able to work together, adapt their proposals to what is happening in the country."

In 1986, Leningrad and Moscow economists working on reform issues gathered for an economic seminar at the Zmeinaya Gorka boarding house (Leningrad Region). At the seminar, some of the participants, which included Gaidar and Chubais, met separately from the main group to discuss reforms in the context of market transformations. Reports were made on the proliferation of financial crisis in the USSR, reforming banking system, securing property rights.

At the same time, according to Chubais and Aven, Gaidar was always tuned in to the most realistic options for transformations that could be implemented in Soviet conditions, so he tried to focus on the experience of Yugoslavia and Hungary. According to Chubais, discussions of radical capitalist transformations were not brought into public discussion or published, because this could politically reduce the possibilities for gradual reforms of the socialist system; moreover, according to S. Vasiliev, at that time it could be dangerous.

Then similar seminars were held in 1987 and 1988, where the transition to a market economy was already discussed. At the meeting in 1988, according to Gaidar, the idea of ​​imminent collapse was first clearly articulated. Soviet Union, with which the majority of those present agreed. Gaidar himself, according to him, was fully convinced of this only in 1990, after the disruption of the implementation of the "500 days" program.

At the seminars in 1986-1988, the future team of reformers was finally formed, in which Gaidar became a recognized leader.

Yegor Gaidar died on December 16, 2009 at the age of 53. On his last working day, Gaidar met with A. Chubais and E. Yasin, discussing with them the development of nanotechnology in Russia. In the evening Gaidar took part in the RIA Novosti program "ABC of Changes" and worked until late on his new book.

December 16, 2009

Egor Gaidar awards

Scientific Works of Yegor Gaidar

Gaidar E. T., Koshkin V. I. Self-financing and development of economic independence of enterprises. - M., Economics, 1984

Gaidar E. T., Shatalin S. S. Economic reform: causes, directions, problems. - M., Economics, 1989

Gaidar E. T. Economic reforms and hierarchical structures. Resp. ed. Shatalin S.S., USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Economics and Forecasting Scientific and Technical Progress. - M .: Science. 1990 .-- 224 p.

Gaidar E. T. Conversations with voters. - M .: Democratic choice of Russia - Eurasia, (1995). - 64 p., 50,000 copies.

Gaidar E. T. State and evolution. - M .: Eurasia, 1995 .-- 208 p., 25,000 copies. + 10,000 copies

Gaidar E. T. Notes from the audience. - M .: Eurasia, 1995. - 80 p., 10,000 copies. + 50,000 copies

Gaidar E. T. State and evolution. - SPb .: Norma, 1997.

Gaidar E. T. Days of defeats and victories. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2014.

Gaidar E. T. Days of defeats and victories. - M .: Vagrius, 1996 .-- 368 p., 10,000 copies.

Gaidar E. T. Days of defeat and victory. - M .: Vagrius, 1997 .-- 368 p., 15,000 copies.

Gaidar E. T. Anomalies of economic growth. - M .: Eurasia, 1997 .-- 216 p.

Gaidar E. T. Long time. Russia in the World: Essays on Economic History. - M .: Delo, 2005 .-- 656 p.

Gaidar E. T. The death of the empire. Lessons for modern Russia... - M .: "Russian political encyclopedia", 2006 (2nd ed., 2007). - 448 p.

Gaidar E. T., Chubais A. B. Economic notes. - M .: "Russian political encyclopedia", 2008. - 192 p., 1,000 copies.

Gaidar E. T. Power and property: Troubles and institutions. State and evolution. - SPb .: Norma, 2009 .-- 336 p.

Gaidar E. T., Chubais A. B. Forks of the modern history of Russia. - SPb .: Norma, 2011 .-- 168 p.

Memory of Yegor Gaidar

According to the Decree of the President of Russia No. 601 of May 14, 2010, the Institute for the Economy in Transition was named after its founder: Yegor Timurovich Gaidar.

In 2010, the Yegor Gaidar Foundation was established, the main tasks of which are: studying and popularizing the legacy of Yegor Gaidar, implementing educational and educational programs, awarding prizes and grants for achievements in the field of economic theory and practice.

In September 2010 in the building High school Economics (SU-HSE), a monument to Yegor Gaidar was unveiled on Pokrovsky Boulevard.

In December 2010, on the anniversary of his death, a monument by architect Vyacheslav Bakhaev and sculptor Andrei Balashov was unveiled at the grave.

In 2010, the Gaidar Economic Forum was established, which is held annually at the RANEPA in Moscow.

In 2011, the secondary school with in-depth study of economics No. 1301 was named Yegor Gaidar.

In November 2013, a monument to Yegor Gaidar was unveiled in Moscow. The monument is installed at the entrance to the Library of Foreign Literature at Nikoloyamskaya Street, building 1. The author of the monument: sculptor Georgy Frangulyan.

In culture:

In 2012, philologist Marietta Chudakova published a biography of Yegor Gaidar for “smart people from ten to sixteen years old. And also for those adults who want to understand, finally, what they did not manage to understand until 16 ”.

In fiction

Yegor Gaidar, together with Boris Berezovsky, is the hero of Boris Akunin's story "Gifts of Limousines".

Yegor Gaidar is the hero of Mikhail Weller's story "Gaidar's Birthday" from the collection "Legends of the Arbat" (2009).


“Yegor Gaidar. For a long time ”, dir. Pavel Sheremet, Dmitry Salun, 52 min., 2010

"13 months of Yegor Gaidar", dir. Nikolay Svanidze, Marina Svanidze, 44 min., 2010

“Yegor Gaidar. Cursed days ”, dir. Pavel Sheremet, 51 min., 2011

The family of Yegor Gaidar

Father - Timur Gaidar, Russian writer, military man.
Mother - Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova.

The first wife is Irina Smirnova (the marriage was concluded while studying at the university).
Son - Peter (born 1979).
Daughter - Maria (born 1982), who remained after a divorce from her mother, and from 8 to 18 years old bore the surname Smirnova. Economist, politician. In the past, he was deputy chairman of the government of the Kirov region, deputy head of the Odessa regional state administration of Ukraine.
The grandson of Mary is Peter, an entrepreneur.

The second wife is Maria Strugatskaya, the daughter of the writer Arkady Strugatsky and Elena Ilyinichna Oshanina.
Son - Paul (born 1990).

Maria has a son from her first marriage - Ivan Vladimirovich Strugatsky.


Gaidar Egor Timurovich

Liberal Reformer

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (1993-1996; 1999)

Acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1992)

Minister of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation (1991-1992)

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Political figure

Yegor Gaidar was born on March 19, 1956 in the city of Moscow. The boy was born into the family of Rear Admiral Timur Gaidar and historian Ariadna Bazhova. In addition, he was the grandson of Arkady Gaidar and Pavel Bazhov, no less famous writers. In the early 1960s, in connection with his father's work, he lived in Cuba, and since 1966 in Yugoslavia.

It was at this time that Yegor first began to take an interest in the economic problems of reforms. Also, he was actively involved in chess, was fond of philosophy and history, and independently studied the works of the classics of Marxism. In 1971, the family returned to Moscow. After leaving school in 1973, he entered the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow state university named after Lomonosov, and then to graduate school of the same university.

In 1980, Gaidar defended his Ph.D. thesis and was assigned to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for System Research at the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where he remained for six years. Here, the main area of ​​his research was a comparative analysis of the economic reforms of the countries of the socialist camp and the development of projects of economic transformations. Even then, Yegor Timurovich concluded that the economy of the Soviet Union was in a difficult condition and its problems could be solved only by launching market mechanisms.

In 1983 he met Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, the informal leader of a St. Petersburg group of economists. From 1983 to 1985, Yegor Gaidar was an expert of the State Commission on the possibilities of economic reforms. In 1986 he became a senior and then a leading researcher at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

Since the late 1980s, Gaidar has been actively involved in journalism. So, since 1987, for three years, he held the post of editor and then head of the economics department of the Kommunist magazine and the Pravda newspaper. In 1990, having defended doctoral dissertation created the Institute of Economic Policy of the Academy of National Economy of the Soviet Union, which he headed.

A new stage in Gaidar's life came after the August 1991 coup, when Yegor Timurovich met Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, joining the defenders of the White House. It was Burbulis who soon convinced Boris Yeltsin to entrust Gaidar's team with developing a program for implementing reforms in the country.

In October of the same year, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin decided to form a government of reformers on the basis of Gaidar's team, who was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy, Minister of Economy and Finance. In December 1991, Yegor Timurovich took part in the negotiations in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and prepared the text of the Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

As the head of the "government of reformers," Gaidar took an active part in the creation of the privatization program and its implementation in practice. Also known as the author of the policy " shock therapy". Under his leadership, market reforms of the economy were launched, the liberalization of retail prices was carried out, freedom of foreign trade was introduced, an agrarian reform and restructuring of the fuel and energy complex began.

Despite the opposition of political opponents, Gaidar became one of the key participants in the reforms that changed the economic system in Russia. But he is also blamed for the loss of savings by the population in Sberbank. All this caused a confrontation among the people's deputies. After in December 1992 the deputies supported the candidacy of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers, which was vacant, Gaidar was dismissed from all posts in the Government of the country.

Throughout next year Director of the Institute for Economic Problems in Transition and Adviser to the President Russian Federation on economic policy. For the second time, Yegor Gaidar returned to the country's government in September 1993, when he was appointed to the post of deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers, shortly before the turbulent events of October 1993.

The refusal of the Congress of People's Deputies to approve Yegor Timurovich Gaidar as head of the Council of Ministers was one of the reasons for the onset of the political crisis, which lasted until the end of 1993. On the president's proposal to return to the government as first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers, Gaidar agreed, and on September 16, 1993, his appointment was announced. Already on September 18, a corresponding decree was issued.

Three days later, on September 21, 1993, the President of Russia issued Decree No. 1400 "On Phased Constitutional Reform in Russia", which led to the violent dispersal of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet, the end of "dual power" and the elimination of the Soviet system.

After the Supreme Soviet and the Congress of People's Deputies refused to obey the decree on their dissolution, the building of the Supreme Soviet was cordoned off and blocked by troops and militia. Gaidar was one of the initiators of establishing the blockade of the parliament building, shutting down all life support and communication systems in it, preventing the representatives of the Supreme Soviet from going on television.

Supporters of the Supreme Soviet on October 3, 1993 took control of the Moscow City Hall building adjacent to the House of Soviets, and tried to enter the Ostankino television center, where a shootout began with the Vityaz special forces guarding the building. Muscovites go to the Moscow City Council to protect the president.

In the same year, Gaidar headed the election bloc "Russia's Choice", which united supporters of the continuation of market economic reforms, and soon became the acting Minister of Economy of Russia. In this post, he continued to pursue a course towards reducing inflation, tightening budgetary and monetary policies. In December 1993, as a result of the elections, he became a deputy of the State Duma of Russia.

With the beginning of his parliamentary activities, Gaidar left the government, but retained his influence on subsequent cabinets of ministers and contributed to the implementation of many significant reforms in the country. As a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, he took part in the development of the Tax and Budget Codes, legislation on the Stabilization Fund. Also, since 1994, for seven years, he was chairman of the Democratic Choice of Russia party, a member of the board of directors of OJSC VimpelCom, founder and first president of the All-Russian Association of Privatized and Private Enterprises.

After the start of the First Chechen War, Gaidar took an active anti-war stance, holding rallies and rallies, which is why he became in opposition to President Yeltsin.

On May 20, 2000, he became co-chairman of the All-Russian political public organization "Union of Right Forces", established on the basis of the electoral bloc of the same name. A year later, on May 26, 2001, Gaidar was elected co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces, an organization formed by combining the movements and parties included in the Union of Right Forces.

Yegor Timurovich On December 14, 2001, the co-chairman of the political party "Union of Right Forces", formed on the basis of the all-Russian political public organization of the same name, was elected. At the end of 2003, Yegor Gaidar resigned from the leadership of the Union of Right Forces, remaining an ordinary member of the party. In October 2008, he left the SPS party.

In recent years, he headed the Institute for the Economy in Transition, held positions in foreign organizations, was one of the founders of the journal "Bulletin of Europe: XXI century".

Yegor Gaidar was a co-author of the books "Cost accounting and the development of economic independence of enterprises", "Economic reform: causes, directions, problems." Author of monographs: "Economic Reforms and Hierarchical Structures", "State and Evolution", "Anomalies of Economic Growth", "Days of Defeats and Victories", "Long Time. Russia in the world. Essays on Economic History "," Power and Property: Troubles and Institutions. State and Evolution ". In total, the economist had more than a hundred publications in Russian and foreign publications.

Yegor Timurovich Gaidar died in the morning December 16, 2009 in his house in the village of Uspenskoe, Moscow region. The cause of death was pulmonary edema as a result of a heart attack. The Russian politician was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

Egor Gaidar awards

In 2006, he was awarded the International Leontief Medal “for outstanding services in comparative analysis of economic evolution”. The medal is awarded annually by the Public Awarding Committee at the Leontief Center.

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