Signs about hiccups and yawns. Signs about yawning by day of the week. Why does a person have a yawn according to popular beliefs Why a yawn is a sign

Wallpapering 31.01.2021

"Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot." Everyone has their own remedy for this harmless, but terribly annoying misfortune - to hold their breath, drink water from the four sides of the glass, cross the little fingers ... And only a few know that our ancestors have long been keen to use hiccups along with yawning as signs to predict the future. How? Very simple.

Signs about hiccups

The most common omen says: "He who hiccups - they remember that." Moreover, what exactly they say or think about you can be determined by the strength of the contractions of the diaphragm. Light, barely noticeable tremors of hiccups mean praise, powerful and painful - black swearing.

Less common signs were called hiccups:

  • Punishment for dishonest people or even thieves. At least a strange statement, because all people on earth, including children, are subject to hiccups.
  • Not a bad meteorological tool: hiccups to the bucket, aches to the rain.
  • A sign of someone's envy. If you hiccup especially hard and often, someone regularly salivates, looking at your well-being.

For the most curious, there is even a way to find out whose swear words or words of praise have disturbed your sensitive body:

  1. Pull the hair out of your head and wind it around your finger, repeating the alphabet to yourself: one letter for each turn. It is believed that the hairline will end at the moment when the first letter of the name of the "attacker" is named.
  2. Moisten your little finger with saliva and start listing friends and enemies by running your finger over your eyebrow. On whose name a hair sticks to him, he is the culprit of the hiccups.
  3. However, you can get by with less tricky methods. Consecutively remember all your acquaintances, making a five-second pause after each name. If the hiccups suddenly subside, the suspect has been found!

A sure way to establish what unknown interlocutors are saying about a person is the phrase: "Good, so remember, but evil, so complete." Did the internal tremors stop right there? It looks like you crossed the road to someone, for which you received a tub of negative wishes in your back. The hiccups continue? It’s unpleasant, but at least they say good things about you.

Meaning of hiccups by day of the week

Hiccups will predict love, treachery, and twists of fate

If the result of interpretation according to general signs did not satisfy, they turned to "highly specialized" fortune-telling by days of the week:

  • Monday. If the hiccups overtook on the first day of the week, someone persistently thinks about you. True, there is little sense from fortune-telling, since it does not indicate the nature of thoughts: with equal success it can be the boss, who is happy to leaf through your report on the work done, or intruders who are picking up the key to the door of the apartment.
  • Tuesday. Everything here is more or less certain - either a fan or a close relative yearns for you. In any case, his thoughts about you are exceptionally kind.
  • Wednesday. Hiccup predicts a conversation, unexpected text message, letter, date, or an important Skype conversation. In other words, news that can come in any way.
  • Thursday. Day of meetings, both love and business.
  • Friday. Time for parting. Gather your willpower into a fist and try not to break into your soul mate, even because of outright jambs - this quarrel risks becoming the last one.
  • Saturday. Do you still have Friday patience with you? Great, it will come in handy. A loved one saw in your actions a reason for jealousy and now he is vigilantly looking to see if his suspicions will be confirmed.
  • Sunday. Exhale and relax! The troubles have passed, and an ocean of kisses is predicted for you.

Ikalka (why does a person hiccup at different times of the day)

Many girls in school years kept notebooks with "ikalochki" - the most detailed interpretation of the tremors in the chest at any day and hour. And some young ladies, and having matured, do not leave the habit of no-no, and even look at the coveted table: does fate promise a meeting with a handsome prince, or at least a promotion?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
from 7 to 8 A chance meeting with a loved one You have a faithful friend ... Your name is sweet music for a certain person Worries will make you spin like a squirrel in a wheel unexpected love Fashionable new thing Betrayal of friends
from 8 to 9 Someone who cares about you is looking for you ... and an enemy who hates you Do not turn your nose too high - you will lose friends A friend is having a difficult time, support him Party invitation Stop worrying about trifles! Your chosen one is cold to you
from 9 to 10 Bad news News with a "+" A new feeling will come to someone you don't know yet Someone missed you Friendship will grow into love An unexpected incident will make you wonder for a long time Spend time with interesting people
from 10 to 11 A casual conversation will make you think about a lot. Good luck will be with you until the evening Falling in love don't lose your head Old feelings don't rust - the "former" will appear on the horizon Your beauty conquers Family strife The beloved will pleasantly amaze you
from 11 to 12 Long-awaited date You are present in someone else's thoughts Someone you like is looking for a reason to meet Mutual infatuation This hobby is not serious The beloved will take over your thoughts A long-planned dream will come true
from 12 to 13 An old friend will return to your life Alas, the current hobby will not grow into a real feeling. Your love is mutual There will be an opportunity to have good fun A long tongue will get you in trouble! Follow the words An obstinate admirer will overcome with courtship, but you should not succumb to his pressure A meeting with a nice person is coming
from 13 to 14 Romantic kiss An interesting stranger drew attention to you Love real and strong There is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation. The object of your sympathy is not interested in you Parting with a loved one Romantic date
from 14 to 15 You are haunted by someone's envy They want to meet you Gossip will make life difficult and ruin your reputation Something will delay you today - either business or a love date Don't give up! Victory is near Your charm makes the opposite sex lose their head Someone is attracted by you
from 15 to 16 Conflicts and misunderstandings with loved ones A kiss but not a love one Dreams will be vivid and realistic tonight Surprise Someone will open their heart to you The plan will fail Letter
from 16 to 17 You caused a strong feeling in someone's heart Do not refuse to help your friends A friendly hug Seasonal blues will get in the way of enjoying life Great mood Warm hugs await you Party with friends
from 17 to 18 Tears Your worries are unfounded and your difficulties are temporary. Someone else's words will cause a fit of despondency Time to rest, you are overtired Don't be afraid to start new romances. Pleasant changes You are confessed to tender feelings
from 18 to 19 A surprise that you will make yourself: a new thing or a purchase A little more, and happiness will come The rest of the day will bring a good mood Unexpected guests Connect with your friends Thoughts about a loved one Take a break to understand what you really want.
from 19 to 20 Unexpected gift Slow down: you are too active and annoying Human gossip You have upset someone very much There is a slight nervous shock Auspicious time for the fulfillment of desires Life is changeable, do not plan anything for the near future
from 20 to 21 A future fan will appear in a dream Time of love, tenderness and hot kisses Late call from a stranger Allow yourself to relax and be entertained A loved one can look into your eyes endlessly Is waiting headache literally and figuratively Kissing
from 21 to 22 An important, albeit unforeseen event A spontaneous purchase or a fine will punch a hole in your budget Nice walk Current relationship won't work out Think of you Your communication skills will allow you to make many friends. A short but exciting journey
from 22 to 23 A telephone conversation will cheer you up It's phone time again! Don't put your cell away You are at risk of illness Wait for an interesting text message Everything conceived will succeed Are you dreaming of someone Beware of human cunning!
from 23 to 24


Depression and tears Do not cheat with your loved one, you will lose You are gushing with ideas! Nice love date A new team is waiting for you Find a friend where you didn't expect

How to stop hiccupping (using superstitions and other rituals)

If you have already learned the information you are interested in, and the hiccups still do not go away, you will have to forget about curiosity and try to calm down the cleared diaphragm by such means:

What methods of dealing with hiccups have been invented!

  1. In the old days in Russia, hiccups were considered tricks of the dark forces and they read the prayer to the Mother of God three times, ending it with the phrase "Lord, remember King David and all his meekness." It is noteworthy that these words begin a psalm with which Orthodox Christians turn to God, asking them to protect them from any enemy. Apparently, the ancestors were very worried about the twitching inside, since they were in a hurry to insure themselves in advance: is there an enemy, is there, and protection from him will not hurt.
  2. Some tried to remember the number and time at which the hiccups hit. It was believed that next time it would be enough to name the right date, as the tremors in the chest would stop by themselves.
  3. There was also such a means: a cross was drawn on a person's chest with the blunt side of a bread knife or a point was placed on the bridge of the nose. It is known where the holy bread is, there is nothing for evil spirits to do.
  4. If peaceful methods did not work, drastic measures were used. One of the household members had to watch over the hiccuping one and suddenly shout or clap his hands over his ear. From fright, the harmful spirit should immediately rush away, and the hiccups should subside.
  5. In England, for the same purpose, they bent low to the ground and diligently baptized the toe of their left foot, after which the hiccups had to leave the body.

And the general meaning of all these methods is simple to disgrace - to make a person temporarily distract himself from the jolts of the diaphragm, concentrating on performing this or that action. Oddly enough, it works!

Signs of yawning

Yawning oxygenates the blood and improves performance

From the point of view of science, this simple physiological reaction of the body speaks of an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, lack of sleep, fatigue, excitement and ... the ability to empathize. Yes Yes! If, when looking at someone yawning sweetly, you are not tempted to do the same, empathy is not your strongest point, and you need to work on the ability to feel the interlocutor. Some even come up with the following theory: if someone yawns at the same time as you, they like you. If not, then you can not count on sympathy.

Why do we cover our mouth with our hand? Is it just out of politeness? Now yes. But in the old days it was a mandatory protective measure to protect yourself from harm:

  • In Turkey and ancient greece hand blocked the exit to the soul, so that it would not slip out of the body during a yawn.
  • In Russia, on the contrary, they did not let the evil spirits scurrying around inside. Therefore, the mouth was baptized for greater reliability.
  • Some believed that without the sign of the cross, the mouth could twist, but it will remain so. And they were afraid of the prospect of being disfigured for life.

There are many curious beliefs associated with yawning. For example, that during prayer she attacks because of someone's "evil eye". They also explained the frequent yawning of the patient - they say, the enemies caused damage. But this does not mean that the sign has always been purely negative! If you are healthy, have enough sleep and do not feel tired, and your mouth still does not close, then guests are in a hurry to visit you. Or it is worth flipping through the "yawn" table to get a more detailed prediction.

Why yawn at different times (by days of the week and hours)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
from 6 to 7 A new love will come Receive flowers as a gift Two fans Mutual passion A lot of fun is expected Your feeling is mutual New boyfriend ruins your reputation with his talkativeness
from 7 to 8 Bad news New fan is fickle Don't be manipulated Letter Bad news You lack persistence Good news
from 8 to 9 Your sight excites someone's heart Someone you consider a friend has romantic feelings. A startling event Pay attention to business Mutual feeling Surprise, gift, or overwhelming event Blond thinks about you
from 9 to 10 Kissing Declaration of love You are firmly settled in someone's dreams Have to choose between a man and a girlfriend The beloved is not faithful Rivals envy your beauty The young man's buddy tries to embroil you
from 10 to 11 Meeting an interesting person Painful conversation You can rely on friends The "former" will appear in your life again Don't give free rein to jealousy You piqued the interest of one person A timid admirer hesitates to prove himself
from 11 to 12 Talk less and listen more, learn something important Build friendships with new people Romantic trip to the cinema for two Friendly party You have many boyfriends Treason awaits you Romantic dreams
from 12 to 13 Expect interesting events Be more delicate, people are offended by your words. You've got an indecisive admirer Be careful, there is a high risk of deception You tend to come up with problems from scratch. The man of your dreams is on the way Disappointment
from 13 to 14 Great chance to get what you want A black-haired man is attracted to you Behind your back they speak evil The time is coming for wishes to come true Meeting a man from dreams The former lover wants you back Romantic message
from 14 to 15 Your beauty makes hearts beat faster Things are started, it's time to put them in order Spend the evening with family A phone call will disturb your peace Wait for an invitation to the cinema Mutual sympathy Guests
from 15 to 16 They see you in a dream Major quarrel New acquaintance The chosen one is talkative Spend time with friends to heal love. Unexpected meeting Learn to understand people, you judge superficially
from 16 to 17 The person you yearn for doesn't deserve it Is the ex trying to make up? Think carefully, do you need it? News from friends Kissing Say unnecessary things too often Friendly company and a lot of fun Present
from 17 to 18 Your man is happy next to you In separation, the beloved suffers You contacted a cheater Shouldn't you tell him about your love? If you break a relationship, then in one fell swoop! Your choice of life partner is correct People around you admire you
from 18 to 19 The object of your tender feelings will reciprocate You are admired A stunning passion will come You contacted an unworthy person Date Tiff Interesting journey
from 19 to 20 Don't let yourself be treated unworthily Do not judge rashly Live in the present! One person is looking for a meeting with you Don't be afraid to take the first step A good period is coming Love date
from 20 to 21 Soon you will be happy Your chosen one is appreciated by friends Fun awaits you Spend time with a large company They dream of you Incredible news Take a closer look at your friends: someone is insincere with you
from 21 to 22 Rely on your comrades, they will not let you down The plan will come true Declaration of love Do not share the changes in life with others - let new feelings grow stronger Happiness is near A little separation will strengthen the senses. Your reciprocity is sought by two
from 22 to 23 You are passionately loved A person with whom you have lost contact will appear They want to meet with you Many people like you. Kissing Beware of being stabbed in the back You will have romantic dreams
from 23 to 24 Expect parting Guests You Didn't Call Human envy will ruin the mood Your passion is not interested in you The secret boyfriend will let you know about himself Time to focus on business A friend looks at you unfriendly.

Most often, both hiccups and yawning are short-term conditions that do not pose a threat to health. Why not entertain yourself with fortune-telling when there is time and desire? Especially if you are a sane person, you know how not to take omens too seriously and do not rush to arrange a headwash for your beloved by subtracting the prediction of treason from the table. But when attacks are repeated regularly, last a long time and complicate life in order, it is better to visit a doctor. In rare cases, hiccups indicate a disease of the stomach, intestines or lungs, and continuous yawning - about oxygen starvation and overvoltage nervous system... In order not to lead to trouble, it is wiser to take precautions in advance.

A person learns to yawn while still in the womb. This process occurs as a result of the body's reaction to a lack of oxygen. However, despite the natural physiological characteristics, yawning has long been surrounded by beliefs and omens.

Each nation has its own convictions on this matter, someone assures that by opening your mouth wide you can attract illness or even death. And someone believes that the yawning receives the blessing of the Gods at this moment. It does not matter whether this process carries positive or negative aspects in your country, but everyone knows that it is worth paying attention to the frequent urge to yawn.

Our ancestors believed that while yawning, evil spirits can fly into the mouth. That is why, during this process, they began to cover him with a hand or to be baptized.

Even in ancient times, girls noticed that having overcome, for no reason, yawning served as a kind of warning or interpretation for the young woman. The beauties began to painstakingly record these moments, writing them down in special fortune-telling notebooks. Mom shared notes with her daughter, and daughter with her daughter.

So after a few centuries, the yawning appeared. Proven over the years and several generations, it is immensely popular among young girls to this day.

The hourly divination table has become the most convenient way to accurately and truthfully determine the future, advice in relationships with a loved one and warnings.

Monday is an unfortunate outcome of events

Of course, yawning at the start of the work week is logical. However, even they can indicate a change in fate. Monday's Yawning advises to be more focused at work and school. Although Monday is a tough day, carelessness and negligence can play a cruel joke on you.


07.00 - 8.00 Someone remembers you now. It has nothing to do with love relationship... Maybe you didn't finish what you started or forgot to keep your promises?
08.00 - 9.00 You will bustle all day trying to do the entrusted work at the highest level.
09.00 - 10.00 Refrain from travel and flights, signs of hiccups suggest that you should not leave your native land now. Far from the best time for the move.
10.00 - 11.00 If the old relationship has long outlived its usefulness, then you should not hold on to them. A new round in your personal life will help revive the butterflies in the stomach.
11.00 - 12.00 Your sweetheart glances at the other girl. Be careful, your opponent is not going to give up without a fight. Moreover, the guy is as interested in her as he is in you.
12.00 - 13.00 Someone may need your advice today. Do not refuse to help friends and acquaintances, and you will always be offered a strong friendly shoulder in a difficult situation.
13.00 - 14.00 As the saying goes: First whip to the informer. If a friend brought up information that didn't make you happy, it is not his fault. Ikalka at this time promises bad news, but the most important thing in this situation is not bad news, but how you perceive it.
14.00 - 15.00 An old friend is better than two new ones. Do not avoid communicating with old acquaintances, soon you will need their help.
15.00 - 16.00 It is better to spend Wednesday evening in a relaxed atmosphere, with loved ones.
16.00 - 17.00 Take some time for yourself. If the weather is good, take a walk in the park, if not, you can just take a relaxing bath, light candles and play nice and relaxing music.
17.00 - 18.00 If a decision was made to end the relationship, this does not mean that friendly communication should stop. Just watch your emotions and do not allow too much in a conversation with your ex.
18.00 - 19.00 Guys may like a beauty much less than an ugly woman with a kind heart and an agreeable character. The icy aura created by you only repels admirers. Change your tactics with the opposite sex so as not to be left alone.
19.00 - 20.00 At the end of the week, you will be asked out on a date. Take care in advance about your appearance, do not appear in front of a potential boyfriend in an unkempt state.
20.00 - 21.00 A warning for those who constantly forget something. Check your diary entries to see if you forgot to wish someone a happy birthday. Maybe you borrowed money and forgot to repay the debt on time?
21.00 - 22.00 It is not the gift that is important, but the attention. The present that will soon be presented to you will be from the person you are interested in.
22.00 - 23.00 The time of losses will come for those who hiccup closer to midnight. It can be both material and spiritual loss.
23.00 - 00.00 Skip serious purchases. Large spending will lead to a complete financial crisis.


If yawning occurs during a night's rest, it is very important to remember the time when it happened. Divination is subject to yawning during sleep. If you go for a walk until the morning, then, naturally, the body will react to lack of sleep. Such an event should not be seen as a yawn's prophecy.

00.00 - 01.00 Feel free to talk about your feelings out loud, and be sure that they are mutual;
01.00 - 02.00 Be a little more modest in communicating with people and then there will be no end of fans;
02.00 - 03.00 Acquaintance with a secret admirer is just around the corner. He will be able to conquer any girl with his courtesy and attractiveness;
03.00 - 04.00 If a friend is really known in trouble, then you need to rush to help immediately. Someone from the inner circle needs help;
04.00 - 05.00 Feeling unimportant throughout the next day is the result of a wrong lifestyle. The regime must be observed under any conditions.
05.00 - 06.00 Your beauty will conquer and charm those around you.
06.00 - 07.00 Guests from distant lands will visit your home and bring with them a sea of ​​smiles and positive emotions. Well, and of course they won't leave you without gifts.

They say that if you look at a yawning person, you will also have a yawn. Scientists still cannot explain what this is connected with. But it works, you can check it yourself.

Tuesday is a time of fun adventures and changes

The second day of the week will give the yawning person a lot of positive emotions, good news and unexpected twists of fate, which, by the way, are also pleasant. Tuesday's yawn carries good news and prophecies.

07.00 - 8.00 Soon you will receive recognition from a person who is very attractive to you;
08.00 - 9.00 The young man plans to propose to you in the near future;
09.00 - 10.00 If you are sure that the sympathy is mutual, proceed to an active offensive;
10.00 - 11.00 In order not to blurt out too much and not to spoil the relationship with a close friend, it is better to refrain from commenting on her;
11.00 - 12.00 All dreams will materialize, so think only good things;
12.00 - 13.00 Someone dreams of you day and night;
13.00 - 14.00 Mutual feelings, the most wonderful gift that any woman and girl can receive from fate. Fortunately, you are one of them now;
14.00 - 15.00 Even a small quarrel can serve as a good breeding ground for discord in a couple in love;
15.00 - 16.00 Your beloved wants a meeting and passionate kisses no less than you yourself;
16.00 - 17.00 Falling in love will deprive you of sleep;
17.00 - 18.00 Don't show your thorns where you need to be soft and fluffy. Because of your complex nature, many guys are hesitant to have a relationship with you.
18.00 - 19.00 You are very sympathetic to a young man with whom you have known since childhood;
19.00 - 20.00 Love for all ages. However, one should be wary of the persistent courtship of an adult and influential man;
20.00 - 21.00 When a relationship ends, some feel pain, others feel relief. Finally, you will get rid of a relationship that has long been a burden.
21.00 - 22.00 Unfortunately, not everything is always the way we want it. The guy your heart hurts will never reciprocate.
22.00 - 23.00 Waste expectations can only upset you further. Do not expect miracles where there is no reciprocity.
23.00 - 00.00 Right at this hour, someone cannot fall asleep, remembering your silhouette.

Have you ever wondered why, when yawning, we are taught from childhood to cover our mouth with our palm? Yes, undoubtedly, the wide open mouth does not look aesthetically pleasing, but the reason here is also in the old folk belief.

The Old Believers believed that during this process the soul can fly out of the body. That is why, the mouth was tightly covered with a palm.


00.00 - 01.00 Get ready to put on your wedding dress soon;
01.00 - 02.00 A little courage won't hurt now to express your sympathy out loud. After all, the young man does not even suspect that you are ready to accept his courtship. A small hint will be enough to get him to decisive courtship;
02.00 - 03.00 You should not torture yourself with early wakes if you have nowhere to rush. As well as night walks, if you get up early in the morning. There should be a measure in everything;
03.00 - 04.00 Yawning at this hour, you can safely make a wish. Rest assured, it will be fulfilled within a month;
04.00 - 05.00 Empty hopes hurt more than unfulfilled dreams. Do not torment yourself in vain.
05.00 - 06.00 Love is already at your doorstep. You just need to open the door and surrender to this wonderful feeling;
06.00 - 07.00 Do not tell anyone your secrets and addictions. Everything secret can instantly be revealed, due to excessive talkativeness.

Wednesday - gossip and girlfriends envy

Wednesday's yawning warns those who are guessing about conversations behind their backs that defame your honor. On this day, you should be careful at home and on the street. It is better to refrain from walking at night, so as not to become an easy prey for hooligans.


07.00 - 8.00 The first love will fill you with new emotions. Do not listen to other people's advice, trust your heart;
08.00 - 9.00 Your best friend has her eye on your boyfriend. The love triangle will cause you to be jealous;
09.00 - 10.00 You are dreaming of a young man who conquered your heart;
10.00 - 11.00 Before making a wish, think if its fulfillment is so important to you. The enigma will come true within a week;
11.00 - 12.00 So the time for a white streak has come in your destiny;
12.00 - 13.00 The eyes will shine and the soul will be filled with happiness, the reason for this will be the good news;
13.00 - 14.00 Finding out the relationship with your loved one, try to avoid harsh words and insults;
14.00 - 15.00 The upcoming meeting will serve as a good occasion to restore friendly and business ties;
15.00 - 16.00 Don't chop off the shoulder. The situation can change overnight;
16.00 - 17.00 The new boyfriend is set for a serious and long-term relationship;
17.00 - 18.00 Friends are always ready to help you and get you out of any trouble. Appreciate this;
18.00 - 19.00 The pleasant surprises don't end there. Surprises and gifts from distant relatives rush to you;
19.00 - 20.00 An evening spent in the company of a former lover will leave bad memories and cause a bad mood;
20.00 - 21.00 If trouble cannot be avoided, then you should not be so killed and cry over what happened. Let everything take its course. Sooner or later, everything will work out;
21.00 - 22.00 At a friendly party, you will be introduced to a nice young man who will immediately take an interest in your person. Take a closer look at him, because you liked him too;
22.00 - 23.00 Different views on life have always been a cause for contention. If the beloved does not share your judgments, then soon you will become not interesting to him;
23.00 - 00.00 A good sleep will help you gain strength for tomorrow. Good news awaits you, which will evoke positive emotions;

In the church, you can partly observe how the parishioners yawn during the service. It is believed that this process is associated with cleansing, through which the yawning gets rid of the evil eye and bad thoughts.


00.00 - 01.00 Surrendering completely to study or work, you can be forever alone. Stick to the golden mean, improve your personal life, and then take up your career growth;
01.00 - 02.00 You have turned into a real puppet, everyone pulls the strings for their own purposes. Don't let those around you rule your life;
02.00 - 03.00 Tomorrow, from the very morning, will delight you with a high spirits;
03.00 - 04.00 Pay attention to your parents, help with the housework, or just spend time with them in a confidential conversation;
04.00 - 05.00 If someone, by chance, offended you, and immediately asked for forgiveness, you should not hold a grudge against him;
05.00 - 06.00 Soon, all your plans will come true;
06.00 - 07.00 In pursuit of two hares, you can be left with nothing.

On Thursday yawns bring a fortune-teller meeting with a loved one that will leave pleasant memories. The day will be good in every sense of the word, take this opportunity to achieve your goals.


07.00 - 8.00 Laziness has always been the biggest obstacle to fulfilling any dream. You need to do quite a bit so that everything is as you planned, but you still need to make an effort;
08.00 - 9.00 A friend is waiting for a call from you, he badly needs support;
09.00 - 10.00 You will be rewarded for conscientious work and diligent behavior. Expect a bonus or promotion. If you are studying, you will be awarded a certificate of appreciation or an increased scholarship;
10.00 - 11.00 Your loved one behaves like Small child, he certainly is not yet ready for a serious relationship;
11.00 - 12.00 An evening with friends will help you relax at the end of the work week;
12.00 - 13.00 If you do not believe in love at first sight, then you will have a great opportunity to make sure, from your own experience, that it exists;
13.00 - 14.00 Ill-wishers gossip behind your back. Do not pay attention to gossip, it is all from envy;
14.00 - 15.00 Meeting with an old friend or former classmate will leave pleasant impressions and overwhelm with a wave of memories;
15.00 - 16.00 Financial machinations of not clean on hand people can leave you penniless and ruin the coming weekend;
16.00 - 17.00 You always want to trust your loved one, however, sometimes it will not be superfluous to listen to the opinion of older relatives. Unfortunately, you will be disappointed;
17.00 - 18.00 Ask for advice from an adult and experienced person whom you trust and can reveal your secrets;
18.00 - 19.00 Soon, your sweetheart will reciprocate and invite you on a date;
19.00 - 20.00 The fact that everything turned out exactly as you planned is only your merit;
20.00 - 21.00 The one for whom the heart hurts considers you to be just a friend;
21.00 - 22.00 A gloomy and gloomy face will never attract the attention of guys. Smile more often and changes in your personal life will not keep you waiting long;
22.00 - 23.00 You will win this love war. The guy will prefer to stay with you, rather than with his ex;
23.00 - 00.00 Meeting a nice person will change your life for the better.

They say that if during a conversation with people you want to constantly yawn, this indicates that you are communicating with an envious and ill-wisher. such people are also called energy vampires that feed on the energy of their opponents.


00.00 - 01.00 Your beautiful figure has made your personality very popular with guys;
01.00 - 02.00 Choose a healthy lifestyle this weekend. Go in for sports and stop drinking;
02.00 - 03.00 Allow yourself the luxury of making a gift to yourself. It can be a new dress, a beautiful trinket, or a trip to the beauty salon, in any case it will cheer you up.
03.00 - 04.00 Do not overuse cosmetics. Guys have always appreciated the natural beauty of girls;
04.00 - 05.00 Don't be so wasteful. Learn to shop within your budget;
05.00 - 06.00 Do something useful and interesting. A new hobby or a return to an old hobby will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of energy and feel your creativity;
06.00 - 07.00 Use all the gifts of fate that this day has prepared for you in the right way.

Friday is the time for travel and romance

On Friday, you can afford to relax a little, because the work week is over. Moreover, you will receive more than one invitation to have a fun weekend. Yawning on Friday, you can safely count on a good acquaintance at a party.

07.00 - 8.00 The beloved is preparing to conduct a frank conversation with you in order to correctly point out some of your shortcomings in character;
08.00 - 9.00 The outcome of the meeting with your beloved will depend only on your behavior;
09.00 - 10.00 The betrayal of a close friend will deprive you of the desire to trust someone with your secrets for a long time;
10.00 - 11.00 Your unwillingness to do household chores can cause a quarrel with your parents;
11.00 - 12.00 Very soon you will meet your soul mate. Don't give up hope of finding happiness;
12.00 - 13.00 Someone from your environment has sympathy for you;
13.00 - 14.00 Soon you will need to make an important decision on which your future life will depend;
14.00 - 15.00 Do not heed the advice of a woman with blond hair;
15.00 - 16.00 You can become the cause of contention between a guy and a girl. Don't get yourself into a love triangle;
16.00 - 17.00 When all things go headlong, the most important thing is not to give up and not lose heart. The black bar will pass faster than you think;
17.00 - 18.00 Don't be afraid to fight for your love. The opponent is persistent and prepares for the offensive;
18.00 - 19.00 You can be used for personal gain. Be careful and do not trust everyone in a row;
19.00 - 20.00 Pay attention to your family. Recently, you have been spending a little time with loved ones, this can cause discord in the family;
20.00 - 21.00 The yawn predicts you the loss of something dear to your heart, it can be a piece of jewelry or other accessory. Also, the value can be regarded as parting with a loved one;
21.00 - 22.00 A young man is very jealous when he sees you in the company of other guys. Try not to provoke your lover and learn to behave more restrained;
22.00 - 23.00 Sometimes it's better to be alone than to be in a hopeless relationship;
23.00 - 00.00 Very soon you will be able to try on a white dress. Dreams will come true, you will find happiness in family life.

It is believed that if for no apparent reason you started yawning at home, then you should prepare for the imminent arrival of guests. It is also interesting that by the number of yawns, you can determine how many people will visit your home today. Isn't it a great way to find out how many people to cook dinner for?


00.00 - 01.00 Take care of your health. For prevention purposes, take tests and go for a general examination to a therapist;
01.00 - 02.00 The reason for failure lies in yourself. Get rid of unnecessary self-doubt and things will go well;
02.00 - 03.00 If you are afraid to meet guys, then your personal life will remain unsettled;
03.00 - 04.00 Wait for an expensive gift, but do not try to brag about it to your girlfriends, behind whose good-natured smiles hatred and envy are hidden;
04.00 - 05.00 The enemy will be surprised that you will endure all the gossip and talk that tarnishes your reputation. Black PR attracts the interest of others even more than true stories, so the enemy will be killed with his own weapon.
05.00 - 06.00 If people want to be together, no obstacles and partings will interfere with them. The hour of the long-awaited meeting is already very close;
06.00 - 07.00 Be friendly with people, smile and do good and the universe will definitely answer you in kind.

Saturday is the time to get rid of the blues

One who yawns on Saturday should not forget that yesterday was the end of the working week and, perhaps, yawning is the result of a party that lasted yesterday. I would like to remind you that fortune-telling includes prolonged and unreasonable yawning.


07.00 - 8.00 You can confidently proceed to active action... Your sweetheart has great sympathy for you, but hesitates to admit it. Take a step towards your love;
08.00 - 9.00 You chose the wrong person for your relationship. A broken union in time can save you from resentment and disappointment;
09.00 - 10.00 An unexpected date invitation can take you by surprise. Prepare for it in advance, do your hair and manicure to meet the object of adoration in all its glory;
10.00 - 11.00 Undoubtedly, modesty adorns any girl. But your shyness robs guys of courage and confidence.
11.00 - 12.00 Postpone large purchases, put them off for a couple of weeks. Otherwise, you risk driving yourself into debt.
12.00 - 13.00 This is not the right time to implement your plans. But do not give up, your dream is achievable, but not now;
13.00 - 14.00 You need to relax with your friends. Visit a noisy company or a disco, new acquaintances will only benefit you;
14.00 - 15.00 Parting with a loved one is inevitable, try to present bad news so that you remain friends;
15.00 - 16.00 An unexpected call from an old friend will cheer you up for the whole day;
16.00 - 17.00 The streak of luck will come very soon. A good time to try your luck in a lottery or prize draw;
17.00 - 18.00 When dreams never come true, try to make someone else's dream come true. Then the universe will boomerang your good and help direct it in the right direction;
18.00 - 19.00 Add some variety to your relationship. Invite your loved one for an unusual date or present an original gift;
19.00 - 20.00 An unexpected meeting with a former lover will ruin your mood for the whole evening;
20.00 - 21.00 Unfortunately, you cannot expect reciprocity from an object to which you are not indifferent;
21.00 - 22.00 Quarrels with colleagues can damage your credibility in the team. Try to avoid any misunderstandings, both at work and at school;
22.00 - 23.00 Be careful, an unexpected attack of jealousy of your lover can lead to a final break in the relationship;
23.00 - 00.00 Don't trust a wealthy man with dark hair. He can ruin all your plans for the near future.

Constant bouts of yawning in infants can cause oxygen deficiency. If the attack worries the baby too often, realists suggest consulting a doctor. Esotericists advise to resort to the help of a priest.


00.00 - 01.00 If you need good advice, it is best to ask your parents for it. You should not expect sincere help from friends and colleagues;
01.00 - 02.00 Waste should be slightly reduced. The money you save will come in handy very soon;
02.00 - 03.00 Not the best time for loans and credits. Try to distribute debts as soon as possible, if any;
03.00 - 04.00 A pleasant unexpected acquisition, albeit not expensive, will delight you and charge you with positive emotions;
04.00 - 05.00 To achieve the goal, you should behave a little more confidently, this will help you both in your personal life and in your career;
05.00 - 06.00 Look at the problem from the other side. Troubles make you sturdier and stronger;
06.00 - 07.00 Soon you will be invited on an exciting journey. Do not try to refuse, you deserve such attentions.

Sunday is the day of gifts and unexpected surprises

Hiccup on Sunday, expect unexpected arrivals Money... However, you should not plan any noisy parties for the evening, because the weekend is already over.

07.00 - 8.00 If yawning overcomes you early in the morning on an empty stomach, then you can be sure that another girl has taken a closer look at your lover. However, before starting a debriefing with flights, offer to talk frankly in private;
08.00 - 9.00 You should not go on a trip, even if it is not long. Postpone the change of residence, flights and long trips;
09.00 - 10.00 Your rudeness and harshness towards others does not make you steal in the eyes of potential boyfriends;
10.00 - 11.00 Feelings will be rejected and, as a result, spoiled mood for the rest of the day;
11.00 - 12.00 Good news from relatives and an invitation to a celebration (wedding or anniversary) will cause you positive emotions;
12.00 - 13.00 It is very pleasant to realize that for your young man, you are the most beautiful and desirable. But to improve the outlines of your body, it will not be superfluous to go in for sports;
13.00 - 14.00 Celebrating a significant event with your family will help distract from bad thoughts;
14.00 - 15.00 Watch your thoughts. Each thought is easily transformed into words, and words turn into action. The most correct step would be to put things in order in your head, and only then assess the situation and look for a way out of it;
15.00 - 16.00 Do not be upset with losses, they always become the predecessors of more valuable finds;
16.00 - 17.00 Be attentive when following orders from your boss at work. One small mistake will cost you dearly;
17.00 - 18.00 A casual acquaintance can have a very significant impact on your destiny;
18.00 - 19.00 A Sunday evening with your family will be much more fun than a noisy party with friends;
19.00 - 20.00 All life is made up of little things and accidents. However, it is these little things that shape our destiny;
20.00 - 21.00 Don't forget to call your friends and family. After all, some of them can very painfully endure your inattention;
21.00 - 22.00 Do not blame yourself for the fact that the relationship with your beloved is coming to an end, just not everyone succeeds in finding their first half at the beginning of their life;
22.00 - 23.00 In a family scandal, try to take a neutral side so as not to offend anyone;
23.00 - 00.00 Remember if you forgot to wish someone a happy birthday, or if you missed an important event.

When the patient yawns frequently, this is a sure sign of the evil eye or damage. Reading prayers and holy water will help ease the suffering of a yawning person and speed up recovery.


00.00 - 01.00 You have been looking for your soul mate for a long time, and now the hour has come for you to meet;
01.00 - 02.00 Your rash actions and flirting with several guys at once can badly reflect on your reputation;
02.00 - 03.00 All the best moments of life are yet to come. Don't get upset about failed or rejected love;
03.00 - 04.00 Happy hours are not observed. But, as they say: business time is fun hour. Having parted today, tomorrow's meeting will be even more desirable;
04.00 - 05.00 Remain yourself. You don't need to surprise anyone with your abilities at work and self-destruction in relationships, then no one will be disappointed in anyone;
05.00 - 06.00 Reschedule all tomorrow's appointments and dates to another day. It is possible that the wrong decision will be made, which will become the starting point in your subsequent failures;
06.00 - 07.00 Dedicate Sunday to your beauty. Tidy up your skin or get a massage.

The yawning allowed the spontaneous reaction of the body to be turned into a real fortune-telling. Today, not every young lady knows that it is possible to guess by yawning. However, this is an old way to learn about changes in life, get practical advice and protect yourself from unpleasant moments.

Life after 3 divorces: what helped me marry a foreigner

By my 33 years old, I had no children, and behind my back - as many as 3 unsuccessful marriages.

Well, she has not yet become pregnant from any of the husbands - God has saved her. She began to think that she needed to radically change her life, and before that she turned to a fortune-teller. Well, it cannot be that all relationships follow the same scenario - something is unclean here. Maybe self-hypnosis? A friend advised one thing and the minute I thought it, a fever appeared in my chest. Lightweight but warm and pleasant. The mood quickly rose, I wanted to put on the best outfit and go for a walk and met him ...

Read the article further >>>

You are familiar with the state when yawning suddenly begins to prevail, so much so that, as the people say, "One mouth, and that one fights." Nothing saves from such a misfortune. It turns out that if suddenly, for no reason, no reason, a yawn attacked, it's not without reason. This is a hint on how to proceed, what to do. Higher powers are trying to warn of an impending danger, joy, love, a long journey, or something else that will be of great importance to you.

There is a yawning machine for times and days of the week. It is depending on when, what time, on what day of the week a restless yawning attacked you, and fortune-telling takes place.

So, the time-yawner will tell you what to expect and what not to wait.

Note that a yawn for girls (and for women) will only be true if you interpret it correctly. Not counting the yawning before bed in the evening or at lunchtime if you are used to sleeping during the day. They also do not guess at yawning, which attacks from boredom - while watching a boring program, a play, when you are sitting at a lecture or at a meeting, where they discuss something for a long time and tediously. If yawning is attacked as a result of fatigue, after long walks, it is also not taken into account. In total, you can use a yawning machine only if the yawning really has no reason - you were cheerful, cheerful, busy with an interesting business, and suddenly you started yawning.

The yawning day of the week will clarify what exactly to expect in the near future.

Yawn Monday

0 - 7 Luck in love
7 - 8 Bad news that will bring a bad mood
8 - 9 Look good and someone important to you will notice
9 - 10 Hot kisses
10 - 11 Someone wants to meet you today
11 - 12 Keep your mouth shut
12 - 13 A day of fun adventures
13 - 14 Your dream will come true soon
14 - 15 You will be bombarded with compliments
15 - 16 Constantly dream of him
16 - 17 Don't cry because of him
17 - 18 He's lucky when you're around
18 - 19 you feel guilty
19 - 20 Should be proud of yourself
20 - 21 Happiness will come soon
21 - 22 Listen to your friend
22 - 23 For you the guy is going crazy
23 - 24 Craftable

Yawn Tuesday

0 - 7 You will be delighted with a bouquet of flowers
7 - 8 You will soon cease to interest him
8 - 9 Pay attention to who is around you
9 - 10 they declare their love to you
10 - 11 Unpleasant communication will take place
11 - 12 New friends will appear
12 - 13 Be careful and do not hurt other people's feelings
13 - 14 Brunette likes you
14 - 15 Time to study
15 - 16 Fight with whom who dreamed
16 - 17 Do not pick up the phone from him
17 - 18 He misses you madly
18 - 19 He shields you attractive
19 - 20 It's too early to draw conclusions, it's worth thinking
20 - 21 You will be told a lot of positive things about him
21 - 22 Everything will come true
22 - 23 A man from the past will let you know about himself
23 - 24 Guests will come

Yawn Wednesday

0 - 7 Two guys think about you
7 - 8 Don't run after him!
8 - 9 You will be very surprised
9 - 10 He often dreams
10 - 11 Your friends are a mountain for you
11 - 12 Wait for an invitation to the cinema
12 - 13 Is shy of your beauty
13 - 14 Gossip Behind Your Back
14 - 15 It is better to stay at home in the evening
15 - 16 To a pleasant acquaintance
16 - 17 A friend will tell you something important
17 - 18 He has another
18 - 19 Soon you will fall in love to the point of insanity
19 - 20 Don't think about the past
20 - 21 To great joy
21 - 22 Confess their love to you
22 - 23 Some guy is looking for a meeting with you
23 - 24 You are envied

Yawn Thursday

0 - 7 He loves you very much
7 - 8 Receive a letter from afar
8 - 9 Pay more attention to your studies
9 - 10 Fight with a friend over a boyfriend
10 - 11 Can't Forget You
11 - 12 Have a good time with your friends
12 - 13 Trust but Verify
13 - 14 Your dream will come true soon
14 - 15 Wait for a call from a stranger
15 - 16 Discussing you with friends
16 - 17 You will kiss a lot
17 - 18 Don't be afraid to confess your feelings
18 - 19 He's not your match
19 - 20 They want to meet you
20 - 21 Go to visit a friend
21 - 22 Don't tell anyone about him
22 - 23 Lots of guys like you
23 - 24 Guy avoids you

Yawn Friday

0 - 7 You will laugh a lot
7 - 8 You will receive bad news
8 - 9 Your sympathy is mutual
9 - 10 Is staring at your girlfriend
10 - 11 You shouldn't be jealous, he only needs you
11 - 12 Many people pay attention to you
12 - 13 Don't make an elephant out of a fly
13 - 14 You will meet the one about whom all dreams are
14 - 15 The guy wants to invite you to the cinema
15 - 16 Friends will help to forget him
16 - 17 Keep your mouth shut
17 - 18 Don't answer his letters
18 - 19 To a romantic date
19 - 20 Call him first
20 - 21 Wants to see you in a dream
21 - 22 You will be happy
22 - 23 You will kiss someone you like
23 - 24 You have a secret admirer

Yawn Saturday

0 - 7 The one you dream about also thinks about you
7 - 8 Be persistent
8 - 9 Many surprises await you
9 - 10 Your appearance haunts your friends
10 - 11 are interested in you
11 - 12 You will see him on the other
12 - 13 The one whom I saw in a dream is in love with you
13 - 14 The former remembers you
14 - 15 He likes you
15 - 16 To a pleasant meeting
16 - 17 You will find yourself in a fun company
17 - 18 He is your significant other
18 - 19 To a quarrel
19 - 20 White stripe ahead
20 - 21 You will receive unexpected news
21 - 22 Give him a chance to get bored
22 - 23 Your friend will betray you
23 - 24 You will see him in a dream

Yawn Sunday

0 - 7 Don't kiss him, he shows off to friends
7 - 8 Good news will cheer you up
8 - 9 Blond is head over heels in love with you
9 - 10 His friend says nasty things about you
10 - 11 Doesn't know how to talk to you
11 - 12 Dream of someone you like
12 - 13 You will be disappointed in him
13 - 14 You will receive a love letter
14 - 15 Guests will come
15 - 16 Do not believe the words, watch the actions
16 - 17 You will receive an expensive gift
17 - 18 Your beauty drives many people crazy
18 - 19 For an exciting trip
19 - 20 Go on a date
20 - 21 Girlfriend cheating on you
21 - 22 You liked two guys at once
22 - 23 Finally get to study
23 - 24 Your friend has been in love with you for a long time

Each of us yawned more than once, and not twice, sometimes even on inappropriate cases. What are the angry glances of the teachers, in whose lessons the student yawned. Also, an accidental yawn can cause confusion in the boss during an important conversation. And it will be strange for a girl if, during a declaration of love, the guy's mouth suddenly twists.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to yawn, because in fact, when a person yawns, this does not mean that he wants to sleep, on the contrary, it means that his body wants to invigorate.

Primarily, yawning helps stretch and relax tense, tired muscles in the tongue, throat, and neck. And if at the same time you wanted to stretch, do not stop yourself, this means that the whole body just needs to stretch before solving any problems.

From an energetic point of view, yawning is the purification and restoration of energy. And if the yawning attacked completely unexpectedly, then there is a purification from some serious negativity.

So yawning is good. Yawning will improve attention and perception, aid communication and awaken creativity, purify energy and energize.

In addition, the attitude of others can be determined by yawning. If, looking at your open mouth, someone also begins to yawn, then he definitely sympathizes and empathizes with you. The person to whom you are unpleasant will never yawn with you for company.

However, is everything so positive, from the point of view of acceptance? Let us analyze what awaits the yawning man, why the yawning is triggered by time and days of the week.

In the old days, the Slavs believed that if they overcame yawning, then damage or the evil eye was brought to the person, especially if the yawning attacked during prayer. In Russia, just in case, they baptized their mouth when yawning so that no evil spirit would fly in. In addition, it was believed that if the mouth is not crossed, the face will remain distorted for life.

In other countries, there were also signs of a yawn. In Greece and Turkey, they covered their mouths with a palm so that the soul would not leave the body. In China, it was believed that if a person yawned, he asks for blessings from the higher powers, and the American Indians always snapped their fingers when yawning to scare off death.

There is a sign that if a yawning attacked during an illness, then the person fell ill from the evil eye. Yawning at night is for love, early in the morning - for problems with work. There is a superstition that a healthy, vigorous, cheerful person yawns for the imminent arrival of guests. Of course, for a more accurate determination of the meaning of the omen, you need to pay attention to what day the yawn attacked.

Yawning by day of the week

Monday - a loved one will tell you some news, your plan is about to come true, and in the evening a meeting with friends is possible.

On Tuesday, get ready for a meeting with an ill-wisher or a declaration of love, it is also possible to meet with relatives, because they are bored.

Wednesday yawn warns of a quarrel, be patient, most likely on Wednesday there will be an unexpected meeting or a secret admirer will become known.

On Thursday, all the secrets will be revealed, perhaps even yours, because gossip does not stop, which, in fact, will not hurt to meet a new love.

Friday - again, unpleasant meetings are not excluded, which will still be overshadowed by a loved one, material success is also very likely.

Saturday is the envy around you, and all because someone was inadvertently offended, but a fun party will fix everything.

Sunday is the day of big purchases, just discuss them with your loved ones, otherwise a quarrel is inevitable, but ultimately you cannot avoid admiration.

If you need an even more accurate forecast, then check with the most truthful fortune-teller yawn. The time yarn will decipher everything by the clock.


From 0:00 - don't be afraid to be in the spotlight.
From 1:00 - an old forgotten friend will appear.
From 2:00 - success at work.
From 3:00 - a rendezvous awaits you.
From 4:00 - sort out your desires.
From 5:00 - new meeting.
From 6:00 - be careful, somewhere near a new love.
From 7:00 - wait for unpleasant news.
From 8:00 - you have a secret admirer.
From 9:00 - passion will capture you, there will be hugs and kisses.
From 10:00 - a pleasant acquaintance.
From 11:00 - unexpectedly you will receive very important information.
From 12:00 - a completely unpredictable day.
From 13:00 - the most secret desire can come true.
From 14:00 - people like you.
From 15:00 - someone will see you in a dream.
From 16:00 - you are in love with the wrong person.
From 17:00 - you know exactly how to please your loved one.
From 18:00 - love is mutual.
From 19:00 - it's time to force yourself to be respected.
From 20:00 - everything is only good ahead.
From 21:00 you have good friends.
From 22:00 - love will be passionate.
From 23:00, separation is inevitable.


From 0:00 it will be a very unpredictable day.
From 1:00 - good understanding at work.
From 2:00 am - do not lose hope, it is still possible.
From 3:00 - you can completely trust your beloved.
From 4:00 - everything is too mixed up, needs to be streamlined.
From 5:00 a friend will need help.
From 6:00 - prepare a vase, there will be a beautiful bouquet.
From 7:00 a new lover is a deceiver.
From 8:00 - one of your friends dreams of a closer relationship.
From 9:00 - wait for amorous explanations.
From 10:00 - you need to prepare for a difficult conversation.
From 11:00 - a new meeting.
From 12:00 - love your loved ones, do not offend.
From 13:00 - a dark-haired man takes care of you.
From 14:00 - difficulties at work will be resolved.
From 15:00 - get ready for a conflict, but rather try to prevent it.
From 16:00 - it is possible to return a dead relationship, try to apologize.
From 17:00 - a loved one is not around.
From 18:00 - wait for the manifestation of sympathy.
From 19:00 - patience, patience and patience again.
From 20:00 - the authority of a loved one will increase.
From 21:00 - make a guess, the wish will come true.
From 22:00 - a long-awaited meeting with old friends.
From 23:00 - unexpected guests.


From 0:00 - the risk will be unjustified.
From 1:00 - unexpected profit.
From 2:00 - an important acquaintance.
From 3:00 - someone is thinking about you.
From 4:00 - an unpleasant letter.
From 5:00 - your friend is confused, give him advice.
From 6:00 there is a lot of competition among your fans.
From 7:00 - think, what exactly do you need?
From 8:00 - unexpected surprises.
From 9:00 - someone is dreaming about you.
From 10:00 - friends will help.
From 11:00 you will have a good time at the cinema.
From 12:00 - a loved one lacks determination.
From 13:00 - gossip, gossip, gossip.
From 14:00 - you need to explain to your relatives.
From 15:00 - new acquaintances will appear.
From 16:00 - good news.
From 17:00 - perhaps you will find out about the betrayal.
From 18:00 - a whirlwind romance awaits you.
From 19:00 - fly less in the clouds.
From 20:00 - relax and have fun.
From 21:00 - they confess their love to you.
From 22:00 - dreaming about a date.
From 23:00 - envy is everywhere.


From 0:00 - visit your relatives.
From 1:00 - you have enough time to get carried away with some hobby.
From 2:00 a lot of patience and respect will be needed.
From 3:00 - try, you will be given a great chance.
From 4:00 - think over your spending.
From 5:00 - throw out old things.
From 6:00 - hot, hot relationship.
From 7:00 - wait for news.
From 8:00 - put things in order, and everything will work out.
From 9:00 - you may have to make a choice between friends and a loved one.
From 10:00 - an unexpected meeting with a former lover.
From 11:00 - do not refuse unexpected invitations, you need to rest.
From 12:00 - they want to deceive you.
From 13:00 - wish and the wish will come true.
From 14:00 - a serious telephone conversation.
From 15:00 - a loved one will reveal secrets.
From 16:00 - warm hugs with kisses.
From 17:00 - they confess their love to you.
From 18:00 - there is a person nearby who can harm.
From 19:00 they dream of meeting with you.
From 20:00 - spend the evening with friends.
From 21:00 it is better not to tell anyone that you are in love.
From 22:00 - you are admired.
From 23:00 - relations have cooled.


From 0:00 - try and become the best.
From 1:00 there will be a lot of accusations.
From 2:00 - you will have to be creative.
From 3:00 - heed the advice.
From 4:00 - there are many things ahead.
From 5:00 the day will be boring.
From 6:00 - get ready for the party.
Bad news from 7:00.
From 8:00 - mutual feelings.
From 9:00 - treason may happen.
From 10:00 - no need to be jealous.
From 11:00 - there are more and more fans.
From 12:00 - empty fears.
From 13:00 - the desired person will be with you.
From 14:00 - go to the cinema.
From 15:00 - friends will help.
From 16:00 - the word is not a sparrow ...
From 17:00 - do not keep what has fallen apart.
From 18:00 - a date is approaching.
From 19:00 - do not be afraid of new relationships.
From 20:00 - you have a secret admirer.
From 21:00 - only good things await you.
From 22:00 - kisses, kisses ...
From 23:00 - they declare their love to you.


From 0:00 - great opportunities.
From 1:00 - what you were striving for is very close.
From 2:00 - mistakes are possible, get ready to correct.
From 3:00 - you are not always right.
From 4:00 - friends will help.
From 5:00 a.m. is a difficult day.
From 6:00 - mutual love.
From 7:00 - be confident in yourself.
From 8:00 am - a pleasant surprise.
From 9:00 - envy and competition.
From 10:00 - people are interested in you.
From 11:00 - treason is possible.
From 12:00 - meeting with your life partner.
From 13:00 - the ignition of forgotten feelings.
From 14:00 - mutual passion.
From 15:00 - meeting with old friends.
From 16:00 - bright emotions from meeting with friends.
From 17:00 - love and fidelity.
From 18:00 - be careful, a conflict is possible.
From 19:00 - yes you are lucky!
From 20:00 - unexpected news.
From 21:00 - you will meet soon.
From 22:00 - betrayal.
From 23:00 - you need to get down to business.


From 0:00 - your efforts are not in vain.
From 1:00 - do not overexert yourself.
From 2:00 a misunderstanding will arise.
From 3:00 - competitors are gaining strength.
From 4:00 am - a lot of work.
From 5:00 - pleasant relationship with your soul mate.
From 6:00 - you are the main topic of discussions.
From 7:00 - good news.
From 8:00 a fair-haired man takes care of you.
From 9:00 - the friends of the beloved can harm.
From 10:00 - an indecisive admirer.
From 11:00 - hot dreams.
From 12:00 - disappointments in love are possible.
From 13:00 - love correspondence.
From 14:00 unexpected guests.
From 15:00 - peer into the essence.
From 16:00 - surprise.
From 17:00 - they admire you.
From 18:00 - a pleasant trip.
From 19:00 - a date awaits you.
From 20:00 - loved ones are not completely honest with you.
From 21:00 - there are more and more fans.
From 22:00 - dreams will be filled with love.
From 23:00 - be careful.

How to stop yawning

While yawning at times and days of the week can tell us a lot, it can be really inappropriate at times. In such cases, you need to know how to get rid of it as soon as possible.

According to scientists, a person wants to yawn if his brain is overheated, and yawning is like a fan. Experts say - breathe through your nose, this will reduce the likelihood of brain overheating. According to the same theory, you can take something, eat or drink something cold, and also go to a cool place.

Another theory is that you want to yawn when there is not enough oxygen in your blood. In this case, it is recommended to breathe deeply. But do not overdo it, breathing should be smooth, otherwise there will be too much oxygen and fatigue will arise.

If possible, try stretching, stretching, walking, and squatting. The best thing, of course, is to get out into the fresh air. So you will stretch, dispel boredom and relax.

Note, side effect many drugs are used to induce drowsiness. If that's the case, you'll be yawning all day.

Yawning - fortune-telling for the near future by yawning.

Fortune-telling is true only when yawning appears unexpectedly, against the background of vigor and complete physical well-being. The interpretation depends on what day of the week or time of day this reaction overcomes a person, as well as on the number of yawns per day.

Yawning by day of the week

  • Monday is bad luck.
  • Tuesday - to hardships and losses.
  • Wednesday - to new acquaintances and romantic dates.
  • Thursday - to the appearance of jealousy in a relationship.
  • Friday - for a visit or an invitation to visit.
  • Saturday - an admirer, a loved one or parents whom you have not seen for a long time thinks about you.
  • Sunday - to the receipt of finance or to receive a valuable gift.

Yawning by time of day

Morning - an interesting person from your circle of acquaintances does not get tired of thinking and remembering about you. It is possible that the need for each other will be mutual.

Day - a yawn portends help from friends, which will not be superfluous for you. Try not to spoil the relationship now, so that later you will not be left with anything.

Evening - the person you love dearly is not indifferent to you. His shyness and fear of being rejected do not allow him to take a step towards reciprocity. Take on this mission so you don't regret wasted time.

Night - a new day will bring pleasant events that will take place when visiting your friends. The company you find yourself in will be friendly and will not let you get bored.

Yawning by days of the week and hours


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - your feelings are mutual, they are just embarrassed to say about them out loud.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - moderate your ardor and be more modest.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - fate will bring you together with a secret admirer who will be in your taste.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - yours best friend got into trouble and needs help. Help him today so that you can be helped tomorrow.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - slight malaise will lead to a breakdown.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - you will be adorable and conquer everyone with your appearance.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - distant travelers will visit you in the coming days and give you positive emotions.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - everything turns out the way you wanted. You deserve exceptional compliments for your tenacity.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - a fair-haired person wants to mislead you.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - a yawn portends a strong hug and a passionate kiss with a loved one.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - count on the reciprocity of feelings.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - you will conflict with an older person. Reconciliation with him will make you nervous.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - a friend or girlfriend is tired of waiting for you.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - a person you like is dreaming of meeting you.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - there is a fateful choice between several partners who love you very much.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - a person you care about will offer you friendship.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - you will meet a promising person.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - change your home environment, relax outside the home in the company of friends or a loved one.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - your neighbor (or neighbor) is not indifferent to you.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - you are fixated on a person who is not interested in you.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - three applicants for your heart quarreled among themselves.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - you will cry with grief or joy.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - you will dream of a person who loves you.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - you are working hard and need a rest. Go to sleep.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - a wedding with a loved one is just around the corner.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - do not sit in the shade and declare yourself out loud.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - do not burden yourself with an early rise. Stay in bed to keep up with everything planned.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - when you yawn, make a cherished wish. It will be fulfilled soon.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - all your hopes will be empty.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - love feelings will soon spin your head.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - keep your secrets under seven locks.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - the person to whom your heart is yearning will soon admit his feelings.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - wait for the marriage proposal.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - stop doubting yourself and move on to action.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - keep your mouth shut, so as not to spoil the relationship or not talk about the secret.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - your hopes will materialize.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - dreams of you take another person away from reality into fantasy.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - hurry up to enjoy the mutual manifestation of feelings.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - a trifling situation will bring a short-term discord in relations with a person from the immediate environment.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - privacy with an attractive partner awaits not only you, but he himself.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - light sympathy will deprive you of peace.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - your explosive nature will lead to disputes and conflicts.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - a nice person likes you.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - love knows neither age nor distance.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - your love union is on the verge of breaking, but instead of pain you will feel relief.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - no matter how hard you try to earn recognition from the interested party, you will not go one way.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - all expectations will be in vain.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - a hundred kilometers away or in the next doorway from you, someone is struggling with insomnia because of you.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - you are carried away by a career or study. Take a break and improve your personal life.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - do not let them manipulate you.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - despite the late sleep, waking up will be pleasant and will provide you with an elevated mood for the whole day.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - your parents need support.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - you will be offended, but not from evil motives.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - your dreams of happiness come true.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - do not chase two birds with one stone.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - you are on the verge of your first love. Contrary to other people's advice, she will have a happy ending.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - you run the risk of falling into a love triangle, which will arise from desire best friend take a loved one away.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - your image comes in dreams to a person you care about.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - your wish will come true in seven days. Before making it up, decide whether you need it or not.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - a bright streak will illuminate your life.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - the good news will fill your soul with happiness.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - you will swear and violently sort things out with your loved one.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - prepare for a detailed meeting, which will help establish business relationships, clarify a friendship or love union. It is possible that they will make you a marriage proposal.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - unexpected yawning at this time portends trouble.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - a promising and serious person throws caring glances in your direction. Do not miss your chance.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - your friends will prove not for the first time that you chose them for a reason.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - pleasant surprises will accompany you over the coming days.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - a tense evening will leave an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - you will grieve and cry. Faith in good times will help you survive the event.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - a friendly company will introduce you to a person to whom you will experience interest and sympathy.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - you and your partner look at life differently. Do not be surprised that soon he will declare his indifference.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - a sound sleep will be followed by intense events that will end on a positive note.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - your figure can be envied.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - you will drive your loved one crazy.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - a dream that occurs in the morning will come true.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - you began to paint too brightly. Emphasize your natural beauty, but do not forget about the sense of proportion.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - treat money more economically. Lately, you have become too wasteful and run the risk of being left on the beans.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - you will kiss.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - the day will be pleasant. Make the most of what he has prepared for you.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - a surprise awaits you. If you are lazy and act dishonestly, instead of surprise, chagrin will come.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - your friends are waiting for your messages.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - a loved one dreams of you.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - your lover has not yet matured and is not ready for responsibility.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - friends will invite you for a walk.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - your mind will be overshadowed by love at first sight.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - a yawn portends happiness.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - a party with friends will go unexpectedly well and leave pleasant memories.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - you have a good weekend. Do your best not to spoil the prediction with quarrels or financial problems.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - your trust in your loved one is in vain, as you will soon see.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - you will need the advice of a wise and experienced person.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - your feelings are mutual.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - everything will turn out the way you want it.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - your chosen one (or chosen one) has friendly feelings for you.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - you have many virtues to start being proud of yourself. Remember this every time you feel depressed.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - the object of your sighs will soon part with your current passion. Develop tactics or wait for him to pay attention to you.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - you will meet a nice person.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - your sidereal time is coming.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - you are haunted by an important matter that was missed. It won't take long, so don't leave it in the morning.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - agree to a date.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - new friends will turn out to be mean and deceitful.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - envious people will not be able to sink your honor and reputation. Their intrigues will further inflame the interest of others in you.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - painful separation from a loved one ends.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - radiate light and kindness in order to get the same feelings in return.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - your significant other cannot come to terms with a certain trait of your character or appearance. Offer her a frank conversation to sort out her flaws.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - a meeting with a person of interest awaits you. Its outcome will depend on your words and behavior.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - your feelings will be mutual.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - a yawn portends a quarrel with parents.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - close friends are hiding something from you.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - a new acquaintance will not be as pleasant as you expected.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - fortune will smile at you at the weekend.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - you will receive a small gift as a sign of reconciliation or gratitude for the service.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - tomorrow will not be as pleasant as you expected.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - your chosen one is passionately in love with you and is not going to stop there between you.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - you will be kissed and caressed.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - you will receive news that will warm your soul with warmth and fill your life with joy.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - your intuition sends signals to which you are trying to close your eyes.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - the evening walk will end with a meeting with your loved one.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - every day they dream of you more and more.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - another partner will soon brighten up a hopeless relationship.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - the dream of a white veil and a wedding clink of glasses is at arm's length.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - the outcome in the relationship will depend on your compliance.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - you are too promiscuous in choosing a partner. Do not exchange for all the pretty members of the opposite sex and do not forget about honor.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - your distant friend will notify about an important event in his life.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - communication with family will inspire you to feats and will get rid of the blues.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - morning will bring a sense of celebration and make you rejoice all over the world.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - your situation will not improve, and changes will bypass.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - a good day awaits you: your energy will be in full swing, problems will be solved easily.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - be careful on the road and on the street.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - you will have a great time and will be able to fully relax.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - do something fun and interesting.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - your self-esteem has fallen and needs to be revised.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - fans will activate and start collecting information about you.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - be more optimistic.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - the person you are interested in is friendly to you.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - dreams of you have become the meaning of the life of a wonderful stranger.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - your beloved is proud of your merits.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - the second half cannot live without you and constantly thinks about a joint future.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - a dishonest person will take advantage of your trust.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - you worry in vain.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - a yawn portends imminent happiness.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - your partner wants too much from you. Let him know what is acceptable to you and what is not.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - a rival (or rival) will soon appear on the personal front, who wants to take your place.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - you have lost touch with reality and are in the clouds.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - you will get out of the love triangle.


  • 00: 00-01: 00 - tomorrow you will have a good day, before which you need to sleep well.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - you began to allow yourself a lot and act thoughtlessly.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - a neighbor (or neighbor) is in love with you.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - your sympathy will become mutual if you stop hiding your feelings.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - you are in wait for a danger that can be avoided.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - you will earn the love of a romantic person.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - do not worry, the feelings of a loved one for you have not cooled down.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - happiness will cover you headlong and take you away from the everyday hustle and bustle.
  • 08:00-09:00 - chance meeting with an old friend will happen in the coming days.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - the interest of a stranger will make him get to know you.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - your sadness is unreasonable. The situation will soon come to its senses, and all the bad will be forgotten.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - you will be upset or betrayed by friends.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - your new dress or jumper will fit your face and will delight those around you.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - love at first sight will burst into your life.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - the desire to yawn at this time indicates a happy ending on the love front. Your doubts about the infidelity of your other half will disappear, and a period of harmony will come.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - try to draw attention to the person of interest through social networks.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - tonight you will go on a love date or companionable get-togethers.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - your dreams tear you away from urgent and important tasks. It's time to pursue a career or pay attention to study and science.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - do not be tormented by thoughts of unrequited love: your feelings are mutual.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - look to the future with optimism.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - everything will not happen as you imagined. However, the new scenario of fate will turn out to be more advantageous.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - you will know the taste of mutual feelings.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - your object of sighing is in love with another person.
  • 23: 00-24: 00 - a new acquaintance awaits you.

Yawn by the number of yawns per day

  • 7-8 times - to a meeting with your soul mate.
  • 8-9 times - to receive the good news in paper or electronic form.
  • 9-10 times - a yawn portends separation from a loved one, which will be caused by his unwillingness to build a serious relationship and be responsible for his actions.
  • 10-11 times - to the emergence of a new fan who cannot live without you.
  • 11-12 times - to a delay in love matters.
  • 12-13 times - to jealousy on the part of the second half.
  • 13-14 times - to the beginning of mutual sympathy.
  • 14-15 times - to establish a personal life.
  • 15-16 times - to short-term separation from the betrothed.
  • 16-17 times - to treason from a loved one.
  • 17-18 times - you will quarrel with your betrothed or friend.
  • 18-19 times - to a promising acquaintance that will help you find a loyal companion or loved one.
  • 19-20 times - to love separation.
  • 20-21 times - to intrigue in his personal life.
  • 21-22 times - to improve relations with the second half.
  • 22-23 times - you need to establish a bond with the person whom you once offended.
  • 23-24 times - to surprises that you like.

7 ways to get rid of frequent yawning

  • Ventilate the area or move to fresh air to increase the oxygen content of the inhaled air.
  • Free yourself from tight clothing (headgear) or limit yourself to unbuttoning the top buttons or cuffs that squeeze Airways and blood vessels.
  • Take a few deep breaths when you feel tired and want to yawn.
  • Get busy physical exercise or sports to improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Change the environment that is unpleasant or uninteresting to you.
  • Apply a cool compress to your forehead to lower your body temperature.
  • Sleep to relieve fatigue and recharge your energy.

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